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Virtual Learning Environment

Instructor User Guide

About this Guide ............................................................................................................................... i
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................... ii
1.0 System Setup .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Technical Support....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Logging in .................................................................................................................................. 1
2.0 Home Page, Dashboard and My Courses................................................................................... 2
2.0.1 Home page .............................................................................................................................. 3
2.0.2 Dashboard ............................................................................................................................... 3
2.0.3 My courses .............................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Profile Management ................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Editing your Profile ............................................................................................................. 3
2.1.2 Change Password ................................................................................................................ 4
3.0 Navigating a Course ................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Adding Resources and Activities to the Course ......................................................................... 6
4.0 Forums ..................................................................................................................................... 10
5.0 Assignment ............................................................................................................................... 14
5.1 Creating Assignment ................................................................................................................ 14
5.2 Grading Assignment ................................................................................................................. 18
6.0 Quizzes and Exams .................................................................................................................. 21
6.1 Creating Quiz Settings ............................................................................................................. 21
6.2 Adding Questions to Quiz Activity .......................................................................................... 26
6.3 Quiz Reports ............................................................................................................................ 33

About this Guide

This guide provides instructor with an overview of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) system,
which is a Moodle platform. It helps to give a quick insight and reference while interacting with the
system. The guide can be downloaded and printed on paper, as one will need to refer to it at the
same time observes what is displayed on screen. The guide is designed for Moodle Version4.1+ and
it assumes students have basic knowledge of using digital devices such as computer, tablet, or smart


VLE – Virtual Learning Environment

Moodle – Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment
MUST – Mbeya University of Science and Technology
URL – Uniform Resource Locator

1.0 System Setup

The VLE system accessibility requires;

i. A digital device (Computer, Smart phone or Tablet) that is installed with the following most
recommended browsers:
 Google Chrome or
 Firefox
ii. Internet connection.
iii. Other supporting software or applications to access course resources which includes:
 Adobe reader
 Media player
 Documents and
 Text readers.

1.1 Technical Support

In case of any problem encountered while accessing VLE system, please contact: MUST
Directorate of ICT

Contact Information
Office Location: Block B 1st Floor
Phone Number: +255 763007740
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 08:00am – 16:00pm
Monday to Friday

1.2 Logging in
The VLE system can be accessed in two ways:
i. MUST website: https://www.must.ac.tz (on the menu bar under ICT services click VLE)
ii. Typing MUST VLE system address (http://vle.must.ac.tz) direct on the URL

Either of the procedure above will direct you to the VLE login page where you will be required to:

i. Enter your login credentials (Your ID number and Password). Both given at MUST
administration office or by your class teacher
ii. Click the Sign in button

Successful login to the system will take you to the VLE dashboard or the Home page.

2.0 Home Page, Dashboard and My Courses

Successfully login will bring you to the VLE home page, dashboard and my courses (as the image
shown below) where you are now ready to proceed with some minimal setting to make the system
more flexible.

2.0.1 Home page
Here you will find all the courses offered through VLE indicated by their title followed by the
names of instructors (Lecturers) who facilitates them. You can access the course by clicking its
name (we will see it in the upcoming sections below).

NOTE: You will only be able to access the course to which you are enrolled.

2.0.2 Dashboard
The dashboard contain course time line if present and an event calendar which shows all course
activities (Assignment, Quiz or Forum) that have been posted or are reaching to the submission
This is more useful to help you get quick notification on the events that are happening in your

2.0.3 My courses
This contains the course overview. Only your courses will present here and you will normally come
to this menu whenever you want to quick access any of you course. You can also accessing your
course by typing its name in a search bar and then click on the search result.

2.1 Profile Management

Upon successful login at the first time, it is strictly recommended to customize your profile and
change the password.

2.1.1 Editing your Profile

Go to your profile located on the upper right corner of the home page, indicated by the initial letters
of you name. (See VLE system image below)
Under this part, you are able to:
i. View and edit profile by clicking the Profile menu item.

ii. View courses activity grades if present
iii. Quickly access an event calendar
iv. Change password by clicking on the Preferences
v. Log out after accessing the system

You will be able to edit some of the profile details like profile picture, Country, city etc.

