Attaran. (2023) - Benefits, Uses Cases, Challenges

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Decision Analytics Journal 6 (2023) 100165

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Digital Twin: Benefits, use cases, challenges, and opportunities

Mohsen Attaran a ,∗, Bilge Gokhan Celik b
Operations Management, School of Business and Public Administration, California State University, Bakersfield, 9001 Stockdale
Highway, CA 93311-1099, United States of America
School of Engineering Computing and Construction Management, Roger Williams University, One Old Ferry Road, Bristol, RI 02809, United States of America


Keywords: Applications of Digital Twin technology have been growing at an exponential rate, and it is transforming the
Digital Twins way businesses operate. In the past few years, Digital Twins leveraged vital business applications, and it is
Digital Twin predicted that the technology will expand to more applications, use cases, and industries. The purpose of this
Digital Twin technologies
paper is to do a literature review and explore how Digital Twins streamline intelligent automation in different
Digital Shadow
industries. This paper defines the concept, highlights the evolution and development of Digital Twins, reviews
Industry 4.0
Digital Twin challenges
its key enabling technologies, examines its trends and challenges, and explores its applications in different
Healthcare industries.
Supply chain

1. Introduction products, and realize value and benefits faster than previously possi-
ble. Furthermore, the Digital Twin technology enables businesses to
Digital Twin is attracting attention from practitioners and scholars improve business processes and performance [8].
alike. Today, the technology is used across many industries to provide The research started by developing key concepts based on a nar-
accurate virtual representations of objects and simulations of opera- rative literature review in the Scopus database and Google Scholar
tional processes. In 2019, a Gartner survey revealed that Digital Twins and searched for papers that included Digital Twin or Digital Twins in
were entering mainstream use by organizations. It predicted that 75 the title. Articles were selected from Journal articles, research articles,
conference publications, research reports, or scientific encyclopedias.
percent of Internet of Things (IoT) organizations also use Digital Twin
We reviewed the documents to find answers to the following questions:
technology or plan to use it by 2020 [1,2]. Gartner also estimates that
What is a Digital Twin, what technologies are used, what are the cur-
by 2027, over 40 percent of large companies worldwide will be using
rent applications of Digital Twins in different industries, and what are
Digital Twin in their projects to increase revenue [3].
the challenges and opportunities facing this growing technology? We
Moreover, Global Market Insight estimated that the Digital Twin
selected research papers that defined the concept, reviewed its related
market size estimated in 2022 at $8 billion is expected to grow at
technologies, and highlighted its applications and trends in different
around 25 percent Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) from 2023
industries. Section 2 provides the main perspectives and definitions of
to 2032 [4]. Finally, according to another recent report by global
Digital Twins in literature. Section 3 reviews four enabling technologies
technology research, the Digital Twin market is set to grow by nearly of the Digital Twins. Section 4 studies Digital Twin applications and
$32 billion from 2021 to 2026 [5]. In addition, according to a 2022 use cases of different industries. Section 5 highlights the challenges and
report, nearly 60 percent of executives across a broad spectrum of opportunities of this technology. Finally, Section 6 provides a summary
industry plan to incorporate Digital Twins within their operations by and conclusions. Section 7 provides references.
2028 [6].
Digital Twin is a cutting-edge technology that has revolutionized 2. Background and definition
the industry by mirroring almost every facet of a product, process,
or service. It has the potential to replicate everything in the physical In 2003 Professor Grieves of the University of Michigan introduced
world in the digital space and provide engineers with feedback from the concept of Digital Twins in a total product lifecycle management
the virtual world [7]. As a result, the technology enables companies course. It is also known as a digital mirror and digital mapping. Since
to quickly detect and solve physical problems, design and build better then, its definition has continued to evolve as several scholars have

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Attaran), [email protected] (B.G. Celik).
Received 17 November 2022; Received in revised form 4 January 2023; Accepted 14 January 2023
Available online 21 January 2023
2772-6622/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
M. Attaran and B.G. Celik Decision Analytics Journal 6 (2023) 100165

3. Digital twin technologies

The three main aspects of Digital Twins are data acquisition, data
modeling, and data application [26]. Digital Twin uses four technolo-
gies to collect and store real-time data, obtain information to provide
valuable insights, and create a digital representation of a physical ob-
ject. These technologies include the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial
Intelligence (AI), Extended Reality (XR), and Cloud (Fig. 2). In addition,
Digital Twin uses a particular technology, depending on the application
type, to a greater or lesser extent.

