Apparent Viscosity of Hot Melt Adhesives and Coating Materials

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An American National Standard

Designation: D 3236 – 88 (Reapproved 1999)

Standard Test Method for

Apparent Viscosity of Hot Melt Adhesives and Coating
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3236; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope second. For a Newtonian liquid, the viscosity is constant at all

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the appar- shear rates. For a non-Newtonian liquid, viscosity will vary
ent viscosity of hot melt adhesives and coating materials depending on shear rate.
compounded with additives and having apparent viscosities up 3.1.2 apparent viscosity—the viscosity determined by this
to 200 000 millipascal second (mPa·s) (Note 3) at tempera- test method and expressed in millipascal seconds. Its value
tures up to 175°C (347°F). may vary with the spindle and rotational speed selected
because many hot melts are non-Newtonian.
NOTE 1—Although precision has not been studied, this procedure may
be adaptable to viscosities higher than the present 200 000-mPa·s limit 4. Summary of Test Method
and temperatures above 175°C (347°F). Equipment described in this
procedure6 permits testing of materials having viscosities as high as 4.1 A representative sample of the molten material to be
16 3 10 mPa·s and provides temperatures up to 260°C (500°F). tested is maintained in a thermally controlled sample chamber.
NOTE 2—For petroleum waxes and their blends having apparent vis- Apparent viscosity is determined under temperature equilib-
cosities below 15 mPa·s, Test Method D 445 is especially applicable. rium conditions using a precision rotating spindle type viscom-
NOTE 3—One pascal second (Pa·s) = 1000 centipoise (CP); one milli- eter. Data obtained at several temperatures can be plotted on
pascal second (mPa·s) = one centipoise. appropriate semi-logarithmic graph paper and apparent viscos-
1.2 The values stated in acceptable metric units are to be ity at intermediate temperatures can be estimated.
regarded as the standard. The values in parentheses are for
information only. 5. Significance and Use
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the 5.1 This test method distinguishes between hot melts having
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the different apparent viscosities. It is believed that apparent
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- viscosity determined by this procedure is related to flow
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- performance in application machinery operating under condi-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. tions of low shear rate. Apparent viscosity as determined by
this test method may not correlate well with end use applica-
2. Referenced Documents tions where high shear rates are encountered.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 5.2 Materials of the type described in this procedure may be
D 445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent quite non-Newtonian and as such the apparent viscosity will be
and Opaque Liquids (the Calculation of Dynamic Viscos- a function of shear rate under the conditions of test. Although
ity)2 the viscometer described in this test method generally operates
under conditions of relatively low shear rate, differences in
3. Terminology shear effect can exist depending upon the spindle and rotational
3.1 Definitions: speed conditions selected for the test program. Maximum
3.1.1 viscosity—the ratio of shear stress to shear rate. The correlation between laboratories, therefore, depends upon test-
viscosity of a liquid is a measure of the internal friction of the ing under conditions of equivalent shear.
liquid in motion. The unit of dynamic viscosity is the pascal 5.3 Approximate shear rates using various spindles are
shown in Table A1.1 in the Annex to this procedure.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-2 on
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
D02.10.0A on Physical and Chemical Properties.
Current edition approved Oct. 31, 1988. Published December 1988. Originally
published as D 3236 – 73. Last previous edition D 3236 – 73 (1983).
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 3236 – 88 (1999)
TABLE 1 Suitable ASTM Thermometers provide the desired test temperature. Rotate the thermometer
ASTM Thermometer
during temperature reading to minimize the effect of thermal
Temperature Range Error, gradients in the sample. Continue temperature readings and
mm Number
controller adjustment until minimum deviation from test tem-
90°C to 170°C 51 0.2°C 35C-62
194°F to 338°F 51 0.5°F 35F-62
perature is obtained. Minimum deviation may vary between
145°C to 205°C 76 0.4°C 100C-68 laboratories, depending upon the controller, but should in no
case exceed 60.5°C (0.9°F). Repeat this procedure for any test
temperature desired within the scope of this procedure.
6. Apparatus
8. Procedure
6.1 Viscometer, rotating spindle type with leveling stand.3
