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My name is Alan Stein and I am the owner of Stronger Team and the Head Performance Coach for

the basketball program at DeMatha Catholic High School.

Your athleticism is the foundation of your entire game. And like a pyramid, the wider and broader you
can make your foundation, the higher your potential peak. That is why the best players in the world
are in the best shape and move effortlessly on the court. When you improve your athleticism, you will
perform your skills (shooting, passing, rebounding, defending, and ball handling) at a higher level,
with more efficiency and for longer before fatigue sets in.

Improving your athleticism will also decrease the occurrence and severity of injury. Improving
strength, mobility and joint integrity will help you bullet proof the body and keep you where you belong
– healthy and on the court.

This JETS training program redefines the conventional definition of athleticism. Most players and
coaches define athleticism by high how a player can jump and how fast they can run. But there is so
much more to true basketball-specific athleticism. Balance is crucial. Every single skill in the game of
basketball drastically decreases when you are off balance. So learning how to get in, stay in and
move from a position of balance is paramount. Speed is another. Basketball is played at a very fast
pace, but it is not a speed game. Just because you run from baseline to baseline, uninterrupted the
fastest is irrelevant in the game of basketball. Basketball is about starting and stopping. It is about
reacting. It is about changing direction. So the key is developing basketball speed. And lastly is
strength. I couldn’t care less how much you can bench press or squat. What I do care about is your
ability to develop basketball strength (the ability to perform you skills, against contact and resistance,
with minimal decline). Forget weight room strong; I want you to be basketball strong!

There are 6 primary movements you go through every time you lace up your sneakers:

1. Sprint
2. Back pedal
3. Defensive slide
4. Pivot
5. Jump
6. Lunge.

This JETS training program was designed to help you improve your efficiency in these 6 movements.

I have intentionally chosen exercises, drills and movements that can be done alone, with minimal
equipment. And these 2 weekly workouts are short and intense (will take less than 20 minutes to

So there is no excuse to not get better!

Just as a construction worker would build a house, you build your basketball athleticism brick by brick
and day by day. Every rep of every set of every workout is another brick. Make sure you lay each
and every brick with effort and precision! I wish you success on your journey.

Alan Stein
Pro Basketball Performance Coach
JETS Training Program

Using correct technique, form and footwork must be a priority. Focus on the quality of movement for
each and every repetition.

The old adage ‘No pain, no gain’ is absolutely, positively incorrect. Pain is your body’s way of telling
that something isn’t right and you would be a fool not to listen to your body. Nothing you do in this
program should be painful. If it is, you need to consult a medical professional immediately. Pain can
be vividly described as a sharp shooting sensation – usually in your knees, back or shoulders.

Discomfort on the other hand, is a good thing. You should try to leave your comfort zone as often as
possible when working out. Discomfort is usually associated with the burning or shaking you feel
when pushing your muscular limits or feeling winded when moving through the agility and
conditioning drills. Great players have a high tolerance for discomfort.

The exercises and drills in this program are appropriate for a wide range of ages and levels and will
drastically help your movement efficiency, coordination, spatial awareness and balance.

There are 3 levels associated with this program:

1. Beginner
2. Intermediate
3. Advanced

Each level is a combination of age and training experience. As a very general guideline, a beginner is
usually a player that is 8-12 years old or has less than 1 year of structured training experience. An
intermediate player is usually 13-15 years old or has 1-2 years of structured training experience. And
an advanced player is usually 16 years or older or has over 3 years of quality training experience.

These levels are not meant to label you, but rather provide a more appropriate starting point and set
of guidelines to ensure this JETS program is as safe and productive as possible! The most important
part is that you choose a level that is challenging, yet appropriate for you.

For applicable drills, a suggested rest time is given in between rep. It is up to you to only rest as long
as needed in between each set.
Pre-hab is what you need to do to reduce the occurrence and severity of injury. This section includes
series of exercises and drills that focus primarily on the ankles/feet (the #1 injury area on basketball

A warm-up lays the foundation, mentally and physically, for every workout, practice and game. This
section includes a series of exercises and drills designed to get a player ready to compete.

Mobility in the ankles, hips and upper back allows for proper function and movement efficiency on the
court. This section includes a series of exercises and drills designed to keep players moving through
a healthy range of motion.

Every single skill in the game of basketball drastically decreases when you are off balance. This
section includes a series of exercises and drills designed to help players get in, stay in, and move
from a position of balance when they play.

