CAD-CAM Handout 2023 - 24

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(An Autonomous Institute with Permanent Affiliation to JNTUK, Kakinada)
SeshadriRao Knowledge Village, Gudlavalleru – 521 356.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Ac. Yr. 2023 – 24
Vision of the College:
To be a leading institution of engineering education and research, preparing students for
leadership in their fields in a caring and challenging learning environment.
Mission of the College:
 To produce quality engineers by providing state-of-the-art engineering education.
 To attract and retain knowledgeable, creative, motivated and highly skilled individuals whose
leadership and contributions uphold the college tenets of education, creativity, research and
responsible public service.
 To develop faculty and resources to impart and disseminate knowledge and information to
students and also to society that will enhance educational level, which in turn, will contribute
to social and economic betterment of society.
 To provide an environment that values and encourages knowledge acquisition and academic
freedom, making this a preferred institution for knowledge seekers.
 To provide quality assurance.
 To partner and collaborate with industry, government, and R&D institutes to develop new
knowledge and sustainable technologies and serve as an engine for facilitating the nation’s
economic development.
 To impart personality development skills to students that will help them to succeed and lead.
 To instil in students the attitude, values and vision that will prepare them to lead lives of
personal integrity and civic responsibility.
 To promote a campus environment that welcomes and makes students of all races, cultures
and civilizations feel at home.
 Putting students face to face with industrial, governmental and societal challenges.
Vision of the Department
To become a competent centre in moulding students as professional mechanical engineers having
ethical standards and social consciousness.
Mission of the Department
 To impart value based education and to enhance competencies of students through effective
design and delivery of the curriculum that fulfills the needs of the industry.
 To instill desire and confidence in the students to cater the needs of the society through their
activities of excellence.
 To impart technical skills and nurture values, and mould the students as professionals to offer
solutions to the technological challenges.
 To guide and support the students for enhancing nation’s wealth through entrepreneurship.
Engineering Students will be able to:
PO 1:Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
PO 2:Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO 3:Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and
design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.
PO 4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data,
and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO 5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO 7:Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
PO 8:Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
PO 9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO 10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend
and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and
give and receive clear instructions.
PO 11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a
member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO 12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
PEO I. Graduates of the program will have bright careers in Mechanical Engineering domain
and allied areas.
PEO II. Graduates of the program will have life skills, sense of ethical conduct and social
PEO III. Graduates of the program will continue to learn and update their competencies to face
dynamically changing technological environment.
PSO I. Design and analyze various thermal systems used in power generation and human
PSO II. Design, analyze and develop products by adopting best manufacturing practices.
PSO III. Use various mechanical engineering software tools for design and analysis of various
engineering components.
Class& Sem. : IV B.Tech – I Semester Year : 2023-24
Branch : ME Credits : 3
1. Brief History and Scope of the Subject
In the 19th Century, the industrial revolution considerably enhanced man’s physical power. In the
present century, a second industrial revolution is taking place with computers offering an
enhancement of man’s mental capabilities. It is quite unthinkable these days to undertake a major
engineering project without the use of computer. With advent of micro electronics computer
hardware is gradually becoming cheaper and smaller in size. As a result Computer aided design
and Computer Aided Manufacture is rapidly gaining acceptance in engineering industries to
increase productivity.
Current developments:
Apart from just drafting and visualization, rigorous analysis of mechanical systems is possible,
leading to reduction in the need of physical prototype. And manufacturing is tending towards
digital manufacturing.Digital manufacturing is the use of an integrated, computer-based system
comprised of simulation, 3D visualization, analytics and collaboration tools to create product
and manufacturing process definitions simultaneously.
2. Pre-Requisites
 Knowledge of Conventional Design Process
 Knowledge of Vector Algebra, Matrix Multiplication
 Basics of Machining Operations
3. Course Objectives:
 To present the role of computers and technology that drives the modern industry.
4. Course Outcomes:

After Completion of this course students are able to:

CO1: apply principles of computer graphics for product design.

