Me3116 E3.0

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1A up to 40V Input Step-Down DC/DC Regulator ME3116

General Description Features
The ME3116 is PWM DC/DC buck (step-down) ●Feedback pin voltage of 0.8V
regulators. With a wide input range from 4.75V-40V, they ●Input voltage range of 4.75V to 40V
are suitable for a wide range of applications such as power ●Output current up to 1A
conditioning from unregulated sources. They feature a low ●550 KHz switching frequency
RDSON (0.9Ωtypical) internal switch for maximum efficiency ●maximum efficiency 90%
90%. Operating frequency is fixed at 550 KHz allowing the ●PWM and PFM switching
use of small external components while still being able to ●Low shutdown IQ , 10 μA typical
have low output voltage ripple. The system has PWM and ●Short circuit protected
PFM switching function to ensure high efficiency under low ●Internally compensated
load. The built-in soft-start prevents inrush current at ●Soft-start circuitry
turn-on. the ME3116 is optimized for up to 1A load current. ●SOT23-6 package
Both have a 0.8V nominal feedback voltage.
Additional features include: thermal shutdown, VIN
under-voltage lockout, and gate drive under-voltage lockout.
Selection Guide ●Battery powered equipment
●Industrial distributed power applications
●Portable media players
●Portable hand held instruments

Typical Application Circuit

BS Cboot
ME3116 L
6 Vo

4 EN D1 R1 C1
Cin 3


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Pin Configuration




Pin Assignment

Pin Num. Symbol Function

1 BS SW FET gate bias voltage. Connect CBOOT cap between BS and SW.
2 GND Ground
Feedback pin: Set feedback voltage divider ratio with VOUT= VFB (1+(R1/R2)).
3 FB
Resistors should be in the 100-10KΩ range to avoid input bias errors.
Logic level shutdown input. Pull to GND to disable the device and pull high to enable
4 EN
the device. If this function is not used tie to VIN with a resistor 1MΩ.
5 IN Power input voltage pin: 4.75V to 40V normal operating range
6 SW Power FET output: Connect to inductor, diode, and CBOOT cap.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Rating Unit
Power supply voltage, VIN -0.3~45 V
EN voltage VEN 6 V
SW Voltage Vsw -0.3~45 V

Feedback voltage VFB -0.3~5 V

Switch voltage VSW -1V to 45 V

BS Voltage above SW Voltage 7 V
Maximum Junction Temperature 150 °C
Lead Temperature 300 °C
ESD Susceptibility: Human Body Model 2 KV
Caution: The absolute maximum ratings are rated values exceeding which the product could suffer physical damage.
These values must therefore not be exceeded under any conditions.

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Recommended working condition

Parameter Min Max Unit

Power supply voltage, VIN 4.75 40 V
SW voltage - 42 V
Operating Junction Temperature Range -40 125 °C
Storage Temperature -65 150 °C

Block Diagram

BS Max Duty
Cycle Limit
2 Measurement
Limit IN
comp Reset Drive Driver 6
3 SW
Error Voltage
FB Amp Regulator

Soft Thermal BG
start Shutdown

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Electrical Characteristics
Specifications in standard type face are for TJ = 25°C and those with boldface type apply over the full Operating

Temperature Range ( TJ = −40°C to +125°C). Minimum and Maximum limits are guaranteed through test, design, or

statistical correlation. Typical values represent the most likely parametric norm at TJ = +25°C, and are provided for

reference purposes only. Unless otherwise stated the following conditions apply: VIN = 12V.

Item Symbol Test condition Min Typ. Max Unit

EN=0 V - 0.7 2 μA
Quiescent current IQ Device On, Not Switching - 1.3 1.75
Device On, No Load - 1.35 1.85

Switch ON resistance RDSON - 0.9 1.6 Ω

Switch leakage current ILSW VIN =40V - 0 0.5 μA

Switch Current Limit ICL - 1.2 - A

Feedback pin Bias Current IFB - 0.1 1 μA

Feedback voltage VFB 0.788 0.8 0.812 V

Minimum ON time tMIN - 100 - nS

Switching Frequency fSW VFB=0.5V - 550 - KHz
Short Circuit Frequency Fshort VFB = 0V - 140 - KHz

Maximum Duty Cycle DMAX VFB = 1.0V - 88 94 %

Vuvp On threshold 4.4 3.9 - V

VIN UVLO Threshold
Vuvhy Off threshold - 3.7 3.5 V
EN Shutdown Threshold VEN_ST VEN Rising 4 2 - V
Thermal Shutdown T - 160 - °C

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Application Information
The ME3116 has dedicated protection circuitry running during normal operation to protect the IC. The thermal

shutdown circuitry turns off the power device when the die temperature reaches excessive levels. The UVLO

comparator protects the power device during supply power startup and shutdown to prevent operation at voltages

less than the minimum input voltage. A gate drive (BS) under-voltage lockout is included to guarantee that there is

enough gate drive voltage to drive the MOSFET before the device tries to start switching. The ME3116 also features

a shutdown mode decreasing the supply current to approximately 0.7μA.

