DMI-Plan-2019 Richland School District 2

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Diversity and Multicultural

Inclusion Plan
November 2019

Helen Nelson Grant, J.D.

Chief Diversity and Multicultural Inclusion Officer
Richland School District Two
763 Fashion Drive
Columbia, SC 29229

Richland School District Two has a long history of diversity and inclusion. In August 2015,
the district hired its first Chief of Diversity and Multicultural Inclusion (DMI), a position at
the Cabinet Level that reports directly to the Superintendent. The DMI Chief is responsible
for recommending, developing, implementing and managing programs and initiatives
aimed at advancing diversity and multicultural inclusion. The DMI chief serves as an
advisor to the Superintendent in the development and implementation of diversity and
multicultural practices and initiatives and is the district’s chief spokesperson and district
representative for diversity and multicultural matters.
The first district Diversity and Multicultural (DMI) Plan was developed in October 2016.
That plan set out goals and strategies for the district in the areas of Instruction;
Communication and Partnerships; Recruitment and Retention; Business; and Climate.
Building on the work from the 2016 plan and the district’s current strategic plan, the
primary purpose for this plan is to outline goals and strategies that will help Richland Two
be the Premier school district - a learning and working environment where all partners are
committed to creating, sustaining and investing in a culture and environment of excellence
and where all are afforded the opportunity to maximize their gifts and talents as they
pursue their pathways to purpose.

Richland School District Two Strategic Plan Graphic


Using Richland Two’s Core Values of Learning, Character, Community and Joy and its
Principle Practices of Innovation, Data, Diversity and Inclusion, Partnerships and
Communication, this DMI plan seeks to guide the district’s work to create a Premier Culture
and Environment, Premier Talent and Premier Achievement for our students, staff and
community partners.
In August 2019, the Richland Two Board of Trustees adopted Policy ACA, Equity. The policy
reads as follows:
Policy ACA

The board is committed to the success of every student and to the district’s mission
and vision. Equity of opportunity and equity of access to programs, services and
resources are critical to the success of every student and to the district’s mission
and vision.

Equity is not synonymous with equality. Equality means every student receives the
same opportunities and supports, while equity means every student receives the
opportunities and supports he/she needs to maximize his/her gifts and talents and
pursue pathways to purpose.

Inequities lead to outcomes that do not accurately reflect students’ abilities and
potential. Furthermore, inequities limit future success and prevent individuals from
leading and excelling in their chosen pathway.

The board is, therefore, committed to ensuring students’ identities do not predict
nor predetermine their level of success in school. Likewise, the board is committed
to ensuring students receive a premier educational experience.
The goals and strategies outlined herein seek to promote an equitable educational
experience for all students.

Goals in the DMI plan are divided into the following categories:
● Teaching and Learning
● Human Resources
● Communication and Partnerships
● Finance and Operations
However, underlying each goal is the understanding that all of the district’s offices,
divisions, departments, schools and sites must work together toward Premier culture and
environment, talent and achievement.

Teaching and Learning

Goal 1 - Full implementation of AVID district wide to decrease and
eventually eliminate the opportunity gap of Richland Two students.

Goal 2 - To provide multiple opportunities for diversity and inclusion

professional development to all district staff, including how to equitably
address the needs of all students.
Strategy 2.1 - Include diversity and inclusion professional development at all district
wide professional opportunities throughout the year.
Strategy 2.2 - Provide notice of opportunities for professional development in
diversity and inclusion by providers other than Richland Two.
Strategy 2.3 - Provide diversity and inclusion professional development via webinars
and YouTube videos.
Strategy 2.4 - Include diversity and inclusion professional development in Back to
School In Service training.
Strategy 2.5 - Include diversity and inclusion professional development in New to
Two In Service training.
Strategy 2.6 - Incorporate diversity and inclusion professional development in Key
Leaders meetings; administrators meetings; school faculty and staff meetings; and
department meetings.
Strategy 2.7 - Provide diversity and inclusion tool kits for schools, sites and
departments to use to assist with conducting diversity and inclusion training and
development for staff, students, parents and the community.

Goal 3 - To increase the use of culturally relevant strategies in all phases

of teaching and learning.
Strategy 3.1 - Incorporate the AVID culturally relevant teaching strategies.
Strategy 3.2 - Provide professional development to all administrative and teaching
staff regarding the use of culturally relevant teaching strategies.
Strategy 3.3 - Provide structured and in-depth culturally relevant teaching pedagogy
training opportunities as professional development for staff.
Strategy 3.4 - Incorporate the use of culturally relevant teaching strategies as a
measure of teaching performance on teacher observations and evaluations.
Strategy 3.5 - Promote the maintenance of high expectations for achievement for all
Strategy 3.6 - Promote classroom, school and district wide environments that
support multicultural experiences.
Strategy 3.7 - Enhance the use of culturally relevant materials in the Fine Arts across
the district.

