Dynamic Analysis and Fabrication of Single Screw C
Dynamic Analysis and Fabrication of Single Screw C
Dynamic Analysis and Fabrication of Single Screw C
Research Article
Dynamic Analysis and Fabrication of Single Screw
Conveyor Machine
Received 10 February 2022; Revised 21 March 2022; Accepted 30 March 2022; Published 12 April 2022
Copyright © 2022 Sundarraj Moorthi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The design and development of machine tools play a vital role in the current economic growth. It facilitates the reduction of
manufacturing cost coping with a quickly changing business environment. During the design of the machine tool, the dynamic
characteristics need to be calibrated for avoiding uncertainties. This paper investigates the design, dynamic characteristics, and
development of a single screw conveyor machine which is used to blend waste plastic material with catalysts. The conveyor
machine model is created based on the idea developed from filament extruder machine with Pro-E solid modelling software. Its
multibody dynamic analysis was carried out for the selected operational requirements in the ADAMS View. It shows that when the
conveyor screw operated above the velocity of 42 m/s, the deformation will occur at a maximum value of 4.23 mm. The rigid body
dynamic was carried out in ANSYS to solve the performance forecasting problems at their design stage. The dynamic analysis
results were suggested to improve the conveying machine and driving mechanisms design parameters.
the market to satisfy customer requirements. He framed the was saved into Parasolid file format to make the ease of
topological structure to help the designer to develop new exchanging the modelling data of created model into ADAM
products. The topological structure includes customer re- View/ANSYS environment. ADAMS View is a program that
quirement and existing products in the market and their allows the building of mechanical systems models and
failure reasons. He identified that most of the product simulates the models’ full-motion behaviour [14–16]. It can
failures happen in improper design and not considering the also be used to quickly analyze multiple design variations
machine’s dynamic characteristic and safety factor. He [8] until the optimal design is found. ANSYS Rigid dynamics
discussed and developed the empirical relationship of helps to understand mechanical systems’ motion behaviour
modelling techniques and static and dynamic characteristics in the design cycle [17–20]. In the proposed research, the
of welded joints and analyzed its possible failure modes. single screw conveyor model is analyzed with the help of
Lahari and Srinivas Sharma [9] developed single screw ADAMS View and ANSYS 14.5 software. In ADAMS, the
extruder for recycling of waste plastic material and examined model’s constraints and boundary conditions are applied
the parametric analysis of the developed model; from the using the build tool. The constraint consists of relative
analytical report, they identified decreased pressure due to movement between the components.
barrel radius and higher length of the screw. Wang et al. and A screw conveyor machine consists of links and joints.
Tso et al. [10, 11] discussed the design and analysis of Each component in the conveyor will move or rotate with
mechanical linkages used in mechanical press. They opti- the preceding constraints. The model imported in the
mized the linkage length to provide the best actuation. He ADAMS View Environment and the boundary conditions
suggested that computer-aided modelling and analysis (constraints) created to model are as shown in Figure 5.
techniques make the design more perfect and reduce the The initial simulation was taken to validate and for finding
failure causes during the design stage itself. Hence, any redundant constraint added to the model. Afterwards, the
the production cost can be saved. Singh et al. [12] studied the operational functions of the screw are applied, and its dynamic
making of energy storage device through 3D printing analysis was carried out. Initially, the conveyor machine is
technique by utilizing commercially available waste plastics operated for a period of 20 seconds with the speed of 3000 rpm,
based 3D printer filament developed through twin screw and its performance behaviour is taken. The two sets of markers
extruder machine. The filament was developed with addi- are located in the model one which is at the screw centre and
tives of zinc metal and the additives of different chemicals for another is at the barrel edge to find the displacement of the
enabling conduciveness. conveyor screw. The operation functions can be improved by
The present work investigates modelling and dynamic adding more complex elements like friction or general state
analysis of a single screw conveyor machine. The dynamic equation to make the model accurate. The results of the po-
analysis was carried out with the ADAMS View’s help by sition and velocity of a conveyor screw in the X-axis are ob-
considering the conveyor machine operational parameters. The tained in graphic form using the windows of measures interface
outcome results were considered for the conveyor machine’s shown in Figures 6(a) and 6(b), respectively.
development to avoid failure due to dynamic characteristics. The conveyor screw is rotating at a constant speed about
its longitudinal axis. The displacement field is implicit by
choosing coordinates x with the conveyor screw axis, as
2. Materials and Methods
shown in Figure 7.
