Peace Education

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Peace Education

Lessons Objectives

 Understand the importance of peace

 Describe the nature of peace education
 Know the different approaches to peace
 State the present scenario of peace education
 Know the role of different institutions in peace

Peace Education
Peace is defined in Webster as “a state of quiet or tranquility, freedom from
disturbance or agitation, calm repose”.
From that given definition, it can be agreed that in the absence of elements such
as tolerance, understanding, empathy, cooperation and respect for the difference in
others, there cannot be peace.
Any strategy or educational system helps to enhance the above said entities
among the individuals could be known as peace education.

Different Definitions of the Peace Education

According to Albert Einstein :

“Peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice, of law, of
order – in short, of government.
According to Freire (2006)
“Peace education is a mechanism for the transformation from a culture of
violence to a culture of peace through a process of “conscientization”
Betty Reardon ‘s definition:
“Peace Education is the attempt to promote the development of an authentic
planetary consciousness that will enable us to function as global citizens and to
transforms the present human condition by changing the social structures and patterns
of thought that have created it”.
“Peace Education is an attempt to respond to problems of conflict and violence of
scale ranging from the global and national to the local and personal. It is about exploring
ways of creating more just and sustainable futures said by Laing.R.D.(1978)
According to John Dewey ,
“Peace education is grounded in active citizenship, preparing learners for
assiduous participation in a democracy, through problem – posing and problem –
solving education, and a commitment to transformative action in our societies.”

From these definitions it is understood that the peace education inculcates the
higher order human values among the individuals. Further, “Peace education
definitions” reveal that it aims at the overall development of the individuals and helps
to enhance eternal values in their minds.

Pacifism and Education

Pacifism is derived from the word “pacific” which means “peace making” from
Latin, Paci (from pax) meaning “peace” and fieus, meaning “making”. is a commitment
to peace and opposition to war? While, Pacifist is a person who is opposed to war and
violence. Pacifists believe that we should not kill or harm other people. And if killing is
wrong war must be wrong – because war is basically a matter of killing.
Bertrand Russell pointed out that ‘patriots always talk of dying for their country, but
never of killing for their country. Yet that is ultimately what war means: being prepared
to kill other people and inflict suffering on them.
Therefore, pacifism and ideas of pacifists to be integrated with the educational
curriculum. The education and curriculum at all levels should include the aspects of
influencing to improve society and remove the causes of war – injustice, exploitation,
the repression of minorities
The UNICEF refers Peace Education as the process of promoting the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and values needed to bring about behavior changes that will enable
children, youth and adults to prevent conflict and violence, both overt and structural; to
resolve conflict peacefully. To create the conditions conducive to peace, whether at an
intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, national or international level.

Concept of Peace Education

Negative Peace Positive Peace
 It refers to an absence of war or  to refer the presence of non-
physical or direct violence exploitative relationships or
conditions of social and
justice diminished (Reardon, 1988)

Scope of Peace Education

 Concerned with helping learners to develop an awareness of the processes and

skills that are necessary for achieving understanding tolerance and good will in
the world today.
 Brings together multiple traditions of pedagogy, theories of education and
international initiatives for the advancement of human development through
 Opportunity to promote the total welfare of students, advocate for their justice
and equitable treatment of youth, and;
 Promote individual and social responsibility for both educators and learners

Aim and Objectives of Peace Education

The aim of peace education is perhaps best summarized in the Hague Appeal for
Peace which states that a culture of its peace will be achieved when citizen of the world:
1. Understand global problems
2. Have the skills to resolve Conflict – Constructively
3. Know and live by international standards of Human rights, gender and racial
4. Appreciate cultural diversity
5. Respect the integrity of the earth