CO2: appraise the role of computers in manufacturing.
CO3: propose trends in manufacturing to improve productivity.
5. Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes:

Program Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 3 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3
CO2 3 2 3 3 1 2 3
CO3 2 2 3 1 1
3: High level mapping 2: Mediumlevel mapping 1: Low level mapping
6. Prescribed Text Books

1. Ibrahim Zeid, “CAD/CAM Theory and Practice”, TataMcGraw Hill Publication, 2 nd Edition,
2. Groover, “Automation, Production Systems & Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, Pearson
Education Publications, 4th Edition, 2016.
7. Reference Text Books

1. Zimmers & P. Groover, “CAD/CAM”, Pearson Education, 1st Edition, 2003.

2. Industry 4.0, Industry Internet of Things, Gilchrist, Alasdair, A Press, 1st Edition, 2017.
3. Lihui Wang Xi, Vincent Wang, “Cloud Based Cyber Physical Systems in Manufacturing”,
Springer Publications, 1st Edition, 2018.
4. Chua C.K.., Leong K.F. and Lim C.S. “Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications”,
World Scientific Publications, 3rd Edition, 2010.
8. URLs and Other E-Learning Resources

c. /

Big Data Analytics:
9. Digital Learning Materials:

 40 CDs are available in the library which explains the topics of computer aided design
very clearly. The CDs illustrates the teachings of eminent professor AnoopChawla from
IIT, Delhi.
10. Lecture Schedule / Lesson Plan

No. of Periods
Theory Tutorial
UNIT –1: Introduction
Introduction 1
Computers in Industrial Manufacturing 2 1
Product cycle and CAD / CAM 1
Computer Graphics:
Raster Scan graphics Coordinate system 1
Transformation of geometry 3
3D Transformations 2
Mathematics of Projections 1
Clipping, hidden surface removal 1
Database structure for graphics modeling 1
UNIT – 2: Geometric Modeling, Drafting & Modeling Systems:
Geometric model requirements and geometric models 2
Geometric construction models 2
Curve representation methods 3
Surface representation methods 2
Solid representation methods 2 1
UNIT – 3: Numerical Control:
NC introduction, NC modes 1
NC elements 2
Structure of CNC machine tools 2
Features of Machining centre and turning centre 2
Computer Assisted CNC Part Programming 3
Manual CNC Part Programming 3
UNIT – 4: Group Technology & Flexible Manufacturing Systems:
Part family, coding and classification 2
Production Flow Analysis 2 3
Computer Aided Process Planning 2
Types of Manufacturing Systems 1
Machine Tools and related equipment 1
Material handling Systems 1
Material Requirement Planning 1 2
Computer control systems 1
Human Labor in the manufacturing systems 1
FMS benefits 1
UNIT – 5: Computer Aided Quality Control:
Role of Computer in QC, Difference between the inspection and testing,
Advantages of CAQC
Contact inspection methods – Coordinate Measuring Machine 1 1
Noncontact inspection methods-Scanning Laser Beam 1
Noncontact inspection methods-Machine Vision 1
Trends in Manufacturing:
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) 1
Cobotics 2
3D Printing 2 1
Big data analytics 1
Total No.of Periods: 60 16
11. Seminar Topics
 Concurrent Engineering
 Reverse Engineering

Assignment – Cum – Tutorial Questions
Course Objectives:
 To present the role of computers and technology that drives the modern industry.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit students will be able to
 Apply principles of computer graphics for product design
Section A:
1. The technique in which the designer and computer are blended together as a
problem solving team is known as: [ ]
A. Computer Aided Manufacture
B. Computer Aided Design
C. Computer Aided Process Planning
D. Computer Aided Quality Control
2. Which of the following is not a manufacturing support applications of computer:
[ ]
A. Material requirement planning
B. Computer Aided Process Planning
C. CNC Milling Machine
D. Computer Aided Quality Control
3. Obtain the quantity of component C 1 required to produce the 1000 no’s of product P

P (1)
S1(1) S2(1)

C1(1) C1(2)

C2(1) C3(1)
1. Name the transformation, in which the object itself is transformed relative to a
stationary coordinate system: [ ]
a. Geometric Transformation
b. Coordinate Transformation
c. Shear Transformation
d. Homogeneous Transformation
5. The transformation in which the object is held stationary while the coordinate
system is transformed relative to the object is known as: [ ]
a. Geometric Transformation
b. Coordinate Transformation
c. Shear Transformation
d. Homogeneous Transformation
6. Which of the following coordinate system is device independent coordinate system:
(i) Master Coordinate System (ii) Working Coordinate System (iii) Screen
Coordinate System [ ]
a. Only (iii)
b. Both (i) and (ii)
c. Only (i)
d. Both (i) and (iii)
7. The transformation in which an object is displaced a given distance and direction
from its original position is known as: [ ]
a. Translation
b. Rotation
c. Scaling
d. Mirror Reflection
8. A circular pattern of holes (7 along pitch circle) is to be obtained while building a
model. Which of the following transformations help designer to achieve it:
a. Translation
b. Rotation
c. Scaling
d. Mirror Reflection
9. The process of expanding or compressing the dimensions of an object is known as:
a. Translation
b. Rotation
c. Scaling
d. Mirror Reflection
10. Which transformation is useful in constructing symmetric models in CAD:
a. Translation
b. Rotation
c. Scaling
d. Mirror Reflection