Improving explosiveness allows you to jump higher for rebounds and get more elevation on your jump
shot. This section includes a series of exercises and drills designed to improve a player’s vertical and
lateral explosiveness.

Upper body:
A strong upper body allows you to increase the range on your shot and have a better handle on the
ball when dribbling and passing. This section includes a series of exercises designed to increase
strength in the upper body.

Lower body:
A strong lower body gives you a sturdy base for everything you do on the court. Strength is the most
fundamental component of explosiveness. This section includes a series of exercises designed to
improve lower body strength.

The core is the center of everything you do on the court. A strong, powerful and mobile core is integral
to improving overall athleticism. This section includes a series of exercises designed to improve core

Basketball is not a speed game – it is an agility game. You need to start & stop and change
directions efficiently. This section includes a series of drills designed to improve your agility on the

Bottom line – the best players are in the best shape. The only way you can maximize your basketball
skills is if you are in tremendous shape. This section includes a series of drills designed to get you in
peak basketball shape.

1. Heel raises
2. Toe raises
3. Palm touches
4. Standing circles
5. Lunge hold
6. Lateral lunge with reach

1. Skip series
2. Jump series
3. Pivot series
4. Walking lunge (with overhead reach)
5. Walk the ball
6. Ball reach

1. Swimmer
2. Kneeling look up
3. 2-way hip
4. 3-way kneeling hip
5. Knee to wall
6. Step behind lunge

1. 1 leg balance (eyes closed)
2. Reach back
3. 1 leg hop series
4. 360 degree jumps

1. Euro step jumps
2. Step back jumps
3. Pogo jumps (2 feet)
4. Pogo hops (1 foot)
5. Power zone jumps
6. 180 degree jump turns
Upper body: (helpful equipment: pull-up bar)
1. Push-up progression
a. Kneeling
b. Plank hold
c. Standard
d. 1 hand on ball
e. 1 hand on ball (wide)
2. Pull-up progression
a. Modified
b. Hold
c. Negative only
d. Standard
3. Wall walk out

Lower body: (helpful equipment: bench)

1. Lunge combinations
2. Hip raise
3. Lateral wall sit
4. Ball reach
6. Squat series

Core: (helpful equipment: medicine ball)

1. Plank with shoulder touch
2. Lateral plank with reach under (on elbow)
3. Med ball lunge series
4. Med ball circles
5. Med ball overhead throw

Agility: (helpful equipment: cones)

1. Circle series
2. Lane slide with crossover
3. Trace the lane
4. 4 cone circles
5. Half court triangle

Conditioning: (helpful equipment: cones)

1. Suicide square
2. Backboard touches
3. 5-star closeout
4. Center circle 1-2-3
5. Full court X (with center circle)
6. 3 Boxes (FT line, half-court, full court)
2 Workouts Per Week

Week #1, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 15), Toe Raises (1 set of 15)

Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 15), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 10 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:30 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (1 set of 4 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 10 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 10 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (1 set of 10 reps each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 10 reps each leg)
Core: Plank with Shoulder Touch (1 set of 10 reps)
Agility: Circle Series (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Full Court X (1 set of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #1, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (1 set of 15 each leg), Standing Circles (1 set of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (1 set of 10 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (1 set of 15 each way), 2-Way Hip (1 set of 10 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:15 each leg each hop)
Explosiveness: Power Zone Jumps (1 set of 3 reps of each zone)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 10 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 10 reps)
Lower body: Squats (1 set of 5 reps each type), Hip Raise (1 set of 10 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (1 set of 10 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Center Circle 1-2-3 (1 set of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #2, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:30 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (1 set of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (1 set of 10 each), Ball Reach (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 15), Step Behind Lunge (1 set of 10 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (1 set of 6 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (1 set of 10 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 10 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 10 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :30 each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 10 reps each leg)
Core: Med Ball Circles (1 set of 10 reps)
Agility: Trace the Lane (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (1 set of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #2, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 10 reps), Palm Touches (1 set of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 10 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 10 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (1 set of 10 reps each leg)
Explosiveness: 180 Jump Turns (1 set of 10 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 10 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 10 reps)
Lower body: RFESS (1 set of 10 reps each leg), Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :30 each leg)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (1 set of 10 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 5 Star Close-out (1 set of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #3, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 20), Toe Raises (1 set of 20)

Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 20), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:45 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (1 set of 6 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 12 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 12 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (1 set of 12 reps each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 12 reps each leg)
Core: Plank with Shoulder Touch (1 set of 12 reps)
Agility: Circle Series (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Full Court X (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #3, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg), Standing Circles (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (1 set of 12 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (1 set of 20 each way), 2-Way Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:20 each leg each hop)
Explosiveness: Power Zone Jumps (1 set of 4 reps of each zone)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 12 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 12 reps)
Lower body: Squats (1 set of 8 reps each type), Hip Raise (1 set of 12 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (1 set of 12 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Center Circle 1-2-3 (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #4, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:45 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (1 set of 12 each), Ball Reach (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 20), Step Behind Lunge (1 set of 12 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (1 set of 8 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (1 set of 12 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 12 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 12 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :45 each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 12 reps each leg)
Core: Med Ball Circles (1 set of 12 reps)
Agility: Trace the Lane (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Week #4, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 15 reps), Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 15 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (1 set of 12 reps each leg)
Explosiveness: 180 Jump Turns (1 set of 12 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 12 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 12 reps)
Lower body: RFESS (1 set of 12 reps each leg), Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :45 each leg)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (1 set of 12 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 5 Star Close-out (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #5, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 20), Toe Raises (1 set of 20)

Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 20), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:45 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (1 set of 6 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 15 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 15 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (1 set of 15 reps each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 15 reps each leg)
Core: Plank with Shoulder Touch (1 set of 12 reps)
Agility: Circle Series (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Full Court X (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #5, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg), Standing Circles (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (1 set of 15 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (1 set of 20 each way), 2-Way Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:20 each leg each hop)
Explosiveness: Power Zone Jumps (1 set of 6 reps of each zone)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 15 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 15 reps)
Lower body: Squats (1 set of 8 reps each type), Hip Raise (1 set of 15 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (1 set of 12 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Center Circle 1-2-3 (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #6, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:45 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (1 set of 12 each), Ball Reach (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 20), Step Behind Lunge (1 set of 12 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (1 set of 8 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (1 set of 12 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 15 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 15 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :45 each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 15 reps each leg)
Core: Med Ball Circles (1 set of 12 reps)
Agility: Trace the Lane (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (1 set of 6 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Week #6, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 20 reps), Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 20 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 15 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (1 set of 15 reps each leg)
Explosiveness: 180 Jump Turns (1 set of 12 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 15 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 15 reps)
Lower body: RFESS (1 set of 12 reps each leg), Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :45 each leg)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (1 set of 12 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 5 Star Close-out (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

3 Workouts Per Week

Week #1, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 15), Toe Raises (1 set of 15)

Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 15), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 10 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:30 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (1 set of 4 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 10 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 10 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (1 set of 10 reps each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 10 reps each leg)
Core: Plank with Shoulder Touch (1 set of 10 reps)
Agility: Circle Series (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Full Court X (1 set of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #1, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (1 set of 15 each leg), Standing Circles (1 set of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (1 set of 10 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (1 set of 15 each way), 2-Way Hip (1 set of 10 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:15 each leg each hop)
Explosiveness: Power Zone Jumps (1 set of 3 reps of each zone)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 10 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 10 reps)
Lower body: Squats (1 set of 5 reps each type), Hip Raise (1 set of 10 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (1 set of 10 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Center Circle 1-2-3 (1 set of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #1, Workout #3

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:30 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (1 set of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (1 set of 10 each), Ball Reach (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 15), Step Behind Lunge (1 set of 10 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (1 set of 6 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (1 set of 10 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 10 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 10 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :30 each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 10 reps each leg)
Core: Med Ball Circles (1 set of 10 reps)
Agility: Trace the Lane (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (1 set of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)
Week #2, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 10 reps), Palm Touches (1 set of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 10 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 10 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (1 set of 10 reps each leg)
Explosiveness: 180 Jump Turns (1 set of 10 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 10 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 10 reps)
Lower body: RFESS (1 set of 10 reps each leg), Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :30 each leg)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (1 set of 10 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 5 Star Close-out (1 set of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #2, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 20), Toe Raises (1 set of 20)

Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 20), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:45 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (1 set of 6 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 12 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 12 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (1 set of 12 reps each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 12 reps each leg)
Core: Plank with Shoulder Touch (1 set of 12 reps)
Agility: Circle Series (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Full Court X (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #2, Workout #3

