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Proteins with catalytic properties

© 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

Student Learning Outcomes
13.3.1 define the tem enzymes
13.3.2 describe the commercial uses of enzymes
An enzyme controlled pathway

Enzyme controlled reactions proceed 108 to 1011 times faster

than corresponding non-enzymic reactions.
© 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS
Making reactions go faster
• Increasing the temperature makes molecules
move faster
• Biological systems are very sensitive to
temperature changes
• Enzymes can increase the rate of reactions
without the need to increase the temperature
• They do this by lowering the activation energy
• They create a new reaction pathway “a short
cut” .

© 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

Enzyme structure
• Enzymes are proteins
• They have a globular
• A complex 3-D structure



© 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

Human pancreatic amylase
The active site
The shape and the
environment inside
the active site
permits a chemical
reaction to proceed
more easily.

DNA ploymerase

© 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

The substrate
•The substrate of an enzyme are the
reactants that are activated by the enzyme
•Enzymes are specific to their substrates
•The specificity is determined by the active

© 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

The Lock and Key Hypothesis
• This explains enzyme specificity
• This explains the loss of activity when enzymes

© 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

The Lock and Key Hypothesis
• Fit between the substrate and the active site of
the enzyme is exact
• Like a key fits into a lock very precisely
• Enzyme-substrate complex formed
• Products have a different shape from the
• Products are released from the active site
• Leaving it free to become for another substrate

© 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

The Lock and Key Hypothesis


Enzyme- Enzyme may

substrate be used again
complex P

© 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS
The effect of pH
Optimum pH values



1 3 5 7 9 11

© 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS pH

The effect of pH
• Extreme pH levels will produce denaturation
• The structure of the enzyme is changed
• The active site is distorted and the substrate
molecules will no longer fit in it
• At pH values slightly different from the enzyme’s
optimum value, small changes in the charges on
the enzyme and it’s substrate molecules will
• This change will affect the binding of the
substrate with the active site.
© 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS
The effect of temperature
•For most enzymes the optimum
temperature is about 30°C
•Many are a lot lower,
cold water fish will die at 30°C because
their enzymes denature
•A few bacteria have enzymes that can
withstand very high temperatures up to
•Most enzymes however are fully denatured
at 70°C. © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

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