Page of Sigmar v0.6

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Page of Sigmar v0.

by OnePageAnon (
General Principles Combat Phase
The Most Important Rule: Whenever a rule is unclear or does not seem The combat phase works differently from the other phases, as players alternate
quite right, use common sense and personal preference. in attacking with their units during the same phase. When using a Charge
Statistics Rolls: Whenever you must make a Stat roll, roll one six-sided die action charging models must move as close as possible to models in the target
trying to score the unit’s Stat value or higher, which counts as a success. unit, with at least one model getting into base contact with it. If the charging
Dice: The game is played using six-sided dice, sometimes called D6. If a rule unit can’t reach its target for any reason, then it may move by its Move action
allows you to re-roll a die, you may never re-roll it more than once. Results of 1 distance, but still counts as having charged for the round (can’t shoot, etc.).
when making a stat roll are always a failure, regardless of modifiers. Initiative: At the start of the combat phase the first player must pick one of his
Line of Sight: If you can draw a straight line from the attacker to the target units that that has not attacked in melee yet, which is going to have the
without passing through any solid obstacle, then he has line of sight. initiative. The unit that has initiative then makes pile-in moves, close combat
Before we begin... attacks and may cause battleshock tests. Then the opponent picks one of his
Army Composition: Each player may take as many units and models as they own units that has not attacked in melee yet, and that unit has the initiative.
like, as long as the two forces seem approximately balanced. Each army must The players continue alternating until all units have had the initiative once, at
have one model that is designated as its General. which point the combat phase ends.
Table Setup: The game is played on a flat 4’x4’ surface, with at least 5 pieces Pile-In Moves: All models must move as close as possible to enemy models
of terrain on it. Before deploying armies place D3+1 objective markers on the from the target unit by moving by up to 3”.
table. Roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one marker Melee Attacks: All models with weapons that are within range of an enemy
each at least 12” away from any table edge and from any other marker. may attack. This is resolved like shooting, however after the unit has attacked if
Deployment: The players roll-off, and the winner chooses on what side to the target has suffered losses you must test their Bravery to see if they flee.
deploy and places his army first within 12” of his table edge, then the opponent Battleshock Tests: To take a Battleshock test roll D6 and add the number of
places his army within 12” of the opposing table edge. models that the unit has lost in melee. For each point that the total exceeds
Mission: After 6 rounds the game ends, and both players check if they have the unit’s Bravery stat one model flees and is removed from play.
any units within 3” of an objective, and if no enemy units are within 3” of that Terrain
marker it counts as seized. The player with the most seized markers wins. Cover (forests, ruins, fences, etc.): Units with most models within or behind
Playing the Game cover terrain get +1 Save against shooting attacks.
The game is played in rounds, in which players alternate in activating units Difficult Terrain (woods, mud, rivers, etc.): Units moving through difficult
throughout several phases. The player that won deployment goes first during terrain may never move more than their Move action distance.
each phase on the first round, and in each new round the player that finished Dangerous Terrain (quicksand, deadly vegetation, dark magic fields etc.): Roll
activating last in the previous round goes first during each phase. one die for every model that moves into or across dangerous terrain. The unit
Phases takes one mortal wound for each 1 you roll.
During each phase the first player has to activate all of his units before play
Elevation (cliffs, roofs, ledges, etc.): Units assaulting enemies from higher
passes to the second player. Once all units have acted during a phase the game
elevation / being assaulted from lower elevation get +1 To Hit in the ensuing
moves on to the next phase, and this continues until all phases have been
melee, and units being shot at from lower elevation count as being in Cover.
played. This is the phase order:
Common Command Abilities
1. Hero Phase
2. Movement Phase Inspiring Presence: Pick a unit from your army that is within 12” of your
general. The unit that you pick does not have to take battleshock tests until
3. Shooting Phase
your next hero phase.
4. Combat Phase
Common Spells
Hero Phase Arcane Bolt: Arcane Bolt has a casting value of 5. If successfully cast, pick an
enemy unit within 18” of the caster and which is visible to them. The unit you
Wizards: Units with the wizard special rule can cast spells in this phase. To cast
pick suffers D3 mortal wounds.
a spell roll 2D6 and if the total equals or beats the spell’s casting value you may
resolve the spell effects. Enemy wizards within 18” may unbind successful
Mystic Shield: Mystic Shield has a casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick
the caster, or a friendly unit within 18” of the caster and which is visible to
spells. Roll 2D6 and if the total equals or beats the roll used to cast the spell,
them. You can add 1 to all save rolls for the unit you pick until the start of your
then the spells effects are negated. All wizards have the Arcane Bolt and Mystic
next hero phase.
Shield spells, which are described in the Common Spells section.
Generals: Your general may use one command ability in this phase. All generals
Common Abilities
always have the Inspiring Presence command ability, which is described in the Flying: If the warscroll of a model says that the model can fly, it can pass
Common Command Abilities section. across models and scenery as if they were not there. It still may not finish the
Movement Phase move within 3” of an enemy in the movement phase, and if it is already within
3” of an enemy it can only retreat or remain stationary.
Units may use one of the following actions, which dictate how the unit moves
and what it may or may not do in subsequent phases:
Action Bonus Notes
Move - May shoot.
Run +D6” May not shoot.
Charge +2D6” Move into melee.
Retreat - May not shoot.

Units move as many inches as described by the Move stat on their warscroll,
plus any bonus given by the action they are using. Units may move and turn in
any direction regardless of the models facing, and they may only move within
3” of enemy units if charging. All members of a unit must remain within 1” of at
least one other member and within 12” of all other members. Units within 3”
of enemy units may only use Retreat actions for their activation or stand still.
Shooting Phase
Units may shoot as long as they did not Run, Charge or Retreat, and they may
not shoot into or out of melee. All models in a unit that are in range and have
line of sight of an enemy unit may fire all of their ranged weapon at it.
Attacking: The attacker makes one To Hit roll per Attack, and for each
successful roll he must then make one To Wound roll. Each successful wound
roll causes damage and the defender must take a Save roll, modifying the roll
by the weapon’s Rend stat. For each unsuccessful Save roll the defending unit
takes as many wounds as the weapon’s Damage stat.
Inflicting Damage: The defender may choose how to allocate wounds, however
when a wound is allocated to a model he must keep allocating wounds to that
model until it is killed, or no more wounds remain. If a model takes as many
wounds as its Wound stat, then it is slain (remove the model from play).
Mortal Wounds: Whenever an attack inflicts mortal wounds do not make To
Hit, To Wound or Save rolls for it, just allocate wounds directly to the unit.

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