2.1.2 Change Password

To change password:
i. Go to Preferences
ii. Under user account click on the change password link(see Preferences image below)

The form for changing password will open and you are required to supply the necessary details as
indicated in the image below.
i. Current password is the one you used to enter into the system.

ii. New password should be strong and easy to remember (It include Letters in uppercase and
lowercase, numbers, special characters like @,#,?,* ,% and its length should be at least 6
iii. Repeat your new password
iv. Finally click Save changes button
v. The new password will be the one to use when you will next access to VLE system

3.0 Navigating a Course

The opened course (click on the course name to open a course) displays the course in a particular
format. This may be Topic format, section format, or blog like format. However, most used format
is a topic and section format as shown in the image below.

 The left part displays the links and gives a quickly access to the resources and activities.
 The middle part displays the course contents organized in sections or topic.
 To access these contents, click each section or click on the link on the right side of the
middle section labeled Expand all

3.1 Adding Resources and Activities to the Course
Every course section/topic will contain resources and activities. These resources and activities are
selected depending on the kind of material and audience expectations. It is important to select a
proper resource for a particular material or task. If you need to conduct discussion a forum is the
best choice rather that a page.

Normally there is an icon accompanies each resource or activity link. Below are some of the
commonly icons used in the MUST Virtual Learning Environment.

 You can access more information about the resource or activity by clicking the info icon
link under each resource or activity icon

This icon represents a file. The file module enables an instructor to provide a file
(PDF, Images, Word document, HTML etc) as a course resource. Where possible,
the students will be prompted to download it.

This icon represents a page. The page module enables an instructor to create a
web page resource using an online text editor. Advantages of using the page
module rather than the file module include the resource being more accessible
(for example to users of mobile devices) and easier to update.
For large amounts of content, it's recommended that a book is used rather than a

This icon represents a book. The book module enables an instructor to create a
multi-page resource in a book-like format, with chapters and subchapters.

This icon represents a Glossary. This module enable an instructor to create a list
of defined terminologies and it organize them in a dictionary like format

This icon represents a URL. The URL module enables an instructor to provide a
web link as a course resource. Anything that is freely available online, such as
documents or images, can be linked to.

This is the icon for forums The forum activity module enables participants to have
asynchronous discussions i.e. discussions that take place over an extended period
of time.

The assignment activity module enables an instructor to communicate tasks,

collect work and provide grades and feedback.
Students can submit any digital content (files), such as word-processed
documents, spreadsheets, images, or audio and video clips. In addition, the
assignment may require students to type text directly into the text editor.

The quiz activity enables an instructor to create quizzes comprising questions of

various types, including multiple choice, matching, short-answer or essay.
Each attempt is marked automatically, with the exception of essay questions, and
the grade is recorded in the gradebook.

The Text and media area enables you to display text and multimedia on the
course page.
You can use a Text and media area to:
 Split up a long list of course activities with a subheading or an image
 Display an embedded video directly on the course page
 Add a short description to a course section

Below is how to add the resources listed in the table above in our course.

In order to add anything into the course you must turn on the edit mode located on the top
right corner after you profile section (see images below – edit mode off and on respectively).

3.2 Adding File Resource
A File resource allows the instructors to share static information to the students. The file types can
include all types of media files like Images, PDF document, word document, audio file or video file.
Students must have the recommended software program installed on their devices to open these

3.2.1 How to add a file in a Course

i. Drag and Drop Method
Adding a file to the course in VLE system is easy by simply select a file then drag and drop it onto
the course page on the desired section.

ii. Traditional method

Follow the following procedure

 Turn edit mode on, go to the section or topic where you want to add your Resource.
 Click Add Activity or Resource link below that section. The resource panel will open, then
choose File Resource.
 Give it a name and description if necessary.
 Upload the file in the “Select Files” area either through File Picker or by Dragging &
 Other setting option just leave them as default

 Finally click on the Save and return to course button to proceed with other activities.