Continuous Conduction Mode

The ME3116 contains a current-mode, PWM buck regulator. A buck regulator steps the input voltage down to a

lower output voltage. In continuous conduction mode (when the inductor current never reaches zero at steady state),

the buck regulator operates in two cycles. The power switch is connected between VIN and SW. In the first cycle of

operation the transistor is closed and the diode is reverse biased. Energy is collected in the inductor and the load

current is supplied by Co and the rising current through the inductor. During the second cycle the transistor is open

and the diode is forward biased due to the fact that the inductor current cannot instantaneously change direction. The

energy stored in the inductor is transferred to the load and output capacitor. The ratio of these two cycles determines

the output voltage. The output voltage is defined approximately as: D=Vo/VIN and D’ = (1- D) where D is the duty

cycle of the switch. D and D' will be required for design calculations.

Design Procedure

This section presents guidelines for selecting external components.

Setting the Output Voltage

The output voltage is set using the feedback pin and a resistor divider connected to the output as shown on the front

page schematic. The feedback pin voltage is 0.8V, so the ratio of the feedback resistors sets the output voltage
according to the following equation: Vo = 0.8 *
Typically R2 will be given as 100Ω-10 KΩ for a starting value. To solve for R1 given R2 and Vo use :
R1= R2 * ( -1)
Feedforward Capacitor Selection

Internal compensation function allows users saving time in design and saving cost by reducing the number of

external components. The use of a feedforward capacitor C1 in the feedback network is recommended to improve

the transient response or higher phase margin.

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For optimizing the feedforward capacitor, knowing the cross frequency is the first thing. The cross frequency (or the

converter bandwidth) can be determined by using a network analyzer. When getting the cross frequency with no

feedforward capacitor identified, the value of feedforward capacitor C1 can be calculated with the following


1 1 1 1
C1  * *(  )
2 * FCROSS R1 R1 R2

Where FCROSS is the cross frequency. to reduce transient ripple, the feedforward capacitor value can be increased

to push the cross frequency to higher region. Although this can improve transient response, it also decreases phase

margin and causes more ringing. In the other hand, if more phase margin is desired, the feedforward capacitor value

can be decreased to push the cross frequency to lower region. In general, the feedforward capacitor range is

between 10pF to 220pF.

FB Compensation capacitor selection recommendation Note

R1 R2 C1
5.1KΩ 1KΩ 47p-220p
VO=5V 56KΩ 10KΩ 47p-100p
112KΩ 20KΩ 20p
3.3KΩ 1KΩ 440p-660p
10KΩ 3KΩ 100p-330p VIN≤24V
33KΩ 10KΩ 67p-100p
100KΩ 30KΩ 20p

Input Capacitor

A low ESR ceramic capacitor (CIN) is needed between the VIN pin and GND pin. This capacitor prevents large

voltage transients from appearing at the input. Use a 2.2 μF-10 μF value with X5R or X7R dielectric. Depending on

construction, a ceramic capacitor’s value can decrease up to 50% of its nominal value when rated voltage is applied.

Consult with the capacitor manufacturer's data sheet for information on capacitor derating over voltage and


Inductor Selection

The most critical parameters for the inductor are the inductance, peak current, and the DC resistance. The

inductance is related to the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current, the input and the output voltages.

(VIN - Vo) * Vo

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A higher value of ripple current reduces inductance, but increases the conductance loss, core loss, and current

stress for the inductor and switch devices. It also requires a bigger output capacitor for the same output voltage ripple

requirement. A reasonable value is setting the ripple current to be 30% of the DC output current. Since the ripple

current increases with the input voltage, the maximum input voltage is always used to determine the inductance. The

DC resistance of the inductor is a key parameter for the efficiency. Lower DC resistance is available with a bigger

winding area. A good tradeoff between the efficiency and the core size is letting the inductor copper loss equal 2% of

the output power. A good starting point for most applications is a 4.7μH to 15μH with 1A or greater current rating for

the ME3116. Using such a rating will enable the ME3116 to current limit without saturating the inductor. This is

preferable to the ME3116 going into thermal shutdown mode and the possibility of damaging the inductor if the

output is shorted to ground or other long term overload.

