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Irrigation System-HDPE

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20.1.Part 1 General
20.1.1 Scope
A. This Material Specification details the minimum requirements for the design,
manufacture, testing, inspection and supply of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE
or High Performance Polyethylene (HPPE pipe material and fittings used in
irrigation systems.

20.1.2 Related Documents

A. The following sections of the specification shall be read in conjunction with
this section.

Section 01300 Submittals

Section 01400 Quality Control
Section 01600 Material and equipment
Section 02222 Excavation
Section 02223 Backfilling
Section 02225 Trenching
Section 15121 Pipe Expansion Compensation
Section 15245 Vibration Isolation
Section 15140 Pipe Supports

20.1.3 Applicable Standards and Codes

A. The following codes and standards, to the extent specified herein, form a part of
this specification. The latest edition of these codes and standards shall govern
the work.

ISO 4427 Polyethylene (PE pipes for water supply – specifications

ISO 161-1 Thermoplastic pipes for conveyance of fluids – nominal
outside diameter and nominal pressure- part 1: Metric series
ISO 1167-1to4 Thermoplastic pipes, fittings and assemblies for the
conveyance of fluids
ISO 3126 Plastic pipes – Measurement of dimensions
ISO 4065 Thermoplastic pipes – Universal wall thickness table
ISO 6964 Polyolefin pipes and fittings – Determination of carbon black
content by calcination and pyrolysis – Test method and basic
ISO 9080 Thermoplastic pipes for the transport of fluids – Method of
extrapolation of hydrostatic stress rupture data to determine
the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastic pipe

PAGE 105

ISO 11922-1 Thermoplastic pipes for the conveyance of fluids – Dimensions and
tolerances Part: 1: Metric series.
ISO 12162 Thermoplastic materials for pipes and fittings for pressure
applications – Classification and designation – overall service
(design coefficient.
ISO 13761 Plastic pipes and fittings – pressure reduction factors for polyethylene
pipeline systems for use at temperatures above 200C.
ISO 7005 – 3 Metallic flanges – Part 3, Copper alloy and composite flanges
BS EN 12201 Plastic piping systems for water supply - polyethylene
ISO 974 Determination of the brittleness temperature by impact
ISO 2505 Thermoplastics pipes - Longitudinal reversion
ISO 6259 Determination of tensile properties
ISO 1133 Determination of the melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and the melt
Volume - flow
ISO 877 Methods of exposure to direct weathering

20.1.4 Submittals Products and Materials Approval.

A. In order to verify compliance with the specification the Contractor shall submit
information for all products and materials used in the Works to the Engineer for
approval sufficiently in advance of their use in accordance with the Contract
programme allowing for ordering and approval times. Reference shall also be
made to Section 01600 of the specification on products and materials approval.
Information to be submitted shall comprise but not necessarily be limited to:

i. The manufacturers design calculations, complete and detailed specification

and test results of the proposed HDPE pipes and fittings required for the
Works including manufacturer’s certificates of compliance with this section of
the standard specification. Information on all items listed in Table 20.1-1
below shall be given for every diameter in each class of pipe.
ii. Should any details of the pipes and fittings be altered in any way during
manufacture from those proposed and approved by the Engineer, submit for
the Engineer's approval the revised details and test results.
iii. Submit to the Engineer the results of all quality control tests carried out on
the manufactured pipes and fittings as soon as practicable after testing as
and in any case not later than the time of delivery of the relevant pipes and
fittings to the site.

Table 20.1-1: Product Information for HDPE Pipe and Fittings

Product Information Units

Manufacturing Details
Name of manufacturer -
Manufacturing process for pipes -
Manufacturing process for bends and fittings -
Joint type -

PAGE 106

Details of all additives used in the manufacture -

Polymer classification and certificate of origin -
Summary of Design Criteria
Rated working pressure MPa
Design test pressure (165hrs or 100 hrs.) MPa
Internal vacuum pressure MPa
Minimum required strength (MRS) MPa
Pipe Details
Nominal external diameter mm
Wall thickness mm
Standard dimension ratio (SDR) -
Standard pipe length m Method Statements

A. The Contractor shall submit method statements to the Engineer for approval 4
weeks in advance of commencing the site activity in accordance with Section
01300 of the specification. These shall comprise but not necessarily be limited to:

i. Procedures for handling, storage and installation of pipes.

ii. Procedures for building pipes into concrete structures.
iii. Hydrostatic testing procedures for HDPE pressure pipelines. Drawings
A. The Contractor shall submit drawings to the Engineer for approval in advance of
commencing the site activity in accordance with Section 01300 of the
specification. These shall comprise but not necessarily be limited to:

B. Drawings of the pipes, fittings, joints, pipe specials and the assembly thereof.

C. Pipe laying diagram and schedule showing location, length, design designation
and designation by number of each pipe section and pipe special to be furnished
and installed.

