Revision 2.0 - Solutions

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Singapore Maritime Academy

Class 1 Deck Certificate of Comptency

MA2029: Ship Stability
ECC Revision 2.0
Solutions to Revision Question No.1 (Pressure & Thrust)

1. A bulkhead of a tank has depth of 20 metres. The vertical ordinates at

equidistant intervals of 2.5 metres from port to starboard are as follows.

0 7.2 12.5 15.0 20.0 15.0 12.5 7.2 0

The tank is filled with salt water to a head of 1.8m above the top of the bulkhead.

2.1 The position of the centre of area below top of tank (Ans: 6.80 m)
2.2 The load on the bulkhead (Ans: 1965.75 t)
2.3 The position of centre of pressure below top of tank (Ans: 9.21 m)

Ord SM A.func Ord M.func Ord I.func

0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7.20 4.00 28.80 7.20 207.36 7.20 1492.99
12.50 2.00 25.00 12.50 312.50 12.50 3906.25
15.00 4.00 60.00 15.00 900.00 15.00 13500.00
20.00 2.00 40.00 20.00 800.00 20.00 16000.00
15.00 4.00 60.00 15.00 900.00 15.00 13500.00
12.50 2.00 25.00 12.50 312.50 12.50 3906.25
7.20 4.00 28.80 7.20 207.36 7.20 1492.99
0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Total
267.60 3639.72 Total I.func 53798.48
A.func M.func

h = 2.50

Area = (h / 3) x Total A.func

= (2.50 / 3) x 267.60
= 223.00 m2

1st Moment about Tanktop (OZ) & Waterline:

= h / 3 (Total M. Func / 2)
= (2.50 / 3) x (3639.72 / 2)
= 1516.55 m3

I about Tanktop (OZ) of Immersed Area below Tanktop (OZ) & Waterline:
= h / 3 (Total I. Func / 3)
= (2.50 / 3) x (53798.48 / 3)
= 14944.02 m4

Depth of CG below Tanktop (OZ):

= 1st moment about tanktop / Area (Total M func / Total A func) x ½
= 1516.55 / 223 (3639.72 / 267.60) x ½
Ans 2.1 = 6.80 m 6.80
Singapore Maritime Academy
Class 1 Deck Certificate of Comptency
MA2029: Ship Stability
ECC Revision 2.0

Depth of Centre of Pressure below Tanktop (OZ):

I about Tanktop below Tanktop & Waterline (Total I func / Total M func) x ⅔
y =
1st Moment About Tanktop & Waterline (53798.48 / 3639.72) x ⅔
= 14944.02 / 1516.55 9.85
= 9.85 m

Depth of Centroid (CG) below Waterline = 8.6 m

Area = 223 m2
Density = 1.025 t / m2

Load on Bulkhead = Depth x Density x Area

= 8.60 x 1.025 x 223
Ans 2.2 = 1965.75 tonnes

Theorem of Parallel Axis ICG = IOZ - Area x (Depth of CG below OZ)²

= 14944.02 - (223 x 6.80²)

IWL = ICG + Area x (Depth of CG below WL)²

= 4630.46 + (223 x 8.60²)

Cente of Pressure Y = IWL / (Area x Depth of CG below WL)

= 21123.54 / (223 x 8.60)
11.01 m below waterline
1.80 m head of water
Ans 2.3 9.21 m below top of tank
Singapore Maritime Academy
Class 1 Deck Certificate of Comptency
MA2029: Ship Stability
ECC Revision 2.0
Solutions to Revision Question No.2 (Grain Loading)

1. A vessel has loaded grain, SF 1.45m³/t, to a displacement of 18,500 tonne. In

loaded condition the effective KG is 7.15 m. All grain spaces are full, except No.2
tween deck, which is partially full. The tabulated transverse volumetric heeling
moment are as follows.

