Contract Policies and Procedures Manual

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Table of Contents

Section 1: Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 3

Section 2: General Process.............................................................................................................. 7
Section 3: Professional Service Agreement (PSA) ......................................................................... 8
Section 4: Professional Service Agreements (PSA) ....................................................................... 9
Section 5: Miscellaneous Contracts .............................................................................................. 10
Section 6: No Cost Extensions...................................................................................................... 10
Section 7: Waivers of Competition ............................................................................................... 11
Section 8: Exemptions .................................................................................................................. 11


Section 1: Definitions
Pitt Community College is not required by law to submit requests to the Division of Purchase
and Contract for approval related to printing and/or services. 1

The exemption only applies to seeking approval from the Division of Purchase and Contract. It
does not exempt PCC from seeking competition.

This Manual defines types of contractual services and outlines procedures to be followed by PCC
employees for procuring these services. The definitions below are intended to provide PCC
employees a common vocabulary to use in relation to contracts. These definitions are applicable
to PCC; note that other agencies/colleges may use slightly different terminology.

Contract – An agreement between two or more parties that creates an obligation to perform (or
not perform) a particular action. It is an agreement enforceable by law. In addition to creating
obligations by and to external parties (vendors), a written contract is a record that serves as an
internal check and balance permitting reviews of procurement activity for improper relationships,
fraud, conflict of interest issues, and regulatory requirements.

A legally enforceable written contract requires:

1. An Offer (specific material/service, specifications and deliverables)
2. An Acceptance
3. Consideration (the value received and given)
4. Execution by competent parties with the authority to bind the company

Contract Formation - Contract formation is a series of pre-award procurement activities

between an agency and a contractor that results in a contract. Other terms interchangeable are
pre-solicitation and contract development phase. The contract formation activities serve as the
preamble to these internal activities that will follow once the contract is executed.

The procurement department offers a value to the contract formation or pre-award process. It is
important that they play a hands-on role in the entire contract formation process. During this
process, the procurement department can assist in developing specific contract goals and provide
the internal customer (end user) with contract formation tools such as specifications, price,
delivery types, selection and evaluation criteria, contract templates, forms, and general types of
contracts that contain contract clauses designed to effectively minimize and manage contract

Scope of Work, Intent of Contract, Duration, etc – The awarded supplier will receive either a
signed contract or a purchase order (or both) from the state entity. The purchase order and/or
signed contract will include the terms, conditions and specifications governing the supplier’s
contract performance. No supplier is authorized to begin contract performance prior to receiving
a signed contract or purchase order from the state entity. Any required bonds (payment,
performance, fidelity, insurance certification, etc.) or letters of credit must also be promptly
submitted to the state entity in accordance with the terms of the contract.

NC Agency Purchasing Manual, June 2008 page 7

The supplier’s receipt of a purchase order from PCC for a one-time purchase, a lease or
installment purchase, or a fixed quantity contract, authorizes shipment in accordance with its
terms. The supplier’s receipt of a Notice of Award from PCC establishing a term contract does
not authorize any shipment. Shipment against term contracts is only authorized by the supplier’s
receipt of a purchase order from PCC. The purchase order number or contract number must be
shown on all bills of lading, packing slips, back orders, invoices, and other transactional
documents. Any shipments made before the issuance/receipt of a purchase order, are made at the
supplier’s sole risk.

Contract Administrator - The PCC employee who develops the Scope of Work and works with
the contractor to ensure that the deliverables are met and the contractor is adhering to the
timetable. The Contract Administrator is the point person for the contractor and the Director of

Primary responsibilities of the Contract Administrator include, but are not limited to:

1. Understanding the contract terms and conditions including the scope and performance
2. Managing any changes to the contract (change orders, amendments, addendums, renewals,
extensions, terminations, etc.).
3. Monitoring the contractor’s progress and performance to ensure goods and services
conform to the contract requirements.
4. Receiving and responding to communications between PCC and the contractor.
Coordinating and scheduling meetings, if needed.
5. Participating in resolving disputes in a timely manner.
6. Exercising contractual remedies, as appropriate, when a contractor’s performance is
7. Ensuring contractor’s performance evaluation form is completed and filed appropriately. If
the value of the contract is greater than $10,000, then a copy must be submitted to P&C for
inclusion in a centralized repository. Monitoring invoice payment reports from accounting
for timeliness and accuracy.
8. Documenting all actions taken regarding the contract and maintain such documentation as
part of the official contract file.
9. Closing out the contract file.

The Contract Administrator shall avoid the following:

1. Asking the contractor (inappropriately or unknowingly) to perform outside of the scope of

work specified in the contract without adequate documents agreed to by both parties.
2. Awarding, agreeing to, modifying, increasing the scope and dollar value of, or signing any
contract directing change without adequate documents agreed to by both parties.
3. Issuing instructions to a contractor to start or stop work except in an emergency situation
without adequate written documents.
4. Including personal opinions, in any correspondence, including emails.

