B Natzura

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Key Features 2-3 Ipe 21 Horizontal 38-41 A la Carte 70-97

Ebony 21 Louro Preto Horizontal 40 Checkered Illusion 72 -73
Mystique 4-13 Esplendido Ebano 21 Gabon Wood Horizontal 40 Checkered Illusion White Oak 73
Dark Diva 6 Serengeti Wood 22 American Walnut Horizontal 41 Checkered Illusion American Walnut 73
Mellon Dew 6 Wenge Crown 22 Choco Lure Horizontal 41 Burl Block 74-75
Choco Lure 7 Red Ebony 22 Mapa Burl Block 75
Black Dimond Oak 7 Santos 22 Era 42-47 Oak Burl Block 75
Bark Burn 8 Kuru Pao 22 Hatched Flakes 44 Vavona Burl Block 75
Oak Dew 8 Bibolo 22 Vintage Canvas 44 Walnut Burl Block 75
Oak Granito 8 Spiced Ginger 45 Diagonal 76-79
Afro Bark 9 Medium 24-31 Dark Cinnamon 45 American Walnut Diagonal Line 77
Castanea Rays 9 White Oak Quarter 26 Roasted Almond 46 Knotty Pine Diagonal Line 78
Dusk Dew 9 Red Oak Quarter 26 Midnight Forest 47 Barkburn Diagonal Line 78
Desert Storm 10 Afromosia 27 Lumiere Night 47 Texas Wilderness Diagonal Line 78
Deep Grain 10 White Oak 27 Bourbon Dark Forest 47 Dark Cinnamon Diagonal Bricks 79
Choco Flame Crown 10 Red Oak 27 Barkburn Diagonal Bricks 79
Inferno 10 Mahogony 28 Shimmer 48-51 Brown Santos Diagonal Bricks 79
Mirage 11 Paldao 28 Gold Shimmer 50 Evoluzion 80-83
Somalian Timber 11 Brown Santos 28 Silver Shimmer 50 Wegen 81
Molten Chocolate 11 American Cherry 29 Copper Shimmer 50 Charl Border 82
Tropical Stallion 11 Ovangkol 29 Ivory Shimmer 51 Smoked Mok 82
Oak Albura 11 American Red Elm 29 Sunlight Shimmer 51 American Lawnut 82
Masaimara Wood 11 Golden Wood 30 Violet Shimmer 51 Apelis 83
Satinox 12 Jatoba 30 Pie 83
Texas Wilderness 12 Red Cedar 30 Glow 52-55 Capyulates 83
Dark Bean 12 Golden Ceder 30 Oak Granito Glow 54 Revoluzion 84-85
Silky Sheen 12 Khaya 30 Castanea Rays Glow 54 Revoluzion Mellon Dew 85
Tropical Ruff Streak 12 Black Sapeli 30 American Walnut Glow 55 Revoluzion American Walnut 85
Roadenza 12 Zebrano 31 Barkburn Glow 55 Revoluzion Barkburn 85
Coffee Bean 13 Silver Oak 31 Coco Flame Glow 55 Revoluzion Mellon Dew Horizontal 85
Malawi Wood 13 Multicoloured Tulip 31 Revoluzion American Walnut Horizontal 85
Hazelwood 13 Guiabao 31 Canvas 56-59 Revoluzion Barkburn Horizontal 85
Antique Tree 13 Tineo 31 Brown Canvas 58 Butt cut 86-87
Caramel Dusk 13 Aromatic Ceder 31 Green Canvas 58 American Walnut Butt Cut 87
Smoggy Wood 13 Grey Canvas 59 Interweave 88-91
Light 32-37 Violet Bling Canvas 59 Mixed Chatai 1 89
Dark 14-23 White Ash 34 Mixed Chatai 2 89
American Walnut 16 Chen Chen 34 Elite 60-65 Mixed Chatai 3 89
Sapeli 16 Anegre 35 African Ebony 62 Maple Twist 90
Wenge 17 Knotty Pine 35 Royal Ebony Crème 63 Sapele Knit 90
American Walnut Quarter 17 Eucalyptus 35 Imperial Ziricote 64 Woven Chic 90
Makore 18 Koto 36 Real Vintage Oak 65 Scandinavian Pad 91
Sapeli Crown 18 Sycamore 36 Metal Muse 91
Sucupira 18 American Maple 36 Dyed 66-69 Ribbed Bars 91
Rosewood 19 Larch 36 Dyed Koto Light Coffee 68 Natural Matt 91
Dark Walnut 19 Tulip 37 Dyed Koto Bonny Peach 68 Black Beauty 91
Gabon Wood 19 Steamed Beech 37 Dyed Koto Light Green 69 Night Echo 91

