BIOTECON Listeria-Monocytogenens Detection-Kit

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Listeria monocytogenes Detection Kits

Real-time PCR Assays

For safer food – BIOTECON Diagnostics –

simply builds up trust!
Best Specificity
100% Inclusivity
Listeria monocytogenes is known to be responsible for listeriosis, a rare but often lethal
food-borne infection with a lethality rate of up to 25%. Usually Listeria is transmitted > 100 L. monocytogenes
strains tested
through contaminated food, such as raw milk, cheeses, raw and cooked poultry, raw
meats, ice cream, raw or smoked fish and raw vegetables. Listeria is very resistant 60 strains tested including
closely related organisms
and able to grow in temperatures ranging from 4 °C to 37 °C.
and microorganisms of the
The foodproof ® Listeria monocytogenes Detection Kits is based on real-time PCR same habitat

technology which is well-established in the food industry as a highly sensitive and

specific detection method. Matrices
All relevant food matrices
tested, including milk, cheeses,
Fast: 24 h to result with < 40 min of hands- Easy: Convenient, complete solution in- poultry, ice cream, spices,
on time. New rapid enrichment media cluding DNA extraction and real-time PCR minced meat and environmental
reduces the enrichment time to max. 22 h analysis

Safe: Prevention of false-negative results Experienced: Manufacturer of PCR-based

by internal control and prevention of rapid tests for the food industry since 1998
carry-over contamination using Uracil-N- with an ISO 17025 accredited service lab
Sensitive: Validated to detect 1– 10 cfu/25g
sample, including enrichment AOAC approved for “a variety
of foods“

Analysis Results in < 2,5 h

Rapid Enrichment DNA Extraction PCR Setup Real-time PCR Run
22 h approx. 30 min approx. 10 min 60 - 100 min

Listeria monocytogenes Detection Kits

R 300 23 foodproof® Listeria monocytogenes Detection Kit (LC 1.x, 2.0) DNA Extraction
R 302 23 foodproof® Listeria monocytogenes Detection Kit (5‘ Nuclease) E.g. foodproof®
R 602 23 foodproof® Listeria monocytogenes Detection LyoKit (5‘ Nuclease) StarPrep Two 8-Strip Kit
High-throughput extraction of
Specific DNA Extraction Kits Listeria monocytogenes DNA
in less than 30 mins
S 400 02 foodproof® ShortPrep® II Kit - rapid extraction
S 400 05 foodproof® Sample Preparation Kit II - high quality column purification
S 400 08 foodproof® StarPrep Two Kit - bulk extraction
S 400 17 foodproof® StarPrep Two 8-Strip Kit - manual high-throughput extraction Instrument Compatibility
S 400 12 L foodproof® Magnetic Preparation Kit II - automated purification LightCycler 480, LC 96
5‘ Nuclease / TaqMan®
Enrichment Media cycler (e.g. Dualo 32,
PikoReal 24, AriaMx,
Z 800 01 foodproof® Listeria StarBroth CFX96, ABI 7500)

Diagnostics GmbH
Hermannswerder 17
14473 Potsdam
Storage Liquid Kits at -15 °C to -25 °C Germany
KD-LIM-01-EN V04/2016

Storage LyoKits at 2 °C to 8 °C Phone: +49 (0)331-2300-200

96 Reactions with final volume of 20 or 25 µl Fax: +49 (0)331-2300-299
[email protected]
foodproof is a registered trademark of BIOTECON Diagnostics.

The above mentioned real-time PCR instruments are registered trademarks of their respective holders.

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