9th Class Eng Notes CH 4

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Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

Table of Contents Page No.

Section I: Words with Urdu Translation & Synonyms 50

Section II: Urdu Translation of Unit 4

Paragraph wise:
1. The Migration of The Rasool (‫)ﷺ‬
2. Preparation for the Journey
3. The Role of Hazrat Asma ‫ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

4. The Courage of Hazrat Asma ‫ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

5. The Wisdom of Hazrat Asma ‫ ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬with her grandfather
6. The Generosity of Hazrat Asma ‫ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
7. Hazrat Asma ‫ ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬- The Role Model for entire Muslim Ummah
Section III: Text Book Exercise
Oral Activity 55
Stress and Intonation
A. Find the stress words in the following paragraph.
Section IV: Dictionary Skills
A. Syllables 57
B. Pronunciation
Section V: Comprehension
A. Read the paragraph 3 of the unit and identify
B. Topic sentence, supporting details & concluding sentence
C. Questions Answer & Additional Questions
D. Anaphoric & Cataphoric
Additional Words & Sentences

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Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

Section VI: Vocabulary

A. Correct meaning or underlined words. 62

B. Find meaning of words/phrases and use in sentences

Section VII: Grammar

A. Underline the Abstract nouns in paragraph 4

B. Form abstract nouns from adjectives and verbs and make sentences
C. Put articles in sentences
Preposition of Time 63
D. Identify prepositions
E. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions
F. Fill in the blanks with preposition of time.
G. Punctuation

Section VIII: Writing Skills

A. Summarize the lesson using mind map.
B. Character sketch of Hazrat Asma ‫ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
Section IX: Oral Communication Skills
A. Useful phrases for greetings.
B. Using phrases and greet friends

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Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

Section I: Words with Urdu Translation & Synonyms:

Paragraph-wise meanings & synonyms of all important words in Unit-4:

Words Meanings Synonyms Words Meanings Synonyms

Paragraph # 01 (K.B)

Companion friend, peer mate Determined ‫رُپزعم‬ resolute, firm
Migration ‫رجہت‬ emigration
Bounty ‫ذنراہن‬،‫ہفحت‬ monetary

Tribes ‫ابقلئ‬ group of people - - -

Paragraph # 02 (K.B)

Preparation ‫ایتری‬ make ready Rendered ‫ایہمایک‬ supplied

Journey ‫رفس‬ trip, travel - - -

Paragraph # 03 (K.B)
Perilous ‫رطخانک‬ unsafe
Rugged ‫انومہار‬ uneven, rough

Delicate ‫انزک‬ slight, sensitive Accomplish ‫وپرارکان‬ Finish

smallest, very cross, move

Slightest ‫یکلہیسیھب‬ little
Traverse ‫لکشمےسزگران‬ walk
Endanger ‫رطخےںیمڈاانل‬ threaten, risk Constant ‫لقتسم‬ without stop
accept, take Expose,
Undertaken ‫ذہمایل‬ responsibility
Detect ‫وھکجاگلان‬ uncover

Paragraph # 04 (K.B)

nonbelievers, Counter question in

Disbelievers ‫افکر‬ pagans question ‫وجایبوسال‬ return

aggressively, enraged,
Violently ‫ااہتنصغ یئ ےس‬ angrily
Infuriated ‫لعتشمایک‬ inflamed

English-9 50
Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

Words Meanings Synonyms Words Meanings Synonyms

Wisdom ‫تمکح‬ discernment Slap ‫ڑپھت‬ Hit someone

Courageous ‫اہبدر‬ brave, daring Steadfast ‫اثتبدقم‬ Firmly fixed
Clue ‫ااشرہ‬ hint, point sign Revealed ‫ انزلایک۔اظرہایک‬disclosed
Paragraph # 05 (K.B)
suddenly, worry,
Instantly   Concern ‫رکف‬،‫وشتشی‬
directly business
Empty – Nothing in hands lessened,
‫اخیلاہھت‬ Alleviated ‫فیفخت۔مکایک‬
handed or pockets reduced
gravels, round exposed,
Pebbles ‫رکنکایں‬ Revealed ‫ایعںایک‬،‫اظرہایک‬
stones disclosed
Paragraph # 06 (K.B)
mature age, old
Ripe age ‫ہتخپرمع‬ age
Inherited ‫وراتثںیمایل‬ character
plentiful, - - -
Generous ‫یخس۔ایفض‬ bounteous
Paragraph # 07 (K.B)
having generous
Generosity ‫اخسوت‬ traits
Resolute ‫نیقی‬ Determination

