Unit 5

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1. What is Geospatial Technology?

Geospatial technology is an emerging field of study that consists of three major
Geographic information system (GIS), Remote sensing (RS) and Global positioning
system (GPS)

2. List out the applications of Geospatial Technology.

Geospatial tools can be effectively used in various aspects of integrated watershed
management, which includes terrain analysis, land resource inventory, assessment of soil
erosion, watershed prioritization, assessment of land capability and irritability, land use
planning and identify the critical areas for treatment.

3. Mention the factors affecting flood hazard.

Flood hazard depends on various factors like
(i) surface slope
(ii) amount of rain
(iii) drainage density
(iv) soil type
(v) texture etc

4. Write a note on watershed studies.

A Watershed is a hydrological unit where all the water from precipitation, in the form of
rain and snowfall, are drained with a common area and from where it is drained off to a
common outlet.

5. How will you detect heavy rainfall during flash floods?

The main tools used to detect heavy rainfall associated with flash floods are satellite,
lightning observing systems, radar and rain gauges.

6. Mention the role of GIS in environmental health management.

(i) Heavy metals and other chemicals pollute the drinking water. Number of
microorganisms in drinking water cause serious problems. These are predicted and solved
by GIS.
(ii) Soil contamination also cause serious health problems. GIS solves this problems also.


(iii)GIS record and display the healthcare needs of the community as well as the available
resources and materials.

7. Why digital maps are used in watershed studies?

The watershed is studied by creating digital maps because it shows the existing
conditions of drainage pattern and thereby comparing to maps that could possibly
represent alternative scenarios.

8. List out the goals of Security and defence studies?

The goals of Security and defence studies are
(a) To minimise the external threats related to National security through geospatial
(b) To control internal threats related to National security using geospatial technology.

9. Reason out why Geospatial technologies are used in Security and defence studies?
Geospatial technologies are used in Security and defence studies, because
1) Geospatial applications offer the capability of monitoring, predicting and countering
threats, while helping to strategize and support field operations.
2) It can also be used for predictive analysis, casting light on conflict hotspots and
evaluating similar trends for ensuring public safety.

10. Write a note on role of Geospatial system in making city utilities efficient and cost-
The management of cities involves the management of utilities, which are essential to
keep a city running. Utilities are like the nerves and veins of a city.
CAD and data bases came to the force to form automated mapping and facilities
management (Am/ pm), a key component of utilities management.

11. List out the new data collection technologies.

The new data collection technologies are
High resolution satellite imagery, digital aerial imaging, LIDAR, ground penetrating
radar and GIS integration with SCADA and ERP.

12. Mention the uses of geospatial technology in urbanization.

Geospatial technology helps the planners to use the spatial query and mapping functions
of GIS to analyse the existing situation in the City. Through map overlay analysis, GIS
can help to identify area of conflict of land development with the environment by
overlaying existing land development or land suitability maps.

13. How geospatial technologies offers housing developments and spatial planning?
Geospatial technologies offer a sophisticated platform for integrating various data layers
such as land use patterns, population distribution, infrastructure available and
environmental factors. This enables planners to visualize housing density across different
regions of a city or town.


14. What is the role of remote sensing in the disaster management?

Remote sensing has a deep-rooted application in disaster mapping and management.
Remotely sensed data can be used very efficiently to access the severity and impact of
damage due to these disasters like earthquakes, landslides, floods, fires, tsunamis,
volcanic eruptions and cyclones.

15. Why GIS and GPS play a vital role in the disaster relief phase?
In the disaster relief phase, GIS grouped with a global positioning system (GPS) is
extremely useful in search and rescue operations in areas that have been devastated.


1. Analyse the role of RS and GIS in the water shed management.

Watershed studies
A Watershed is a hydrological unit where all the water from precipitation, in the
form of rain and snowfall, are drained with a common area and from where it is drained
off to a common outlet.
Watershed management by RS and GIS
Remote sensing (RS) and Geographic information system (GIS) technology play very
important role in watershed management in assessing watershed conditions through
various modeling. This application has enabled mapping giving accurate information
through many multi resolution data that has helped in declination of ridge line, stream
flow, erosion prone areas, etc.
Features of RS and GIS in the study of watershed
1. Watershed characterization and assessment
The available digital elevation model (DEM), National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and
environment protection agency (EPA), BASIN data base provides enormous water quality
data relating to watershed that helps in demarcation of watershed boundary drainage
network system, flow accumulation and drainage density.
2. Watershed restoration
The watershed ranging from small rural watersheds to heavily urbanized landscopes, GIS
provide frame work for restoration. The watershed is studied by creating digital maps
showing the existing conditions of drainage pattern and thereby comparing to maps that
could possibly represent alternative scenarios.

2. Discuss in detail about geospatial technology in flood studies.

Flood studies
A flood study is a technical investigation of flood behaviour for a particular
catchment, river or creek. The main tools used to detect heavy rainfall associated with
flash floods are satellite, lightning observing systems, radar and rain gauges.
Flood management using geospatial technology
Remote sensing and GIS help in flood hazard (or) risk mapping for land use planning in
flood prone areas.


Factors affecting flood hazard

Flood hazard depends on various factors like
(i) surface slope
(ii) amount of rain
(iii) drainage density
(iv) soil type
(v) texture etc.
- Calculate elevation accuracy using control points
-Calculate surface slope and drainage density using
drainage network information
-Extract the main channel from the draining network
Alter the calculations, a model can be prepared using GIS modelling tools and
hydrological parameters.

