Expression of Interest Empanelment of Assessment Agencies Under MSME Sustainable ZED Certification Scheme - 273 1

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Reference No.


Expression of Interest
For Empanelment of Assessment Agencies
under MSME Sustainable (ZED) Certification Scheme

Quality Council of India (QCI)

Institution of Engineers Building,
2 Floor, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi-110002


EOI Notice .................................................................................................................................. 3

EOI Summary ............................................................................................................................. 4
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 5
2. BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................... 5
3. SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................... 5
4. PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA ............................................................................................. 8
5. PREFERRED REQUIREMENT FOR ASSESSORS ....................................................................... 9
6. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ..................................................................................... 9
7. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL................................................................................................ 11

EOI Notice

1. Quality Council of India (QCI) invites proposals for “Empanelment of Assessment Agency under
MSME Sustainable (ZED) Certification Scheme”.

2. The content of this Expression of Interest (EOI) enlists the requirements of the QCI. It includes the
Bidding Terms which details out all that may be needed by the potential bidders to understand the
terms and bidding process and explain the contractual terms that the QCI wishes to specify at this

3. The Technical Bids may be submitted in a PDF format to [email protected] before March
20, 2024, by 1700 Hrs. addressed to:

Deputy Director (Finance & Accounts), Quality Council of India (QCI)

EOI Summary

S. No. Particulars Details

Last date and time for
1. March 20, 2024
submission of Applications
2. Validity of the Proposal 90 Days
3. Tender Processing Fee N/A
Contact Person for Procurement Team, QCI.
clarification [email protected]
Technical Discussion Round
5. To be notified via email
(if needed)
6. Documents to be submitted Refer Clause-VII: Submission of Proposal


Quality Council of India

The Quality Council of India (QCI) is a pioneering experiment of the Government of India in setting
up organizations in partnership with the Indian industry. The mandate of QCI is to lead nationwide
quality movement in India by involving all stakeholders for emphasis on adherence to quality
standards in all spheres of activities primarily for promoting and protecting interests of the nation
and its citizens. To achieve this, QCI is playing a pivotal role in propagating, adoption, and
adherence to quality standards in all important spheres of activities including education,
healthcare, environment protection, governance, social sectors, infrastructure sector and such
other areas of organized activities that have significant bearing in improving the quality of life and
well-being of the citizens of India.


As the MSMEs are amongst the strongest drivers of economic development, innovation and
employment, it becomes imperative to strengthen their ecosystem. The Government of India
envisioned Zero Defect & Zero Effect (ZED) initiative to enhance MSME competitiveness, make
them sustainable and transform them as National and International Champions. MSME Sustainable
(ZED) Certification Scheme is an extensive drive to create awareness amongst MSMEs about Zero
Defect Zero Effect (ZED) practices and motivate and incentivize them for ZED Certification while
also encouraging them to become MSME Champions. Through the journey of ZED Certification,
MSMEs can reduce wastages substantially, increase productivity, enhance environmental
consciousness, save energy, optimally use natural resources, expand their markets, etc. MSMEs
will also be motivated to adopt best practices in work culture, standardization of products,
processes and systems etc. in order to enhance their global competitiveness and sustainability. The
ZED Certification aims at enhancing the competitiveness of an MSME by assessment, modification
through guidance, handholding, managerial and technological intervention – not just certification.


MSME Sustainable (ZED) Certification has THREE certification levels and an MSME can apply for any
of the Certification level after taking the ZED Pledge. The three Certification levels are:
• ZED Pledge
• Certification Level 1: BRONZE
• Certification Level 2: SILVER
• Certification Level 3: GOLD

1. Certification Process
The certification process involves following steps:

i. Registration and ZED Pledge

• Every MSME that embarks on the journey of MSME Sustainable (ZED)
Certification will have to take the “ZED Pledge” before applying for MSME
Sustainable (ZED) Certification for any level i.e., Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
• The provision for undertaking ZED pledge is made on the ZED portal and the
MSME will also be able to download the ZED Pledge from the portal.

ii. Application for Certification Level
• After taking the ZED Pledge, the MSME can apply for any Certification Level if
it feels that it can fulfil the requirements for the respective level.
• MSME shall be required to apply separately for different units.

