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IJBPAS, February, 2020, 9(2): 48-57

ISSN: 2277–4998




Faculty of Pharmacy, Bhakti Kencana University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author: E Mail: [email protected]
Received 17th Aug. 2019; Revised 6th Sept. 2019; Accepted 2nd Sept. 2019; Available online 1st Feb. 2020

Red Fruit as an endemic plant in the Papua region contains natural antioxidant components such
as α-carotene, ß-carotene, ß-criptoxanthin, α-tocopherol. Therefore, red fruit has the potential to
be developed as a raw material for medicine. This study aims to develop the use of red fruit oil
by processing it into pharmaceutical preparations namely transparent soap. Red fruit sampling
was carried out in Jayapura, Papua. Red fruit oil is obtained by cooking red fruit juice for 5-6
hours. The fermentation process is carried out with three time variations (1 day, 2 days and 3
days). Red fruit oil was tested for antioxidant activity using a free radical reduction method,
namely DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) using the Uv-vis spectrophotometry instrument at
a wavelength of 517 nm. Formulation of transparent soap preparations by adding red fruit oil and
glycerin concentration variations to get the best transparent soap preparations. The methods for
evaluating transparent soap preparations include tests of water content, amount of fatty acids,
amount of free alkali, non-soapy fraction, pH test, foam stability test, storage stability test and
hedonic test. The test results show that the antioxidant activity of red fruit oil is potentially
medium with an IC50 value of 128.993 and an increase in glycerin concentration in the
preparation has a significant effect on the user's liking level on the transparency of the
preparation. The results of the evaluation of transparent soap preparations show that the best
formula is formula three (F3)
Keywords: Antioxidants, Red Fruit Oil (Pandanus conoideus Lam.), Transparent Soap

IJBPAS, February, 2020, 9(2)
Muhsinin S et al Research Article

Papua as one of the easternmost provinces in fermentation technique to get the highest
Indonesia has abundant biodiversity, both yield with the best oil quality. The
flora and fauna. One of the endemic development of science and technology is
biological sources is red fruit (Pandanus currently expanding the use of the efficacy of
conoideus Lam). Overall red fruit potential in red fruit oil, red fruit oil can be used as raw
Papua and West Irian Jaya provinces with a material in the cosmetics and health
harvest area of 354 ha and productivity of industries, one of which is packaged in the
5.58 tons / ha [1]. Indigenous Papuans make form of bath soap preparations.
use of oil contained in red fruit as a staple of Soap is a cleanser made by a chemical
staple foods, namely sago and sweet potatoes reaction between sodium or potassium bases
[2]. and fatty acids from vegetable oils or animal
The oil produced from red fruit is used as a fats in accordance with SNI06-3532, 1994
food flavoring with high nutritional value [6]. Transparent soap or also called glycerin
because it contains beta-carotene, and is also soap is a type of bath soap that can produce
used as a natural coloring agent that does not softer foam on the skin and looks transparent
contain heavy metals and harmful when compared with other types of soap.
microorganisms [3]. Red fruit and red fruit Transparent soap can be produced in a
oil contain natural antioxidant components number of different ways. One of the oldest
such as α-carotene, β-carotene, β- methods is by dissolving soap in alcohol with
criptoxanthin, α-tocopherol and unsaturated low heating to form a clear solution, which is
fatty acids, especially oleic, linoleic and then given a coloring and fragrance. The
palmitic [4] and minerals such as Fe, Ca and color of the final bar soap depends on the
P [5]. choice of good quality starting ingredients,
Red fruit has potential as a new source of the poor quality of the ingredients allows the
vegetable oil because it has a high enough oil soap to be very yellow [7]. The attractive,
content. The results of research conducted by classy and luxurious appearance of
[2] found that red fruit contains 35.93 percent transparent soap makes transparent soap sold
of dry weight oil. Processing red fruit to get at relatively more expensive prices. In
oil, generally done traditionally through a addition, transparent soap can also be used as
heating process. This research conducted a souvenirs, souvenirs so as to give a unique

IJBPAS, February, 2020, 9(2)
Muhsinin S et al Research Article

impression and exclusive appearance [8]. fermentation time ends, the oil is transferred
Based on this background, the authors to another container [9].
conducted a study to ferment the red fruit Red Fruit Oil Antioxidant Test with
(Pandanus conoideus Lam), where the oil DPPH Method
obtained from the fermentation will be Antioxidant activity testing was carried out
processed into pharmaceutical preparations with the initial stages of determining the
in the form of transparent soap, so that the maximum wavelength of DPPH, then made a
processing development process is expected calibration curve to determine the
to increase the selling value of the fruit red concentration of DPPH stock, testing the
itself. antioxidant activity of red fruit oil was
MATERIALS AND METHODS carried out using a free radical reduction
Material Collection method that is DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-
Red fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam) was picrilhidrazil) spectrophotometrically. Two
obtained from the Jayapura region, Papua. milliliters of the DPPH stock solution are
Fermented Red Fruit Oil added to the vial, plus two milliliters of red
Steamed flesh using medium heat for about fruit oil, then shaken until evenly mixed and
1-2 hours. The red juice is filtered to separate allowed to stand for 30 minutes. Uptake of
the seeds and then the red fruit filter is the solution was read at a wavelength of 517
cooked again over medium heat for 5-6 hours nm using a Uv-vis spectrophotometry. Also
while stirring, when blackish red oil has carried out the reading of the absorption of
appeared on the surface. Lift and move in a the control solution. The amount of
fermentation container. There were 3 antiradical activity or radical scavenging is
variations of fermentation time, they were 1 calculated by the formula:
day, 2 days and 3 days. After the

(𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 − 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞)

% 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲 =  𝟏𝟎𝟎%
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
Source: (10-12)
Red Fruit Oil Transparent Soap Formulation
Table 1: Red Fruit Oil Transparent Soap Formulation
Ingredient Ingredient Concentration(%)
F1 F2 F3 F4
Red fruit oil 1 1 1 1
VCO 20 20 20 20
Stearic acid 8 8 8 8
NaOH 30% 22 22 22 22
Citric Acid 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5

IJBPAS, February, 2020, 9(2)
Muhsinin S et al Research Article

Coca DEA 3 3 3 3
Glycerin 5 7 10 12
Sucrose 8 8 8 8
Ethanol 96% 15 15 15 15
fragrance q.s q.s q.s q.s
Aquadest ad 100 100 100 100
Source: (13) modification

Red Fruit Oil Transparent Soap 1994), foam stability (SNI, 06-3532-1994),
Formulation Stages (6, 8) stability test [14], and hedonic test.
1. Stages of saponification reaction RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Reaction of stearic acid in the fatty Fermented Red Fruit Oil
acid phase with 30% NaOH at 60-70 The weight of fermented red fruit oil are: 9.3
C. Stearic acid is melted by heating g (1 day), 13.7 g (2 days), 15.3 g (3 days).
until it melts and oil (VCO) is added, This shows that the relationship between the
after stearic acid and homogeneous length of fermentation time and the amount
oil are then added with 30% NaOH of oil produced is directly proportional ie the
solution. longer the fermentation time the amount of
2. Stages of obtaining transparent oil produced is more and more [9].
structures Red Fruit Oil Antioxidant Activity Test
Addition of glycerin, sucrose, citric with DPPH Method
acid, Coca DEA, ethanol, red fruit oil, The maximum wavelength ( max) for
aquadest at 60-70 C. To get the measurement / testing of antioxidant activity
aroma of soap, then add fragrance. from red fruit oil samples was obtained at
3. Curing stages 517 nm. IC50 measurement results can be
Furthermore, soap is printed and undergoes a seen in Table 2.
24-hour curing process, which is by storing it At the testing stage the antioxidant activity of
at room temperature. red fruit oil gives results that the presence of
Evaluation of Red Fruit Oil Transparent fermentation treatment affects the IC50
Soap Preparations (6) results obtained, where IC50 red fruit oil
Evaluation consists of: water content (SNI, sample 1 (control) is 128,993 this indicates
06-3532-1994), Amount of fatty acids (SNI, that the antioxidant activity is being due to
06-3532-1994), Amount of free alkali (SNI, being in the range of 100-150 [15].
06-3532-1994), Non-soapy fraction (SNI, 06- Formulation and Manufacture of
3532-1994), acidity (pH) (SNI, 06-3532- Transparent Soap

IJBPAS, February, 2020, 9(2)
Muhsinin S et al Research Article

The results of the transparent red fruit oil In the free alkali test all four formulas meet
soap formulation can be seen in Figure 1. the quality requirements that must be met in
Transparent Soap Evaluation soap products according to SNI, 06-3532-
Organoleptic Testing 1994 [6]. When free alkali levels are too high
Organoleptic testing is done by observing the it will remove all the oil produced by the skin
texture, color, aroma, transparency of soap which functions as a natural moisturizer,
with a variation of glycerin concentration resulting in dry skin. Under certain
that is 5%, 7%, 10% and 12%. The results conditions it can cause skin irritation. The
can be seen in Table 3. results of testing the amount of transparent
In the organoleptic testing stage high soap-free alkali can be seen in Table 6.
glycerin concentrations increase The Non-Soapy Faction
transparency. This is because glycerin as a Based on the test results of transparent soap
transparent structure forming on soap [8]. unsaturated fractions can be seen in Table 7,
Water content it is known that the four formulas meet the
The water content in transparent red fruit oil requirements in accordance with SNI, 06-
soap can be seen in table 4, where the water 3532-1994, where the requirements for non-
content of the four soap formulas is not more soapy fraction content (b / b;%) are a
than 15% which is the maximum water maximum of 2.5 [6].
content requirement in soap required by SNI, Acidity (pH)
06-3532-1994 [6]. The value of the acidity (pH) produced
Amount of Fatty Acid shows that the four soap formulas still meet
Based on the results of testing the amount of the requirements, where the soap pH
fatty acids from the four formulas meets the requirements are 8-10 in SNI, 06-3532-1994
requirements according to SNI, 06-3532- [6]. The pH of the soap is not too alkaline
1994, where the requirement for the amount due to the use of citric acid as a pH regulator.
of fatty acids (b/b;%) is a minimum of 70% Thus, the pH of the soap meets the
[6]. The results of testing the amount of requirements so it will not cause irritation to
transparent soap fatty acids can be seen in the skin. The results of pH testing can be
Table 5. seen in Table 8.
Total Alkali Free Foam Stability

