Ut-Mt-0812 Rev2.0 24012023 Lera en MT

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Use and Maintenance Manual



UT-MT-0812_2.0_24-01-2023 (EN)


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Revision Date Notes
1.0 18-12-2014 First edition
2.0 24-01-2023 Revision of the document

UT-MT-0812_2.0_24-01-2023 (EN) | These specifications may be subject to change.

© Copyright 2023 OCEM Airfield Technology (Italia) | All rights reserved.

OCEM Airfield Technology, and any other name/brand associated with products OCEM Airfield Technology mentioned or indicated in this document,
are trademarks or registered by OCEM Airfield Technology. The rights of third parties on each registered trade mark mentioned in this document
are the property of their respective owners.

The copyrights of this manual are the property of OCEM Airfield Technology. The instructions, drawings, tables and other contained in this manual
are of a reserved technical nature and cannot be reproduced and/or disclosed, whether in full or in part, without prior authorization of the
Manufacturer. The reproduction of this manual is allowed for the sole purpose of making one backup copy. OCEM Airfield Technology reserves,
under the law, the property of this manual, by prohibiting the transfer to third parties and/or the unauthorised reproduction.

1.1 Package content 5
1.2 Manual reference guide 6
1.3 Safety instructions 6
1.4 Safety symbols 7
1.5 Definition of operator 7
1.6 Limited warranty 8
1.7 CE marking 9
1.8 Confidentiality, industrial property rights 9
1.9 Disposal 9
1.10 Article identification 9
1.11 Photo-biological risk 10

2.1 General characteristics 11
2.2 Use 12
2.3 Configuration and assembling 12
2.4 Monitoring 13
2.5 Arctic kit 13
2.6 Article number 13
2.7 Wiring 14
2.8 Mounting system 14

3.1 Fixture placement 15
3.2 Preliminary operations 16
3.3 Bipolar cable connection 17
3.4 Installation of the light fixture directly on the coupling (configuration P) 19
3.5 Installation of the light fixture directly on the pole (configuration C) 20
3.6 Installation of the light fixture on the folding pole (configuration C) 22
3.7 Fixture pointing on fixed support 23
3.8 Pointing and alignment on folding pole 26
3.9 Removal of the light fixture 29


4.1 Scheduled maintenance 31
4.2 Fixture opening 32
4.3 Fixture closing 33
4.4 Cleaning the front glass 34
4.5 Replacement of the front glass 35
4.6 Replacement of the power cable 36

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4.7 Replacement of the LED module 40

4.8 Replacement of the Driver Board 45
4.9 Replacement of the arctic kit 48
4.10 Replacement of the support 52
4.11 Troubleshooting 54
4.12 Spare parts 57

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1.1 Package content

The LERA of OCEM Airfield Technology is an elevated LED fixture, high intensity type, for unidirectional emissions
and with steady light designed for the following use of:
●● FAA: threshold/runway end;
●● ICAO: approach, threshold, wing bars, runway end.

Immediately check for visible damages of the containing box. Carefully remove the device and check for visible
damages. Before proceeding read all warnings on the packaging.

Store the device in its original packaging until the time of installation.
Do not lift the device from the supply cables to avoid damaging the cables or the watertightness
of the device.

The fixtures described in this manual have been designed to be supplied with series circuits,
through isolation transformers, connected to constant current regulators from 2,8 A to 6,6 A.

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1.2 Manual reference guide

This document contains all the information related to the equipment and describes the procedures to follow during
the installation of the product and during ordinary maintenance. The document is indented for all operators that

must intervene on the equipment.

This document does not replace in any manner applicable laws, rules or regulations, included the
standards FAA and ICAO.

The precautions provided in the manual are always preceded by a symbol as illustrated below:

Indicates the warnings, the notes, the suggestions and other points on which is intended to
draw the attention of the reader.

Indicates the operations to be carried out mandatorily or the information which should be
carefully read to avoid possible risks.

Indicates particular risks connected with the power supply. It reports the operations to be
carried out mandatorily or the information which should be carefully read to avoid possible

These precautions safeguard the personal security of everyone who work on and/or are in proximity of the equipment
and of the relative supply circuits.

The failure to comply with the instructions (in particular those preceded by danger, warning, caution
precautions) can cause serious injury or death.

1.3 Safety instructions


The improper use of the equipment or the failure to comply all the precautions indicated
implies life danger and serious injury to persons and damages to things.


Carefully read the enclosed documentation before installing or starting to use the equipment.
Do not install the equipment until the completion of all construction works required to carry
out the work.
Do not carry out any operation on powered circuits.
Before every access, inspection or intervention on the equipment, ensure to have switched off the
equipment by opening the main power switch and by removing the supply from the unit (open the
power switch at the beginning of the line or switch off the constant current regulator).
The failure to comply all the precautions indicated implies life danger and serious injury to

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1.4 Safety symbols

The symbols illustrated in the following table are used in the user and maintenance manual and on the device.
These symbols indicate the existence of any dangerous situations, to indicate obligations and prohibitions in relation

to the situations that may represent an hazard for the operator or indicate the behaviour to adopt to minimize the
risk for the operator.

Warning signs Prohibition and obligation signs

W001 | General warning sign P001 | General prohibition sign

W004 | Laser beam M001 | General mandatory sign

M002 | Refer to instruction manual/

W005 | Non-ionizing radiation
M005 | Connect an earth terminal to the
W006 | Magnetic field

W012 | Electricity M009 | Wear protective gloves

W017 | Hot surface M015 | Wear high visibility clothing

M021 | Disconnect before carrying out

W027 | Optical radiation
maintenance or repair

1.5 Definition of operator

All operations on devices and on its internal parts must be performed by professional staff, properly formed and
aware of the risks connected with the power supply and to the use of low and high voltage circuits.

Take all the precautions in compliance with the safety standards for the work carried out on
electrical installations and however for the works carried out using electrical installations or
in buffer zones of the installations and of the electrical devices.

All operations on equipments and on its internal parts must be performed by professional staff, properly trained
for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) techniques.