Loura Preto 20 Chestnut 37 Dyed Koto Nut Brown 69

Golden Wenge 20 Figured Sycamore 37 Dyed Oak Copper 69 Cutting Method 92
Mountain Santos 20 White Beech 37 Grouping Veneers 93
Louro 20 Golden Cherry 37 Veneer Matching Options 94
Sapeli Pommelle 21 Care & Maintenance 95
Crafted by Man

CenturyVeneers takes immense pleasure in

bringing to you NatzuraWoods - our ravishingly
new and fabulous range of natural veneers. These
exotic species are sourced from sustainable forests
of Africa, South East Asia, Europe and the
Inspired from the diversity in nature, this range
Gifted by Nature showcases an exquisite selection of natural
veneers that have been crafted to perfection by our
experts, to give an uber touch to your interiors.
key features

Gifted by Nature
Crafted by Man

Nature is full of extraordinary facets like
dense forests full of extraordinary flora
and fauna that delight us. Inspiration for
our range of smoked Veneers, which
add warmth to any living space.

Veneer displayed: Choco Lure

Dark Diva Mellon Dew

Choco Lure Black Diamond Oak

Barkburn Oak Dew Oak Granito

Afro Barks Castanea Rays Dusk Dew

Desert Storm Deep Grain

Choco Flame Crown Inferno

Mirage Somalian Timber Molten Chocolate

Tropical Stallion Oak Albura Masaimara Wood

Satinox Texas Wilderness Dark Bean

Silky Sheen Tropical Ruff Streak Roadenza

Coffee Bean Malawi Wood Hazelwood

Antique Tree Caramel Dusk Smoggy Wood

Gifted by Nature
Crafted by Man

Like the tantalising dark beauty of the black
stallion that gives a ‘look at me again’ feel, our
range of Dark Veneers does the same to any
interior making large rooms cozy, inviting and

Veneer displayed: American Walnut

American Walnut Sapeli

Wenge American Walnut Quarter

Makore Sapeli Crown Sucupira

Rosewood Dark Walnut Gabon Wood

Loura Preto Golden Wenge

Mountain Santos Louro


Sapele Pommele Ipe

Ebony Esplendido Ebano

Serengeti Wood Wenge Crown Red Ebony

Santos Kuru Pao Bibolo

Gifted by Nature
Crafted by Man

The dew drops scattered on
autumnish leaves draw the eye to
their rare beauty, Veneers add
warmth to your interiors making
them ideal for rooms with a fair
amount of incandescent light.

Veneer displayed: Black Sapeli

White Oak Quarter Red Oak Quarter

Afromosia White Oak
Red Oak

Mahogany Paldao
Brown Santos

American Cherry Ovangkol
American Red Elm

Golden Wood Jatoba Red Cedar

Golden Ceder Khaya Black Sapeli

Zebrano Silver Oak Multicoloured Tulip

Guiabao Tineo Aromatic Ceder

Gifted by Nature
Crafted by Man

The ethereal exquisiteness of the dandelion encapsulates
the beauty of life, easing our mind and soul. Much the same
as Light Veneers bestowed with soft tones that lighten up
any interior and make constricted spaces look spacious.

Veneer displayed: Knotty Pine

White Ash Chen Chen

Anegre Knotty Pine Eucalyptus

Koto Sycamore

American Maple Larch

Steamed Beech Chestnut

Figured Sycamore White Beech

Golden Cherry

Gifted by Nature
Crafted by Man

Horizontal Veneers are created by joining veneer
flitches that result in graceful striations of a free-flowing
linear pattern. Similar to artistic beauty of Zebras lined
up at a pond, these veneers add a sense of infinity to
the interiors.