11. If a series of transformations are applied to a geometric model, then the process is
known as: [ ]
a. Homogeneous Transformation
b. Shear Transformation
c. Concatenation
d. Inverse Transformation
12. You want to transform an object, such that each point (X , Y) becomes (2x+4,3y+3).
Which of the following sets of transformations should you use: [ ]
a. Scale by (2,3) then translated by (4,3)
b. Translate by (8,6) then scale by (2,3)
c. Scale by (2,3) then translated by (2,1)
d. Translate by (4,3) then scale by (2,3)
13. We apply the following transformations to an object:
Translate by (4,1); Scale by (2,3); Translate by (-2,5)
This is equivalent to applying which set of transformations [ ]
a. Translate by (4,6) then scale by (2,3)
b. Translate by (6,8) then scale by (2,3)
c. Scale by (2,3) then translated by (2,6)
d. Scale by (2,3) then translate by (6,8)
14. We apply the following transformations to an object Translate by (10,12); Scale by
The effective Translation of an object is ____________________
The effective Scaling factor of an object is ____________________
15. The process of discarding a part of the geometry outside the viewing window is
known as: [ ]
a)Back face removal b)Clipping
c)Translation d) Rotation
16. The figure below represents a triangle PQR with initial coordinates of the vertices
as P (1,3) , Q (4,5) and R (5,3.5). The triangle is rotated in the X-Y plane about the
vertex P by angle θ in clockwise direction. If sinθ = 0.6 and cosθ = 0.8, the new
coordinates of the vertex Q are: [GATE 2016] [ ]
a) (4.6, 2.8) b) (3.2, 4.6)
c) (7.9, 5.5) d) (5.5, 7.9).
17. A robot arm PQ with end coordinates P (0,0) and Q (2,5) rotates counter clockwise
about P in the XY plane by 900. The new coordinates pair of the end point Q is:

[GATE 2014] [ ]

a) (-2,5) b) (-5,2)
c) (-5,-2) d) (2,-5).
18. In a CAD package, mirror image of a 2D point P (5,10) is to be obtained about a line
which passes through the origin and makes an angle of 450 counterclockwise with
the X-axis. The coordinates of the transformed point will be[GATE 2013] [
a) (7.5,5) b) (10,5)
c) (7.5,-5) d) (10,-5).

Section B:
1. Define computer aided design.
2. Describe the role of computers in design process.
3. What do you mean by computer aided manufacturing? How do you classify CAM?
4. List various manufacturing support applications of CAM.
5. Describe the product cycle in the light of CAD/CAM.
6. What are the challenges for engineers in the field of CAD/CAM? Explain the
important parameters to be considered while selecting a CAD system.
7. CAD helps in integrating CAM – justify the statement
8. What are the benefits of CAD?.
9. Explain the classification of projections.