Cargo Spaces VHM (m4)

No.1 hold 1020
No.2 hold 1542
No.3 hold 1675
No.4 hold 1885
No.1 TD 623
No.2 TD 975
No.3 TD 403

The value of KG used in the calculation of the vessel’s effective KG were as

For lower holds, the centroid of the space.
For tween decks, the actual Kg of the cargo

Table of Maximum Permissable Grain Heeling Moment (m-t))
Fluid KG
6.80 6.90 7.00 7.10 7.20 7.30
19500 6189 5868 5547 5227 4899 4585
19000 6038 5729 5419 5110 4909 4490
18500 6048 5740 5441 5142 4844 4545
18000 6082 5794 5508 5219 4932 4644
17500 6092 5795 5519 5242 4966 4689
17000 6071 5799 5640 5275 5010 4744
16500 6150 5886 5632 5378 5123 4869

1.1 Using the datasheet provided, determine the vessel ability to comply with
the statutory grain regulations.
1.2 Calculate the vessel’s approximate angle of heel in the event of a shift of
grain assumed in the grain regulations.
(Ans: 13.78°)
Singapore Maritime Academy
Class 1 Deck Certificate of Comptency
MA2029: Ship Stability
ECC Revision 2.0

Spaces Wt S SF Volume VHM Factor Corr VHM GHM

No.1 Hold F 1.45 1020.00 1.00 1020.00 703.45

No.2 Hold F 1.45 1542.00 1.00 1542.00 1063.45
No.3 Hold F 1.45 1675.00 1.00 1675.00 1155.17
No.4 Hold F 1.45 1885.00 1.00 1885.00 1300.00
No.1 TD F 1.45 623.00 1.06 660.38 455.43
No.2 TD F 1.45 975.00 1.12 1092.00 753.10
No.3 TD P 1.45 403.00 1.06 427.18 294.61
Displ 18500 8301.56 5725.21

From Datasheet: Using ∆ = 18500 t and KG 7.15 m

Maximum permissable grain heeling moment = 4993 t-m

Actual grain heeling moment = 5725.21 t-m
4.1 Since the actual grain heeling moment is greater than the maximum permissable
grain heeling moment, vessel does not comply with the statutory grain regulation.
4.2 The approximate angle of heel GHM x 12° = 5725.21 x 12° =13.78°

Max Permissable 4993.00

Singapore Maritime Academy
Class 1 Deck Certificate of Comptency
MA2029: Ship Stability
ECC Revision 2.0
Solutions to Revision Question No.3 (Grain Loading)

1. MV Del Monte, a 7-holds bulk carrier, is scheduled to load a consignment of wheat in

bulk at Freemantle, Australia.

Cargo information and loading distribution are as follows.

Hold Weight (tonnes) SF Stowage
1 5688 1.60 Full
2 1350 1.60 Partially Full
3 6562 1.60 Full
4 6875 1.60 Full
5 6880 1.60 Full
6 6880 1.60 Full
7 6565 1.60 Full

Upon completion of loading, the following ship’s figures are obtained.

Other weights/deductibles onboard = 3900 tonnes FSM = 700 t-m

Lightship = 10533 tonnes
Solid KG = 9.20 m

Note: For vertical shift of G due to grain shift, use a factor of 1.06 for full
compartments and 1.12 for partially-full compartments.


3.1 Using the KN and HM curves provided, draw the curve of statical stability for
the departure condition. The curve should include the heeling moment curve
for grain shift.
3.2 Determine the angle of heel due to grain shift using the following method.
i. By estimation, using the curve of statical stability.
(Ans: 4.8°)
ii. By calculation, given the maximum allowable heeling moment at
departure condition is 47500 t-m.
(Ans: 4.88°)
3.3 Determine if vessel comply with the statutory grain regulations
Singapore Maritime Academy
Class 1 Deck Certificate of Comptency
MA2029: Ship Stability
ECC Revision 2.0
Hold Wt S SF Volume VHM Factor Corr VHM GHM
1 5688 F 1.6 9100.80 2000.00 1.06 2120.00 1325.00
2 1350 P 1.6 2160.00 48000.00 1.12 53760.00 33600.00
3 6562 F 1.6 10499.20 4000.00 1.06 4240.00 2650.00
4 6875 F 1.6 11000.00 3000.00 1.06 3180.00 1987.50
5 6880 F 1.6 11008.00 3000.00 1.12 3360.00 2100.00
6 6880 F 1.6 11008.00 3000.00 1.06 3180.00 1987.50
7 6565 F 1.6 10504.00 4000.00 1.06 4240.00 2650.00
Total 40800.00 74080.00 46300.00
Lightship 10533.00 Solid KG = 9.20
Deductibles 3900.00 FSC = 0.01
Displaceme 55233.00 Fluid KG = 9.21

