Arts 10 Mod. 2

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10 Department of Education

National Capital Region


Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health

Second Quarter – Module 2:
Technology-Based Arts’ Creation

Writer: Marjorie L. Galicia

Cover Illustrator: John Orville S. Munar

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What I Need to Know

In your last module, you learned about the distinctive characteristics of

technology-based arts; how art elements can be manipulated through the use of
computer software applications; you have compared the characteristics of
artworks in the 21st century from traditional art; and you even tried making your
own computer-generated images.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. create artworks that can be locally assembled with local materials, guided
by 21st-century techniques;

2. apply different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas,

experiences, and stories showing the characteristics of 21st-century art
(e.g., the use of graphic software like Photoshop, InDesign, etc.) and

3. evaluate works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria
appropriate for the style or form.

Are you ready to see what digital art form a student like you can create using
the different computer software applications? Come on let’s find out what you’ve

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What I Know
I. Identify the functions of art in each picture. Choose the letter of your answer
from the choices given.
A. portrait B. documentary C. for entertainment
D. medical purposes E. advertisement

II. True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Write your
answer on your notebook.
1. Digital technology has become a pervasive influence in our society. It has
especially influenced the way we create and appreciate art.
2. Infinite Painter, ArtRage, Autodesk Sketchbook can be used in creating
Computer-Generated Images.
3. Photogrid, Pic Collage, and Pixlar are some of the image manipulation programs
and applications available in our android devices.

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4. Power director, Adobe Premiere Rush and Kine Master are some of the useful
filmmaker apps for androids.
5. Among the art processes used in technology-based arts are computer-
manipulation, digital enhancement, and digital circulation.

What’s In

Fill-in the blanks.

Complete the sentences with the correct information based on what you have
learned from your previous lesson.

1. Technology-based art is _______________________.

2-8.The different types of technology-based arts are _________, ___________,
___________, ______________, ____________, ___________, and ______________.

9-10 ________________ and _____________________ software and are very

important in creating technology-based arts.

What’s New

Activity 1: “Brainstorming”
I want you to take a look again at the pictures used in your Pre-assessment.
Can you explain how those artworks are influenced by technology? What are the
roles/functions played by these technology-based arts?

Activity 2: “Pervasiveness of Digital Technology”

As a young Filipino citizen, how do you feel about the pervasiveness of digital
technology in the following aspect: (Answer with a complete sentence.)

1. Arts-_____________________________________________________________
2. Media-_________________________________________________________
3. Education-______________________________________________________
4. Entertainment/Gaming________________________________________
5. Media-__________________________________________________________

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What is It
Digital Technology and Arts

Digital technology plays a vital role in the development of the arts in the
21stcentury. It has opened up so many opportunities for artists and has expanded
the number of techniques artists are able to access. Through digital technology,
creation of artworks was made easier and faster. An artwork that requires a long
period of toil to be produced can now be created in just a couple of time. Formal
education in the Arts is no longer a requirement to be called a digital artist (though
one can still pursue formal studies to become an expert, like digital designers do),
as long as you know how to make use of the computer applications software
effectively, you can master the arts of creating digital artworks. Before, art was
inaccessible by the masses and was reserved for the few high society members who
had the means of access, but now it could be mass produced, mass distributed,
and thus widely accessible to everyone.

Through digital technology, we can create artworks with various functions.

Have you heard of some Filipino You-Tube sensation personalities and vloggers
whose lives were improved because of their digital artworks circulated over the
internet? Have you read about the life of Xyza C. Bacani, a second-generation
domestic helper whose life has changed due to her black-and-white photographs
of Hong Kong and her documentary projects about migration and the intersections
of labor and human rights which gave her the opportunity to be given numerous
awards? Have you heard about Ronnie del Carmen, Filipino co-director of the
animated film Inside Out? How about the art directors Ricky Nierva and Paul
Abadilla who are part of the animation team of Pixar Studios? They are only some
of the few Filipinos who have gained names internationally because of their skills
in producing technology-based arts. (More about them on Quarter III)

As a Grade 10 student, have you ever tried creating digital artworks? What
digital artwork have you created? Why did you create such? How did you feel after
seeing your finished artwork? Were you pleased? Do you consider engaging in this
kind of activity, worthwhile? Do you see yourself as a graphic artist in the making?