10. Explain about raster scan graphics coordinate system.

11. Explain 2D transformation matrix for translation, rotation and scaling with a neat diagram.

12. Present a brief account of various hidden surface algorithms.

13. What is raster scan graphics system?

14. What database structure is implemented for a graphics modeling?

15. Explain 3-D scaling, rotation, reflection and translation with suitable example?

16. What is clipping? Explain with the help of a diagram.

17. Explain Cohen-Sutherland algorithm for clipping of lines

18. Explain the method of depth buffer.

19. A scaling factor of 2 is applied in the Y direction while no scaling is applied in the X
direction to the line whose two end points are at coordinates (1,3), and (3,6). The line is to
be rotated subsequently through 300, in the counter clockwise direction. Determine the
necessary transformation matrix for the operation and the new coordinates of the end points.
20. The vertices of a triangle are situated at points (15,30), (25,35) and (5,45). Find the
coordinates of the vertices if the triangle is first rotated 10 0 counterclockwise direction about
the origin and then scaled to twice its size.
21. What is the need for concatenation of transformations? Explain what care should be taken in
such cases.
22. Explain the concept of obtaining a reflection about an arbitrary line starting from the plain
reflection about an axis. How do you obtain the orthographic projections of 3D geometric
data base?
23. Single transformations for a manipulation is unusual – Explain.
24. The unit square with vertices A (1,1) , B (2,1) , C (2,2) and D (1,2) is transoformed in the
following sequence:
i. Scaled about the origin by factors of 4 and 2 in the xy directions respectively.
ii. Rotated about point B through 900.

Derive the new coordinates of the vertices of transformed geometry.

25. Derive the combined transformation matrix to rotate the given 3-D object about
an axis passing through the points (xa, ya, za) and (xb, yb, zb).
26. Describe the various database structures used for geometric modeling.
27. Develop a combined transformation matrix to reflect the given object about a
line passing through the point (a, b) and having a slope m.
28. For the polygon ABCDE with vertices A(4,3) , B(4,8), C(6,10), D(8,8), E(8,3).
Flip the polygon about the axis at 60 degrees.
29. Let R be the rectangular window whose lower left – hand corner is at L (-3,1) and upper
right – hand corner is at R (2,6). Find the region codes for the endpoints of a line:
1. Line AB, A (-4,2) and B (-1,7)
2. Line CD, C (-1,5) and D (3,8)
3. Line EF, E (-2,3) and F (1,2)
4. Line GH, G (1,-2) and H (3,3)
5. Line IJ, I (-4,7) and J (-2,10)
Section C:
1. Explain product cycle with the implementation of CAD/CAM technology.
2. Discuss the influence exerted by the computers on the manufacturing.
3. Explain how productivity increases by using CAD/CAM systems.
4. In design what do you understand by synthesis and engineering analysis?
5. Explain how CAD helps to synthesize a product design and do engineering analysis for
getting optimal design.


Assignment – Cum – Tutorial Questions

Course Objectives:

 To present the role of computers and technology that drives the modern industry.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit students will be able to

 apply the principles of computer graphics for product design.

Section A:

1. In computer aided drafting practice, an arc is defined by [ ]

a) Two end points only b) Center and radius

c) Radius and one end point d) Two end points and center

2. In the following geometric modeling techniques which are not three-dimensional

modeling? [ ]

a) Wireframe modeling b) Drafting

c) Surface modeling d) Solid modeling

3. The flexibility of choosing the degree of curve irrespective of no.of control points is in
[ ]

a) Hermite Cubic Spline b) B – Spline

c) Bezier Curve d) All of the above

4. In the following geometric modeling techniques. which cannot be used for finite
element analysis: [ ]

a) Wireframe modeling b) Surface modeling

c) Solid modeling d) none of the above

5. In the following geometric primitives. Which is not a solid entity of CSG modeling:
[ ]

a) Box b) Cone

c) Cylinder d) Circle

6. The number of lines required to represent a cub: in a wireframe model is: [ ]

a) 8 b) 6

c) 12 d) 16

7. Which of the following is not an analytical entity: [ ]

a) Line b) Circle

c) Spline d) Parabola

8. Which of the following is not a synthetic entity: [ ]

a) Hyperbola b) Bezier curve

c) B-spline curve d) Cubic spline curve

9. The shape of the Bezier curve is controlled by: [ ]

a) Control points b) Knots

c) End points d) All the above

10. The degree of the Bezier curve with n control points is: [ ]

a) n+1 b) n-1

c) n d) 2n
11. The solid representation method which uses basic primitives to define the component is
[ ]

a) Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) b) B - Rep

c) Wire frame model d) Both b & c

12. Which of the following curves is not a conic section curve? [ ]

a) Hyperbola b) Parabola
c) Bezier Curve d) Ellipse

13. Which of the following curves is an interpolating curves [ ]

a) Bezier Curve b) Cubic Spline

c) B – Spline d) Both a & b

14. How do you specify a point implicity [ ]

a) End of a line b) Centre of a circle

c) Intersection of line and arc d) All of the above

15. Which of the following models offer both geometry and topology of an object
[ ]

a) Wire frame model b) Solid model

c) Surface model d) None of the above

16. _____________ continuity is the minimum acceptable for the engineering design
[ ]

a) Position b) Slope
c) Curvature d) None of the above

Section B:

1. Differentiate between the Bezier curve and cubic spline.

2. Derive the parametric equation for 3rd order Hermite Cubic Spline

3. List the characteristics of a Bezier Curve

4. Differentiate between the line model, surface model and volume model
5. Explain the requirements of geometric modeling
6. Briefly explain about the modeling facilities desired for a CAD system

Section C:

1. The coordinates of four control points relative to a current WCS is given by ,

, , . Find the equation of the resulting Bezier

Curve. Also find points on the curve for and .