λ0 = VHM = 74080.00 = 0.838267

SF x W 1.60 x 55233

λ40 = 0.8 x λ0 = 0.670614

Heel (θ) KN KG.Sinθ GZ Ans: 3.2

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 From curve, angle of heel = 11°
5 1.20 0.8026 0.3974 The approximate angle of heel = GHM x 12°
10 2.33 1.5992 0.7308 Max Permissable
12 2.77 1.9147 0.8553 = 46300 x 12°
15 3.55 2.3836 1.1664 47500.00
20 4.78 3.1498 1.6302 = 11.7°
25 6.10 3.8920 2.2080
30 7.42 4.6047 2.8153 Ans: 3.3
35 8.57 5.2823 3.2877 The angle of heel is less than 12°.
40 9.43 5.9197 3.5103 ∴ Vessel complies with the grain regulation.
50 10.50 7.0549 3.4451
60 11.00 7.9757 3.0243
75 10.80 8.8959 1.9041
90 9.80 9.2100 0.5900
Singapore Maritime Academy
Class 1 Deck Certificate of Comptency
MA2029: Ship Stability
ECC Revision 2.0

Ans: 3.1







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Solutions to Revision Question No.4 (Inclining Experiment)
A ship of 13700 tonne displacement is inclined by moving a 12 tonne weight through
a distance of 28 m transversely. The deflections of two pendulums were as follows.

Forward pendulum Length 20 m Deflection 17.2 cm

Aft pendulum Length 20 m Deflection 17.6 cm

To bring the ship to light displacement, the following weight movements are carried
Weights on: Four sets of cargo winches each 8 tonne, Kg 18.3m
Weights off: Inclining test weight 12 tonne, Kg 18.3m
Four sets of shore generator each 3 tonne Kg 18.3m

4.1 Calculate the GM and angle of heel obtained from the inclining test.
(Ans: GM = 2.819m, θ = 0.4985°)

4.2 Calculate the ship’s final light displacement and VCG, given her KM was
(Ans: ∆ = 13708 t, VCG 6.0881m)

GM = GG1 x AB
= w x d x AB
= 12 x 28 x 20
13700 x 0.174
= 2.8190 m
KM = 8.9000 m
KG = 6.0810 m

Angle of heel (θ): Cot AB/BC

= 20/0.174
= 114.9425
θ= 0.4985°

Wt KG Moments
13700 6.0810 83309.3103
32 18.3000 585.6000
12 18.3000 219.6000
12 18.3000 219.6000
13708 6.0881 83455.7103

Ans: During inclining experiment, GM = 2.819 m, angle of heel (θ) = 0.4985°

Ship's light displacement = 13708 tonne, VCG 6.0881 m
Solutions to Revision Question No.5 (GZ & KN Curves)

5. MV Del Monte sailed for Jeddah, Saudi Arabia with a displacement of 60,210 tonne
and KG 9.1m

During the passage, 940 tonne of FO, SG 0.98 Kg 2.1m, was consumed from a
rectangular double bottom tank, 20m in length and 24m wide, subdivided equally by a
longitudinal watertight bulkhead.

5.1 Calculate her fluid KG

She approached Jeddah Pilot Station with a starboard list. Upon inspection, it was
confirmed that the list was due to shift of 870 tonne of cargo through a distance of 20
m to the starboard and 2.8 m vertically downwards. Draw the curve of statical stability
for the arrival condition.

