Polymatic Plus Manual Data Sheet

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S c h w e i ß t e c h n o l o g i e G m b H

Ka r l - B r ö g e r - St r . 1 0 D E- 3 6 3 0 4 A l sf e l d T e l : + 4 9 - 6 6 3 1 -9 6 5 2 - 0 Fa x : + 4 9 -6 6 3 1 - 9 6 5 2 -5 2

Universal EF Control Unit

PF – polymatic plus
PF – polymatic top
with USB-Port

PF-Schweißtechnologie GmbH – Karl-Bröger-Str. 10 – DE-36304 Alsfeld

Tel.: +49-(0)6631-9652-0 Fax.: +49-(0)6631-9652-52

Rev.: 2006-001-GB
2 REV.: 2006-001-GB
1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 4
1.1 Maintenance periods ............................................................................................................. 4

2 Scope of application and technical data.......................................... 5

2.1 Scope of application .............................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Input of welding parameters................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Range of fitting dimensions ................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Technical Data ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Data Recording...................................................................................................................... 7
2.6 Technical File - Polymatic Plus / Top (ISO/FDIS 12176-2 ).................................................... 8

3 Important safeguards ........................................................................ 9

4 Controls and Plugs .......................................................................... 10

5 Connection to Power Supply .......................................................... 11

5.1 Generator Suitability .............................................................................................................12

6 Starting a welding process ............................................................. 13

6.1 Preparation ...........................................................................................................................13
6.2 Barcode-Mode ......................................................................................................................14
6.3 FUSAMATIC -Mode .............................................................................................................16
6.4 Manual-Mode .......................................................................................................................19

7 Additional Functions ....................................................................... 22

7.1 Function Menu......................................................................................................................22
7.2 Letter Input Field ..................................................................................................................23
7.3 Entering a Commission Number (Job Number) .....................................................................24
7.4 Manual input of the fitting code .............................................................................................25
7.5 Adjusting the display contrast ...............................................................................................25
7.6 Data transfer.........................................................................................................................26
7.7 System configuration ............................................................................................................29
7.8 Request: Worker Code .........................................................................................................33
7.9 Request: Set daylight time ....................................................................................................33
7.10 Request: Weld Number ........................................................................................................34
7.11 Request: Weather condition..................................................................................................34
7.12 Traceability System ..............................................................................................................35

8 Trouble shooting .............................................................................. 39

8.1 Using and replacing the reading pen .....................................................................................39
8.2 Replacing Welding Terminals ...............................................................................................39
8.3 Adapter.................................................................................................................................39
8.4 Start messages.....................................................................................................................40
8.5 Error messages ....................................................................................................................41

9 Supervisor Code .............................................................................. 42

10 Alphanumeric code table ................................................................ 43

11 Conformity Declaration ................................................................... 45

REV.: 2006-001-GB 3
1 Introduction

Dear customer,
we thank you for the confidence in our product and wish you a contented work with it.
The present instructions manual includes, beside the description of the use of the devices, important
notes for your safety and the scope of application. Therefore, you should read carefully the present
instructions manual before the first use of the device. In case of failure or interruption of the workflow
read the appropriate chapter of this manual. Self-evidently we are ready to assist you at any time:
PF-Schweißtechnologie GmbH
Karl-Bröger-Str. 10
DE-36304 Alsfeld

Tel.: +49-6631-9652-0
Fax: +49-6631-9652-52

All notes and technical specification in this instructions manual were prepared with all necessary care.
The manufacturer keeps the right to make technical changes at the device, which are not directly
included into the present instructions manual.

1.1 Maintenance periods

Please note, that the bought product is a technically demanding machine for field application. In
accordance to the applicable standards like DVS 2208-1, BGV A3, ISO 12176-2 and most national
and international standards, these machines have to be subjected to a periodical maintenance. The
maintenance period is 12 month. When the machine is used quite often the maintenance should be
carried out more often.

During the maintenance the machine will be upgraded to the current technical state. Additionally you
get a 3-month function guarantee for the maintained device.

The maintenance and the related checks are important for you safety and the continuous working
reliability of the control unit. Therefore the maintenance and all necessary repairs, have to be carried
out by the manufacturer or a authorised service point.

4 REV.: 2006-001-GB
2 Scope of application and technical data

2.1 Scope of application

The electro fusion control units of type Polymatic Plus are exclusively for the electro fusion of
thermoplastic pipes (e.g. made of PE-HD, PE80. PE100 or PP) by use of electro fusion fittings with
an welding voltage lower than 48V . The control units are conform to the standard DVS 2208-1 as well
as the ISO 12176-2, which refer to the standards applicable for the electro fusion fittings to be used.

It is not allowed to use the electro fusion controllers, to which the present instruction manual refers to,
for an application not covered by the above stated terms. The manufacturer is not liable for the use of
the machine out of the scope of application.

2.2 Input of welding parameters

The electro fusion controllers of type Polymatic Plus provide the following means for entering the
welding parameters:

BARCODE (ISO-TR 13950, Type 2/5i, 24 digits)

The barcode attached on the most electro fusion fittings in the market contains all necessary data for
processing them. After reading the barcode with the reading device, the process data is automatically
taken over by the control unit. The barcodes contains mainly the following data: Manufacturer, type,
diameter, fusion voltage, fusion time (with temperature correction, if applicable), resistance and
resistance tolerance.

By reading out the reference resistance in the connector pins of the FUSAMATIC-Fitting the control
unit automatically takes over the welding data of the fitting.

MANUAL Input of the barcode digits:

If the barcode on the fitting or the barcode reading device is defect, it is possible to enter the barcode
digits (if available) into the control unit manually.

MANUAL Input of the fusion voltage and time:

If none of the above stated methods are usable, it is possible to enter directly the fusion voltage and
fusion time of the fitting to the control unit.

Note: Not all Polymatic Plus control units provide the FUSAMATIC-system. Please, ask your local
provider for further information. Control Units without FUSAMATIC-system carry two black PVC caps
over the welding terminals. FUSAMATIC-Controllers provide one red and one black PVC cap.

2.3 Range of fitting dimensions

For which range of fitting dimensions a electro fusion control unit can be used depends essentially on
the power consumption to the used fittings itself. Since the power consumption of the fittings are
different for different fitting manufacturers, a general statement concerning this point is hardly to
make. In case of doubt, each single case has to be checked separately. For electro fusion control
units of the type Polymatic Plus the following general statement can be made, with the assumption,
that all welding processes were made one after the other, i.e. that the control unit is able to cool down
during the preparation time of the next fitting:

Use for dimension 20-630mm without any limit.

From a diameter of 710mm and higher there must be provided longer off-times to ensure a cooling
down of the control unit (Error message “Device too hot”). Before processing fittings in this dimension
range, you have to check that the welding current of the fitting does not exceed the maximum output
current of the control unit.