Goal 4 - To help students understand diversity and inclusion and how to

use diversity and inclusion as a strength.
Strategy 4.1 - Incorporate the principles of diversity and inclusion in all levels of
character education in the district.
Strategy 4.2 - Develop, promote and teach, in each high school each school year, a
multicultural education course.
Strategy 4.3 - Promote the discussion of diversity and inclusion as a part of the
activities of student councils, clubs and organizations, athletic teams and fine arts
Strategy 4.4 - Provide diverse and inclusive resources in each school media center.

Strategy 4.5 - Provide district level events for students to enhance student’s learning
and understanding of diversity and inclusion.

Goal 5 - To increase the number of underrepresented students in

academically advanced programs and courses.
Strategy 5.1 - Use school data to determine where categories of students are
Strategy 5.2 - Based on school data, develop and use support programs aimed at
increasing the number of underrepresented students in academically advanced
programs and courses.
Strategy 5.3 - School counselors, course advisors and teachers will encourage
students to enroll in higher level academic programs and courses and will work with
students’ schedules to provide for placement in such courses.
Strategy 5.4 - Use AVID strategies to increase the number of students who are
prepared to participate in academically advanced programs and courses.

Goal 6 - To decrease the number of students who are disproportionately

suspended or expelled from school.
Strategy 6.1 - Adoption and use of the Richland Two Philosophy of Discipline by all
Strategy 6.2 - Use by all personnel of the Richland Two Discipline Matrix to address
student behavior.
Strategy 6.3 - Cultural relevance will be considered when providing interventions
and/or responses to student behavior.
Strategy 6.4 - Provide wrap around social and emotional services to students,
parents and families, as appropriate, to help address student behavior.
Strategy 6.5 - Provide opportunities for parents and families to become familiar with
the Richland Two Philosophy of Discipline and the Richland Two Discipline Matrix
and and seek support from parents and families of the Philosophy and Matrix.

Strategy 6.6 - Each school, center or site will review its data to determine what
categories of students, if any, are disproportionately suspended or expelled from
school. Based on the data, each school, center or site will develop professional
training for staff members on ways to decrease the disproportionality.
Strategy 6.7 - Continue to support character education programs and initiatives in
our schools to help provide students with the tools they need to prevent significant
disciplinary incidents.

Goal 7 - Using data, determine if there is disproportionality in the

assignment of students to special education services.
Strategy 7.1 - Schools, in collaboration with Instructional Support Services, will
review data on the students recommended for special education services to
determine if there is overrepresentation of any race, gender or socioeconomic
status in the recommendations of students for special education services.
Strategy 7.2 - If overrepresentation is found, personnel will determine the cause of
the overrepresentation and provide professional development to address the
causes of overrepresentation.

Goal 8 - The district will provide social and emotional support to district
students to increase all students’ ability to learn and grow.
Strategy 8.1 - When financially feasible, the district will increase the number of staff
who support the emotional and social health of students.
Strategy 8.2 - The district will employ a universal screening device to identify
students who need help with social and/or emotional needs.

Goal 9 - The district will solicit, train and assign 1000 mentors to
students so that those students will have an additional caring adult who
will help to encourage and motivate them to find their pathways to
purpose and who will encourage and motivate them to persist through
high school graduation.

Goal 10 - The district will inculcate the equity policy that makes clear
the desire of the district for each student to receive equitable resources
to help every student maximize gifts and talents as they pursue their
pathways to purpose.
Strategy 10.1 - District and school level administration will make all staff aware of
the Equity Policy and will provide professional development as needed to help all
staff evaluate actions through an equity lens.
Strategy 10.2 - All district staff will be encouraged to develop and share innovative
ways to address equity challenges.

Goal 11 - The district will continue to use technology to provide for the
equitable needs of our students.
Strategy 11.1 - The district will make available internet access for the homes of all
students who have a district issued computing device.
Strategy 11.2 - The district will encourage all staff to use R2Innovates to collaborate
and build out ideas and strategies for the equitable education of our students.

