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JavaScript DOM

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JavaScript DOM

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JavaScript DOM

I want to come in and be so in the JavaScript. Okay, so JavaScript domain act

ually are the cues are there and JavaScript Dom and HTML Dom element. Ok
ay. Well suppose one day in the city meaning that okay. So
first of all JavaScript Dom. First of all Dom okay so Dom operation. So in ever
y now document object model okay. So document object model actually in wo
rd let's suppose for now. So document object now
So it can be for example uh any file so web in a file. So for example HTML or
XML or clam okay on the file layer. So on the document for a second. Now obj
ect. So for example HTML HTML tags and elements Keraterm. So among the
among the object
So for example h1 like a tag image span tag among the objects okay. And thir
d party model. So model in the model um number HTML code right. Or HTML
tag body tag division structure Keraterm
So in the structure and layout structure are one of the models. Okay, so basic
ally another model or layout of the structure near HTML document structure, X
ML, HTML structure okay. The basic and abbreviations. And actually now whe
n the yeah when the social media companies when the interview perspective
Katanga ability okay okay. Right. So if the next one the what is dom dom. Do
m dom dom specification. So specification by W3C in Puerto Rican W3C Abhi
uh World Wide Web okay. Yes. So for example w w w dot facebook.com allow
you to.com for other than the W3C world Wide web okay. Now see is a consor
tium okay team order name okay. Welcome
team. Now for international community and the standard uh browser Google C
hrome Firefox opera many browsers. They control. The W3C even the lead
penny. Either one on one set of rules. Uh, release. Okay. And the release and
the rules in the browser vendors and the features. Okay. So in the W3C and a
lso in W3 school, so W3C and even the confusion wherever okay. Right. So th
e Dom
and now a specification by W3C, you want to write in the Dom actually in a de
fined in the W3C Document Object Model, is a platform and language neutral i
nterface that allows program and scripts to dynamically access and update th
e content, structure, and style of a document based on local
actually. And I mean in a simpler Dom, when the Dom uh, websites and the w
ebsite and the Dom okay, so Dom dom or uh, same syntax, same structure or
a graphical or uh, structure of object. Okay. So in the object
and even the uh, file even change in the elements. For example H1 or texting
change permanent change or remove remove any manipulate operations. Ma
nipulate uh basically uh create read update delete. Okay. So either I mentione
d many other
content, other structure. And even if you see the club installed in the Dom, Mu
lima and uh, W3C, even the uh, broader, even the most standard one. Okay.
So one core Dom, so core dom, Dom kind of main functionality in the
second part in XML Dom and third part in HTML Dom. So number one, they al
ready use HTML. And also practically speaking number 95 percentage websit
e. I mean 95 percentage people come under the HTML Dom. One sufficient is
more than enough okay. So in HTML, Dom
the prerequisite is kind of revision because in many directory frameworks like f
or example React or Angular. Okay. So based on information. So in the cours
e of the main HTML Dom okay. Right. So in the uh
simple one uh, interface or interface in a middleware more than the content. O
kay. So you need to use a website or not. So. Please trust me a few minutes
. Some other
path to cover more practical approach okay. So practical but theoretical. Pract
ical will catch up. Okay. And the purpose because when the both carry away s
ome useful and the purpose okay. Right. So now uh, what is HTML dom
HTML dom dom. Because nowadays the number constant in the series la Min
a. So HTML dominant one, the basically HTML code or object on the compan
y. Okay. So simple HTML code. So for example we have a sample code right
okay. So HTML tag
and kill in our head tag and body tag okay. And body tag division cricket divisi
on in our H1 or image and so on. So okay. So you suppose in the long chann
el already HTML for beginners series okay okay. Right. So in the structure en
when you complete another one the the tax and tax on the object of content o
kay. Object in the model JavaScript object basically on the browser object oka
y. So browser Google Chrome and Firefox browser and the browser on the ot
her copy okay. So the copy and another change for doing it. So
for example now under the bun click on the text and change in the operations
trying to perform the copy. Now on the action perform okay. So on the deeper
feature so right. So number 50. Yes. Second party. Now it defines HTML elem
ents as object.