6.2 Viscometer Spindles, stainless steel.3 8.1 Selection of Spindle—From the estimated viscosity of
6.3 Sample Chamber, with precision proportional tempera- the sample and Table A1.1 in the Annex, select a viscometer
ture controller3,4 that provides control accuracy of 61.0°C and spindle combination that will produce readings in the
(1.8°F) or better through the range from 100 to 200°C (212 to desired range.
392°F). NOTE 5—Use only the spindle shown to be appropriate for the
6.4 Graph Paper, semi-logarithmic. viscometer to be used.
8.1.1 Where more than one spindle is available for the range
7. Calibration
selected, choose the spindle that produces results nearest the
7.1 The viscometer is precalibrated using Newtonian fluids midpoint of the measurable viscosity range. Viscometer scale
by the manufacturer. No zero adjustment is provided since readings must be within the 10 to 95 range.
experience has shown that the zero point will not vary due to
changes in the spring. The viscometer and spindles are preci- NOTE 6—Care must be taken in the storage and handling of spindles
and assemblies. Protect them from dust, corrosive deposits, and mechani-
sion equipment and should be kept from undue shock and cal abuse. Avoid touching the calibrated section of the spindle with the
mishandling. Physical damage to the instrument will often hands. Clean the spindle and sample chamber thoroughly after each use.
reveal itself as erratic or no oscillation of the pointer when the A recommended cleaning procedure is included in Annex A2.
instrument, with or without the spindle in place, is operated in
8.2 Preparation of Sample—Place the required amount of
air. When operating normally, the pointer will be stable and
representative sample (see Table 2) measured to the nearest
have free oscillation about the zero point in air.
0.005 g (or 0.05 mL if handled in the molten state) in the
7.2 The instrument may be further calibrated using standard
sample chamber. Melt the sample in an oven set at the desired
reference fluids. Suitable fluids are available in nominal
test temperature or in the thermo-container preheated to the
viscosities up to 15 000 mPa·s at 149°C (300°F).5 The
desired test temperature. Avoid excessive or prolonged heating
procedure for instrument calibration using standard reference
of the sample to minimize thermal and oxidative effects. Use a
fluids is that encompassed by this test method. Results obtained
fresh sample for each temperature for which a determination is
using standard reference fluids should not deviate from the
to be made.
nominal viscosity by more than 2 %.
8.3 System Alignment and Spindle Insertion—After the
7.3 The temperature controller of the type recommended for
sample is completely melted, lower the properly aligned and
this procedure is factory calibrated and has control capability
leveled viscometer until the tips of the alignment bracket just
of 60.5 % of the control point (61.0°C at 175°C). To further
touch the top of the thermo-container, making contact directly
check the controller and further establish controller settings,
behind the locating ring. Raise the viscometer, positioning the
use the following procedure: Place a sufficient quantity of low
tips of the alignment bracket 2 mm (1⁄16 in.) above the top of
viscosity (500 mPa·s or less) hot melt in the sample container
the thermo-container. Using both hands, gently slide the
to permit immersion of the appropriate ASTM thermometer to
thermo-container base until the tips of the alignment bracket
the proper depth. Do not permit the thermometer bulb to rest on
just touch the locating ring. Do not forcibly displace the
the bottom of the sample container. Suitable thermometers are
alignment bracket (see Fig. 1). Screw the link coupling nut
shown in Table 1.
onto the viscometer coupling nut (note left-hand thread).
NOTE 4—Particular care must be taken not to overflow the sample
chamber when using the 100°C, 76-mm immersion thermometer.
TABLE 2 Sample Size Requirement
7.3.1 Insert the thermometer through the insulating cover of
the sample container and hold it in place at the point required Approximate Approximate Sample
Volume, mL Weight, gA
for proper immersion depth. Adjust the thermal controller to
SC 4-18 8.00 6.40
SC 4-21 8.00 6.40
SC 4-27 10.50 8.40
Suitable viscometers and accessories can be obtained from Brookfield Engi- SC 4-28 11.50 9.20
neering Laboratories, Inc., Stoughton, MA 02072. SC 4-29 13.00 10.40
A suitable temperature controller can be obtained from Athena Controls, Inc., SC 4-31 10.00 8.00
2 Union Road, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. SC 4-34 9.50 7.60
Suitable calibration fluids may be obtained from Brookfield Engineering A
Based on typical molten specific gravity of 0.800. If the specific gravity of the
Laboratories, Inc., Stoughton, MA 02072 or Cannon Instrument Co., P. O. Box 16, material to be tested varies greatly from this value, sample size must be adjusted
State College, PA 16801. to ensure proper liquid level on the spindle shaft.