IJBPAS, February, 2020, 9(2)
Muhsinin S et al Research Article

The foam stability test results show that the This test was carried out to determine the
fourth formula has the highest foam stability preference level of panelists for transparent
at 93.33%, this is due to the use of DEA soap red fruit oil, tested on 20 panelists with
cocamid which provides a fairly stable foam criteria for women aged 20-30 years. The
on the preparation. The results of the stability assessment of transparent soap preference
test of the transparent red foam soap fruit oil test is based on aroma, texture / hardness,
can be seen in Table 9. foaming, color and transparency with the
Storage Stability rating scale given, namely: (1) dislike, (2)
In this study, the accelerated stability test somewhat dislike, (3) rather like, (4) like.
was carried out by means of temperature The test results can be seen in Table 10.
manipulation techniques (temperature 25- Based on test results on panelists stated that
30oC and 60oC) which was carried out for 3 F3 is the most preferred formula based on
weeks [14]. The parameters performed aroma, texture, lots of foam, color and
include foam stability test. Storage stability transparency. In addition, from all test results
test results can be seen in Figures 2 and 3. giving safe results do not occur irritation or
Hedonic Test (passions) redness.
Table 2: IC50 Measurement of Red Fruit Oil
Red fruit oil Absorban % radical scavengers IC50
concentration(g/mL) (g/mL)
No A1 A2

1 20 0,543 32,463
2 40 0,516 35,821
3 60 0,486 39,552
4 80 0,804 0,459 42,910 128,993
5 100 0,428 46,766
6 120 0,399 50,373
7 140 0,369 54,104

Note: A1 = Control Absorbance; A2 = Sample Absorbance

Figure 1: Red Fruit Oil Transparent Soap Formula

IJBPAS, February, 2020, 9(2)
Muhsinin S et al Research Article

Table 3: Observations of Organoleptic Transparent Soap Red Fruit Oil

Formula Texture Transparency color Aroma
F1 Solid bar soap Transparent Red Jasmine
+++ ++ +++ ++
F2 Solid bar soap Transparent Red Jasmine
+++ ++ +++ ++
F3 Solid bar soap Transparent Red Jasmine
+++ +++ ++ ++
F4 Solid bar soap Transparent Red Jasmine
+++ +++ ++ ++
Note: “-“ Nothing; “+” Little;“++” more; “+++” Very

Table 4: Red Soap Oil Transparent Fruit Water Content

Weight (gram) % Water content
Formula Empty container(W0) Sample( Container + sampleafter
W1) 2 hours (W2)
F1 33,9899 5 38,6881 6,036
F2 35,2793 5 39,7975 9,636
F3 32,1465 5 36,7324 8,282
F4 32,1986 5 36,8128 7,716
Note : W2 = W2-W0
Table 5: Amount of Fatty Acids from Transparent Soap Red Fruit Oil
No Formula Amount of Fatty Acid
1 F1 80
2 F2 77
3 F3 70
4 F4 101
Table 6: Amount of Free Alkali from Transparent Soap Red Fruit Oil
No Formula Total Alkali Free
1 F1 0,08
2 F2 0,04
3 F3 0,04
4 F4 0,08

Table 7: The Non-Soapy Faction of the Transparent Red Fruit Oil Soap
No Formula The Non-Soapy Faction (%)
1 F1 1,09
2 F2 2,17
3 F3 2,17
4 F4 1,09

Table 8: Acidity (pH) of Transparent Soap Red Fruit Oil

No Formula Acidity (pH)
1 F1 8,34
2 F2 8,61
3 F3 9,57
4 F4 9,48

Table 9: Stability of the Foam of the Red Fruit Oil Transparent Soap
No Formula High foam initial High foam end Foam
(cm) (cm) Stability (%)
1 F1 1,3 1,1 84,61
2 F2 1,5 1,3 86,66
3 F3 1,8 1,6 88,88
4 F4 1,5 1,4 93,33

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Muhsinin S et al Research Article

Percentage of Storage Stability at 25 oC

84.00% F3

82.00% F4
1 2 3
Figure 2: Percentage of Storage Stability at 25 oC

Percentage of Storage Stability at 60 °C






80.00% F2
1 2 3


Figure 3: Percentage of Storage Stability at 60 °C

Table 10: Hedonic Test Results of the Red Fruit Oil Transparent Soap
Parameter Total Rating
F1 F2 F3 F4
Aroma 64 63 68 60
Texture 64 68 70 66
Foaming 73 74 74 74
Color 74 75 75 74
Transparency 68 75 77 73
Total 343 355 364 347

CONCLUSION level of panelists' preference for soap

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