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Ultra Precision High Performance Axis


Per Schreiber, Johannes Hochbein, Benjamin Bergmann, Christian Schenck,

Bernd Kuhfuss, and Berend Denkena

Abstract Axis controls of ultra-precision machine tools have to fulfill demanding

requirements regarding position and velocity tracking accuracy, disturbance rejec-
tion, and avoidance of vibration. Within this project, an axis concept for ultra-
precision machining utilizing an electromagnetic linear guide is investigated. The
axis concept offers additional, redundant degrees of freedom for error compensa-
tion and sensory information for monitoring tasks. It is shown that input shaping
and feed forward control of disturbance forces allow for significant improvement in
machining performance. To investigate the axis behavior of the multi-axis motion, an
external measurement device with sufficient travel range and sub-micron resolution
is needed. This task is solved with a novel speckle position sensor that is described
in this chapter as well.

1 Introduction

Ultra-precision (UP) machining requires guiding the workpiece and tool with suffi-
ciently high accuracy and low vibration such that high form accuracy and low surface
roughness can be achieved. Often axis dynamics are limited deliberately in order to
reduce the excitation of vibration and dynamic path errors from tilting slides or
lacking trajectory tracking performance. Hence, a new motion system is required to
allow for UP-machining at significantly increased axis dynamics. Characteristics of

P. Schreiber (B) · B. Bergmann · B. Denkena

Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools IFW, Leibniz University Hannover,
Garbsen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Hochbein · C. Schenck · B. Kuhfuss
Bremen Institute for Mechanical Engineering bime and MAPEX Center for Materials and
Processes, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 147
E. Brinksmeier and L. Schönemann (eds.), Ultra-precision High Performance Cutting,
Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83765-5_6
148 P. Schreiber et al.

the feed motion are largely determined by trajectory planning, axis controls, and the
applied bearing and drive technology and its transmission characteristics. The Ultra-
Precision High Performance Cutting (UP-HPC) machine concept, which is described
in Sect. 2 and shown in Fig. 1 is a three-axis machining concept. It incorporates an
electromagnetic guide which adds five additional degrees of freedom (DoF). They are
partly redundant and can be utilized as additional fine positioning axes. The dynamic
properties of those redundant axes differ significantly from the other machine axes.
Also, axis dynamics are subjected to variations of the system setup such as changing
mass from the workpiece or the workpiece fixture. Thus, system models used for
instance for model based control or controller tuning not only need to be accurate
but also adaptable. Therefore, in order to obtain a model that fulfills the require-
ments of UP-machining, Sect. 3 of this work presents an approach to estimate actual
parameters of a state-space model during runtime. The proposed approach is able to
learn and adapt to varying conditions even if these conditions are not implemented
in the initial model. Moreover, the section addresses how substantial differences of
sub-system dynamics can be handled by the use of residual sub-band models.
Besides online parameter adaptation, another prerequisite for designing and opti-
mizing a complex axis control system is a feasible, external system to gain compa-
rable data on multi-axis positioning behavior [6]. Available systems such as laser
tracker and grid encoders lack either resolution or range. Therefore, in Sect. 4 a new
approach is introduced which combines the precision of laser speckle measurements
with a suitable measurement range. This contactless system operates without a cor-
poral solid measure and can easily be adapted to different kinematic set-ups and
machine tools.
Dynamic errors that are induced by the acceleration and jerk of axis feed motion
can affect machining quality. Thus, in UP-machining feed velocity, acceleration, and
jerk values are commonly limited to a large extent. However, in order to achieve
the targeted performance within the UP-HPC approach other measures to mitigate
dynamic errors are required. In Sect. 5, the capabilities of an active guide in combi-
nation with vibration avoidance in order to improve process performance and pro-
ductivity are shown. In order to mitigate the excitement of vibration, input shaping
is investigated for the feed axis system. Altintas and Khoshdarregi [1] and Sencer
et al. [14] showed that input shaping can effectively suppress vibration in conven-
tional machining. The use of this approach in ultra-precision machining has not been
investigated in depth. Secondly, the input shaping is investigated in combination with
a force feed forward control of acceleration loads. It is shown that both approaches
can improve productivity significantly. Further it is shown that the preferable choice
of compensation approaches in order to improve productivity depends on the aimed
cutting velocity and form deviation. To further support process and compensation
parameterization the capability of internal sensor data in order to predict workpiece
form deviations is evaluated. Finally, the results of this chapter are concluded and an
outlook on future work is given in Sect. 6.
Ultra Precision High Performance Axis Control 149

2 System Description

Central element of the research group is a machine prototype for ultra-precision

high performance cutting. The prototype supports fly-cutting as well as planing with
stationary tool. This section describes the kinematic axis structure of the prototype,
the structure of the control system as well as the experimental setup for initial cutting