D 3236 – 88 (1999)

FIG. 1 Apparatus for Viscosity Determination

Connect the coupling link to the spindle (and the coupling nut). allow the unit to reestablish temperature equilibrium with the
Lower the spindle into the sample chamber and connect the spindle rotating at the lowest available speed. Continue spindle
link coupling nut to the viscometer coupling nut, noting the rotation for 15 min after apparent equilibrium. Increase the
left-hand thread. Pick up the insulating cap and place it over spindle speed to that required to produce a scale reading
the sample chamber (see Fig. 1). nearest the midpoint of the scale, but in no case outside the 10
8.4 Viscosity Determination—Ensure that the material in the to 95 unit range. Engage the pointer clutch and stop the
sample chamber is completely molten and that temperature viscometer motor when the pointer is in view. Record the scale
controller settings are proper. Turn on the viscometer and allow reading. Restart the viscometer motor, and allow at least five
the spindle to rotate at the lowest spindle speed available to additional revolutions of the spindle. Engage the pointer clutch
minimize temperature gradients in the sample as well as and stop the viscometer motor with the pointer in view. Record
possible shear effects. When temperature equilibrium is indi- the second dial reading. Repeat the above operation until three
cated, turn off the viscometer, remove the insulating cap, raise consecutive scale readings are obtained which differ by no
the viscometer and spindle, and inspect the liquid level on the more than 0.5 unit.
spindle shaft. It should extend about 3 mm (1⁄8 in.) up the
spindle shaft beyond the upper, tapered portion of the spindle. 9. Calculation
If the liquid level varies significantly from this, add or remove 9.1 Determine the average of the three consecutive scale
sample to provide this level. Replace the insulating cap, and readings which differ by no more than 0.5 scale unit. To

D 3236 – 88 (1999)
convert to millipascal seconds, multiply this value by the ing in different laboratories in identical test material would, in
appropriate factor taken from either the instrument instruction the long run, exceed the following value only in one case in
manual or Table A1.2 in the Annex. Repeat this for each twenty:
temperature. 25.4 % of the mean of the two results. (2)
NOTE 7—If it is necessary to interpolate for viscosity values at
intermediate temperatures, plot a series of observed apparent viscosity NOTE 9—The precision of this test method is based on a round-robin
values on the logarithmic scale and the corresponding test temperatures on conducted using six wax-based hot melt materials that are believed to be
the linear scale of appropriate semi-logarithmic paper, using a series of at representative of the class. Tests were conducted at three temperatures by
least three different temperatures. From the plot, determine the apparent seven to eleven laboratories using the Brookfield viscometer model and
viscosity at any temperature requested, within the range of test tempera- spindle combination available to that laboratory. This encompassed a total
tures. of four viscometer models (Models LVF, LVT, RVT, and HBT) and seven
different spindles, each appropriately tailored to the viscometer used. The
10. Report effect of shear rate was disregarded.
10.1 Report the apparent viscosity at a given temperature 11.1.3 A review of that portion of the data which can be
along with the particulars of the instrument model, the spindle considered comparable at equal shear rates indicates that those
number and rotational speed. Example: Apparent viscosity at laboratories capable of comparing data at equal shear rates can
125°C (RVT, SC 4-28, 20 rpm)—20 000 mPa·s.
expect improvement in reproducibility. It is estimated that
NOTE 8—If it is desired to report the shear rate corresponding to the under conditions of equal shear rate reproducibility the values
instrument/spindle/speed combination, refer to Table A1.1 for the appro- would in the long run, exceed the following in one case in
priate calculation.
11. Precision and Bias 15 % of the mean of the two results. (3)
11.1 The precision of this test method as determined by 11.1.4 A summary of data generated in this round-robin
statistical examination of interlaboratory results is as follows: program is shown in Table 3 and Table 4.
11.1.1 Repeatability— The difference between two test
results, obtained by the same operator with the same appara- 11.2 Bias—The procedure in this test has no bias because
taus under constant operating conditions on identical test the value of apparent viscosity can be defined only in terms of
material would, in the normal and correct operation of the test a test method.
method, exceed the following values in one case in twenty:
12. Keywords
8.8 % of the mean of the two results. (1)
11.1.2 Reproducibility—The difference between two single 12.1 adhesives; apparent viscosity; coating materials; hot
and independent results obtained by different operators work- melt adhesives; viscosity