Never operate on devices if there is not at least another operator properly trained for CPR

Check that Operators do not operate outside their own specific fields of competence and responsibility. OCEM
Airfield Technology declines any and all liability arising from wrong operations carried out by untrained personnel
in the use of the devices, or deriving from the non compliance of general safety standards.

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1.6 Limited warranty

OCEM Airfield Technology assures that all the LERA products marketed are free of manufacturing defects at the
time of shipment. This limited warranty will be valid for the period indicated in the sales agreement. THIS LIMITED


This limited warranty is provided by OCEM Airfield Technology to the original purchaser of LERA products as identified by
the documents issued at the time of purchase. This limited warranty can be transferred to the subsequent purchasers of the
Product, only on condition that this Product is resold as NEW and with the original packaging.

Each change and/or tampering made to the product immediately terminates the warranty. OCEM
Airfield Technology cannot be held responsible for any damage to items or persons deriving
from the failure to comply with instructions relating to installation, use and maintenance of
the product, and to the installation and storage environmental conditions stipulated by the
Manufacturer or by applicable rules regarding electrical devices and systems.

In case of potential defects or non-usability of the Goods supplied, the applicable warranty that excludes any other legal warranty
and agreement - applies to the defects of materials, in the design, and/or in the installation of the Goods supplied. The warranty
consists, depending on the Supplier, in the repair or replacement, at the expense of the Supplier, of each faulty component or
malfunctioning component from the beginning, but is not extended to damages arising from negligence or wear.
This warranty lasts for at least 12 months after the date on which the received Goods are put into service, but will not in any
case exceed 24 months from the shipping date.

For FAA certified products this warranty lasts for at least 4 years after the date on which
FAA the received Goods are put into service, but will not in any case exceed 5 years from the
shipping date.

The Supplier undertakes to repair or replace the components in the shortest possible time without prejudice to the fact that for
the so called commercial components and more generally for the components supplied by third-party manufacturers, will only
be applied the terms of the respective original manufacturer's warranties.

The warranty absolves from all liability the Supplier and does not apply to the damage of any kind, caused by: improper use
by the Customer or by the Customer’s staff, use of inadequate materials, or incorrect or insufficient treatments; installation
of equipments or spare parts not approved by the Supplier; installation and operating working of the Goods received without
following the indications and the instructions provided by the Supplier’s Technical staff; improper or excessive use, insufficient
maintenance, and/or works not carried out in compliance with the information provided in the use and maintenance instructions;
any other reason not attributable to the Supplier. The Customer must shoulder, at its own cost and employing its own staff,
without involving the Supplier, those repairs that on the base of the Supplier’s opinion are considered compliant at a moderate
level of technical know-how.

The Customer must, under penalty of expiration, communicate the complaint concerning the defect or the non-compliance to the
Supplier within 8 days from the date of discovery of the defect, and must send a written request to activate the intervention
under warranty. The intervention request under warranty must be sent to:

OCEM Airfield Technology | via della Solidarietà, 2/1 | 40056 Valsamoggia BO (Italia)
[email protected]

The Customer must bear the travel and accommodation costs borne by the technical staff of the Supplier that must
complete on the installation site any intervention associated with the guarantee.

The warranty excludes any other damage, included those resulting from economic loss and from low production
capacity; direct, indirect or consequential damages; and the Contract termination.

The Supplier is not in any manner responsible for any other compensation or indemnity, including damage derived
from missed or reduced production, from the loss of chance, from the missed or reduced profit, from the loss of
contracts, impossibility of use or in general the partial use, in addition to indirect and/or consequential damages.

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1.7 CE marking

This equipment complies with the requirements of European legislation for the CE marking. The

user should carefully read this document and respect all the requirements quoted.

This equipment meet the requirements in relation to health and safety of the main EC directives, and in particular
of the EMC Directive on electromagnetic compatibility (2014/30/EU) and of the LV Directive relating to electrical
equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (2014/35/EU).

1.8 Confidentiality, industrial property rights

The Customer needs to adopt the maximum confidentiality with respect to all the information of technical nature
(including, by way of example and not exhaustively, plans, programmes, documentation, formulas, recipes, setting
and correspondence) received by the Supplier or in any case assimilated or gained during the conclusion of the
Contract of sale.

Any right regarding intellectual and industrial property connected to equipment and to any other element included
in the supplied Goods as indicated in the Contract remain exclusive property of the Supplier.

1.9 Disposal

At the end of use, the user must confer all the waste in suitable differentiated waste collection centres.
It is the responsibility of the user the correct disposal of the equipment in accordance with the WEEE
Directive and with the respective national laws in force at the time of disposal. These equipments
must never be disposed of in the household waste.

1.10 Article identification

On each equipment there is an identification plate of the article, where the article code is reported; on the plate
there are additional data: the name of the model, employments or use, power supply features, any trademarks
and/or marks that attest the agreement of the equipment to specific regulations or legislations.

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1.11 Photo-biological risk

The fixtures LERA are designed and manufactured in compliance with current regulations, but if used unsafely or
without precautions, the light emitted by the fixture, reaching even high levels of intensity, can be harmful not only

to those who use the light fixture locally, but for anyone within the light beam range.

The optical radiation issued by the equipment does not present any particular photo-biological risks, however can
be harmful.

Don’t look directly inside the light source during high intensity operation. Wear appropriate
personal protective equipment (goggles or similar protections).

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2.1 General characteristics

The fixtures LERA are designed for the purpose of providing visual guidance to approaching, landing and take-off
aircrafts on ICAO CAT I, II and III, FAA (IFR precision instrument), militar runways in the following applications:
●● Approach: ICAO.
●● Runway threshold: FAA AC150/5345-46 L‑862E, ICAO.
●● Wing bars: ICAO.
●● Runway end: FAA AC150/5345-46 L‑862E, ICAO.
The fixtures LERA can be also used on ICAO traffic routes in the following applications:
●● Stop bar: FAA AC150/5345-46 L‑862S, ICAO

The LERA is compliant with the rules:

ICAO (Annex 14 - Volume I [Fig. A2‑1, A2‑2, A2‑3, A2‑4, FAA (AC150/5345-46, EB67 [L-862S])
A2‑8, A2‑12])
IEC (TS 61827) NATO (Stanag 3316)
CAA (CAP 168) TCAA (TP312)
ENAC (Airport Construction Regulation) EASA (CS‑ADR‑DSN - Volume I [figures U‑5, U‑6, U‑7, U‑8,

CASA (Manual of Standards Part 139)

The fixtures LERA described in this manual have been designed to be installed on bases
L-867 conforming to FAA AC 150/5345-42 mounting base plate included for elevated fixtures
conforming to FAA AC 150/5345-46, on pipe (with threaded entrance) placed in the concrete
base, on flange firmly anchored to the concrete base.

