Zygomatic Implants Placed in Immediate F

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Journal of

Clinical Medicine

Zygomatic Implants Placed in Immediate Function through
Extra-Maxillary Surgical Technique and 45 to 60 Degrees
Angulated Abutments for Full-Arch Rehabilitation of
Extremely Atrophic Maxillae: Short-Term Outcome of a
Retrospective Cohort
Armando Lopes 1 , Miguel de Araújo Nobre 2, * , Ana Ferro 1 , Carlos Moura Guedes 3 , Ricardo Almeida 3
and Mariana Nunes 1

1 Oral Surgery Department, Maló Clinic, Avenida dos Combatentes, 43, Piso 9, 1600-042 Lisboa, Portugal;
[email protected] (A.L.); [email protected] (A.F.); [email protected] (M.N.)
2 Research, Development and Education Department, Maló Clinic, Avenida dos Combatentes, 43, Piso 11,
1600-042 Lisboa, Portugal
3 Prosthodontics Department, Maló Clinic, Avenida dos Combatentes, 43, Piso 10, 1600-042 Lisboa, Portugal;
[email protected] (C.M.G.); [email protected] (R.A.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +351-93-218-5661

Abstract: The use of new devices for the rehabilitation of the severely atrophic maxillae needs val-
Citation: Lopes, A.; de Araújo Nobre, idation. We aimed to report the short-term outcome of severely atrophic jaws rehabilitated with
M.; Ferro, A.; Moura Guedes, C.;
zygomatic implants with no implant head angulation placed extramaxillary in conjunction with
Almeida, R.; Nunes, M. Zygomatic
standard implants. Forty-four patients were consecutively included with 77 zygomatic implants
Implants Placed in Immediate
(31 abutments of 45 degrees and 46 abutments of 60 degrees) and 115 standard implants. Outcome
Function through Extra-Maxillary
measures were prosthetic survival, implant/abutment success, complications, modified plaque index
Surgical Technique and 45 to 60
Degrees Angulated Abutments for
(mPLI), modified bleeding index (mBI), mucosal seal efficacy evaluation (MSEE) >4 mm, and Zygo-
Full-Arch Rehabilitation of Extremely matic implants classification level (ZICL). Two patients (4.5%) were lost to follow-up. No prosthesis
Atrophic Maxillae: Short-Term was lost; one patient lost one zygomatic implant; two angulated abutments of 60 degrees needed
Outcome of a Retrospective Cohort. J. to be replaced in one patient due to an aesthetic complaint; rendering a cumulative success rate at
Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 3600. 2-years of 95.3% and 95.9% using patient and implant/abutment as unit of analysis, respectively.
https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10163600 Mechanical and biological complications occurred in 13 and six patients, respectively; all resolved.
The median mPLI and mBI was 1; MSEE > 4 mm occurred in 17% and 21% of patients at 1- and
Academic Editor: Bruno Chrcanovic 2-years, respectively; ZICL1 was registered in 80% of patients. The current protocol enabled good
short-term outcomes.
Received: 14 July 2021
Accepted: 14 August 2021
Keywords: zygomatic implants; immediate loading; angulated abutments; atrophic jaw; maxilla
Published: 16 August 2021

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1. Introduction
published maps and institutional affil-
iations. Zygomatic implants are one of the alternatives to bone grafting for fixed prosthetic
rehabilitation in the absence of enough residual bone, based on the premises of decreasing
treatment time, reducing the number of surgeries and anaesthetic procedures, eliminating
donor graft site morbidity, and reducing the overall cost of surgical and prosthetic treatment
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
while maintaining excellent patient satisfaction outcomes [1,2].
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
The indications of zygomatic implants range from the treatment of atrophic max-
This article is an open access article
illa [3,4], ectodermal dysplasia [5] to maxillary reconstruction after maxillectomy in cancer
distributed under the terms and patients [6,7] with favorable results considering cumulative survival rates (CSRs) ranging
conditions of the Creative Commons between 95.2% and 98.6% with 2- to 12-years follow-up [1,8–11]. Moreover, considering
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// immediate function, despite the scarce number of studies, CSRs of up to 98.33% with
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ follow-ups up to 7-years were reported [9,11]. Nevertheless, complications associated
4.0/). with zygomatic implant treatment include sinusitis, soft tissue infection, paraesthesia,

J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 3600. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10163600 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jcm