All above made statements refer to an ambient temperature of 20°C.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 5
2.4 Technical Data
Technical Data – Technische Daten Polymatic Plus / Top
ISO 12176-2 Class - Klassifizierung P2 4 U S1 V AK D X
Input Voltage - Eingangsspannung 230V ~/AC, (185V-300V)
Input Current - Eingangsstrom 16A
Input Frequency - Eingangsfrequenz 50Hz (40-70Hz)
Output Voltage - Ausgangsspannung 8-48V
Output Current - Ausgangsstrom 80A (max.: 110A)
Power Consumption - Leistungsaufnahme 3600VA
Temperature Range - Arbeitstemperatur -10°C - +50°C
Protection Class - Gerätesicherheit IP54, Class 2
Weight incl. Cables - Gewicht inkl. Kabel 20kg
Main Supply Cable - Netzkabel 4,5 m (Euro-Plug – Euro-Stecker)
Welding Cable - Schweißkabel 5m (fixed – fest)
Welding Terminals - Anschlußkontakt 4,0mm (opt. 4,7mm)
Display - Display 4 x 20 Characters (alphanum.), background lighting
4 x 20 Zeichen (alphanumerisch), Hintergrundbeleuchtung
Dimension - Abmessungen 440mm x 380mm x 320mm
Monitoring Functions -

Input - Eingang Voltage / Current / Frequency

Spannung / Strom / Frequenz
Output - Ausgang Voltage / Resistance / Contact / Short circuit / Current Monitoring
Spannung / Widerstand / Kontakt / Kurzschluß /
Other - Sonstige System / Working Temperature / Service
System / Arbeitstemperatur / Wartung
Error Messages - Fehlermeldung Plain Text / Acoustic Signal
Klartext im Display / Dauerwarnton

Enclosed Parts - Lieferumfang Control Box, Transport Box, Adapter 4.0/4.7mm, Instructions
Gerät, Transportbox, Adapter 4.0/4.7mm, Bedienungsanleitung

Technical Data for 110V Control Units

Technical Data – Technische Daten Polymatic Plus / Top
Input Voltage - Eingangsspannung 110V ~/AC, (90V-150V)
Input Current - Eingangsstrom 40A
Input Frequency - Eingangsfrequenz 50Hz (40-70Hz)

6 REV.: 2006-001-GB
2.5 Data Recording
The electro fusion control box Polymatic Plus provides data recording for 1000 welding cycles and
their traceability data conform ISO-12176-4:
Data Recording - Protokollierung Polymatic Plus / Top
Number of Reports – Anzahl der Protokolle 1000
Interface – Schnittstelle USB
Data format - Datenformat PDF / CSV
Recorded Data – Protokollierte Daten

Fusion Data - Voltage / Current / Nominal and Actual Welding Time / Mode /
Resistance / Error Messages with 10 Voltage-Current Values
Schweißdaten Spannung / Strom / Arbeit / Ist- und Sollzeit / Modus / Widerstand /
Fehlermeldung mit 10 Spannungs- und Stromwerten
Fitting Data - Barcode Information (ISO/TR 13950) / Type / Dimension /
Fittingdaten Barcodeziffern (ISO/TR 13950) / Typ / Dimension / Hersteller
Device Data - Serial Number / Inventory Number / Date of last Service / Working
Hours / System Configuration
Gerätedaten Geräte Nummer / Inventarnummer / Datum der letzten Wartung /
Betriebsstunden / Systemeinstellung
Operator Code - Barcode (PF or ISO 12176-3) for operator identification and access
to manual input and system configuration
Schweißer Code Barcode (PF oder ISO 12176-3) für Schweißeridentifikation und
Freigabe der Manuellen Eingabe und Systemeinstellung
Traceability Functions –
Funktionen zur Bauteilrückverfolgung

Commission-Number (Job-Code) - Max. 40-digits (alphanumerical) by Barcode

Kommissionsnummer max. 40-stellig, alphanumerisch, Eingabe über Barcode
Operator Code – Schweißercode ISO-12176-3
Weather Condition – Witterung DVS 2207 / 2208
Welding Barcode – Schweißcode ISO-TR 13950
Traceability Barcode of Fitting -
Chargencode des Fitting
Traceability Barcode of 1 pipe -
1. Rohrcode
Traceability Barcode of 2 pipe -
2. Rohrcode
3 Traceability Code / Infotext –
3. Rohrcode / Infotext

Pipe-Linking System
Polymatic Top only

Other Functions – Weitere Funktionen

Output Options – Ausgabeoptionen Whole Memory / Comm.-No.

Gesamter Speicher / Kommissionsnummer
Commisson Number Input/Selection – Barcode, Manual, Internal List of Comm.-No. For Selection
Komm.-Nr. Eingabe/Auswahl Barcode, Manuell, Interne Liste von Komm.-Nr. zur Auswahl

REV.: 2006-001-GB 7
2.6 Technical File - Polymatic Plus / Top (ISO/FDIS 12176-2 )

Machine Type Classification
Polymatic Plus / Polymatic Top P2 4 U S1 V AK D X

Simulation Curved at 24V (Output voltage)

Duty Cycle at 100%, 60% and 30%

Additional Information
Soft Start: 2sec ramped
Ambient Temperature Compensation: As stated in ISO/TR 13950
Fitting Temperature Compensation: No
Fusion Data Recorder: 1000 fusion cycles, internal

8 REV.: 2006-001-GB
3 Important safeguards

Before turning on the welding device, please, read this operating instructions as well
as the relevant safety and processing directions carefully.

Warning! With the use of electric tools you have to note the following basic
safety direction to protect against electric shock, injury and fire.

1. Keep your working area in order !

Disorder involves a certain danger.
2. Consider the influence of environment !
Do not expose electro tools to rain. Do not use electro tools in wet or damp surroundings or in the
neighbourhood of combustible liquids or gases.
3. Protect yourself against electric shock !
Avoid body contact with grounded components (e.g. radiators, metal pipes) or live cables. Do not
carry the device, with the finger on the power switch. Pull out the plug when you do not use the tool or
when changing the adapters and attachments.
4. Keep unauthorized people and children away !
Do not allow other people touch the device or cables – keep them away from your working place.
5. Store up your device safely !
Unused machines should be kept in a dry and locked room, inaccessible for children and
unauthorized people.
6. Use permitted accessories only!
Do only use accessories, especially current sources and lengthening cables, that are stated in the
operating instructions or recommended by us. The use of attachments, that are not stated in the
operating instructions, involves a certain danger for you. Do only use permitted and marked
lengthening cables outdoors.
7. Do not expose the cables to avoidable loads !
Do not carry the machine with the cable and do not use the cable to pull out the plug. Protect the
cables against heat, oil and sharp edges.
8. Lock after your tools carefully !
Keep your device clean. Follow the servicing instructions and the instructions for changing the tools.
Keep oil and grease away from the straps.
9. Check your device for damages !
Check your tools before every use for damages and function of the protection devices and machine
parts. All parts have to be mounted in the right way. They have to fulfil all conditions for a impeccable
running of the tool. Damaged protection devices and machine parts have to be repaired or replaced
by an authorized service point.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 9
4 Controls and Plugs