The supply circuits for the fixtures LERA can be positioned within the bases established
(FAA L-867) or within plastic or metallic pipes permanently laid in the ground, equipped with
appropriate coupling devices.

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2.2 Use

The fixtures LERA are realised in different versions, to meet the requirements of the regulations depending on
the use:

●● Axis and bar approach: module 14 LED WHILE colour

●● Side approach bars: module14 LED RED colour
●● Threshold: module 14 LED GREEN colour
●● Wing bars: module 14 LED GREEN colour
●● Runway end: module 7 LED (with separate lens) RED colour
●● Stop bar (FAA): module 7 LED (with integrated lens) RED colour
●● Stop bar (ICAO): module 7 LED (with integrated lens) RED colour

2.3 Configuration and assembling

The fixtures LERA are supplied in different configurations depending on the assembly mode provided for the device:
●● Direct assembly: the fixtures are complete with frangible coupling (configuration/assembling: P‑001). The
body is directly installed on the coupling that is fastened to the anchorage (threading 2” GAS). The fixture
in this configuration is completely assembled, with bipolar plug FAA L‑823 Style
●● Mounting on pole with frangible coupling: the fixtures are supplied without pole and without coupling

(configuration: C). Depending on the configuration the fixtures can be supplied in the following configurations:
000: fixture without power cable, suitable for the mounting on pole with frangible coupling. The bulkhead
connector installed on the body of the fixture is equipped with connector which allows the connection to
be made without opening the fixture. The parts required for assembly (bipolar cable and connector kit
FAA L‑823 Style 5, pole Ø 60 mm and frangible coupling) must be ordered separately. For further details,
please refer to the mounting accessories table.
050: fixture already assembled, complete with power supply cable (two unipolar conductors L = 500 mm
with plug FAA L823 Style 4) and ground cable, suitable for the mounting on pole with frangible coupling
of maximum height 300 mm. The parts required for assembly (pole Ø 60 mm and frangible coupling)
must be ordered separately. For further details, please refer to the mounting accessories table.
250: fixture semi-assembled, complete with power supply cable (bipolar cable L = 2500 mm) equipped with
plug FAA L‑823 Style 1 and ground cable, suitable for the mounting on pole with frangible coupling. The
cable is supplied separately: it is possible to cut the cable to length and proceed to assembly. The bulkhead
connector installed on the body of the fixture is equipped with connector which allows the connection
to be made without opening the fixture. The parts required for assembly (pole Ø 60 mm and frangible
coupling) must be ordered separately. For further details, please refer to the mounting accessories table.

The threshold, wing bars and runway end use fixtures are normally mounted on the frangible
coupling (configuration/assembly: P‑001).
Axis fixtures and approach bars are normally mounted on a pole with a frangible coupling
(configuration: C | NOTE: actual pole length fixed by the installation project!).
The approach bars, side approach bars fixtures are normally mounted on folding poles
(configuration: C | NOTE: actual pole length fixed by the installation project!).

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2.4 Monitoring

On request, a light emission source status monitoring module integrated in the device is supplied. In the event
of a fault or failure it promptly returns the open circuit information to the secondary circuit of the isolation transformer.

2.5 Arctic kit

The arctic kit option meets the FAA specifications (Engineering Brief N.67) preventing the formation of ice on
the protective transparent glass by heating the body of the fixture near the glass.
The heater automatically activates when the temperature falls below -1 °C and is turned off when the detected
temperature is higher than +10 °C.

2.6 Article number

example: LERA TG ‑ P ‑ 001 ‑ 0 ‑ A

Use [Colour]

AC = Axis and bar approach [White]
AR = Side approach bars [Red]
TG = Threshold [Green]
WG = Wing bars [Green]
ER = Runway end [Red]
SB = Stop bar (FAA) [Red]
BA = Stop bar ICAO [Red]
P = Fixture complete with frangible coupling*
C = Fixture without frangible coupling**
(P) With coupling (C) Without coupling
001 = Complete fixture 000 = without cable
050 = with cable (0,50 m)
250 = with cable (2,50 m)***
Monitoring option
0 = Without monitoring
M = With monitoring
Arctic kit option
0 = Without arctic kit
A = With arctic kit
Fixture equipped with special support, frangible coupling and cable with bipolar plug (L‑823)
Fixture equipped with special support. Support pole and frangible coupling that can be ordered separately
Cable length available only for AC use (axis and bar approach) and AR (side approach bars)

In the example LERA ‑ TG ‑P‑001 ‑ 0 ‑ A: High intensity elevated LED fixture, LERA model configured for threshold use. Unidirectional fixture with green colour
lamps. Complete system, equipped with special support, frangible coupling and cable with bipolar plug (L‑823). Fixture not equipped with optional monitoring
system. Arctic kit present.

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2.7 Wiring

The LERA fixture can be connected through connectors FAA L-823 style 5/6 to an isolation transformer in series
FAA L-830/L831 (60/50 Hz).

The consumption varies depending on the number of light sources installed and on the presence of any arctic kit.
The nominal values related to the greater absorption configuration (measured during the operational phase at 6.6 A
with toroidal isolation transformer 65 W) are given in the table below:

Without Arctic Kit With Arctic Kit

AC [W] 38 VA 55 VA
AR [R] 26 VA 43 VA
TG [G] 30 VA 47 VA
WG [G] 30 VA 47 VA
ER [R] 20 VA 37 VA
SB [R] 20 VA 37 VA
BA [R] 17 VA 34 VA

The power factor values are given in the table below:

2.8 A 6.6 A
Without Arctic Kit 0.96 0.98
With Arctic Kit 0.98 0.98

2.8 Mounting system

Always respect the project quotas. Before proceeding with the installation and commissioning
of the device, check the position and ground and elevation.