3.2.2 How to Add Page Resource

A page resource creates a link to a screen that displays the content within the VLE on the browser.
It enables instructor to create learning contents such as plain text, images, audio, video or a
combination of all these using the online Text editor. In certain cases, it might be preferable to use
the page resource instead of uploading a word-processed document, particularly if the document
contains text that is just for reading and not for downloading.
To add page resource in VLE follow the following steps:

i. Make sure the Edit mode is ON, then go to the section you want to add a page and click add
activity or resource.
ii. Select page from the list of resources
iii. Write the name of the page. (Remember the name of all resources or activities should be
clear and descriptive of its contents)
iv. If necessary add description otherwise leave it blank.
v. Add content by typing on the text editor.
Note: you can copy from a word document and paste the content on the editor. To paste you
need to use keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + V) as MUST VLE does not allow the normal pasting
on the text area.
vi. Leave other setting as default and finally
vii. Click on Save an return to course to proceed with other items or Save and display to
preview the created page

4.0 Forums
Since learning process through VLE does not most require you to be present in the classroom, VLE
offers you with the flexibility to engage with your students by creating a discussion forum. Forums

allow instructors and students to interact with one another by commenting on a particular topic.
Instructor may decide to rate these discussions.

The News forum in a new Moodle course is just for instructors to post announcements. It is NOT a
discussion forum for students.

4.1 Forum Types

In VLE system there are five basic forum types apart from the News forum. When adding a forum
to the course considers the best type to suit your need. These types are as follows.

 A single simple discussion – This creates a single discussion topic, which everyone can
reply to (can’t be used with separate groups).When you select this type you put a
discussion topic to which all other course participants will reply to and be able to reply one
other in a tree like structure format.
 Each person posts one discussion - Each student can post exactly one new discussion
topic, which everyone can then reply to. The view will be the same as in the previous case,
the only difference being the „Add a new discussion‟ option.
 Q and A forum - Students must first post their perspectives before viewing other students‟
posts. The Q & A forum is best used when you have a particular question that you wish to
have answered. In a Q and A forum, teachers post the question and students respond with
possible answers. By default, a Q and A forum requires students to post once before viewing
other students‟ postings.
 Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format - An open forum where anyone can start a
new discussion at any time, and in which discussion topics are displayed on one page with
“Discuss this topic” links.
 Standard forum for general use - An open forum where anyone can start a new discussion
at any time. In this forum type, students will see the introduction text in a separate space
above the discussion field, in which you will see the information such as the title of the
discussion (which means the forum‟s title), its author, and the number of replies and the date
of the last post).

We normally recommend the use of a Single simple discussion and a Standard forum for general
use forum types because they are simple forums for students to interact with.

4.1.1 Creating a forum

Follow the following steps add a forum to your course
i. Make sure the edit mode is ON then under the section you want to add your forum click Add
activity or resource then select forum from the list of resources.
ii. Write the name of the forum.
iii. Add Discussion topic (for a single simple discussion forum type) or instructions (for
standard forum for general use type) on the description box.
iv. Leave empty the Display description on course page check box and select your desired forum
v. In the availability section:
 Set the due date - This is required in case you want all students to post before a
certain date (deadline). However, this date will no prohibit students from posting to

 Cut-off date - If this date is set, the forum will not accept posts after this date.
vi. In the Attachments and word count Section:
 Maximum Attachment Size - The maximum file size that may be attached to a forum
post depends on the Moodle site settings or you may prevent file uploading by
selecting uploading not allowed.
 Maximum Number of Attachments - This setting specifies the maximum number of
files that can be attached to a forum post.
 Display word count - If "Display word count" is enabled, then the number of words
in forum posts will be shown at the bottom of each post.

vii. You may leave other settings as default however if you want your forum to be graded, you
may go further to the Whole forum grading and Ratings setting options.
 Under whole forum grading, select grade type select point, add maximum grade of
leave it to 100 and grading method to simple direct grading
 Under Ratings, selectAggregate type of your desire and on Scale select Point
viii. Finally click Save and return to course or Click Save and display to preview.