1. Internet of Things (IoT): IoT refers to a giant network of connected

‘‘things’’. The connection is between things–things, people–things,
or people–people [27]. Digital Twins use IoT as its primary
technology in every application. By 2027, more than 90 percent
Fig. 1. Levels of integration. of all IoT platforms will have Digital Twinning capability [6].
IoT uses sensors to collect data from real-world objects. The data
transmitted by IoT is used to create a digital duplication of a
provided varied definitions of this technology [9–14]. Encyclopedia of physical object. The digital version then can then be analyzed,
Production Engineering states that ‘‘The Digital Twin is a representation manipulated, and optimized. IoT constantly updates data and
of an active unique ‘‘product’’ which can be a real device, object, machine, helps Digital Twin applications create a real-time virtual rep-
service, intangible asset, or a system consisting of a product and its re- resentation of a physical object. Therefore, every Digital Twin
lated services’’ [12]. In general, the Digital Twin is defined as virtual application uses IoT as a primary technology.
representations of physical objects across the lifecycle that can be 2. Cloud Computing : Cloud computing refers to delivering hosted
understood, learned, and reasoned with real-time data or a simulation services over the Internet. The technology efficiently stores and
model that acquires data from the field and triggers the operation of accesses data over the Internet [27]. Cloud computing provides
physical devices [15,16]. Digital Twins with data computing technology and cloud data
Furthermore, Digital Twin was defined as the convergence between storage technology. Cloud computing allows Digital Twin, with
physical and virtual products [17,18]. Fu et al. [7] thought of the large volumes of data, to store data in the virtual Cloud and
Digital Twin as a real-time digital representation of a physical object. easily access the required information from any location. Cloud
They are remotely connected to real objects and provide rich repre- computing enables Digital Twins to effectively reduce the com-
sentations of these objects. They go beyond static product designs, like putation time of complex systems and overcome the difficulties
CAD models, but comprise dynamic behavior [19,20]. A virtual replica of storing large amounts of data [28].
of a real-world asset is obtained through constant data transmission 3. Artificial Intelligence (AI): As a discipline of computer science,
allowing the digital version of the object to exist simultaneously with AI seeks to mimic the basis of intelligence to create a new
the physical one [17]. Digital Twin uses big data technology to mine intelligent machine capable of responding like human-to-human
hidden and effective data and to improve the intelligence and appli- intelligence. Areas of AI study include Robotics, image recog-
cability of Digital Twin technology, especially for quick identification nition, and language recognition. Neural Networks, Machine
and evaluation of design flaws [21]. Learning, Deep Learning, and expert systems [29], AI can assist
Finally, Kritzinger et al. [13] defined Digital Twin, within the field Digital Twins by providing an advanced analytical tool capable
of manufacturing, based on the data integration level, which can be of automatically analyzing obtained data and providing valu-
achieved between the physical product and its virtual representation. able insights, making predictions about outcomes, and giving
He identified three levels of integration, The Digital Model, Digital suggestions as to how to avoid potential problems [26].
Shadow and the Digital Twin (Fig. 1) [13,22]. 4. Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term used to describe
A historic early application of Digital Twin technology is when immersive technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented
NASA engineers used a simulator, a twin of the command module, and Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). These technologies can
a separate twin of the module’s electrical system to remedy and save merge the physical and virtual worlds and extend the reality
Apollo 13 in 1970. NASA engineers completed the process in under two we experience [30]. XR creates digital representations of objects
hours and saved the lives of the three astronauts on board. This was an where digital and real-world objects co-exist and interact in real-
extraordinary early application of this technology, and the technology time. Digital Twins utilize XR capabilities to digitally model
has only matured since then [23]. Today, NASA uses Digital Twins to physical objects, allowing users to interact with digital content.
develop next-generation vehicles and aircraft.
The concept of Digital Twins is not new. However, Digital Twins 4. Digital twins use cases and applications
have moved from idea to reality much faster in recent years. It is pre-
dicted that Digital Twins will be combined with more technologies such Today, engineering and manufacturing predominantly use Digital
as speech capabilities, augmented reality, IoT, and artificial intelligence Twins to provide accurate virtual representations of objects and simula-
(AI). As a result, Gartner included Digital Twins on its list of top 10 tions of operational processes. Digital Twins applications in operations
technology trends for 2017 [24]. Gartner also predicted that half of and supply chain management, especially the role of Digital Twins in
the large industrial firms to use Digital Twins in crucial business appli- terms of operations traceability, transport maintenance, remote assis-
cations by 2021 [24]. Finally, MarketsandMarkets research predicted tance, asset visualization, and design customization, are reviewed in
rapid growth for the Digital Twin technology within the next few years, related publications [13,31–38]. The technology is poised to deliver
thanks to rising interest in the manufacturing industry to reduce cost upon its many promises in other industries, including automotive,
and improve supply chain operations. As a result, the market for Digital aerospace, construction, agriculture, mining, utilities, retail, health-
Twin technology was valued at $6.9 billion in 2022. However, it is care, military, natural resources, and public safety sectors (Fig. 3)
expected to reach $73.5 billion by 2027- a CAGR of more than 60 [10,12,19,34,38–44]. The technology has captured the imagination
percent [25]. of scholars, managers, and practitioners worldwide, and numerous

