ACP Acid Base and Salts

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(Options acche se padhna)


Q.1 To protect tooth decay we are advised to brush our teeth regularly. The
nature of tooth paste used is-
a) acidic
b) neutral
c) basic

Q.2 A compound x in aqueous solution turns red litmus solution into blue
Identify 'x'
a) Hydrochloric acid
b) Ammonium hydroxide solution
c) Sodium chloride solution

Q.3 Which one is stronger acid with pH=5 or with pH=2.

Q.4 What happens when chlorine is passed over dry slaked lime.
(CBSE-2010, 2011)

Q.5 Dry HCl gas does not change the colour of dry blue litmus paper why?

Q.6 Fill in the blanks-

a) The chemical formula of plaster of paris is________

b) Neutral substances have a pH________

c) Gold can be dissolved in__________

d) Commonly used antacid is__________


Q.7 Given below are the results of solution tested with universal indicators

(1) Sulphuric acid Red._________

(ii) Metal Polish Dark Blue.________
(iii) Milk of Magnesia Light blue.___________
(iv) Liquid Soap Yellow.____________
(v) Over cleaner Purple.__________
(vi) Car battery acid Pink.____________
Arrange the solutions in increasing order of their pH.

Q.8 Complete the following reaction-

1. Na₂CO₃ + HCl →
2. NaOH + HCl →
3. CuO + HCl →
4. Zn + NaOH →
5. Ca(OH)₂ + Cl₂→
Q.9 Fill the missing data in following table

Q. 10 Classify into strong and weak acid-

Hydrochloric acid, Formic acid nitric acid, acetic acid, Sulphuric acid, citric acid
(NCERT Exemplar)

11. Name the acid present in ant sting

12. What happens when egg shell is added to nitric acid.
13. Name a salt which does not contain water of crystallization
14. Name two constituents of baking powder.
15. What is the pH of gastric juices released during digestion.
16. Which solution is used to dissolve gold?
17. How will you test a gas which is liberated when HCl acid reacts with an active

18. Why does flow of acid rain water into a river make the survival of
aquatic life in the river difficult?
19. When conc. acid is added to water, whether the process is exothermic. or
20. Which by-product of chlor-alkali process is used for manufacturing bleaching

Practical Based MCQ's

21.On putting a drop of liquid on a pH paper a student observes a small patch of
blue color on pH paper. The liquid is most probably-
a) H₂O
b) HCl
c) NaOH
d) H₂SO₄

22.The correct method of finding the pH of solution is-

a) Heat the solution in test-tube and expose the pH paper to the vapors formed-
b] Pour solution on pH paper
c) Dip the pH paper in solution
d) Put a drop of solution on pH paper using dropper (CBSE-2011)

23. The colour obtained on pH paper for highly acid basic and ne solutions are
a) blue, orange, green
b) yellow, blue, green
c) red, blue, green
d)Red, green, blue

24. Four student- 'A', 'B', 'C' and D measured pH value of water, lemon juice and
sodium bicarbonate solution. The student who has expressed correct pH values in
decreasing order.

a) Water > lemon juice > Sod. bicarbonate solution

b) Lemon juice > Water > Sod. bicarbonate solution
c) Sod. bicarbonate solution> water > lemon juice
d) Water > Sod. bicarbonate solution > lemon juice (CBSE-2010)
25. If we add some sodium carbonate in distilled water, the pH of solution will be-

a) less than 7
b)more than 7
c) exactly 7
d) very close to 7

26. Dil HCl is added to sodium carbonate. It is observed that:-

a) No change takes place
b) Aloud sound is produced immediately
c) Immediately a brick effervescence occur
d) The solution turns black.

27. A student added Zn granules to dil HCl and made following observations:-
i) The surface of Zn become black
ii) A colourless gas evolved which burns with pop/sound
iii) The solution remains colourless
The correct observations are-
a) l and II
b) I and III
c) II and III
d) I, II and III

28. Four students performed reactions of zinc and sodium carbonate with dil
Hydrochloric acid sodium hydroxide and present their result as follows.

The ( ) represent evolution of gas and 'x' represent no reaction.