(2) START (green)
(3) STOP (red)





(5) Power Switch

(6) USB Port
(7) Welding Cable
(8) Cable Holder
(9) Power Supply Cable

10 REV.: 2006-001-GB
5 Connection to Power Supply

The connecting conditions of EVU, the VDE-directions, the accident prevention

regulations, DIN/CEN-regulations as well as national regulations have to be

The Electro Fusion Control Box has to be operated by certified operators referring to the national and
international standards. The operator has to supervise the complete welding process.
The machine has to be operated within the following operation ranges:

Parameter 230V Control Units 110V Control Units

Input Voltage: 185V – 300V (AC) 90V – 150V (AC)
Input Frequency: 40Hz – 70Hz 40Hz – 70Hz
Ambient Temperature -10°C – +50°C -10°C – +50°C
Max Load 4000W 4000W

Caution: 110V Control Units shall not be used at 230V power supply and vice versa.
When operating on a electric distributor or the main power supply of nominal 230V, a min. 16 Amps
slow fuse comprising a residual current-operated protective device (RCCB) should be used (110V:
min. 32Amps).

Extension Cables:

To extend the power supply cable you have to follow the following rules:

Cable length Cross Section (230V) Cross Section (110V)

Up to 20m 3 x 1.5mm² 3 x 4mm²
20 to 50m 3 x 2.5mm² 3 x 4mm²
50-100m 3 x 4mm² -

It is not allowed to extend the welding cable!

Important notes for the use of generators:

• First start generator, then plug in the device.
• No other machine or device shall be connected to the generator
• The idle running voltage should be regulated to 240V – 260V (AC) at nominal 230V
(nominal 110V: 120V – 130V (AC)).
• Plug out welding device before turning off the generator.
• The usable generator power will decrease by 10% per 1000m height.
• Check the fuel level before starting the welding process.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 11
5.1 Generator Suitability

The Electro Fusion Controllers of type Polymatic Plus provide the following means to increase the
generator suitability:
• Wide tolerance for input voltage and Input frequency.
• Display of current input voltage and frequency.
• Soft-Start for limitation of the generator load.

Despite this characteristics, the generators to be used have to fulfil the following requirements and
recommends, in order to avoid damaged of the control unit and to ensure that the internal monitoring
function of the control unit will not interrupt the welding process:
• suitable to drive inductive loads and phase cut systems
• no-load voltage adjustable to 240V – 260V at nominal 230V (nominal 110V: 120V – 130V
• output current of 18 Amps at one phase at nominal 230V (nominal 110V: 36Amps).
• stable output voltage and engine speed, also at fast alternating loads
• synchronous generators with mechanical speed control preferred
• voltage peaks must no exceed 800V

Min. required generator output power 230V, 50Hz, 1-phase

Diameter Output Power
20-75 mm 2kW
90-160 mm 3,2kW
180-710mm 4.5kW (mechanically controlled)
5kW (electronically controlled)

For generators with insufficient control performance or voltage control it has to be selected 3-3.5
times higher output power than the stated ones to achieve an undisturbed operation. Electronically
controlled generators tent to oscillate with the control of the welding process, which can lead to high
output voltage peaks. Please, test suitability before using that kind of generators.
Manufactures like HONDA, EISEMANN, GEKO, FISCHER, PANDA and KIRSCH provide generators
performed especially for this kind of application.

Caution: 110V Control Units shall not be used at 230V power supply and vice versa.

12 REV.: 2006-001-GB
6 Starting a welding process
6.1 Preparation
To start up the control box you have to follow the following steps in the given order:

1. Check device, cables and adapters optically and replace them in case of damage.
2. Unwind the power supply cable and the welding cable.
3. Connect the detachable welding cable to the control box.
4. Turn the power switch in OFF-position.
5. Start the generator before plugging in the control box. Wait until the generator output
voltage has stabilized.
6. Plug in the Control Box
7. Switch on the power switch of the Control Box

Caution: 110V Control Units shall not be used at 230V power supply and vice versa.

After this procedure the machine will indicate its function by two bleeps and the following message
will appear in the display:

PF polymatic Plus
Version 2.04AH
25 Working hours
1000 Reports free

Row 1 and 2 show the type and firmware revision of the control box.
Row 3 counts the total amount of working hours (summed up fusion times).
Row 4 indicated the total number of free reports of the data recording system. In the case that the
amount of free reports is smaller than 50, the letters of this row will flash. Press the red STOP-key to
confirm the rare memory space. The reports should be printed out, because there is the danger of
data loss if the memory control option is deactivated.
After ten seconds the above shown display will disappear. In the following there could be shown
system messages like error messages of previous welding cycles or service notes, which can be
aborted by pressing the red STOP-key.
When the following display message appears, the machine is ready to carry out a new welding

Connect Fitting

Report number 1

Row 1 tells you the actual process step. Instead of “Connect Fitting”there could appear “No Contact”
also. To go further you have to connect an EF fitting to the welding cables.
Row 2 and 3 show the active the commission number.
Row 4 give you the report number, which is related to the current commission number.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 13
Welding Terminals:
- The contacts of the welding connector and the fitting plug must be clean – dirty or coated
contacts can lead to overheating and burn at the connectors.
- Generally the terminals have to be protected against dirt. If there is a coating or loss of
stick force on the connectors they have to be replaced.
- Use Adapters to connect certain fitting types. Adapters wear out with the time and have to
be checked before every use.
Connect the welding terminals of the control unit to the pins of the fitting. Take care on a firm and
proper fit.

© ©
The welding with the FUSAMATIC -Mode is only possible with FUSAMATIC -fittings. The Option
FUSAMATIC of the system configuration has to be enabled. The red terminal must be put on the
fitting pin which is marked with the red ring.
Note: Fusamatic System is not available at all polymatic plus versions.