2.1 Prototype Axis System Description

This section concerns the axis controls of the machine prototype which was developed
and set up in the project. The design of the prototype is shown in Fig. 1. The kinematic
design comprises three macro axes X , Y , Z . Another five fine-positioning DoF are
contributed by the electromagnetic guide of the X-axis. Those DoF are denoted with
their generalized coordinates q y and q z for the redundant linear DoF and q a , q b ,
and q c for the angular DoF. The X -axis is placed within the slide of the Z -axis as
a box-in-a-box design. Details on the design of the electromagnetic guide are given
in Chap. 4. The Z -axis is guided by conventional porous media aerostatic bearings.
Both, the X - and Z -axis are driven by two iron-less linear drives. The Y -axis utilizes
a conventional roller guide, driven by a rotary motor with a mechanical brake. The
Z -axis position is acquired by two linear encoders. The X - and Y -axis are equipped
with one encoder each.
In a machining process, the macro axes X , Z provide the motion for feed and
crossfeed and vice versa. Infeed is provided by the fine-positioning axis q y , while
the macro Y -axis is used for pre-adjustment of the spindle and tool position in advance
of the machining process. The Y -axis clamped and kept stationary with the brake
during the process. The Y -axis can carry a fly-cutting spindle or a stationary tool for
planing. Figure 1 shows the setup with the fly-cutting spindle.

2.2 Real-Time Control Architecture

The controllers of all motion axes as well as acquisition and processing of the sensor
data are executed on an industrial PC (IPC) system (Beckhoff). To this end, a modular
control framework was developed. The basic structure of the framework is shown
in Fig. 2. Modularity concerns flexible involvement of the prototypes’ nine DoF in
motion and machining as well as modularity of each of the axes’ controller and
compensation modules. Online change of axis configuration as well as change of
controller and compensation properties, was a fundamental requirement. This is
due to the fact that an offline change and recompilation of modules would require
shutting down the levitating axis. Shutting down the levitating axis however can
150 P. Schreiber et al.

Fig. 1 Machine prototype for UP-HPC-cutting

lead to diverging from a thermostatic state and is thus not feasible for conducting
repeatable experiments. A state machine module handles system and module states
such as macro axis clearance depending on the levitation axis state or activation of
compensation parameters depending on axis states. Also base functionalities such
as homing are coordinated by the state machine. Set-point values for the axes are
generated by a G-code interpreter which also handles interpolation for up to three
linear axes. The modular system allows for flexible multi-axis interpolation with the
fine-positioning DoFs of the magnetic levitation guide in any combination with the
macro axes. Additional signals can be linked onto the output of the interpolation
system for compensation applications. The individual axis controller modules are
developed in Simulink and exported as IEC-61131 structured text using the Matlab
PLC-Coder extension. The controller modules, which control position and velocity,
are executed at 16 kHz on the IPC. The controller output, the drive current set-point
value is transferred to the servo drive controllers via an ethernet for control and
automation technology (EtherCAT) bus system. The current control is executed by
the servo drive controllers. They also connect the position encoders to the system
and transfer actual position and velocity to the IPC. For details regarding the control
structure of the magnetic guide system please consider Chap. 4, Sect. 4.4.

2.3 Setup for Cutting Experiments

Cutting experiments were conducted, in order to evaluate the behavior of the axis
and control system and compensation approaches in terms of their impact on the
Ultra Precision High Performance Axis Control 151

Fig. 2 Structure of the realtime control system

machining quality. For the experiments a planing process with stationary tool attached
to the Y -axis was implemented. A planing process was chosen in order to evaluate the
axis control system. In contrast to a fly-cutting process planing allows to exclude cer-
tain effects from the machining result. Those effects are for instance vibrations from
spindle imbalances. Another disadvantage of fly-cutting in terms of investigating axis
controls is that it leads to a form of “undersampling”. For a typical fly-cutting spindle
speed of 1,500 min−1 and a single cutting edge there is a short tool-workpiece con-
tact at a frequency 25 Hz. Hence, axis and prototype behavior above 12.5 Hz would
already be distorted by aliasing effects in the machining result. The setup for planing
experiments is shown in Fig. 3. The stationary tool, is attached to the Y -axis such
that the tool center point (TCP) is close to the TCP for the fly-cutting set-up. Thus,
a part of the effects from structural dynamics of the Y -axis can be expected to be
apparent in both, the fly-cutting and planing set-up. A manual linear stage was used
for presetting the tool position while the depth of cut (a p ) is set by the fine posi-
tioning DoF q y of the electromagnetic axis. The direction of cut corresponds to the
Z -axis. For avoiding tool-workpiece contact during the retracting movement of the
Z -axis, the q y -axis was lowered to maximum extent while resetting the workpiece.
In advance of the actual cutting experiments workpieces were planed entirely in this
setup without re-clamping in order to achieve the best possible parallelism of the
workpiece surface to the machine axes.

