2.ogunda Oyeku

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1. Ifa says that it foresees victory and longevity for this person. Ebo materials; two roosters,
two hens and money.

Ona o sekan
Ko je ka fi iku sojo
Dia fun Alagogo idi Oori
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ogundaiku o! agogo nke

Our paths are not the same
That is why the cause of our death cannot be the same
Ifa’s message for the gong player by the Oori tree
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ogundaiku o! the sound of the gong is continuous
2. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo of victory. The ebo materials here are one rooster and
money. On this, Ifa says:

Maa ka lo
Ijaa mi doju ona
Dia fun Opolo
Ti oun eja jo nsota araa won
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse ogun

Follow me
My fight is by the road side
Ifa’s message for Opolo, the Toad
When he and Ejo, the Snake were bitter enemies
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory
3. Ifa says that this person is suffering urinary tract infection. There is a serious infection in
his/her urine that if not quickly treated, may lead to a situation where it may be difficult if
not impossible for this person to beget a baby in life. Ebo materials; two guinea-fowls, two
pigeons, two hens, two roosters and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with one
guinea-fowl, two rats and two fish. After this, appropriate medication to eliminate the
infection must be applied.

Ito ru finrin ginni-ginni j’ejo

Dia fun Jagaruwa
Ti n mu omi oju sungbere omo
Won ni ko sakaale, ebo ni sise
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Emi ni o je ki Jagaruwa o bimo o?
Ito ru finrin ginni-ginni j’ejo
Ni o je ki Jagarua o bimo o
Emi ni yo je ki Jagaruwa o bimo o
Ito ru finrin-finrin jejo
Ni yoo jee ki Jagaruwa o bimo o

The urine foams and flows like a snake
Ifa’s message for Jagaruwa
When weeping in lamentation of her inability to beget a baby
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
What had been preventing Jagaruwa from giving birth to a baby
It was the urine that foams and flows like a snake
That was what was preventing Jagaruwa from giving birth to a baby
What will now enable Jagaruwa to give birth to a baby
It is the same urine that foams and flows like a snake
That will make Jagaruwa to beget her own baby
4. Ifa advises a trader here to offer ebo in order for his/her market to record heavy sales. Ifa
says that this person needs to use part of his/her merchandise to offer the ebo and also
add honey and money. He/she also needs to feed Esu with one rooster and feed Obatala
with plenty of land snails.

Odundun abori sekeseke

Dia fun Aikulola
Tii se iponti Orisa
Won ni ko sakaale ebo ni sise
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Nje emi ni nbe loru
Oyin momo,
Adun ni nbe lorun
Oyin momo
Ogun gba ki o to wo
Oyin momo
Adun ni nbe loru
Oyin momo
Sango gba ki o too wo
Oyin momo,
Adun ni nbe loru
Oyin momo
Osun gba ki o too wo
Oyin momo
Adun ni nbe loru
Oyin momo
Yemoja gba ki o too wo
Oyin momo,
Adun ni nbe lorun
Oyin momo
Oya gba ki o to wo
Oyin momo
Adun ni nbe loru
Oyin momo
Odundun abori sekeseke
He cast Ifa for Aikulola
Who was the distiller of Orisa
He was advied to offer ebo
Initially he failed to offer the ebo
Eventually, he complied and offered the ebo
What is inside the pot
Honey, it is sweetness that is inside the pot
Ogun please come and have a taste
Honey, it is sweetness that is inside the pot
Sango please come and have a taste
Honey, it is sweetness that is inside the pot
Obatala please come and have a taste
Honey, it is sweetness that is inside the pot
Oya please come and have a taste
Honey, it is sweetness that is inside the pot
Yemoja please come and have a taste
Honey, it is sweetness that is inside the pot
5. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of compatible spouse for the person for whom this Odu is
revealed. Ifa says that the family of this person will love the partner and respect him/her.
Ifa also says that there is going to be joy and contentment in the relationship. Ifa advises
this person to offer ebo with two roosters, two hens, two pigeons and money. He/she also
needs to feed Ifa with eight rats, eight fish and money.

