Design Torque

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Pertamina Hulu Energi

Well : YYA-1RWST


1. Purpose of Document ................................................................................................................................. 2

2. Scope of Document ..................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Definition .................................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Safety and Environment .............................................................................................................................. 2
5. Well information .......................................................................................................................................... 2
5.1 Well Schematic ..................................................................................................................................... 2
5.2 BHA Schematic ..................................................................................................................................... 3
6. Calculation ................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.1 Workstring Type ................................................................................................................................... 4
6.2 Effective Tension................................................................................................................................... 4
6.3 Torque & Drag ...................................................................................................................................... 5
6.4 Rotary Table Pressure vs Torque chart ........................................................................................... 6
7. Standart Operation Procedure..................................................................................................................... 6
8. Diagram ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
9. Performance Indicator ................................................................................................................................. 7

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Pertamina Hulu Energi
Well : YYA-1RWST

1. Purpose of Document
The purpose of this document is to explain step by step of Running in hole tubular to ensure safety
for all personnel involved

2. Scope Of Document
This procedure applies to running in hole tubular as a work string. Not applicable for running in
hole completion string

3. Definiton
3.1 BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly) is a series of equipment installed at the very bottom of the working
pipe circuit.
3.2 Rabbit is a tool used to check the size of the inner diameter of the pipe.

4. Safety And Environment

4.1 All personnel involved should understand all hazard on this job, and have good knowledge of
lifting activity.
4.2 Standard PPE should be used on this job with additional PPE for working at height

5. Well Information
5.1 Well Schematic
YYA-1RWST will be completed by single ESP completion type. Tubing hanger sized 13- 5/8",
tubing production sized 3-1/2" until depth 9048 Ft md, maximum inclination 43.55o at 9500 ft md.
Water Depth : 55 ft
MAX INCLINATION : 43.55 deg @9500 ft md FTMD FTTVD INCL


30" Cond, Leopard XD, X-56 @318 ft md 318

SCSSV 3-1/2 TRMAXX-5E, 2.812 X TYPE, 5.176 OD, 5K (SN: C21S-0732) 375

18-5/8" Casing, 87 ppf K-55, Leopard SD @1726 ft md 1,726 1,726 0.7

9-5/8 X 3-1/2 Bluepack ESP Packer (40-47ppf) with 2-3/8 NUE Box for Vent426
Valve and Cable Penetrator (CENTER ELEMENT) (SN: C19P-1387)

3.5'' EUE SSD, 2.813 X Profile, Down to open(SN:8437-29) 441


3-1/2" EUE tubing 6.5 ppf L-80

Top Parigi 2,790 2,790 0.7

YY-37 4,008 4,004 8.7

YY-51 5,242 5,175 28.7
YY-52 5,380 5,295 30.1

13-3/8" Csg YYA-1RW, 68.0 ppf, L-80, DWCC 5,509 5,406 30.5

6,000 5,815 31.3

7,000 6,654 32.8

3.5'' EUE SSD, 2.813 X Profile, Down to open (SN:8437-28) 7,258 6,870
3.5" EUE X Nipple, 2.813 X Profile (SN: 8412-7) 7,305 6,909
2-7/8" X Nipple, 2.313 X Profile 7,317 6,919
Y-Block 7,319 6,921
2-7/8" X Nipple, 2.313 X Profile (Plug already retrived) 7,320 6,922

Top Baturaja (BRF) 7,347 6,945

ESP PSD 7,362 6,957


Top of Liner @7435 ft md 7,435 7,018 33.0

2-7/8'' EUE X NIPPLE, 2.313 X Profile, (SN: 5030-2) 7,480 7,056

Open Window 9-5/8" Casing 7,595 7,153


Top Talang Akar (TAF) 7,609 7,165

Whipstock 7,623 7,176

9-5/8" Csg, 47.0 ppf, L-80, NSCC @ 7650 ft md 7,650 7,200

8,000 7,475 42.1

2-7/8'' EUE SSD, 2.313 X Profile, Down to open (SN: 8442-9) 9,017 8,245 40.5

Crossover 2-7/8 EUE Box x 3.5 EUE Pin 9,025 8,250

4" LSA / On-off tools 9,043 8,264
3.5 Half Mule Shoe (SN : KSU10-11001-0401) 9,048 8,268

7 x 4.000 Quantum Packer (23-26ppf) Middle Element 9,051 8,270

Metal restriction@9089 ft 2-7/8'' EUE SSD, 2.313 X Profile, Down to open (SN : 5834-3) 9,078 8,291
MD based on tag IB on 2 (CLOSE POSITION)
Feb'23 (fish clamp cable 2-7/8" EUE XN Nipple, 2.313 XN Profile (SN : 5057-3) 9,123 8,325
ESP during ESP installation) 2-7/8 Half Mule Shoe (SN : 8392-5) 9,135 8,334