D. All data on curve and bends for both horizontal and vertical alignment.

20.1.5 Quality Control

A. Prior to dispatch of any product and/or material from source the Contractor shall
notify the Engineer in writing in sufficient time to allow the Engineer the
opportunity to inspect and test the product and/or material prior to delivery in
accordance with Section 01400 of the specification.

B. Products and materials shall be from a manufacturer/supplier who operates a

quality system which is registered to ISO 9000 series or approved equal.

PAGE 107

C. To allow the Engineer to inspect the Works the Contractor shall give the
Engineer a minimum of 24 hours’ notice of carrying out the following activities on
i. Installation of pipeline.

ii. Hydrostatic testing of pipeline.

20.1.6 Delivery, Storage, and Handling

A. Delivery, storage and handling of products and materials shall be in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations, Section 01600 of the specification
and the following provisions.

i. Delivery storage and handling shall at all times be performed in a manner to

avoid product damage and be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
ii. Pipes and fittings shall not come in contact with any sharp projections that
may cause damage to the pipes and fittings during transportation loading and
unloading. Ensure that pipes and fittings are well secured during transit and
adequately supported along their length. Do not allow pipe to overhang the
end of a vehicle during transportation.
iii. Ensure that pipes and fittings are lifted using nylon or large diameter rope
slings positioned at a quarter of the pipe length from each end. Do not allow
the use of wire rope chains or unpadded forks or clamps on forklifts to lift
iv. Store pipes and fittings on a flat level area as recommended by the pipe
manufacturer. Ensure that pipes and fittings supplied either on pallets or
crated, remain on the pallets or in their crates until required.
v. Stack non-crated pipes to the approval of the Engineer.
 Stack pipes of different sizes and thickness separately.
 Do not allow stacked pipes to exceed 2m in height or as recommended by
the supplier whichever is the lesser.
vi. The Contractor shall visually inspect all products upon delivery to site and
report any damage to the Engineer.
 Any products damaged during delivery, storage and handling shall be
marked by the Contractor and set aside.
 Proposals for repair of any damaged products shall be submitted in
writing to the Engineer for approval.
 Any damaged products deemed unsuitable for repair by the Engineer
shall be removed from site and replaced.
 Scratching or scoring of pipe surface to a depth greater or equal to 10%
of wall thickness shall constitute an automatic rejection of that pipe

20.2.Part 2 Products
20.2.1 Technical Requirements

PAGE 108

A. The CONTRACTOR shall identify the manufacturer of the resin, the resin type
and classification. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall provide evidence that the
resin proposed is suitable for use at the design temperature and under the
design pressures indicated.

B. Any change in the material, the material specification, or the manufacturer's

location shall be subject to prior approval of the Client/End users/ENGINEER.

C. Pipes and fittings shall be homogenous throughout and free from visible cracks,
holes, foreign inclusions, blisters, dents or other damaging defects.

D. Material shall be uniform in opacity, density, interior smoothness, and other

physical properties. It shall have adequate resistance to weathering and other
ageing from storage for a minimum of two years after manufacture.

E. For the manufacturing of pipes & fittings only new materials to be used (Rework
material is not acceptable.

F. Pipe manufacturer shall confirm that all fittings to be provided for the pipe
systems shall meet the same quality requirements as for the pipes to ensure the
same performance for design life cycle.

G. The pipes and fittings shall be manufactured from polyethylene containing only
those antioxidants, UV stabilizers and pigments necessary for the manufacturing
process to fulfill the requirements of the specification.

H. All pipes and fittings shall be suitable for butt fusion or electro fusion techniques.
Contractor shall provide PE manufacturers guideline for the applicability of the
material used. If required PE manufacturers shall provide assistance and
training. Physical Properties

A. Pipes and fittings shall be made of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and shall
comply with the requirements of ISO 4427 PE 100. The material shall be
produced by a member of the PE 100 + Association.