2.4 Process and System Capability

This section gives an overview over the system capability of the described axis and
control system as a reference for further experiments. Figure 4 shows an exemplary
machining result of a planing process with the above described setup. The workpiece
(aluminum EN AW 5754) was machined in multi-axis interpolation with at a cutting
speed vc = 500 mm min−1 in Z -direction. Regarding axis control settings, the static
152 P. Schreiber et al.

Fig. 3 Setup for cutting experiments (left and center) with the shaping process (right)

compensations and position-depended Jacobians from Chap. 4 were activated. An

overlaying motive pattern was realized by varying the depth of cut between 3 µm
and 7 µm in the process. The workpiece was lubricated with paraffin oil. Measure-
ments of the workpiece show that a mean deviation ( y ) from the set point height
difference of the pattern (4 µm) amounts to 54 nm. The surface roughness, deter-
mined as the arithmetic mean height Sa amounts to 42.8 nm. The theoretical limit of
achievable surface roughness for the given tool nose radius rε and lateral feed f under
otherwise ideal conditions Sa lim ≈ 3 f 2 /64rε ) amounts to 6.1 nm in comparison.
Thus, the residual surface roughness of the aluminum workpiece can be assumed to
be the current limit of the experimental setup. This is supported by the finding that it
reflects the values that were archived in Sect. 4.8 with a brass workpiece and cutting
in X -direction instead of Z -direction. Limiting factors and influences are, among
others, tool-sided compliances, effects from chip formation, introduction of external
vibration from the non-decoupled foundation, and remaining control deviations of
the axis and guiding system.

3 Adaptive Parameter Estimation

Model based axes control for high speed UP-operations demands for high complexity
and associated computational costs to represent the machine behavior within the
required resolution and accuracy. To reduce the computational costs for realizing real
time application, the complexity can be reduced by in-process parameter estimation
and adaption that ensures the required precision [5].
Ultra Precision High Performance Axis Control 153

Fig. 4 Overview over system capability with exemplary surface and profile measurement

3.1 Model Structure

The model consists of two sub-models, the motion band sub-model (MBSM) and
the residual band sub-model (RBSM). While the MBSM calculates the larger scale
motion of the feed axes, vibrations and discrepancies are represented by RBSM. Due
to this reduction, the parameters of both sub-models can be estimated separately and
in individually suitable cycle times.
Each sub-model is represented as state-space model. In such models, the system is
expressed by the state vector x with n state-variables. n was chosen to 8 (MBSM) and
6 (RBSM). Each state variable behaves as energy storage and records the influence
of past inputs to the actual state. A state vector at a time t for an input vector u can
be calculated as
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) (1)

Hereby, A is the state matrix which defines the single state variables interaction
and B is the input matrix that defines the input influence on the state variables.
The output y of the model can be calculated from the state vector with the output
matrix C.
y(t) = C x(t) (2)

The output of both sub-models must be phase corrected and added to the final
result. The complete process is shown in Fig. 5.
The parameters of the sub-models were separately estimated based on the predic-
tive error method (PEM) [11]. Therefore, the future model output is estimated with
154 P. Schreiber et al.

motion band sub-model (MBSM)

BL + 1/s CL phase correlation

u y
residual band sub-model (RBSM)

BH + 1/s CH phase correlation


Fig. 5 Model structure with two reduced sub-models; cf. [5]

u ymax +/-

motion filter motion filter residual filter residual filter

identification I identification II

motion band sub-model (MBSM) residual band sub-model (RBSM)

Fig. 6 Parameter identification procedure; cf. [5]

Eq. 2 and compared to the measurement at that time. The lowest deviation was then
found with the Levenberg-Marquardt method [10]. The separation of the estimated
and the measured data was realized with equiripple low-pass finite impulse response
filters due to their constant group delay. This feature ensures that the unavoidable
distortion of the motion data in time domain is independent of the velocity. For the
MBSM parameter estimation all frequencies 20 Hz while for the RBSM parameter
estimation all frequencies 200 Hz were suppressed. The procedure is shown in Fig. 6.
A window of the measurements with a fixed size of west samples and the input u is
used as input for the parameter estimation. The window lengths were heuristically
chosen as 83.33 ms (MBSM) and 50 ms (RBSM). To react to parameter variation
of the system, the parameters are estimated in each window individually. After this
estimation and a comparison with the previous parameter, the parameters with the
lower deviation are chosen as new model parameters. To get a robust system, the
parameter changes were limited to 15% of the actual value.
Ultra Precision High Performance Axis Control 155



Position z

stage 0
0 1 2 3 s 5
Z Time t
X Z-axis 51 2
µm µm

49 0
48 -1
4 s 5 3.5 s 4.5

Fig. 7 Model parameter identification a Setup b Z -position with set-point values (blue) and actual
values (red); cf. [5]

