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ED Test 1 Prof

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I: Electromagnetic Theory-

1. Electrostatics: Gauss’s Law and its applications;

Laplace and Poisson equations, boundary value problems;
2. Magnetostatics: Biot-Savart law, Ampere's theorem,
electromagnetic induction;
3. Maxwell's equations in free space and linear isotropic media;
4. boundary conditions on fields at interfaces;
5. Scalar and vector potentials,Gauge invariance;
6. Electromagnetic waves in free space, dielectrics, conductors and plasma;
7. Reflection and refraction, polarization, Fresnel’s Law
8. Interference, coherence, and diffraction;
9. Dynamics of charged particles in static and uniform electromagnetic fields;
10. Radiation from moving charges, dipoles and retarded potentials.

Lorentz invariance of Maxwell’s equations;

1. A sphere of radius R carries a uniform volume charge density � = �₀�, where ρ₀ is a constant and r is the
radial distance from the center of the charged sphere. The intensity of the electric field is proportional to:
a) �2 ��� � ≤ � ��� 1/�2 ��� � ≥ � �) � ��� � ≤ � ��� 1/�2 ��� � ≥ �

b) 1/� ��� � ≤ � ��� 1/�2 ��� � ≥ � �) 1/�2 ��� ���ℎ � ≤ � ��� � ≥ � Ans. (a)

2. Electric field in a region is E = E0 ( cos θ r − sin θ θ) in spherical coordinates. Volume charge density in the
region is

a) 0 b) E₀ϵ₀ c) E₀ϵ₀rcos � d) E₀ϵ₀rsin � Ans. (a)

3. The electric field due to a charge q is given by E = r2 r. the value of the surface integral �
�. �� depends
a) On the area of the surface c) on the radial distance r

b) On the charge d) on the shape of the surface Ans. (b)

4. For an infinitely long wire with uniform line charge density , λ along the z-axis , the electric field at a point
(a,b,0) away from the origin is [IIT JAM 2016]
� � � �
a) (� + �) b) 2��� (�2+�2 )
(�� + ��) c) (�) d) (�) Ans. (b)
2��� �2+�2 2��� �2 +�2 2��� �2 +�2

5. A charge Q is at the centre of the two concentric spheres. The outward electric flux through the inner sphere
is ϕ while that through the outer sphere is 2ϕ. The amount of charge contained in the region between the
two spheres is

(a)2q b) q c) –� d) −2� Ans. (b)

6. A long straight wire , carrying uniform line charge density λ is surrounded by long coaxial dielectric cylindrical
cable. If relative permittivity of cable is ϵr , then polarization induced inside the cylinder due to the line
charge is
� � � 1 � 1
a) 2�ϵrs
s̑ b) - 2�ϵr s
s̑ c) 2�s
(1 − ϵ )s̑ d) 2�s
( ϵ − 1)s̑ Ans. ©
r r

7. Consider two large parallel metal plates located at x = 0 and x = d (figure). The reason between plate contains
a medium of uniform volume charge density ρ and permittivity ϵo . Both the plates are connected together
and grounded. The potential at point at a normal distance x from the plate ‘A’ is (neglect edge effect)
(college lec. 2020)

ρx2 (d−x) ρx(d−x) ρx(d+x) ρx(d+x)

(a) V = 2ϵo
(b) V = 2ϵo
(c) V= 2ϵo
(d) V = 2ϵo
Ans. (b)
8. Some spherical equipotential surface are shown in figure. What can be said about the magnitude and
direction of the electric field ? (school lec. 2022)

(a) it decreases with distance as E = r2 V/m and is radially outward. (Where ‘r’ is in meter)
(b) it decreases with distance as E = r2 V/m and is radially outward. (Where ‘r’ is in meter)
(c) E = 300 V/m and is radially outward
(d) More information is needed to determine E Ans. (b)

9. Electric potential in space corresponding to a particular charge distribution is given by

� �, �, � = 3�2 + 4 � + 3 2 − �3 . A point particle of mass 1 kg and charge 2 coulomb is placed at
point (1, 1, 1). Instantaneous acceleration of particle at the given point is
(a) 12� + 64� − 6� b) 12� − 32� + 6� c) −12� − 64� + 6� d) 12� + 32� − 6� Ans. (c)

10. One of the electrostatic boundary condition for the potential V for a surface carrying a surface charge density
σ can be written as (n is coordinate normal to the surface)
a) ������ − ������ =− �/�� c) ������ − ������ = �/��
������� ������ ������� �
b) �� − �� =− �/�� d) �� + ����� = �/��

11. The loop shown in the figure below carries a steady current �. The magnitude of magnetic field at the point O
is [NET june 2018]

a) �� �/2� b) �� �/6� c) �� �/4� d) �� �/3� Ans.(b)

12. Consider a thin long insulator coated conducting wire carrying current I. it is now wounded once around an
insulating thin disc of radius R to bring the wire back on the same side, as shown in the figure. The magnetic
field at the centre of the disc is equals to [JAM 2017]