Human Resources
Goal 1 - The district will increase the number of underrepresented
teachers on staff.
Strategy 1.1 - Expand current recruitment efforts of underrepresented teachers
through the use of college and university visits and job/career fairs at schools with
large numbers of teacher education students of color.
Strategy 1.2 - Encourage all district staff to serve as unofficial recruiters by speaking
highly of the district and offering to introduce potential teachers of color to the
Strategy 1.3 - Encourage district non-certified staff who have an interest in teaching
to pursue teacher certification and provide information and resources to help them
become certified teachers.
Strategy 1.4 - Strengthen relationships with colleges and universities for placement
of students in Richland Two for field experiences.
Strategy 1.5 - Partner with colleges and universities to develop systems of support
to help teacher education students pass all necessary tests and requirements for
Strategy 1.6 - All district staff will work to recruit 100 male teachers of color to
Richland Two over the next year.

Goal 2 - The district will retain diverse staff.

Strategy 2.1 - Provide systems of support such as mentoring, coaching and
leadership and development opportunities for diverse staff.
Strategy 2.2 - Conduct yearly advancement and promotion meetings with diverse
staff to assist with attainment of career goals.
Strategy 2.3 - Provide a mentor support group for male teachers of color.

Goal 3 - The teaching staff will be assigned to schools to ensure that each
elementary student has at least one teacher of color before they leave
elementary school.
Strategy 3.1 - Hire and assign teachers of color in each elementary school in
sufficient numbers to allow each elementary student to have a teacher of color
during elementary school.
Strategy 3.2 - Schedule and assign students so that they have at least one teacher of
color during elementary school.

Goal 4 - All district staff will receive diversity and multicultural inclusion
professional development at least once per year.
Strategy 4.1 - Provide professional development opportunities for all district staff
throughout the year.

Goal 5 - The district will continue to develop programs and initiatives to

encourage Richland Two students to pursue the teaching profession and
to return to Richland Two for their teaching careers.
Strategy 5.1 - Conduct yearly classroom visits to Teacher Cadet Programs at each
high school.
Strategy 5.2- Annually celebrate Future Educators’ Signing Day for Richland Two
Seniors pursuing education majors.

Goal 6 - The district will evaluate the climate and culture of each site to
ensure an inclusive and equitable work environment for all staff.
Strategy 6.1 - Data from climate surveys will be evaluated to determine places
and/or issues that need to improve so that a premier environment of inclusion and
equity exist throughout the district.

Communications and Partnerships

Goal 1 - All communications from the district will be culturally relevant.
Strategy 1.1 - District communications will be designed so that the intended
recipients can read and understand their content.
Strategy 1.2 - District communications will be made available with Spanish
Strategy 1.3 - District communications will be made available in languages other
than English and Spanish upon request.

Goal 2 - Each school site and district office will have an employee on site
who is able to interpret and translate from Spanish to English.
Strategy 2.1 - As vacancies occur at school sites and district offices, preference will
be given to qualified applicants who can interpret and translate from Spanish to
Strategy 2.2 - Current staff will be encouraged to learn Spanish to increase the
number of staff persons who can effectively communicate with Spanish speaking
students, parents and/or community members.

Goal 3 - The district will develop multiple streams of income beyond

funding through the State of South Carolina to support diversity and
multicultural inclusion programs and initiatives of the district.
Strategy 3.1 - The district will assign development officer responsibilities to a district
employee who will spearhead efforts to develop partnerships that will provide
financial resources for district diversity and multicultural inclusion programs and

Goal 4 - The district will send press releases and highlights of the
accomplishments of district students and staff to media outlets that
market to communities of color.
Strategy 4.1 - Using the racial and ethnic identities of our students as a guide, the
district will, in addition to the regular media outlets, submit information to media
outlets that cater to people of color in our community.

Finance and Operations

Goal 1 - The district will increase the number of small businesses,
businesses owned by women and businesses owned by people of color
that provide supplies and services to Richland Two.
Strategy 1.1 - The district will seek out new and additional ways to advertise its need
for supplies and services with a focus on attracting small businesses, businesses
owned by women and businesses owned by people of color.
Strategy 1.2 - On a yearly basis, the district and each school site and department
that makes purchases will keep a record of the number of small businesses,
businesses owned by women and businesses owned by people of color that they
purchase from or contract with.
Strategy 1.3 - The district will make available to all persons authorized to purchase
goods or services a listing of small businesses, businesses owned by women and
businesses owned by people of color who have registered to do business with the
Strategy 1.4 - The district will continue to seek out small businesses, businesses
owned by women and businesses owned by people of color to use in connection
with expenditures under the bond referendum.
Strategy 1.5 - The district will continue to require contractors hired by the district to
use subcontractors who are small businesses, businesses owned by women and
businesses owned by people of color.

Thank you for your support of the goals outlined in this plan. Together we will strive to be
For comments, questions or suggestions regarding this plan, please contact Dr. Helen
Grant, the Chief Diversity and Multicultural Inclusion Officer at​ [email protected]​ or by
calling 803-738-3327.

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