3.2 Experimental Setup

The identification algorithm was tested with a piezo stage “NanoCube” (P-611.3,
Physik Instumente) in open-loop control mode. After initial identification, an addi-
tional load on the NanoCube in z-direction (0, 22, 31, 52, 77 g) as variable parameter
simulated a change in the system and hence its behavior. Both the input to the piezo
stage (set-point values) and the internal position sensor of the piezo stage (actual
values) were used for the in process parameter estimation. As demanded motion in
Z -direction a step function with an amplitude of 50 µm was applied to emulate a
positioning task. This demanded trajectory was performed five times in a row with
each load. The waiting time between positioning was one second. An example of the
set-point trajectory and the corresponding actual trajectory is shown in Fig. 7.
The estimation error as difference between the measured actual position values
and the estimated position values calculated by the model is illustrated in Fig. 8. Mean
values were calculated during the stand still in the target position. The initial model
parameter estimation gains a quite good prediction with an estimation error less than
1 nm. Nevertheless, changing the physical system by additional load increases the
estimation error about several nanometers.

4 2D Speckle Position Sensor

To judge the effects of parameter estimation and path control a measuring device
based on speckle pattern was developed. This sensor works without a corporal solid
156 P. Schreiber et al.

initial identification
Estimation error e nm

2 dynamic identification

0 20 40 g 80
Load l

Fig. 8 Mean model estimation error during positioning tests with different loads with static and
dynamic parameter estimation

measure and can easily be adapted to different machine tools. The following sections
describe the principle of the measurement, the range extension procedure and results.

4.1 Laser Speckle

Laser speckle occur when a surface is illuminated by a laser. Imperfections in the

surface cause interference effects that can be monitored by a digital camera as a
pattern of light intensity. The distribution of these imperfections is of stochastic nature
and unique to the respective surface. Common fields of application are robotics,
consumer electronics, deformation analysis and machine tools [7, 12, 16]. A basic
sensor setup to track the positions of ultra-precision machine tools was introduced
in [3]. The principle of this sensor is shown in Fig. 9.
Due to the uniqueness of the pattern, a displacement of the test surface can be
traced by tracing the displacement of the speckle pattern. As long as the displacement
is short enough to ensure an overlap of two consecutive images, this shift can be
calculated by means of image correlation (see Fig. 10).

4.2 Algorithm for Displacement Calculation

As general procedure, the first image is assumed to be the reference that is placed
in a known reference position. All displacements are calculated in respect to this
reference. The method to calculate the displacement consists of two steps. In the first
step, the position is roughly estimated by two-dimensional cross correlation of the
Ultra Precision High Performance Axis Control 157

camera Optronis CP80-4-M-500
500-80,000 fps
2304 x 1720 pixel

source Laser- laser diode optics
beam ≈ 650 nm half-mirror
2 mW convex lenses
test surface replaceable

Fig. 9 2D Speckle Sensor; principle (left), experimental setup (right)

Fig. 10 Displacement
between images

actual image (test pattern) with the reference. These results are highly affected by
the boundary values. Therefore, a rectangular window function was applied to set the
values at the window margins to zero. These margins were fit to be larger than the
maximum expected displacement between two consecutive captures to guarantee
an equal amount of summands in the cross correlation calculations. As a result,
the displacement is presented as a two-dimensional vector of integer values that
represent the number of acquired digital pixels. To enhance this limited resolution a
sub-pixel interpolation was applied in a second step. Therefore, a Gaussian function
is fitted onto the position of the maximum value of the correlation function and its
neighboring pixels. The maximum of the fitted curve represents a better estimation
of the displacement. This method of sub-pixel interpolation is performed for both
dimensions independently.
For higher displacements, the overlap of the images becomes too small for a
precise calculation. To handle this issue, the algorithm was extended with a function
for reference pattern changing. Therefore, a threshold value was introduced. In case
the displacement exceeds this value, the reference pattern is exchanged with the
158 P. Schreiber et al.

image image image ... image

1 2 3 n

exchange ref. pattern test pattern

ref. with
test pattern 2D cross-correlation
yes find pos. of max. value
test pattern

Δd > 2D sub-pixel interpolation ref. pattern

? displacement

Fig. 11 Algorithm with reference pattern change, picture credit: [13], CC BY 4.0

Fig. 12 Test pattern (blue) traced with speckle sensor (orange) in 100 µm, 10 µm and 1 µm scale
(cf. [4]), picture credit: [13], License: CC BY 4.0

actual test pattern. For defining an adequate threshold value, divergent effects must
be considered. These are basically the effective pixel size that defines the ratio of
acquired pixel size and its real dimension [2] and the size of the images [3]. The
complete algorithm is shown in Fig. 11.
A test pattern was traced with a piezo stage “NanoCube” (P-611.3, Physik Instru-
mente) and measured with the speckle sensor in different scales see Fig. 12. Sufficient
path accuracy was verified by the internal measuring system. The speckle sensor per-
formed best in the middle scale with a moderate number of pattern changes. In the
large scale, the high number of pattern changes reduced the accuracy whereas in the
small sub-µm scale the whole system is limited by noise.
A significant reduction of the number of pattern changes could be achieved by
a cross-referencing algorithm. For that purpose, mapping of all images that were
used as reference patterns allowed for defining the shortest connection between each
actual pattern and the initial reference by Dijkstra algorithm for recalculation of the
measured shift. Especially for long paths in small areas, the tool center point crosses
Ultra Precision High Performance Axis Control 159