5.2 From the curve, determine the following.

i. Angle of list (Ans: 3.7°)
ii. Maximum GZ and angle at which it occurs (Ans: 3.1m at 44.7° heel)
iii. Angle of vanishing stability (Ans: 97°)

G1Gv = (i / W) x dt x 1 / (n + 1)
= ( lb / 12W) x 0.98 x ¼
= {20 x 24³ / 12 x 60210} x 0.98 x ¼
= 0.0938

Weights KG Moments
Departure 60210.0000 9.1000 547911.0000
940.0000 2.1000 1974.0000
Arrival Jeddah 59270.0000 9.2110 545937.0000
FSC 0.0938
Arrival Jeddah Fluid KG 9.3048

GG1 = (w x d) / W Fluid KG = 9.3048m

= 870 x 2.8 / 60210 Angle of list = 3.7° to starboard
= 0.0411 Max GZ = 3.1m at 44.7° heel
Vanishing stability = 97°
GG2 = (w x d) / W
= 870 x 20 / 60210
= 0.2936
Heel (θ°) KN KG Sinθ° GZ GG1Sinθ° GG2Cosθ° Final GZ
0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2936 -0.2936
5 1.1700 0.8109 0.3591 0.0036 0.2925 0.0702
10 2.2900 1.6156 0.6744 0.0071 0.2891 0.3924
12 2.7500 1.9344 0.8156 0.0085 0.2872 0.5369
15 3.5000 2.4081 1.0919 0.0106 0.2836 0.8190
20 4.7500 3.1822 1.5678 0.0141 0.2759 1.3060
25 6.0000 3.9321 2.0679 0.0174 0.2661 1.8192
30 7.2800 4.6521 2.6279 0.0205 0.2543 2.3942
35 8.4000 5.3367 3.0633 0.0236 0.2405 2.8464
40 9.2500 5.9806 3.2694 0.0264 0.2249 3.0709
50 10.3500 7.1275 3.2225 0.0315 0.1887 3.0652
60 10.9000 8.0578 2.8422 0.0356 0.1468 2.7309
75 10.7500 8.9875 1.7625 0.0397 0.0760 1.7262
90 9.7800 9.3048 0.4752 0.0411 0.0000 0.5163
Solutions to Revision Question No.6 (GZ Curves)



2.0 2.03m


O 5.0° 25.6° 57.3°

10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60

The initial GM of the ship is 2.03m

The small angle of the ship within which the GZ values can be determined by the formula: GM x Sin θ  5°
The angle of deck edge immersion  25.6°
The limit of the wall-sided formula: GZ = (GM + ½BM Tan2θ) Sinθ  25.6°
Solutions to Revision Question No.7 (Angle of Loll)

i) BM = I/V
= 7.2 x 10 x 1.025
= 1.5061 m

Tan θ = √(2GM/BM)
= √(2 x 0.36/1.5061)
= 0.6914

Angle of loll = 34.66°

ii) Correcting angle of loll has to be done with caution taking into consideration
the very delicate stability of the vessel. This is rectified by either adding weight
to the low part of the ship or removing weight from the high part. Ballasting is
usually preferred and if empty divided DB space is available, the tank on the
lower side should be ballasted first in order to immediately provide additional
GM. However, care should be taken as this will cause a far greater list.
Solutions No.9
A ship 3000 tonnes displacement is 100m long, KM = 6m, KG = 5.5m, CF =
2m aft of amidships and MCTC = 40 t-m. Calculate the maximum trim for
the ship to enter drydock of GM at the critical instant before the ship takes
the blocks overall is to be not less than 0.3m

Initial GM = 0.50 m
Virtual GM = 0.30 m
Virtual Loss = 0.20 m

Virtual Loss (MM1) = P x KM / W

P = 0.2 x 3000 / 6.0
= 100 tonnes

P = MCTC x t/l
t = 100 x 48 / 40
Virtual Loss = 0.50 – 0.30 = 0.20 m = 120 cm

Virtual Loss (GG1) = P x KG / W - P

W-P = P x 5.5 / 0.2
0.2(3000 – P) = P x 5.5
600 – 0.2P = 5.5P
5.7P = 600
P = 105.26 tonnes