J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 3600 2 of 14

orbital perforation, and oroantral fistulas [1,12], with sinusitis as a particularly difficult
complication to manage [9]. Further disadvantages may be associated with the insertion
technique: the internal technique [7], considering the insertion of the zygomatic implant
intra-sinus, with a potential increased probability of sinus complications and a bulky pros-
thesis caused by the palatal emergence. The extra-maxillary surgical technique aims to
overcome these limitations, by placing the zygomatic implant extra-maxillary (external to
the maxillary sinus before anchoring in the zygomatic bone, covered only by soft tissue
along its lateral maxillary surface) [11] providing the preservation of the Schneiderian
membrane and a decreased vestibular-palatine width of the prosthesis due to the more
coronal emergence of the zygomatic implant [13]. Nevertheless, in the presence of extreme
angulations, material alternatives to overcome that limitation are lacking. In this sense, the
inclusion of 45- and 60-degrees abutments could benefit the rehabilitations providing the
necessary compensation in the degrees of angulation.
The aim of the present study was to report the short-term outcome of fixed prosthetic
rehabilitations of the atrophic maxillae supported by zygomatic implants placed through
the extra-maxillary surgical technique and 45- and 60-degrees angulated abutments.

2. Materials and Methods

This study was approved by an Ethical Committee (Ethical Committee for Health,
authorization no. 003/2019). This retrospective cohort study was performed at a private
rehabilitation center between July 2016 and August 2020. The study included 44 consec-
utively treated patients (33 women; 11 men). Patients were identified from the medical
records as having consented to complete edentulous maxillary rehabilitation with the
use of implants inserted into the Zygomatic bone. Inclusion criteria were candidacy for
immediate fixed implant-supported rehabilitation of the complete edentulous maxilla with
extreme horizontal and vertical bone loss and pneumatization of the maxillary sinuses
(C-VI and D-V or D-VI; Cawood-Howell classification) [14]. There were no patients judged
to have any exclusion criteria including active radiotherapy or chemotherapy or presenting
emotional instability. The medical history of each patient was reviewed, and the diseases
were coded using the International Classification of Diseases, version 11 (ICD-11) [15].

2.1. Surgical Protocol

The patients were rehabilitated by using one or two zygomatic implants in conjunc-
tion with conventional implants. All implants were placed in immediate function. The
zygomatic implants used in this study were NobelZygoma 0◦ with a TiUnite surface (Nobel
Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden), and typically emerged between the first premolar and
the first molar on the residual crest of the ridge, near its center) [16]; The study abutments
were 45◦ and 60◦ Multi-unit abutments External Hex RP6 mm of height (Nobel Biocare
AB, Figure 1). The surgical protocol followed previous indications for zygomatic implants
inserted through the extramaxillary surgical technique [17,18]. A clinical examination
with a preoperative orthopantomography and a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)
scan was used to plan the surgery. In this study, conventional maxillary anchored im-
plants (NobelSpeedy groovy, Nobel Biocare AB) were inserted in the inter-canine area;
while for the posterior region, the presence of a maxillary bone quantity of D-V or D-VI
(Cawood-Howell classification) [14] implied the insertion of one implant with zygomatic
anchorage (All-on-4 HybridTM ; Nobel Biocare AB). The surgery was performed under
general anesthesia or local anesthesia, according to the patient’s wishes. A mucoperiosteal
incision was made along the crest of the ridge, slightly palatal, from the molar area to the
contralateral molar area, with buccal vertical releasing incisions made posteriorly to expose
the zygomatico-maxillary buttress and the prominence of the zygoma. Flap reflection
allowed for infra-orbital nerve identification and protection as well as direct observation of
the lateral aspect of the zygomatic bone.
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 3600 3 of 14

Figure 1. Study implant (NobelZygoma 0◦ ; Nobel Biocare) and study abutment (Multi-unit abut-
ments of 45 and 60 degrees and 6 mm of height; Nobel Biocare).

Zygomatic implant lengths and positions were determined peri-operatively and were
dependent on the anatomy of the region. The “channel” osteotomy began as distal as
possible at the maxillary crest level with a channel drill directed along a planned implant
direction which maintained a minimum safe distance of approximately 3 mm from the
posterior-inferior edge of the zygomatic bone, attempting not damage the sinus membrane.
The sinus membrane was then carefully elevated from the internal wall of the sinus. This
“channel” facilitated access and an optimal path to the Zygomatic bone for the implant drills
without any tissue interference, and typically helped to “buttress” the implant against the
lateral maxillary wall. The zygomatic implants inserted through extra-maxillary technique
were placed with an insertion torque of at least 30 N-cm for sufficient primary stability.
This protocol allowed to position the implant’s head near the buccal aspect of the residual
crest (less palatal, compared with the surgical protocol by Brånemark et al. 2004) [8]. The
Multi-unit abutments (Nobel Biocare AB) of 45- and 60-degrees and 6 mm of height were
connected to the NobelZygoma 0◦ implants (Nobel Biocare) adjusting the mesial tilting
of the implants and allowing the prosthetic screw access to be positioned on the occlusal
aspect of the prosthetic teeth. Straight multi-unit abutments (Nobel Biocare, AB) were
connected to the standard anterior implants. In some situations, to reposition the insertion
axis enabling a parallel position between all the implants, the straight abutments were
replaced by 30-degrees angulated abutments. The edges of the flaps were re-approximated
tension free with interrupted sutures. Buccal keratinized gingiva was preserved, especially
around the implants.