Section II: Urdu Translation

1. The Migration of The Rasool ‫(ﷺ‬U.B)

The Rasool (‫ )ﷺ‬and his close companion, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique ‫ ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬migrated from

Makkah to Madinah in the year 622 A.D. When the chiefs of various tribes of Makkah came to

know about the migration of the Rasool (‫ )ﷺ‬and his close companion, Hazrat Abu Bakr

Siddique (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬, they got furious. The chiefs were determined more than ever to find them.

They offered huge rewards and bounties for their capture, dead or alive. (GRW 2015 G-I)

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Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

   622          

        1
  
   

        
      
2. Preparation for the Journey (U.B)
The preparation for this journey was made at the house of Hazrat Abu Bakr (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬. Hazrat
Asma (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬rendered useful services in this regard. She prepared food for this journey. She
tied the food on the camel back with her own belt as nothing else could be found. For this service
she was given the title of Zaat-un-Nataqin by the Rasool (‫)ﷺ‬.
(LHR 2013,15 G-II) (SGD 2017 G-II) (BWP 2017 G-I)

                2
                         
        
    
      
3. The Role of Hazrat Asma ‫تعالی عنھا‬
ٰ ‫( رضی ہللا‬U.B)
During this perilous journey, it was very difficult for anyone to supply food to the Hazrat
Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. The situation was so delicate that the slightest mistake could have
endangered the life of the Rasool (‫)ﷺ‬. This grand task was nicely undertaken by Hazrat Asma
(‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬. Every night, with the pack of
food, she would quietly venture towards the rugged mountains in which lay the cave of Thawr.
She took care of the minute detail in accomplishing the task. How difficult it must have been for
her to traverse the rocky path at night, with the constant fear of being detected!

         

       3
           
       
 
              
    
 
            
  

  
 

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Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
4. The Courage of Hazrat Asma ‫تعالی عنھا‬
ٰ ‫( رضی ہللا‬U.B)
On the night of the migration a tribal chief of disbelievers, Abu-Jehl in a fit of fury headed
towards Hazrat Abu Bakr’s (‫تعالی عنہ‬
ٰ ‫ )رضی ہللا‬home. He began knocking at the door violently.
Addressing Hazrat Asma (‫تعالی عنھا‬
ٰ ‫)رضی ہللا‬, he demanded “Where is your father?” She politely
replied, “How would I know?” This response shows the wisdom and courage of Hazrat Asma
(‫تعالی عنھا‬
ٰ ‫)رضی ہللا‬. She didn’t make a statement that would give him a clue. She simply posed a
counter question that infuriated Abu Jehl and he slapped Hazrat Asma’s (‫تعالی عنھا‬
ٰ ‫ )رضی ہللا‬face
so hard that her ear-ring fell off but she remained steadfast and did not reveal the secret.