Output Capacitor

The selection of Co is driven by the maximum allowable output voltage ripple. The output ripple in the constant

frequency, PWM mode is approximated by: VRIPPLE = IRIPPLE * (ESR + )
8 * fSW * Co

The ESR term usually plays the dominant role in determining the voltage ripple. Low ESR ceramic capacitors are

recommended. Capacitors in the range of 22μF-100μF are a good starting point with an ESR of 0.1Ω orless.

Booststrap Capacitor

A 0.15μF ceramic capacitor or larger is recommended for the bootstrap capacitor (Cboot). For applications where

the input voltage is less than twice the output voltage a larger capacitor is recommended, generally 0.15μF to 1μF to

ensure plenty of gate drive for the internal switches and a consistently low RDSON.


The built-in soft start, controlled by the clock signal frequency, in order to prevent the current overshoort when


Shutdown Operation

The EN pin of the ME3116 is designed so that it may be controlled using 1.5V or higher logic signals. If the

shutdown function is not to be used the EN pin may be tied to VIN with a resistor(A 1MΩ or larger resistor is

recommended between the input voltage and the EN pin to protect the device.). The maximum voltage to the EN pin

should not exceed 5V.

Schottky Diode

The breakdown voltage rating of the diode (D1) is preferred to be 25% higher than the maximum input voltage. The

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circuit rent rating for the diode should be equal to the maximum output current for best reliability in most applications.

In cases where the input voltage is much greater than the output voltage the average diode current is lower. In this

case it is possible to use a diode with a lower average current rating, approximately (1-D)Io, however the peak

current rating should be higher than the maximum load current 0.5A to 1A rated diode is a good starting point.

Layout Considerations

To reduce problems with conducted noise pick up, the ground side of the feedback network should be connected

directly to the GND pin with its own connection. The feedback network, resistors R1 and R2, should be kept close to

the FB pin, and away from the inductor to minimize coupling noise into the feedback pin. The input bypass capacitor

CIN must be placed close to the VIN pin. This will reduce copper trace resistance which effects input voltage ripple of

the IC. The inductor L should be placed close to the SW pin to reduce magnetic and electrostatic noise. The output

capacitor, Co should be placed close to the junction of L and the diode D1. The L, D1, and Co trace should be as

short as possible to reduce conducted and radiated noise and increase overall efficiency. The ground connection for

the diode, CIN, and Co should be as small as possible and tied to the system ground plane in only one spot

(preferably at the Co ground point) to minimize conducted noise in the system ground plane.

Typical Performance Characteristics

T =25°C, unless otherwise noted.

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Start up (EN from Low to High)



Start up (EN from High to Low)



Load Transient (Load 10% to 90%)




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Load Transient (Load 50% to 100%)



PWM and PFM switching







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Switching Node and Output (IOUT=600mA)

Vo ripple



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Package Information
Package type:SOT23-6 Unit:mm(inch)

Millimeters Inches
Min Max Min Max

A 0.9 1.45 0.0354 0.0570

A1 0 0.15 0 0.0059

A2 0.9 1.3 0.0354 0.0511

B 0.2 0.5 0.0078 0.0196

C 0.09 0.26 0.0035 0.0102

D 2.7 3.10 0.1062 0.1220

E 2.2 3.2 0.0866 0.1181

E1 1.30 1.80 0.0511 0.0708

e 0.95REF 0.0374REF

e1 1.90REF 0.0748REF

L 0.10 0.60 0.0039 0.0236

a0 00 300 00 300

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 The information described herein is subject to change without notice.

 Nanjing Micro One Electronics Inc is not responsible for any problems caused by circuits or
diagrams described herein whose related industrial properties, patents, or other rights
belong to third parties. The application circuit examples explain typical applications of the
products, and do not guarantee the success of any specific mass-production design.
 Use of the information described herein for other purposes and/or reproduction or copying
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 The products described herein cannot be used as part of any device or equipment affecting
the human body, such as exercise equipment, medical equipment, security systems, gas
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 Although Nanjing Micro One Electronics Inc exerts the greatest possible effort to ensure
high quality and reliability, the failure or malfunction of semiconductor products may occur.
The user of these products should therefore give thorough consideration to safety design,
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accidents, fires, or community damage that may ensue.

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