Lab Assignment 5 - Rootlocus

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Lab Assignment 5

Name:A.venkata durga

Roll Number: AM.EN.U4ELC22007

Title: Performance Analysis of closed loop system using Root locus technique

OBJECTIVE : To plot the root locus of the given systems and analyze the

Theory : The basic characteristic of the transient response of a closed-loop system is

closely related to the location of the closed-loop poles. If the system has a variable
loop gain, then the location of the closed-loop poles depends on the value of the loop
gain chosen. It is important, therefore, that the designer know how the closed-loop
poles move in the s plane as the loop gain is varied. A simple method for finding the
roots of the characteristic equation has been developed by W. R. Evans (1950) and
used extensively in control engineering. This method, called the root-locus method, is
one in which the roots of the characteristic equation are plotted for all values of a
system parameter. The roots corresponding to a particular value of this parameter can
then be located on the resulting graph. Note that the parameter is usually the gain, but
any other variable of the open-loop transfer function may be used. By using the root-
locus method the control Engineer can predict the effects on the location of the
closed-loop poles with varying the gain value.

Root locus is the locus of roots of the characteristic equation of the closed-loop
system as a specific parameter (usually, gain K) is varied from zero to infinity. From
Root locus system stability and transient response specifications for any value of gain
K can be found

Q1. A feedback control system has open loop transfer function G(s)H(s)=k/s(s+4).
Plot the root locus using MATLAB function and find

a. Gain K for system stability

b. Gain K and Closed loop poles for a damping ratio of 0.707
c. Find settling time and peak time for the case mentioned in b

Theoretical Calculations and root locus sketch

MATLAB code & root locus plot (from MATLAB)

Q2. A feedback control system has open loop transfer function G(s)H(s)=k/s(s+1)
(s+3). Plot the root locus using MATLAB function and find

a. Gain K for system stability

b. Gain K for marginal stability
c. Gain K for critically damped response
d. Gain K and Closed loop poles for a damping ratio of 0.5 (use sgrid and
rlocfind functions)

Theoretical Calculations and root locus sketch

MATLAB code & root locus plot (from MATLAB)
Q3. A feedback control system has open loop transfer function
G(s)H(s)=k(s+1)/(s2+0.4s+0.4). Plot the root locus using MATLAB function.
Comment on stability and time response of the system.

Theoretical Calculations and root locus sketch

MATLAB code & root locus plot (from MATLAB)

Result and Inference

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