                       4
                   
           
        
      
5. The Wisdom of Hazrat Asma ‫تعالی عنھا‬
ٰ ‫ رضی ہللا‬with her grandfather (U.B)

Her grandfather, Hazrat Abu Quhafaah (‫تعالی عنہ‬

ٰ ‫ )رضی ہللا‬was a disbeliever at that time. He was
very old and had become blind. He said to her, “Asma, I think Abu Bakr has taken all the wealth
leaving you and children empty-handed and helpless.” (SGD 2017 G-I) At this, she instantly ran
to a corner of the home, gathered some pebbles and put them at the place where her father used
to keep his money and jewels. She covered it with a piece of cloth. “Come grandfather, look! He
has left all this for us.” He touched the cloth and thought it was full of gold and jewels. His
concern was alleviated and he felt relieved to know that Abu Bakr (‫تعالی عنہ‬
ٰ ‫ )رضی ہللا‬had left all
his wealth at home. (LHR 2016 G-II) (LHR 2017 G-II)

                     5

                    
  
 
           
                  
            
         
        
    

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Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

6. The Generosity of Hazrat Asma ‫( ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬U.B)

Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬was amongst the early few who accepted Islam. She was the daughter
of Abu Bakr al-Siddique (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬and step sister of Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqua (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬. She (‫ریض‬
‫ )اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬was wife of Hazrat Zubair bin al-Awwam and mother of Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair
(‫)ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬. She died at the ripe old age of about a hundred years. Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair
(‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬used to say that he had not seen anybody more generous and open hearted that his
aunt Hazrat Ayesha (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬and his mother. Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬was so generous that
she sold the garden inherited after the death of her sister Hazrat Ayesha (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬. She gave away
all the money to the poor and the needy. Nobody ever returned empty handed from her doorstep.

            6

          
   
                 
                
    

7. Hazrat Asma ‫ ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬- Role Model for entire Muslim Ummah (U.B)
Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬will always be remembered for her courage, generosity and wisdom.

She had resolute faith in Allah Almighty. Her life would always be a beacon of light for all of us.
 
             7

     

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Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

Section III: Text Book Exercise

Glossary Words with Urdu & Textual Meaning (U.B)

Words Meanings in Urdu Textual Meanings
Perilous ‫رطخانک‬ dangerous
Venture ‫رشوعرکان۔رجٔاترکان‬ undertake, start something
Furiously ‫یکاحتلںیم۔ ےس‬ angrily
Refuge ‫انپہاگہ۔ظفحتیکہگج‬ place of safety
Instantly ‫وفرا‬ immediately
Constant ‫اگلاتر‬ regular
Detect ‫اعتبقرکان۔اھچیپرکان‬ to find out
Ripe ‫ہتخپ۔وطلی‬ mature

Reveal ‫ااہظررکان۔اظرہرکان۔ااشفںرکان‬ show

Oral Activity (U.B)

Answer the following questions orally. (U.B)

 Discuss the salient feature of the personality of Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬.
Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬was a generous, brave and wise lady.
 Name some prominent women in today’s world. Share their achievements.
Maryam Mukhtar:
Maryam Mukhtar was first lady pilot of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF). She was martyred
when her training aircraft crashed near Mianwali in November 2016. She will always be
remembered in History for her bravery.
Arfa Karim:
World’s youngest Microsoft Certified Professional who passed the MCSE exam at the age
only 6 and was extremely intelligent. She passed away at the age of 7. World will remember
her always for her intelligence.
 What contribution can women make to the society in Pakistan?
Women can serve a society in multiple ways for example by working inside the house as a
mother, home maker and care giver, or by working outside as a doctor, engineer, teacher,
scientist, lawyers etc. Nowadays, women are supporting and standing side by side with men.
Women of Pakistan have been rendering their services day and night for the prosperity and
progress of Pakistan. They work as professional in every field like as lawyers, doctors,
engineers, architects, chartered accountants, writers and many more.

English-9 55
Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
Arrange a group discussion to comprehend the following statements.(U.B)
 “Abu Bakr Siddique (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬must have taken all the wealth leaving you and
children behind empty-handed”.
The grandfather of Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬was a blind man. During migration, Hazrat

Abu Bakr (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬accompany Hazrat Mohammad (‫ )ﷺ‬His father was concerned and

said to Hazrat Asma (‫“ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬Asma. I think Abu Bakr has taken all the wealth, leaving

you and children behind empty-handed and helpless”. At this she gathered some pebbles and

covered them with a cloth and put it at the place Hazrat Abu Bakr (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬keep his

money and jewels. As he was blind, he touched that stones, thought it was gold and jewels

His concern was alleviated. Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬handled that situation wisely.

 “This grand task was nicely undertaken by Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬.”

Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬rendered all her services for Islam. She prepared food and

supplied it to Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬. Although this task was risky and delicate but she

had accomplished it with great valour and bravery.

Stress and Intonation (K.B)

Stress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word, or to certain
words in a phrase or sentence. In English, stressed syllables are louder than non-stressed
syllables. Also, they are longer and have a higher pitch.

Intonation deals with the stress of words. Words are stressed to make a certain emphasis. A
sentence can be spoken differently, depending on the speaker's intention.
E.g. I did not read anything about the disaster.

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Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

Stress (K.B)
Read the words carefully and note the stressed and unstressed syllables in them.
reMARkable imPORtant phoTOgraphy
In a dictionary the mark /’/ shows the main stress in a word.
Intonation: The rise and fall of the voice in speaking is intonation.
The words that are in bold show the intonation pattern.
1. Do you like it?
2. Do you like it?
3. Do you like it?
4. Do you like it?

A. Find the stress words in the following paragraph. (A.B)

The preparation for this journey was made at the house of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique
(‫)ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬. Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬rendered useful services in this regard. She
prepared food for this journey. She tied the food on the camel back with her own belt
as nothing else could be found. For this service she was given the title of Zaat-un-
nataqin by the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬.

Section IV: Dictionary Skills

Syllables: single unit of speech, either whole or word of the parts into which a word can be
separated, usually containing a vowel. (K.B)
e.g. water. Wat-er => 2 syllables
A. How many syllables the following words have?(K.B)

Words No. of Syllable Syllable

politically 5 po-lit-i-cal-ly

polish 2 pol-ish
polka 2 pol-ka
poll 1 poll

pollen 2 pol-len

English-9 57
Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
B. Give pronunciation of the following words with the help of the pronunciation
key given in your dictionary.(U.B)
Words Pronunciation
emigrant ˈemɪɡrənt
perilous ˈpɛrɪləs
infuriated ɪnˈfjʊərɪeɪtɪd
knowledge ˈnɑːlɪdʒ

steadfast ˈstɛdfɑːst

Section V: Comprehension

A. Read paragraph 3 of the unit and identify. (U.B)

During the perilous journey, it was very difficult for
Topic sentence anyone to supply food to the Prophet Muhammad.

 Every night, with the pack of food, she would

quietly venture towards the rugged mountains in
which lay the cave of Thawr.
 She took care of the minute details in
Supporting details accomplishing the task
 How difficult it must have been for her to traverse
the rocky path at night, with the constant fear of
being detected.
B. Read paragraph 4 of the unit and identify topic sentence, supporting details
and concluding sentence of the paragraph. (U.B)
On the night of the migration, a tribal chief of
disbelievers, Abu Jehl, in a fit of fury headed towards
Topic sentence Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique’s (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬home.
 He began knocking at the door violently.
 Addressing Hazrat Asma (‫)ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬, he demanded,
“Where is your father?” She politely replied, “How
would I know?” This response shows the wisdom and
Supporting details courage of Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬.
 She didn’t make a statement that would give him a clue.
 She simply posed a counter question that infuriated
Abu Jehl.

Concluding sentence He slapped Hazra Asma’s (‫ )ریض اہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬face so steadfast

and did not reveal the secret.