All fixtures installed on the pole (C configuration) are supplied without pole and without any frangible coupling.
Installation elements must be ordered separately.

The aluminium pole (Ø 60 mm) is available in standard length versions from 0.15 to 2.0 m. The pole can be cut to
size according to the installation project.

Code Description Features

315.3710 Support pole 150 mm Support pole Ø 60 mm H = 150 mm
315.3711 Support pole 500 mm Support pole Ø 60 mm H = 500 mm
315.3712 Support pole 1000 mm Support pole Ø 60 mm H = 1000 mm
315.3713 Support pole 1500 mm Support pole Ø 60 mm H = 1500 mm
315.3714 Support pole 2000 mm Support pole Ø 60 mm H = 2000 mm
155.7200 Frangible coupling Frangible coupling for pole Ø 60 mm (LERA configuration C‑050/C‑250)

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3.1 Fixture placement

The signalling devices, in combination with horizontal and vertical fixtures, provide information to the pilots and
therefore represent a fundamental driving aid.
These devices must always be in operating condition and must be clean, maintained and, if necessary, replaced
as soon as their visibility is affected.

The chromatic features of signalling optical devices must be compliant with the dispositions of competent bodies
and with the regulations in force.

For the positioning of the fixtures always refer to the requirements of the relevant Standards:
• ICAO Annex 14 Volume I
• FAA 150/5345‑46 for the construction and operation of airports;
• CASA MOS Civil Aviation Safety Authority Manual of Standards (Part 139);
• TCAA TP-312 (Aerodrome Standards and Recommended Practices).
• ENAC Airport Construction Regulation
• NATO Stanag 3316


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3.2 Preliminary operations

Use the fixture only in combination with compatible supports. The fixture is normally installed on a concrete block.

Ensure the verticality of the upper part of the support.

Using a bubble level check that the fastening surface of the flange (on the concrete or on the
base plate) is perfectly at level.

In the case of an elbow pipe, ensure the verticality of the upper part of the pipe.

Do not proceed with installation if the supports are damaged or not aligned.

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3.3 Bipolar cable connection

The assembly of the power supply cable must be performed only by professional staff, in
compliance with all the safety requirements of the laws and regulations in force in the country
of use.
Carry out operations on the bench, with all elements detached from energy sources. Never
operate on potentially active components.

If necessary, disassemble the support. Unscrew the cable clip nut of the bulkhead coupling and remove it from
the fixture.

Cut the cable to the desired length: the cable length shall be sufficient to allow the connection of the device on
the type of support envisaged in the installation project. The length L of the cable must be approximately 150 mm
greater than the height H of the support.

Remove an initial section of the sheathing of the cable to allow subsequent connection to the terminals and insert
the cable in the connection coupling through the gasket.


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Slightly screw the cable clip nut: perform a single turn to secure the cable in position and insert the conductors in
the terminals 1 (small PIN), 2 (big PIN). Cut off the part of the conductors in excess at the terminal.

Make the earth connection: connect the conductor to the ground screw located on the lower part of the body.

Pass the cable through the support and insert it into the bulkhead coupling, observing the numbering on the joint.
Using the open hexagonal key (not included) completely tighten the cable clip nut with the indicated tightening torque.

Reassemble the support. Tighten the screws with the indicated tightening torque.

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3.4 Installation of the light fixture directly on the coupling (configuration P)

Store the device in its original packaging until the time of installation.
Proceed assembling the fixture and check the supply features before installing the fixture.
Pay particular attention to the proper positioning of the fixture on the base.

The fixtures installed directly on the coupling (configuration P) are supplied with the frangible coupling. Use the
fixture only in combination with compatible supports.

Before carrying out any intervention on the device, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 min) and check using appropriate instruments that
there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.

Screw and tighten the frangible coupling to the base.

Insert inside the coupling the cable of the secondary of the transformer (with socket) and
the ground cable (ground connected inside the base).

Make the electrical connections: insert the plug of the fixture in the socket coming from the transformer and joint
the ground cable with the protective conductor coming from the base.

Tighten uniformly the screws present on the body of the fixture until stopping the fixture on the pole (without


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3.5 Installation of the light fixture directly on the pole (configuration C)

Store the device in its original packaging until the time of installation.
Proceed assembling the fixture and check the supply features before installing the fixture.
Pay particular attention to the proper positioning of the fixture on the base.

The fixtures installed on the pole (C configuration) are supplied without pole and without any frangible coupling.
Use the fixture only in combination with compatible supports.

Before carrying out any intervention on the device, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 min) and check using appropriate instruments that
there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.

Insert inside the poles the power supply cable and the ground conductor, and insert the fixture on the pole (Ø 60 mm)
of height in accordance with the project: the focus of the fixture is positioned 143 mm above the support system.

Tighten uniformly the screws present on the body of the fixture until stopping the fixture on the pole (without tightening)
Install an adequate support system.

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If foreseen, screw and tighten the frangible coupling to the base.

Insert inside the coupling the cable of the secondary of the transformer (with socket) and
the ground cable (ground connected inside the base).

Make the electrical connections: insert the plug of the fixture in the socket coming from the transformer and joint
the ground cable with the protective conductor coming from the base.

Insert the pole on the coupling and tighten the locking screws (respecting the verticality of the pole).


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3.6 Installation of the light fixture on the folding pole (configuration C)

Store the device in its original packaging until the time of installation.
Proceed assembling the fixture and check the supply features before installing the fixture.
Pay particular attention to the proper positioning of the fixture on the base.

The fixtures installed on the pole (C configuration) are supplied without pole and without frangible coupling. Use
the fixture only in combination with compatible supports.

Before carrying out any intervention on the device, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 min) and check using appropriate instruments that
there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.

The frangible pole must be prepared for installation operations: following the manufacturer's instructions, lower
the pole, by placing it on a perfectly level support if provided. Apply the pendulum goniometer to the upper part of
the pole and detect the angle of repose of the pole and take note (in the example 10°).