2. A cubic curve is defined by the control points as , , , .

Find the equation of curve and its midpoint.

3. Find the midpoint of a Hermite cubic spline with the two points as and and the

tangent vectors and

4. Fit a cubic Bezier curve for the following control points , , and .
Calculate the points at
5. Discuss the facilities that are desired for a CAD system.
6. Two cubic Bezier curves are to be blended using slope continuity derive the appropriate
relation at the junction point.
7. Construct the CSG tree for a solid model as shown inFigure 1.

Figure 1
8. Explain the need of synthetic curves
9. Find the equation of a quadratic B – Spline curve defined by the control points

, , ,
Unit – III

Assignment – Cum – Tutorial Questions

Course Objectives:
 To present the role of computers and technology that drives the modern industry.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit students will be able to
 appraise the role of computers in manufacturing
Section A:
1. Specify the motion control system in which continuous simultaneous control of more
than one axis is possible so as to control the path followed by the tool relative to the
work piece [ ]
a) Point – to – point system b) Contouring System
c) Straight cut system d) PID control
2. Point – to – Point system is also designated by [ ]
a) 3 – axis control b) 2 – axis control

c) – axis control d) 1 – axis control

3. Which of the following NC system uses encoder as a position sensor [ ]
a) Open loop NC b) Closed loop NC
c) Heavy duty Lathe d) Centre less Grinding M/c
4. Which of the following element of NC system is responsible for reduction in tool
changing time [ ]
a) ATC
b) APC
c) Auotmatic Swarf Disposar System
d) Recirculating Ball Lead Screw
5. Which of the following element of NC system is responsible for reduction in work
changing time [ ]
a) ATC
b) APC
c) Auotmatic Swarf Disposar System
d) Recirculating Ball Lead Screw

6. Name the mode of programming of NC machine in which work head locations are
always defined with respect to the origin of the axis system [ ]
a) Absolute Programming b) Part Programming
c) Incremental Programming d) Processor Programming
7. Name the mode of programming of NC machine in which the next work head is
defined relative to the present location [ ]
a) Absolute Programming b) Part Programming
c) Incremental Programming d) Processor Programming
8. Match the following: [ ]
1. CNC Machining Centre a. Ball lead screw
2. Reduction in back lash b. Automatic swarf disposar system
3. Continuous removal of chip c. Programmable automation
from CNC machines
4. Quick tool setting is possible d. Automatic pallet changer
e. Qualified tooling
A. 1C – 2A – 3B – 4E
B. 1A – 2B – 3C – 4D
C. 1B – 2D – 3A – 4C
D. 1A – 2D – 3E – 4C
9. Match the following: [ ]
1. GOTO/ A. Circular interpolation clockwise
2. G02 B. Command to enable the cutter to
reach designated location
3. Jog mode C. Manual setup of tool relative to
4. M06 D. Tool change miscellaneous code
E. Linear interpolation
a) 1B – 2A – 3C – 4D
b) 1A – 2B – 3C – 4D
c) 1C – 2D – 3C – 4A
d) 1D – 2B – 3A – 4C
10. System’s ability to divide the total range of the axes movement into closely spaced
points that can be distinguished by the control unit is known as [ ]
a) Accuracy b) Repeatability
c) Control resolution d) Feedback
11. Which among the NC operations given below are continuous path operations?
Arc Welding (AW), Milling (M), Drilling (D), Punching in sheet metal (P), Laser
Cutting of sheet metal (LC), Spot Welding (SW) [ ]
a) AW, LC, and M b) AW, D, LC, and M
c) D, LC, P, and SW d) D, LC, and SW
12. The tool of an NC machine has to move along a circular arc from (5,5) to (10,10) while
performing an operation. The center of the arc is at (10, 5). Which one of the following NC
tool path commands perform the above-mentioned operation? [ ]
a) N010 G02 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5 b) N010 G03 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
c) N010 G01 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5 d) N010 G02 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5
13. Which of the following APT motion statement indicates drilling of a hole on a plate of
thickness of 10mm with a cutter diameter of 10mm? the drill bit is 2mm above the top surface of
work piece at the designated location [ ]
a) GODLTA/0,0, -15.00 b) GODLTA/0,0, -10.00
c) GODLTA/0,0, -13.00 d) GODOWN/0,0, -10.00
14. Which of the following systems enable control of multiple machines with highest level of
reliability and two way communication? [ ]
a) Conventional Numerical Control b) Computer Numerical Control
c) Distributive Numerical Control d) Direct Numerical Control