�� � 2 �� � 2 �� � 1 �� �
a) 4�

b) 4�

c) 2�

d) 2�
13. A steady electric current is flowing through a cylindrical conductor. Which of the following statement is
correct ? (pol. Tech 2020)
(a) The electric field at the axis of conductor is zero
(b) The magnetic field at the axis of conductor is not zero
(c) The electric field in the vicinity of conductor is non zero
(d) The magnetic field in the vicinity of conductor is not zero Ans. (d)

14. A thin circular ring of radius R has uniform linear charge density λ. The ring is rotated with uniform angular
velocity � about its axis. Magnetic field at the center of the ring is [Jam 2015]
μ₀ λω μ₀ λω
(a) 3
b) 2
c) μ₀ λω d) 2μ₀ λω Ans.(b)

15. A wire carrying current � is placed in a uniform magnetic field B (going inwards to the plane) in the form of
curve y=a sin � , 0≤ � ≤ 2� as shown in figure. What is force upon the wire

a) 2πILB b) 2ILB c) zero d) πL2BI/4 Ans(b)

16. Three infinite conductors carrying current �1 , �2 ��� �3 lies perpendicular to the plane of the paper as
shown in the figure. If the value of integral � �. �� for the loops C1, C2 and C3 are 2 μ₀ , 4 μ₀ and μ₀ in the
units of N/A , respectively , then (jam 2017/college lec 2020)

a) �1 = 3� out of the paper c) �2 = 5� out of the paper

b) �3 = 0 d) �3 = 1� out of the paper Ans. ©

17. A cylindrical cavity of diameter a axist inside a cylinder of diameter 2a as shown in the figure. Both the
cylinder and cavity are infinitely long. A uniform current density J flows along the length. If the magnitude of
the magnetic field at the point P is given by 12 μ₀ aJ , then the value of N is

a) 2 b) 5 c) 3 d) 6 Ans. (b)

18. The magnitude of the magnetic dipole moment associated with a square shaped loop carrying a steady
current I is m. if this loop is changed to a circular shape with the same current passing through it, the
magnetic dipole moment becomes n(m/π) the value of n is (college lec. 2020)
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 9 (d) 4 Ans. (d)
19. The relation between magnetic field intensity �, magnetic field � and magnetization � is given by
(a) � =− (�� � + �) b) � = �� � − � c) � = �� � + � d) � =− � + �/�� Ans. (d)

20. An infinite solenoid with its axis of symmetry along the z-direction carries a steady current �.The vector
potential � at a distance r from the axis [NET 2014 ]
a) Is constant inside and varies as r outside the solenoid
b) Varies as r inside and is constant outside the solenoid
c) Varies as 1/r inside and as r outside the solenoid
d) Varies as r inside and as 1/r outside the solenoid Ans (d)

21. Given that magnetic flux through the closed loop PQRSP is �. If �
� . �� = �1 along PQR, the value of

� . �� along PSR is

a) �1 b) −�1 c) � − �1 d) �1 − � Ans. (d)

22. The x and z-component of a static magnetic field in a region are �� = �� (�2 − �2 ) and �� = 0,
respectively. Which of the following solutions for its y-component is consistent with the Maxwell equations ?
[NET JUNE 2016]
a) �� = �� �� b) �� =− 2�� �� c) �� =− �� (�2 − �2 ) d) �� = �� ( 3 �3 − ��2 ) Ans (b)

23. An electron moves straight inside a charged parallel plate capacitor of uniform surface charge density σ. The
space between the plates is filled with constant magnetic field of induction �, as shown in the figure.
Neglecting gravity, the time of straight line motion of the electron in the capacitor is

� � �� �� �� �
a) �� ��
b) �� �
c) �
d) �
Ans. ©

24. A charge moved in a combined electric field and magnetic induction. Then, as the charge moves
a) Both the electric field and magnetic induction do work on it
b) The electric field does work but magnetic induction does no work on it
c) magnetic induction does work but the electric field does no work on it
d) Both the electric field and magnetic induction do no work on it Ans. (b)

25. A particle having a charge 20 mC and mass 20 microgram moves along a circle of radius 5 cm under the action
of a magnetic field B = 1T. When the particle is at a point P, a uniform electric field is applied on it and it is
found that the particle continuous on the tangent through P with a uniform velocity. The magnitude of
electric field must be (pol. Tech 2020)
(a) 5 V/m (b) 10V/m (c) 25 V/m (d) 50 V/m Ans. (d)
26. A charged particle moves in a helical path under the influence of a constant magnetic field. The initial velocity
of the particle is such that the component along the magnetic field is twice the component in the plane
normal to the magnetic field. The ratio p/R of the pinch p to the radius R of the helical path is
(college lec. 2020)
(a) π/2 (b) 2π (c) 4π (d) π Ans. (c)