Make the electrical connections: insert the plug of the fixture in the socket coming from the transformer and joint
the ground cable with the protective conductor.

Tighten uniformly the screws present on the body of the fixture until stopping the fixture on the support (without

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3.7 Fixture pointing on fixed support

Make an initial pointing of the fixture by hand. Rotate the body of the fixture until orienting the fixture in the desired

The positioning of the light elements varies depending on the use.

Ensure that the device is used correctly for its intended purpose, in accordance with the
installation project and the regulations in force.

Install the pointing tool on the body of the fixture and proceed to adjust the light beam.

Before proceeding, make sure that both angle settings are reset.
Use pointing references placed frontally or laterally, and adjust the pointing tool accordingly.
The pointing tool can rotate 360° in 90° steps.


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Align the fixture.

Place a post as a pointing reference.

Rotate the knob to unlock the azimuthal convergence adjuster of the optical pointer and set the angle defined by
the standards. Turn the knob to lock the pointer in position.

Use the optical pointer to correctly align the light beams.

Make small movements until reaching the right position.

Keeping the alignment fixed, tighten the screws present on the coupling to the indicated torque paying attention
not to send the locking nut to stroke on the coupling. Therefore tighten the nuts to the indicated torque.

runway edge and transverse
Threshold up to 315 m 0°
from 316 to 475 m 0°
from 476 to 640 m 0°
from 641 m to the end 0°
side rows
Threshold up to 15 m +2.0°

from 116 to 215 m +2.0°

216 m and over +2.0°
Threshold +3.5°
Wing bars +2.0°
Runway end 0°
* the approach-transverse bars fixtures positioned more than 22.5
m from the runway edge must be oriented to +2°

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Level the fixture.

Rotate the knob to unlock the zenith adjuster of the optical pointer and set the angle defined by the standards.
Turn the knob to lock the pointer in position.

Loosen the locking screws of the fixture. Act on the adjustment tie rod and proceed to fine adjustments of the zenith
pointing. After adjustment, tighten the screws present on the support to the indicated torque.

Use the level present on the pointing tool to correctly align the fixture.
Make small movements until reaching the right position.

At the end of the operations remove the tool and complete the installation.

runway edge and transverse
Threshold up to 315 m +5.5°
from 316 to 475 m +6.0°
from 476 to 640 m +7.0°
from 641 m to the end +8.0°
side rows
Threshold up to 15 m +5.5°

from 116 to 215 m +6.0°
216 m and over +6.5°
Threshold +5.5°
Wing bars +5.5°
Runway end +2.5°
* the approach-transverse bars fixtures positioned more than 22.5
m from the runway edge must be oriented to +2°

UT-MT-0812_2.0_24-01-2023 (EN)
Use and Maintenance Manual 25

3.8 Pointing and alignment on folding pole

The positioning of the light elements varies depending on the use.

Ensure that the device is used correctly for its intended purpose, in accordance with the
installation project and the regulations in force.
For correct evaluation of angles, take into account the orientation of the support pole.

Install the pointing tool on the body of the fixture and proceed to adjust the light beam.

Use the pendulum goniometer to correctly align the fixture.

Make small movements until reaching the right position.

Keeping the alignment fixed, tighten the screws present on the coupling to the indicated torque paying attention
not to send the locking nut to stroke on the coupling. Therefore tighten the nuts to the indicated torque.

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26 Use and Maintenance Manual

Position the goniometer to detect the zenith orientation and adjust the light beam.

Loosen the locking screws of the fixture. Act on the adjustment tie rod and proceed to fine adjustments of the zenith
pointing. After adjustment, tighten the screws present on the support to the indicated torque.

Use the level present on the pointing tool to correctly align the fixture.
Make small movements until reaching the right position.

carry out the verification of the pointing (see following paragraph).

angle of repose detected: 10°; elevation angle: 8°.
Pointing angle (to be read on the goniometer when locking): 90° - 10° - 8° = 72°

At the end of the operations remove the tool and complete the installation.


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Use and Maintenance Manual 27

Verification of the pointing of the fixture on pole head

After each pointing operation, check that the fixture setting is correct.

Act on the lever to lock the rotation of the goniometer and connect the nylon string. Lift the pole to the working

When the pole is in position, act on the string to temporarily unlock the goniometer and detect the actual angle.
Wait for the goniometer to settle then release the string to lock the goniometer again.

Proceed to lower the pole. Read the measured value and check that it corresponds to the project angle. If necessary,
make required adjustments and repeat the verification.

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28 Use and Maintenance Manual

3.9 Removal of the light fixture

Ensure that the energy sources are cut before proceeding.

Do not try to remove the fixture from the base by using different tools of the extraction equipments indicated by
OCEM Airfield Technology.

Before carrying out any intervention on the device, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 min) and check using appropriate instruments that
there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.


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30 Use and Maintenance Manual


Before carrying out any intervention on the device, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 min) and check using appropriate instruments that
there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.

To minimize operations, always pay the greatest attention to handling and storage of devices and carry out installation
procedures with extreme precision.

4.1 Scheduled maintenance

In accordance with the suggestions contained in the document FAA AC 150 5340-30, LERA fixtures must be
subjected to regular maintenance.

In order to assure the proper functioning of the fixture and the maximum duration of the operating lifetime of the
device all the checks and periodical audits must be carried out and, if necessary, the necessary corrective procedures
must be activated to restore and ensure operative safety levels foreseen by the standards.

Do not let running devices not properly maintained or fixtures presenting signs of damage
or fault.

Each maintenance operation carried out on the devices must be noted on the maintenance register.

Frequency Description
every day Check of the normal operation of the fixture.
weekly Replacement of fixtures presenting breakdowns or malfunctions.
External cleaning of the protective glass.
Installation check of the fixture.
every year Check the stability of the civil works.
Check for the presence of water inside the installation bases (to be carried out during
intervention requiring the removal of the fixture).
Check of the electrical connections and of the isolation degree of the system (to be carried
out during intervention requiring the removal of the fixture).
Check of the mounting seals (to be carried out during intervention requiring the fixture


unscheduled opening).
Check of the integrity of the electric cables (to be carried out during intervention requiring the
removal of the fixture from the base).
Removal of snow (when necessary). Techniques for snow removal are described in the
manual: Airport Service Manual ICAO ‑Part 9‑ Airport Maintenance Practices on in the
FAA AC 150/5200‑30 specifications.