2.2. Immediate and Final Prosthetic Protocol

The immediate and final prosthetic protocols consist of standardized procedures
reported previously [19]. Concerning the immediate prosthesis, a high-density acrylic resin
(PalaXpress Ultra, Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, Hanau, Germany) prosthesis with Temporary
Coping Multi-Unit Titanium (Nobel Biocare AB) was manufactured at the dental laboratory
and inserted the same day.
Typically, six months after surgery, according to patient preference and clinical con-
siderations, a definitive restoration was connected: a titanium framework (NobelProcera,
Nobel Biocare AB) and either all-ceramic crowns (e.Max Press, Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan,
Liechtenstein) or acrylic resin prosthetic teeth (Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, Hanau, Germany)
were used to replace the provisional prosthesis. A representative clinical case is displayed
in Figure 2.
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 3600 4 of 14

Figure 2. Representative figures of an All-on-4 Hybrid rehabilitation: (a) Pre-operative Orthopantomography; (b) Pre-
operative intra-oral photograph in frontal view; (c) Insertion of NobelZygoma 0◦ implant through the Extramaxillary surgical
technique; (d) Two NobelZygoma 0◦ implants inserted bilaterally in the posterior region with 45◦ Multi-unit abutments and
two anterior NobelSpeedy Groovy implants with straight Multiunit abutments (All-on-4 Hybrid); (e) Immediate Provisional
prosthesis loaded on the day of surgery; (f) Post-operative Orthopantomography.
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 3600 5 of 14

2.3. Outcome Measures

Outcome measures were evaluated at implant surgery and at 2 years post-surgery.
The primary outcome measures were prosthetic success, implant success, abutment success
and complications.
• Prosthetic success was judged in terms of function, being considered a failure if needed
to be replaced by a new prosthesis.
• Implants were considered a success considering [17]: (1) it fulfilled its purported func-
tion as support for reconstruction; (2) it was stable when individually and manually
tested [19]; (3) no signs of persistent prevalent infection observed; (4) demonstrated a
good aesthetic and functional outcome of the rehabilitation; and (5) allowed fabrica-
tion of the implant-supported fixed prosthesis which provided patient comfort and
hygiene. In the situations where the implants did not fulfil the criteria for success but
remained in site, these were considered survivals. In situations of implant removal,
these were considered as failures.
• Abutments were considered a success considering: the fulfilment of their purported
function as support for the reconstruction; absence of fractures; absence of aesthetic or
functional complaints from the patient.
• Complication parameters assessed were: fracture or loosening of mechanical and
prosthetic components (mechanical complications); soft tissue inflammation, fistula
formation, pain, or maxillary sinus infections, peri-implant pathology (probing pocket
depths >4 mm together with bleeding of the peri-implant soft tissue and/or presence
of dental plaque) (biologic complications); aesthetic complaints of the patient or den-
tist (aesthetic complications); phonetic complaints, masticatory complaints, comfort
complaints or hygienic complaints (functional complications).
Secondary outcome measures were the modified plaque index (mPLI), modified
bleeding index (mBI), mucosal seal efficacy evaluation (MSEE) and the Zygomatic implants
clinical level (ZICL).
• Modified plaque index (mPLI) recorded in an ordinal scale between 0 and 3 (0: no
plaque visible; 1: plaque only visible after the insertion of the probe; 2: plaque visible
with the naked eye; and 3: abundance of soft matter) [20];
• Modified bleeding index (mBI), recorded in an ordinal scale between 0 and 3 (0: no
bleeding visible; 1: isolated bleeding spots visible; 2: bleeding forms a confluent red
line on the margin; and 3: heavy or profuse bleeding) [20];
• Mucosal seal efficacy evaluation (MSEE) was assessed by inserting a 0.25 Ncm cali-
brated plastic periodontal probe (Hawe-Neos, Bioggio, Switzerland) in the sulcus of
the zygomatic implant until a maximum depth of 4 mm and recorded as “0“ if the
probe stopped before 4 mm of depth or as “1” if the probe did not stop before 4 mm of
depth [21];
• Zygomatic Implants Clinical Level (ZICL) was computed considering the MSEE, mPLI
and mBI clinical indexes: 21 ZICL 1 (MSEE = 0; mPLI = 0; mBI = 0), ZICL2 (MSEE = 1;
mPLI = 0; mBI = 0), ZICL3 (MSEE = 1; mPLI = 0; mBI = 1–3), ZICL4 (MSEE = 1;
mPLI = 1–3; mBI = 0–3).