iii. Undertaking of Compliance

The applicant MSME shall upload an undertaking of compliance towards the
applicable regulatory & statutory norms/requirements as necessary for operating the

iv. Basic Information and Document Upload

As a part of the application process, the applicant MSME will require to
provide/upload basic information and prescribed documents, as applicable, on the
online portal. This information will be related to (but not limited to) the details about
the product(s) manufactured, Safety systems, Quality Certificates (if any), operational
processes, etc.

v. Desktop Verification
QCI, where necessary, shall conduct the desktop verification (of the uploaded
documents) for the Bronze Certification and for the Silver and Gold Certifications,
desktop verification shall be conducted by the Assessment Agencies (that are
allocated the assessments).

vi. Certification- Bronze Level

A desktop verification will be conducted by the assigned Desktop Assessor. In case of
any Non-Conformance (NC) raised during the desktop verification, the applicant
MSME will be required to close the NC(s); the MSME shall get 5 opportunities, within
30 days to close the NCs. Once the NC(s) are closed, a recommendation for award of
the Certification will be made. Based on the recommendation, a Certificate will be
issued along with a report to the applicant MSME. The validity of the certificate will
be for a period of 3 years.

vii. Certification- Silver Level

• Once the relevant information is furnished and documents are uploaded &
verified, a remote assessment on relevant parameters will be conducted. The
assessment requirement/checklist will be made available to the applicant MSME
through the portal.
• In case of any Non-Conformance (NC) raised during the assessment, the applicant
MSME will be required to close the NC(s); the MSME shall get 5 opportunities,
within 60 days to close the NCs. Once the NC(s) are closed, a recommendation for
award of the Certification will be made.
• Based on the recommendation, a Certificate will be issued along with a report to
the applicant MSME. The validity of the certificate will be for a period of 3 years.

viii. Certification (Gold level)
• Once the relevant information is furnished and documents are uploaded &
verified, a site assessment on relevant parameters will be conducted. The
assessment requirements/checklist will be made available to the applicant MSME
through the portal.
• In case of any Non-Conformance (NC) raised during the assessment, the applicant
MSME will be required to close the NC(s); the MSME shall get 5 opportunities,
within 60 days to close the NCs. Once the NC(s) are closed, a recommendation for
award of the Certification will be made.
• Based on the recommendation, a Certificate will be issued along with a report to
the applicant MSME. The validity of the certificate will be for a period of 3 years.

2. Assessment process and certification

i. Assessment Team Selection

The Assessment Agency will assign qualified ZED Assessor/ Assessment team. Further, the
assessors shall also be qualified as per the competence criteria of the NABCB accredited
CB for the scope sector for which the Assessment Agency holds accreditation from NABCB.
The Remote/On-site assessment will be conducted with minimum two qualified ZED
Assessors, supported by technical experts, if needed. The team selected shall be such, so
as to be competent to assess all the applicable parameters. One of the assessors must
have competency in the environmental aspects/areas.

ii. Assessment Duration

The duration of the assessment will be as under:
• Bronze Level (Remote Assessment): 1 man-day
• Silver Level (Remote Assessment): 2 man-days
• Gold Level (Site Assessment): 4 man-days

The above man-days are inclusive of the man-day required for ‘document verification’.
The assessment man-days are based on 8 hours per day.

iii. Opening Meeting

A formal opening meeting shall be held with the MSME’s management and, where
appropriate, those responsible for the functions or processes to be assessed. The
purpose of the opening meeting, usually conducted by the assessment team leader,
is to provide a short explanation of how the assessment activities will be undertaken.
During the opening meeting, the Team leader shall collect information on the
situation and on changes, if any, concerning the MSME, equipment, raw materials,
processes, and anything else relevant.

iv. Assessment
• Assessment will be based on specific ZED Certification requirements. The
assessment is app-based and in accordance with the checklist provided.
• During the assessment, the assessment team shall periodically check assessment
progress and exchange information. The assessment team leader shall re-assign
work as needed between the assessment team members and periodically
communicate the progress of the assessment and any concerns to the MSME.