The right set of observation is

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
29. A colourless and odourless gas is liberated when hydrochloric acid is added to
solution of Sod. carbonate. The name of gas is-

a) Carbon dioxide
b) Nitrogen dioxide
c) Sulphur dioxide
d) Sulphur trioxide

30. When did HCl reacts with Zn metal the gas liberated is-
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Chlorine
d) Hydrogen

31. An acid can react with:

(a) AgCl
(b) Na₂CO₃
(c) AgNO₃
(d) None of the above

32.Which of the following statement is correct:

(a) Both bases and alkalis are soluble in water
(b) Alkalis are soluble in water but all bases are not
(c) Bases are soluble in water but all alkalis are not
(d) C₂H₅OH is a base because it has OH in its formulation

33. A solution that turns blue litmus red, the pH of the solution will be:
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 6

34. Which of the following is a neutral salt?

(a) NaCl
(b) Na₂SO₄
(c) KCl
(d) all of the above

35. Which of the following correctly represents the molecular formula of washing
(a) Na₂CO₃
(b) Na₂CO₃·H₂O
(c) Na₂CO₃·5H₂O
(d) Na₂CO₃·10H₂O

36. Gypsum salt is

(a) CaSO₄·2H₂O
(b) Ca₂SO₄
(c) CaSO₄·H₂O
(d) CaSO₄·½H₂O

37. Which of the following is used in making toys?

(a) CaSO₄·2H₂O
(b) Na₂SO₄·10H₂O
(c) CaSO₄·H₂O
(d) CaSO₄·2H₂O
38. The type of medicine used to treat indigestion and hyperacidity is:
(a) antibiotic
(b) antacid
(c) sulpha drug
(d) pain killer
39. Which one of the following is a weak acid?
(a) HCl
(b) H₂CO₃
(c) HNO₃
(d) H₂SO₄ (yaha Marks katate h)
Assertion and Reason type of Question

40.In the following questions a statement of Assertion is followed by a statement

are given-one labeled Assertion (A) and the other labeled Reason. (R). Selected
the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given

(a) Both A and R are true, and R is correct explanation of the assertion.

(b) Both A and Rare true, but R is not correct explanation of the assertion.

(c) A is true, but R is false.

(d) A is false, but R is true.

i. Assertion (A): Salts are the products of the an acid-base reaction.

Reason (R): Salt may be acidic or basic.

ii. Assertion (A): NaCl is a basic salt.

Reason (R): On passing electricity aqueous solution of NaCl forms NaOH.

iii. Assertion (A): The acid must always be added slowly to water with constant
stirring. Reason (R): The process of dissolving an acid in water is a highly

iii. Assertion (A): The acid must always be added slowly to water with
constant stirring. Reason (R): The process of dissolving an acid in water is
a highly exothermic.

iv. Assertion (A): A scale for measuring hydrogen ion concentration in a

solution, called pH scale.

Reason (R): Values less than 7 on the pH scale represent an acidic


v. Assertion (A): Ammonium chloride is a basic salt.

Reason (R): Slats of strong acid and weak base are acidic with pH value
less than 7. are the products of the an acid-base reaction.

(ho jaayenge aaram se)


(2 and 3 Marks)
41. Why does bleaching powder smell strongly of chlorine and does not
dissolve completely in water?

42. Hold one moist and one dry strip of blue litmus paper over dry HCI acid gas.
Which strip will turn red and why? show the change in colour.

43. What is Plaster of Paris? How is it obtained from Gypsum ?

44. What is the role of toothpastes in preventing cavities?

45. Explain why sour substances are effective in cleaning copper vessels?

46. A white powder is added while baking breads and cakes to make them soft
and What is the name of the powder ? What are its main ingredients?

47. How washing soda is prepared from baking soda?

48. Though the compounds such as glucose and alcohol have hydrogen atoms
in their molecule, yet they are not categorized as acids. Why?

49. What is the reaction called when an acid reacts with base to
produce salt and water? Give example also.

50. Why pickles and curd are not stored in copper and brass utensils?

51. On passing excess CO₂ through lime water, it first turns milky and then
becomes colourless. Explain why ? Write chemical equations.
52. How are bases different from alkalis? Are all bases alkalis?

53. While constructing a house, a builder selects marble flooring and. marble
top for kitchen where vinegar and juices of lemon, tamarind etc. are more often
used for cooking. Will you agree to this selection. and why?

54. Indicate with the help of a diagram the variation of pH with change in
concentration of H+(aq) and OH- (aq) ions.

55. Write the name and formulae of three hydrated salts.

56. What happens when calcium carbonate is made to react with hydrochloric
acid ? Give the equation of reaction.

57. Why metallic oxides are called basic oxides and non-metallic oxides are
called acidic oxides?

58. What is pH scale? What is pH value of salt formed by a (a) weak acid and
strong base? (b) strong acid and strong base?