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Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

C. Answer the following questions. (U.B)

Q 1: What happened when Abu Jehl asked about Hazrat Abu Bakr (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬from
Hazrat Asma (‫?)ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬
(LHR 2013 G-II) (MTN 2017 G-II)

Ans: When Abu Jehl asked about Hazrat Abu Bakr (‫)ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬, Hazrat Asma (‫)ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬
posed a counter question that how would she know. At this reply, Abu Jehl got infuriated
and slapped her face so hard that her ear-ring fell off. But she remained steadfast and did
not reveal the secret.
Q 2: Why was Hazrat Abu Quhafaa (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬worried? (LHR 2014 G-II 2017 G-I)
Ans: Hazrat Abu Quhafa (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬was worried because he thought that Hazrat Abu Bakr
(‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬had taken all the money with him and had left Hazrat Asma ‫ ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬and
children, empty-handed and helpless.
Q3: How did Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬console her grandfather?
(LHR 2015 G-II, 2017 G-II) (SWL 2017 G-I) (MTN 2017 G-I)
Ans: Hazrat Asma’s ‫ ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬grandfather was blind. She gathered some pebbles and put
them where her father used to place his money and jewels. She covered it with a piece of
cloth. She then asked her grandfather to touch the pebbles. When he touched the pebbles,
he thought that it was gold and jewels. In this way, she consoled her grandfather.
Q 4: Who was Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair (‫?)ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬
(GRW 2013 G-II, 2017 G-I) (LHR 2016 G-I)(RWP 2017 G-II)(FSD 2017 G-II) (BWP 2017 G-I)
Ans: Hazrat Abdullah Bin Zubair (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬was the son of Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬.
Q 5: Which incident in the story showed Hazrat Asma’s (‫ )ریض اہللاعتٰیلہنع‬love and respect for
the Rasool (‫?)ﷺ‬
Ans: Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬rendered useful services during the migration of the Holy
Prophet was made. She prepared food and tied it with her own belt when nothing could
be found. Without fear of being detected, she continued to supply food to the Prophet
Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. This incident shows Hazrat Asma’s (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬love and respect for
the Rasool (‫)ﷺ‬
Q 6: Which incident in the story tells about generosity of Hazrat Asma (‫?)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
(GRW 2013 G-I)
Ans: Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬inherited a garden. She sold it and gave away all the money to
the poor and the needy. This shows her generosity.

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Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

Q 7: What message do you get from the life of Hazrat Asma (‫?)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
(LHR 2013 G-II) (GRW 2014 G-I)(FSD 2017 G-I)
Ans: Her life is a beacon of light for all of Muslim Ummah. We should work for the cause of
Islam and help the poor and the needy. We should practice bravery, piety, generosity and
patience. She will always be remembered for the courage and wisdom.
Q 8: “Her life would always be a beacon of light for all of us.” How?
Ans: Hazrat Asma’s (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬courage, selflessness, devotion, patience, generosity and piety
are the guiding light for all of us. By following her footsteps, we can seek wisdom,
success and Allah’s grace not only in this world but also in the world hereafter. With a
firm faith in Allah, she had faced the hardships of life with courage and valour.
Additional Questions (U.B)

Answer the following questions. (U.B)

Q.1 What is the theme of Unit “Hazrat Asma (‫?”)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
Ans: The theme of the lesson is to know and appreciate how Muslim women stood with
integrity and valour for the cause of Islam. Not only did they help the cause but they were
also the role model for the entire Muslim Ummah. Most often they were perfect examples
of modesty, truthfulness, honesty, piety, bravery and even generosity.
Q.2 When did migration from Makkah to Madinah take place?
Ans: Migration from Makkah to Madinah took place in the year 622 A.D,
Q.3 Which title was given to Hazrat Asma (‫?)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
Ans: She was given the title of Zatun-Nataqin by the Rasool (‫)ﷺ‬.
Q.4 Who is the worst enemy of the Rasool mentioned in the lesson?
Ans: Abu Jehl is the worst enemy of the Rasool (‫ )ﷺ‬mentioned in the lesson.
Q.5 Who was Hazrat Abu Quhafaa?
Ans: Hazrat Abu Quhafaa was the grandfather of Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬.
Q.6 Name the husband of Hazrat Asma (‫?)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
Ans: Hazrat Zubair bin al-Awwam (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬was the husband of Hazrat Asma ‫ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
( ).