P = MCTC x t/l
t = 105.26 x 48 / 40
= 126.31 cm

Barge Displacement = 40 x 10 x 3 x 1.000 = 1200 tonnes

Cargo on board = = 600 tonnes
Barge lightship = = 600 tonnes

Load on hull/metre run = 600/40 = 15.00 tonnes

Cargo load on hull/m run = 180/10 = 18.00 tonnes (Holds 1 & 4)

120/10 = 12.00 tonnes (Holds 2 & 3)

Total load on hull/m run = 14.98 + 13.33 = 33.00 tonnes (Holds 1 & 4)
Total load on hull/m run = 14.98 + 20.00 = 27.00 tonnes (Holds 2 & 3)

Buoyancy/m run 1200/40 = 30 tonnes

Hold 1 Hold 2 Hold 3 Hold 4

0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40
Load -3 +3 +3 -3



Hold 1 Hold 2 Hold 3 Hold 4

0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40
Load -3 +3 +3 -3
SF -30 0 +30 0

0 10 20 30 40


Hold 1 Hold 2 Hold 3 Hold 4

0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40
Load -3 +3 +3 -3
SF -30 0 +30 0
BM -150 -300 -150 0

0 10 20 30 40


Q11. A box-shaped vessel 50m long, 10m wide and floats in salt water on an even keel draft of
4m, KG 3m. The barge is divided longitudinally at the centerline by a watertight bulkhead.
Calculate the list if a starboard compartment amidships 12m long and contains cargo of
permeability 30% is bilged.

Vessel's Length = 50 m
Vessel's Breadth = 10 m
Vessel's Draft = 4 m
Bilged Compt Length = 12 m
Bilged Compt Permeability = 0.3
Bilged Compt Breadth = 5 m

L x B x di = (L x B x db) - (l x b x db) x p
50 x 10 x 4 = (50 x 10 x db) - (12 x 5 x db) x 0.3
2000 = 500 db - 18 db
482db = 2000
Bilged Draft (db) = 4.1494 m

New KB = Bilged Draft / 2

= 4.1494 / 2
= 2.0747 m

Area Distance of Centroid Moment

500 5 2500.0000
18 2.5 45.0000
482 2455.0000

Distance of New Centroid = Total Moment from side / Area

= 2455 / 482
= 5.0934 m

Shift of Centreline (GY) = 5.0934 -5

= 0.0934 m

To find YMb
2nd Moment of Area of WP @ Side = LB³ / 3
= (50 x 10 x 10 x 10) / 3
= 16666.7

2nd Moment of Area of Bilged Compt @ Side = ρlb3 / 3

= 0.3 x (12 x 5 x 5 x 5) / 3
= 150

2nd Moment of Bilged WP @ Side = 16666.7 -150

= 16516.7

2nd mmt of area of bilged WP @ new C/L = 2nd Mmt of Bilged WP @ Side - (A - a)h2
= 16516.7 -(50 x 10) - (12 x 5x 0.3) x 5.0934²
= 16516.7 - 12504.3928
= 4012.31

BMb = 4012.31 /V
= 4012.31 / 50 x 10 x 4
= 4012.31 / 2000
= 2.0062 m
KB = 2.0747 m
KMb = 4.0808 m
KG = 3.0000 m
Gm (Ymb = 1.0808

Tan List = GY / Ymb

= 0.0934 / 1.0808
= 0.0864
List = 4.94 ° to starboard
Angle of heel under steady wind shall not be more than 16° or 80% of deck edge immersion
whichever is less.
12a Angle of heel under gust wind shall not be more than angle of flooding or 50° whichever
is less.