B. The material used for the manufacturer of pipes and fittings shall be in
accordance with Table 1 and Table 2 of clause 4.4 of ISO 4427-1

C. The minimum required strength (MRS) of the material compound shall be 10

MPa at 200 C. The design stress shall be 8 MPa.

D. Lifecycle durability of 80 years is to be confirmed.

E. The design temperature shall be 36º C

F. For design calculation, pressure, reducing coefficients 4427-1, Annex A are

applicable. The thermal stability of polyethylene material shall meet the
requirements of ISO 4427.

PAGE 109

A. The pipe dimensions for water systems shall be based on standard dimensions
according to ISO 4427 and measured in accordance with ISO 3126.

B. Straight pipe shall be supplied in standard lengths measured at 23º C +/- 2º C.

unless otherwise specified, coil lengths shall not exceed 100 m.

C. Coiled pipes shall be coiled such that localized deformation is voided and the
minimum internal diameter of the coil shall not be less than 18 Dn. Pipe Appearance

A. When viewed without magnification the internal and external surfaces of pipes
shall be smooth, clean and free from scoring, cavities and other surface defects.
The pipe ends shall be cut cleanly and square to the axis of the pipe.

B. The carbon black content in the compound shall be 2.25 + 0.25 % by mass when
measured in accordance with ISO 6964. The dispersion of carbon black when
determined in accordance with ISO 11420 shall be equal to or less than grade 3. Fittings
A. Only fittings supplied or recommended by the pipe manufacturer and approved
by the Engineer shall be used. Fittings shall be installed in accordance with the
approved method statement.

B. The fittings shall be injection molded or formed from material compatible to that
of the pipe and shall be as resistant to the external and internal environments as
the other demands' of the pipe system.

C. At locations where HDPE to metal connections are specified, Nylon based

polyamide 11 coating system complying with the requirement of AWWC224 or
epoxy coated backing rings shall be used, or special restrained transition fittings
subject to approval by Client/End users/ENGINEER. The flanges shall be drilled
to ISO 7005-2, as per the design requirements. Fittings Appearance

A. When viewed without magnification the internal and external surfaces of fittings
shall be smooth, clean and free from scoring, cavities and other surface defects.
The fitting shall be blue or black. Fittings Dimensions

A The dimensions shall be measured in accordance with EN/ISO 3126 Wall Thickness of Fittings

A The wall thickness of the body of the fitting at any point shall be equal to or
greater than the minimum wall thickness of the corresponding pipe.
B The properties of the polymer, extruded pipe and fittings shall be as shown in
Tables 2.1.1, 2.1.2, and 2.1.3 below.

PAGE 110

Table 20.2-1: HDPE Resin Properties

Property Required Value Test Method Test Method

European ASTM
Density >940kg/m ISO 1183-3 D1505

Melt mass flow index or 0.2 to 1.4g/10min* ISO 1133 D1238 4

rate (2.16) condition 4

Melt mass flow index or 0.2 to 1.4g/10min* ISO 1133 D1238 5

rate (5.00) condition T

Melt mass flow index or >8g/10min ISO 1133 D1238 6

rate (21.6) condition G

Environmental stress >250hrs BS EN ISO D1693

crack resistance (10% 20088

Resistance to internal >165hrs ISO 4427 DIN -

pressure 8047

Oxidation induction time >20mins BS EN 728 -

(200 C

Flexural creep modulus >900MPa - D790

Shore D hardness (40 C >50 - D2240

Tensile strength at yield >20MPa ISO 527 D638


Elongation at break >600% ISO 527 -

Modulus of elasticity >1000MPa - -

Chirpy impact No break - -

Vicat softening point >125 C BS EN 727 -

Thermal expansion (20- <0.20mm/m/ C - -
90 C

Thermal conductivity <0.6W/mk - -

(20 C

Carbon black content >2.4 ISO 6964

Carbon black dispersion ≤60μm (grade 3) ISO 18533

*- Maximum deviation of +/- 20% of the nominated value

PAGE 111

Table 20.2-2: HDPE Pipe Properties

Property Required Value Test Method Test Method

European ASTM
Density >940 kg/m ISO 1183-3 D1505

Melt mass flow index or 0.2 to 1.4/10min* ISO 1133 D1238 5

rate (5.00kg, 190 C condition 1T

Oven test Defects shall not ISO 12091 -


Resistance to internal No failure or defects ISO 1167 ISO -

pressure (20 C, water in 4427
water, hoop stress
12.4MPa, 100hrs)