Veneer displayed: Choco Lure Horizontal

Louro Preto Horizontal Gabon Wood Horizontal

*Available in all species.
American Walnut Horizontal Choco Lure Horizontal

*Available in all species.
Gifted by Nature
Crafted by Man

Drawing inspiration from hillocks that are
centuries old, Era is our ‘aged by design’
range developed using state of art
technology, by which every sheet glorifies
nature’s unfading beauty. This exclusive
collection of veneers will give a vintage feel
to the finest contemporary interiors.

Veneer displayed: Hatched Flakes

Hatched Flakes Vintage Canvas

*Not to be sanded.

Spiced Ginger Dark Cinnamon

*Not to be sanded.
Roasted Almond Midnight Forest

*Not to be sanded.

Lumiere Night Bourbon Dark Forest

*Not to be sanded.
Gifted by Nature
Crafted by Man

Like the sparkle of sunrays on
landscapes of ice with a spellbinding
charm, these are the most fashionable
range of natural veneers which let your
interiors ‘Shimmer’ with pride. Available
in classic Gold, Silver & Copper fillings
along with three fresh additions: Ivory,
Sunlight and Violet fillings.

Veneer displayed: Violet Shimmer *Available in Select Species.

Gold Shimmer Silver Shimmer Copper Shimmer

*Use 1000 grit sandpaper for cleaning, only if required.
Ivory Shimmer Sunlight Shimmer Violet Shimmer

*Use 1000 grit sandpaper for cleaning, only if required.
Gifted by Nature
Crafted by Man

Glow is our latest range of
natural veneers, where every
room lights up in interesting
ways much like the
bioluminescent glow worm
that adds glimmer to the dark
night. These designs are for
those individuals who are not
afraid to be unconventional.

Veneer displayed: Castanea Rays Glow

Oak Granito Glow Castanea Rays Glow

*Use 1000 grit sandpaper for cleaning, only if required.
American Walnut Glow Barkburn Glow Coco Flame Glow

*Use 1000 grit sandpaper for cleaning, only if required.
Gifted by Nature
Crafted by Man

Inspired from the vivid color palette offered by nature,
Canvas is our new collection of veneers that will add
vibrancy to otherwise dull spaces.

Veneer displayed: Grey Canvas

Brown Canvas Green Canvas

*Use 1000 grit sandpaper for cleaning, only if required.
Grey Canvas Violet Bling Canvas

*Use 1000 grit sandpaper for cleaning, only if required.
Gifted by Nature
elite Crafted by Man
Elite is a hand-picked
selection of rare and
exquisite veneers meant for
those who will not settle for
anything ordinary. This
premium collection draws its
inspiration from beauty and
rarity on display in nature, be
it like the mesmerizing
majestic beauty of the lion.

Veneer displayed: African Ebony

African Ebony

This rare species exhibits an unmatched

deep and rich black color naturally. Its fine,
even texture and an incredibly high natural
luster makes it highly sought after, and a
collectors’ choice.
Royal Ebony Crème

This rare ebony boasts of dramatic and

irregular streaks. Smooth to touch, this
exotic wood exudes a matchless shine
when finely polished making it an
extremely tasteful choice.
Imperial Ziricote

This exclusive species exists only in a

small portion of Central America. Famous
among those with a refined taste, its
varied striped patterns create intricate
valleys and plateaus making it unique and
perfect to embellish walls.
Real Vintage Oak

This vintage veneer is obtained by

reclaiming wood planks from historical
structures. With traces of nail marks and
original circular saw marks from the
1880’s, every veneer is unique and has a
story to tell.
Gifted by Nature
Crafted by Man

The hallmark of croton plants are their large patterns
and eye-catching colors. Riveting and dramatic Dyed
Veneers similarly add color to an otherwise bland
interior. Effortlessly complementing each other, this
range of veneers adds charm to ordinary spaces.

Veneer displayed: Dyed Koto Light Coffee

Dyed Koto Light Coffee Dyed Koto Bonny Peach

Dyed Koto Light Green Dyed Koto Nut Brown Dyed Oak Copper

Gifted by Nature
à la carte
Each design is crafted piece by piece and hence is a
masterpiece in itself. À la carte offers an eclectic choice
of designs for those who need exclusivity.