2.4. Statistical Evaluation

Descriptive statistics were applied to the variables of interest (complications, mPLI,
mBI, MSEE, ZICL). The cumulative survival and success rates were estimated using the
Kaplan-Meyer product limit estimator when using the patient as unit of analysis (first
implant failure in any given patient). The cumulative survival and success rates were
estimated using life tables when using the implant as unit of analysis.
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3. Results
3.1. Sample
The study included 44 consecutively treated patients (33 women and 11 men), with an
age range of 27–72 years (mean = 54.4 years) followed for 2 years. A total of 23 patients
had at least one systemic condition according to the ICD-11, with 11 patients who were
smokers, and 16 patients (two of the patients who were smokers) presented with the fol-
lowing conditions: hepatitis (n = 1), cardiovascular disease (n = 17), endocrine dysfunction
(n = 4), diabetes (n = 3), digestive (n = 1), oncologic condition (n = 3), depressive disorder
(n = 2), disease of respiratory system (n = 2), autoimmune condition (n = 1). Eight patients
presented more than one condition. Sixteen patients were diagnosed as heavy bruxers prior
to the prosthetic rehabilitation. Two patients (female patients with 64 and 73 years of age
representing 4.5% of the sample) with four zygomatic implants and four study abutments
were lost to follow-up during the first year becoming unreachable.
Seventy-seven extra-maxillary zygomatic implants were inserted with connection of
multi-unit angulated abutments of 60- (n = 46) and 45-degrees (n 31) and 6 mm of height;
together with the insertion of 115 standard implants (Table 1).

Table 1. Study population: Implant type, position of emergence and loading regimen.

Location of Implant Emergence

Right (1st Quadrant) Left (2nd Quadrant)
Patients Age Sex
First Second First Lateral Lateral First Second First
Canine Canine
Molar Premolar Premolar Incisor Incisor Premolar Premolar Molar
1 62 M Z 5 × 40 ♦ S 5 × 8.5 S 5 × 8.5 F S 5 × 10 F S × 10 **
2 50 F Z 5 × 45 • S 3.3 × 13 S 3.3 × 15 Z 5 × 45 •
Z 5 × 37.5
3 52 F Z 5 × 42.5 ♦ S 4 × 10 S 4 × 10 ♦

4 45 M Z 5 × 40 • S 4 × 11.5 S 4 × 11.5 Z 5 × 40 •
5 62 F Z 5 × 40 ♦ S4×7 S4×7 S 4 × 7 ** Z 5 × 40 ♦
6 54 F S 4 × 11.5 S 3.3 × 11.5 S 3.3 × 11.5 Z 5 × 42.5 ♦
7 47 F Z 5 × 45 ♦ S 4 × 11.5 S 4 × 8.5 S 4 × 8.5 S 3.3 × 11.5 Z 5 × 42.5 ♦
8 51 F Z 5 × 40 ♦ S 4 × 10 S 4 × 10 Z 5 × 40 ♦
9 61 F Z 5 × 42.5 • S 3.3 × 10 S 4 × 8.5 Z 5 × 42.5 •
10 41 F Z 5 × 40 • S 4 × 8.5 S 4 × 8.5 Z 5 × 40 •
11 53 F Z 5 × 45 ♦ S 4 × 10 S 4 × 10 F S 5 × 11.5
12 64 F Z 5 × 50 • S3.3 × 13 S 3.3 × 13 Z 5 × 50 •
13 69 F Z 5 × 42.5 ♦ S 4 × 11.5 S 4 × 11.5 Z 5 × 42.5 ♦