So number three number HTML elements and other in the division in the H1 i
n the image. Now in the HTML elements called HTML tags the elements elem
ent okay we call. So in the order division me I mean order HTML element you
may add another object. Okay. So the button on the
practical just theoretical and okay. Right. And the properties of all HTML elem
ents properties actually the ratio I mean a solid another yellow object rendition
one. No putting up, no properties. No no putting methods. So properties of the
na. So when the value when
said so for example in the H1 tag on the now on the title attribute okay. When
the attribute on the result now on the set value okay. Properties. So properties
the value is set okay. Second methods methods of inner and the operation. Cl
ick on the
action perform on the methods okay. So for example in uh either H1 on the si
de of the hello okay. So either when the action three methods will call okay. A
nd third party events. So events in the inner. So for example now under the uh
escaped tomorrow and tomorrow and text on the up now under the events no
w okay. So the kind of practical example of Facebook comments type under c
omments type on it interprets automatically and comment on the post. So eve
nts okay right. And the simple words is not in the HTML. Dom is
a standard for how to get change add delete HTML elements. Okay, so in the
HTML dom element basically on the website and HTML elements among the
change change alarm read alarm modify. Okay, so let me say meaning that b
ut basically manipulate manipulate the same
options create read update delete okay. Right. So the HTML, Dom or basic inf
ormations and um now so why we should use Dom okay. Yeah I'm Dom use s
uperclass. So Dom is first of all uh HTML element. Uh
content okay. Even HTML element for example in the H1 and H2 are program
matically okay. So programmatically okay. And HTML attributes. So elements
are the elements of uh H1 the oops
h1 element HTML element okay HTML element HTML tag called. So the title i
s in the green attributes okay. So in Murray attributes some change. So next.
Now the CSS styles even the number output okay. So now Oliver
is putting number uh type code. Is it. Okay. So right now on the image and in
a pointer change all the CSS styles in a page. So in the page in the box is act
ually okay okay. But now the number change okay. Right. So next up
on now remove panic alarm and uh add new our elemental attribute. And also
among the react. So react in the react JS. So for example now on the uh actio
n perform on the performance okay. So the Dom
okay. Right. So next time um no issue on the. So how can we change content
s inside Dom. So then the question Dom on the programming language and th
e answer is language. So browser enough. Probably not. Nowadays
on the process Pani or Tanya copy and Tanya copy object format okay. So in
the object format on the in the language. So for example JavaScript atom eve
n c, c plus plus even the use panic okay so but mostly now web in convention
al JavaScript most useful. No okay. So in the JavaScript
the Dom on the pace. The pace is not a pain okay. So now suppose theory is
shorter. So actually what exactly is API API application programming interface
. Okay. So either uh, the kind of abbreviation the
dom API abbreviation. So uh, so uh or uh image okay. So image actually on t
he net on the image on the uh, on the image. So most render which one on th
e front end and back end. Front end
front end. And then for example login click on some kind of background on the
checkpoint is a username password checkpoint in the back near-term. So ren
der communicate what is the passing of deny in the middleware okay. In the
middleware I'm not call a paint component okay. So an example okay simple
apart okay. So direct I can just say just say just say on the back end okay. So
number one then the front end soap and the soap on the API okay. So in the
example now clear but uh can understand the API
okay. Right. So number number next one on the API type on the uh normal br
owser mean on a component. Okay. Even in a purely interior perspective you
can use some of them okay. So browser the main user interface okay. So nu
mber one for example Google Chrome
Google Phone, Google Chrome. So the Google Chrome okay. So now on the
google.com singing a UI okay. So now in the UI. So I mean even the render o
ur UI now under the buttons tab circuit and buttons and address
Keraterm. So even in a UI so UI user interface okay. See the extensions from
the UI and in the UI on the number, enter the. Render our content in an HTML
code in the UI. Okay, right. So even the browser components were made the
user interface.
And second part in the browser engine. So browser engine is the so number o
ne part of the browser engine. So browser engine in the process look uh, so b
asically uh, Ross engine uh, back pouring and pouring out uh browser on the
navigate on the browser
engine. Okay. So the killer. No no no no no rendering engine solid. Okay. Ren
dering engine not responsible. So now on the browser engine, when the UI ar
e the exactly the, uh, they are the rendering engine when they perform on the
HTML code, when the process on each other
on the Dom UI on the show and the rendering engine. Okay. And also now so
now, uh, in the browser engine level in the data persistent. Okay. So one prac
tical example now, so uh, let's say even the Facebook login facebook.com
login login logout okay. Login layer okay. So every browser on the other one i
n the background level or storage okay. And the store information on
the. So in the information on the in the story available in the login. Again okay.
The basic information okay. So in my browser local storage and react angular
and any framework in theory is important because the base authentication sys
tem work out okay
So the link on the state and local storage and indexeddb and file system okay.
So the data persistence will call on home. And even in the level in the browser
engine level okay. And there are more and more components on the networki
ng okay. So networking and
number network. So for example in order to use whereas imaging allowing the
process on a network request in a networking module okay. And second even
more important in JavaScript interrupted. So JavaScript coding right. Putting p
utting on the browser V8
engine okay. Right. So third party now UI backend, UI backend, so on the UI.