TABLE 3 Summary of Precision Estimates, Total Round-Robin Data

Average Viscosity, deg deg
Sample No. Sa Sa + b Sa % Sa + b %
mPa·s freedom freedom
100°C 65.2 2.02 11 3.64 10 3.10 5.58
125°C 38.7 1.07 10 2.39 9 2.76 6.18
150°C 25.2 0.27 10 2.20 9 1.07 8.73
100°C 170.2 4.39 10 19.7 9 2.58 11.58
125°C 93.4 2.54 9 9.10 8 2.72 9.74
150°C 55.8 1.00 9 4.23 8 1.79 7.59
125°C 232,100 8540 6 9040 5 3.68 3.88
150°C 128,167 4280 6 7380 5 3.34 5.76
175°C 74,021 1840 7 5310 6 2.49 7.17
125°C 3416 117 11 207 10 3.43 6.06
150°C 1456 43.2 11 70.0 10 2.96 4.81
175°C 756 16.7 11 46.2 10 2.21 6.11
125°C 66,560 2850 9 7410 8 4.28 11.13
150°C 26,800 1130 9 2750 8 4.22 10.26
175°C 11,850 449 9 1030 8 3.79 8.69
125°C 165,300 3730 7 7320 6 2.26 4.43
150°C 74,590 1880 8 2650 7 2.52 3.78
175°C 35,840 1820 9 2420 8 5.07 6.75

Pooled Data:
Sa (overall) = 3.14 % at 162 deg freedom Sa + b (overall) = 7.60 % at 7 deg freedom
3.14 3 2.80 = 8.8 % relative 7.603 3.34 = 25.4 % relative

D 3236 – 88 (1999)
TABLE 4 Summary of Precision Estimates, Selected Shear Equalized Data
Average Viscosity, deg deg
Sample No. Sa Sa + b Sa % Sa + b %
mPa·s freedom freedom
100°C 64.4 1.33 7 2.15 6 2.07 3.34
125°C 38.0 0.56 5 0.75 4 1.47 1.97
150°C 24.1 0.51 6 0.47 5 2.12 1.95
100°C 163.2 0.63 6 4.09 5 0.38 2.51
125°C 90.3 0.75 5 1.90 4 0.90 2.11
150°C 53.7 0.83 5 1.30 4 1.55 2.42
125°C 229,900 10,240 4 15,700 3 4.59 7.04
150°C 130,900 5200 5 5200 4 3.97 3.97
175°C 74,640 830 5 4750 4 1.11 6.36
125°C 3429 40 6 77.6 5 1.17 2.26
150°C 1474 12.3 6 28.3 5 0.83 1.92
175°C 770 15.6 5 21.0 4 2.03 2.73
125°C 68,680 1450 5 3440 4 2.11 5.00
150°C 28,000 255 6 1670 5 0.91 5.96
175°C 12,350 361 6 911 5 2.92 7.38
125°C 167,700 1730 5 5000 4 1.03 2.98
150°C 75,700 756 7 1645 6 1.00 2.17
175°C 37,350 685 5 1070 4 1.83 2.86

Pooled Data:
Sa (overall) = 1.83 % at 99 deg freedom Sa + b (overall) = 3.81 % at 4 deg freedom
1.83 3 2.82 = 5.16 % relative 3.81 3 3.92 = 14.93 % relative


