Dangerous Drugs Drug Classification and Sources of Dangerous Drugs

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Topic: Dangerous Drugs, Drug Classification and Sources of

Dangerous Drugs

Dangerous Drugs: Refer to the broad categories or classes of controlled substances.


A. According to Effects:

1.Depressants – are group of drugs that has the effect of depressing the central nervous

2.Stimulants – are group of drugs having the effect of stimulating the nervous system.

3.Hallucinogens – refers to group of drugs that are considered to be mind-altering drugs and
give the general effect of mood distortion.

B. According to Medical Pharmacology:

1. Depressants

2. Narcotics

3. Tranquilizers

4. Stimulants

5. Hallucinogens

6. Solvents/Inhalants

C. Legal Categories in accordance to R.A. 6425


a.Narcotics - refers to the group of drug opium and it derivatives.

b.Stimulants – refers to the group of drug cocaine, alpha and beta cocaine.

c.Hallucinogens – refers to the group of drugs like Marijuana, LSD [lysergic acid
diethylamide], mescaline.


a.Barbiturates – refers to the group of depressant drug known as ‘Vernonal’.

b.Hypnotics – are group of drugs such as Mandrax, Quaalude. Fadormir.

c.Amphetamines – are group of stimulant drugs like Benzedrine, Dexedrine, Methedrine,


The group of liquid, solid or mixed substances having the property of releasing toxic
vapors or fumes which when sniffed, smelled, inhaled or introduced into the physiological
system of the body produces or induces a condition of intoxication, excitement or dulling of the
brain or nervous system.


According to Effects

A.Depressants [Downers] – these are drugs which suppress vital body function especially
those of the brain or central nervous system with the resulting impairment of judgement,
hearing, speech and macular coordination.

1.Narcotics – are drugs, which relieve pain and produce profound sleep or stupor when
introduced to the body.

2.Opium – derived from a poppy plant [papaver somniferum] popularly known as ‘gum’,
‘gamot’ ‘kalamay’ or ‘panocha’.

3.Morphine – most commonly used and best used opiate.

4.Herion – is three to five times powerful than morphine from it is derived and

most addicting opium derivative.

5.Codeine – a derivative of morphine, commonly available in cough preparations.

6.Paregoric – a tincture of opium in combination with camphor.

7.Demerol and Methadone – common synthetic drugs with morphine – like


8.Barbiturates – are drugs used for inducing sleep in persons plagued with anxiety, metal
stress, and insomnia.

9.Seconal – commonly used among hospitality girls.

10.tranquilizres – are that calm and relax and diminish anxiety.

11.Volatile Solvent – gaseous substances popularly known to abusers as ‘gas’ ‘teardrops’.

12.Alcohol – the king of all drugs with potential for abuse.

B.Stimulants [uppers] – they produced effects opposite to that of depressants.

1.Amphetamines – used medically for weight reducing in obesity, relief of mild depression
and treatment.

2.Cocaine – the drug taken from coca bush plant [Erythroxylon Coca] grows in south America.

3.Caffeine – it is present in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola drinks and some wake – up pills.
4.Shabu/ ‘poor man’s cocaine – chemically known as methamphetamine hydrochloride.
5.Nicotine – an active component in tobacco which acts as s powerful stimulant of the central
nervous system.

C.Hallucinogens [psychedelic] – the group of drugs that consist of a variety of mind-

altering drugs, which distort reality, thinking and perception of time, second, space and

1.Marijuana – it is the most commonly abused hallucinogen in the Philippines

because it can be grown extensively in the country.

2.Lysergic Acid Diethylamide[LSD] – this drug is most powerful of the psychedelics

obtained from ergot, a fungus that attacks rye kernels.

3.Peyote – is derived from the surface part of a small gay brown cactus.

4.Mescaline –it is the alkaloid hallucinogen extracted from the peyote cactus and can also be
synthesized in the laboratory.

5.STP – it is a take-off on the motor oil additive.

6.Psilocybin – this hallucinogenic alkaloid from small Mexican mushrooms are used in Mexican
Indians today.

7.Morning Glory Seeds – the black and brown seeds of the wild tropical morning glory that
are used produced hallucinations.


1.Sedatives – are drugs, which reduce anxiety and excitement such as barbiturates, non-
barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol.

2.Stimulants – are drugs, which increase alertness and activity such as amphetamines,
cocaine and caffeine.

3.Hallucinogens/psychedelics – drug which effect sensation, thinking, self-awareness and


4.Narcotics – drugs that relieve pain and often induce sleep.