Q.7 Who were emigrants and where did they migrate to?
Ans. The Rasool (‫ )ﷺ‬and his close companion, Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (R.A), were the
emigrants and they migrated from Makkah to Madinah.
Q.8 What do you understand by the phrase “in a fit to fury”?
Ans. The phrase “in a fit of fury” means anger and fierceness.
Q.9 Why was Abu Jehl furious?
Ans. Abu Jehl was furious because he could not find Rasool (‫)ﷺ‬.
English-9 60
Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
Q.10 What are the other words you can use for “accepted”?
Ans. “Embraced” and “Undertook” are the words that can be used for “accepted”.
Q.11 Note the sequence of events in the text. Classify and organize the main traits of
Hazrat Asma (R.A).
Ans. Main traits of Hazrat Asma (R.A) are:
i. Helpful in preparing for the journey
ii. Careful in preparation and delivery of food
iii. Courageous
iv. Wise
v. Generous
vi. Role Model for all Muslim Ummah

Cataphoric reference (K.B)

An expression that refers to a later expression in the discourse is called a cataphoric
The Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬and his companion, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (‫)ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬,
migrated from Makkah to Madinah in the year 622 A.D.
Anaphoric reference (K.B)
An expression that refers to an earlier expression in the discourse is called an anaphoric
Hazrat Asma was amongst the early few who accepted Islam. She was the
daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬

D. Tell whether the references given in these sentences are anaphoric or cataphoric. (U.B)

No. Sentences Figure of Speech

Abu Jehl, the chief of the disbeliever, in a fit of fury headed

1. towards Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique’s (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬home. He began Anaphoric

knocking at the door violently.

Her grandfather, Abu Quhaffa (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬was a disbeliever at
2. Cataphoric
that time.
3. When Aslam was playing cricket, he hurt his hand. Anaphoric
Before she finished the work, Neelam checked the mistakes once
4. again. Cataphoric

English-9 61
Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

5. Anees threw the stone. He broke the window. Anaphoric

When she entered the room, Zeba was surprised to see so many
6. Cataphoric
The city of gardens, Lahore, is also famous for its historical
7. places. Cataphoric

Additional Words & Sentences (U.B)

Words Sentences

Chased The Police chased the thief but could not catch him.

Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬inherited a garden after the death of Hazrat Aysha

Generosity We should live the life of bravery and generosity.

Minute Ali remembered everything in minute details.

Traverse It was very difficult for Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬to traverse the rocky path at night.

Section VI: Vocabulary

A. Choose the correct meanings of the underlined words. (A.B)

(i) It was such a delicate situation.

(a) Difficult (b) Easy (c) Sensitive (d) Fragile

(ii) Abu Jehl began knocking at the door violently.

(a) Politely (b) Slowly (c) Forcefully (d) Angrily

(iii) She simply posed a counter question that infuriated Abu Jehl.

(a) Pleased (b) Helped (c) Extremely angry (d) Annoyingly

(iv) She always remained steadfast.
(a) Patient (b) Firm and resolute
(c) Ready to face (d) Prepared for the worst

English-9 62
Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

B. Consult a dictionary to find out the meanings of the following words/phrases

and use them in sentences. (U.B)
Words/Phrases Meaning Sentences

‫دشدی ںیموہان‬ She became mad with anger when a child

Mad with anger
spoiled her new dress.
In a fit of fury ‫دشدی ںیم‬ In a fit of fury, he attacked the thief.

‫رازااشفںایک‬ Hazart Asma (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬never revealed the

Revealed the secret
Resolute ‫نیقی‬ We should be resolute to pursue our dream.

Alleviate  This medicine will alleviate your pain.

Migration from Makkah to Madinah is a very
Migration  important event in the history of Islam.

‫اسیھت‬ Hazart Ali (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬is very faithful

companion of the Holy Prophet ().
Refuge ‫انپہاگہاپان۔ظفحتیکہگج‬ The Muslims got first refuge in Abyssinia.

‫دےدانی‬ Hazart Asma (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬gave away all her
Gave away
wealth to the poor and the needy.
We should be determined to face the difficulties
Determined   of life.

