31 Short Prayers For Israel
31 Short Prayers For Israel
31 Short Prayers For Israel
1. Father God, remove the veil You have sovereignly placed over
the eyes of Israel, that they would recognize Jesus as their
Messiah. (2 Corinthians 3:14)
2. Lord, show Your mercy and favour to Israel in this set time.
4. He who scattered Israel will gather him, and will keep him as a
shepherd keeps his flock. (Jeremiah 31:10) Father, continue to
draw the Jewish people to You according to Your sovereign plan.
5. Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion. Let
them be as grass upon the housetops, which withers before it
grows up. (Psalm 129:5–6) Lord, deal justly and swiftly with
7. The sceptre of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted
to the righteous. (Psalm 125:3) Father, break the strongholds of
religion, pride and wickedness that seek to control Israel.
8. The Lord will not forsake His people for His great name’s sake,
because it has pleased the Lord to make Israel His people.
(1Samuel 12:22) Use us to help others understand Your plan for
Israel and Your love for the Jewish people.
12. Sanctify Your great name which has been profaned among the
nations, which has been profaned in the midst of Israel. Those
nations shall know that the Lord is God, when He is sanctified in
Israel before their eyes. Sprinkle the clean water of Your Word on
Israel and cleanse her from her filthiness and from all her idols,
including abortion and the occult. Give Israel a new heart, and put
a new spirit within her. Remove her heart of stone and give her a
heart of flesh that can respond to the Holy Spirit, and cause her to
walk in Your statutes, keep Your commandments and do them.
(Ezekiel 36:23–27)
13. Cause the church to fulfil its commission to preach the Gospel
to the whole world, so the full number of the Gentiles would come
into the Kingdom. Then all Israel will be saved. (Romans 11:25–
14. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6) and for it to
remain Israel’s undivided capital.
19. Father, bring glory to Your name through the mercy You show
to the land. Bring the necessary seasonal rain upon the country.
Cause the crops to be bountiful.
20. We pray that the three spiritual forces of humanism, Marxist
socialist philosophy, and the spiritual inheritance of the Ottoman
Empire will be broken and rendered powerless.
21. Bless Israel through the many immigrants who are flowing
back to the nation. Bring a sovereign, supernatural move of the
Holy Spirit among these new immigrants, that they might
proclaim Your truth to their fellow Jews.
27. Turn the hearts of the people of Israel to trust in the name of
the Lord for deliverance—not in the “chariots and horses” of their
military might. (Zechariah 4:6)
28. God, raise up elders and young leaders to teach and train the
new generation of Israelis who are coming to faith in the Messiah.
29. We pray that the Palestinian Arabs will come to faith in Christ
and embrace God’s end-time purpose for Israel; send forth
laborers to bring in the appointed harvest from the whole of the
Middle East.
30. May Israel’s relationship with the United States be strong, and
mayor nation—and especially young believers—recognize and
support God’s purposes for Israel.