6.2 Barcode-Mode
Pay attention to the installation instructions of the fitting, special instructions (ISO,
CEN, DVGW, DVS), European and national directions as well as the instructions of
the manufacturers!
As long as no fitting is connected, no welding process can be started. When connecting the welding
terminals to the pin at the fitting pay attention to a firm a proper fit. As soon as a fitting is connected,
the following message appears in the display:

Fitting code
50 Hz 230 V +20°C
20.01.2003 15.25

Row 1 prompts you to read the fitting barcode. The respective procedure is described in the following
sections. With the right connection of a FUSAMATIC -fitting the welding device will automatically
switch to the FUSAMATIC -Mode.
Row 2 shows you the actual input frequency and voltage as well as the ambient temperature. In case
of generator use check that the voltage is at about 240-260V at nominal 230V (nominal 110V: 120V –
130V (AC)).
Row 3 shows the date and time
Row 4 shows possible error messages

For welding in the Barcode-Mode, read in the barcode label, which is attached to the fitting you want
to process. If it is not readable because of damage, you can use by the way of exception the readable
barcode of an identical fitting of the same manufacturer or feed the numeric code manually into the
device. It is forbidden to use the barcode of a different fitting.
If you read in a barcode which is defect or invalid the code error will be displayed and indicated by a
Using the reading pen:
Place the tip of the reading pen left or right beside the bar code. Move the reading pen with a
constant speed over the whole barcode. Do not stop the movement or lift the reading pen off.

14 REV.: 2006-001-GB
You read-in the barcode by using the scanner or reading pen. If the device detects a valid barcode, it
indicates its readiness by showing the following message:

Nom. Time : 0200 s
+PF+ [ d063 20°C

Row 1 indicates that you have to press the green START-key to start the welding process. Before that
you are obliged to check and compare the shown values with the ones given on the connected
Row 2 shows the nominal welding time.
Row 3 shows the manufacturer, type and diameter decoded from the barcode. The type information is
shown like follows:
I Coupler T Tee
] End cap Y Reducer
.†. Saddle > Ray Trans
( Elbow ‫ל‬ TWD Tapping Saddle
There is also given the ambient temperature. If the fitting barcode provides temperature
compensation, the nominal fusion time will be adapter to the ambient temperature.
Row 4 shows possible error messages.
After pressing the green START-key a message will remind you of your duty to fix and prepare the
pipes according to the general guidelines:

Is the pipe scraped?

If you have any doubt about the right preparation, you can break off the procedure by actuating the
red STOP-key. Confirm the proper preparation by pressing the green START-key.
Resistor Error
Now, the welding device begins to measure the fitting resistance. In the case that it is outside the
valid range, the error will be indicated by a bleep and a appropriate message will appear in the

1,68< 2,00 < 1,93

Nom. time: 200 s
Report Number 1
Resistor error

Row 1 shows in the middle the measured resistance. At the left and right the borders of the resistance
range given in the barcode is shown.
Row 2 shows the nominal welding time.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 15
Row 3 shows the report number of the faulty process.
Row 4 shows “Resistor Error”
Plug the welding terminals out of fitting plugs. Check the connectors of the fitting and welding cable
for dirt or coating. If the fitting causes another resistor error, it maybe defect. Replace it.

If no resistor error occurs, the welding device starts the welding process automatically. To avoid
danger for your health, do not touch the fitting or cables during the welding process. The
display shows the actual and nominal welding time:

Act. time: 0099 s

Nom. time: 0200 s
+PF+ [ d063

Row 1 shows the actual welding time, which is counted upwards.

Row 2 shows the nominal welding time.
Row 3 shows the manufacturer, type and diameter.
Row 4 shows possible error messages.
The welding process will stop automatically when the actual time reaches the nominal time. This will
be indicated by two bleeps and the following message:

Act. time: 0200 s

Nom. time: 0200 s
Report number 1
20.01.2003 15.25

After stopping the welding process the data will be stored into the internal memory of the device. Pull
off the welding connectors to go back to the start message.

Note: Fusamatic System is not available at all polymatic plus versions.

Pay attention to the installation instructions of the fitting, special instructions (ISO,
CEN, DVGW, DVS), European and national directions as well as the instructions of
the manufacturers!
© ©
The welding with the FUSAMATIC -Mode is only possible with FUSAMATIC -fittings.
As long as no fitting is connected, no welding process can be started. When connecting the welding
terminals to the pin at the fitting pay attention to a firm a proper fit. Connect the red welding
terminal to the fitting connector with the red marking. Thus the welding device can detect the
fitting type and its welding parameters. It will switch to the FUSAMATIC -Mode automatically. This
will be indicated by the following message:

Nom. time: 200 s

16 REV.: 2006-001-GB
FUSA 40V 20°C

Row 1 indicates that you have to press the green START-key to start the welding process. Before that
you are obliged to check and compare the shown values with the ones given on the connected
coupler. In the case that these deviate or if a contact error is indicated in the lowest row of the
display, a faulty or invalid reference resistance is read. Pull off the welding connector from the fitting
plugs. Check the connectors of the fitting and welding cable for dirt or coating. If the fitting causes
another contact error or differing parameters, it is defect. Replace it.
Row 2 shows the nominal welding time.
Row 3 shows the manufacturer FUSA and 40V to indicate the FUSAMATIC mode and the ambient
Row 4 shows possible error messages.
You can confirm the correctness of the welding parameters by pressing the green START-key. The
following message will remind you of your duty to fix and prepare the pipes according to the general

Is the pipe scraped?

If you have any doubt about the right preparation, you can break off the procedure by actuating the
red STOP-key.
Confirm the proper preparation by pressing the green START-key.
The welding device starts the welding process automatically. To avoid danger for your health, do
not touch the fitting or cables during the welding process. The display shows the actual and
nominal welding time:

Act. time: 0099 s

Nom. time: 0200 s

Row 1 shows the actual welding time, which is counted upwards.

Row 2 shows the nominal welding time.
Row 3 shows the manufacturer PLAS and 40V to indicate the FUSAMATIC mode
Row 4 shows possible error messages.
The welding process will stop automatically when the actual time reaches the nominal time. This will
be indicated by two bleeps and the following message:

Act. time: 0200 s

Nom. time: 0200 s

REV.: 2006-001-GB 17
Report number 1
20.01.2003 15.25

After stopping the welding process the data will be stored into the internal memory of the device. Pull
off the welding connectors to go back to the start message.

18 REV.: 2006-001-GB
6.4 Manual-Mode
Pay attention to the installation instructions of the fitting, special instructions (ISO,
CEN, DVGW, DVS), European and national directions as well as the instructions of
the manufacturers!
Welding with the manual input of welding parameters can only be done by using a special code
number or reading in a barcode with manual input authorisation. In case that you do not find the
supervisor code in the annex of this instructions, please contact our service.
As long as no fitting is connected, no welding process can be started. When connecting the welding
terminals to the pin at the fitting pay attention to a firm a proper fit. As soon as a fitting is connected,
the following message appears in the display:

Fitting code
50 Hz 230 V +20°C
20.01.2003 15.25

Row 1 prompts you to read the fitting barcode. The respective procedure is described in the following
sections. With the right connection of a FUSAMATIC -fitting the welding device will automatically
switch to the FUSAMATIC -Mode.
Row 2 shows you the actual input frequency and voltage as well as the ambient temperature. In case
of generator use check that the voltage is at about 240-260V at nominal 230V (nominal 110V: 120V –
130V (AC)).
Row 3 shows the date and time
Row 4 shows possible error messages
After connecting the fitting, press the select key n to show the function menu in the display

>Comm. no.
Fitting code

The function menu contains a list of available functions. The first three are shown in the display. The
symbol > represents the cursor, which marks the menu item to be selected.
Use the v-keys to move the cursor to the item Man. Input and press select key n.
By following message you are asked to enter the code number or to read in a barcode with manual
input authorisation (e.g. supervisor code / foreman code).