Fig. 13 Deviation of axis movement from test pattern. Left: without cross-referencing; Right: with

its own trajectory several times and the cross-referencing significantly shortens the
path that is used in calculations. The effect is illustrated by tracking an edge of a
repeatedly covered rectangle, see Fig. 13.

5 Axis Control for Performance Improvement

The following section investigates the application of vibration avoidance and feed
forward compensation of dynamic deviations caused by axis motion. Emphasis of
the investigation is the impact of the proposed methods on productivity.

5.1 Acceleration Force Feed Forward

Dynamic and static path errors can influence workpiece quality in machining. Due
to finite stiffness of components and bearings, the acceleration of machine tool axes
lead to displacements and rotations in DoF that are supposed to be locked. In case
of the active electromagnetic workpiece slide, such displacements can be measured
continuously and actively compensated in order to increase accuracy. Here, position
offsets as well as force offsets can be imposed upon the electromagnetic guide set-
points. Figure 14 illustrates the basic structure therefore. Position offsets q pos can
be added to the set-point values qset of the magnetic guide in order to account for
static errors such as straightness deviations of the guides. A force feed forward Q f f
is added on the output of the electromagnetic guide control adding up to the set-
point vector of generalized forces Q set . Force feed-forward is utilized to counteract
160 P. Schreiber et al.

Fig. 14 Block diagram of the dynamic error feed forward, based on [9]

disturbance forces acting on the guide before they can cause a displacement. This
requires that these disturbance forces can either be measured with low delay or be
predicted. Here, force-feed forward is applied to loads from acceleration of the Z -
axis as these are the dominating disturbance forces on the workpiece slide and can
be derived from the acceleration set-point.
It was shown in simulation in [9] for the given setup that an acceleration force
feed-forward can significantly reduce the tilting error qa of the magnetic slide’s A-
axis for accelerated motion of the Z -axis. Empirical analysis showed that significant
deviations also appear in qz . Thus, for feed forward a force vector Q f f is set based
on the set-point acceleration z̈ set :

Q f f = −z̈ set P (3)

With the parameter vector P:

[ pzx pzy pzz pza pzb pzc ]T (4)

The elements of P can be interpreted as the masses and inertia respectively. In

comparison to [9], an empirically identified P vector was used instead of an analytical
vector inferred from the Jacobian and masses. The identified values are pzz = 46 to
compensate for the deviation qz in the feed direction and pza = 1.2 to reduce a rolling
movement of the X -axis. The remaining parameters pzx , pzy , pzb , pzc are set to zero
as no significant acceleration response is induced in the corresponding DoF.
As described in Sect. 4.6 it can be necessary to apply a time delay on the Q f f
value in order to synchronize the magnetic feed forward force with the axis accel-
eration. However, this was not required as the Z -axis control loop itself features
an acceleration force feed forward. This enables a precise acceleration following
behavior of the feed axis. Moreover, since both feed forward values are calculated in
the same thread of the control system and are subjected to a similar transport delay
from the EtherCAT bus system, force onset of the axis linear drives and the levitation
magnets is already sufficiently synchronized without additional delay.
Ultra Precision High Performance Axis Control 161

Fig. 15 Block representation of a zero vibration input shaper (left) and impulse response (right)
based on [15]

5.2 Vibration Avoidance with Input Shaping

Input shaping is an approach to avoid the excitation of certain vibration modes by

modification of the set-point trajectory. The concept is described in [15] and shown
in Fig. 15. To illustrate the concept of input shaping, a system is assumed which
responds as a second order oscillator with an oscillation period T0 and damping ratio
of ζ . To suppress excitation of this vibration, the set-point value w is split into two
paths one of which is delayed by Ts = T0 /2. This leads to two oscillation responses
with a shift of π/2. If the gains A1 and A2 are chosen correctly according to the
damping value, those oscillation responses can cancel each other out completely.
The gains are chosen as:
A1 = (5)

A2 = (6)

√ζ π
K =e 1−ζ 2 (7)

This definition of an input shaper is referred to as zero vibration-shaper (ZV-

shaper). In academia, various extensions to a ZV-shaper approach are known. In most
cases they aim at increasing robustness towards parameter change. Those extensions,
such as a zero vibration derivative (ZVD)-shaper suppress vibration in a wider fre-
quency range, result however in an increased delay. Since parameter variations can
be handled by the parameter adaptation (3), a ZV-shaper is preferable in this case.
Analysis of the structural behavior of the prototype was conducted using finite
element modeling and experimental modal analysis [8]. In the case of Z -axis accel-
eration, the most prominent oscillation response is seen at 9.2 Hz. This resembles
a rigid body motion of the entire machine prototype as identified in experimental
162 P. Schreiber et al.