M. Attaran and B.G. Celik Decision Analytics Journal 6 (2023) 100165

Fig. 2. Technologies of Digital Twins.

Fig. 3. Industries using Digital Twins.

business applications of this technology are emerging in the literature physical assets with virtual objects. In addition, Digital Twin technol-
[10,45–50]. ogy can assist manufacturing in improving customer satisfaction by
Fig. 4 highlights the impact of Digital Twins solutions on the busi- better understanding their needs, developing enhancements to existing
ness world, as explained in the literature and discussed in detail in products, operations, and services, and helping drive new business
Section 4. innovation [52]. By utilizing the power of the Digital Twin, manufac-
turing companies can move from being reactive to predictive. They can
4.1. Applications in manufacturing predict when equipment is wearing down or needs repair, improve the
machine’s performance, extend their lives and learn how to redesign to
The manufacturing industry is undergoing a rapid transformation. do even more. Additionally, Digital Twins enable them to do usage-
As a result, interest in exploiting technologies such as Digital Twins based design and pre-sales analytics and add intelligence to manual
in the manufacturing industry is increasing. Digital Twins technology processes to enhance visibility into customer needs, etc. The following
holds great potential for a range of activities in the manufacturing sections discuss these capabilities and Digital Twins’ usage in more
industry and can radically change the face of manufacturing [37,51]. detail.
Industry 4.0 have enabled technological advancements in sensing,
monitoring, and decision-making tools. These advancements helped the 4.1.1. Product design
precise implementation of Digital Twin for the real-time monitoring The introduction of new products or services can have impacts
and optimization of the process [35,38]. Fig. 5 highlights the significant throughout the organization. Furthermore, product and service design
technological evolution of Digital Twins over the past four decades has strategic implications for the success of an organization. Conse-
[36]. quently, decisions regarding product and service design are among the
There are many potential use cases for Digital Twinning in man- most fundamental that managers must make. A Digital Twin provides a
ufacturing, including monitoring, simulation, and remote control of virtual replica of a manufacturing asset that collects data and provides

M. Attaran and B.G. Celik Decision Analytics Journal 6 (2023) 100165

Fig. 4. Digital twins use cases and applications.

Fig. 5. Evolution of Digital Twins in manufacturing.

the ability to create, build, test, and validate predictive analytics and lead to rapid financial payback, often within months, and improve-
automation [22]. Engineers can use the virtual prototype generated ments in productivity and profits [54]. Digital Twin technology can
by Digital Twins during the design phase to test different designs solve supply chain challenges, including packaging performance, fleet
before investing in a solid prototype [53]. This reduces the number management, and route efficiency [55]. Additionally, Digital Twins can
of prototypes, save time, and reduces production cost. Furthermore, help optimize just-in-time or just-in-sequence production and analyze
engineers and designers can use data collected over time to improve distribution routes. The technology is also helpful in other vital phases
customer expectations regarding product quality, customization, and of supply chain management, including Product inception, Product
ease of use [51]. development, and Product distribution. More specifically, Digital Twins
help to track and analyze packaging performance, fleet management,
and route efficiency [56,57].
4.1.2. Process design and optimization
Digital Twin helps manufacturers observe processes under multiple
4.1.4. Preventive maintenance
performance conditions and eliminate problems before they occur. That
Preventive maintenance focuses on predicting when to schedule
allows manufacturers to move from being reactive to predictive. In
maintenance for a component or system to reduce cost and increase
addition, Digital Twin helps turn existing assets into tools that optimize
machine uptime [58]. Digital Twins can model individual equipment
processes, save money and accelerate innovation [53].
or manufacturing processes to identify variances that indicate the need
for preventive repairs or maintenance. The aim is to estimate, predict,
4.1.3. Supply chain management detect, or diagnose the condition of a component or a system for
The eternal cycle of rising supply chain costs impacts all players’ maintenance more effectively. This would prevent costly failure before
bottom lines. As a result, manufacturers, retailers, and distributors a serious problem occurs. They can also determine if better materials
have identified supply chain cost reduction as critical. Additionally, or processes can be utilized or help optimize cycle times, load levels,
excellent supply chain performance has a strategic value that could and tool calibration [41].