Code number
UVWXYZ0123456789 $-/

A present barcode can be read in by using the reading pen or scanner. The input of the code number
can be done by using the shown letter input field.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 19
If a valid code was entered, the display shows the entry fields of the welding parameters.

Weld Voltage
U(V)= 40 V
t(s)= 0020 s

Row 1 shows the name of the active entry field (here: Welding Voltage).
Row 2 shows the welding voltage entry field.
Row 3 shows the welding time entry field
An underlined or flashing digit marks the number to be changed
v Increases or decreases the digit which is marked.
34 Moves the marking to the left or right digit.
START Confirms the entered welding voltage.

After pressing the START-button the entry field for the welding voltage will be activated:

Weld time
U(V)= 40 V
t(s)= 0020 s

The value will be entered the same way as described above. After the confirmation with the START-
button the welding parameters will be shown once again.

Nom. time : 20 s
Weld voltage 40 V

Check carefully the correctness of the parameters before confirming them by pressing the green
START-key. The following message will remind you of your duty to fix and prepare the pipes
according to the general guidelines:

Is the pipe scraped?

If you have any doubt about the right preparation, you can break off the procedure by actuating the
red STOP-key. Confirm the proper preparation by pressing the green START-key.

20 REV.: 2006-001-GB
The welding device starts the welding process automatically. To avoid danger for your health, do
not touch the fitting or cables during the welding process. The display shows the actual and
nominal welding time:

Act. time: 0009 s

Nom. time: 0020 s
Weld voltage 40V

Row 1 shows the actual welding time, which is counted upwards.

Row 2 shows the nominal welding time.
Row 3 shows the nominal welding voltage.
Row 4 shows possible error messages.
The welding process will stop automatically when the actual time reaches the nominal time. This will
be indicated by two bleeps and the following message:

Act. time: 0020 s

Nom. time: 0020 s
Report number 1
20.01.2003 15.25

After stopping the welding process the data will be stored into the internal memory of the device. Pull
off the welding connectors to go back to the start message.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 21
7 Additional Functions
7.1 Function Menu
After connecting the device to the power supply and switching the device on, wait for the readiness of
the device (two bleeps) and aboard all error messages with the red STOP-key.
Press the select key n to view the function menu in the display.

>Comm. no.
Fitting code

The function menu contains a list of available functions. The first three are shown in the display. The
symbol > represents the cursor, which marks the menu item to be selected.
v Moves the cursor upwards and downwards.
n Selects the item marked by the cursor <.
The following table shows the available functions with the referring pages of this manual.

Function Description Page

Comm. No. Enter or select a Job Number 24

Data Transfer To transfer the data to PC, Memory Box 26

Fitting Code Manual Input of the fitting code 25

Man. Input Manual input of welding time and voltage 19

Contrast Adjust display Contrast 25

System Config. System configuration 29

22 REV.: 2006-001-GB
7.2 Letter Input Field
For the manual input of data, as for example Commission number, Inventory-Number, Fitting code,
Weld-Number and so on, the Letter Input Field will be shown in the display. In any case the handling
of this field is the same. Because of that, it will be described here in detail.
The Letter Input Field will look as follows:


UVWXYZ0123456789 $-/

Row 1 and 2 (Input field) show the already entered letters. Sometimes there will be shown an initial
string. The flashing or underlined digit shows the actual position, where a selected letter will be
Row 3 and 4 (Letter Field) show the letters that can be chosen and entered into the Input Field. Here
the actual letter to be selected is covered by an asterisk *.

1) Entering a string of letters

The letters will be entered at the position of the flashing or underlined digit in the Input Field. Move
the asterisk * by using the cursor keys 3v4 under the letter, that you would like to enter and select
it by pressing the select key n. The chosen letter will be entered and the mark will move to the next
digit of the Input Field. Enter all digits of the wanted string one after the other.

2) Editing a string of letters

If you want to correct a certain digit of a string, move the asterisk * out of the Letter Field by using the
t-key. Now you can move the flashing position of the Input Field with the 34-keys under the
wanted digit of the present string. Then press the select key n ones to let appear the asterisk back in
the Letter Field. Now you can enter the new letter to the marked digit as described in 1).

3) Entering a string by using a barcode reader

You have the possibility to enter a certain string by using a present barcode, which is read in by the
reading pen or scanner. The barcode string will be entered at the flashing position. You can append
several barcodes strings on after the other. Should a barcode string be to long to be appended it will
be ignored and the machine will show a Code Error.
You can also use the annexed Alphanumerical Barcode Table to enter a string of letters.

Always confirm your input by pressing the green START-key. You can abort the letter input function
with the red STOP-key. In this case your input will not used for the following process.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 23
7.3 Entering a Commission Number (Job Number)
The commission number (Job Number) is a 40 digit alphanumerical string which should specify the
construction site or commission under, which the joint are made.
By switching on the comm.-no. option of the system configuration you are demanded to enter or
confirm a commission number before each welding process.
In addition you always have the possibility to enter a commission number optionally or to generate a
list of commission numbers for later use by the comm.- no. function of the function menu.
In both cases the last used commission number is shown in the display first, e.g.

Comm. no.

report number 6

Here you get three ways for the further procedure:

1) Choosing a commission number from a list

By the use of the cursor keys v, you will by able to scroll through all stored commission numbers. To
select the shown commission number for the further procedure you have to confirm it with the green

2) Reading in a commission number barcode

Read in a given commission number barcode with the reading pen or scanner. Then confirm the
following question “Are you sure?” with the green START-key. By this the read commission number
will be taken as a new entry in the commission number list. By pressing the red STOP-key, the read
commission number will be rejected.

3) Generating a new commission number

If you would like to generate a new commission number, press the select key n. The chosen
commission number will appear together with the letter input field:


UVWXYZ0123456789 $-/

Now you can edit the present commission number (ref.: 7.2 Letter Input Field). Confirm the edited
commission number by pressing the green START-key. The entered commission number will be
taken as a new entry in the commission number list. By pressing the red STOP-key, the read
commission number will be rejected.

To generate a commission number list repeat the steps 2) or 3).

To take the shown commission number for the following process actuate the green START-key.