14 72 F Z 4 × 45 F S 4 × 10 S 4 × 8.5 Z 5 × 47.5 •

15 27 F Z 5 × 35 ♦ S 4 × 10 S 4 × 11.5 S 4 × 13
16 68 F Z 5 × 42.5 • S 4 × 8.5 S 4 × 7 ** S4×7 S4×7 Z 5 × 42.5 •
17 53 F Z 5 × 40 ♦ S 3.3 × 10 S4×7 S 4 × 8.5 S 3.3 × 10 Z 5 × 40 ♦
18 42 M S 4 × 11.5 S 4 × 11.5 S 4 × 11.5 Z 5 × 45 •
19 42 F S 4 × 10 S 3.3 × 10 S 3.3 × 10 Z 5 × 45 ♦
20 47 M Z 5 × 47.5 ♦ S 4 × 13 S 3.3 × 13 S 4 × 15
21 61 F Z 5 × 35 ♦ S 4 × 10 S 4 × 10 Z 5 × 40 ♦
22 57 F Z 5 × 42.5 • S 5 × 15 S 5 × 18 Z 5 × 45 ♦
23 48 F Z 5 × 45 • S 4 × 10 S 3.3 × 15 S 3.3 × 10 Z 5 × 45 •
24 45 M Z 5 × 45 ♦ S 4 × 10 S 4 × 8.5 S 4 × 8.5 Z 5 × 45 ♦
25 57 F Z 5 × 45 ♦ S 4 × 11.5 S 4 × 11.5 Z 5 × 45 ♦
26 56 M Z 5 × 47.5 ♦ S 4 × 11.5 S 4 × 8.5 Z 5 × 45 ♦
27 68 F S 4 × 15 S 4 × 11.5 S 4 × 11.5 Z 5 × 45 ♦
28 38 M Z 5 × 47.5 • S 3.3 × 11.5 S 3.3 × 11.5 Z 5 × 45
29 67 F Z 5 × 45 ♦ S 4 × 13 S 4 × 13 Z 5 × 45 ♦
30 48 F Z 5 × 42.5 ♦ S 4 × 10 F S 4 × 10 F Z 5 × 42.5 ♦
31 57 M Z 5 × 45 ♦ S 4 × 15 S 4 × 7 ** S 4 × 7 ** S 4 × 13 Z 5 × 45 ♦
32 59 F Z 5 × 50 ♦ S 4 × 10 S 4 × 10 Z 5 × 50 •
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Table 1. Cont.

Location of Implant Emergence

Right (1st Quadrant) Left (2nd Quadrant)
Patients Age Sex
First Second First Lateral Lateral First Second First
Molar Premolar Canine Canine Premolar Molar
Premolar Incisor Incisor Premolar
33 49 M Z 5 × 47.5 • S 3.3 × 10 S 4 × 10 Z 5 × 45 •
34 70 M Z 5 × 47.5 ♦ S 4 × 13 S 3.3 × 13 Z 5 × 45 ♦
35 55 F Z 5 × 42.5 ♦ S 3.3 × 15 S 3.3 × 15 Z 5 × 42.5 ♦
36 67 F S 4 × 15 S 4 × 10 S 4 × 10 Z 5 × 40 •
37 40 F Z 5 × 40 • S 3.3 × 10 S 4 × 10 Z 5 × 40 •
38 64 F Z 5 × 37.5 • S 4 × 8.5 S 4 × 8.5 Z 5 × 40 •
39 63 F Z 5 × 45 • S 3.3 × 13 S 3.3 × 13 Z 5 × 40 •
40 56 F Z 5 × 40 • S 4 × 10 S 4 × 10 S 5 × 15
41 56 F Z 5 × 40 ♦ S 4 × 10 S 4 × 8.5 S 4 × 10 S 4 × 10 Z 5 × 42.5 ♦
42 46 F Z 5 × 35 • S 3.3 × 10 S 3.3 × 10 Z 5 × 35 •
43 64 F Z 5 × 42.5 ♦ S 4 × 8.5 S 4 × 8.5 S 4 × 8.5 S 4 × 8.5 Z 5 × 42.5 ♦
44 42 M Z 5 × 45 ♦ S 4 × 11.5 S 4 × 11.5 Z 5 × 40 ♦

M: male; F: female; ** Rescue implant not loaded; Type of implants: Z—Zygomatic extra-maxillary implant; S—Standard implant;
Diameter × Length (mm); ♦ 60◦ abutment; • 45◦ abutment; F Implant failure.

3.2. Prosthetic Success

A total of 44 completely edentulous maxillary rehabilitations were performed. Despite
the occurrence of implant failures, the prostheses were adapted to the replaced dental
implants allowing it to remain in function, giving a prosthetic survival rate of 100%.

3.3. Implant Survival

One extra-maxillary zygomatic implant failed to integrate in one patient and was lost
after 7 months, rendering a 97.7% and 98.7% survival rate at 2 years using the patient and
implant as unit of analysis, respectively (Table 2). The prosthesis remained in function
supported by three implants for five months, and after that period another zygomatic
implant was inserted and not loaded. The patient was lost to follow-up afterwards be-
coming unreachable. Three patients lost five standard implants rendering a 95.6% CSR at
two years.