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg), Standing Circles (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (1 set of 12 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (1 set of 20 each way), 2-Way Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:20 each leg each hop)
Explosiveness: Power Zone Jumps (1 set of 4 reps of each zone)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 12 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 12 reps)
Lower body: Squats (1 set of 8 reps each type), Hip Raise (1 set of 12 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (1 set of 12 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Center Circle 1-2-3 (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Week #3, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:45 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (1 set of 12 each), Ball Reach (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 20), Step Behind Lunge (1 set of 12 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (1 set of 8 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (1 set of 12 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 12 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 12 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :45 each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 12 reps each leg)
Core: Med Ball Circles (1 set of 12 reps)
Agility: Trace the Lane (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #3, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 15 reps), Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 15 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (1 set of 12 reps each leg)
Explosiveness: 180 Jump Turns (1 set of 12 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 12 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 12 reps)
Lower body: RFESS (1 set of 12 reps each leg), Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :45 each leg)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (1 set of 12 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 5 Star Close-out (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #3, Workout #3

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 20), Toe Raises (1 set of 20)

Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 20), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:45 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (1 set of 6 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 15 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 15 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (1 set of 15 reps each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 15 reps each leg)
Core: Plank with Shoulder Touch (1 set of 12 reps)
Agility: Circle Series (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Full Court X (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Week #4, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg), Standing Circles (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (1 set of 15 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (1 set of 20 each way), 2-Way Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:20 each leg each hop)
Explosiveness: Power Zone Jumps (1 set of 6 reps of each zone)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 15 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 15 reps)
Lower body: Squats (1 set of 8 reps each type), Hip Raise (1 set of 15 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (1 set of 12 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Center Circle 1-2-3 (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #4, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:45 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (1 set of 12 each), Ball Reach (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 20), Step Behind Lunge (1 set of 12 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (1 set of 8 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (1 set of 12 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 15 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 15 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :45 each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 15 reps each leg)
Core: Med Ball Circles (1 set of 12 reps)
Agility: Trace the Lane (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (1 set of 6 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)

Week #4, Workout #3

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 20 reps), Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 20 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 15 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (1 set of 15 reps each leg)
Explosiveness: 180 Jump Turns (1 set of 12 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 15 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 15 reps)
Lower body: RFESS (1 set of 12 reps each leg), Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :45 each leg)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (1 set of 12 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 5 Star Close-out (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Week #5, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (2 sets of 15), Toe Raises (2 sets of 15)

Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (2 sets of 15), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (2 sets of 10 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:60 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (2 sets of 4 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (2 sets of 15 reps), Pull-ups (2 set of 15 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (2 sets of 15 reps each leg), Ball reach (2 sets of 15 reps each leg)
Core: Plank with Shoulder Touch (2 sets of 10 reps)
Agility: Circle Series (2 sets of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Full Court X (2 sets of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #5, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (2 sets of 15 each leg), Standing Circles (2 sets of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (2 sets of 10 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (2 sets of 15 each way), 2-Way Hip (2 sets of 10 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:30 each leg each hop)
Explosiveness: Power Zone Jumps (2 sets of 5 reps of each zone)
Upper body: Push-ups (2 sets of 15 reps), Pull-ups (2 sets of 15 reps)
Lower body: Squats (2 sets of 8 reps each type), Hip Raise (2 sets of 12 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (2 sets of 10 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (2 sets of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Center Circle 1-2-3 (2 sets of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #5, Workout #3

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:45 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (2 sets of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (2 sets of 10 each), Ball Reach (2 sets of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 20), Step Behind Lunge (2 sets of 12 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (2 sets of 6 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (2 sets of 12 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (2 sets of 15 reps), Pull-ups (2 sets of 15 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :60 each leg), Ball reach (2 sets of 15 reps each leg)
Core: Med Ball Circles (2 sets of 10 reps)
Agility: Trace the Lane (2 sets of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (2 sets of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)
Week #6, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (2 sets of 15 reps), Palm Touches (2 sets of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (2 sets of 15 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 20 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (2 sets of 10 reps each leg)
Explosiveness: 180 Jump Turns (2 sets of 12 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (2 sets of 20 reps), Pull-ups (2 sets of 20 reps)
Lower body: RFESS (2 sets of 12 reps each leg), Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :60 each leg)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (2 sets of 12 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (2 sets of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: 5 Star Close-out (2 sets of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #6, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:60 each leg), Toe Raises (2 sets of 20)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (2 sets of 20 each way), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 15 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:60 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (2 sets of 6 reps)
Upper body: Push-ups (2 sets of 20 reps), Pull-ups (2 sets of 20 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (2 sets of 20 reps each leg), Ball reach (2 sets of 20 reps each leg)
Core: Plank with Shoulder Touch (2 sets of 15 reps)
Agility: Circle Series (2 sets of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Full Court X (2 sets of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #6, Workout #3

