WOW OPD Phase 2

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21 to 27th DEC 20
EXPERIENCE 28 to 3rd JAN 20
Main porch Pre consultation
Arrival experience experience
at lobby
Post consultation
Registration experience
Outpatient billing
OP Appointment experience
adherence Procedure Rooms
Consultation Rooms

“WOW Outpatient Experience- WEEK 3

The Apollo Way”
4 to 10th JAN 20

Sample collection
– People,
Infrastructure &
Diagnostics &
Report collection
Out patient
Roll Out Plan
Date Area Day Activities
VCON address by Regional CEO's to all Ops & Unit Heads including SE & L&D Team on the sustenance of patient experience in OPDs
HOD / Ops Head to ensure the communication on project reaches the lowest level (Including night/ evening shifts )
Vital Room
28th Dec /Consultation Day 1 Training by L&D Team on the 9 Moments of Patient Experience @ Vital Room/ Consultation Experience -Standards and Grooming Standards
Experience 9 Moments education emailer by corporate communication
SE SPOC to monitor and share observations with L&D and HOD's

Training by L&D Team on the Post Consultation & OP Billing Experience- Standards and Grooming Standards
Post Consultation SE SPOC to monitor and share observations with L&D and HOD's
29th Dec & OP Billing Day 2 Fun & Learning-An Online Quiz on the Patient Experience pointers can be created and shared with the members to answer
9 Moments of Patient Experience @ Post Consultation & OP Billing Experience education emailer by corporate communication

Training by L&D Team on the Procedural & Treatment Room Experience- Standards and Grooming Standards
Procedure &
SE SPOC to monitor and share observations with L&D and HOD's
30th Dec Treatment Room Day 3
Experience 9 moments of Patient Experience education emailer by corporate communication-Procedural & Treatment Room Experience Standards

Checklist to be filled by HOD and SE Spoc to compile

Day 4 Recognize the most compliant areas and the members sustaining the initiative in both the shift Morning & Evening
31st Dec A video byte on the Do’s and Don’t’ of Patient Experience can be reeled and shared with the SE and L&D Corporate. The best use of creativity in designing the video
with capture of all the essentials will be recognized
Monitor & Sustain

SE Spocs and L&D Spoc to do a combined audit basis the checklist

2nd Jan Day 6 The same checklist to be shared with Corporate SE Team, post closing all observations
If any work is pending, SE SPOC and HOD will follow up and post closure with share the updated audited checklist
Measurement Parameter- VOC Scores for the week on
1) Security Experience
2) Registration Experience
Measurement 3) Consultation Experience
4) Out Patient Billing Experience
5) Parking Experience
6) Referral Score
Moments of Patient Experience @ Vital Room and Consultation Experience

The Doctor’s secretary will ensure that the guest

All guests will be acknowledged and
greeted with a smile and a traditional
Namaste by the well groomed Nurse
2 6 file is in place before he/she enters the
consultation room/ dr has the list of
appointments for the day if digital

Nurse to explain on why vitals are being The Doctor's secretary will give an estimated wait
. and simultaneously start checking
weight, height, BP etc. of the patient and 3 7 time to see the Doctor and inform the guest about
his/her token number and his/her sequence in the
enter the same in patient's file. 1 queue

The associate will anticipate guest requirements

Assessment to be be done in privacy to
Well groomed billing and demonstrate a genuine desire to meet and
safeguard guest confidentiality exceed them.
secretary will guide PATIENT WAITING TIME- <15 MIN APPT
the patient to the CASES <30 MIN FOR WALKINS
vital room

Instruments like BP apparatus, weighing

scale, thermometer, height-o-meter etc. The Doctor’s secretary will check the Doctor’s
should be in a good condition(is
calibrated as per SOP) & cleaned after 5 9 availability and escort the guest.