Resistance to internal No failure or defects ISO 1167 ISO -

pressure (80 C, water in 4427
water, hoop stress
5.5MPa, 165hrs)

Resistance to internal No failure or defects ISO 1167 ISO -

pressure (80 C, water in 4427
water, hoop stress
5.0MPa, 1000hrs)

Creep ratio >900MPa BS EN ISO 9967 -

Longitudinal reversion <3% ISO 2505 -

(100 C

Shore D hardness >50 - D2240

Tensile strength at yield >20MPa ISO 527 D638


Elongation at break >350% ISO 527 -

Ring flexibility Refer standard BS EN 1446 -

Impact strength TIR 10% BS EN 744 -

Ring stiffness To SN or SD required BS EN ISO 9969 -

Quality Grade N ISO 11922

Thermal stability (200 C 20mins BS EN 728 -

Notch test (at 500 hours) Refer Standard ISO 13479

PAGE 112

Legend to Table 20.2-2

1) Either on pipe or from sample pipe using same resin and process.
*- Change of MFR by processing +/- 20% of the compound value

Table 20.2-3: HDPE Injection Molded Fittings Properties

Test Method Test Method

Property Required Value
European ASTM
Density >940kg/m ISO 1183-3 D1505

Melt mass flow index or rate 0.2 to ISO 1133 condition

0 D1238
(5.00kg, 190 C 1.4g/10min* 1T

Stiffness As required ISO 13967 -

Impact Refer standard BS EN 12061 -

Mechanical strength or
Refer standard BS EN 12256
Thermal stability (200 C >20 mins BS EN 728 -

Resistance to internal pressure

(80 C, water in water, hoop No failure ISO 1167 ISO 4427 -
stress 5.5MPa, 165hrs)

Resistance to internal pressure

(80 C, water in water, hoop No failure ISO 1167 ISO 4427 -
stress 5.0MPa, 1000hrs)

Water tightness No leakage EN 1053 -

Legend to Table 20.2-3

1) For mounded materials use either an injection mounded or extruded pipe from
same materials.
*- Change of MFR by processing +/- 20% of the compound value

20.2.2 Quality Control Tests

A. The routine factory quality control tests listed below shall be carried out at the
required frequencies and records of all tests and inspections shall be maintained
by the manufacturer. The Engineer shall be provided with two copies of all test
certificates and reports.

i. Quality testing of all raw materials to ensure that they comply with the
relevant specification.
ii. Control of processing parameters in terms of temperature, pressure, flow
rates, haul-off speed and energy input.

PAGE 113

iii. Visual inspection of the pipes to check general appearance, dimensional

compliance and any indication of inclusions or processing flows in pipe
barrels and joining ends.
iv. Production short-term tests to identify any variations in the plant
v. The following tests shall be performed in accordance with the
vi. Relevant standards in order to ensure the quality of the extruded pipes:

 Melt mass-flow rate of raw material.

 Density of raw material.
 Carbon black content.
 Carbon black dispersion.
 Long-term stress crack resistance at 80°C.
 Long-term MRS at 20°C on the raw material (data not older than 24
 Appearance.
 Long term hydrostatic test at 20°C. (100hrs test)
 Welding.
 Slow tear test
 Oxidation induction time value.
 Visual inspection of pipes.
 Dimensional check of pipes.
 Heat reversion of pipes.
 Hydrostatic creep strength tests of pipes.
 Bend test / reverse bend test

B. When conditioning is required for laboratory tests, condition the specimens in

accordance with the appropriate standard.

C. Tensile testing for pipe resin, pipes and welds shall be performed on an
approved densitometer capable of delivering safely and accurately 120 % of the
stress required by the sample. The densitometer shall be connected to a
computerized system capable of delivering information in data and graphical
form. The information required from tensile measurements are tensile strength at
yield and peak and elongation at yield and peak.

i. Test specimens shall be milled to exact size using approved designated

milling machines. Each specimen shall be measured to an accuracy of 10
ii. The Contractor shall submit statistical analysis based on minimum sample
populations of 32. Cumulative analysis based on overall and on individual
pipe resin batch based data shall also be provided.
iii. Welded samples shall be visually examined after tensile testing for signs of
adequate bonding and ductile and brittle failure. Weld samples with
greater than 25 % brittle failure shall be rejected.
iv. Tensile graphs indicating brittle failure shall be considered as failures.