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Use and Maintenance Manual 31

4.2 Fixture opening

Every time that the fixture body is opened, all the seals must be replaced: use only original
spare parts by OCEM Airfield Technology.

Whenever the LERA fixture is opened, it must be ensured that:

●● the optical unit is undamaged and clean;
●● there are no infiltration;
●● the supply cables and the connectors are undamaged and do not have breakdowns or abrasions.

Unscrew the four captive screws and open the fixture. Disconnect the supply cables and the ground cable (1). If
present, disconnect the supply cables of the resistance of the arctic kit (2).
Remove the light assembly.

We recommend to immediately replace the light assembly with a functioning spare part. No
further adjustments are necessary when commissioning the new device.

Carry out any work necessary to restore normal operation of the light assembly in the maintenance centre.

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32 Use and Maintenance Manual

4.3 Fixture closing

Every time that the fixture body is opened, all the seals must be replaced: use only original
spare parts by OCEM Airfield Technology.

Arrange the supply cables present in the support and insert the light assembly. Pay attention not to damage the
cables. Connect the supply cables respecting the polarity (brown cable -> cable with white marker; black cable ->
black cable) and the ground cable (yellow-green cable -> tongue).

Clean the internal surface of the protective glass.

Do not use solvent or diluent products to avoid damaging the materials. Dry thoroughly the
internal sides of the device.

check the proper functioning of the gasket. Close the fixture and screw the four captive screws.

Every time a maintenance operation is concluded, is necessary to carry out the ignition test,
to check the correct light emission, depending on the configuration of the fixture.


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4.4 Cleaning the front glass

Before carrying out any intervention on the fixture, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 minutes) and check using appropriate instruments
that there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.

Clean the external surface of the front protective glass with neutral and non-abrasive products using clean clothes.

The external cleaning operation of the glass take place directly on the runway and do not require the removal or
the opening of the fixture. In normal conditions of use it is not necessary to clean the protective glass or the lens

Do not use solvent or diluent products to avoid damaging the glass elements.
In case the glass or the lens are damaged, replace them.

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34 Use and Maintenance Manual

4.5 Replacement of the front glass

Before carrying out any intervention on the fixture, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 minutes) and check using appropriate instruments
that there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.

If the glass shows signs of damage or breakdowns, proceed with replacement. Unscrew the four screws and
remove the frame unit (complete with gasket).
Remove the front glass.

Replace the gaskets (lower -if any- and upper). Position the new glass.

Position the frame unit (complete with gasket) on the body, paying attention not to crush the connection cables.
Screw the four screws alternately until the expected tightening torque is reached.


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4.6 Replacement of the power cable

Before carrying out any intervention on the device, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 minutes) and check using appropriate instruments
that there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.

Unscrew the screws present on the fixture body until free the fixture from the anchorage.

Disconnect the electrical connections: disconnect the plug of the fixture from the socket coming from the transformer
and separate the ground cable with the protective conductor coming from the base.

Remove the fixture from the base and bring it to the workshop to remove the support and to complete maintenance.

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36 Use and Maintenance Manual

The assembly of the power supply cable must be performed only by professional staff, in
compliance with all the safety requirements of the laws and regulations in force in the country
of use.
Carry out operations on the bench, with all elements detached from energy sources. Never
operate on potentially active components.

Unscrew the cable clip nut of the bulkhead coupling and remove it from the fixture.

Remove the cables from the terminals unthread the cable from the terminal block, paying attention not to damage
the gasket.

The bulkhead can be reused for a maximum of 10 times with connectors of same dimensions.
If necessary, proceed to open the fixture and to replace the bulkhead.


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Cut the cable to the desired length: the cable length shall be sufficient to allow the connection of the device on
the type of support envisaged in the installation project. The length L of the cable must be approximately 150 mm
greater than the height H of the support.

If the power supply cable replacement kit is composed by unipolar cables attested to a Style 6 plug and ground
cable, insert the cables in the three wires cable gland gasket. Lubricate the cables with alcohol.
Slightly screw the cable clip nut: perform a single turn to secure the cables in position and insert the conductors
in the terminals 1 (small PIN), 2 (big PIN) and (ground cable).

If the power supply cable replacement kit is composed by an attested bipolar cable to a Style 1 plug and ground
cable, insert the cables in the cable gland gasket.
Slightly screw the cable clip nut: perform a single turn to secure the cable in position and insert the conductors in
the terminals 1 (small PIN), 2 (big PIN).

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38 Use and Maintenance Manual

Cut off the part of the conductors in excess at the terminal.

Make the earth connection: connect the conductor to the predisposed ground screw located on the lower part of
the body.

Pass the cable through the support and insert it into the bulkhead coupling, observing the numbering on the joint.
Using the open hexagonal key (not included) completely tighten the cable clip nut with the indicated tightening torque.

Reassemble the support. Tighten the screws with the indicated tightening torque.


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4.7 Replacement of the LED module

Before carrying out any intervention on the device, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 minutes) and check using appropriate instruments
that there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.

Open the fixture and remove the light assembly from the base (see the related paragraph in the chapter
“INSTALLATION”) and bring it to the workshop to complete maintenance.

Check that the replacement LED module match the desired use/colour configuration.
If necessary, replace the lens with spare parts matching the original configuration.


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40 Use and Maintenance Manual

Disconnect the connector and remove the LED module to be replaced and the thermal pad. Check that the lens
are not damaged.

Clean the installation site of the LED module.

Do not use solvent or diluent products to avoid damaging the materials.

Dry thoroughly the internal sides of the device.


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Check that the replacement LED module match the desired colour configuration.
If necessary, replace the lens with spare parts matching the original configuration.