M. Attaran and B.G. Celik Decision Analytics Journal 6 (2023) 100165

4.1.5. Cross-functional collaboration 4.2.5. Livestock monitoring

Digital Twins are often used to collect operational data over time. Finally, Erdélyi and Jánosi [44] explored the application of Digital
This data provides insights into product performance, distribution, and Twin for monitoring, managing, and optimizing livestock. Jo et al.
end-user experience and can be shared by engineering, production, [66] proposed Digital Twin technology for simulating the energy con-
sales, and marketing. Employees across disciplines can all use the same sumption of a pigsty to provide decision support for optimal pigsty
data to make more informed decisions. design. In addition, the same researcher investigated the feasibility
of an agricultural Digital Twin for the optimal growth of agricultural
livestock, achieved through the regulation of barn systems to maintain
4.2. Applications in agriculture
air quality and temperature [67].

The agriculture industry is essential to the functioning of any econ-

4.3. Healthcare and life sciences
omy. This industry is an important source of food and raw materials;
it is also a vital source of employment opportunities for the total
Digital Twin solutions have been widely used in manufacturing and
population. The crops, livestock, and seafood produced in the United
other industries Digital Twins’ application in life Sciences mirrors its
States, combined with food service and other agriculture-related in-
application in different industries. The applications of Digital Twins
dustries, contribute more than $750 billion annually to the economy
technology in the healthcare industry are limitless. The COVID-19
[59]. Additionally, the world population is increasing, and market
pandemic forced the healthcare and life sciences industry to accelerate
demand for higher product quantity and quality standards is growing,
its digital transformation efforts [4]. Digital healthcare processes need
making the issue of food security, sustainability, productivity, and
to become more efficient to support the mass shift to the pandemic.
profitability more important. Furthermore, the economic pressure on
Like any other industry, the life sciences industry is exploring ways to
the agricultural sector and environmental and climate change issues
improve efficiency and reduce costs. Now, providers are under pressure
are increasing [60].
to digitally transform and adapt to increasing patient expectations. As
a result, interest in exploiting technologies such as Digital Twins in the
4.2.1. Farm management, resource optimization life sciences is increasing [6].
Farming processes are highly complex and dynamic because they The technology is increasingly finding use in life sciences applica-
depend on natural conditions, such as weather, diseases, soil condi- tions, especially drug discovery and development [68] For example, an
tions, seasonality, and climate [61]. Digital Twins technology has the experimental Digital Twin of the human heart comes from a software
potential to significantly enhance the needed control capabilities of company ’Dassault.’ The company software turns a 2D scan of a human
the agricultural industry by enabling the decoupling of physical and into an accurate full-dimensional model of an individual’s heart called
information aspects of farm management. The technology can give a "Living Heart’’. This realistic human organ model accounts for blood
virtual representation of a farm with great potential for enhancing flow, mechanics, and electricity. The Living Heart model is now being
efficiency and productivity while reducing energy usage and costs. Al- used worldwide to create new ways to design and test new devices and
though Digital Twin concepts in smart farming are in their infancy and drug treatments [69].
early demonstration stages, many farmers are considering integrating Furthermore, Digital Twin solutions are utilized to create repli-
intelligent technologies and techniques that enhance the efficiency of cas and digital models of patients, healthcare facilities, and medical
the farming process [39]. devices. The objectives are to monitor, analyze, and predict issues
like personalizing care delivery, predictive maintenance of healthcare
4.2.2. Weather modeling facilities, and increasing R&D costs [70].
An agricultural Digital Twin can also help in weather modeling
and prediction of the long-term effects of climate change. Furthermore, 4.3.1. Drug development
Digital Twins allow farmers to identify where and how the agricultural We can use the Digital Twin technologies to test new drugs to ascer-
system’s resources are stressed by factors such as soil quality, pollution, tain drug safety and effectiveness. Each step of the drug development
invasive plants, animals, or other factors [62]. process produces enormous amounts of data that must be managed.
Digital Twins use those data to create a model [71]. As a result, Digital
Twins can speed up clinical trials in drug research allowing clinical
4.2.3. Soil management
trials to run more quickly, with fewer patients needing to be assigned to
Digital Twin can assist in measuring and understanding everything receive a drug [72]. Furthermore, Digital Twins will play a key role in
we can about the content and capacity of the soil in which crops developing and producing new vaccines by helping scientists select the
grow and the seeds and crops that require that soil [62]. Using Digital best antigen to use, where the development process can also be done
Twins, the simulated outcomes through a growing season can answer virtually.
questions about expected yield. The required fertilizer, Sunlight, Water,
etc. [43,63,64]. 4.3.2. Advanced diagnosis and preventive treatment
Digital Twin technology can simulate various patient characteristics
4.2.4. Supply chain management and replicate how they behave and respond in specific situations. This
In agriculture food supply chains, customers prioritize the safety of information could help track their health, diagnose diseases, and plan
agriculturally produced foods while farmers look for revenue increases. preventive treatments. Additionally, the data obtained from simulation
However, the complexities and dynamism of food supply chains put can provide a representative view of a drug’s impact on a broader
many obstacles to the effectiveness of traceability and management of population [71–73].
food products [65]. Therefore, it is critical to have complete visibility
into the farm supply chain management to guarantee the food’s quality. 4.3.3. Clinical research
Digital Twin technology provides the agriculture supply chain with Digital twin technology has the potential to revolutionize the meth-
greater traceability and transparency. Furthermore, the utilization of odology of clinical research. Digital Twins can be used to predict the
this technology improves the community of the various stakeholders impact of experimental treatments on a patient, get better answers, and
that can support farmers by continuously monitoring physical farms derive actionable insights without risking their life. In addition, the
and updating the state of the virtual world [39]. technology helps healthcare professionals study the infected patient’s