Veneer displayed: Revoluzion Mellon Dew

Crafted by Man
checkered illusion
Veneers are joined in a
circular fashion to create a
checkered block and many
such blocks are in turn
arranged to create an
Illusion. A perfect highlighter
to the wall which
showcases your treasured
à la carte
Checkered Illusion White Oak Checkered Illusion American Walnut

burl block
Prized for its beauty and rarity,
Burls are balloon shaped
growths composed of swirls of
grains, laced with eyes. The tree
cells divide and grow
excessively and unevenly thus
creating an exquisite pattern.
The veneer is created by placing
the cut-outs of the Burl blocks
forming a delicate pattern.
à la carte

Mapa Burl Block Oak Burl Block

Vavona Burl Block Walnut Burl Block

à la carte
American Walnut Diagonal Line

Newly introduced Diagonal Veneers are created by joining
veneer flitches at an angle. The diagonal lines give dramatic
look to your spaces making them look large. These veneers
are available in two patterns: Diagonal Line and Diagonal

Knotty Pine Diagonal Line Barkburn Diagonal Line Texas Wilderness Diagonal Line

à la carte
Dark Cinnamon Diagonal Bricks Barkburn Diagonal Bricks Brown Santos Diagonal Bricks

à la carte

Evoluzion is a pattern created by randomly bringing
together long, distinct strips of veneers to create
a dynamic, yet refreshing design that will light up
any interior space.

Charl Border Smoked Mok American Lawnut

à la carte
Apelis Pie Capyulates

Revoluzion is a perfect amalgamation of
veneer strips which has taken the veneer
making process to the next level. The tradi-
tional and evergreen veneers are hand
crafted to give horizontal and vertical designs
à la carte
Revoluzion Mellon Dew Revoluzion American Walnut Revoluzion Barkburn

Revoluzion Mellon Dew Horizontal Revoluzion American Walnut Horizontal Revoluzion Barkburn Horizontal

Limited availability. To be checked with the concerned person before ordering.
à la carte
American Walnut Butt Cut

butt cut
Butt Cut adds a new dimension to the well accepted
species. The logs of large girth are specially sourced and
sliced across the annual rings found at the base of the tree.
The veneer when laid out on a sheet gives an illusion of
round logs stacked onto each other and forms a
highly decorative circular pattern.

Also available in White Oak, Burma Teak and Barkburn.

A shift from neutral color palettes
to interiors with bold patterns
that have real attitude. Whilst not
for the fainthearted, these
veneers are hand-woven piece
by piece by our expert artisans.
Let your interiors speak for you.
à la carte

Mixed Chatai 1 Mixed Chatai 2 Mixed Chatai 3

Maple Twist Sapele Knit Woven Chic

à la carte
Scandinavian Pad Metal Muse Ribbed Bars

Natural Matt Black Beauty Night Echo

cutting methods

Often referred to colloquially as a ‘flowery
pattern’, this design is obtained by slicing the
block parallel to the centre of the log. This
results in a raised cathedral or flower effect by
the innermost growth rings.
The types of cut determine the design pattern on
the veneer. The size of the log, the wood species, Flat Cut Red Oak
the grain pattern desired, and other factors
determine which type of cut will be made to
create the veneer. Here are some of the more To obtain this design, a log is first cut into four
common methods of cutting logs: quarter blocks. Then each block is sliced
perpendicular to the annual growth rings of the
tree. This results in a straight grain appearance
on the veneer.

Quarter Cut Red Oak

This method is generally used with Red Oak
and White Oak to minimize the appearance of
flakes in the final design. This is derived by
slicing the block at a slight angle by cutting
slightly against the modular rays. This also
results in a straight line design.
Rift Cut Red Oak

For this method of cutting, the log is centered
on a lathe and turned against a broad cutting
knife set into the log at a slight angle so that a
continuous cut is made around the log. This
results in a wild, varied design.