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Here are example technology-based outputs created using different
application software you may interested to try:

Computer-Generated Images

Traditional Art (Drawing) Digital Image

Vexel Art Outputs

By: Elaiza Rabusa By: Elaiza Rabusa

YouTube offers us a wide array of choices when it comes to learning how to

create digital arts. Here are the links that you may opt to watch for additional

Creating Digital Images/Mobile Phone Arts
Creating Digital Paintings
Creating Short Videos

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What’s More
Activity 3: Knowledge Check
Guide Questions:
1. What are the effects of digital technology in the arts?
2. Based on what you have read, what role does digital art play in the lives of
the digital artists mentioned?
3. After learning and watching the videos, what are the common art processes
used in technology-based arts?
4. Which requires more effort in creating artworks? Traditional arts or
Technology-based arts? Why?
5. What are necessary in creating technology-based arts?
6. What application software are used in creating digital images? Short films
and videos?

What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Complete the open-ended statements with what you have learned.

1. Upon watching different videos on how digital arts are created, I have learned
that ___________________________________________________
2. I have learned that through digital technology,
3. As a Grade 10 student, I should learn how to use digital

What I Can Do
Activity 5: Creating Technology-Based Art (Performance Task)
Now that you have learned how to create technology-based arts, you are
going to create your masterpieces. It can be a mobile phone art, CGI, Digital
Painting, or a Short Video. Choose application software that will be helpful in
creating your artwork. Try to employ any of these themes in your artwork.
Remember this will be recorded as your performance Output #2 in Arts for the
Second Quarter.
● Success
● Source of Happiness
● Everyday Living
● COVID-19

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Based on what you have created in the What I Can Do Part, you will be
graded using this rubric. You will be sending your outputs to your teacher through
Gmail, Google classroom or Facebook messenger.
Rubric for Grading Technology-Based Artwork
Criteria Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning
10 9 8 7
Creativity Totally original Most of the Some aspects The design is a
design, no elements are of the design copy of another
element is a unique, but one are unique, design seen in
exact copy of element may be but several source material
designs seen in copied from elements are or one made by
source material source material copied from another student
source (80% or more of
materials or elements are
other students copied.
Attractiveness/ The design shows The design shows The design and It appears that
Craftsmanship that the creator that the creator construction little design or
took great pride took pride in were planned. planning was
in his/her work. his/her work. The The item has done.
The design and design and several flaws Craftsman-ship
construction look construction look that detract is poor.
carefully planned. planned. The item from the
The item is has a few flaws overall look.
beautiful. but these do not
detract from the
overall look.

Additional Activities

Read this article about digital artists who made use of their talents to help
others during this pandemic. Be amazed on how they created digital illustrations
to increase people’s awareness about COVID-19.

According to the Department of Labor and Employment, in the Philippines,
a Graphic Designer’s entry level salary ranges from P12,000 - P17,000 per month
and may even go up to P27,000 per month for those highly-trained and
experienced. Overseas such as in the U.S. & Canada, the annual average salary
for a graphic designer is $46,398 or $3,866 per month.
You may want to pursue this career as the demand is so high.

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Answer Key

10. application T 5.
9. Computer T 4.

Video technology T 3.
Video games ● T 2.

Digital painting T 1.
generated imagery
● Computer- II.
● Mobile phone art a-portrait 5.
● Digital photography c- entertainment 4.
● Fractal art
d- medical 3.
Answers may vary 2-8 In any order
manipulated arts. b- documentary 2.
What I have Learned generated and or e- advertisement 1.
essentially computer-
Answers may vary 1. Technology-based art is I.
What’s More What’s In Pre-Assessment

Sunico, Raul M, Evelyn F Cabanban, and Melissa Y Moran. Horizons: Music and
Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos Grade 10 Learner’s Material
Tawid Publications, 2015.

Sunico, Raul M, Evelyn F Cabanban, and Melissa Y Moran. Horizons: Music and
Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos Grade 10 Teachers Guide
Tawid Publications, 2015.


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Development Team of the Module

Writer: Marjorie L. Galicia

Editors: Jovita Consortia F. Mani
Cover Illustrator: John Orville S. Munar
Layout Artist: Maria Isabel G. Tutor
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Jovita Consortia Mani


Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address: [email protected]

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

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