Position the LED module, complete with thermal pad, centring it on the predisposed holes. Position the lenses, if

Check that the lens (if foreseen) package is perfectly installed on the LED module.
Tighten the screws with the indicated torque values.

Connect the connector.


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42 Use and Maintenance Manual

Monitoring reset

If the fixture is equipped with monitoring device, restore the monitoring circuit before
proceeding to close the fixture.

Unscrew the two captive screws and open the rear cover. Remove the resinated electronic unit, paying attention
not to damage the cables and the internal connections of the fixture.

Access the internal resinated body. Position the JUMPER on the JM1 pins present on the resinated body.

Connect with a supply cable to the fixture and connect the unit to the supply test. Set the current to 4.1 A (step 3).
Power the fixture and wait that the LED D13 switches off. Interrupt the supply test.


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Remove the JUMPER from the JM1 pins present on the resinated body.

Power the fixture and check that the LED light up correctly. Interrupt the test feed and disconnect the fixture.

Reassemble the unit. The device now is ready for the installation on the runway.

The fixture will self-calibrate during the first test ignition of the circuit: keep the circuit powered
with a constant current of 6.6 A for at least 10 consecutive minutes.

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44 Use and Maintenance Manual

4.8 Replacement of the Driver Board

Before carrying out any intervention on the device, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 minutes) and check using appropriate instruments
that there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.

Open the fixture and remove the light assembly from the base (see the related paragraph in the chapter
“INSTALLATION”) and bring it to the workshop to complete maintenance.

Unscrew the two captive screws and open the rear cover. Remove the resinated electronic unit, paying attention
not to damage the cables and the internal connections of the fixture.


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Pay particular attention to the disconnection phase of the power cable of the LED module (1). According to the
version the positioning of the connectors may differ.

In case of damage, replace the power cable of the LED module.

Do not reconnect connectors or damaged cables.

Unthread the supply cables (2) of the fixture from the support of the LED module. Disconnect the ground cable (3)
from the terminal block positioned inside the support of the LED module. If present, unthread the supply cables of
the resistance of the arctic kit (4) from the support of the LED module.

Check that the Driver Board spare part matches the component installed on the fixture.
ATTENTION: Check the product codes before reconnecting the component.

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46 Use and Maintenance Manual

Check that the driver board spare part matches the desired configuration.

Bring the driver board spare part close to the LED module support and connect the power supply cable to the LED
module (1). Insert the supply cables (2) of the fixture in the lower opening of the LED module. Connect the ground
cable (3) inside the support of the LED module. If present, insert the supply cables of the resistance of the arctic
kit (4) from the support of the LED module.

Respect the direction of the driver board during assembly phase. Please refer to the indications
on the rear cover.

check the proper functioning of the gasket. Close the light unit and screw the two captive screws.


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Use and Maintenance Manual 47

4.9 Replacement of the arctic kit

4.9.1 Replacement of the resistance

Before carrying out any intervention on the device, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 minutes) and check using appropriate instruments
that there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.

Unscrew the four screws and remove the front frame complete with lower gasket and glass. Disconnect the supply
cables of the resistance.

Remove the film and glue the new resistance on the new glass, taking care to position it correctly so that it does
not come out of the edge

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48 Use and Maintenance Manual

Place the glass complete with gasket in the front gasket seat (fastened to the frame).

Respect the direction of the glass during assembly phase. Match the supply point with the
lower part of the front frame (in correspondence of OCEM logo).

Bring the front frame closer to the fixture body and connect the supply cables of the resistance. Insert the cables
in the lower opening of the LED module and close the fixture.

Completely insert the cables inside the cavity when coupling the parts.
Do not touch the inner part of the glass to avoid leaving dirt or residue.
Check that the gasket and the glass do not move from their location during closing operations.

Screw the four locking screws and tighten to the indicated tightening torque.


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4.9.2 Replacement of the thermostat

Before carrying out any intervention on the device, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 minutes) and check using appropriate instruments
that there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.

Open the fixture and remove the light assembly from the base (see the related paragraph in the chapter
“INSTALLATION”) and bring it to the workshop to complete maintenance.

Unscrew the four screws and open the rear compartment. Unscrew the two screws holding the thermostat in place
inside the rear cover and disconnect the cables.


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50 Use and Maintenance Manual

Connect the new thermostat and place it inside the cover using the locking screws.

Tighten the screws with the indicated torque values.

check the proper functioning of the gasket. Position the cover without damaging the cables of the thermostat and
screw the four screws.


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4.10 Replacement of the support

Before carrying out any intervention on the fixture, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 minutes) and check using appropriate instruments
that there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.

The frangible coupling and the relevant installation accessories are provided as spare parts.

Disconnect the supply cables of the unit.

Loosen and remove the ring nut. Grab the damaged support with an adjustable wrench in correspondence of the
base of the breakable coupling element. Rotate counterclockwise and remove the support of the fastening flange.

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52 Use and Maintenance Manual

Screw and tighten the frangible coupling to the base.

Insert inside the coupling the cable of the secondary of the transformer (with socket) and
the ground cable (ground connected inside the base).

Make the electrical connections: insert the plug of the fixture in the socket coming from the transformer and joint
the ground cable with the protective conductor coming from the base.

Tighten uniformly the screws present on the body of the fixture until stopping the fixture on the pole (without

Check the proper alignment of the fixture (see the related paragraph in the chapter “INSTALLATION”).

After completion of operations, check the operation of all light(s) fixtures.


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4.11 Troubleshooting

Carefully read the manual, and in particular safety information, before proceeding with the
resolution of common faults.

Problem Possible cause Solution

When the fixture is powered, the light The lens could be broken or damaged. Replace the damaged lens.
flow appears distorted.
The primary circuit may have a partial Check the status of the power
short-circuit. cable and, if necessary, restore the
The isolation transformer could be Check the status of the isolation
faulty. transformer with appropriate
instruments and, if necessary,
replace the damaged component.
For further details, please refer to
the use and maintenance manual of
When the fixture is powered, the light the damaged component.
flow appears weak. The protective glass could be dirty Clean the protective glass.
or damaged.
If the fixture is not equipped with Replace the damaged LED module.
monitoring circuit, the LED module
could be faulty or short-circuited.
If the fixture has recently been under Check that the original configuration
maintenance, the electronic board of the device matches the one
installed could not be correct. actually installed. when an error
occurs replace the electronic board
with the correct spare part.