A rijo
A r’ayo
A r’ayo
A ri’jo
Dia fun Ogunda
Ti nlo ree s’ana Oyeku
Won ni ko sakaale ebo ni sise
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
A rijo
A r’ayo
Ogunda ti gb’Oyeku ni’yawo o
A rayo
A rijo
Ogunda ti gb’Oyeku niyawo

We have cause to dance
And we also cause to be happy
We have cause to express our joy
And we also have cause to celebrate
Ifa’s message for Ogunda
When going to become the inlaw of Oyeku family
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
We have cause to dance
And we also cause to be happy
Ogunda has married Oyeku has his wife
We have cause to express our joy
And we also have cause to celebrate
Ogunda has married Oyeku has his wife
6. Ifa says that the most important and most satisfying processions of this person are
his/her children. This is the reason why he/she must take proper care of his/her children.
Ebo materials; eight rats, eight fish, four hens, two she-goat and money. Half of these
materials shall be used to feed Ifa.

Ifa lo di moin-moin jojo

Mo lo di feere ntiji
Ifa lo dun bii kinni o?
Mo lo dun bi amu omo eku
Ifa ni iyen o tie tun dun raraara
Ifa lo di moin-moin jojo
Mo lo di feere ntiji
Ifa lo dun bii kinni o?
Mo lo dun bi amu omo eye
Ifa ni iyen o tie tun dun raraara
Ifa lo di moin-moin jojo
Mo lo di feere ntiji
Ifa lo dun bii kinni o?
Mo lo dun bi amu omo eran
Ifa ni iyen o tie tun dun raraara
Mo jewo obun
Daso ro mi motun oba mopo elejelu
Mosadokun oko yewa
Emi ni ero eyin
Ara iwaju nii ko ero to wa leyin logbon
Ifa ni ko si oun to ti dun jomo lo o
Ko si oun to ti dun to ju omo
Ko si oun to ti dun j’omo lo o
Ifa declares that it is very delicious and satisfying
I respond that it is also rewarding
Ifa asked that it is as delicious as what
I responded that it is as delicious as the breast of a rat
Ifa said that that is not delicious at all
Ifa declares that it is very delicious and satisfying
I respond that it is also rewarding
Ifa asked that it is as delicious as what
I responded that it is as delicious as the breast of a rat
Ifa said that that is not delicious at all
Ifa declares that it is very delicious and satisfying
I respond that it is also rewarding
Ifa asked that it is as delicious as what
I responded that it is as delicious as the breast of a bird
Ifa said that that is not delicious at all
Ifa declares that it is very delicious and satisfying
I respond that it is also rewarding
Ifa asked that it is as delicious as what
I responded that it is as delicious as the breast of a beast
Ifa said that that is not delicious at all
I confess my ignorance
Please enlighten me
Ifa the husband of Osun
You are the leader
And I am the follower
The leader is the one teaching the followers wisdom
Ifa says that there is nothing more delicious and more satisfying than one’s children
There is nothing more delicious than breast milk
There is nothing more delicious and more satisfying than one’s children
7. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of longevity for the first child of the person for whom this
Odu is revealed. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo in order to protect the life of his/her
first child. The ebo materials here are two roosters, and money.
Aiku lere iwa
Dia fun Makuulumi-loju
Tii se aremo Olofin
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Kin n lo ju o
Aiku lo ju lo o

Longevity is the profit of the fulfillment of destiny
Ifa’s message for Makuulumi-loju
The first child of Olofin
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
What is most important?
Longevity is the most important
8. Ifa says that it foresees longevity for this person. Ifa advises him/her to offer ebo with
three roosters, three pigeons, and money. He/she also needs to feed the anthill as

Ponngba ponngba o pongbara

Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa n r’aye ilainiiku
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Kaka k’awo o ku
Awo a d’okiti
Pongba pongba o pongbara

Ponngba ponngba o pongbara
He cast Ifa for Orunmila
When going to the world of longevity
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Instead for an Awo to die
The Awo will turn to a hill
Ponngba ponngba o pongbara

Aboru Aboye.
1. Ifa – for direction, success, victory, elevation, protection, contentment, sanctuary and
general wellbeing
2. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, success, progress, support, elevation, contentment and self
3. Esu- Odara – for support, guidance, protection, direction, elevation, victory, success and
general wellbeing
4. Ogun – for victory, success, achievement, leadership, and general well being
5. Obatala – for support, leadership, accomplishment, fulfillment, success, and general
6. Osun –for compatible spouse, childbearing, childrearing, elevation, progress, and general
7. Sango – for victory over enemies, leadership, progress, support, protection and general
well being


1. Must not stay too long in his/her father’s house – to avoid inconveniences and lack of
2. Must never show wickedness – to avoid disaster, pain, anguish and regrets


1. Ifa/Orisa Priest/Priestess
2. Maritime profession


1. Ifasola – Ifa bring honour
1. Ifadoyin – Ifa has turn to honey

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