Section VII: Grammar

Abstract Noun (K.B)

Abstract Noun is the name of a quality, action, or state. Abstract Nouns are formed from
adjectives, verbs and common nouns.
She faced every calamity of life with patience and valour.
A. Underline the abstract nouns in paragraph 4. (U.B)
On the night of the migration, a tribal chief of disbelievers, Abu Jehl, in a fit of fury
headed towards Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique’s (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬home. He began knocking at the
door violently. Addressing Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique’s (‫)ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬, he demanded,
“Where is your father?” she politely replied, How would I know?” This response shows
the wisdom and courage of Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬. She didn’t make a statement that
would give him a clue. She simply posed a counter question that infuriated Abu Jehl. He
slapped Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬face so hard that her ear-ring fell off but she remained
steadfast and did not reveal the secret.

English-9 63
Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
B. Form abstract nouns from the following adjectives and verbs. Use these
nouns in sentences of your own. (U.B)
courageous, empty, difficult, generous, resolute, suffer

Nouns Meaning Sentences

Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬had great courage to face
Courage ‫رجٔات‬،‫وحہلص‬
any difficult situation.
Emptiness ‫اخیلنپ‬ Emptiness of house did not scare him.
Difficulty ‫لکشم‬ He found difficulty in solving the question.
Generosity ‫اخسوت‬ Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬was very famous for her generosity.
The Muslims of India got an independent state of
Resolution ‫نیقی‬ Pakistan due to Quaid’s firm resolution.
Hazrat Umer Farooq(‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬used to share the
Suffering ‫فیلکت‬
sorrows and sufferings of the poor.
C. Put articles, where required. (U.B)
1. Trees are grown on either side of the canal.
2. Her courage and patience are exemplary.
3. Kindness and tolerance are the noble deeds.
4. The higher you go, the cooler it is.
5. He is the tallest in the class.
6. The dog is a faithful animal.
7. The Indus is the largest river in Pakistan.
8. The Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.
9. Alizay is the most intelligent girl in the school.
10. Where are the books which I bought a week ago?
Preposition of Time (U.B)
Preposition Use Example
Months in June; in September
Year in 2011; in 1999
in Seasons in winter; in the summer of 2011
part of the day in the morning; in the afternoon; in the evening
duration in a second; in two weeks
part of the day at night
time of the day at 8 o’clock; at midnight
celebrations at Eid
fixed phrases at the same time
days of the week on Sunday; on Friday
date on the 20th of August
special holidays on Iqbal day; on my birthday
a special part of a day on the morning of October the 11th

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Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
D. Identify the prepositions in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the unit. (U.B)
Paragraph 3:
During the perilous journey, it was very difficult for anyone to supply food to the Hazrat
Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. The situation was so delicate that the slightest mistake could have
endangered the life of the Rasool (‫)ﷺ‬. This grand task was nicely undertaken by Hazrat
Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬, the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬. Every night,
with the pack of food, she would quietly venture towards the rugged mountains in which
lay the cave of Thawr. She took care of the minute details in accomplishing the task. How
difficult it must have been for her to traverse the rocky path at night, with the constant
fear of being detected.
Paragraph 4: (U.B)
On the night of the migration, a tribal chief of disbelievers, Abu Jehl, in a fit of fury
headed towards Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique’s (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬home. He began knocking at
the door violently. Addressing Hazrat Asma (‫)ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬, he demanded, “Where is your
father?” She politely replied, “How would I know?” This response shows the wisdom and
courage of Hazrat Asma (‫)ریض اہللاعتٰیل عنھا‬. She didn’t make a statement that would give him a
clue. She simply posed a counter question that infuriated Abu Jehl. He slapped Hazrat
Asma’s (‫ )ریض اہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬face so hard that her ear-ring fell off but she remained steadfast and
did not reveal the secret.
E. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given below. (A.B)
(i) The Rasool (‫ )ﷺ‬migrated from Makkah to Madinah in 622 A.D.
(a) between (b) from (c) after (d) into
(ii) Abu Jehl in a fit of fury headed for Hazrat Abu Bakar’s (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬home.
(a) with (b) after (c) in (d) into
(iii) He began knocking at the door violently.
(a) at (b) on (c) into (d) about
(iv) At this, she instantly ran to a corner of the home.
(a) into (b) through (c) to (d) towards
(v) She has resolute faith in Allah Almighty.
(a) out (b) through (c) in (d) away
(vi) She gave away all the money to the poor and the needy.
(a) out (b) through (c) in (d) away
(vii) Her life would always be a beacon of light for all of us.
(a) in (b) of (c) with (d) into
F. Fill in the blanks with prepositions of time. (A.B)
a) Ali is arriving on January 26 at 2 O’clock in the afternoon.
b) Saqib is leaving on Friday at noon.
c) Ashar has started working for his law firm in 1995.
d) I met Shaheen at 9.00 a.m.
e) The doctor will see Alizay in the evening.
f) Sobia has her birthday on September 11.
g) We will have vacation in summer.