The Three Most Popular Plants

As source of Dangerous Drugs

A.The Marijuana Plant

The term marijuana is a Spanish-Mexican term used to refer to the Indian hemp plant, can
grow in tropical region and attains an approximately height of 15 to 20 feet.Scientifically named
as Cannabis Sativa Lima. It have a sexual differentiation being a dioucious [ separate male/
female plan]. The female known as Pistillate shorter but long lived. The male plant is called the
Staminate taller but short lived. Its leaves formed a finger like look odd in numbers from 3 up
13 finger like leaves. The resin called hashish can be found on the most top portion of the
female plant. The active ingredient called cannabin the one produces tetrahydrocannibinnol
concentrated alkaloid which is 5 to 20 times stronger than plain marijuana.

B.The Opium Poppy Plant

The opium poppy is scientifically known as Papaver Somniferum. The word Papaver is a Greek
term which means poppy while the word Somniferum is a Latin term which means dream/
induced sleep. The plant can grow from 3 to 6feet in height originally in Mesopotamia.

C.The Coca Bush Plant

The coca bush plant is scientifically known as Erythroxylon Coca common in South America. The
plant grows in mountainous and tropical climate areas, on clay like soil, a fully-grown coca plant
attains a height of 6 to 8 feet and can harvested 3 to 4times in a year. Cocaine is the drug can
produce in this plant. The most powerful natural stimulant known as cocaine hydrochloride.


The term “Drugs Abuse” most often refers to the of a drugs with such frequency
that is cause physical or mental harm to the user or impairs social function. This meant
that any use of Marijuana, for example; even if it occurred only once in a while, would
constitute abuse, while the same level of alcohol consumption would not. The term drug
is commonly associate with substances that may be purchased legally with prescription
for medical use.
Characteristics of Drug Addict
1.Uncontrollable Craving – the addiction feels a compulsive craving to take drug
repeatedly and tries to procure the same by any means.
2.Tolerance – it is the tendency to increase the dose of the drug to produce the same
effect as to that of the original effect.
3.Addiction- the addict is powerless to quit drug use.
4.Physical Dependence – the addict’s physiological function is altered. The body
becomes sick, inactive and incapable of carrying out useful activity in the absence of the
drug. The withdrawal syndromes will occur once the drug use is stopped.
5.Psychological Dependence – emotional and mental discomfort exist to the
individual. The drug addict feels he cannot do without the drugs, consequently if he
does not take carryout his work efficiently.
6.Withdrawal Syndrome – the addict becomes nervous and restless when he does not
get the drug. After about 12 hours, he starts sweating. His nose and eyes become
watery and continue doing so increasingly for another twelve hours. It is followed by
vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and sleep. Respiration, blood pressure and body
temperature also rises. This will continue up to three days. After which, the trouble
starts subsiding and most of it is gone in about a week’s time. Complete recovery takes
place in three to six months.
How Addiction is acquired?
The drugs habit is acquired primarily in three ways:
1.Association – the tendency of a drug abuser to look for peer groups where he feels
being wanted and accepted.
2.Experimentation – the tendency of a person to try and explore the effects of drugs


The term “Drugs Abuse” most often refers to the drugs with such frequency that is cause
physical or mental harm to the user or impairs social function. This meant that any use of
Marijuana, for example; even if it occurred only once in a while, would constitute abuse, while
the same level of alcohol consumption would not. The term drug is commonly associate with
substances that may be purchased legally with prescription for medical use.

Characteristics of Drug Addict

1.Uncontrollable Craving – the addiction feels a compulsive craving to take drug repeatedly
and tries to procure the same by any means.

2.Tolerance – it is the tendency to increase the dose of the drug to produce the same effect
as to that of the original effect.

3.Addiction- the addict is powerless to quit drug use.

4.Physical Dependence – the addict’s physiological function is altered. The body becomes
sick, inactive and incapable of carrying out useful activity in the absence of the drug. The
withdrawal syndromes will occur once the drug use is stopped.

5.Psychological Dependence – emotional and mental discomfort exist to the individual. The
drug addict feels he cannot do without the drugs, consequently if he does not take carryout his
work efficiently.

6.Withdrawal Syndrome – the addict becomes nervous and restless when he does not get
the drug. After about 12 hours, he starts sweating. His nose and eyes become watery and
continue doing so increasingly for another twelve hours. It is followed by vomiting, diarrhea,
loss of appetite and sleep. Respiration, blood pressure and body temperature also rises. This
will continue up to three days. After which, the trouble starts subsiding and most of it is gone in
about a week’s time. Complete recovery takes place in three to six months.

How Addiction is acquired?

The drugs habit is acquired primarily in three ways:

1.Association – the tendency of a drug abuser to look for peer groups where he feels being
wanted and accepted.

2.Experimentation – the tendency of a person to try and explore the effects of drugs

due to curiosity or other reasons.

