Project NEP

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Difference between National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and Old Education Policy

Bhagyashree S Gawate
Assistant Professor and HOD, English Dept.
Guru Nanak College of Science, Ballarpur,
Dist.Chandrapur. (M.S.)


The National Education Policy 2020 proposes the revision and revamping of all aspects
of education, including the educational structure, regulations and governance, to create a new
system which is aligned with the aspirational goals of 21st century students. According to the
policy, by 2025, at least 50% of learners through the school and higher education system shall
have exposure to vocational education. The policy aims to overcome the social status hierarchy
associated with vocational education and integration of vocational education into mainstream
education in all educational institutions in a phased manner. Every child will learn at least one
vocation and is exposed to several more. This would lead to emphasizing the dignity of labour
and importance of various vocations involving Indian arts and artisanship. By 2025, at least
50% of learners through the school and higher education system shall have exposure to
vocational education. Vocational education will be integrated in all secondary schools in a
phased manner over the next decade. The development of vocational education will go handin-
hand with the development of 'academic'. To achieve this objective, secondary schools will
have to collaborate with Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), Polytechnics, Local Industry, etc.
Higher education institutions will offer vocational education either on their own or in
partnership with industry and other institutions. No hard separations between arts and sciences,
between curricular and extra-curricular activities, between vocational and academic streams.
etc. It will be helpful to all children of the country to obtain quality holistic education–including
vocational education - from pre-school to Grade 12. The Secondary Stage will comprise of
four years of multidisciplinary study, students would continue to have the option of exiting
after Grade 10 and re-entering in the next phase to pursue vocational or any other courses
available in Grades 11- 12. Students will be given increased flexibility and choice of subjects
to study, particularly in secondary school - including subjects in physical education, the arts
and crafts, and vocational skills.
On the other hand, old education policy aimed to provide free and compulsory
education for all children in the 6 to 14 age group and focused on reducing dropout rates. . It
aimed to promote equality, access, and quality in education across all levels. The policy
acknowledged the importance of technology in education It emphasized the importance of
vocational education to bridge the gap between education and employment. The policy
recommended curricular reforms to reduce curriculum load and promote a child-cantered
approach to learning. NPE 1986 highlighted the need for quality teacher education and
professional development programs. Technology in Education and aimed to integrate it into
the learning process.

NEP 2020 is a comprehensive policy that aims to revamp the entire education system
in India. It introduces several key changes and focuses on transforming education to meet the
demands of the 21st century. Some key features of the new education policy include:

a. Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education: NEP 2020 emphasizes holistic development,

critical thinking, and experiential learning. It promotes a multidisciplinary approach, allowing
students to choose subjects from various fields.
b. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE): The policy recognizes the importance of
ECCE and aims to provide quality early education for children aged 3-6.
c. Mother Tongue as Medium of Instruction: NEP 2020 encourages the use of mother
tongue or local language as the medium of instruction in the early years of education.
d. Assessment Reforms: The policy shifts from rote memorization and high-stakes exams to
a more comprehensive and continuous assessment system that assesses understanding and
application of concepts.
e. Teacher Training and Professional Development: NEP 2020 emphasizes continuous
professional development for teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge.
f. Technology Integration: The policy encourages the integration of technology into education
and promotes digital literacy.
g. Flexibility and Choice: NEP 2020 offers flexibility in choosing subjects and learning paths,
enabling students to explore their interests.
h. Equity and Inclusion: The policy aims to ensure equitable access to education for all,
including children with disabilities and special needs.
i. Community Participation: NEP 2020 emphasizes involving parents and communities in
the education process.
The New Education Policy 2020 (NEP-2020) in India introduced significant changes
to the primary education system compared to the old education system implemented in 1986..
The key differences between the old and new are:

a. Curriculum and Pedagogy: Old System: The curriculum was often rigid and focused on
rote memorization. Pedagogy relied heavily on traditional teacher-centered approaches.NEP-
2020: Emphasizes a more flexible and holistic curriculum. Encourages active and experiential
learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving as well as promotes multidisciplinary and
integrated learning.
b. Medium of Instruction: Old System: Often favoured English as the medium of instruction,
particularly in urban areas.NEP-2020: Encourages the use of mother tongue or local language
as the medium of instruction in the early years of education to enhance comprehension and
foundational learning.
c. Assessment and Evaluation: Old System: Relied heavily on high-stakes examinations and
rote memorization.NEP-2020: Advocates for a shift towards continuous and comprehensive
assessment that focuses on understanding, application of concepts, and skills development.
d. Teacher Training and Professional Development:Old System: Limited focus on continuous
teacher training and professional development.NEP-2020: Prioritizes continuous professional
development for teachers to enhance pedagogical skills, subject knowledge, and understanding
of child psychology.
e. Multidisciplinary Learning: Old System: Subjects were often taught in isolation without
much integration.NEP-2020: Encourages a multidisciplinary approach, allowing students to
explore connections between different subjects and develop a holistic understanding of
f. Holistic Development: Old System: Primarily focused on academic learning.NEP-2020:
Emphasizes holistic development, including cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills.
Promotes creativity, character-building, and life skills.
g. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE): Old System: Limited emphasis on early
childhood education.NEP-2020: Recognizes the importance of ECCE and aims to provide
access to quality early education for children aged 3-6.
h. Technology Integration. Old System: Limited use of technology in education.NEP-2020:
Encourages the integration of technology and digital tools to enhance the teaching-learning
process and promote digital literacy.
Is new better?
NEP-2020 brings about significant changes aimed at addressing the shortcomings of
the old system and aligning education with the needs of the 21st century it, however, depends
on various factors: a. Holistic Development: NEP-2020 emphasizes holistic development by
focusing on cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills. This shift recognizes that
education is not just about academic learning but also about nurturing well-rounded
individuals. b. Active Learning and Critical Thinking: The new system promotes active and
experiential learning, encouraging students to think critically, solve problems, and apply their
knowledge. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of concepts and practical skills. c.
Multidisciplinary Approach: NEP-2020 encourages a multidisciplinary approach to learning,
enabling students to see connections between different subjects. This helps develop a broader
perspective and encourages creativity. d. Assessment Reforms: The new assessment system
moves away from rote memorization and high-stakes exams toward continuous and
comprehensive evaluation. This approach assesses students’ understanding, skills, and
application of knowledge. e. Inclusion and Equity: NEP-2020 emphasizes equitable access to
quality education for all, including children with disabilities and special needs. This
commitment to inclusion helps create a more inclusive and diverse learning environment. f.
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE): The focus on ECCE recognizes the importance
of early learning and lays a strong foundation for a child’s educational journey. g. Teacher
Training and Professional Development: NEP-2020 prioritizes continuous professional
development for teachers, ensuring they are better equipped to deliver effective and engaging
instruction. . h. Flexibility and Choice: The new system offers flexibility in choosing subjects
and learning paths, allowing students to explore their interests and strengths.
Conclusion: Indeed, the National Education Policy 2020 has given due importance to
vocational education, and capacity development of teachers to boost the employability skills
and vocational skills of the learners at all levels.

While NEP-2020 introduces these positive changes, its success will depend on effective
implementation, adequate resources, and continuous monitoring and evaluation. It’s important
to note that transitioning from the old system to the new may also face challenges and require
time for adjustment.
CONCLUSION: Indeed, the National Education Policy 2020 has given due importance to
vocational education, and capacity development of teachers to boost the employability skills
and vocational skills of the learners at all levels.

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