2.1. Modelling of Single Screw Conveyor (SSC) Machine. U(x, y, z, t) � U0 (x, t) + zβx (x, t) − yβy (x, t),
The basic idea for developing a conveyor machine is taken by
considering a single screw filament extruder and its oper- V(x, y, z, t) � V0 (x, t) − zϕ(x, t), (1)
ational parameters. Filament extruders are used to melt the W(x, y, z, t) � W0 (x, t) + yϕ(x, t).
plastics and feed them through the nozzle in the desired
shape. In the case of a screw conveyor, the materials are U, V, and W are the flexural displacements of the
transferred from one place to another place using a rotating conveyor screw at any point of its cross section in x, y, and z
helical screw blade connecting these two ideas, and the directions. The variables U0, V0, and W0 are the flexural
development of a single screw conveyor was generated. The displacements of the screw axis, while βx and βy are the
3D solid modelling of a single screw conveyor was created rotation angles of the screw, about the y-and z-axis, re-
with the help of Pro-E 5.0 software. The conveyor machine spectively. ɸ is the angular displacement of the conveyor
consists of a hopper, screw barrel, helical screw, and driving screw due to its torsional deformation.
mechanisms. For creating a conveyor screw from the fila- In ADAMS View Environment, the rotational dis-
ment extruder, the screw nomenclature is studied, and it is placement, velocity, and accelerations can be calculated with
shown in Figure 1. The main component of the conveyor the help of markers created in the conveyor screw at pre-
screw machine designed in Pro-E software is shown in scribed locations, and markers act as an imaginary point
Figures 2–4, respectively. with coordinate values.
2.2. Multibody Dynamic Analysis of Single Screw Conveyor 2.3. Rigid Dynamic Analysis of Single Screw Conveyor Machine
Machine Using MSC ADAMS. The conveyor machine and its Using ANSYS. In the ANSYS workbench environment, the
assembly components are created through Pro-E software; it model saved in the Parasolid format from Pro-E software is
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3
0.0 10.0 20.0
(a) (b)
Figure 6: (a) Window of the part measure and (b) position of conveyor screw-in X-axis direction.
k r er
i o
j y
imported, and connections between the assembly models are 2.4. Development of Single Screw Conveyor. The single screw
added with the joints menu toolbar. The screw is operated with conveyor machine is developed by considering the resulting
a speed of 3000 rpm, and its characteristics are analyzed. The outcome from ADAMS and ANSYS software. The fabricated
model imported to the ANSYS workbench environment and single screw conveyor machine and its components are
the model’s connections are as shown in Figure 8. shown in Figures 9 and 10, respectively.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5
Conveyor Screw
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Frequency (Hz)
Velocity (mm/sec)
2.0E+05 25.0
0.0 10.0
0.0 5.0
0.5 1.0 1.5 0.0
Frequency (Hz) 2.0 2.5
67.3273 87199.2311 1.7433E+05 2.6146E+05 3.4B59E+05 4.3573E+05 5.2286E+05 6.0999E+05 6.9712E+05 7.8425E+05 8.7139E+05
PRT0001 : PART/2
Velocity (meter/sec)
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
Analysis: Last_Run Time (sec) 2021-03-19 10:15:49
Figure 12: Velocity of single screw conveyor concerning time period.
PRT0001 : PART/2
Acceleration (mm/sec**2)
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
Analysis: Last_Run Time (sec) 2021-03-25 20:19:12
Figure 13: Acceleration of single screw conveyor.
PRT0001 : PART/2
Length (mm)
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
Analysis: Last_Run Time (sec) 2021-03-24 21:14:50
Figure 14: Deformation of single screw conveyor.
A: Rigid Dynamics
Total Deformation
Type: Total Deformation
Unit: m
Time: 1
3/27/2021 9:28 PM
7.7579e-18 Max
0 min
0.100 0.300
A: Rigid Dynamics
Total Velocity
Type: Total Velocity
Unit: m/s
Time: 1
3/27/2021 9:28 PM
0.025077 Max
0 min
0.100 0.300
A: Rigid Dynamics
Total Acceleration
Type: Total Acceleration
Unit: m/s2
Time: 1
3/27/2021 11:35 PM
7.8782 Max
0 min
0.100 0.300
the conveyor screw increased above 42 m/s leads to vibration developed. In many cases, maximum speed and acceleration
and also the velocity distribution of components leads to are predominant characteristics of the machine tool com-
failure of bearing systems. Hence, the single screw conveyor ponent, which helps create proper driving mechanisms.
should be operated below its critical velocity.
The acceleration value of a single screw conveyor is
shown in Figure 14. Based on the acceleration data from the 3.2. Deformation, Velocity, and Acceleration of Single Screw
ADAMS View Environment, the control system can be Conveyor (SSC) in ANSYS. The output result of ADAMS
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 9