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Viscometer and Stand—Set up the viscometer stand level surface adjacent to the thermo-container. Insert the
on a firm, level surface convenient to a 15-A, 115-V, 60-Hz a-c three-pronged male plug from the thermo-container braided
electrical service and a cooling water supply and drain. cord into the socket on the controller. Caution: This plug must
Connect the coupling post to the rack, and screw both posts be connected to the controller only. Insert the 4-in. stainless
into the V-shaped base, leaving the lock nut loose. Place the steel probe into the hole in the thermo-container located
three leveling screws in position in the base. Attach the directly above the braided cord. Plug the other end of the probe
viscometer to the stand, inserting it into the clamp on the rack. into the connector on the controller. Making certain that the
The viscometer must be leveled and centered on the viscometer controller power switch is in the OFF position, plug the
base. Lock the posts tightly to the stand with the lock nut on the controller power cord “into” a 115-V, 60-Hz, grounded a-c
coupling post. Raise the viscometer to the highest position on power source.
the stand. Making certain that the power switch is off, plug in
the viscometer power cord. A1.5 System Alignment and Spindle Insertion—Level the
A1.2 Alignment Bracket—With the viscometer raised to the viscometer stand base and the thermo-container and base.
highest position on the stand and the dial directly in front, Lower the viscometer until the tips of the alignment bracket
attach the alignment bracket to the back of the viscometer pivot just touch the top of the thermo-container, making contact
cup, securing it tightly with the knurled screw. directly behind the locating ring. Raise the viscometer, posi-
tioning the tips of the alignment bracket about 2 mm (1⁄16 in.)
A1.3 Thermo-container, Sample Chamber, and Safety above the top of the thermo-container. Using both hands,
Guard —Level the red thermo-container base using the three gently slide the thermo-container base until the tips of the
leveling screws in the base. Slide the perforated safety guard alignment bracket just touch the locating ring. Do not forcibly
over the top of the thermo-container, sliding it past the power
displace the alignment bracket. Screw the link coupling nut
cord flush against the red base. Using the extracting tool, insert
onto the viscometer coupling nut, noting the left-hand thread.
the sample chamber into the thermo-container. Rotate the
Connect the coupling link to the spindle. Lower the spindle
sample chamber until it drops and locks in place preventing
into the sample chamber and connect the spindle and link to the
further rotation.
link coupling nut on the viscometer. Place the insulating cap
A1.4 Controller and Probe—Place the controller on the over the sample chamber inlet, thus capping the system.

D 3236 – 88 (1999)
TABLE A1.1 Viscometer-Spindle Data
LV Series Viscometers
Viscosity Range, mPa·s Approximate
Shear Rate, Sample
Spindle Sample
LVT LVF 5 x LVT s−1 Volume, mL
Weight, g
SC 4-18 5–10 000 5–500 25–50 000 1.32 (N)A 8.0 6.4
SC 4-31 50–100 000 50–5 000 250–500 000 0.34 (N) 10.0 8.0
SC 4-34 100–200 000 100–10 000 500–1 000 000 0.28 (N) 9.5 7.6
RV Series Viscometers
Viscosity Range, mPa·s Approximate
Shear Rate, Sample
Spindle Sample
RVT RVF RVF–100 s−1 Volume, mL
Weight, g
SC 4-21 50–100 000 250–25 000 50–5 000 0.93 (N) 8.0 6.4
SC 4-27 250–500 000 1 250–125 000 250–25 000 0.34 (N) 10.5 8.4
SC 4-28 5001 000 000 2 500–250 000 500–50 000 0.28 (N) 11.5 9.2
SC 4-29 1 000–2 000 000 5 000–500 000 1 000–100 000 0.25 (N) 13.0 10.4
HA Series Viscometers
Viscosity Range, mPa·s Approximate
Shear Rate, Sample
Spindle Sample
HAT HAF s−1 Volume, mL
Weight, g
SC 4-21 100–200 000 1 000–100 000 0.93 (N) 8.0 6.4
SC 4-27 500–1 000 000 5 000–500 000 0.34 (N) 10.5 8.4
SC 4-28 1 000–2 000 000 10 000–1 000 000 0.28 (N) 11.5 9.2
SC 4-29 2 000–4 000 000 20 000–2 000 000 0.25 (N) 13.0 10.4
HB Series Viscometers
Viscosity Range, mPa·s Approximate
Shear Rate, Sample
Spindle Sample
HBT HBF s−1 Volume, mL
Weight, g
SC 4-21 400–800 000 4 000–400 000 0.93 (N) 8.0 6.4
SC 4-27 2 000–4 000 000 20 000–2 000 000 0.34 (N) 10.5 8.4
SC 4-28 4 000–8 000 000 40 000–4 000 000 0.28 (N) 11.5 9.2
SC 4-29 8 000–16 000 000 80 000–8 000 000 0.25 (N) 13.0 10.4
N = rpm at which dial readings are taken
Example: Model RVT Viscometer/SC 4-28 spindle at 20 rpm
Shear Rate Factor 3 Spindle Speed in rpm = Shear Rate in s−1
0.28 3 20 = 5.6 s−1