5.0 Assignment
The assignment feature in VLE allows instructors create a set of activity that simplifies the task of
collecting student work. Assignments allow students to submit work to their instructors for grading.
The work may be text typed online or uploaded files.
Assignment allows the instructor to grade those work and provide an appropriate feed to the
student. Grading may be by simple percentages or custom scales, or more complex rubrics may be
used. Students may submit as individuals or in groups. This saves on paper and is more efficient
than email. The work students submit is visible only to the teacher and not to the other students
unless a group assignment is selected.

5.1 Creating Assignment

Follow the following steps add an Assignment to your course
i. Make sure the edit mode in ON then under the section you want to add your Assignment
click Add activity or resource link and then select assignment from the list of resources.
ii. Write the name of the assignment (remember the name should be clear and understandable).
iii. Adding assignment questions. There are two (2) ways.

 First, you can type the question under the description box, just after the name of
 Second, you can opt to upload a file that contains both instruction and Questions
using the additional file box. In addition, leave blank the check box just below it.
iv. Leave empty the Display description on course page check box (recommended),because if
you check this box, the description will be visible on the course page, this may create a lot
of unnecessary text on the course page (we call it noisy).
v. You can opt to add Activity instructions or leave this filed blank.This will only be shown on
the submissions page where a student edits and submits their assignment.

You can type Question


Leave blank

vi. On Availability section

 Allow Submissions From - This prevent students from submitting before the
specified date but it does not hide the assignment. Choose the current date if you want
students to start submitting from when you created the assignment (Default). If it is
not enabled, it will be open from the date you created it.
 Due Date – Students are allowed to submit after this date but their submission will be
marked as late. If not enabled, there will be no due date displayed

 Cut-off date - After this date, students will not be able to submit and the submit
button on their page will disappear.
 Remind me to grade by –If enabled, a date entered here for the assignment to
display on the teacher's Course overview block and in the Calendar. It will show
when at least one student has submitted.

Click here
to Enable
or Disable

vii. On Submission types section you decide how the students submit their work to you.
Submission Types:
 Online Text - Students type their responses directly in VLE using an online text
editor. You can also be able to set a word limit on this type and students get a
warning if they try to exceed the word limit.(Recommend for Assignment, which
does not require more texts).
 File Submissions - Students can upload one or more files of any type the teacher can
download and open. The teacher can annotate uploaded PDFs, docx files within the
browser, and on saving, the annotated file is made available to the student.(This is
the most recommended option).
 Maximum number of Uploaded Files - Specify the number of files a student can
upload (usually select 1).
 Maximum Submission Size - The maximum file size student upload, it cannot be
larger than the limit in the Course settings.
 Accepted File types - The teacher can specify the types of file the students may
upload to the assignment. A file type selector appears upon clicking 'Choose',
offering a choice of different file types. Leaving it blank will allow all file
types(Recommended leave blank)

viii. Feedback type

 Feedback comments - When enabled, a teacher can leave comments for each
submission (which appear on the assignment-grading screen.) (Recommended)
 Offline GradingWorksheet - If enabled, the teacher can download and then upload
a worksheet with students when marking the assignments. This is useful if you wish
to download the grading list and edit it in a program such as MS Excel. When the
teacher has completed their grading offline, they can then upload the spreadsheet,
confirm the changes and the grades and comments will be transferred over into
VLE's gradebook
 Feedback Files - If enabled, the teacher will be able to upload files with feedback
when marking assignment submissions. These files may be marked-up student
submissions, documents with comments.

ix. Submission Settings Section

It is recommend to leave default of these settings, however if you wish to look for them,
click on the Question mark icon on it left side for information.
x. On Group Submission, section if enabled will allow students to submit their work in-group
(See how to create groups in the section below).
xi. Notifications and other remained section it is recommended to leave them with their defaults
for the recommended and uppermost output.
xii. Finally click Save and return to course or Click Save and display to preview.

5.2 Grading Assignment
When students have submitted their assignments, they can be accessed by clicking on the particular
assignment activity. This will display the Grading Summary page. The Grading Summary page
displays a summary of the assignment, including; number of participants in a course, number of
drafts if any, number of submitted assignments, due date and time remaining. You will see the links
to “View All Submissions” and “Grade”.