3.Inexperienced doctors – the tendency of doctors and physicians to unnecessarily
prescribe drugs.
Likewise, addiction may also be acquired through:
1.Habituation – repetitious engagement of drug use which is closely related to the
experience of the euphoric effect of drugs, and the relief of pain or emotional discomfort.
2.Tolerance – refer to the necessity to increase the dose to obtain an effect equivalent
to the original dose.
3.Dependence – the altered physiological state brought about by the repeated
administration of the drug, which necessitates the continued use of the drug to avoid
withdrawal syndrome.
A. Biological Factors
1.Individual’s general health – there are several diseases that easily make a person
become a drug abuser.
2.It is believe that drug has the special power to prevent or increase sexual capacity.
3.One specific genetic theory proposes that there is an inherited defect in the product of
endorphin, similar to morphine. A deficiency of the substance leads to bodily discomfort.
B. Factors in Youthful Drugs Abuse
(Psychological, Mental health, Family conditions)
1.Motives and Attitudes
Psychologically speaking, in term of motives and function of drug use, some of which
may not be recognized by users, themselves. The more a drugs is used, the more it
tends to satisfy more than one motive or need.
Try to ask a drug dependent on the reason why he or she engaged in drug use and he
or she will reveal about curiosity sake. There is the eagerness to explore what they
have not experienced.
1.Personality and Pathology
This psychology has been described as follows: chronic, low-grade depression,
smoldering, tense and restlessness, a sense of not being taken seriously, narcissism or
egocentricity, preoccupation with issues or identity, autonomy, and freedom of
expression, repeated dwelling on drug taking and its affects, and the difficulty in
interpersonal relations.
2.Family Background
The kinds of personality disturbances found in some young addicts and heads cannot,
in the current state of knowledge, be identified as brain damage or schizophrenia. It is
more in the manner of character disorder. And the behavior may be result of inadequate
socialization, condition of child rearing and family interaction.
1.Absent or weak father.
2.Overprotective, overindulgent and domineering mother.
3.Inconsistent standards of behavior, lack of definition of limits.
4.Hostility or conflict between parents.
5.Unrealistic aspiration for child.
6.Modeling if parents or key influence are drug users, young persons often tend to
model the behavior they are at home.
The family therefore is a strong influence to drugs abuse. Common factors are: childrendue to
curiosity or other reasons.
3.Inexperienced doctors – the tendency of doctors and physicians to unnecessarily prescribe

Likewise, addiction may also be acquired through:

1.Habituation – repetitious engagement of drug use which is closely related to the experience
of the euphoric effect of drugs, and the relief of pain or emotional discomfort.
2.Tolerance – refer to the necessity to increase the dose to obtain an effect equivalent to the
original dose.

3.Dependence – the altered physiological state brought about by the repeated administration
of the drug, which necessitates the continued use of the drug to avoid withdrawal syndrome.


A. Biological Factors

1.Individual’s general health – there are several diseases that easily make a person become a
drug abuser.

2.It is believed that drug has the special power to prevent or increase sexual capacity.

3.One specific genetic theory proposes that there is an inherited defect in the product of
endorphin, similar to morphine. A deficiency of the substance leads to bodily discomfort.

B. Factors in Youthful Drugs Abuse

(Psychological, Mental health, Family conditions)

1.Motives and Attitudes

Psychologically speaking, in term of motives and function of drug use, some of which may
not be recognized by users, themselves. The more a drug is used, the more it tends to satisfy
more than one motive or need. Try to ask a drug dependent on the reason why he or she
engaged in drug use and he or she will reveal about curiosity sake. There is the eagerness to
explore what they have not experienced.

1.Personality and Pathology

This psychology has been described as follows: chronic, low-grade depression, smoldering,
tense and restlessness, a sense of not being taken seriously, narcissism or egocentricity,
preoccupation with issues or identity, autonomy, and freedom of expression, repeated dwelling
on drug taking and its affects, and the difficulty in interpersonal relations.

2.Family Background

The kinds of personality disturbances found in some young addicts and heads cannot, in the
current state of knowledge, be identified as brain damage or schizophrenia. It is more in the
manner of character disorder. And the behavior may be result of inadequate socialization,
condition of child rearing and family interaction.

1.Absent or weak father.

2.Overprotective, overindulgent and domineering mother.
3.Inconsistent standards of behavior, lack of definition of limits.
4.Hostility or conflict between parents.
5.Unrealistic aspiration for child.
6.Modeling if parents or key influence are drug users, young person often tends to
model the behavior they are at home.
The family therefore is a strong influence to drugs abuse. Common factors are: children of
broken lost family solidarity to strike and over protectiveness of parents to assert their
dependence, and to rebel from parental authority.