24 REV.: 2006-001-GB
7.4 Manual input of the fitting code
After connecting the fitting, press the select key n to show the function menu in the display

>Comm. no.
Fitting code

The function menu contains a list of available functions. The first three are shown in the display. The
symbol > represents the cursor, which marks the menu item to be selected.
Use the v-keys to move the cursor to the item Fitting Code and press select key n.
This function offers the possibility to enter the numeric code of a damaged barcode manually. After
selecting the Fitting Code function the following message will appear in the display:

UVWXYZ0123456789 $-/

The input of the fitting code can be done by using the shown letter input field (ref.: 7.2 Letter Input
Field). Confirm the entered fitting code by pressing the green START-key and proceed as stated in
section 6.2.

7.5 Adjusting the display contrast

By selecting the contrast function of the function menu you can adjust the display contrast to your


The shown value is only given for your orientation. It can show numbers from 100 to 250. At high
values the belong to strong contrast.
v Increases or decreases the value / contrast. If the value reaches 250 is switches back to 100.
Adjust the contrast to a value where you can read the display best. Note, that the display should be
readable also if you look at it under certain angles. Confirm you adjustment with the green START-
The display will ask you “Are you sure?”. You can confirm the correctness of your choice by
pressing the green START-key or cancel the function by using the STOP-key.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 25
7.6 Data transfer
The function Data transfer splits into the following functions:

Function Memory Format

Data transfer – Memorystick – PDF Complete Memory PDF format
Data transfer – Memorystick – CSV Complete Memory CSV format
Data transfer – Erase Reports ? Selected Comm.-No.

The control box provides a USB port to the transfer of the reports to the enclosed USB-flash memory
stick. Two different data formats are supported:
PDF-Format: The control unit generates a PDF-file on the memory stick, which contains the already
formatted welding reports. In order to view the reports on you desktop PC or notebook, you should
open the PDF file with an ADOBE Reader (Version3.0 or higher; www.adobe.de) which is available on
most PCs.
CSV-Format: This format contains the data in form of a data table. Each line of the file represents
one welding report. The data fields are separated by a semicolon. The file can be opened by standard
table calculating or database software program. We recommend to use the EXCEL macro, which is
stored on the memory stick. The macro can be found in the folder </marco/gb/>. Please, read any
instruction available in the folder before using the macro. You should copy the macro to your PC and
run it from the PC folder only.
The CVS-file can also be opened with the Software Datamatic. Select the function “Open as textfile..”
and choose the wanted file.

Saving folder / file name: The control unit generates a sub folder </PF> on the memory stick, in
which the files will be stored. The file names are generated due to the following syntax:
<PFnnnnn.PDF> for PDF files and <PFnnnnn.log> for CVS-files. <nnnnn> stands for an incremental
numbering, which ensures that already existing files are not overwritten.
Warning: USB-memory stick are no safe place for permanent storing of data.
Transfer the data as soon as possible to a desktop or notebook PC. And erase the files on the
memory stick. The number of files of each file format is limited to a number of 30.

7.6.1 Transfer of the reports

ü Select the function group Data transfer-Memorystick.

ü Ensure that the Memorystick is not write protected.
ü Plug the Memorystick into the USB port.
ü Select the data format.


> is cursor which marks the function.

v moves the cursor up/down.
n selects the marked function.

26 REV.: 2006-001-GB
During the data transfer the following message appears in the display:


Row 1: Shows the file name

Row 2: Show the number of pages (PDF) or data sets (CSV)

After the complete and error-free transfer of the data the following message appears in the display:

Erase all?

If you do not want to erase the reports from the internal memory of the control unit, press the red
STOP-key. If you want to erase the data press the select key n and the following message will

PF00001.PDF OK
Are you sure?

Press the green START-key to confirm to erase the data or the red STOP-key if you do not intend to
erase the data.
To avoid general failures you should not interrupt the power supply or switch off the control
box, while the display is still indication “Erasing Data”or “Saving Data”

REV.: 2006-001-GB 27
7.6.2 Error list (USB-Data transfer)

Warning: USB-memory stick are no safe place for permanent storing of data.
Transfer the data as soon as possible to a desktop or notebook PC. And erase the files on the
memory stick. The number of files of each file format is limited to a number of 30.

Error message Cause Reaction

NO USB SYSTEM USB – port system failure Control unit must be checked.

NO USB STICK The USB-memory stick in not Plug in the USB-memory stick
plugged in correctly. correctly.

The USB-memory stick was not Remove and re-plug the USB-memory
detected. stick

Use a different USB-memory stick.

USB FILENAME File/folder cannot be created. Remove write protection of the

USB ERROR memory stick.
USB FILESYS Error when writing on the memory
DIR ERROR stick. Retry data transfer.
Use a different USB-memory stick.

TOO MUCH FILES There are more than 30 files of on Transfer some of the data to the PC or
file format on the USB-memory notebook and erase files for the
stick. memory stick.

ERROR SYSTEM Control unit error Retry data transfer.

Control unit must be checked

7.6.3 Erase reports

This function will erase the reports of a selected commission number. You will be prompted to enter a
valid supervisor code to enter this function.
After choosing this function the last used commission number will appear in the display. Use the
cursor keys v to scroll through the list of available commission numbers and press the green
START-key to select the present number. The display will show “Erase ?”. Check first if the printout
or data transfer was complete before confirming the erasing of the reports by pressing the select key
n. For safety reasons the display will prompt again “Are you sure?”press the green START-key to
To avoid general failures you should not interrupt the power supply or switch off the control
box, while the display is still indication “Erasing Data”or “Saving Data”
If you do not want to erase the reports, press the red STOP-key

28 REV.: 2006-001-GB
7.7 System configuration
When you select the System Config. function of the function menu, you will be ask to enter a valid
operator code. In case that you do not find the operator code in the annex of this instructions, please
contact our service.

Supervisor code
50 Hz 230 V +20°C
20.01.2001 15.25

Use the reading pen or scanner to enter the supervisor code. If you would like to enter the code
number manually press the select key n and proceed as described in 7.2 Letter Input Field.
The following list will appear in the display:

+ -
Language GB <
Inv. Number
Set Clock

The list contains functions and options.

