Irfandi 177-184 (Rev) - 4
Irfandi 177-184 (Rev) - 4
Irfandi 177-184 (Rev) - 4
Jurnal Biologi Lingkungan, Industri, Kesehatan
Available online
Food is a basic human need, necessary to meet daily needs. Human health is greatly influenced by what
they consume. Food products added dangerous ingredients can cause serious health effects for humans.
The aim of this research was to detect substances of formaldehyde and borax in snacks in the month of
Ramadhan (takjil) at Bekasi City. This was descriptive observational research design by direct examination
for formalin and borax from the food samples. The population in this study were all traders who sold Takjil
on the roadsides in Bekasi City. Sample selected used an incidental sampling technique by taking 8 food
samples which. Based on references, they were proven to contain dangerous chemicals. Based on the
research results, 2 food samples were found positive containing dangerous food additives, namely 1 sample
of lontong (12.5%) was positive for containing borax and 1 sample of martabak tofu (12.5%) was positive
for containing Formalin. Seasonal traders who Sell Takjil food during the month of Ramadan may not
necessarily be safe. Therefore, it is recommended that health workers from Puskesmas must frequently
inspect the food products and socialize the importance of using safe food additives.
How to Cite: Irfandi, A., Simatupang, M.M., Veronika, & Azteria, V. (2024). Detection Of Dangerous Food Additive In
Takjil Snacks During Of Ramadhan. BioLink: Jurnal Biologi Lingkungan, Industri dan Kesehatan, 10 (2): 177-184
Irfandi, A., Simatupang, MM, Veronika, & Azteria, V. Detection Of Dangerous Food Additives In Takjil Snacks During
BioLink: Jurnal Biologi Lingkungan, Industri dan Kesehatan, Vol. 10 (2) February (2024): 177-184
during the Ramadan, many takjil traders Sample testing using InScienPro
appear who are not necessarily safe from Formalin and InScienPro Borax. The steps
borax and formaldehyde. for carrying out a formalin examination
This study aims to detect the are: prepare the sample and materials,
presence or absence of dangerous food weigh 25 grams of the sample, put 25
additives, namely formaldehyde and borax, grams of the sample to be tested in a
in takjil products sold by traders in Bekasi volume of 50 ml of distilled water then
City. crush it with a mortar and pastle, put 1-3
ml of the sample into reagent bottle 1 then
homogenize, then transfer from reagent
This research used an observational
bottle 1 to reagent bottle 2 and
descriptive method by examining takjil
homogenize, then transfer from reagent
food samples at selected traders in the city
bottle 2 to reagent bottle 3 and
of Bekasi.The samples taken were food
homogenize. If there is a reddish color
samples which, based on previous study
change then the sample shows positive for
references, were proven to contain
formalin or borax. Generally, dangerous
The steps for examining borax are:
food additives are added to prevent
prepare tools and materials, weigh 25
damage to food, improve food texture, or
grams of material, put 25 grams of sample
for aesthetic purposes. The food samples
into a volume of 50 ml of distilled water
taken were lontong, tofu, egg sausage,
then crush it with a mortar, prepare a test
yellow noodles, grilled otak-otak, and
tube, add 5 ml of sample and add 3-5 drops
of borax-1 reagent. then let it sit for 1
The population in this study were all
minute, prepare 1 sheet of curcumin paper
traders who sell Takjil food on the roadside
and dip it or drop it on the surface and let it
in Bekasi City and the sample in this study
sit for 10 minutes. If the color changes from
used an incidental sampling technique
yellow to brick red it means it is positive for
where the researcher determined the
borax, if there is no color change it means it
sample with the criteria of selling food
is negative for borax.
products suspected of containing
formaldehyde and borax, lots of buyers and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
using 8 food samples. considered the most Takjil food during Ramadan is very
at risk. tempting and has become a tradition. The
Irfandi, A., Simatupang, MM, Veronika, & Azteria, V. Detection Of Dangerous Food Additives In Takjil Snacks During
emergence of the phenomenon of impromptu sellers that dangerous food is very bad for
traders selling takjil due to the large number health (Harsojo & I, 2013).
of buyers with the aim of consuming it Based on the results of examining 8
themselves or sharing it with others samples of takjil food sold by traders in Bekasi
(Awaliyah & Syuaib, 2021). As a result, the City, the following results were obtained:
quality of food also decreases due to lack of
supervision and lack of awareness among
Table 1. Results of Formalin and Borax Examination in Takjil Food Samples
Sample Type Formalin Borax
Rice cake Negative Positive
Know the Content negative negative
Fried tofu negative negative
Martabak Tofu Positive negative
Egg Sausage negative negative
Yellow Noodles negative negative
Burnt brains negative negative
peanut negative negative
Table Source: Primary Data
The results of the formalin and borax Naturally, this compound is found in various
content test on 8 food samples showed that 1 types of food, such as fruit, meat, fish,
egg martabak sample (12.5%) was positive for crustaceans and dried mushrooms. Formalin
formalin and 1 lontong sample (12.5%) was has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties
positive for borax. which can slow spoilage, maintain product
Formalin is a preservative prohibited for quality and safety and extend shelf life.
use in food products(Permana & Irmasyanti, However, high-dose exposure to synthetic
2023). Based on Minister of Health Regulation additive forms of formalin can increase the risk
no. 2 of 2023 concerning Implementing of acute poisoning, while prolonged exposure
Regulations PP no. 66 of 2014 concerning can cause chronic toxicity and even cancer
Environmental Health for SBMKL Ready-to-Eat (Babarinde et al., 2023).
Processed Food Media, borax and An experiment looked at the level of
formaldehyde are not allowed to be contained damage caused by formalin to kidney and liver
in food. Hence food that has tested positive for tissue in twenty-four adult mice which were
containing formaldehyde or borax is not good divided into 3 groups and given different
for consumption. treatments per group. The results of this study
Formalin is an example of a preservative prove that the use of formalin is dangerous for
that has been misused as a food preservative. health and causes serious effects on the liver
Formalin is a simple chemical compound and kidneys of mice if consumed regularly
derived from hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. (Mamun et al., 2014).
Irfandi, A., Simatupang, MM, Veronika, & Azteria, V. Detection Of Dangerous Food Additives In Takjil Snacks During
Borax is prohibited for use as a food Borax, there was 1 tofu martabak sample
additive. However, borax is still widely used as (12.5%) positive for containing Formalin
a food additive in society. This phenomenon is and 1 lontong sample (12.5%) positive for
a threat to food security and will have an containing Borax.
impact on the quality of human resource
output needed as a subject of future
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