3. Explain in detail about geographic information systems in healthcare.

Geospatial technology has the potential to improve public health around the
world. it can do this by giving detailed geographic information about population and
access to healthcare services across regions or countries.
GIS are spatial data management systems. They are digital systems that can
integrate, store , adjust, analyse and arrange geographically- referenced information. The
function of GIS is based on a database, which may be used by different uses in order to
meet various information needs.
GIS can play an important role as regards the surveillance, management and
analysis of diseases. GIS enable the visualisation and monitoring and infectious diseases.
GIS and mental health
GIS can analyse accurately the distribution of mental health services and they
could explain the reasons why the accessibility in healthcare services is affected.
GIS and healthcare services
GIS provide us with exact location of specific medical equipment and how somebody
may gain the fastest access to it.
GIS in environmental health management
Some environmental problems that affect human health in which GIS could have been
used are:
- GIS can display gaseous pollutants and particulates and even their dispersion and
- Heavy metals and other chemicals pollute the drinking water. Number of
microorganisms in drinking water cause serious problems. These are predicted and solved
by GIS.
- Soil contamination also cause serious health problems. GIS solves this problems also.
- GIS record and display the healthcare needs of the community as well as the available
resources and materials.


4. Illustrate geospatial technology in utility service with an example.

Utility studies explain individuals choices and measures their level of satisfaction
from consuming goods or service. More specifically, utility is the total satisfaction or
benefit derived from consuming a good or service.
Geospatial technology in utility services
Apart from mapping the city and its network of on-ground and underground
utilities and assets, geospatial systems can be used to provide real-time monitoring and
management of utilities and services by integrating at the data sources and services.
Role of Geospatial system in making city utilities efficient and cost-effective
The management of cities involves the management of utilities, which are
essential to keep a city running. Utilities are like the nerves and veins of a city.
CAD and data bases came to the force to form automated mapping and facilities
management (Am/pm), a key component of utilities management. With the introduction
of new data collection technology like high resolution satellite imagery, digital aerial
imaging, LIDAR, ground penetrating radar and GIS integration with SCADA and ERP,
the management and operation of the complex network of asset and utility has become
more sophisticated and much easier.

5. Elaborate the functions of GIS and remote sensing in security and defence studies.
GIS and remote sensing have a significant impact on defence administration,
serving as essential tools using the GEOINT.
It refers to analysing and utilising geospatial data and information to support
military operations, decision-making, situational awareness, effective planning,
monitoring and maintenance, etc.
Goal of this study
(a) To minimise the external threats related to National security through geospatial
(b) To control internal threats related to National security using geospatial technology.
Geospatial technology is increasingly playing a big role in strengthening defense and
security. This technology supports first responders and personnel by providing them with
accurate real-time data and actionable insights. Advancements in data analytics and new
features like interoperability resulting in the extensive use of Geospatial for defence
1) Geospatial applications offer the capability of monitoring, predicting and countering
threats, while helping to strategize and support field operations.
2) It can also be used for predictive analysis, casting light on conflict hotspots and
evaluating similar trends for ensuring public safety.
Urban and infrastructure development studies
Geospatial technologies include geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing
and satellite imagery is highly useful in urban and infrastructure development studies.
With their ability to capture, store, manipulate, analyse and manage all types of
geographical data, they offer invaluable insights that enable professionals to make
strategic decisions in urban planning, construction, transportation and environmental


management. This rise in spacial data analysis creates a transformative era in

infrastructure development world wide.

6. Discuss in detail about urban and infrastructure development studies.

Urban and infrastructure development studies
Geospatial technologies include geographic information systems (GIS), remote
sensing and satellite imagery is highly useful in urban and infrastructure development
With their ability to capture, store, manipulate, analyse and manage all types of
geographical data, they offer invaluable insights that enable professionals to make
strategic decisions in urban planning, construction, transportation and environmental
management. This rise in spacial data analysis creates a transformative era in
infrastructure development world wide.
Housing development and spacial planning
Geospatial technologies offer a sophisticated platform for integrating various data
layers such as land use patterns, population distribution, infrastructure available and
environmental factors. This enables planners to visualize housing density across different
regions of a city or town.
Geospatial techniques in urbanization
Planners use the spacial query and mapping functions of GIS to analyse the
existing situation in the City. Through map overlay analysis, GIS can help to identify area
of conflict of land development with the environment by overlaying existing land
development or land suitability maps.

7. Describe in detail about disaster management by using geospatial technology.

Remote sensing has a deep-rooted application in disaster mapping and
management. Remotely sensed data can be used very efficiently to access the severity and
impact of damage due to these disasters like earthquakes, landslides, floods, fires,
tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and cyclones.
In the disaster relief phase, GIS grouped with a global positioning system(GPS) is
extremely useful in search and rescue operations in areas that have been devastated.
Remote sensing data is recorded in a wide spectrum of optical, radar, thermal and lidar
forms. All these contribute differently to mapping and accessing any damage.
1)Thermal data
It helps gauge any damage relating to heat signatures such as explosions or gas leaks etc.
2) Radar and lidar data
It can be used to handle events such as earthquakes and landslides.
3) Optical data
It is used to map surface damage such as destroyed buildings etc.
4) Digital elevation models
It is used to access floods.
5) Temporal change detection
It is used to detect the severity of the damage.


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