Section B:

1. Define numerical control of machine tools.

2. What are the elements of NC system? Briefly explain them.
3. Classify the NC systems based on motion control.
4. Distinguish between open loop NC and closed loop NC with simple sketches.
5. What is a machining centre? What are the features of it? Explain.
6. What are the advantages of CNC machine tools?
7. Explain the difference between absolute part programming and incremental part
8. Describe the Geometry statements used in APT language.
9. Write about motion statements used in APT language for continuous machining.
10. What are the motion statements used in APT language for point-to-point control
11. What are the advantages of CNC over Numerical control.
12. Distinguish between direct numerical control and distributive numerical control.

Section C:

1. Write the APT geometry statements to define the hole positions of the part in figure-1. Use
the lower left corner of the part as the origin in the x-y axis system.
2. Write the APT motion statements to perform the drilling operations for the part shown in
figure-1. Cutting speed 0.4 m/sec, feed = 0.10mm/rev and table travel speed between holes =
500 mm/min.
3. Write the complete APT part program for the part shown in the figure-2. Postprocessor call
statement is MACHIN/MILL,01.
4. Spindle speeds in machining centers vary over a wide range. Explain why this is so, giving
specific applications.
5. Are there any machining operations that cannot be performed on machining centers? Justify
your answer with specific examples.
6. Analyse whether it is feasible to incorporate grinding operations in machining centers or not.
Explain the nature of any difficulties that may be encountered.
7. The cost of machining and turning centers is considerably higher than for traditional machine
tools. Since many operations performed by machining centers also can be done on conventional
machines, how would you go about justifying the high cost of these centers? Explain with
appropriate examples
8. A stepping motor with 200 step angles is coupled to a leadscrew through a gear reduction of
5:1. The leadscrew has 2.4 threads/cm. The worktable driven by the leadscrew must move a
distance of 25cm at a feed rate of 75 cm/min. Determine (a) the number of pulses required to
move the table, (b) the required motor speed, and (c) the pulse rate to achieve the desired
table speed.
9. Write the part program to drill the holes in the part shown in the figure-1. The part is 12.0 mm
thick. Cutting speed = 100 m/min and feed = 0.06mm/rev. Use the lower left corner of the
part as the origin in the x-y system. Follow the word address format and absolute positioning
while writing the part program.
10. The outline of the part in figure-2 is to be profile milled, using a 20 mm diameter end mill
with two teeth. The part is 10 mm thick. Cutting speed is 125 m/min and feed is 0.10
mm/tooth. The holes in the part have already been drilled and will be used for clamping the
part during milling. Write the part program in the word address format. Use absolute
Unit – IV

Assignment – Cum – Tutorial Questions

Course Objectives:
 To present the role of computers and technology that drives the modern industry.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit students will be able to
 appraise the role of computers in manufacturing
Section A:

1. A manufacturing strategy in which similar parts are identified and grouped together to
take advantage of their similarities in design and production is known as
[ ]
a) Lean manufacturing b) Group technology
c) Agile manufacturing d) Concurrent engineering
2. Collection of parts that are similar either because of geometric shape and size or
because similar processing steps are required in their manufacture is known as
[ ]
a) Work-in-process b) Part family
c) Finished goods d) Stored products
3. Which of the following method is used to group the parts into part families
[ ]
a) Visual inspection b) Parts classification and coding
c) Production flow analysis d) All of the above

4. The method in which parts are classified into part families by looking at either the
physical parts or their photographs and arranging them into groups having similar
features is known as [ ]
a) Production flow analysis b) Visual inspection
c) Parts classification and coding d) All of the above