12b Since flooding angle is 45°, area under the curve, S2, is up to 45°
Calculating area under curve up to 45°, S2
Angle of heel (°) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
GZ (m) 0 0.38 0.72 0.95 1.17 1.27 1.35 1.35
Simpson's Multiplier 1 4 2 4 1
Area Function 0 1.52 1.44 3.8 1.17

Simpson's Multiplier 1 3 3 1
Area Function 1.17 3.81 4.05 1.35

Area = (1/3) x (5/57.3) x 7.93

= 0.2307 m-r

Area = (3/8) x (5/57.3) x (10.38)

= 0.3397 m-r
Total area under curve, S2 = 0.5703 m-r
Angle of heel (°) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
GZ (m) 0 0.38 0.72 0.95 1.17 1.27 1.35 1.35
Simpson's Multiplier 1 3 3 1
Area Function 0 1.14 2.16 0.95

Simpson's Multiplier 1 4 2 4 1
Area Function 0.95 4.68 2.54 5.4 1.35

Area = (3/8) x (5/57.3) x (4.25)

= 0.1391 m-r

Area = (1/3) x (5/57.3) x 14.92

= 0.4340 m-r
Total area under curve, S2 = 0.5730 m-r

From the GZ curve, angle of heel under steady wind is 6.4°, hence ship complies.
Since area under the curve S2 (0.57 m-r) is more than S1 (0.28 m-r), ship complies with stability

Displ = 7692.0000 tonnes

TMD = 3.9000 m
MCTC = 148.7000 m
LCF = 69.8800 m
KM = 10.1100 m
KG = 6.9000 m
GM = 3.2100 m
Min GM = 2.5000 m
GG1 or MM1 = 0.7100

GG1 = P x KG MM1 = P x KM
0.71(7692 -P) = P x 6.90 P = W x MM1
5461.32 - 0.71P = 6.90P KM
7.61P = 5461.32 = 7692 x 0.71
P = 717.65046 tonnes 10.11
= 540.1899 tonnes

Trim = Pxl Trim = 540.1899 x 69.88

MCTC 148.7000
= 717.6505 x 69.88 = 253.8566 cm
148.7000 = 2.5386 m
= 337.25228 cm
= 3.3725 m

GM = w x d x RO
= 10 x 29 x 12
7692 x 0.103
= 4.3924 m
KM = 10.1100 m
KG = 5.7176 m

WT KG Moment
7692.0000 5.7176 43979.7122
-602.0000 1.5000 -903.0000
-100.0000 1.5000 -150.0000
-120.0000 10.0000 -1200.0000
-20.0000 10.0000 -200.0000
-10.0000 12.0000 -120.0000
6840.0000 41406.7122
Final KG = Final Moment
Final Displ
= 41406.7122
= 6.05361 m
Draft = F = 5.94m A = 6.64m Trim = 0.7

Displ = 12975 TPC = 22.66

KM = 8.43 MCTC = 173.90
KG = 7.67 LCF = 68.10
GM = 0.76

x = t x d/L
= 0.7 x 15/140
= 0.0750 m

Draft at GP = 5.94 + 0.075

= 6.0150 m

When ship becomes unstable GM = GG1 = 0.76 m

GG1 = (P x KG) / (W - P)
0.76 (P x 7.67) / (12975 - P)
0.76 (7.67P) / (12975 - P)
0.76 (12975 - P) = 7..67P
9861 - 0.76P = 7.67P
8.43P = 9861.0000
P= 1169.7509 tonnes

CID at Grounding Point (GP) = (P/TPC) + (P x y / MCTC) x (y/L)

= (1169.7509 / 22.66) + (1169.7509 x 56.9 / 173.90) x (56.9 / 140)
= 207.1791 cm
= 2.0718 m
Draft at GP = 6.0150 - 2.0718
= 3.9432 m

Bodily rise = P / TPC

= 1169.7509 / 22.66
= 51.6218 cm
= 0.5162 m

CIT = (P x y) / MCTC
= (1169.7509 x 56.9) / 173.90
= 382.7420 cm

CID A = (l/L) x CIT

= (68.10 / 140) x 382.7420
= 186.17662 cm
= 1.8618 m
CID F = 382.7420 - 186.1766
= 196.56533 cm
= 1.9657 m
Drafts = 5.9400 6.6400
Rise = 0.5162 0.5162
CID = 1.9657 1.8618
Final Drafts = 3.4581 7.9855

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