UT-MT-0812_2.0_24-01-2023 (EN)
54 Use and Maintenance Manual

Problem Possible cause Solution

If the fixture is not equipped with Replace the damaged LED module.
monitoring circuit, the LED module
could be faulty or short-circuited.

The installed electronic board could Replace the electronic board.

be faulty.
Humidity may be present inside the Check the presence of humidity
fixture. inside the fixture. Clean and dry
all internal parts inside the fixture.
Check the status of the gaskets. If
necessary replace the gaskets and
reassemble the fixture.
The primary circuit may have a partial Check the status of the power
short-circuit. cable and, if necessary, restore the
When the fixture is powered, the
LEDs do not light up.

The isolation transformer could be Check the status of the isolation

faulty. transformer with appropriate
instruments and, if necessary,
replace the damaged component.
For further details, please refer to
the use and maintenance manual of
the damaged component.
If the fixture is equipped with Restore the monitoring device.
monitoring circuit and has recently
been under maintenance for the LED
module replacement, the monitoring
device may not have been restored.


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Problem Possible cause Solution

The gaskets could be damaged. Clean and dry all internal parts
inside the fixture. Check the status
of the gaskets. If necessary replace
the gaskets and reassemble the
During periodic inspection is
detected the presence of humidity
The cables could be damaged: the Clean and dry all internal parts
or condensation inside the fixture.
presence of cracks or holes in the inside the fixture. Check the
cable insulation and the breaking of status of the power cable and, if
the rubber of the cable gland could necessary, restore the connection.
allow humidity to enter the fixture.

If after trying the proposed solutions the problem persists, contact OCEM technical support.
Do not let running fixtures presenting signs of damage or fault.

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56 Use and Maintenance Manual

4.12 Spare parts

Always check the version of the fixture installed and the accessories present.

LERA fixture
A Special support
B LED light assembly
C Fastening System

Accessories Code Art.

Grease for gaskets 752.1014


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4.12.1 Special support

Pos Description Fixture Code Code Art.

1 Support body always valid RISLF0092
2 Support always valid RISLF0062
3 Complete tie rod always valid RISLF0063
4 Lower gasket (in gaskets kit) ██-█-███-█-C RISLF0018
5 Transparent front panel always valid RISLF0027
AC-█-███-█-█ RISLF0061
E R-█-███-█-█
6 Upper gasket S B-█-███-█-█
B A-█-███-█-█
T G-█-███-█-█
WG-█-█ █ █-█-█
7 Closing frame always valid RISLF0017
8 Bulkhead always valid RISLF0090
██-P- 0 0 1 -█-█
Power cable (L=500 mm) ██-C- 0 0 1 -█-█ RISLF0064
9 ██-C- 0 5 0 -█-█

Power cable (L=2500 mm) C E-C- 2 5 0 -█-█ RISLF0065

Bench power cable always valid PAACK0077

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4.12.2 LED light assembly

LED module

Pos Description Fixture Code Code Art.

SB-█-███-█-█ RISLF0053
10 Module 7 LED (Red)
B A-█-███-█-█ RISLF0054
11 Module 7 LED (Red) E R-█-███-█-█ RISLF0055
12 Optical system E R-█-███-█-█ RISLF0057
Module 12 LED (White) AC-█-███-█-█ RISLF0050
Module 12 LED (Red) AR-█-███-█-█ RISLF0051
T G-█-███-█-█
Module 12 LED (Green) RISLF0052
WG-█-█ █ █-█-█
14 Lenses RISLF0056
T G-█-███-█-█
WG-█-█ █ █-█-█


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Electronic module

Pos Description Fixture Code Code Art.

A C-█-███- 0-0 RISLF0066
AR-█-███- 0 - 0 RISLF0067
T G-█-███- 0 - 0
Resinated body (without monitoring) WG-█-█ █ █- 0 - 0
S B-█-███- 0 - 0 RISLF0070
B A-█-███- 0 - 0 RISLF0071
E R-█-███- 0 - 0 RISLF0069
A C-█-█ █ █-M- 0 RISLF0072
A R-█-█ █ █-M- 0 RISLF0073
T G-█-█ █ █-M- 0
Resinated body (with monitoring) WG-█-█ █ █-M- 0
S B -█-█ █ █-M- 0 RISLF0076
B A-█-█ █ █-M- 0 RISLF0077
E R-█-█ █ █-M- 0 RISLF0075
16 LED driver board support unit always valid RISLF0058
17 Resinated body gasket (in gasket kit) always valid RISLF0018

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60 Use and Maintenance Manual

Pos Description Fixture Code Code Art.

AC-█-███- 0-A RISLF0084
AR-█-███- 0 -A RISLF0085
T G-█-███- 0 - A
Resinated body with arctic kit (without monitoring) WG-█-█ █ █- 0 - A
S B-█-███- 0 -A RISLF0088
B A-█-███- 0 -A RISLF0089
E R-█-███- 0 -A RISLF0087
A C-█-█ █ █-M- A RISLF0078
A R-█-█ █ █-M- A RISLF0079
T G-█-█ █ █-M- A
Resinated body with arctic kit (with monitoring) WG-█-█ █ █-M- A
S B -█-█ █ █-M- A RISLF0082
B A-█-█ █ █-M- A RISLF0083
E R-█-█ █ █-M- A RISLF0081
19 Arctic Kit ██-█-███-█-A RISLF0093


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4.12.3 Fastening system

Pos Description Fixture Code Code Art.

20 Frangible coupling for pole always valid RISLF0092

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62 Use and Maintenance Manual
Contact us

OCEM AT 4.3 +39 051 66 56 611 4.4 [email protected]

Led Elevated Runway Approach

UT-MT-0812_2.0_24-01-2023 (EN)

OCEM AT a division of ENERGY TECHNOLOGY S.r.l.

Via della Solidarietà, 2/1 - 40056 Valsamoggia (Bologna) - Italy


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