64c9c46f5c5ca500182712b4 ## Electrochemistry DPP 02 of Lec 03 Yakeen

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Gyana vikash academy)

Electrochemistry DPP-02

1. A standard hydrogen electrode has a zero potential 7. The standard EMF of a Daniel cell at 298 K is E1.
because: Zn|ZnSO4(0.01M)||CuSO4(0.1M)|Cu When the
(1) Hydrogen is the lightest element. concentration of ZnSO4 is 1.0 M and that of CuSO4
(2) Hydrogen has only one electron. is 0.01 M, the EMF becomes E2 at 298 K. The
(3) Hydrogen can be most easily oxidized. correct relationship between E1 and E2 is:
(4) The electrode potential is assumed to be zero at (1) E1 = E2
standard condition. (2) E2 = 0
(3) E2 < E1
2. It is impossible to measure the actual voltage of any (4) E1 < E2
half-cell by itself because:
(1) Both half-cell reactions take place simultaneously. 8. For a reaction A(s) + 2B+ ⇌ A2+ + 2B(s); KC has been
(2) Of resistance of the wire. found to be 1012. The standard EMF of the cell is:
(3) A reaction does not take place on its own. (1) 0.354 V
(4) None of the above (2) 0.708 V
(3) 0.534 V
3. For the cell Zn| Zn2+||Cu2+|Cu, if the concentration of (4) 0.453 V
both, Zn2+ and Cu2+ ions are doubled, the EMF of
the cell: 9. Consider the following equation for an
(1) Doubles (2) Reduces to half electrochemical cell reaction. Which of the following
(3) Remains same (4) Becomes zero changes in condition will increase the cell voltage?
H2(g) + PbCl2(s) → Pb(s) + 2HCl(aq)
4. The value of the reaction quotient Q, for the cell (I) Dissolve concentrated HClO4 in the cell solution
Zn(s) | Zn2+ (0.01 M) || Ag+ (1.25 M) | Ag(s) is: (II) Increase the pressure of H2(g)
(1) 156 (2) 125 (III) Increase the amount of Pb(s)
(3) 1.25 × 10 (4) 6.4 × 10–3 (1) III (2) I and II
(3) II and III (4) II
5. The standard EMF for the cell reaction: Zn(s) + Cu2+
(aq) → Zn2+ (aq) + Cu(s) is 1.10 volts at 25°C. The 10. Electrode potential of the half-cell
EMF of the cell reaction when 0.1 M Cu2+ and 0.1 M Pt(s)|Hg(l)|Hg2Cl2(s)|Cl– (aq) can be increased by:
Zn2+ solutions are used at 25°C is: (1) Increasing [Cl–]
(1) 1.10 V (2) Decreasing [Cl–]
(2) 1.041 V (3) Increasing Hg2Cl2(s)
(3) –1.10 V (4) Decreasing Hg (l)
(4) –1.041 V
11. The measured voltage for the reaction with the
6. For the cell: Ni | Ni2+ || Cu2+ | Cu; E° = 0.77 V. By indicated concentration is 1.50 V. Calculate E°.
which of the following activity, Ecell will increase? Cr(s) + 3Ag+(aq, 0.10M) → 3Ag(s) + Cr3+(aq, 0.30M)
(1) On decreasing [Ni+2] (1) 1.35 (2) 1.40
(2) On decreasing [Cu+2] (3) 1.65 (4) 1.55
(3) On increasing mass of Ni electrode
(4) On increasing mass of Cu electrode

12. Consider the following four electrodes: 18. The equilibrium constant of the following redox
P = Cu2+ (0.0001 M)/ Cu(s) reaction at 298 K is 1 × 108
Q = Cu2+ (0.1 M)/ Cu(s) 2Fe3+ (aq.) + 2I– (aq.) ⇌ 2Fe2+ (aq.) + I2(s)
R = Cu2+ (0.01 M)/Cu(s) If the standard reduction potential of iodine becoming
S = Cu2+ (0.001 M)/ Cu(s) iodide is + 0.54 V. What is the standard reduction
If the standard electrode potential of Cu2+/Cu is + 0.34
potential of Fe3+/Fe2+?
V, the reduction potentials (in volts) of the above
electrodes follow the order: (1) + 1.006 V (2) – 1.006 V
(1) P > S > R > Q (2) S > R > Q > P (3) + 0.77 V (4) – 0.77 V
(3) R > S > Q > P (4) Q > R > S > P
19. The standard reduction potentials in acidic conditions
13. For a cell reaction involving a two-electron change, are 0.77 V and 0.53 V, respectively, for Fe3+| Fe2+ and
the standard EMF of the cell is found to be 0.295 V at 𝐼3– | 𝐼 – couples. The equilibrium constant for the
25°C. The equilibrium constant of the reaction at reaction: 2Fe3+ + 3I– ⇌ 2Fe2+ + 𝐼3– , is: (2.303 RT/F =
25°C will be: 0.06)
(1) 1 × 1010 (2) 1 × 10–10 (1) 2 × 108 (2) 108
(3) 29.5 × 10 (4) 2 × 1010
(3) 104 (4) 10–8
14. The EMF of the cell: Zn | Zn2+ (0.01 M) || Fe2+ (0.001
M) | Fe at 298 K is 0.2905 V, then the value of 20. The nature of curve of E°cell vs. log Kc is:
equilibrium constant for the cell reaction is: (1) Straight line (2) Parabola
0.32 0.32 (3) Hyperbola (4) Elliptical current
0.0295 0.0295
(1) e (2) 10
0.26 0.32
0.0295 0.0591
21. The Nernst equation E = E° – RT/nF lnQ indicates
(3) 10 (4) 10
that the Q will be equal to equilibrium constant Kc
15. For the cell reaction: 4Br– + O2 + 4H+ ⇌ 2Br2 +
2H2O; E° = 0.18 V. The value of (log KC) at 298 K is: (1) E = E° (2) RT/nF = 1
[2.303 RT/F = 0.06] (3) E = zero (4) E° = 1
(1) 12 (2) 6
(3) 18 (4) 3 22. The E° at 25°C for the following reaction is 0.22 V.
Calculate the equilibrium constant at 25° C.
16. The value of equilibrium constant for feasible cell H2(g) + 2AgCl(s) → 2Ag(s) + 2HCl(aq)
reaction is: (1) 2.8 ×107 (2) 5.2 × 108
(1) < 1 (2) zero (3) 5.2 × 106 (4) 5.2 × 103
(3) = 1 (4) > 1
23. The equilibrium constant for the following general
17. Determine the equilibrium constant of the following
reaction is 1030. Calculate E° for the cell at 298K.
reaction at 298 K.
2Fe3+ + Sn2+ → 2Fe2+ + Sn4+ 2X2(s) + 3Y2+ (aq) ⇌ 2X23+ (aq) + 3Y (s)
(Given: 𝐸°𝑆𝑛4+ /𝑆𝑛2+ = 0.15 volt, 𝐸°𝐹𝑒 3+/ 𝐹𝑒 2+ = (1) +0.105 V (2) +0.2955 V
0.771 volt) (3) 0.0985 V (4) –0.2955 V
(1) 1.0 × 1010 (2) 1.0 × 1021
(3) 2.0 × 1021 (4) 2.0 × 1011

Answer Key
1. (4) 12. (4)
2. (3) 13. (1)
3. (3) 14. (2)

4. (4) 15. (1)

5. (1) 16. (4)

17. (2)
6. (1)
18. (3)
7. (3)
19. (2)
8. (1)
20. (1)
9. (4)
21. (3)
10. (1)
22. (1)
11. (4)
23. (2)

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