YY-75 Zone 9,150 8,346 41.0

YY-76 Zone 9,223 8,400 42.0

7" liner, 26 ppf, L-80, NSCC @9498 ft md

8-1/2 TD @9500 ft md / 8603 ft tvd 43.5


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Pertamina Hulu Energi
Well : YYA-1RWST

5.2 BHA Schematic

This schematic is proposal with some assumed data. Detail of the setting depth will be based
on decision later on by customer representative at well site with detail data of workstring and
well condition. BHA RTTS 7” will setting on depth 9135ft and needed slack down 30 klbs, then it
only requires a drillpipe 3-1/2” 13.3 ppf estimated 300 joint (adjusting to length of the BHA 7”

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Pertamina Hulu Energi
Well : YYA-1RWST

6. Calculation
6.1 Workstring Type
Estimated Workstring used drill pipe 3.5 inc 13.3 ppf until depth 9000 ft, attached such
details :

Workstring Pounder Length Weight on Air Fluid Weight Weight in Fluid Tensile strenght Drillpipe
Type (Lb/ft) (Ft) (Lbs) (ppg) (ppg) (Lbs)

3.5" Drillpipe 13.3 9000 119,700 8.6 0.87 103,983.66 297,010.00

6.2 Efective Tension

Effective Tension when slack off 30 klbs on Packer at setting depth, indicator on surface
maximum 41.4 klbs from weight string, When exceeding slack off limit will result in helical
buckling of drill pipe, attached such details :

Tripping In Tripping Out Rotating On Bottom Slide Drilling Rotating Off Bottom
Slack off required at surface ( F=E-D)(Kip)
(kip) A (kip) B (kip) C (kip) D (kip) E

80.1 115.5 69.5 53.1 94.5 41.4

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Pertamina Hulu Energi
Well : YYA-1RWST

6.3 Torque
Setting depth 7" RTTS at an estimated depth of 9135 feet, Required torque when rotating
is at least 3.337 ft lbs on the torque gauge, Ratio of surface rotation to RTTS setting depth rotation
is 3.6 : 1 (3.6 surface rotations: 1 rotation at RTTS setting depth).

Measured Depth Rotating Off Bottom Torque limit Make Up Torque Connection
Twist ratio
(FT) (Ft-Lbs) (Ft-Lbs) (ft.lbs)
0 3,337.00 20,106.00 3.6 : 1 9,879.00

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Pertamina Hulu Energi
Well : YYA-1RWST

6.4 Rotary Table Pressure vs Torque chart

Rotary table currently in EHR 14 has 2 motors with each maximum force on 2 motors is 70
RPM, 22,000 ft.lbs while on 4 motors the maximum force is 136 RPM, 11,500 ft.lbs.

7. Standart Operational Procedure

7.1 Create JSA and perform a safety meeting.
7.2 Prepare the tubing handling equipment in accordance with the designation of the pipe to be
7.3 Prepare BHA as per work program.
7.4 Measure length of each work string and OD, and visually check in good condition (not bent,
good thread pin and box ) .
7.5 Check tubing inside diameter condition using the rabbit according to the size of the drift
7.6 Install lifting sub or elevator on box end.
7.7 Lift the tubing and make sure the rabbit already come out of the pipe.
7.8 Continue lift the pipe to work basket using counter balance.
7.9 Install tubing guide before connecting the pipe
7.10 Connected both the pipe using power tong (make sure dies tong approriate with OD pipe)

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Pertamina Hulu Energi
Well : YYA-1RWST

a. Make sure always install the safety clamp for BHA that has not tool joint before
connecting the BHA with workstring. Make sure the blind ram closed before BHA pass the
b. Continue RIH the pipe until depth limitation on well program, then check the weight of
work string on weight indicator.
7.11 Monitor return fluids at triptank for anticipation kick and to maintain well pressure always 0
7.12 POOH after completed the well program, install lifting sub / elevator on work basket.
7.13 Break out work string connection using power tong. Note:
a. Make sure always install the safety clamp for BHA that has not tool joint before break out
connection the BHA with workstring.
b. Make sure the blind ram closed after BHA pass the blind ram.
7.14 Pump through for displacement fluid, check the return fluid for kick anticipation and maintain
well pressure always 0 psi.
7.15 Always observe the weight indicator when POOH.
7.16 Lay down the work string from work basket to pipe rack, then recalculate number work string

8. Diagram

9. Performance Indicator
9.1 The standard speed of inserting the working pipe into a well with an average size of 3-1/2" is 450
ft per hour.
9.2 The standard speed in POOH the work pipe from the well with an average size of 3-1/2" is 360 ft
per hour.

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