every patient use

Vital and Consultation Room: To be kept organized always
1. Staff on duty to ensure that their work space is neatly organized, clutter free and well maintained- 5S
principle is followed
2. Premises is smelling fresh and there is no foul odor.
3. Proper Lighting to be installed and is switched on/off as per day/night time
4. Walls, ceilings & Floor should be in good condition a) No chipped off paint b) no loose wires
5. Flooring- a) Cleaned every 2 hours minimum; every 30 min if raining b) no chipped flooring c) no wet
floor d) door mats to be dry and clean/ dark color
6. Sanitizer to be available in the assessment area
7. Waste bins- clean, emptied when full, labeled
8. Signage- Counter signage; Directional signage to be available (going in/coming out/towards OPD and
other areas) – signage to be clean, visible, not chipped
9. Counter to have printer & scanner connected
10. All cables to be tied up neatly
11. Files/ documents/ papers not to be kept on counters
12. Pick up calls within 3 rings
13. Televisions/ Electronic Gadgets/ Kiosks/ Laptops/ Computers etc. placed in vital room/ OPD's to be
operational all the time
14. Curtains should appear neat, clean and stain free
15. Step up stool should be available, it should be rust-free and in good condition
16. Patient examination bed should be in good conditions
17. Doctor's & Patient's chair should not be worn out
18. Doctor’s to use Digital OP prescription (wherever it is launched)
19. Disposable sheets/ bed rolls to be used, and change after every patient visit
20. Box of disposable masks to be made available in all the consultation rooms
21. Face tissue box to be kept in all the consultation rooms
22. All equipment's to be well sanitized after every single use
Moments of Patient Experience @ Post Consultation and OP Billing Experience

The billing executive will seek permission

Doctor’s secretary to help patient with
follow up appointment, if suggested by the
consultant. 2 6 of the patient/attendant before proceeding to
process the final billing.

If the credit card gets declined, the same

After a guest completes consultation, he/she will
be guided to the billing counter if there are any
3 1 7 message will be passed on to the guest
discreetly, and not in public.
further investigations to be done.

The billing desk will hand over the Invoice copy

The billing executive will collect the
doctor's prescription/investigation catalog 4 Well groomed
members to greet all
8 in a neat and clean folder to the guest, and
explain in detail the complete process of
investigation along with preparatory measures
from the patient and inform them of the
estimated bill amount. guests with a smile for the same.
and traditional

Patient/Attendant will be prompted to use the

The front office associate will check with the
5 9 Apollo Instant Feedback System/Outpatient
Patient/Attendant on the mode of payment feedback form for providing feedback.
Post Consultation Room and Out patient billing: To be
kept organized always
1. Staff on duty to ensure that their work space is neatly organized, clutter free and
well maintained- 5S principle is followed
2. Premises is smelling fresh and there is no foul odor.
3. Proper Lighting to be installed and is switched on/off as per day/night time
4. Walls, ceilings & Floor should be in good condition a) No chipped off paint b) no
loose wires
5. Flooring- a) Cleaned every 2 hours minimum; every 30 min if raining b) no
chipped flooring c) no wet floor d) door mats to be dry and clean/ dark color
6. Sanitizer to be available at every billing counter
7. Waste bins- clean, emptied when full, labeled
8. Signage- Counter signage; Directional signage to be available (going in/coming
out/towards OPD and other areas) – signage to be clean, visible, not chipped
9. Every counter to have printer & scanner connected
10. Files/ documents/ papers not to be kept on counters
11. Pick up calls within 3 rings
12. Televisions/ Electronic Gadgets/ Kiosks/ Laptops/ Computers etc. placed in OPD's
to be operational all the time
13. To be manned at all times
14. Every counter to have dedicated credit card machines
15. To get signature of the Patient/Attendant in the charge slip, the same shall be
presented in a small scratch free folder with the Apollo logo embossed on it, along
with an pen
16. Payment QR Codes to be displayed neatly and properly visible
17. Patient waiting areas to be clean, organized at all times with alternate seating- no
torn/broken seats
18. Not more than 3 patients to be waiting at any point
Moments of Patient Experience @ Procedure/ Treatment Room Experience

The nurse will guide the patient/attendant to the

The nurse will prioritize the vulnerable
patients 2 6 specific counters (for sending their
sample/specimen, pharmacy, billing, consultation)

The nurse will provide psychological and

emotional support to all patients and their 3 1 7
The nurse will ensure confidentiality and
privacy while carrying out a procedure.