• When conducting the assessment, the assessor shall collect and verify evidence
related to performance of various processes/activities of the MSME as per MSME
Sustainable (ZED) Certification parameters and requirements.
• During the assessment, information related to the assessment objectives, scope
and criteria (including information related to interfaces between functions,
activities and processes) shall be obtained and verified.
• Methods to obtain information shall include, but are not limited to:
a. Interviews
b. Observation of processes and activities
c. Review of documentation and records
• The information captured shall be supported by objective evidence

v. Closing Meeting
A formal closing meeting, where attendance shall be recorded, shall be held with the
MSME’s management and, where appropriate, those responsible for the functions or
processes assessed. The purpose of the closing meeting, usually conducted by the
assessment team leader, is to present the assessment conclusions.

vi. Safety during On-site assessment

The on-site assessment involves risk linked to the need to travel to work
environments. Responsibility of risk analysis and the identification of the most
suitable means of protection during the assessment, is of the MSME that manages the
building or factory. However, assessors must have personal protective equipment
which may be reasonably required.

vii. Assessment Report

After closure of Non- Conformance (NC), if any, an assessment report will be
generated with a recommendation for award of certification. The report shall be duly
reviewed and approved by the assessment agency.

viii. Recommendation & Award of Certificate

• Based on the assessment report and recommendation received from the
Assessment Agency, award of Certification will be made. The certificate will have
a validity for a period of 3 years.
• For each accepted report, the Assessment Agency shall be paid for the assessment
conducted, as per the prescribed fee structure.


S. No. Basic Requirements Specific Requirements Documents Required

Applicant should be accredited as a
Certification Body/ Inspection Body by Certificate of
a. Accreditation
National Accreditation Board for Accreditation
Certification Bodies (NABCB)
The Applicant should not have been Non-Blacklisting
blacklisted by any Govt. department or Undertaking /
b. Blacklisting
any PSU in India as on the date of bid Self-Declaration as per
submission. Annexure-C


The proposed assessor shall be a Graduate

Educational Copy of relevant
form a recognised University or Diploma in
a. Qualification of educational
Engineering form a recognised
Assessor qualification

Qualified Lead Auditor Certification in

Quality Management Systems or any other
Additional ISO Management Systems, as relevant
Copy of relevant
b. Qualification of OR
Assessor A qualified ZED Assessor under the erstwhile
“Financial Support to MSMEs in ZED
Certification Scheme”
Minimum experience of 5 years (for
Graduates) and 8 years (for Diploma CV of Assessors
Experience of Holders) in manufacturing industry, of with relevant
Assessor (a) which at least 3 years of experience should certificates of
be in operations/quality/management experience
/auditing/ assessing/ consulting.
Experience of minimum 25 man- days of
Management System Audits/Assessments
for Quality/ any other ISO Management
Systems, as relevant
Experience of Certificate of
d. OR
Assessor (b) experience
Experience of minimum 25 man-days in
assessment for any Business Excellence
Award like CII-EXIM Awards/ MBNQA, EFQM

Technical Knowledge in at least 1 ZED Recognised

Technical Knowledge
e. discipline from each group with reference to Certification/
of Assessor
Annexure-B Training Course


1. Disclaimer
The QCI shall not be responsible for any late receipt of applications for any reasons
whatsoever. The applications received late will not be considered.

2. The QCI reserves the right.

i. To reject any/all applications without assigning any reasons thereof.
ii. To relax or waive any of the conditions stipulated in this document as deemed necessary
in the best interest of the QCI without assigning any reasons thereof.

iii. To include any other item in the Scope of work at any time after consultation with
applicants or otherwise.

3. Presentation: As a part of evaluation of proposals submitted by the applicants, QCI may seek
further information or a presentation from the Organizations for evaluation purposes. QCI
may call for such information/presentation at a short notice.