Fig. 16 Workpiece for cutting tests

modal analysis. This oscillation is also present as an oscillation of the electromag-

netic X -axis slide relative to the Z -axis slide such that an impact on the workpiece
form deviation can be expected and is evaluated in the following.

5.3 Evaluation of Feed-Forward and Input Shaping in

Cutting Tests

In order to evaluate the effect of input shaping (IS) and acceleration feed forward (FF),
cutting tests with stationary tool according to the setup above were conducted. As
shown in Fig. 16 separate sections were planed with three different cutting velocities
vc , two jerk values j and three compensation settings. The acceleration profile of the
Z -axis was set as a trapezoidal jerk-limited acceleration profile with an upper accel-
eration limit of amax = 5 m s−2 . This value was however not reached for the jerk and
velocity values. As lowest cutting respectively feed velocity, 300 mm min−1 was cho-
sen as reference velocity for a typical UP-cutting process. 5, 000 mm min−1 was cho-
sen as a benchmark velocity for an UP-HPC-cutting process and 2, 000 mm min−1
as a medium velocity. For each of these velocities, sections were planed with jerk
values of 5 m s−3 , 50 m s−3 , and additionally 20 m s−3 for medium velocity. The
lower jerk values serve to benchmark the performance of IS and FF with the conven-
tional approach of limiting axis dynamics. To reduce the effect of cutting forces on
the resulting profile, a narrow diamond tool with rε = 0.011 mm was applied. For
each of the jerk-velocity combinations one section was planed with both, IS and FF
activated, both deactivated, and one section with only IS activated. A summary of
the process and trajectory parameters can be found in Table 1.
The planed sections were each measured with a tactile profilometer with a spher-
ical probe with 500 µm radius since the focus of this investigation is on the profile
deviation rather than roughness. For each section a median profile was calculated
from five profile measurements. Figure 17 shows an exemplary median profile for
vc = 5, 000 mm min−1 . It can be seen that the mentioned rigid vibration mode at
Ultra Precision High Performance Axis Control 163

Table 1 Parameter overview for the cutting tests

Section set Cutting speed vc mm Jerk j m s−3 Compensations 1st,
min−1 2nd, 3rd section
1 300 5 FF+IS, -, IS
2 300 50 FF+IS, -, IS
3 2,000 5 FF+IS, -, IS
4 2,000 20 FF+IS, -, IS
5 2,000 50 FF+IS, -, IS
6 5,000 5 FF+IS, -, IS
7 5,000 50 FF+IS, -, IS, FF
For all sets: f = 10 µm, a p = 3 µm, rε = 0.011 mm, amax = 5 m s−2

Fig. 17 Exemplary profile measurements of the machined surface for vc = 5, 000 mm min−1

9.2 Hz results in the dominating waviness in the planed profile with ca. 9 mm wave-
length and over 300 nm in amplitude. The waviness is eliminated in the profiles with
activated IS, thus showing that the compensation is effective. Regarding FF, it can be
seen within the first millimeters of the profile that FF does reduce profile deviation
here, since it reduces the tilting of the X -axis. However, quantitative evaluation is not
conducted for FF as the spherical probe cannot probe the whole length of the profile
and some uncertainty is associated with the alignment of the tactile measurements
to each other in Z -direction.
Due to the limitations regarding the quantitative evaluation of FF, only IS is
considered below. The analysis focuses on the overall profile deviation. Therefore, the
range at the beginning and end of the profile, where the effect from axis acceleration
is visible, are cut from the profile measurements for the following analysis. For the
remaining part of the profile, the standard deviation Sstd is calculated as well as the
peak-to-peak value S p2 p of the profile after filtering with a linear Gaussian profile
filter (according to ISO 16610-21) with a cut-off wavelength of 2 mm. Sstd and S p2 p
are shown in Fig. 18 for both, profiles with and without IS. It can be seen that for all
velocity and jerk combinations, a S p2 p value of less than 100 nm is achieved with the
use of IS while for deactivated IS S p2 p exceeds 100 nm significantly for the higher
164 P. Schreiber et al.

Fig. 18 Profile standard deviation Sstd (left) and filtered profile peak-to-peak value S p2 p (right)
for different cutting velocities vc and jerk values j with and without input shaping

jerk and velocity combinations. This shows that IS can serve to allow for significantly
higher feed velocities in UP-cutting applications.