So for example the button on the new tab, click on the new tab. So on the UI b
ackend on the park okay. So mostly browser components. So now
it actually so right now the rendering engine. But on deeper because other uh
Dom important Vitium rendering engine basically write HTML code in the CSS
code okay. So CSS code on the client. But anyway I will
show one mainly the HTML code, the next HTML code rendering HTML code i
n the process. So number code. In the HTML code on the other one, the one
by one process process. Even the object syntax
the object syntax and Dom keraterm. Right next. But in the second level even
the other one the UI. So render output coming. So like uh becoming. The outp
ut. So even then the rendering engine will perform okay. Right. So
basically uh every element HTML element even though HTML, dom node. So
for example, uh, in the HTML on the HTML or Dom node, okay. And uh, I mea
n uh, HTML or Dom node and your Dom node and the Dom node or Dom nod
e. Okay. So
uh, overall, uh, behind the work syntax, syntax, behind the scenes, uh, workin
g. Okay. So Dom okay. Dom so called the group call in the Dom tree. Okay. S
o the basic syntax. So uh, in the example in the code
automatically or uh dom tree okay. So actually there are layered structure oka
y. So actually the structure will come in a simple manner. So first uh, the Dom,
I mean in the Dom node one, they never been okay because even though gen
eric topic. So the
node one never complete not uh, basically even the object structure okay. So
object structure have been there uh, in HTML or header or body Murray body i
n our division a division or H1 image. Okay. So in the code A1, the Dom in the
node one, the uh many different or object structure okay. In the object structur
e, they never claimed it can be elements, elements not in the body div on the
elements and next attributes. So attributes not in the particular title on click so
urce attributes okay. And
third party not text text not even H1 text then text okay. And third part I mean f
ourth part in the comments, even in comments automatically on the other Co
m or Dom node. Okay okay. So for example comments we put an automatic D
om Company.com. Uh, other
Okay. And much more. So the most commonly and without the solution okay.
Right. So basically the output, the output on the Dom on every structure. So n
umber. Just so first thing I did not I don't know document. Absolutely. So yeah
because normally uh web formats XML HTML okay. So another document nu
mber one they call I mean other than the parent okay the HTML so HTML oka
y so HTML now com HTML
or head or body okay okay. So then no head body. So they are they married o
r head and or body okay. And head to head on the title. So the title on the. So
head to
the title and also body generic or division h1 image okay. And body or division
and division or H1 okay. And image and h1 okay. So attributes. So the title no
de attribute okay. So in the attribute
among the or uh italic I mean or text. So then on the attribute called and next i
n the method okay. So then actually properties and even the methods object o
kay. So the. Basic informations are there
uh theoretical solid from uh yeah. Interview perspective. And the purpose of th
e number is the most practical practical okay. And right. So resume and imag
e whatever source okay. So my source is the basic
structure. So Dom so on the JavaScript on the director in the HTML and the H
1 tag color text okay. So basically that work out okay. Right I think yeah. And t
hen okay. Now the uh understand now the but only the basic information
running a metadata under the principle. Okay. Right. So number one the Dom
is not specific to JS okay. So the JS specific there is no JavaScript okay. So D
om number one in the language from C C plus plus Java and
so on. So okay this is totally up to you. So number one the most number alrea
dy. Number one the JavaScript in the JavaScript number Dom one okay. Righ
t. And uh finally now what can we do with dom dom dom dom. So interactive o
n a website
So for example the page refresh our sites. So now in the Dom construction on
e second the interactive games. So many games called super so in Super Ma
rio and even PUBG right. But under PUBG realistic
but still a simple game. Okay. And third part neither visual dom change eating
dinner in the evening, react view and even one framework okay under under t
he platform. Another basic fundamentals. So already React and angular and
view in the prerequisites part in the Dom course okay. So exactly. So writing s
o okay. Practical right. So or basic syntax. Right okay HTML okay. Now under
the already in a server under the lamp. And then an
output okay. So in your path and click on click on the alert okay with it okay. S
o if on the on the element you will display okay Dom dom dom in in a simple n
et. So now in the online Dom viewer okay so
that's one click one link. Live Dom viewer swinging in HTML code running on
a Dom and understand. So gesture is a simple copy and paste. Okay so so un
der Dom view and even the render point of view okay. So browse
actually ended the dinner in the HTML code and the process for any other one
the other objects okay. So in the document document the HTML, HTML and c
ss HTML header body and in my attributes. Okay. So the title and the text
and value number okay. And even the commander even command okay. So e
ven the okay even the debugging purpose okay. But number practical practica
l means uh, real time scenario, uh number will come. So built on the Dom on t
he dinner, right click on it and
inspect your. Okay. So the commander vision so browser even Google Chrom
e Safari and Opera mini or dev tools dev tools in the browser running monitor
debug panic alarm okay so imagine a Google Chrome is in your party
Now inspect your option and click on the automatic window. But now just if yo
u open now okay. So in my case I open home and uh in the but now separate
on a video but number ten and number right HTML code okay
So HTML code and the code 11 the process for any browser other than Googl
e Chrome in quotes. Okay. So now you just close your room space free. I can
come and I think maybe zoom okay. Right. So
now write the code in a browser. So head head clone the title. So title and dis
play over there. And then my body okay. And body division okay. And division
killer in the code injected by live server the Yamdena. So behind the scenes o
ne number changes. Now one update. So now
automatically in the extension one okay. In the live server. Live server okay. S
o right now director and owning and the code running okay. But if the key num
ber okay. Right. So you don't understand them. And opening the inner director
So for example in the console okay. So console actually in a simpler JavaScri
pt code in the HTML tags running modify manipulate manipulate create read e
dit update okay. I mean same code uh, basically crude operations. Okay. So c
read update delete. Okay. So uh, in the console, even number code right here
and I already okay, I already Dom element okay. My Dom element first of all.