Clicking Grade will bring the submission of the first student in the list so you can start grading
individually, also clicking View all submissions will open the grading table where you see all
students (Recommended). The Grading Table contains columns of information about the student,
the status of their submission, a link to grade their submission, a link to each submission and
feedback comments and files (if enabled).

Filtering submissions
Sometimes, you may have a large number of students or may want to find the particular student
from the list. VLE has simplified this process by providing the number of options.
i. Find a particular student by using the first letter of their first name or last name. This is
achieved by click a letter from the list on top of the submission table. If you want to rest the
selection, select All

ii. Filter students depending on a condition. Click on a drop down menu from the Option
Section. Select Submitted to display students with submissions, select Requires grading to
display on the submitted students who requires grading, etc

Granting extensions
If an assignment has a deadline, you can grant individual or group assignment extensions by
selecting the Edit link next to a particular student or group and then clicking 'Grant extension' and
setting the new deadline.

Quick grading
Quick grading allows you to enter numeric grades directly into the grading table, bypassing the
more detailed grading interface. Please note:
 If you want to give feedback, you need to use the more detailed Grade interface.
 Quick grading is incompatible with advanced grading e.g. Rubrics, and is not recommended
when there are multiple markers.

 Submission comments are a two-way private conversation between a student and staff and
are visible to students immediately i.e. markers use the grading interface to give feedback,
not the submission comments.

To access the Quick Grading interface,

i. From the Grading Summary page click 'View all assignments’, the Grading Table
ii. Scroll to the bottom of the page to configure Options, and check the boxfor 'Quick
iii. While you're down there, you can also set the number of assignments to display per
page, filter the assignments e.g. to see who has not submitted, unmarked assignments,
iv. When you are ready to Enter the Grades:
a) You can enter grades directly into the grading table.
b) Scroll to the bottom of the grading table and click 'Save all quick grading
c) A confirmation displays

Enter grade here

Check this box

Assignments are an easy way to gather and track student submissions. Students can submit any type
of electronic file to fulfill the requirements. Instead of collecting unwieldy stacks of paper, you can
let Moodle track who has turned in a paper and when. The feedback options provide you with an
easy way to send grades and/or comments back to the students about their work.

6.0 Quizzes and Exams

Quiz is one of other important resource in the VLE that is usefully tools for conducting assessment.
The quiz activity enables a teacher to create quizzes comprising questions of various types,
including multiple choice, matching, short-answer and numerical. The teacher can allow the quiz to
be attempted multiple times, with the questions shuffled or randomly selected from the question
bank. A time limit may be set. Each attempt is marked automatically, with the exception of essay
questions, and the grade is recorded in the gradebook. The teacher can choose when and if hints,
feedback and correct answers are shown to students.

6.1 Creating Quiz Settings

Creating a quiz is a two way process unlike other activity resources. You need to prepare the quiz
body first and then adding the questions to the created quiz.
When you create the quiz body, you are creating a container for the questions and setting the rules
for interacting with the quiz.

To create a quiz body:

i. With the Editing mode turned on, click „Add’ an Activity or Resource and choose - Quiz.
It will take you to the Add a new Quiz page.
ii. In the General Section:
 Name - Enter a meaningful descriptive name for the quiz. It will appear in the course
navigation as well as on the course page.
 Description - Enter a description about the quiz activity. Add instruction here

iii. In the Timing Section

 Open the Quiz–By enabling this, you specify the time when the quiz is accessible
for student to start attempts. Before the opening time, the quiz will be unavailable to
 Close the Quiz - After the closing time, the students will not be able to start new
attempts. However, students will still be able to see the quiz description and review
their attempts depending on the settings.
 Time Limit - If you specify a time limit, students will be able to attempt the quiz
within this time range and the system will count down the time until it is over and
the quiz is submitted depending on the settings(Note the time units),see below.
 When Time Expires – Select what will happen to the student when the time limit
a) Open attempts are submitted automatically
b) There is a grace period when open attempts can be submitted, but no
more questions answered
c) Attempts must be submitted before time expires, or they are not counted.