5.4 Internal Sensor Based Prediction of Cutting Quality

A major feature of an active guide is that displacements of the slide position, in

this case workpiece-slide position, are available to the control system during the
process. Laser Doppler vibrometer measurements at different components of the
machine prototype were conducted. They confirmed that the position signal of the
levitation guide in Z -direction, which is known from the internal guide displacement
sensors, can provide a sufficient estimate for relative tool-workpiece displacements.
Therefore, an obvious approach is to predict the resulting form deviation of the
workpiece based on the internal sensor signals in order to monitor and predict whether
process and controller settings are viable to achieve a specified quality. This can either
be done during a cutting process or before the actual process in an air cutting. Given a
sufficient reliability of such a prediction, productivity of UP-cutting processes could
be improved significantly as scrap parts could be avoided or axis dynamics could be
increased with lower safety margins resulting in shorter process times. Furthermore,
regarding the assessment of productivity impact, use of internal sensor data allows
for analysis over a larger parameter range.
In the following the viability of such an approach is investigated. Figure 19 shows
the generalized guide coordinates qz (feed direction), qa (roll angle) and x (crossfeed
direction) for a feed velocity of 3.000 mm min−1 and all combinations with and
without FF and IS. It can be seen that the relative effect of IS ad FF can be evaluated
more comprehensively by the sensor data than by profile measurements. This is
due to higher signal-to-noise ratio as the amplitude is more pronounced in the slide
deviation than in the workpiece surface profile. Moreover, disturbances associated
with profile measurement are not present. Also, alignment of the profiles is included
Ultra Precision High Performance Axis Control 165

Fig. 19 Internal sensor values for deviation in qz (left) and roll angle qa (right) for with and without
input shaping and feed forward acceleration compensation for vc = 3, 000 mm min−1

per se as the Z -position is captured in the same measurement. The discussed effect
at 9.2 Hz is also strongly present in all three coordinates and reduced by the use of
IS to a large extent.
To the end of evaluating the feasibility of predicting profile deviation based
on internal sensor data, the standard deviation Sstd of the planed sections profiles
Sect. 5.3 is compared to the standard deviation values of internal guide sensor data.
Figure 20 shows how the Sstd values for internal guide coordinates qz and qa during
an air cut correlate with Sstd values of the measured profiles. The range in z, which is
directly affected from axis acceleration, was excluded from evaluation. It can be seen
that both, the standard deviation of the qz and the qa coordinate show a correlation
to the resulting workpiece profile with R 2 values of 0.86 and 0.89 respectively. As
expected, the correlation is clearer for higher deviations since the smaller values are
more affected by noise and measurement uncertainties. The result shows, that at least
for the given vibration mode, the sensory capability of the guide has the potential
to predict critical form deviations in the workpiece. The observation that deviations
in the guide coordinates are more than a magnitude higher than deviations in the
workpiece also highlights the potential of guide position data in terms of sensitiv-
ity. However, additional modeling and a higher number of experiments has to be
conducted in order to validate the correlation.

5.5 Analysis of Impact on Productivity by Input Shaping and


This section focuses on evaluating the effect of IS and FF on productivity. The

latter section showed that monitoring deviations of the internal guide coordinate
166 P. Schreiber et al.

Fig. 20 Comparison of internal signal standard deviation vs profile measurement for qz (left) and
qa (right)

Fig. 21 Definition of the

different productivity
evaluation times and path

data can be used as a practical tool to predict workpiece form deviations. Thus, the
following investigation is based on internal guide coordinate data as they allow for a
better sensitivity and more comprehensive parameter combinations. Again, a shaping
or line milling process at constant vc is considered with a jerk limited trapezoidal
acceleration profile. Figure 21 shows an exemplary measurement of qz for a travel
range of 80 mm. For further consideration, only the range within which the axis
velocity deviates less than 2% from the set-point velocity vset is considered since a
constant velocity is assumed to be a process requirement. The path length required to
accelerate the slide to 98% vset is referred to as z acc and the corresponding duration
as tacc . Analogous, z dec and tdec denote the path length and duration for decelerating
the slide from vset to zero. It is assumed that in order to remain below a specified
profile deviation, qz should not exceed an allowance of q z_t ol . As the focus is on form
deviation, the allowance is applied after low-pass filtering qz with a linear Gaussian
filter at a cut-off wavelength of 2 mm analogously to the profile measurements in
the previous section. Based on that, z f ade and t f ade denote the axis path length and
duration required for the dynamic deviations induced by the slide acceleration to
decay and to keep within the allowance q z_t ol . For deceleration, the residual path
length and duration from leaving the allowance q z_t ol to v = 0 is denoted with zr es
and tr es .
Ultra Precision High Performance Axis Control 167