D. The selection of samples of pipe, resin and welds for testing shall be as directed
by the Engineer.

E. If the results of any test fail to meet the requirements of this specification, the test
shall be repeated once again. If, upon retest, failure occurs, the batch quantity of
product represented by the test shall be rejected.

PAGE 114

F. The Contractor shall conduct quality checks at the manufacturer's premises to

ensure that the in-process manufacturing quality checks are being conducted
correctly and at the stated frequency. Test certificates relating to the batch shall
be furnished to the Engineer before acceptance of the delivery. The test
certificates shall contain all the details in the agreed format of reporting.

G. Marking shall be applied to the pipe in such a manner that it is legible after
installation and durable throughout the construction period. Each standard and
random length of pipe and every fitting shall be marked before dispatch from the
pipe manufacturer’s works as required in ISO 4427 and as follows:

i. The manufacturer’s name, initials, or trade mark.

ii. The dimensions nominal outside diameter X nominal wall thickness.
iii. The outside diameter tolerance.
iv. The designation of the pipe material.
v. The nominal pressure.
vi. The pipe series.
vii. The date of manufacture and batch number.
viii. Stencil in legible letters the pipe identification number on the inside and
outside at each end. Ensure that the same number appears on all record
sheets and documents relating to the manufacture, delivery and testing of
that pipe.
ix. The manufacturing standard.

20.3. Part 3 Execution

20.3.1 Pipe Installation
A. Trench excavation shall be carried out in accordance with Section 02225 of the

B. Install pipe, fittings, and accessories in accordance with manufacturer's


i. Provide qualification details of the manufacturer's technical expert to be

assigned to the Contract. The technical expert shall have expertise,
experience and skills necessary for advising and monitoring all aspects of
transport, storage, handling, installation and testing of pipes as
ii. The technical expert shall provide comprehensive technical assistance to
the Contractor throughout the Contract and regularly monitor the
Contractor's activities and report on shortcomings.
iii. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer and DMAT copies of all
instructions advice or reports given by the manufacturer's technical expert
to him. The technical expert shall immediately inform the Engineer and
DMAT of any omission, variations and detractions from the specification.

C. The pipeline shall be within 20mm of the specified line and the invert level shall
be within 6mm of the specified value and shall be such that there is no back fall
at any point on a gravity pipeline.

PAGE 115

D. Install bedding, surround and backfill in accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s
requirements or if not given as specified in Section 02223 of the specification
and shown on the drawings.

E. Lay pipes from downstream to upstream unless agreed otherwise with the

F. HDPE pipelines can accommodate gradual changes of direction in the vertical

and horizontal plane. However the pipe should not normally be bent to a radius
less than 25 times the outside diameter of the pipe.

G. When cut pipe is required, ensure that the cutting is done by a machine, leaving
a smooth cut at right angles to the axis of the pipe.

H. Ensure that all pipes and fittings are sound and clean before laying. When pipe
laying is not in progress, ensure that the pipe ends are at all times fitted with
watertight plugs or caps. The plugs or caps shall only be removed for the
purposes of making a connection of the pipe end or testing the pipeline. The
plugs or cap shall be replaced immediately on completion of the test.

20.3.2 Butt Fusion Jointing

A. Butt fusion jointing shall only be used to join pipes of the same PE material with
compatible Melt Flow Rate (MFR) and with the same nominal wall thickness and
outside diameter. The following procedures shall serve as a general guide only.
The Contractor shall obtain detailed jointing instructions from the manufacturer
who shall have a technical representative available at the Engineer’s request
during the jointing process.

i. The butt fusion machine should be sited within a shelter and the ends of
the pipe being joined should be covered or plugged to prevent through
ii. Each component that is to be fused should be held in position in the
purpose built clamping jig. The lengths of pipe hanging outside the jig
should be supported by means of roller cradles.
iii. The pipe ends should be faced so that the finished surfaces are perfectly
smooth free of visible ridges, valleys or other surface imperfections.
iv. The outside diameters of the pipe ends should match closely without the
offset exceeding 10%
v. The pipe ends should be heated to the pipe manufacturer’s recommended
temperature and interfacial pressure. The Contractor should use a
pyrometer or other surface temperature measuring device to confirm and
record the actual surface temperature for each weld. Temperature
indicating crayons should not come into contact with the surface to be
vi. After the pipe ends have been properly melted, the heater tool should be
removed within the specified time. The molten pipe ends should be
brought together and allowed to cool without disturbance to form the
permanent weld. The proper bead size and geometry specified for the pipe
being welded should be formed.