D 3236 – 88 (1999)
TABLE A1.2 Viscometer-Spindle Factor Data

NOTE 1—To calculate viscosity in millipascal seconds (mPa·s) multiply the dial reading by the factor, corresponding to the viscometer, spindle, and
speed combination utilized.
LV Series Viscometer Spindle Factors
Speed, rpm LVT LVF 5 3 LVT
SC4-18 SC4-31 SC4-34 SC4-18 SC4-31 SC4-34 SC4-18 SC4-31 SC4-34
60 0.5 5 10 0.5 5 10 2.5 25 50
30 1.0 10 20 1.0 10 20 5 50 100
12 2.5 25 50 2.5 25 50 12.5 125 250
6 5 50 100 5 50 100 25 250 500
3 10 100 200 50 500 1M
1.5 20 200 400 100 1M 2M
0.6 50 500 1M 250 2.5M 5M
0.3 100 1M 2M 500 5M 10M
RV Series Viscometer Spindle Factors
Speed, rpm RVT RVF RVF-100
SC4-21 SC4-27 SC4-28 SC4-29 SC4-21 SC4-27 SC4-28 SC4-29 SC4-21 SC4-27 SC4-28 SC4-29
00 5 25 50 100 ... ... ... ... 5 25 50 100
50 10 50 100 200 ... ... ... ... 10 50 100 200
20 25 125 250 500 25 125 250 500 25 125 250 500
10 50 250 500 1M 50 250 500 1M 50 250 500 1M
5 100 500 1M 2M ... ... ... ...
4 ... ... ... ... 125 625 1.25M 2.5M
2.5 200 1M 2M 4M ... ... ... ...
2 ... ... ... ... 250 1.25M 2.5M 5M
1 500 2.5M 5M 10M ... ... ... ...
0.5 1M 5M 10M 20M ... ... ... ...
HA Series Viscometer Spindle Factors
Speed, rpm HAT HAF
SC4-21 SC4-27 SC4-28 SC4-29 SC4-21 SC4-27 SC4-28 SC4-29
100 10 50 100 200 ... ... ... ...
50 20 100 200 400 ... ... ... ...
20 50 250 500 1M ... ... ... ...
10 100 500 1M 2M 100 500 1M 2M
5 200 1M 2M 4M 200 1M 2M 4M
2.5 400 2M 4M 8M ... ... ... ...
2 ... ... ... ... 500 2.5M 5M 10M
1 1M 5M 10M 20M 1M 5M 10M 20M
0.5 2M 10M 20M 40M ... ... ... ...
HB Series Viscometer Spindle Factors
Speed, rpm HBT HBF
SC4-21 SC4-27 SC4-28 SC4-29 SC4-21 SC4-27 SC4-28 SC4-29
100 40 200 400 800 ... ... ... ...
50 80 400 800 1.6M ... ... ... ...
20 200 1M 2M 4M ... ... ... ...
10 400 2M 4M 8M 400 2M 4M 8M
5 800 4M 8M 16M 800 4M 8M 16M
2.5 1.6M 8M 16M 32M ... ... ... ...
2 ... ... ... ... 2M 10M 20M 40M
1 4M 20M 40M 80M 4M 20M 40M 80M
0.5 8M 40M 80M 160M ... ... ... ...


A2.1 The spindle and sample chambers are made from bility, or explosive hazards. Spindles and cham-bers must not
stainless steel and may be cleaned with most commercial come in contact with sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, hydro-
chlorinated or hydrocarbon solvents. If the solvents are heated, chloric acid, and ferric chloride. Care must also be exercised to
adequate precautions must be taken to avoid toxicity, flamma- avoid scratching or deforming the spindles.

D 3236 – 88 (1999)
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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