5. The method in which similarities among parts are identified, and these similarities are
related in a coding is known as [ ]
a) Visual inspection b) Parts classification and coding
c) Production flow analysis d) None of the above
6. The method in which parts are classified into part families based in identical or similar
routings is known as [ ]
a) Parts classification and coding b) Production flow analysis
c) Visual inspection d) All of the above

7. A hypothetical part, which includes all of the design and manufacturing attributes of
the part family is known as [ ]
a) Key part b) Composite part
c) Rotational part d) Prismatic part

8. An application of group technology where dissimilar machines or processes are

aggregated into a cells, each of which is dedicated to the production of a part or part
family or limited group of families is known as [ ]
a) Agile manufacturing b) Lean manufacturing
c) Cellular manufacturing d) Batch manufacturing

9. Name the chart, which is a tabulation of the process or machine code numbers for all
of the part packs. ( Groups of parts with identical routings are labelled as part packs)
[ ]
a) Travel chart b) PFA chart
c) Part Machine incidence matrix d) Both B and C

10. Ease with which design changes can be accommodated is known as [ ]

a) Routing flexibility b) Product flexibility
c) Volume flexibility d) Expansion flexibility

11. Ability to change the product mix while maintaining the same total production
quantity is known as [ ]
a) Product flexibility b) Mix flexibility
c) Routing flexibility d) Machine flexibility

12. Capacity to produce parts through alternative sequences in response to equipment

breakdowns, tool failures, and other interruptions at individual stations is known as
[ ]
a) Routing flexibility b) Mix flexibility
c) Product flexibility d) Volume flexibility
13. In OPITZ classification system, what do you call those first five digits which describe
the primary design attributes of the part? [ ]
a) Form code b) Mono code
c) Poly code d) Supplementary code

14. What information is required to carry out the production flow analysis? [ ]
a) Part drawings b) Travel charts
c) Route sheets d) Gantt charts
Section B:

1. What is group technology? What are its benefits

2. What is a part family? Describe the methods of segregating the parts into part families.
3. Discuss the parts classification and coding methods.
4. Discuss in detail opitz parts classification and coding system.
5. What is a production flow analysis? Explain.
6. What is a composite part? Where do you use it? Explain.
7. What is a flexible manufacturing system? What are the components of FMS?
8. What are the types of layouts used in FMS? Explain.
9. What are the requirements of a material handling system in a FMS? Explain.
10. What is the role of human resource in FMS?
11. Discuss the role of computer control in FMS.
12. What are the advantages of FMS?
13. What is an AGVS? Explain.
14. What is an AS/RS? Explain.
15. Explain the retrieval type of process planning system with the help of a neat block
16. What are the advantages of CAPP over the manual process planning
17. Discuss the elements of generative CAPP.

Section C:

1. Develop the form code in the Opitz system for the part shown in the figure-1
2. Apply the rank order clustering technique to the part-machine incidence matrix in the
following table. To identify logical part families and machine groups. Parts are identified by
letters and machines are identified numerically.

Machines A B C D E
1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1
5 1
3. Apply the rank order clustering technique to the part-machine incidence matrix in the
following table. To identify logical part families and machine groups. Parts are identified by
letters and machines are identified numerically.

Machines A B C D E F G H I
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
5 1 1
6 1 1
7 1 1
8 1 1

4. The following table lists the weekly quantities and routings of ten parts that are being
considered for cellular manufacturing in a machine shop. Parts are identified by letters, and
machines are identified numerically. For the data given (a) develop the part machine
incidence matrix, and (b) apply rank order clustering technique to the part machine incidence
matrix to identify logical part families and machine groups.

Part Weekly Machine

quantity Routing
A 50 3-2-7
B 20 6-1
C 75 6-5
D 10 6-5-1
E 12 3-2-7-4
F 60 5-1
G 5 3-2-4
H 100 3-2-4-7
I 40 2-4-7
J 15 5-6-1
5. For the machine groups identified in the problem no.4, (a) determine the most logical
sequence of machines for the given data. (b) Construct the flow diagram for the data.(c)
compute the percentage of in sequence moves and the percentage of backtracking moves in
the solution.
6. Can FMS be an apt solution to improve the efficiency of batch production? Pass your
comments with valid reasons.
7. The workshop has 3 turning machines (TM), 4 milling machines (MM), and 6 grinding
machines (GM). The following lists the routings of 6 parts. Arrange these machines in a
convenient job shop layout. Would it be possible to arrange the same machines in the form of
a group technology layout?