Examples of things to avoid include, but are not limited to:

1. Making commitments or promises (oral or written) to any contractor.
2. Authorizing delivery or disposition of governmental-furnished property.
3. Obligating PCC beyond the terms and conditions of the contract.
4. Approving items of cost not authorized by the contract.
5. Granting deviations from or waiving any of the terms and conditions of the contract.
6. Changing the period of performance.
7. Authorizing subcontracting or the use of consultants.
8. Authorizing the use of overtime.

Contract Renewal – For the purpose of PCC procedures, a contract renewal is the additional out
years of a multi-year contract. In those out years, there is no contract to sign.

Multi-Year Contract – A contract for service that includes an option to renew for additional
years beyond the first year.

Professional Service Agreement (PSA) – A type of contract used to procure services provided
by a professional individual (person) on a temporary or occasional basis, including (by way of
illustration, not limitation) those provided by an evaluator, an educator, or a speaker. A PSA can
also be used to procure services provided by a company, an organization, a community college,
another State agency, requiring specialized knowledge, experience, expertise, or similar
capabilities. The services may include (by way of illustration, not limitation) services such as,
presenting a workshop, employee training, or development of promotional materials. If the
service is primarily for review or analysis of PCC programs and/or projects, the policies and
procedures for Consultant Services shall be applicable. (See definition of “Consultant”)

Consultant – For the purposes of PCC procedures, a consultant is defined as an individual,

company, or an employee of another company or State agency who reviews or analyzes PCC
programs and provides counsel. This includes, but is not limited to, the organization, planning,
directing, evaluation, and operation of the divisions and programs within PCC.

Deliverable – A service which PCC is requesting the contractor to provide.

Foreign National - An individual who is not a citizen of the United States and does not pay
income taxes in the U.S. These persons are in the U.S. with visas.

Purchase Order (PO) – A document describing goods or services, quantities and agreed prices
for said goods or services the seller will provide to the buyer. Sending a PO to a supplier
constitutes a legal offer to buy products or services and encumbers the available funds.

Request for Proposal (RFP) – A formal, written solicitation document used to solicit
competition and obtaining offers for services. The value must exceed $10,000,000 to use an RFP.


Waiver of Competition – P&C has determined that there are instances when colleges/agencies
can request not to seek competitive bids for services. If any of the conditions listed in Section 7
“Waiver of Competition” of this manual apply, then a justification must be written citing the
condition to waive the bidding process.

Summary of Abbreviations

CA Contract Administrator
DP Director of Purchasing
IPS Interactive Purchasing System
IT Procurement Information Technology Procurement( a division within the
Governor’s Office)
PCC Pitt Community College
PO Purchase Order
PSA Professional Service Agreement
P&C Purchase and Contract
RFP Request for Proposal


Section 2: General Process

I. Obtain preliminary approval from Assistant Vice President/Dean/Vice President.
A PCC employee must receive preliminary approval from his/her Asst. Vice President/Dean/
Vice President and certify that funds are available before developing any type of contract.
Each division shall develop its own process for seeking approval from within the division
and obtaining certification of funds availability.

II. Determine the appropriate vehicle for procuring the service.

A PCC employee must determine the appropriate vehicle for obtaining the desired service.


The work (the means and methods of accomplishing a Only the result is controlled or directed by a staff
task) is controlled and directed by a staff member. member – the contractor works independently.
Agency typically provides place to work. Individual works off site.
Agency typically provides furniture/equipment. Individual provides own furniture/equipment.
Agency can discharge individual. Specific justification for termination is part of the
contract and usually requires written notice a minimum
of 30 days in advance.
There are specific deliverables that must be defined and
fulfilled to issue payment.
A service that is required/needed by PCC

The PCC program staff defines tasks (deliverables) to be

PCC must follow purchasing policies and procedures.

III. Prepare the contract and obtain necessary approvals.

Where programmatically appropriate, the use of multi-year contracts is encouraged to
promote cost savings ( year plus four additional one year periods). The initial year
and each subsequent year of a multi-year contract should end on or before June 30th. One-
year contracts should also end on or before June 30th.

The template can be found on the PCC Purchasing Department website, along with the
General Terms and Conditions.

It is the responsibility of the CA to assure that the contractor is performing the services in an
acceptable and timely manner. The CA must also sign off on all invoices. His or her
signature denotes that the service for which PCC has been billed is acceptable and in line
with the terms of the contract and, therefore, the invoice should be paid.

Contracts cannot be divided to keep them under the delegations set herein in order to avoid
the rules requiring competition.


Inquire of the individual if he/she is a foreign national or a retired or current State employee.
If so, contact the DP before proceeding with the steps below. If the intended contractor is a
foreign national, there is additional information that must be collected for tax purposes. Per
G.S. 135-1(20), retirees subject to the North Carolina Teachers & State Employees’
Retirement System who retire on or after November 1, 2005, must render no service at any
time during the six months immediately following the effective date of retirement.
Consequently, the individual cannot enter into any professional service agreement during the
six months immediately following the effective date of retirement without jeopardizing
his/her retirement benefits. Retired State employees must sign a certification that they have
been retired for at least six months.