The nurse will guide the patient to the OT or Day

The nurse will acknowledge and access 8 care or admission depending on the severity of the
patient’s current health condition 4 Well groomed
members to greet all condition in consultation with the treating Consultant.
guests with a smile
and traditional

In case the patient is critical during the assessment, a

The nurse will explain each and every
5 9 nurse will make necessary arrangements to shift &
accompany the patient to the emergency department.
procedure to the patient and the attendant
Treatment Room : To be kept organized always
1. Staff on duty to ensure that their work space is neatly organized, clutter free and well
maintained- 5S principle is followed
2. Premises is smelling fresh and there is no foul odor
3. Proper Lighting to be installed and is switched on/off as per day/night time
4. Walls, ceilings & Floor should be in good condition a) No chipped off paint b) no loose wires
5. Flooring- a) Cleaned every 2 hours minimum; b) no chipped flooring c) no wet floor d) door mats
to be dry and clean/ dark color
6. Sanitizer to be available
7. Waste bins- clean, emptied when full, labeled
8. Signage- signage to be clean, visible, not chipped
9. Files/ documents/ papers not to be kept on counter/ desk
10. Pick up calls within 3 rings
11. To be manned at all times
12. Curtains should appear neat, clean and stain free
13. Step up stool should be available, it should be rust-free and in good condition
14. Patient examination bed should be in good conditions
15. Disposable sheets/ bed rolls to be used, and change after every patient visit
16. Box of disposable masks to be made available
17. Face tissue box to be kept in all procedure rooms
18. All equipment's to be well sanitized after use
19. Wheelchair (1) & Stretcher (1) to be made readily available
20. Infection control protocols are followed at all times
21. Scope of srvices & SOP kept made available
22. Do not paste anything on the walls- it should only be on notice boards
DO’S & DON’T at Vital Room, Consultation and Post Consultation

 Be well groomed & Greet everyone in 5 feet radius ₓ Do not look blank, try to handle or resolve at your level

 Always Smile- Smiling lowers stress and anxiety ₓ No Mobile phones on duty

 Be observant and quick in assessing their requirements and ₓ Members should not stand/ sit in group
guide accordingly
ₓ Avoid high pitch in your voice while communicating with the
 Wear an approachable gesture with a happy to help attitude patients

 Preference to be given to our existing customers/ scheduled ₓ Do not leave documents/ files/ belongings on the counter
appointments without making them wait and guide them for
consultation ₓ Do not leave guests query unanswered

 Always display polite body language and maintain proper eye ₓ No cross interaction to be done in front of the Patient
contact is necessary
ₓ Staff to avoid usage of slangs/ loose talks whenever around
 Always keep your desk/ workstation clutter free patients

 Remain calm while handling patient queries

Moments of Patient Experience @ Washroom Experience

Shining functional Plumbing

Washrooms Floor Clean and dry 2 6 fixtures

Well lit with no burnt out bulbs. 3 1 7 Effective exhaust

Counters clean and dry 4 8 No overflowing waste bins.

No foul smell

Adequate Tissue and Hand wash.

Mirrors free of water marks 5 9
Well polished wooden doors and door frames. Rotting wooden frames to be changed and doors to be well painted and polished
Washrooms flooring & ceilings to be in good condition . Change damaged and discoloured tiles
Grouting in-between tiles to be fresh and clean
Effective exhaust system
Emergency Call bell in working condition
Clean mirrors available, Change mirrors that are tarnished, cracked or broken
Washbasins to be clean and in good condition
LIQUID Soap Dispensers installed near to washbasins
Liquid soap to be atleast 3/4th full at all times
Working user friendly rest door locks
Tissue papers/Hand dryers available
Toilet rolls available
Washbasin and floor drains with proper drainage system
Drainage pipes are covered and concealed properly
Clean plumbing fixtures
Appropriate signage (to be in good condition) needs to be displayed
Hand Rails to be made available in all washrooms near WC
Washrooms to Smell fresh- air fresheners to be installed
Dry and clean washrooms at all times
Proper Lighting to be installed and is switched on/off as per day/night time
Appropriate number of dustbins available
Hygiene to be maintained at all times. Cleaning and disinfection every hour Housekeeping Staff to monitor the same hourly and maintain
record- checklist
All tools and chemical properly stored. Janitor cupboards to be provided.
Mats outside the washroom to be darker in colour, clean and dry- anti skid

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