PAGE 116

20.3.3 Saddle/Sidewall Jointing

A. Saddle /sidewall fusion jointing shall be accomplished by using a mechanical
saddle fusion machine that has been designed for this purpose to ensure proper
alignment, temperature and force control. The following procedures shall serve
as a general guide only. The Contractor shall obtain detailed jointing instructions
from the manufacturer who shall have a technical representative available at the
Engineer’s request during the jointing process.

i. Any dirt or coating that might interfere with the proper operation of the
saddle fusion machine should be removed from the pipe and the surfaces
of the pipe and saddle roughened to expose fresh material and any reside
brushed away.
ii. Test fit the saddle fusion machine to ensure that alignment and contact
are as they should be.
iii. Commence the fusion process and periodically verify the surface
temperature using a pyrometer or other surface temperature measuring
device. If temperature indicating crayons are used, they should not be
used on a surface which comes into contact with the surfaces to be
iv. After the heating period, remove the heater plate and check for the correct
melt pattern on both the fitting and the pipe. Join the fitting to the pipe with
the prescribed fusion force.
v. Cool the joint without disturbance until the melt has formed a permanent
weld. The joint should not be subjected to any external stresses until the
fusion joint has cooled.

20.3.4 Electro fusion Jointing

A. Electrofusion jointing involves heating the electrofusion joint internally, either by
a wire coil at the interface of the joint or by a conductive polymer. Heat is
created by an electric current passed to the conductive material in the fitting.

i. Ensure that the fitting is dimensionally appropriate for welding to the pipe.
Clean the pipe surface in the joint area. Cut the end of the pipe square.
Mark on the pipe surface the proper position of the fitting to be installed.
Scrape the surface of pipe area to be joined, removing all surface
degradation and contamination. Avoid contamination of the scraped pipe
ii. Place the pipe and fitting in the clamping fixture to prevent movement of
the pipe or fitting.
iii. Connect the electrofusion control box to the fitting and to the power
source. Apply electric current to the fitting as specified in the
manufacturer’s instructions. Turn off the current when the proper time has
elapsed to heat the joint properly.
iv. Allow the joint to cool for the recommended time and remove the clamping
fixtures. Do not remove prematurely from the clamps as any strain on a
joint that has not fully cooled can be detrimental to joint performance.

PAGE 117

20.3.5 Mechanical Joints and Fittings

A. Many types of mechanical connection styles and methods exist. The Contractor
shall submit suitable mechanical joints. All such joints shall be recommended and
acceptance tested by the manufacturer of the pipe. Where marked on the
drawings end-load resistant fittings of an approved type shall be used.

B. When tightening polyethylene flanges care shall be taken to produce an equal

torque load to the limits given by the manufacturer. A torque wrench shall be
used. Since polyethylene creeps under load it is essential that the bolts are re-
tightened several times prior to commissioning to minimize the risk of leakage.

C. All joint materials and gaskets shall be suitable for use in the prevailing climate,
soil, ground water, potable water and irrigation water conditions.

20.3.6 Hydrostatic Testing

A. Hydrostatic tests shall be as per BS EN 805 – Appendix A – Section A.27,
unless indicated otherwise by Engineer.
B. Proposed methods and program for testing, including details of test equipment,
shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. All tests shall be witnessed by
the Engineer or other person appointed by the Owner. All equipment necessary
for carrying out testing and cleaning including water, pumps, gauges and
calibration certificates, piped connections, stop ends and all other temporary
works shall be provided prior to commencement of testing.
C. In addition to any tests of individual joints or other interim tests, which may be
specified elsewhere, submit all parts of the pipelines to a final test. Carry out at
any stage of construction other tests that the Engineer considers desirable to
check materials and workmanship on the pipeline. Ensure that the obligations to
perform successful tests under the Contract are achieved.
D. Use potable water for hydrostatic testing and pipeline cleaning. The Contractor
must make his own arrangement for the supply and disposal of water used for
testing which must be obtained from a source accepted by the Engineer.
E. The pipeline shall be tested in sections as the Engineer may direct or permit.
Each section shall be tested separately. Testing shall not be carried out against
closed valves.
F. Use properly designed fittings for the purpose of temporarily closing the
openings in pipelines to be tested. Use fittings adequately strutted to withstand
the pressure specified.
G. Where multiple pipelines are laid in common trench, test only one line at any
one time.
H. The pipeline shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to testing.
I. Ensure that gauges used for testing pipelines have a dial diameter of not less
than 100mm and a full scale reading not greater than twice the specified test
pressure. Before any gauge is used, arrange for independent laboratory to
check the accuracy of the gauge. Provide a dated certificate of its accuracy to
the Engineer.
J. Before pressure testing commences pipes and valves shall be rechecked for
cleanliness and the operation of all valves shall be rechecked. The open ends of
the pipeline, or sections thereof, shall be blanked off and additionally secured
where necessary by temporary struts and wedges. All anchor and thrust blocks