M. Attaran and B.G. Celik Decision Analytics Journal 6 (2023) 100165

data for future research in performing treatment simulations and identi- to plan the surgical procedure and identify the risks associated with
fying the most promising paths for further research among real people. the surgery or help mitigate the need for surgery altogether [48,70].
[4]. For example, a Swedish University has created a Digital Twin of One application of this solution is the National Institute of Health (NIH)
mice affected by rheumatoid arthritis to understand drug efficacy and Digital Twin models to predict athletes’ concussion-related trauma from
create a replacement for clinical trials on human beings [70]. brain injuries. The data provided by this solution accelerate surgical
procedures and speed up recovery plans sim
4.3.4. Personalized medicine
Digital Twin solutions are more accessible and are transforming how 4.4. Automotive & aviation industry
the healthcare industry transforms the lives of the people they serve.
For example, Digital Twin solutions can be used to fulfill the promise of Intense competition among manufacturers for introducing advanced
personalized medicine worldwide [73]. The technology enables physi- and innovative cars is encouraging companies to invest in the R&D of
cians to leverage potentially thousands of variables and digital care- products and automation of processes. Several automobile manufactur-
backed clinical decision-support solutions to model a patient’s best ers are adopting upcoming technologies like Digital Twins — using
course of treatment intelligently. Additionally, Digital Twin solutions interactive automobile dashboards on websites to improve customer
help to study diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s to engagement. Customers can customize vehicles at their convenience.
better understand treatment options and reduce trial timelines. Finally, Companies use the information to monitor consumer behavior and
Digital Twin technology can create simulations of new treatments change existing models [4]. Digital Twin technology is becoming a
and bring lifesaving innovations to market more quickly. Oklahoma global area of research where researchers cover Digital Twin imple-
State University’s researchers, for example, experimented with a Digital mentation on various aspects of intelligent vehicles and explore its
Twin of the respiratory system and simulated aerosol drug particle potential, opportunities, and challenges to the realization [42].
movements for its delivery in improving lung cancer therapy [70]. Digital Twin technology is also widely embraced in the aerospace
Likewise, Siemens developed a Digital Twin of the human heart using industry. It is used for aircraft maintenance, tracking, weight moni-
millions of images and reports to facilitate an in-depth understanding toring, an accurate stipulation of weather conditions, measurement of
of heart conditions and predict illness or any underlying health issues. flight time, and defect detection [74]. For example, Boeing, the world’s
Similarly, a French company developed a Digital Twin of the aneurysm largest aerospace company, uses Digital Twin solutions to improve
and surrounding blood vessels to enable surgeons to select various the quality and safety of the parts and systems used to manufacture
patient operating devices based on the Digital Twin study [70]. commercial and military airplanes. As a result, Boeing claims to have
achieved a 40 percent improvement in the quality of their airplane
4.3.5. Facility and operations design parts and systems [75].
As hospitals struggle to lower operating costs and remain compet-
itive, Digital Twin solutions have the potential to reduce costs and 4.5. Construction and real estate
improve a patient’s journey through a medical facility. Digital Twins
can assist healthcare organizations in optimizing hospitals, capacity Using Digital Twins as virtual replicas of physical assets in the