Table 2. (a) Study implants and study abutments survival in complete edentulous rehabilitations using the patient as unit of
analysis (Kaplan-Meyer product limit estimator). (b) Life table for cumulative survival rate of the study zygomatic implants
and study abutments of 45 and 60 degrees using the implants/abutments as unit of analysis.

Status Cumulative Proportion Success at the Time
(0 = Success; N of Cumulative N of Patients at
Time (Months) Events Risk
1 = Failure *) Estimate Std. Error
0 0 0 44
7 1 0.977 0.022 1 43
9 0 1 42
10 0 1 41
12 0 1 41
13 0 1 40
24 0 1 40

Duration Cumulative
Total Failed Lost to Follow-Up Censored Survival Rate % Survival Rate %
Placement—1 year 77 1 1 5 98.7% 98.7%
1 year—2 years 70 0 2 2 100% 98.7%
2 years—3 years 52 0 0 25 100% 98.7%
* Failure was defined as the first implant to fail in one patient.
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 3600 8 of 14

No study abutments fractured, thus achieving a survival rate of 100%. A total of five
study abutments of 45/60 degrees (6.5%) were replaced during the manufacture of the
definitive prosthesis for adaptation to the new prostheses (Table 3).

Table 3. Replacement of study abutments and incidence of mechanical complications.

Abutment Type Follow-Up in Months Reason for Change
Change of prosthetic angulation to a 60 degrees abutment
63/Female 45 degrees (n = 2) 4
from provisional to definitive prosthesis
Change of prosthetic angulation to a 60 degrees abutment
38/Male 45 degrees 9
from provisional to definitive prosthesis.
Change of prosthetic angulation to a 30 degrees abutment
68/Female 45 degrees (n = 2) 10
from provisional to definitive prosthesis.
Change to 30 degrees abutments due to patient not being
satisfied with volume and visible abutments on the
55/Female 60 degrees (n = 2) 22
posterior segment at the time of definitive
prosthesis manufacture.
Mechanical complications
Condition a Follow-Up in Months Complications
48/Female Heavy bruxer 1 60 degrees abutment loosening (zygomatic implant)
50/Female 3 Straight abutment loosening (standard implant)
38/Male Heavy bruxer 4 45 degrees abutment loosening (zygomatic implant)
72/Female 6 60 degrees abutment loosening (zygomatic implant)
Fracture of provisional prosthesis supported by 3 dental
53/Female 7
implants due to a standard implant failure.
Line of fracture occurring at the level of implant #12 in the
68/Female 7
provisional prosthesis
Fracture of provisional prosthesis occurring at the implant
46/Female 7
positions #22 to #25
64/Female Heavy bruxer 7 60 degrees abutment loosening (zygomatic implant)
Fracture of provisional prosthesis occurring at the
42/Male 9
cylinder level of implant #25
62/Male 11 Fracture of crown on position #12 in provisional prosthesis
Fracture of provisional prosthesis and abutment screw
57/Female 13
loosening occurring at the level of implant #15
Fracture of crown at position #12 on the metal-acrylic
64/Female 17
definitive prosthesis
Fracture of the provisional prosthesis occurring at the
49/Male Heavy bruxer 22
level of the 2 cylinders in the first quadrant.
a All patients with implant-supported fixed prosthesis as opposing dentition.

3.4. Complications
Mechanical complications occurred in 13 patients (29.6%) (Table 3). The situations were
resolved in all patients by repairing the prosthesis (fractures), tightening the prosthetic
components (abutment screw loosening), adjusting the occlusion and manufacturing
night-guards. No functional complications were registered. Aesthetic complications
were registered in one patient (2.8%) that led to the replacement of the study abutments
(previously described in Table 3). Biological complications occurred in 6 patients (13.6%)
and 6 implants (7.8%), with all situations resolved (Table 4).
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Table 4. Biological complications occurred during the study follow-up and resolution approaches.

Patient Implant Abutment Resolution

Systemic Conditions Follow-Up Complication *
Age/Sex Position Type Approach
Cardiovascular Non-surgical 1
69/Female 25 60◦ 2 months Abscess
condition/Diabetes + antibiotics
Smoker + Chronical Non-surgical +
41/Female 23 45◦ 5 months Suppuration
Sinusitis Antibiotics
Surgical 2 +
54/Female Absent 24 60◦ 8 months Abscess
Smoker + Allergic Non-surgical +
59/Female 25 45◦ 11 months Suppuration
Rhinitis Antibiotics
Cardiovascular condition Surgical +
56/Female 15 45◦ 11 months Fistula
+ Endocrine condition Antibiotics
47/Male Cardiovascular condition 15 60◦ 23 months Suppuration Non-surgical
* All complications were successfully resolved; Non-surgical intervention comprised of curettage, polish, and irrigation with 0.2%
chlorhexidine; 2 Surgical intervention comprised: removal of granulation tissue, decontamination of the implant surface with chlorhexi-
dine 0.2%.