< is the cursor which marks the actual function or option
v Moves the cursor upwards or downwards.
n Selects a function
* Shows the option status (+ = ON , - =OFF)
34 Changes the option status
After changing the options you have to press the green START-key for confirmation and to confirm
the following question “Are you sure?” with the green START-key also. If you do not want to confirm
your changes press the red STOP-key.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 29
The following table shows the available functions and options:

Item Description Value Page

Language Function, which changes the display language Short code for 31
Inv. Number Function, which changes the Inventory Number 8 digit alphanumerical 32

Set clock Function, which changes the time 31

Daylight Time Daylight saving ON/OFF 32

Memory Control Memory Control ON/OFF 32

Weld Number Additional input of Joint Number ON/OFF 34

Weather Obligatory input of Weather Condition ON/OFF 34

Comm. No. Obligatory input of Comm.-No. ON/OFF 24

Worker Code Obligatory input of Worker Barcode ON/OFF 33

Welder Name Obligatory input of Worker Name ON/OFF 35

Traceability Code Obligatory Input of the traceability code of the fitting ON/OFF 35

Pipe Code Obligatory Input of the traceability code of the pipes ON/OFF 35
Pipe Length Obligatory Input of the pipe length ON/OFF 35

Trench Depth Obligatory Input of the trench depth ON/OFF 35

Cont. Numbers Continuous numbering of the welding reports ON/OFF -

South Option for configure daylight saving for southern ON/OFF -

Fusamatic Option for deactivating FUSAMATIC system ON/OFF -

30 REV.: 2006-001-GB
7.7.1 Change language
After selecting the language function from the system configuration menu the display will show a list
of language indicators.


The indicators stand for: GB = English, SE = Swedish, ES = Spanish, IT= Italian, DK = Danish, PT =
Portuguese, DE = German, FR = French, PL = Polish, TR = Turkish, RO = Romanian, etc. Please
note that only 7 languages are available.
> Represents the cursor, which marks the present current language.
v Move the cursor upwards or downwards through the available languages.
n Selects the marked language
The display will ask you “Are you sure?”. You can confirm the correctness of your choice by
pressing the green START-key or cancel the function by using the STOP-key.

7.7.2 Set clock

After selecting the set clock function from the system configuration menu the display will show current
time and date:

20.01.2003 15.25

You always change the flashing or underlined digit.

v Will increase or decrease the respective value.
34 Move the marking to the digit you want to change.
n Finishes your changes.
The display will ask you “Are you sure?”. You can confirm the correctness of your choice by
pressing the green START-key or cancel the function by using the STOP-key.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 31
7.7.3 Input of inventory number
After selecting the inventory number function from the system configuration menu the display will
show the letter input field.

Inventory number
UVWXYZ0123456789 $-/

Enter your wanted inventory number referring to 7.2 Letter Input Field. Confirm the entered
inventory number by pressing the green START-key.
The display will ask you “Are you sure?”. You can confirm the correctness of your choice by
pressing the green START-key or cancel the function by using the STOP-key.

7.7.4 Daylight time Option

With this option you can enable the automatic change of daylight time for summer and winter time
(ON). The enabled option causes that the request Set daylight time will appear in the display after
st st
turning on the device from the March 21 or October 21 . If you confirm this message by pressing the
green START-key the clock will be set to the summer or winter time (±1hour). If you press the red
STOP-key, the time changing will be rejected and the message will appear at the next turning on of
the device again.

7.7.5 Memory control Option

If you have activated (ON) the memory control option, the device will refuse the any kind of welding
process in the case that the internal memory is filled up. By this you can prevent a data loss. If the
memory control is deactivated (OFF) the oldest stored reports will be overwritten.

32 REV.: 2006-001-GB
7.8 Request: Worker Code
By switching on the worker code option of the system configuration you are demanded to enter
worker identification barcode after switching on the control box. The following message demands the
worker code:

Worker Code
50 Hz 230 V +20°C
20.01.2001 15.25

Use the scanner or reading pen to read in a present welder code. If the barcode is damaged you can
enter the numerical code manually. Press the select key n to open the letter input field:

Worker code
UVWXYZ0123456789 $-/

The manual input of the welder code will be done by using the shown letter input field (ref.: 7.2 Letter
Input Field). Confirm the entered welder code by pressing the green START-key.

Worker Codes can be conform ISO 12176-3 or manufacturer definition. The control box supports
three levels of authorisation:
Worker Code: Allows the use of Barcode and Fusamatic mode.
Fore worker Code: Allows the use of Barcode, Manual and Fusamatic mode.
Supervisor Code: Allows the use of Barcode, Manual and Fusamatic mode and to enter the
system configuration.

7.9 Request: Set daylight time

st st
This start up message after the March 21 or October 21 , if the daylight time option of the system
configuration is switched on.
If you confirm this message by pressing the green START-key the clock will be set to the summer or
winter time (±1hour). If you press the red STOP-key, the time changing will be rejected and the
message will appear the next time you will turn on the device.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 33
7.10 Request: Weld Number
By switching on the weld number option of the system configuration you are demanded to enter
or confirm a weld number before each welding process.
The following message demands the weld number:

UVWXYZ0123456789 $-/

The display shows the present weld number, which will automatically increased after each weld. You
can edit the shown number (ref.: 7.2 Letter Input Field). Confirm the entered weld number by
pressing the green START-key.

7.11 Request: Weather condition

By switching on the weather option of the system configuration you are demanded to enter the
weather conditions and protection means. The following messages refer to the input of those:

Sunny <

No <

> Is the cursor for marking the active item

v Move the cursor upwards and downwards.
* Indicates a selected item
n Will select / deselect one item
Select all items which specified the current situation and confirm with the green START-key.

34 REV.: 2006-001-GB
7.12 Traceability System
The following traceability functions are activated in the system configuration:
• Worker Code
• Comm.-No.
• Traceabilty Code (Fitting)
• Pipecode 1 /2
• Pipelength
• Trench Depth
• Information

These functions are for the recoding of the pipe or components barcodes conform ISO12176-4. The
data will be assigned to the welding report and its corresponding commission number. The functions
will be shown in the workflow preparing a joint. Some additional function may be enabled or disabled.

Plug in the Controller and Switch on

PF Polymatic Plus
Version 1.06aa
25 Working Hours
1200 Reports Free

Enter worker code

Worker Code
UVWXYZ0123456789 $-/

- Read Barcode conform Manufacturer definition or ISO 12176-4.

- Optional: Input through letter input field

Connect Fitting

Connect Fitting

Report No. 7

REV.: 2006-001-GB 35
Obligatory input of Comm.-No.


BARCODE Read in Job-No. Barcode

START Take over displayed Comm.-No.
v Page through Comm.-No. list
n Enter Comm.-No. In letter input field

Enter welding barcode

Fitting Code
50Hz 230V +20°C
19.11.2003 15:25

Read fitting barcode

Enter Traceability Code (Fitting)

Traceability Code

PF I d110

BARCODE Read in traceability barcode of the fitting

START Steps over this function
n Enter traceability code in letter input field
STOP back to Comm.-Nr. Input

Enter Pipe Code 1

1. Pipe Code

BARCODE read in traceability barcode of the 1 pipe
START step over this function

36 REV.: 2006-001-GB
n Enter traceability code in letter input field
STOP step back to last function

Enter Pipe Length of Pipe 1

Pipe Length

v change value of marked digit.

34 move cursor to next digit
START take given value
STOP step back to last function

Enter Pipe Code 2

2. Pipe Code

BARCODE read in traceability barcode of the 1 pipe
START step over this function
n Enter traceability code in letter input field
STOP step back to last function

Enter Pipe Length of Pipe 2

Pipe Length

v change value of marked digit.