planning, workflows, staffing systems, and care delivery systems. For construction and real estate industries can revolutionize managing
example, Digital Twins can mitigate the impact of inaccurate bed assets and projects. Digital Twins as virtual models of a physical asset
occupancy predictions through better predictive analytics based on have similarities to Building Information Modeling (BIM), which has
combining internal and external data—tracking patient flow internally been used by building industry professionals for many years. Building
and forecasting potential spikes using external data. Digital Twin, Information Modeling (BIM) is the digital representation of the physical
Healthcare providers can use the information provided by Digital Twin and functional characteristics of a building or construction project
solutions to think more strategically about capacity and resources based [76]. It provides a shared knowledge resource for information about a
on better forecasting—improving patient care, operational efficiency, building or project, including geometric descriptions, spatial relation-
and profitability. Additionally, Digital Twins can be used to model ships, geographic information, quantities, and properties of building
personalized and intelligent medical devices and other equipment to components [77]. While BIM provides static data, Digital Twins, using
improve efficiency and optimize costs (El Saddik, 2018; [50]). Digital sensors, provides real-time data that construction managers, designers,
Twins use information gathered by IoT sensors embedded in the device or their clients can use to track projects in real-time [78]. Using
to collect information about the configuration and maintenance history Digital Twins, construction teams can monitor the construction process,
of the device. identify potential problems, and adjust strategies to ensure that projects
are completed safely, on time, and within budget at the agreed-upon
4.3.6. Education and training quality. Furthermore, Digital Twin solutions in the construction indus-
VR technology has been used for decades in medical training, sup- try can help track other resources (i.e., materials, labor, equipment),
plementing and enhancing traditional health education. The technology monitor safety, and conduct resource planning and logistics [79].
also helped doctors treat patients and surgeons perform robotic surgery. Digital Twins can provide a comprehensive overview of the physical
Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled Digital Twins, using the power of asset in the real estate industry, allowing agents or property owners
augmented and virtual reality, can facilitate healthcare practitioners’ to collect and analyze data related to the asset’s performance and
training and education needs. For example, numerous companies have condition.
simulated medical anatomy and surgical procedures to inspire interac- In short, using Digital Twins in construction and real estate has the
tive learning and minimize the usage of cadavers [48]. Medical schools potential to drive unprecedented efficiency in cost, time, sustainabil-
can use Digital Twin solutions to teach surgical techniques in simulated ity, and safety, making it an invaluable tool for the overall building
formats [73]. industry.

4.3.7. Diagnosis and therapy 4.5.1. Automate project control

Researchers are exploring the use of Digital Twins for advanced un- Digital Twins can help with construction progress tracking by pro-
derstanding of the human body by generating Digital Twins of a single viding real-time insights into the status and performance of construc-
cell, genome, or organs. Digital Twins allow researchers to track pa- tion projects. This can be achieved by integrating data into a virtual
tients’ health, diagnose diseases, and plan preventive treatments [68]. model from various sources, such as sensors, drones, laser scanners,
For example, surgeons can use the virtual digital replica of a patient and other monitoring systems [80]. Digital Twin solutions powered by

