Advanced Corporate Finance 15-434 Syllabus

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Professor Egor Matveyev Fall 2024

(rev. 23 Apr 2024)

15.434 Advanced Corporate Finance

This is an advanced course that approaches corporate finance from the standpoint of a CFO whose job
is to maximize the value of the firm. The focus of this course is on advanced valuation topics, financial
modelling, the choice of financing vehicles, and capital structure design. In addition, this course covers
financial restructuring; project and infrastructure finance; M&A modeling, including treasury stock
method, accretion/dilution analysis, and optimal deal structure; valuation of convertible securities; and
valuation of investment options. This is an applied course that will use case studies and lectures to
introduce concepts and tools.

This course is of interest to students who are pursuing a career in various roles in investment banking
that involve (directly or indirectly) building financial models, valuation, transaction structuring, and
evaluation of financing options. This course is also recommended to students who are pursuing a career
in corporate finance and treasury roles (for example, CFO) as well as roles that involve valuation and
financing decisions in private equity.

The goal of this course is to build knowledge and to develop core skills necessary to value and structure
financial transactions. These fundamental skills will be of use in new circumstances and situations.

A. Administrative Structure

Class Schedule

The class meets twice per week. Section A meets MW 8:30-10:00 and Section B meets MW 10:00-
11:30, both in E51-145.

Optional recitation sessions will be held on Fridays 11:00-12:30 in E51-395. Details to be announced.


For MBA students, 15.401 is a required prerequisite; 15.402 is preferred but not required in order to take
this class. MFin students can take this class concurrently with 15.425. All MFin students are expected
to have obtained a passing grade in 15.415. Sloan Fellows are expected to be familiar and have working
knowledge of the following concepts: FCF, M&M, CAPM, WACC, financial options, option pricing,
and implied volatility.
Course Website

The course website is on Canvas ( and all teaching materials will be posted there.

Contact Information and Office Hours

• Professor Egor Matveyev

- Email: [email protected]
- Office: E62-621
- Office hours: Wednesdays, 1:00-2:00

• Teaching Assistants:
- Guiditta Perinelli, Finance PhD student, [email protected].
- Alexander Genoe, MFin student (2025), [email protected].
- TA office hours: TBA

• Course Assistant:
- Jasae Hinds ([email protected], E62-631)

B. Course Materials

• Required cases:

- Refer to Canvas, under Study.Net Materials.

- Questions for case assignments will be available on the course website.
• Optional material (not required):

- J. Berk and P. DeMarzo, Corporate Finance, 4th edition (or any other edition you may
have). Pearson Series in Finance.
- This book may be useful for some valuation topics and discussion of investment options.

C. Course Requirements and Grading

This course is graded on a letter grade basis. Auditing this course is not permitted.

Course requirements include attendance and participation in class, case study write-ups, and two exams.
The following weighting scheme will be used to determine each student’s course grade:

15.0% Class Participation

15.0% Case Study Write-Ups
30.0% Midterm Exam
40.0% Final Exam

Class Attendance

Students are required to fully attend all classes. Attendance and participation enhance the quality of
learning for all students in class. Students whose attendance is impacted by recurring illness/personal
emergency should notify their faculty/TAs of absences immediately and meet with their program advisor
to discuss. Attendance will be taken by the TA each class.

Late Attendance

If a student shows up to class after the class has started (i.e., professor started the lecture), the attendance
is not counted. In addition, the professor reserves the right to deny entry to students showing up after the
class has started.

Class Participation

You are expected to participate in class discussions. Most classes have assigned case studies that students
are expected to work on prior to each class. Name cards are required in each class. You should expect
to be cold-called, especially if you are not voluntarily participating in class discussions.


Midterm and final exams are mandatory. The midterm exam will take place on October 16 (the last class
before SIP week). The final exam will be scheduled by the registrar and will take place during the final
exam period (December 16-20). Make sure to not arrange any travel prior to when the final exam date
is announced. Final exams cannot be made up, no exceptions.