4. Amendments to EOI: At any time prior to the last date (if prescribed) for receipt of
applications, QCI may for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a
clarification requested by a prospective applicant, modify the EOI document by an
amendment. In order to provide prospective applicants reasonable time in which to take the
amendment into account in preparing their proposals, QCI may at its discretion extend the
last date (if prescribed) for the receipt of proposals and/or make other changes in the
requirements set out in the EOI. Any such amendment shall be communicated to the

5. Conflict of Interest: QCI requires that assessment agency provides professional, objective, and
impartial analysis and data, strictly avoid conflicts with other Assignment/jobs or their own
corporate interests and act without any consideration for future work.

6. Language: The Proposal should be filled by the applicant in English language only. If any
supporting documents submitted are in any language other than English, translation of the
same in English language is to be duly attested by the applicant. For purposes of interpretation
of the documents, the English translation shall prevail. All correspondence and documents
relating to the Proposal exchanged by the applicant and QCI shall also be written in the English

7. Safety and Insurance: Ensuring safety of auditor at the time of physical audit shall be the
responsibility of the agency. QCI has no obligation or responsibility towards any individual in
any such cases or situations. The agency must have and maintain Covid-19 protocols as per
government guidelines, valid and enforcement insurance policies for public liability,
professional indemnity, workers Compensations required by law.
8. Travelling, boarding, and lodging expenses to be borne by the Assessment Agency.
9. Security: The agency shall ensure that all the data collected and processed and information
received under this work order or during the execution of this work order and or required to
be shared with QCI, by the agency under this Contract shall be in totally secure mode and that
the agency shall take all necessary steps to prohibit any unauthorized sharing/publishing of
data in the public domain or with any other party or person who is not authorized by QCI to
receive such information and or data. That the agency shall ensure that all the data collected,
and information received under this contract shall be used only for the purpose of execution
of this contract and once the purpose of this contract is fulfilled then all the papers, drawings,
notes, manuals, specifications, designs, documents.
10. Force Majeure: The parties shall ensure due compliance with the terms of this agreement.
However, no party shall be liable for any claim for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out
of failure to carry out the terms of the agreement to the extent such a failure is due to force
majeure events such as pandemic/epidemic, fire, rebellion, mutiny, civil commotion, riots,
strike, lockout, force of nature, accident, act of God, or any other reason beyond the control
of concerned party. However, the concerned party must give notice of such event as and when
it arises or is perceived as soon as possible and make all possible efforts to minimize the effects

of such circumstances on the performance of work. If non-performance or diminished
performance continues for more than 15 days by the affected party due to the circumstances
mentioned under this clause, the other party may terminate the contract with immediate

11. Subcontracting: There must be no sub-contracting of work without prior written consent of

12. Ethics: QCI expects agency and auditors to show highest ethical standards during the course
of the assignment. If any complaints/information regarding any incident of malpractices
(bribery, seeking monetary or non-monetary favor/gifts) is brought to the notice, the
assessment agency shall take the necessary action (to the extent of expulsion/removal) as per
its organization rules and laws applicable at that time. QCI is absolved of any liability/claim
arising out of any such above situations.

13. Amendments: The terms and conditions in this document are liable to change any time during
the project subject to mutual consent between QCI and the agency. Any such changes shall
be communicated in writing/e-mail only.

14. Rejection of Application: The application is liable to be rejected if:

i. Not in prescribed forms and not containing all required details.
ii. Received after the expiry of due date and time, if prescribed.
iii. Absence of any supporting document(s) with the Proposal.

15. Indemnity: The organisation undertakes to indemnify QCI from any losses that are incurred
due to any deficiency in services rendered by the organisation or any instance of corruption
or improper payment.

16. Maintenance of Confidentiality: The organisation must not divulge any confidential
information and ensure that reasonable steps are taken to provide for the safe custody of any
and confidential information in its possession and to prevent unauthorized access thereto or
use thereof. The organisation must not, without the prior written consent of QCI, disclose any
confidential information about QCI or any government department or relating to any ministry
or any other party. In giving written consent to the disclosure of confidential information, QCI
may impose such conditions as it thinks fit, and the agency must comply with these conditions.

17. Removal of Data: The organisation must ensure that its employees/ professionals’
subcontractors and/ personnel do not:
i. remove any data or allow any Data concerned with this contract to be removed from
the places as notified / directed by QCI; or
ii. take any Data or allow any Data to be taken outside of India, without the QCI's prior
written consent.