English-9 65
Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

G. Punctuate the following using capital letters, comma and full stop. (U.B)
the Rasool (‫ )ﷺ‬and his close companion hazrat abu bakr (‫)ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬, migrated from

makkah to madina in the year 622 a.d. when the chiefs of various tribes of makkah came

to know about the migration of the rasool (‫ )ﷺ‬and his close companion hazrat abu bakar

siddique (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬they got furious

Punctuated: (U.B)
The Rasool (‫ )ﷺ‬and his close companion, Hazrat Abu Bakr (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬, migrated from

Makkah to Madinah in the year 622 A.D. When the chiefs of various tribes of Makkah

came to know about migration of the Rasool (‫ )ﷺ‬and his close companion Hazrat Abu

Bakar Siddique (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬, they got furious.

Section VIII: Writing Skills

A. Summarize the unit by completing the following mind map. (K.B)

B. Write a character sketch of Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬. Then proofread and

edit self and peer’s work. (K.B)
Ans: Hazrat Asma (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل عنھا‬was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr (‫)ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬. She was

among the earlier few to embrace Islam. She was a true Muslim lady who faced all
intricate situations in her life bravely. She was very wise, brave and generous woman. At

English-9 66
Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬

the time of migration of the Rasool (‫)ﷺ‬, she took up the dangerous task of delivering

food in the cave of Thawr. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (‫ )ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬was along with the

Rasool (‫)ﷺ‬.She replied intelligently to Abu Jehl and got punishment but did not reveal

the secret of migration. She consoled her grandfather Hazrat Abu Quhafaa by claiming

that Hazrat Abu Bakr (‫ )ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬had indeed left money behind for family. She was very

generous. When she inherited a garden after the death of Hazrat Ayesha (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬. She

sold it and gave away all the wealth to the poor and the needy. She will always be
remembered for her courage, generosity and wisdom. She is the guiding star for all
Muslim ladies of the world.

Section IX: Oral Communication Skills

A. Useful phrases for greetings(U.B)

How to begin When meeting

Informal/friendly Formal/business
formal someone after a
greetings greetings
conversation? while?

Hello! Good morning! How do you do? Good to see you

Hi! Good afternoon! How are you? again.
Good evening!

Introducing yourself: When meeting for Response: It’s been a long time.
I would like to introduce the first time: Very well!
myself Pleased to meet you. Response:
I am…. Nice meeting you. Fine, thank you.
Glad to meet you.

It’s a pleasure
meeting you.

English-9 67
Unit – 4 Hazrat Asma (‫)ریضاہللاعتٰیلعنھا‬
B. A new student has joined your class, use the phrases from above and greet
your new friend both formally and informally. Also, introduce yourself and
ask for his/her introduction. (U.B)
Useful phrases for greetings

Student A Hello!

Student B Hi!

Student A Good to see you

Student B How do you do?

Student A I am fine. What about you?

Student B I am fine too.

Student A Hope we’ll have good time together

Student B It’s a pleasure meeting you.

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