The exams will test your understanding of the key class concepts. They do not test your ability to
memorize; instead, they probe your understanding of the material. To prepare for exams, you should
review the slides together with your own class notes, case studies and the models you have built.

Both exams are closed-book. You will be allowed one double-sided page of notes for the midterm exam
and two double-sided pages of notes for the final exam. The sheets must be no larger than 8.5-by-11
inches and must be hand-written.

Class Assignments

There are two types of assignments. The first type requires you to read, work through the case, and be
ready to answer questions; however, you are not required to submit your solutions. The second type
requires you to submit a two-page memorandum of analysis and recommendations based on the assigned
case questions. For technical cases, write your memorandum starting with the major points you learned
from working on the case. For cases that require a decision or a strategy, write your memorandum as if
you are making a recommendation to the decision maker. The two-page limit for the case memoranda is
for text only. You may attach as many numerical calculations as you wish. Memoranda will not be
accepted after the class has met. The memorandum will be given credit if it is handed in and no credit if
it is not. The memorandum will be given either a plus, satisfactory, or minus grade.

You are encouraged to work on cases in groups (up to 4 students each).

Grading of cases will be on the basis of effort, not correctness. However, if you are making obvious
mistakes based on the material already learned in class, expect points to be deducted. Overall, the
purpose of case assignments is to ensure preparation before class.
E. Sloan Values and Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

You are responsible for upholding Sloan’s code of conduct, which mandates zero tolerance for cheating
and plagiarism. For more details on Sloan’s academic policies, please read the document “Classroom
Values in Practice” which is available on the course website.

Sloan values an inclusive environment. If you need a disability accommodation to access this course,
please communicate with us early in the semester. If you have your accommodation letter, please meet
with the faculty so that we can understand your needs and implement your approved accommodations.
If you have not yet been approved for accommodations, please contact Student Disability Services to
learn about their procedures. We encourage you to do so early in the term to allow sufficient time for
implementation of services/accommodations that you may need.

F. Preliminary Course Outline [TBC]

This is a brief course outline. Detailed course outline is posted on Canvas.

Lecture Date Topic Case Assignment
1 9/4 Introduction & Modeling Basics
2 9/9 Advanced Valuation 1 PSEG (A)
3 9/11 Advanced Valuation 2 PSEG (B) Yes
4 9/16 Advanced Valuation 3
5 9/18 Advanced Valuation 4 Ducati/TPG Yes
6 9/23 Financial Modeling 1 (Cap Structure)
7 9/25 Financial Modeling 2 (Cap Structure) WOW/Knology Yes
8 9/30 Bankruptcy and Restructuring 1 UAL
9 10/2 Bankruptcy and Restructuring 2
10 10/7 Bankruptcy and Restructuring 3 Flagstar
11 10/9 Financial Modeling 3 (Cap Structure) JetBlue Airways Yes
10/14 NO CLASS (Indigenous Peoples' Day)
12 10/16 Midterm Exam
10/23 NO CLASS (SIP Week)
10/25 NO CLASS (SIP Week)
13 10/28 Credit Risk; Convertible Securities
14 10/30 Financing in Distress; Convertible Securities Corning
15 11/4 Investment Options 1 Apex Yes
16 11/6 Investment Options 2
11/11 NO CLASS (Veterans Day)
17 11/13 Syndication Chase/Disney Yes
18 11/18 Project Finance 1 Petrozuata
19 11/20 Project Finance 2
20 11/25 Financial Modeling 4
11/27 NO CLASS (Thanksgiving)
21 12/2 Project Finance 3 Calpine Yes
22 12/4 Financial Modeling 5 (M&A) Saucony/Stride Rite Yes
23 12/9 M&A Tesla/SolarCity
24 12/11 Review & Synthesis
25 TBD Final Exam (Scheduled by the registrar)

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