3.5. Clinical Evaluation Parameters

The mPLI and mBI registered a median of 1 at both 1- and 2-years of follow-up
(Figures 3 and 4). The incidence of MSEE > 4 mm was 17% and 21% at 1- and 2-years
of follow-up, respectively. Most zygomatic implants were classified as ZICL 1 at 1- and
2-years of follow-up (Figure 5).

Figure 3. Plaque index levels at 1- and 2-years of follow-up.

3.6. Study Zygomatic Implant and Study Abutment Success

Considering the implant failure from one patient at seven months and the aesthetic
complaint from a second patient at 22 months, the cumulative success rate at two years for
the study zygomatic implants was 95.3% and 95.9% using the patient and implant as unit
of analysis; with equal figures also for the study abutments (Table 5).
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Figure 4. Modified bleeding index levels at 1- and 2-years of follow-up.

Figure 5. Zygomatic implant classification levels (ZICL) at 1- and 2-years of follow-up. The ZICL 1 level is considered the
better prognostic considering the preventive aspect of a biological complication, with absence of MSEE > 4 mm, while a
ZICL 4 is considered the worst prognostic level from a preventive point of view, with the presence of MSEE > 4 mm and
simultaneous presence of plaque and bleeding. The sample was distributed along the two ZICL levels, with an increase of
1% in zygomatic implants with ZICL 4 level from the first to the second year of follow-up (18% to 19%).

Table 5. (a) Study implants and study abutments success in complete edentulous rehabilitations using the patient as unit of
analysis (Kaplan-Meyer product limit estimator). Life tables for cumulative success rate of the study zygomatic implants
and study abutments of 45 and 60 degrees using the implants/abutments as unit of analysis.

Status Cumulative Proportion Success at the Time
(0 = Success; N of Cumulative N of Patients at
Time (Months) Events Risk
1 = Failure *) Estimate Std. Error
0 0 . . 0 44
7 1 0.972 0.022 1 43
9 0 . . 1 42
10 0 . . 1 41
12 0 . . 1 41
13 0 . . 1 40
22 1 0.953 0.033 2 39
24 0 . . 2 39
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 3600 11 of 14

Table 5. Cont.


Duration Total Failed Lost to Follow-Up Censored Survival Rate % Cumulative

Survival Rate %
Placement—1 year 77 1 1 5 98.7% 98.7%
1 year—2 years 70 2 2 0 97% 95.9%
2 years—3 years 66 0 0 25 100% 95.9%
* Failure was defined as the first implant to fail in one patient.

4. Discussion
The present study reported the short-term outcome of fixed prosthesis supported by
immediate function zygomatic implants inserted extra-maxillary with 45- and 60-degrees
angulated abutments in conjunction with standard implants for the rehabilitation of the
severely atrophic maxillae, with a high survival and success rates for prostheses, implants,
and abutments. The implant survival of 98.7% is comparable to what is reported in
the literature for zygomatic implants inserted either through classical or extra-maxillary
surgical techniques. Goiato et al. [10] in a systematic review evaluating 25 clinical studies
on implants inserted in the zygomatic bone for maxillary rehabilitation reported 97.86%
of implant CSR at the 2–3 years follow-up time. Concerning the extra-maxillary surgical
technique, 99% to 100% implant CSR were registered on the same follow-up time [18,21].
Most study abutments were functional during the follow-up up of the study. However,
a total of three study abutments were replaced for technical reasons. The replacement of
abutments occurred either due to modification deemed necessary between the provisional
and definitive prostheses (not related to patient complaints) or due to aesthetic complaints
(from one patient) that was dissatisfied with visible abutments on the posterior segment
of the full-arch prosthesis. Nevertheless, both abutments were functioning correctly and
located above the smile line without any aesthetic compromise. It has been previously
reported that designing a prosthetic restoration in these patients can be a prosthodontic and
laboratorial challenge considering the anatomic limitations that affect implant placement,
namely the fact that if zygomatic implants are deemed necessary then it is due to lack of
bone [22]. Nevertheless, the complication was resolved by replacing the study abutments
by 30 degrees abutments.
The incidence of mechanical complications was high (around 30%), a situation that
is always burdensome for both patients and clinicians due to the necessity of further
interventions to resolve the complication. However, the mechanical complications occurred
primarily on the provisional prostheses and in a specific set of patients, all with implant-
supported prostheses as opposing dentitions and four of the patients with further bruxing
habits, two common risk indicators for mechanical complications previously reported in
other investigations both on zygomatic implants [11] and standard implants [23–26]. The
authors propose a prosthetic and maintenance protocol with short intervals and regular
assessment of clinical, oral hygiene and occlusion parameters to maximize the probability
of success.
Biological complications occurred in 13.6% of patients during the follow-up of the
study. This result is comparable to a previously reported study for extra-maxillary zygo-
matic implants with a similar follow-up (12.8%) [18]. The biological complications were
all resolved through non-surgical interventions except for one implant in one patient that
required a surgical intervention and antibiotic therapy to resolve the occurrence of an ab-
scess at 8 months of follow-up. Nevertheless, there were no incidences of sinusitis reported
in the present study which is one of the aims of the extra-maxillary surgical protocol with
reduced manipulation of the sinus membrane, and consequently lower risk of sinusitis.
Bacterial plaque registered in the present study was of minor accumulation in most
patients, a result that may be related to the extra-maxillary technique. This technique
implies a more crestal emergence position of the zygomatic implants compared to the
classical technique and therefore providing a thinner prosthesis, allowing the patient to
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 3600 12 of 14