18. Validity: The proposals shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the last date of
submission. In exceptional circumstances, QCI may solicit the applicant’s consent to an
extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in
writing. An applicant consenting to such request will not be required nor permitted to modify
its Proposal.
The technical proposal must include the following:
1. Form A (Annexure-A)

2. Certificate of Accreditation by National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB)
3. Documents required for Preferred Requirement for Assessors (if any)


1. All the pages of the proposal must be sequentially numbered and must contain the list of
contents with page numbers. Any deficiency in the documentation may result in the rejection
of the Bid.
2. All pages of the application including the duplicate copies, shall be signed, and stamped by
the authorised signatory.

Interested parties may submit the technical documents in a PDF format with the head “Proposal for
Empanelment of Assessment Agencies under MSME Sustainable (ZED) Certification Scheme” to
[email protected] addressed to Deputy Director (Finance & Accounts), Quality Council of
India latest by March 20, 2024, 1700 Hrs.

For further queries, you may please contact the below mentioned:

Procurement Team Email id: [email protected]

Form-A Annexure-A

Quality Council of India (QCI)

2nd Floor, ICCW Building, 4, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, New Delhi - 110002

MSME Sustainable (ZED) Certification Scheme

(A Scheme by Ministry of MSME)


(Only NABCB accredited agencies/bodies are eligible to register)


1 Name of the Agency

2 Address of Main Office

State PIN

3 Single Point of Contact (SPOC) Name


4 Details of NABCB Accreditation

(Please specify Accreditation Cert.
No. and Validity Period)

5 Sector Scope(s) of Accreditation

6 Preferred States where the

Agency/Body would undertake

7 NIC Sector(s) (2 Digit) As per Section

C, NIC 2008

8 PAN Number

9 GSTIN Number

Signatures of Authorized Signatory





Annexure - B

Group ZED Disciplines Area of Knowledge /Expertise Remarks

A Best Business Know-how of Best Business Practices like At least 1
Practices Balanced Score Card, Six Sigma, Risk
Management, Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR), etc.
Good Know-how of Good Manufacturing
Manufacturing practices like Lean, TQM, TPM, FMEA,
Practices SPC, Poka-Yoke / mistake proofing, OEE,
Product and Process Validation, etc.
B QMS Quality Management System, Quality At least 1
Improvement Tools & techniques,
Occupational Occupational Health & Safety
Health & Safety Management System, Safety Practices
and Auditing
Environment Environment Management System,
Management Environmental Impact Assessment,
Natural Resource Management, Auditing
C Energy Energy efficiency & conservation At least 1
Management techniques, Energy Management and
Material & Material and Inventory Management,
Supply Chain Traceability and Supply Chain
Management Management
Human Resource Human Resource Management,
Management Competency Mapping, Multiskilling,
Employee Engagement Techniques

Note: Certifications/Training course(s) should be recognized by the industry (and its stakeholders) as
being appropriate and relevant. The applicants are required to provide their appropriate training
certificates or Relevant Details related to Practical Experience along with their resumes.


Format for Non-Blacklisting Undertaking

(To be submitted on the Letterhead of the responding firm)

Deputy Director (Accounts & Administration),
Quality Council of India,
Institution of Engineers Building,
2nd Floor, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi-110002

Subject: Non-Blacklisting declaration in connection with RFP Ref. No. ______ dated____ for

Dear Sir,

This is to notify you that our Firm/Company/Organisation _____________________________ intends

to submit a proposal in response to invitation for Tender Ref. No. ___________ for <>. In accordance
with the above, we declare that:

a. We are not involved in any major litigation that may have an impact of affecting or
compromising the delivery of services as required under this agreement.
b. We are not blacklisted by any Central/ State Government/ agency of Central/ State
Government of India or any other country in the world/ Public Sector Undertaking/ any
Regulatory Authorities in India or any other country in the world for any kind of fraudulent

Dated this Day of 2024

(Signature) (In the capacity of)
Duly authorized to sign the Proposal Response for and on behalf of:
(Name and Address of Company) Seal/Stamp of Vendor


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