C. Other Psycho – Social Factors

Drug abuse is a manifestation of an underlying character of personality disorder. Thus majority

of the drugs users are fundamentally immature, emotionally childish, insecure or are suffering
from problems of adolescence. It is also a sign or symptom of family problem involving parent
and child relationship, peer pressures, unethical values.

1.Availability of over – the counter and prescription drugs variety of drug available for
different ailments.
2.Influence of media – advertisement message that all aliment can be cured through the
use of chemical substance toward message and help to create the acceptance of drugs.
3.Impact of affluent lifestyle.
4.Effect of increased travel and exposure to different culture and social values.
5.The collapse of religious values.
6.Alienation and enemies feeling of powerless.
7.Lower value on academic achievement.
8.They believe that drug can give deeper insight.
9.The belief that medicines can magically solve problems.
10.The easy access to drug or various sort in an affluent society.
11.The enjoyment of euphoria or excitement induced by drugs.
12.The beliefs that they are just taking it like alcohol.
13.The tendency of person with psychological problems to seed easily solution with chemicals.
14.The statement of proselytizers who proclaim the goodness of drugs.
15.Slum condition – the most critical is that the slum dweller is often deprived of emotional


Situational Users – those who use drugs to keep them awake or for additional energy to
perform an important work. Such individual may or may not exhibit psychological dependence.

Spree Users – school age users who take drugs for “kick” an adventurous daring experience or

as a means of fun. There may be some degree of psychological dependence but little physical
dependence due to the mixed pattern of use.

Hard Core Addicts – those, whose activities revolve almost entirely around the drug
experience and securing supplies. They show strong psychological dependence on the drug.

Hippies – those who are addicted to drugs believing that drug is an integral part of life.

What to Observe

1. Change in interest
2. Frequent shifting of mood
3. Changes in behavior
4. Change in physical appearance –


Observation of the signs and symptoms of drug abuse may take relatively a long period of time.
Good sensory equipment and a high degree of objectivity are two requirements for good
observer. To be an effective observer, the observer should not let his own personal judgment
and reactions effect his observation.

1.History Taking

a.Collateral Information (Interview with information) –

The best information is form the patient himself, but collateral information is necessary. Ideally,
a parent or close relative or a close friend should be present to furnish useful details as to the
different changes observed in the patience that made them suspect the subject is abusing

b.Interview with Patient – Inquire regarding the drug being abused, onset of his drug
taking activity, reason for abusing drug, how support his vice, etc.

3.Laboratory Examination

Accurate laboratory examinations cannot be performance by any ordinary chemist since

detection of dangerous drugs requires sophisticated equipment and apparatus, special chemical

reagent and most of all, the specialized technical know – how.

4.Psychological Examination

This phase of drug detection requires the expertise of trained psychologist. Teachers
therefore are not in a position to administer psychological examination among their student.

a.Intelligence Test – the test is designed to cover a wide variety of mental function with

emphasis on adjustment comprehensive and reasoning.

b.Personality Test – this type of test is used to evaluate the character and personality traits
of an individual such as his emotional adjustment, interpersonal relation, motivation and

c.Aptitude Test – this test to measure the readiness with which the individual increases his

knowledge and improves skills when given the necessary opportunity and training.

d.Interest Test – this is designed to reveal the field of interest that a client will be interested

e.Psychiatric Evaluation – it is a process whereby a team of professionals composed of

psychiatrist, psychologist, and psychiatric social workers conduct a suffering from psychiatric



a) Malnutrition- the life of an addict revolves around drug use.

b) Skin infections and skin rashes- Oftentimes the drug abuser neglects his personal

uses unsterilized needles and syringers that result in skin infections or even ulceration at the
sites of the needle puncture.


a) Deterioration of personality with impaired emotional maturation.

b) Impairment of adequate mental function.
c) Loss of drive and ambition.
d) Development of psychosis and depression.
e) Loss of interest to study.
f) Laziness, lethargy, boredom, and restlessness.
g) Irritability, rebellious attitude.
h) Withdrawn forgetfulness.

a) Deterioration of interpersonal relationship and development of conflict with authority.

b) Commission of crime

c) Social maladjustment, loss of desire to work, study and participate in activities or to face



- The drug abuser can experience adverse effect on the central nervous system. Regular use or
injection of large dose of a substance reduce the activity of the brain and depresses the central
nervous system.


a) Inability to hold stable job

- It is possible for a drug abuser to hold a steady job since he spends all his time and money on

b) Dependence on family resources

- Instead of contributing to the economic stability of the family, a dependent becomes an

economic burden.

c) Accidents in industry

- In a state of agitation or dullness of the mind as a result of the drug he has taken,
thedependent becomes careless and loses concentration on his job.

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