iv. In the Grade Section
 Grade Category–We normally do set the grade category so leave as default.
 Grade to pass–also here if we don‟t want to have the minimum grades to make the
students termed as the pass the quiz we leave this to
 Attempts Allowed–You can limit the number of attempts a students can have, by
setting numbers to 1, 2,3 etc. if you leave as unlimited, the student will have infinite
number of attempts until they are satisfied.
 Grading Method - When multiple attempts are allowed, there are different ways you
can use the grades to calculate the student's final grade for the quiz
a) Highest grade - the final grade is the highest (best) grade in any attempt
b) Average grade - the final grade is the average (simple mean) grade of all
c) First grade - the final grade is the grade earned on the first attempt (other
attempts are ignored)
d) Last grade - the final grade is the grade earned on the most recent attempt

v. In the Layout Section
 New Page - For longer quizzes, it makes sense to stretch the quiz over several pages
by limiting the number of questions per page. Therefore, select number of question
that you need to be displayed in every page during attempt.
 Navigation Method - Choose Free (recommended), to enable student to attempt any
question without following sequence.

vi. In the Question Behavior section

 Shuffle within Questions - If enabled, the parts making up each question will be
shuffledrandomly each time a student attempts the quiz. This setting only applies to
questions that have multiple parts, such as multiple choice or matching questions
 How questions behave– There are several questions behavior among of them is
deferred feedback(is recommended)where students must enter an answer to each
question and then submit the entire quiz, before anything is graded or they get any
 Each attempts build on last- select No for smooth running of the quiz

vii. In the Review options section

Here you control what information students will be shown when they review their past
attempts at the quiz, and during the attempt in adaptive mode.

The various pieces of information that can be controlled are:
 The attempt - Will show how the student responded to each question.
 Whether correct - Displays whether the students' response to each question is
correct or incorrect.
 Marks - Reveals the marks awarded to the student and the grade for the quiz.
 Specific feedback - Will show the feedback for the response to the answer as set
when adding the question to the quiz. Each response to a question can have
feedback for both correct and incorrect answers.
 General feedback - Displays the general feedback for the whole question as set
when adding the question to the quiz. You can use the general feedback to give
students some background to what knowledge the question was testing
 Right answer - Reveals the correct answer to each question, whether the student
answered correctly or not
 Overall feedback - Displays feedback for the entire quiz as set in the quiz settings.
For each of the above items, you can determine the timeframe when the students
will see them:
In order to minimize cheating from students it is recommended that you uncheck all the checkboxes
listed under “immediately after the attempt” and under “latter while this quiz is still open”
columns. Also, to make all students get feedback of their attempts, make sure all checkboxes are
checked on the last column under “after this quiz is closed”. All these columns are indicated in
the image below

viii. In the Appearance section
 Show the user's picture–Leave this option to No image.
 Decimal places in grades - This option determine how many digits will be shown
after the decimal separator when the grade is displayed. Set 0 to make no decimal
place to grades.

ix. In the Safe Exam browser section

 Require the use of Safe Exam Browser - This option will only appear if your
administrator has enabled it. Leave it to „No’ as it requires some technical settings.

x. In the Extra Restrictions on Attempts

 Require password - If you specify a password in here then participants must enter
the same password before they are allowed to make an attempt on the quiz.

xi. In the Overall Feedback section

Overall feedback is text that is shown after a quiz has been attempted. Otherwise you can
leave this to default (recommended)

xii. In the common module settings and the remained sections leave them a s default

xiii. Finally, Click Save and Display to proceed to adding questions in the quiz.