In order to evaluate the effect of the compensation approaches, the evaluation

times and paths z f ade and t f ade are evaluated depending on different values of q z_t ol
for trajectories with different jerk and velocity combinations. The analyzed parame-
ter field includes all combinations of the feed velocities vset of 300, 500, 1000, 2000,
3000, and 5,000 mm min−1 and jerk values of 5, 10, 20, and 50 m s−3 . An example
for how z f ade and t f ade depend on different values of q z_t ol of up to 2 µm is shown
in Fig. 22 for a low velocity of 500 mm min−1 and high velocity of 5,000 mm min−1 .
Due to the high number of parameter combinations, only a selection for reasons of
clarity and comprehensibility is shown. The shown characteristics with FF and/or
IS as well as without IS and FF are from trajectories with the highest jerk value of
50 m s−3 . Additionally, trajectories with a jerk value of 10 m s−3 represent the con-
ventional approach of jerk limitation (JL). For both, the figure also shows the values
for tacc and z acc as the best possible limit value for each velocity-jerk combination.
It can be seen for the lower velocity and high allowances that a high jerk value with-
out any compensations is the best choice of parameters, since higher acceleration
time associated with jerk limitation (JL) or the delay from input shaping (IS) are not
compensated by reduced fading time. Only below ca. 750 nm allowance, IS gains
an advantage as the decay time of the dynamic errors becomes larger than the input
shaping delay. For a higher velocity, generally IS is favorable since it effectively
reduces the oscillation fading time. Also, it can be seen that FF has higher relative
advantage for lower velocities. The reason for this is that FF impacts the slide tilt
and displacement mainly during tacc . With tacc becoming shorter in comparison to
t f ade , the effect of FF also becomes less pronounced.
The chart in Fig. 22 can be used to optimize the process and compensation param-
eter choice regarding process productivity. However, it also shows that the optimal
choice depends largely on the aimed allowances.
In order to discuss the potential to increase productivity by the use of these
approaches the solution space for machining an exemplary workpiece is presented.
The exemplary workpiece with an extension lwp of 20 mm per line is assumed to be
processed in a planing or line milling process. It was shown above that also JL can be
beneficial. Thus, all combinations of parameters (jerk, velocity, FF, IS) are included.
Further, q z_t ol is set to 1 µm as based on the previous section 1 µm can be assumed
to be a reasonable allowance in order to achieve a form deviation of less than 100 nm.
Figure 23 shows the time required per line ttotal and the required axis travel range
z total . The time ttotal is calculated as the sum of t f ade , tr es and the tool engagement
time tcut = lwp /vset . The analog relation applies for z total . The figure depicts resulting
values for ttotal and z total for all feasible parameter combinations. In blue the values
for the trajectories with at least one of the presented compensation approaches FF and
IS are highlighted. Shown in grey are the resulting values without FF and IS. The most
significant improvement in productivity can be seen for higher feed velocities of more
than 1,000 mm min−1 . This is due to the fact that the tool engagement time for the
20 mm spanning workpiece decreases with increasing feed velocity while the excited
vibration amplitude and thus the associated decay time increases. The lowest process
time amounts to 0.55 s per line (at vc = 5, 000 mm min−1 , j = 10 m s−3 , with IS and
FF) with 36.4 mm required axis range. Without IS and FF the lowest process time per
168 P. Schreiber et al.

Fig. 22 Times and distances to reach q z_t ol for vc = 500 (left) and 5,000 mm min−1 (right). JL =
jerk limitation (10 m s−3 ), IS = input shaping, FF = feed forward

Fig. 23 Solution space for

process parameter
combinations with and
without IS and or FF

line amounts to 0.73 s at a required axis range of 43.2 mm (vc = 5, 000 mm min−1 ,
j = 10 m s−3 , without IS and FF). This corresponds to a 24.5% lower process time
and 15.7% reduction in required axis range. The results show that IS and FF can
allow for significantly increased axis feeds in UP-cutting processes and thus in syn-
ergy with the other UP-HPC approaches discussed in the previous chapters increase
productivity of UP-cutting processes by large extent.
Ultra Precision High Performance Axis Control 169

6 Conclusion and Outlook

The increase in productivity with the UP-HPC approach requires the synergistic
interaction of the techniques discussed in the individual chapters. In this chapter,
approaches were discussed which allow for increased axis feeds while keeping
dynamic workpiece deviations within specified allowances. Firstly, an approach for
online parameter estimation of axis models was presented. The methods can be an
enabler to increase productivity as it can enable the use for more sophisticated control
approaches and reduce the effort to identify system parameters manually. To inves-
tigate two-axis motion behavior a laser speckle sensor was introduced that provides
a high accuracy and flexibility without the need for a containable grid-plate which
often prohibits application during cutting in a machine environment.
With increasing feed velocities, also dynamic errors and excitation of vibration
are intensified. Thus, it was investigated how acceleration force feed forward and
input shaping can reduce these effects and can thus allow for higher feed velocities
and productivity. It was shown that for high velocities above 2,000 mm min−1 process
times can be reduced by around 24% without increasing feed velocity. Taking into
account that such high velocities can only be achieved in combinations with the
other approaches developed within the UP-HPC research group, the combined gain
in productivity is even higher.


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