The Declaration of the 44th session of the international conference on education

held at Geneva in 1994 has listed the following aims of peace education.
1. To develop sense of universal values in every individual.
2. To prepare citizens to cope with difficult and uncertain situations and fitting them
for personal autonomy and responsibility.
3. To educate the individual and develop the ability to recognize and accept the
values which exist in the diversity of individuals.
4. To strengthen peace, friendship and solidarity between individuals and people.
5. To develop the ability of non-violent conflict – resolution among the individuals.
6. To cultivate the ability to make informed choices, basing their judgments and
actions not only on the analysis of present situations and the vision of a preferred
future among the individuals
7. To teach the citizens to respect the cultural heritage, protect the environment and
social harmony.
8. To cultivate citizens in the line of solidarity feeling and feeling of equity at the
national and international levels in the perspectives of a balanced and long-term

Therefore, peace education aims at vide variety of subject. Peace and education
are in separable aspects of civilization. No civilization is truly progressive without
education and no education system is truly civilizing unless it is based on the universal
principles of peace.

Approaches of Peace
There are different approaches to peace and perceived by the different eminent
1. Power politics : Peace through coercive power
2. World order : Peace through the power of law
3. Conflict resolution : Peace through the power of communication
4. Nonviolence : Peace through will power
5. Transformation : Peace through the power of live

Establishment of Peace Education Institutions

There are many organizations that are involved in promoting peace around the
world. Some of the important institutions / organizations are:

I. United Nations
On October 24, 1945 the United Nations came to existence when 51 countries
agreed to making peace. Today almost every country belongs to the United Nations. It
helps to provide a way to help solve international conflict and creates policies on things
that affect us the entire world.

A- Purpose of UN:
The following are purposes of the UN defined in Article 1 of the UN Charter.
1. To maintain international peace and security and to take adequate steps to avert
2. To develop friendly relations among nations on the basis of equality.
3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an
economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character.
4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these
common ends.

B- Principles of the UN
The principles are the means to achieve the objectives of the UN. These are
contained in Article 2 of the UN Charter:
1. All the member states are equal.
2. The member states shall fulfill their obligations to the UN honestly.
3. The member states shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means.
4. The member states shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or
use of force against any other state.
5. The member states shall give to the UN the assistance in any action it takes in
accordance with the UN Charter.
6. The states which are not members of the UN, should also act in accordance with
these principles for the maintenance of international peace and security.
7. No member state shall interfere in the internal affairs of any other state.

II. Peace Corps

 An organization filled with men and women who live and work in a different
country for two years.
 People are volunteers who help solve some of the most important challenges
that face communities in the world.
 The Peace Corps was an idea of the 34th President of USA John. F. Kennedy
 Peace Corps work in a variety of different areas including education, business,
health and nutrition, agriculture, community development and the environment.
When they return home, volunteers bring their knowledge and experiences – and
global outlook – that lives of those around them.

III. Peace Corps Mission

To promote world peace and friendship by fulfilling three goals:
 To help people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and
 To help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples
 To help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of American

IV. Amnesty International

It launched in 1961 by British lawyer Peter Beneson, Amnesty International
emphasis is on the international protection of Human rights.
Amnesty Aims and objectives:
1. Stopping violence against women.
2. Depending the rights of people living poverty
3. Abolishing the death penalty
4. Opposing torture and terror with human rights
5. Freeing prisoners of conscience
6. Protect the rights of refugees and migrants
7. Regulating the global arm trade

V. Nobel Peace Prize

 An award given to people for their peaceful actions.
 Instituted by a famous man named Alfred Bernhard Nobel.
 In India, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa have won Nobel peace award.

VI. The Lion and The Lamb Peace Arts Center

 Established in the year 1987.
 It was established with the prime objective of promoting peace education for
children through art and literature.

VII. The Carter Centre

Every day in countries all over the world people live with life threatening
circumstances because of disease, poverty, war and starvation. The Carter centre tries
to relive the suffering by promoting peace and health in nations around the world.
In addition, the carter centre looks after the implementation of Human Rights,
monitoring elections and safeguarding Human Rights.

VIII. International Peace Bureau (IPB)

 The international peace Bureau is established with the vision of a world without
 It is in 70 countries together with individual members from a global network bring
together expertise and campaigning experience in a common cause.
IX. Pathways to Peace (PTP)
PTP is an international peace building, Educational and consulting
organization and It is also an official peace messenger of the United

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