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (2 sets of 20 each leg), Standing Circles (2 sets of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (2 set of 15 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (1 set of 20 each way), 2-Way Hip (1 set of 15 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:30 each leg each hop)
Explosiveness: Power Zone Jumps (2 sets of 4 reps of each zone)
Upper body: Push-ups (2 sets of 20 reps), Pull-ups (2 sets of 20 reps)
Lower body: Squats (2 sets of 10 reps each type), Hip Raise (2 sets of 15 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (2 sets of 15 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (2 sets of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Conditioning: Center Circle 1-2-3 (2 sets of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
4 Workouts Per Week

Week #1, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 15), Toe Raises (1 set of 15)

Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 15), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 10 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:30 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (1 set of 4 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (1 set of 10 reps each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 10 reps each leg)
Conditioning: Full Court X (1 set of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #1, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (1 set of 15 each leg), Standing Circles (1 set of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (1 set of 10 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (1 set of 15 each way), 2-Way Hip (1 set of 10 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:15 each leg each hop)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 10 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 10 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (1 set of 10 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #1, Workout #3

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:30 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (1 set of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (1 set of 10 each), Ball Reach (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 15), Step Behind Lunge (1 set of 10 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (1 set of 6 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (1 set of 10 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :30 each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 10 reps each leg)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (1 set of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #1, Workout #4

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 10 reps), Palm Touches (1 set of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 10 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 10 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (1 set of 10 reps each leg)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 10 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 10 reps)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (1 set of 10 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #2, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 20), Toe Raises (1 set of 20)

Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 20), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:45 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (1 set of 6 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (1 set of 12 reps each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 12 reps each leg)
Conditioning: Full Court X (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #2, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg), Standing Circles (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (1 set of 12 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (1 set of 20 each way), 2-Way Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:20 each leg each hop)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 12 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 12 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (1 set of 12 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)

Week #2, Workout #3

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:45 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (1 set of 12 each), Ball Reach (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 20), Step Behind Lunge (1 set of 12 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (1 set of 8 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (1 set of 12 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :45 each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 12 reps each leg)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #2, Workout #4

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 15 reps), Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 15 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (1 set of 12 reps each leg)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 12 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 12 reps)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (1 set of 12 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Week #3, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 20), Toe Raises (1 set of 20)

Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 20), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:45 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (1 set of 6 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (1 set of 15 reps each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 15 reps each leg)
Conditioning: Full Court X (1 set of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #3, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg), Standing Circles (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (1 set of 15 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (1 set of 20 each way), 2-Way Hip (1 set of 12 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:20 each leg each hop)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 15 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 15 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (1 set of 12 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)

Week #3, Workout #3

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:45 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (1 set of 12 each), Ball Reach (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 20), Step Behind Lunge (1 set of 12 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (1 set of 8 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (1 set of 12 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :45 each leg), Ball reach (1 set of 15 reps each leg)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (1 set of 6 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)

Week #3, Workout #4

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 20 reps), Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 20 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 15 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (1 set of 15 reps each leg)
Upper body: Push-ups (1 set of 15 reps), Pull-ups (1 set of 15 reps)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (1 set of 12 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (1 set of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Week #4, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (2 sets of 15), Toe Raises (2 sets of 15)

Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (2 sets of 15), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (2 sets of 10 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:60 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (2 sets of 4 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (2 sets of 15 reps each leg), Ball reach (2 sets of 15 reps each leg)
Conditioning: Full Court X (2 sets of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #4, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (2 sets of 15 each leg), Standing Circles (2 sets of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (2 sets of 10 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (2 sets of 15 each way), 2-Way Hip (2 sets of 10 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:30 each leg each hop)
Upper body: Push-ups (2 sets of 15 reps), Pull-ups (2 sets of 15 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (2 sets of 10 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (2 sets of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #4, Workout #3