M. Attaran and B.G. Celik Decision Analytics Journal 6 (2023) 100165

AI can process, analyze, and present the integrated data as an as-built Rapid developments in connectivity through IoT make the potential for
model with daily or hourly comparisons to the baseline model. Such Digital Twins dramatically effective within a smart city [87]. The in-
tracking would help solve common construction progress problems by creasing complexity of current power systems makes the digitalization
detecting any early deviations from the budget or schedule, allowing of power assets one of the most discussed topics in the energy sector.
project teams to develop and implement any necessary recovery plans. Digital Twin technology can be a helpful tool for asset optimization.
It can be applied across the whole energy sector to achieve optimal
4.5.2. Resource planning and logistics results in terms of maintenance, production planning, plant efficiency,
In the construction industry, unnecessary movement and handling and risk mitigation. A recent study proposed a digital power grid based
of materials, equipment, and labor can be significant sources of waste. on Digital Twin technology that can digitize the whole process, all
Digital twin solutions can help reduce this waste by enabling a lean elements, and all services of the physical power grid, such as human
approach to resource management. These solutions can provide real- and physical events [88]. The digital power grid solution can also
time monitoring of resource allocation and waste tracking, improving help the power grid planning, design, construction, management, and
the efficiency and productivity of the construction process. One exam- service process [89]. Therefore, it significantly impacts the efficiency
ple of the use of Digital Twins for construction progress tracking is the improvement of power grid energy resources and information resource
integration of sensor data from construction equipment and vehicles. allocation [88].
This can provide real-time information on the location and usage of the
assets and help identify potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies. These 4.7. Mining
benefits of Digital Twins would help the construction industry avoid the
over-allocation of resources and improve time management [81–84]. For the mining industry, several challenges must be addressed if the
industry is to maintain a healthy profitability position in the future.
4.5.3. Construction safety The main challenge is to align an environmentally aggressive opera-
The safety record of the construction industry is not good. Digi- tion with environmental sustainability issues, energy transition, and
tal Twins technology combines AI with video cameras, sensors, and greater efficiency in using natural resources. The competitive nature
mobile devices to build an extensive safety net for the construction of the industry has been forcing mining companies to optimize the pro-
workplace [84]. The construction industry can use the real-time site cess and improve equipment, productivity, adaptability, and efficiency.
reconstruction feature Digital Twins offer to track and monitor the In addition, mining companies must embrace the newest technology
construction process in real-time, helping to identify and address any trends, including Digital Twins, to stay competitive and keep thriving
issues or deviations from the plan that may pose a safety risk [29]. This in business [90].
information can help prevent the usage of unsafe materials and activity The Digital Twins solution is beneficial for planning schedules and
in dangerous zones. In addition, management can create a system of operations in the mining industry. Simulation of the work environment
early notification where they are notified if a worker is in danger and enables miners to create long-term and short-term programs. Addi-
send a message to a worker’s wearable device [84]. Additionally, upon tionally, they can make accurate estimates for drilling, crushing, and
identifying unsafe behaviors, Digital Twins can be used to provide extraction. Moreover, on-site workers can use Digital Twins solutions
targeted training for workers in virtual environments, reducing the to simulate the equipment, machinery, and the entire work process
need for costly and time-consuming physical training and ultimately and will be able to test new methodologies on their most crucial work
helping minimize the risk of accidents [29]. processes. Every test will be executed in a digital simulation in a very
cost-effective manner [90].
4.5.4. Quality control and assessment Digital Twin technology can also enhance the training programs. It
Digital twin solutions can help with construction quality control and allows on-site workers to build a digital training program to help new
assessment by providing real-time insights into the performance and interns learn the ins and outs of the mining industry, the work they will
behavior of the different components and systems of the construction be executing, and what future possible scenarios they can expect [90].
project. Digital twin technology can use image processing algorithms to There are several examples of Digital Twin utilizations in the mining
analyze video or photographic images of a construction site to assess industry. For instance, Rio Tinto has developed a Digital Twin system
the condition of various components and materials. For example, it can for its Gudai-Darri iron ore operations, with a value of $2.6 billion.
be used to check the concrete condition or identify cracks in columns This system allows field personnel and remote operations center staff
or other structures. This can help with the detection of potential issues to access the same real-time data and make informed decisions within
or defects and with the implementation of corrective actions to ensure seconds rather than waiting for hours or days [91]. Using their Digital
the quality of the construction process [84]. Twin system, Rio Tinto (n.d.) has discovered that they can test ways to
increase production without jeopardizing equipment or operations.
4.5.5. Building performance assessment
Digital twin solutions can be used to assess building performance by 5. Digital twins drivers & challenges
simulating the behavior and performance of the building under differ-
ent conditions and scenarios. This can be achieved by integrating data The COVID-19 pandemic fueled the growth of Digital Twin market
from various sources, such as sensors, simulations, and BIM models. For size across various applications, including real estate, healthcare, en-
example, Digital Twins can be used to analyze the energy efficiency of ergy, and retail, driving the market’s growth prospects. As such, several
a building by simulating the consumption and generation of energy and countries are expected to implement Digital Twin solutions as a part
by evaluating the impact of different design and operational strategies. of their economic reform activities [92]. Likewise, to recover from
They can also be used to assess the comfort and indoor environmental economic disruptions caused by the pandemic, several organizations
quality of a building by stimulating the flow of air, heat, and humidity are also adopting Digital Twin technology to optimize their supply
and by evaluating the impact of different design and control strategies chains and operational processes [5].
[85]. The current acceleration is mainly made possible by the decreasing
costs of technologies that enhance both IoT and the Digital Twin. Fur-
4.6. Utilities thermore, in the past few years, Digital Twins leveraged vital business
applications, and it is predicted that the technology will expand to
The Digital Twin solutions rapidly integrate into the traditional more use cases, applications, and industries. As a result, applications
manufacturing industry, smart city, and intelligent power grid [86]. of Digital Twin technologies have been growing exponentially [39].