have better access for self-care [13]. The low bleeding levels find parallel in the literature
where previous publications reporting the insertion of zygomatic implants through the
same surgical approach registered identical mBI values at 1-, 2- and 3-years of follow-
up [18]. However, the presence of bleeding can be the result of an inflammatory response
to bacterial plaque accumulation as previously reported [27].
It is known that zygomatic implants inserted intra-sinus and with maxillary an-
chorage have deeper pockets compared to standard implants [28,29]. This result was
further confirmed in previous publications concerning extra-maxillary zygomatic implants,
where a 9.8% rate of implants with pockets > 4 mm (n = nine implants) was reported at
2 years [18], and a 9% increase when compared to standard implants [21]. This tendency
was attributed to the surgical protocol, in which the zygomatic implants were inserted
extra-maxillary, with only zygomatic anchorage and therefore only soft tissue coverage in
their coronal third.
The ZICL evaluation refers to an index for evaluating the prognosis of a zygomatic
implants inserted through the extra-maxillary surgical technique, progressing with a
crescent probability of a negative outcome from levels 1 to 4 [21]. In the present report, 80%
of patients were classified as ZICL1 and 20% as ZICL4, results that are comparable to a
previous publication [21], (with 70% and 23%, respectively) and implies a good prognosis
for most patients.
The results of the present study should be interpreted with caution considering its
limitations that include the retrospective design and the short-term follow-up. Nevertheless,
the low percentage of patients lost to follow-up enabled to evaluate a significant portion
of the sample (94.5%) allowing to answer the research questions of the present study. The
generalizability of the study results is limited to patients with extremely atrophied maxillae
rehabilitated through zygomatic implants.
Future research should focus on the evaluation of longer outcomes for these patients
with severely atrophic maxillae rehabilitations, including long term mechanical, soft tissue,
and quality of life assessments.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.L. and M.d.A.N.; methodology, A.L. and M.d.A.N.;
validation, A.L., M.d.A.N., A.F., C.M.G., R.A. and M.N.; formal analysis, M.d.A.N.; investigation,
M.d.A.N.; data curation, M.d.A.N.; writing—original draft preparation, M.d.A.N.; writing—review
and editing, A.L., M.d.A.N., A.F., C.M.G., R.A. and M.N.; visualization, A.L., M.d.A.N., A.F., C.M.G.,
R.A. and M.N. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Nobel Biocare Services AG, grant number 2018-1593.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines
of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Ethics Committee for Health (authorization
no. 003/2019).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to ethics.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Andreia Araújo for all the help in data management.
Conflicts of Interest: Armando Lopes is currently a consultant for Nobel Biocare; Received previous
educational fees from Nobel Biocare Services AG; Received previous scientific Grant support from
Nobel Biocare Services AG; Miguel de Araújo Nobre: Received previous educational fees from Nobel
Biocare Services AG; Received previous scientific Grant support from Nobel Biocare Services AG;
Ana Ferro: is currently a consultant for Nobel Biocare; Received previous educational fees from
Nobel Biocare Services AG; Received previous scientific Grant support from Nobel Biocare Services
AG; Carlos Moura Guedes, Ricardo Almeida and Mariana Nunes report no conflicts of interest.
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 3600 13 of 14

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