IV. Verify the contractor is registered with the NC E-Procurement System. If not, provide them
the following link to register. If the contractor has concerns or questions, the CA will need to
consult with the DP. (Registration must be completed prior to the PSA being finalized
and signed).

Section 3: Professional Service Agreement (PSA)

When entering into an agreement with a vendor that is neither a community college nor a
governmental entity, the amount of the agreement determines which process to follow.

$4,999 and Less:

1) Contact the individual (contractor) in writing and discuss the scope of work along with the
terms of the contract. Provide the individual (contractor) a copy of the General Terms and
Conditions for them to review (they are attached to the Professional Service Agreement
Template). If the contractor has concerns or questions regarding the General Terms and
Conditions, the CA may need to consult with the DP.

2) Complete the PSA.

3) Print out two copies of the PSA.

4) Obtain internal signatures.

5) The CA should mail both copies of the PSA to the contractor for signature. Once the
contractor has returned both signed copies, the CA will prepare and submit an e-procurement
requisition and attach a copy of the signed PSA to the requisition. The CA should keep one
copy of the PSA for his/her file. The second signed PSA should be held until the services
have been completed and the contractor has submitted an invoice. Then submit both the PSA
and invoice to accounts payable for payment.


Over $5,000– Non IT or IT-Related

1) Prepare a Scope of Work for the services and desired results being sought and submit to
the DP, along with the desired vendor. The DP will determine whether the competition
must be solicited or the agreement qualifies for one of the “Waiver of Competition”
provisions (Section 7).

2) If the DP determines a wavier can be justified, follow steps 2-5 under “$4,999 and Less”

3) If the DP determines that a waiver of competition is not justified, then he/she will notify
the CA that an RFP will need to be prepared. An email must be sent to the DP from the
Asst. Vice President/Dean/Vice President authorizing the project.

4) Once the RFP is prepared, it will be posted electronically to the Interactive Purchasing
System (IPS) by the DP. Notification of posting will be submitted to CA. Proposals will
be received and opened in Purchasing Department for documentation and record keeping.

5) All proposals will be evaluated by the DP, CA and any other selected staff members
associated with the Scope of Work. Once all proposals have been thoroughly evaluated
and a recommendation of award has been determined, the DP will send the RFP to the
appropriate Asst. Vice President/Dean/Vice President for signature. Once the RFP has
been signed, the CA will prepare and submit an e-procurement requisition and attach a
copy of the signed RFP to the requisition. The RFP will act as the PSA.

Section 4: Professional Service Agreements (PSA)

NC Community Colleges or Other NC Governmental Agencies
PSA with the North Carolina community colleges, other North Carolina governmental agencies,
local governments within North Carolina and Federal agencies, do not require competition.
Note: non-profit organizations do not qualify as governmental agencies. The process for this
type of PSA is as follows:

1) Acquire the scope of work (email will suffice) from the agency/community college.

2) Complete steps 2-5 under “$4,999 and Less” section.


Section 5: Miscellaneous Contracts

Contracts Initiated by Other Entities

On occasion other organizations or companies will send us their contracts, as defined on page 1,
for signature. The procedure is as follows:

1) A CA is to be identified and preliminary approval must be obtained from the Asst. Vice
President/Dean/Vice President.
2) Submit the contract electronically (if unavailable, submit hard copy) to the DP for
review. The CA will be contacted if any revisions are needed. If the revisions change
the scope of work or timetable, the CA must notify the contractor of the changes.
3) Once revisions have been made, print out two copies of the contract.
4) Obtain Signatures.
5) The CA should mail both copies of the contract to the contractor (organization or
company) for signature. Once the contractor has returned both signed copies, the CA will
prepare and submit an e-procurement requisition and attach a copy of the signed PSA to
the requisition. The CA should keep one copy of the PSA for his/her file. The second
signed PSA should be held until the services have been completed and the contractor has
submitted an invoice. Then submit both the PSA and invoice to accounts payable for

Section 6: No Cost Extensions

When a contractor needs to go beyond the end date on their contract for whatever reason, PCC
may choose to issue a no-cost extension.

***The template can be found on the PCC Purchasing Department website***

The procedure is as follows:

1) Determine the new end date with the contractor.

2) Complete the No Cost Contract Extension form and print out two hard copies.
3) The signature lines should be the same as on the original contract. The CGA will obtain
remaining signatures and mail to the contractor for their signature.
4) Once the extension has been signed by both parties, the CA should keep one copy for
his/her file.


Section 7: Waivers of Competition

Please use the link below to view the waivers.

Section 8: Exemptions
Please use the link below to view the exemptions.


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