92 Rotary Cut Red Oak

grouping veneers

Veneers are grouped to resemble the grain pattern to give a uniform

look and colour. A series of veneers is considered to be part of a
group if their grains or appearance is similar. The size of the group
depends upon the girth of the log – higher the girth, higher are the
chances of a bigger group. Normally for slicing veneers, a log is
divided into two to four blocks depending on the girth of the log. Each
block is converted into beams. Not only do veneers produced from
different beams of the same log have different grain patterns, but the
grain pattern of different sections of the same beam also varies.
4 Leaves Joint 6 Leaves Joint
Hence, it is broken down into groups that resemble similar design and

8 Leaves Joint 10 Leaves Joint

veneer matching options


Every other leaf of veneer is turned over like In reverse slip matching, the veneer leaves are
the pages of a book. The grain is mirrored in slipped out from under each other and every
each adjacent leaf. The visual effect created is other veneer leaf is flipped end to end. This
that veneer joints match, creating a symmetri- balances the character of the veneer on the
cal pattern. panel face.
The way you match veneer sheets can create Note: Because the tight and loose faces alternate in adjacent
visual rhythm and enhance your project. Here pieces of veneer, they may accept stains differently, resulting in a
noticeable colour variation, called barber pole. These variations
are some of the more common veneer matching are not considered manufacturing defects.


Care is taken to match up the colour of each
of the veneer pieces, but not necessarily the
grain. Patterns result in no colour contrast at
the joints.

Often used with quarter sliced and rift sliced
veneers, this is the process in which a
sequence of matching veneer leaves or
consecutive sheets of veneer are slipped out
one after the next. This results in all the same
face sides being exposed. The visual effect
shows a grain figure repeating, but joints do
not show grain match. Minimizes potential RANDOM MATCH
barber pole effect.
Typically done only on lower grades of veneers,
where knots, stains and other natural markings
are allowed. Colours and grains vary, and
pieces are often of different widths.

care & maintenance

GENERAL CARE OF VENEERED the coating to crack. However, if it gets under the
SURFACES coating, it causes white marks on the surface of the
Polishing Process
The on-going care of finished veneered surfaces veneer. Any chemical substances and alcohol should
Stage 1 Surface cleaning
depends largely on the type and quality of coating be removed immediately if spilled on a veneered
Stage 2 Sealer Application
applied. In general, veneer surfaces should not be left surface.
Stage 3 Smoothing with higher grit
wet/damp or with wet staining materials on them,
sanding paper*
such as dark fruit juice/wine. Dirty or Greasy Marks: First wipe it clean with a dry
Stage 4 Desired polish application
They should not be cleaned with harsh cleaners or cloth, then use a lightly dampened cloth with a mixture
chemicals that affect the surface finish. Sharp edges of water and a high-quality furniture polish. Persistent
are potential problem zones for breaks or cracks in the dirty or greasy marks may be removed by mild, Types of Polish
coating. non-abrasive proprietary cleaners appropriate to the • Lacquer
type of surface finish. The appropriateness of the • Melamine
POINTERS TO HELP YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR cleaner should be sought from the surface coating or • Polyurethane (PU)
VENEERS cleaner manufacturer. The effect of the cleaner on the • Polycoat
Dusting: Use only a soft dry cloth or feather duster. surface should be tested on a hidden or a less
conspicuous section on the finished veneer surface. *Except in the veneers where specified.

Polishing: Use a high-quality furniture polish and a

soft dry cloth. It is recommended the polish used does Direct Sunlight: Direct sunlight should be avoided on
not contain any silicone as this may cause re-coating all internal veneered surfaces as fading, bleaching or
or refurbishment problems at a later date. Abrasive colour changes of the surface coating and of the
polishes should be avoided. veneer may occur. Excessive sunshine may dry the
veneer surface more quickly than the veneer substrate
Extreme temperature changes: The expansion or thereby causing small surface checks parallel to the
contraction of the timber due to extreme temperature grain to appear and possibly damage the surface
changes may cause damage to the surface coating. coating.
Care should be taken in an air-conditioned or heated
environment to keep the temperature fluctuations
within reasonable limits. Use heat- resistant placemats
under hot food and beverages to avoid heat damage.

Spillages: All spillages should be cleaned with a

damp cloth as soon as possible. Moisture may cause
damage to the coating. High humidity, steam and
excessive water contact with the coating may cause

Century Plyboards (India) Limited
Century Plyboards (India) Limited
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Regd. Office: Century House,
T +91 33 3940 3950 F +91 33 2248 3539
P 15/1, Taratala Road, Kolkata-700088
E [email protected]
T +91 33 3940 3950 F +91 33 2248 3539
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