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:45 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (2 sets of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (2 sets of 10 each), Ball Reach (2 sets of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 20), Step Behind Lunge (2 sets of 12 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (2 sets of 6 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (2 sets of 12 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :60 each leg), Ball reach (2 sets of 15 reps each leg)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (2 sets of 4 reps, :30 rest in between each rep)

Week #4, Workout #4

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (2 sets of 15 reps), Palm Touches (2 sets of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (2 sets of 15 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 20 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (2 sets of 10 reps each leg)
Upper body: Push-ups (2 sets of 20 reps), Pull-ups (2 sets of 20 reps)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (2 sets of 12 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (2 sets of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)
Week #5, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:60 each leg), Toe Raises (2 sets of 20)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (2 sets of 20 each way), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 15 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:60 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (2 sets of 6 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (2 sets of 20 reps each leg), Ball reach (2 sets of 20 reps each leg)
Conditioning: Full Court X (2 sets of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #5, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (2 sets of 20 each leg), Standing Circles (2 sets of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (2 set of 15 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (1 set of 20 each way), 2-Way Hip (1 set of 15 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:30 each leg each hop)
Upper body: Push-ups (2 sets of 20 reps), Pull-ups (2 sets of 20 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (2 sets of 15 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (2 sets of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)

Week #5, Workout #3

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (2 sets of :30 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (2 sets of 15 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (2 sets of 12 each), Ball Reach (2 sets of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 20), Step Behind Lunge (2 sets of 15 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (2 sets of 8 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (2 sets of 15 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (2 sets of :45 each leg), Ball reach (2 sets of 15 reps each leg)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (2 sets of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #5, Workout #4

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (2 sets of 20 reps), Palm Touches (2 sets of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 20 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 20 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (2 sets of 15 reps each leg)
Upper body: Push-ups (3 sets of 15 reps), Pull-ups (3 sets of 15 reps), Wall Walk-out (1 set of 6 reps)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (2 sets of 12 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (2 sets of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)
Week #6, Workout #1

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 20), Toe Raises (1 set of 20)

Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walking Lunge (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 20), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 15 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Balance (:60 each leg with eyes closed)
Explosiveness: Pogo Jumps with 2 Feet (2 sets of 8 reps)
Lower body: Lunges (2 sets of 20 reps each leg), Ball reach (2 sets of 20 reps each leg)
Conditioning: Full Court X (2 sets of 6 reps, :20 rest in between each rep)

Week #6, Workout #2

Pre-hab: Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg), Standing Circles (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Jump Series (2 sets of 15 reps each jump), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Kneeling Look-up (2 sets of 20 each way), 2-Way Hip (1 set of 15 in each direction)
Balance: 1 Leg Hop Series (:30 each leg each hop)
Upper body: Push-ups (3 sets of 20 reps), Pull-ups (3 sets of 20 reps), Wall Walk-out (1 set of 8 reps)
Core: Lateral Plank with Reach Under (2 sets of 15 reps each arm)
Agility: Lane Slide with Crossover (2 sets of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)

Week #6, Workout #3

Pre-hab: Lunge Hold (:60 each leg), Lateral Lunge with Reach (2 sets of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Pivot Series (2 sets of 12 each), Ball Reach (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Knee to Wall (1 set of 20), Step Behind Lunge (2 sets of 15 each leg)
Balance: 360 Jumps (2 sets of 10 reps)
Explosiveness: Step Back Jumps (2 sets of 15 reps)
Lower body: Lateral Wall Sit (1 set of :60 each leg), Ball reach (2 sets of 15 reps each leg)
Conditioning: 3 Boxes (2 sets of 6 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)

Week #6, Workout #4

Pre-hab: Heel Raises (1 set of 20 reps), Palm Touches (1 set of 20 each leg)
Warm-up: Skip Series (1 set of full court up/back), Walk the Ball (1 set of full court up/back)
Mobility: Swimmer (1 set of 20 reps), 3-Way Kneeling Hip (1 set of 15 in each direction)
Balance: Reach Back (1 set of 15 reps each leg)
Upper body: Push-ups (3 sets of 20 reps), Pull-ups (3 sets of 20 reps), Wall Walk-out (1 set of 10 reps)
Core: Med Ball Lunge Series (2 sets of 15 reps each way)
Agility: 4 Cone Circles (2 sets of 8 reps, :15 rest in between each rep)

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