8. Compare the variant CAPP with retrieval type CAPP
9. Compare the process layout with group technology layout.
10. Can you call generative CAPP as an expert system? If so draw the parallels between an
expert system and generative CAPP.
Unit – V

Assignment – Cum – Tutorial Questions

Course Objectives:
 To present the role of computers and technology that drives the modern industry.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit students will be able to
 propose trends in manufacturing to improve the productivity.


1. The layer based automated fabrication process for making scaled 3-dimensional physical
objects directly from 3D-CAD data without using part-depending tools is can be best
termed as: [ ]
(a) Rapid Tooling
(b) Additive Manufacturing
(c) Subtractive Manufacturing
(d) Prototype Tooling
2. Additive Manufacturing is generally a __________process [ ]
(a) 1D (b) 2D (c) 2.5D (d) 3D
3. Which of the following is an Additive Manufacturing process?
(a) Stereolithography
(b) Room Temperature Vulcanization
(c) Vacuum Casting
(d) Silicon Rubber Molding [ ]
4. After the design is made in a software, __________________ is made first to use it as a
sample for reproducing the particular goods.
(a) Prototype
(b) Design
(c) Final Product
(d) None of these
5. Which of the following is a characteristic of Big Data? [ ]
(a) Huge Volume of Data
(b) Complexity of data types and structures
(c) Speed of data creation and growth
(d) All of the mentioned
6. ________________refers to the biases, noise and abnormality in data, trustworthiness of
data [ ]
(a) Value (b) Veracity (c) Velocity (d) Volume
7. _____________ refers to the connectdness of big data [ ]
(a) Value (b) Veracity (c) Velocity (d) Valence
8. What does IoT stands for [ ]
(a) Identity of Things
(b) Integration of Things
(c) Internet of Things
(d) Internet of Connected Things

9. What does IIoT stands for [ ]

(a) Inbuilt Internet of Things
(b) Implemented Internet of Things
(c) Industrial Internet of Things
(d) None of the above
10. Which of the following environment is a part of IIoT [ ]
(a) Smart Factory
(b) Smart Watch
(c) Smart Home
(d) All of the above


1. Explain the application and advantages of integration of CAQC with CAD/CAM systems.
2. With the help of schematic diagram explain the operation of scanning laser beam system.
3. What are the objectives of CAQC? Explain the different computer aided inspection methods.
4. Explain about different noncontact optical inspection methods.
5. With the help of schematic diagram explain the operation of Machine Vision system.
6. “Computers play an important role in quality control”. Justify the statement with suitable
7. Explain the different types of coordinate measuring machines that are used in the industry.
8. Explain about contact inspection methods.
9. With the help of schematic diagram explain the operation of Coordinate Measuring Machine
10. Discuss the Fused Deposit modelling process with a neat sketch.
11. What are the advantages of the Additive manufacturing processes over subtractive
manufacturing processes?
12. With a neat sketch explain the working principle of Stereo lithography process.
13. Present the characteristics of an Industrial IOT.
14. Explain any two applications of Big – Data in Manufacturing.
15. What are the characteristics of Big Data?
16. What are the sources of Big Data?
17. Differentiate between the cobot and an industrial robot.
18. What are the advantages of Industrial IoT?

1. An engine block having multiple cylinder bores, typically contains 150-200 features. Before
sending the block to assembly section it is to be inspected for all the features. Suggests a
suitable inspection method to evaluate the quality of the engine block and justify the reasons
for using that method.

2. Sprockets are used to transmit the motion from the engine to rear wheel in a two wheeler.
And sprockets are produced on mass scale (typically millions per year). How do you inspect
these sprockets for dimensional and geometrical accuracy? Why do you suggest that
method? Give valid reasons.

3. An assembled PCB must be checked for presence of all the components before it is
dispatched to assembly section. Suggest a suitable inspection method to accomplish this task
and justify the reasons for recommending the method.

4. For a modern machine shop having more than 100 CNC machine tools, predict the probable
data to be analysed.

5. Justify the role of cobotic in industrial environment

6. Differentiate between industrial automation and IIoT.

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