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Sobstiboting the q?ven Uadu

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cerhoin wedt Hhat gives he saue
He expe. ct es F
ssey prospect.

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O.34 Ú3000o o
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EU) Soot 545.68t S14.62
E (U) 385.3D

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VeE 385.3o
CE |419,462
So,Avwind shonwals certaR uby equi, Jut tor Hhe

2. Moh aul

Prospe ct Pl: (0.7,209 boo)

E(U)- 0.7 lu (200) + D.3 +ln lboo)
EU) = D.7 ln l2o) t O.3 ulooo)
EUW D.7.S.24 Y317t o3.636430
E(U)> 3.70372t |-4I9 074
E(U)> S.6274 0|
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b) Cestalty £4iv alent t ospect P3
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T~ Event af estug posstec,

"PCo) 0.0|
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