34 move cursor to next digit
START take given value
STOP step back to last function

REV.: 2006-001-GB 37
Enter Trench Depth

Trench Depth

v change value of marked digit.

34 move cursor to next digit
START take given value
STOP step back to last function

Start welding process

Nom. Time : 200s
PF I d110 +25°C

START start welding process

n enter additional information (letter input field)
STOP step back to last function

38 REV.: 2006-001-GB
8 Trouble shooting
8.1 Using and replacing the reading pen
Using the reading pen:
Place the tip of the reading pen left or right beside the bar code. Move the reading pen with a
constant speed over the whole barcode. Do not stop the movement or lift the reading pen off.

Replacing reading pen (Order Code: 1_0100_001) :

If the reading pen does not works properly you can replace it on your own. Slit open the shirk tube
which protects the plug with a sharp knife. Pay attention on the cables. Replace the reading pen and
test it before you mount the new shirk tube.

8.2 Replacing Welding Terminals

The welding plugs should be checked frequently. If necessary they can easily replace in no time.
1. Switch off the device and disconnect it from the mains supply or generator!
2. Slip off the PVC-cap over the welding terminal.
3. Hold the front part of the brass contact with a pipe wrench and screw the welding terminal with a 8mm-
wrench out of the brass contact.
4. The red welding cable has to be equipped by a welding terminal with detection tip! You have to use welding
terminals that are delivered by PF only!
5. Screw the new welding terminal tight into the brass contact and slip the PVC-cap over the welding terminal.
Pay attention, that the PVC-cap is slipped over so far, that the welding terminal is left blank for about

1_0200_001 Welding Terminal 4.7mm, standard

1_0200_003 Welding Terminal 4.0mm, standard
2_0200_003 Welding Terminal 4.7mm, Fusamatic (with detection tip)
2_0200_004 Welding Terminal 4.0mm, Fusamatic (with detection tip)
1_0410_004 PVC-Cap, red
1_0410_003 PVC-Cap, black

8.3 Adapter
For different fitting types different adapters are needed. In the following table you will find a selection
of available adapters:
1_0300_009 Adapter 4.7/4.7 angle
1_0300_001 Adapter 4.7/4.0 angle
1_0300_004 Adapter 4.0/4.7 angle
1_0300_011 Adapter 4.0/4.0 angle
1_0200_005 FUSAMATIC-Adapter 4.7/4.7
1_0200_006 FUSAMATIC-Adapter 4.7/4.0
1_0200_007 FUSAMATIC-Adapter 4.0/4.7
1_0300_010 Adapter 4.0/4.7, straight
1_0300_003 Adapter 4.7/GF (lose ends)
1_0300_014 Adapter 4.0/GF (lose ends)
1_0300_002 Adapter 4.7/FF-flat
1_0300_012 Adapter 4.0/FF-flat
1_0300_008 Adapter 4.7/FF-pin
1_0300_013 Adapter 4.0/FF-pin

REV.: 2006-001-GB 39
8.4 Start messages
After switching on the device the following message appears on the display:

PF polymatic Plus
Version 2.04AH
25 Working hours
1000 Reports free

Row 1 and 2 show the type and firmware revision of the control box.
Row 3 counts the total amount of working hours (summed up fusion times).
Row 4 indicated the total number of free reports of the data recording system. In the case that the
amount of free reports is smaller than 50, the letters of this row will flash. Press the red STOP-key to
confirm the rare memory space. The reports should be printed out, because there is the danger of
data loss if the memory control option is deactivated.
After ten seconds the above shown display will disappear.
In the following there could be shown system messages like error messages of previous
welding cycles or service notes, which can be aborted by pressing the red STOP-key.

40 REV.: 2006-001-GB
8.5 Error messages
Error messages will be indicated by a bleep. A permanent bleep can be interrupted by pressing the
red STOP-key.

Error Cause Reaction

Clock error Internal clock does not work properly. Set clock.
Maybe the battery has to be changed.

Code error Faulty input. Move the reading pen with a constant
velocity over the barcode.

Barcode defect or error of code

Contact error Invalid FUSAMATIC -detection- Clean contacts.
resistor. Replace fitting if necessary.

Current high Output current is more than 15% Shortcut of fitting coil or welding cable.
higher than the starting current.

Current low Interrupt of the welding current. Welding is faulty!

Current drops down about Welding is faulty!

15-20% for at least 3s.

Device too hot Temperature of transformer is too Let the device cool down for about 45
high min.

Emergency cut-out Welding was interrupted by pressing Welding is faulty!

the STOP-key.

Frequency error Input frequency out of working range Check Generator.


Input voltage high Input voltage >300V at 230V nom. Adjust generator voltage to 240V-
Input voltage >150V at 110V nom. 260V.
Adjust generator voltage to 120V-

Input voltage low Input voltage < 190V at 230V nom. Unwind the power supply cable.
Input voltage < 90V at 110V nom. Use power supply cable with the right
Adjust Generator voltage.

Interturn shortc. The current rises more than 15% Welding is faulty!
during the welding. Shortcut of the
fitting coil.

Memory overflow Report memory is full up. Print reports or deactivate the memory
control option.

No contact No complete electrical contact with Check connection to the fitting.

the fitting.

Fitting coil or welding cable is defect. Use an other Fitting.

Change welding cable.

Output volt. Error The output voltage deviates from the Check the generator.

REV.: 2006-001-GB 41
rated voltage. Revolutions fluctuate or power too

Power failure Last welding was interrupted by a Last welding is faulty! Prepare pipe
break of the power supply. again and use a new Fitting!

Resistor error Fitting resistance is out of the valid Clean the contacts.
working range. Use an other fitting.

Fitting resistance out of the valid Clean the contacts

range given by barcode. Use an other fitting.

Service The recommended service interval of The device has to be checked by an

12 months or 200 working hours is authorized service point.
exceeded. The device is still usable, but the
manufacturer does not accept any
liability for the device until it is checked

System error Danger! Selftest found an error in the Disconnect power supply immediately.
system. Do not connect the device to the power
supply any more. Send it to the next
service point.

Temp. Meas. Error Temperature measurement is faulty. Plug in the removable welding cable.
Switch device off and on.
Welding cable or sensor defect.

Temperature error Surrounding temperature out of

working range (-10-+50°C).

9 Supervisor Code


42 REV.: 2006-001-GB
10 Alphanumeric code table








REV.: 2006-001-GB 43


/ 1
Space / 1

2 3 4
2 3 4

5 6 7
5 6 7

8 9 0
8 9 0

$ -

$ -

44 REV.: 2006-001-GB
11 Conformity Declaration

REV.: 2006-001-GB 45
46 REV.: 2006-001-GB

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