Just uh dom or the document. So
now document type automatically okay. So in the document so document tab
respond enter and enter piano model select response okay. So first in the doc
ument and document number write HTML code okay. Super. So in the uh the
title okay. So
the number JavaScript number and modify the value change okay. So the title
of the JavaScript. Now simply document dot title and automatically not type kil
l another value. Other value. So in a value
and value okay. So even number funky funky means number crazy. Now the
other value cannot change. So document dot title okay. So now just uh maybe
in our clam js js dom. Hello
world by okay by enter in the title or the name. So just enter and page refresh
automatically when the other title marriage okay. So interactivity when the refr
esh the web page when the modify okay. So in my
Murray and even uh the code uh where action performance and remove alarm
and totally it's up to you. And in the video when the main part of the video lear
n the course okay. In the modify panel, delete and optimize. And yes, in the e
xample actually
So there are concept and there are full syntax. So no example document dot
and every single American okay. So for example body and Murray. But in a do
cument body. So body type and
and body code okay. So just object around JavaScript code. So now in the co
urse in Jazz Master and the course Clayburne okay. Right. So now and now j
okay then come so on the video coming. So first of all amazon.info amazon.co
m on the uh globally okay by the Indian site in a batch. And if just one plus nin
e so product okay. So now
the product so open it. So now the deal price okay. So for some people na na
na na na na na na. Uh now already the concept already changes. So in the H
TML on the render okay. So which means in the browser when the, in the HT
ML code, when there were any our uh object dot HTML. Okay. So
in HTML and another price okay. Then another task. Okay. So now first of all r
ight click on inspect and other HTML code so you can zoom out okay okay. S
o now on the move on automatic on the Omani Sultan
solution or visual on the chrome okay. So basically when you click on the cloc
k the price on the character so on and so on, so on on a part time character. S
o now in the Google
team on the or tool or feature actually in the Sultan element in a page to inspe
ct it, you click on okay. You click on the blue color opening in the HTML code,
and then in the file, I mean, in the uh, change globe, I think. So in I am just
and easy part in automatic element okay. So change. So. Just zero okay. So
again a zero which it ended automatic marriage refresh okay. So totally but re
the basic uh revision okay. So depending on the refresh the price because in t
he price back in the link okay. So in front end learning in automatic back end a
nd the other the original price. Okay. Right. Uh
um because in reality but reality not much changes on text alone. Okay. And n
o, and maybe, uh, just subdued content. Okay. The
change. Okay. Click on reform and now or simple content page okay. So even
the simple login page is gone for example okay. So login page uh okay. Login.
Uh now okay Facebook facebook.com. And now one more value for okay
So uh already number type in outcome. Okay. Uh, they might end up under ok
ay. It's the password. And then save the password okay. So update the passw
ord. But uh okay. But still a connection button okay. So opening up
uh, either copy and paste or. Okay. Uh, but mostly the other one. Okay. I don't
want the other type and the name. Okay. So just right click on inspect. And au
tomatically when the form and input type
when the password okay. So password more default and Murray. Uh bullet ok
ay. Now the text from another text okay. From the password. Uh the encrypt i
ncremental I mean uh high down my comic like okay. So in the particular exa
mple okay. So I think
uh, dom our basic introduction. So in Information Register, uh, feature one by
one and uh, the usage okay. Right. So so far. Yeah. So fine. So remember si
mpler so now in the Dom actually nothing can be done right HTML code or aut
when the process funny or format and the format Dom okay. Basically techniq
ue in our object okay. So no object in any programming languages. So for exa
mple JavaScript c C plus plus Python um in the language theory and then mo
dify edit
panic alarm add panic alarm remove panic alarm okay. So in panic alarm. So i
n the process of under among the JavaScript Dom okay. And I think in the con
cept also no no no. And then putting the number one, the number one the bro
wser number in the number one, the Dom element okay. And
all the JavaScript one. Even the Node.js use putting them in the Dom. Correct
? Okay. Node.js one the document in concept and window right now okay. Ju
st this window and it will just information now on the channel. And also in the
window object specific video

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