59. A metal compound 'A' reacts with dil H₂SO₄ to produce a gas which
extinguishes a burning candle. Identify compound 'A' and gas produced. Write
a balanced chemical equation for the reaction if one of compound formed is

60. The pH of salt used to make tasty and crispy pakoras is14 . Identify and
write the chemical equation for its formation. List its two uses

61.A compound which is prepared by gypsum has the property of hardening

when mixed with water identify and write its chemical formulae. Write the
chemical equation for preperation and mention any one use of it? (CBSE
sample paper-2018)

62. Identify the acid and base which form sodium hydrogen carbonate.
Write the chemical equation in support of your answer state whether the
compound is acidic, basic or neutral. Also write the pH. (CBSE-2019)

63. 2ml of sodium hydroxide solution is added to few pieces of granulated Zn

metal taken in test-tube. When the contents are warmed, a gas is evolved which
is bubbled through soap solution before testing. Write. the equation of chemical
reaction involved and test to detect gas. Name the gas which will be evolved
when same metal reacts with solution of strong acid.
(pahle points socho firr likho)
(5 Marks)
64. What is water of crystallisation? Write the common name and chemical
formula of a commercially important compound which has 10 molecules of water
(e.g., CuSO₄·5H₂O). How is this compound obtained? Write its chemical equation
also. List any two uses of this compound.

65. Identify the compound X on the basis of the reactions given below:

X + 2HCl → A + H₂O
A + Na₂CO₃ → B + 2NaCl
B + 2HCl → C + 2H₂O
66. An element P does not react with dil. H₂SO₄. It forms an oxide P₂O which turns
red litmus into blue. Will you call P as a metal or a non-metal? Justify your

67. What is the chemical name and formula of bleaching powder (CaOCl₂)? What
happens when bleaching powder is exposed to air for a long time? Give any two
important uses of bleaching powder .
(read paragraph first)

Case Study

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions:


68.There are many substances which show one colour or odour in the
acidic medium and a different colour or odour in the basic medium. Such
substances are called acid-base indicators. An indicator is a weak acid or base
that is added to the analyte solution, and it changes colour when the equivalence
point is reached. Let's take the real-life example of our fish tank. Over time,
plants, rocks, and the fish themselves will alter the pH of the water. Most fish can
adjust to a pH that changes slowly over time, but are very sensitive to sudden
changes in pH. So when it's time to clean the tank and add new water, we should
add water that is near the pH of what the fish have been swimming in and fish do
not get a pH shock. To test a solution that whether it is acidic, basic or neutral,
we use indicators. There are 3 types of indicators- Natural, Synthetic and

i. Which of the following will turn Blue litmus red.

(a) Dry HCl
(b) Aqueous HCI
(c) Solution of HCl in Benzene
(d) All the above

ii. Phenolphthalein is
(a) Yellow in acidic and pink in basic medium
(b) Pink in acidic and colourless in basic medium
(c) Colourless in acidic and pink in basic medium
(d) Pink in and yellow in basic medium

iii. Methyl Orange is in HCI and in NaOH

(a) red and yellow
(b) red and red
(c) yellow and red
(d) yellow and yellow

iv. A solution turns methyl orange yellow, the pH of the solution is probably-
(a) 6
(c) 2
(b) 12
(d) 7

v. If the pH of a solution is 4.5 and you want to change its pH to 8. You

will add
(a) HCI
(b) NaOH
(d)H₂O (try karo)

NCERT Exemplar Questions

69. A student prepared solutions of (i) an acid and (ii) a base in two
separate beakers. She forgot to label the solutions and litmus
paper is not available in the laboratory. Since both the solutions
are colourless, how will she distinguish between the two?

70.Salt A commonly used in bakery products on heating gets

converted into another salt B which itself is used for removal of
hardness of water and a gas C is evolved. The gas C when passed
through lime water, turns it milky. Identify A,B,C

71.Equal volumes of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide

solutions of same concentration are mixed and the pH of the
resulting solution is checked with a pH paper. What would be the
colour obtained?

(a) Red
(b) Yellow
(c) Yellowish green
(d) Blue

72. In the following schematic diagram for the preparation of hydrogen

gas as shown in Figure what would happen if following
changes are made?

(a) In place of zinc granules, same amount of zinc dust is taken in

the test tube
(b) Instead of dilute sulphuric acid, dilute hydrochloric acid is
(c) In place of zinc, copper turnings are taken
(d) Sodium hydroxide is taken in place of dilute sulphuric acid
and the tube is heated.

73. A dry pellet of a common base B, when kept in open absorbs

moisture and turns sticky. The compound is also a by–product of
chloralkali process. Identify B. What type of reaction occurs when
B is treated with an acidic oxide? Write a balanced chemical
equation for one such solution.

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