6.2 Adding Questions to Quiz Activity

Once you have saved your changes, you will see the quiz activity and description with an „Add
Question’ button. Click this button to start adding questions to the quiz. On the center of the
questionspage, you will see the questions are added to the quiz. Since this is a new quiz, there are
no questions there.
To add new question
i. Click the 'Add' link as in the screenshot below
ii. When it opens up, choose a new question, to select question format type

Enter maximum
grade for the entire
quiz and save

Click here to
add question

iii. After selecting a new question from the dropdown, the page for choosing question type will
open the from the list choose a type you want the click Add button on the bottom as shown
on the image below a
iv. In this manual due to some limitation, we have demonstrated how to add multiple choice
and True/False question types because they are most used, simple to prepare and are auto
graded by the system.

v. Adding multiple choice question
i. Select the question category or leave the default category, which is the course code.
ii. Enter question name.(The number of question)
iii. On question text, enter the question.
iv. Set the default mark for this question depending on your marks distribution.

v. Leave blank general feedback and ID boxes
vi. Select one answer only (recommended) if the question has only one correct choice or
multiple answer if it has more than one correct choice
vii. Shuffle the choices by ticking on the checkbox to enable shuffle in the choice options
and the numbering list during attempt it reduces the possibility cheating.
viii. Select the numbering for your answer choice options and on Standard instruction
select No as shown on the image below.

ix. In Answers section, here we enter question choices without typing the numbering just
type the text only.
 Write your answers in the Choice 1, 2.3,4 etc., text field depending on the
choices you have for that question.
 On Grade, if the choice is Correct Answer select 100% if it is incorrect just
select None
 On feedback, leave blank.

 Note, you can add as many choice as you want by clicking on the Blanks for 3
more choicesbutton
 Leave to default remained settings and finally Click Save Changes, to return to
the questions display and continue with adding another questions.

vi. Add True/False Question
In a true/false question, a student is given only two choices for an answer in this kind of question:
To create a True/false type question:
i. Select the question category or leave default Course code category (recommended)
ii. Give the question a descriptive name - this allows you to identify you can type just a
question number.
iii. Enter a question in the „question text‟ field.
iv. Set the „default question grade‟ (i.e. the maximum number of marks for this question).
v. If you wish, add general feedback or just leave blank (recommended)

vi. Select the correct answer - True or False.

vii. Leave to default all remained settings and finally,
viii. Click ‘Save changes’ to add the question to the category see the image below.

Click here to edit
This multiple choice

Click here to preview

Click here to
directly change
Mark and press
Enter to save

6.3 Quiz Reports
Once students start to attempt to the quizzes, many data will be available. You can access the
attempt report by clicking the quiz name and access the reports from the „Results‟ tab.

There are four types of reports available:

i. Grades report
This show all the students' quiz attempts, with the overall grade, and the grade for each question.
There are links to review all the details of a student's attempt, just as the student would see it.The
results can be downloaded in a variety of formats.

There are check boxes to allow you to individually regrade or delete the selected attempts. By
clicking on the score link, you are able to look at an individual student attempt.

Moreover, you can filter by selecting:

 enrolled users who have attempted the quiz;
 enrolled users who have not attempted the quiz;
 enrolled users who have, or have not, attempted the quiz;
 all users who have attempted the quiz

Deleting attempts

The grading report can be used to delete selected quiz attempts, which may sometimes be necessary.

ii. Responses Report

This is very similar to the Grades report, except that it shows the responses the students gave, rather
than the marks they earned. It is also possible to show the question text or the right answer, to
compare with the student's response. This is helpful when the question is randomized.

iii. Statistics Report

This gives a statistical analysis of the quiz, and the questions within it. The front page of this report
gives a summary of the whole test. There are then links to drill down into a detailed analysis of a
particular question. The last section of this report is a bar graph of the percentage of correct answers
(Facility index) and the Discriminative efficiency index.

iv. Manual grading report

The Quiz manual grading report makes it easy to manually grade questions in the quiz.
The first screen of the report lists all the questions in the quiz that need to be, or have been,
manually graded (for example essay questions) with the number of attempts. There is an option to

show the questions that have been automatically graded, which is useful if you ever need to edit the
grades by hand.


Quiz is one among of important VLE resources, unlike other activity resources it provide flexibility
to the teacher to select a variety number of question formats available, it also reduces the grading
burden to the teacher as many of questions added to the quiz a graded automatically by the system.
It is also important to note that examination security may be compromised especially if the proper
procedures are not followed. Example student can cheat to one another especially when attempts
and review option are not set effective. So quiz is recommended for short time test and self-
assessment exercises.


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