PAGE 118

shall be completed and all pipe straps and other devices intended to prevent the
movement of pipes shall be in place.
K. Tables for pressure testing and for make-up water for testing at elevated
temperatures between 230°C up to 400 °C shall be provided by the resin
manufacturer of the pipe.
L. When the temperature of the pipe wall, test water and air temperature are all
less than 35°C the test pressure shall be 1.5 times the rated pressure of the
lowest rated component in the section of pipeline under test.
M. Pipelines that have been pressurized and depressurized shall be kept
depressurized for a period of at least 12 hours to stress relax before applying
pressure again
N. During summer months all pressure testing shall be carried out when ambient
temperatures are at their lowest in order to avoid excessive stresses on the pipe
during testing. Exposed areas of pipe in trenches, such as at joint locations,
shall be shaded during hydraulic testing at all times throughout the year.
O. The fill and test position shall be located at the lowest point of the pipeline profile
to encourage the expulsion of air as the pipe is being filled. Adequate air release
mechanisms shall be sited at all high points. An air bleed shall be incorporated
as close to the crown of the pipe at the highest point and at each end of the test
P. The pipeline shall be filled taking all appropriate precautions to avoid air
entrapment as the presence of air could invalidate the test. The pipeline shall
then be left to stabilize for a minimum of 3 hours and air released as necessary
by opening the bleed valves.
Q. Visually inspect all exposed pipe, fittings, valves and joints during the tests
R. Ensure that all valves in the pipeline are satisfactorily operating under working

20.3.7 Deflection Measurement of Pipelines

A. Deflection measurement of pipelines shall be carried out at the discretion of the
Engineer, but the Contractor shall be deemed to have included for deflection
testing in his rates.
B. Excavation for or laying of HDPE pipelines shall not proceed until an approved
device for gauging pipe deflections is on site.
i. Use a suitable mechanized device to the approval of the Engineer for
gauging pipe deflections. Maintain devices for gauging pipe deflections in
good working order. Submit calibration certificates before every period of
use. For pipes of 600mm diameter and greater. Measure deflection by
physical entry into the pipes. Use a regularly calibrated telescopic spring
loaded graduated rod to measure percentage deflections in each diameter.
Provide a suitable trolley to facilitate access into the pipe. Record all
C. The pipeline shall be inspected for deflection and orality immediately after 600
mm of the soil envelope has been placed to obtain a reference status. The final
deflection shall be taken 30 days after the backfill has been built up to final
ground level. The Contractor is advised to check for deflection at all times so that
he may make corrections during the backfill construction phase.

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D. When fully installed and completely backfilled to ground level the deflection
inclusive of any initial orality shall not be more than 5.0 % based on the base
outside diameter and measured 30 days after installation.

E. If the visual inspection or the deflection test indicates excess deflection, the
Contractor shall determine the exact cause of the deflection before proposing a
i. Isolated areas of severe deflection may be the result of construction loads
being on the pipe before adequate cover has been placed. These areas
may be able to be re-rounded with special equipment without any
excavation. Long lengths of pipe with high deflection levels may be
indicative of overall installation deficiencies. The Contractor shall submit
proposals for corrective action in the event of unacceptable deflection or
upon indications of poor installation likely to cause future distress to the
ii. Depending on the severity, the material around the pipe may have to be
excavated and replaced with the recommended backfill and compacted.
Provided the pipe has not deflected to the point of reverse curvature, it
may be allowed to be returned to its original round shape before


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