M. Attaran and B.G. Celik Decision Analytics Journal 6 (2023) 100165

Furthermore, cloud companies like Google Cloud and Microsoft Digital Twins to analyze the human body, and significant progressions
Azure are launching cloud-based Digital Twin platforms for easy ac- have been made. Living Heart project is a common technology for
cessibility and customized solutions. For example, in January 2022, clinical diagnosis, testing, medical device design, and education and
Google Cloud introduced a supply chain Digital Twin solution to pro- training. Digital Twin solutions created the first realistic virtual model
vide the manufacturing industry with visibility of operations within of a human organ accounting for blood flow, mechanics, and electricity.
their supply chains [92]. Advances in AI, IoT, and cloud computing and the relative strength
The emergence of Industry 4.0 and IoT has also accelerated the of these technologies created a groundwork for Digital Twin solutions
adoption of Digital Twin technology across various applications [92]. to evolve quickly and find applications in manufacturing, supply chain,
Industry 4.0 uses innovative production methodologies and advanced life sciences, agriculture, energy, etc. Artificial Intelligence (AI) en-
technologies, such as cloud computing, IoT, analytics, Digital Twin, abled Digital Twins to simulate a complex real-world system. It taps
digital scanning, 3D printing, and AI. Digital Twin technology is central into data gathered by IoT devices to learn and run alongside real-
to the Industry 4.0 initiatives. More and more industries are actively world manufacturing systems, continuously identifying improvement
using Digital Twin solutions for asset and product lifecycle management areas and supporting tactical decision-making. It also helps optimize
[5]. The technology allows companies to create a virtual replica of systems design to increase efficiency and avoid costly redesign during
their products and processes and empowers them to make the necessary implementation.
decisions in advance. The growing demand for automation in various industries are the
As discussed in this article, Digital Twins technology has many anticipated factors to trigger the high demand for the Digital Twin
advantages; however, the technology currently faces shared challenges platform over the forecast period. As we recover from the pandemic,
in parallel with AI and IoT technologies. Those include data stan- Digital Twin solutions are poised to play an increasingly important role
dardization, data management, and data security, as well as barriers in different industries. The benefits of creating a Digital Twin solution
to its implementation and legacy system transformation [5]. Other are too vast and still not fully explored. While there are challenges
challenges listed in the literature include the need for updating old to addressing data quality and security, increased demand for power
IT infrastructure, the challenges of connectivity, privacy, and security and storage, and integration with existing infrastructures, Digital Twin
of sensitive data, and the lack of a standardized modeling approach solutions are thriving to provide a highly advanced digital revolution
[10], The significant challenges likely to hamper the growth of the to make the world a better place for humankind. In the future, Digital
Digital Twin market include the high cost of deployment, increased Twins will expand to more use cases and industries. The solutions will
demand for power and storage, integration challenges with existing combine with more technologies, such as augmented reality (AR), for
systems or proprietary software, and complexity of its architecture. an immersive experience and AI capabilities for better connections,
Implementing Digital Twins solutions is costly, requiring significant insights, and analytics. In addition, more technologies enable us to use
investment in technology platforms (sensors, software), infrastructure Digital Twin solutions, removing the need to check the ‘real’ thing.
development, maintenance, data quality control, and security solutions. These exponentially higher insights and analytics, in turn, lead to even
Furthermore, maintaining the Digital Twin infrastructure can be costly, more possibilities for applications of Digital Twin solutions in complex
requiring significant investment in operations. The high fixed cost and operations.
the complex infrastructure of Digital Twins are expected to slow down
the deployment of Digital Twin technologies [5]. Declaration of competing interest

6. Summary and conclusions The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
In recent years, Digital Twin technology has garnered significant at-
influence the work reported in this paper.
tention from both industry and academia. There are various definitions
for this technology in the literature, as the term is applied to different
Data availability
focus areas within different disciplines. The concept of a Digital Twin
can be described as the seamless data integration between a physical
No data was used for the research described in the article.
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