27. A small conducting circular loop is placed inside a long solenoid carrying a current. The plain of loop contains
the axis of solenoid. If the current in the solenoid varied,the current induced in the loop will be
(college lec. 2020)
(a) clockwise (b) anticlockwise (c) zero Ans. ©
(d) clockwise or anticlockwise depending upon whether the current is increased or decreased

28. The magnetic flux through a coil of resistance 5 ohm placed with its plane perpendicular to a uniform
magnetic field varies with time ‘t’ (in seconds) as ϕ = (2t3 + 5t + 7)milliweber. The induced current in the
Coil at t = 5s is (school lec. 2022)
(a) 15.5mA (b) 31mA (c) 155mA (d) zero Ans.(b)

29. A flexible conducting loop is in the shape of a circle with a variable radius ‘r’. The loop is in a uniform magnetic
field perpendicular to the plane of the loop. To sustain a constant EMF ϵ in the loop the radius ‘r’ must vary
with time according to (forensic officer 2019)
(a) r(t) ∝ t (b) r(t) ∝ t (c) r(t) ∝ t2 (d) r(t) ∝ t0 Ans. (a)

30. A thin conducting wire is bent into a circular loop of radius r and placed in a time dependent magnetic field of
magnetic induction � = �� �−�� �, (�� > 0 ��� � > 0), such that, the plane of the loop is perpendicular to
�. Then the induced emf in the loop is [GATE 2001]
2 −�� 2 −��
a) �� ��� � b) �� �� � c) −��2 ��� �−�� d) −��2 �� �−�� Ans. (a)

31. Magnetic field in a region varies with time as � = ��� . which of the following represents induced electric
field in the region
� �
a) 2 ( − �� + ��) b) 2
(�� + ��) c) β� d) ��� Ans. (a)

32. Differential form of maxwell's modification of ampere's law is (school lec. 2022)
∂B ∂D
(a) ∇ × E =− ∂t
(b) ∇ × H = J + ∂t
(c) ∇. B = 0 (d) ∇. D = ρ Ans. (b)

33. A circular parallel plate capacitor of radius a and plate separation d is connected in series with a register R and
switch, initially open to a constant voltage source VO .the switch is closed at t = 0. Assuming that the
charging time of capacitor is very large compared to a/c (c is speed of light) and that d ≪ a , the displacement
current density as a function of time is given by (C is capacity of capacitor) (pol. Tech 2020)
2V V
(a) Jd = πa2OR exp ( − t/RC) (b) Jd = 2πaO2 exp ( − t/RC)
(c) Jd = πa2R exp ( − t/RC) (d) Jd = πa2R exp ( − t/RC) Ans. ©

34. suppose that free charges are present in a material of dielectric constant � = 10 and resistivity � = 1011 � −
�. Using Ohm’s law and the equation of continuity for charge, the time required for the charge density inside
the material to decay by 1/� is closest to
(a) 10−6��� (b) 106 ��� (c) 1012 ��� (d) 10 ��� Ans. (d)

35. If a plane wave of angular frequency ω and propagation vector k propagating in the medium of permittivity
ε and magnetic permeability μ than Maxwell’s equations reduce to [GATE 2010]
                   
(a) K.E  0; k.H  0; k  E  ω ε H; k  H  -ω μ E (b) K.E  0; k.H  0; k  E  ω ε H; k  H  ω μ E
                   
(c) K.E  0; k.H  0; k  E  ω  H; k  H  ω  E (d) K.E  0; k.H  0; k  E  ω  H; k  H  -ω  E
Ans. (d)
  
36. In a region of space it is found that .E  0 but   E  0. Which of the following statements is not true?
(a) The charge density must be zero (b) A displacement current must exist
(c) The divergence of magnetic field must be zero (d) A time-varying magnetic field must exist
Ans (b)
37. An electromagnetic wave of frequency � travels in the x-direction through vacuum.it is polarized in the y-
direction and the amplitude of the electric field is �� . ���ℎ � = �/�, the electric and magnetic fields are then
conventionally given by [JEST]
(a) � = �� cos (�� − ��) � , � = � cos (�� − ��) �
(b) � = �� cos (�� − ��) � , � = �
cos (�� − ��) �
(c) � = �� cos (�� − ��) � , � =

cos (�� − ��) �
(d) � = �� cos (�� − ��) � , � = �
cos (�� − ��) � ans. (b)

38. For an electromagnetic wave travelling in free space the electric field is given by E = 10 cos (108t + kx)j V/
m. which of the following statement is NOT true ? (college lec. 2020)
(a) the wavelength of the wave is 6π metre
(b) the corresponding magnetic field is directed along the negative z-direction
(c) the poynting vector is directed along the positive z-direction
(d) the wave is linearly polarized Ans. (c)
39. A plane electromagnetic wave is propagating ina lossless dielectric . the electric field is given by
� = �� � + �� exp [��� ( − �� + � + 3�)] [NET JUNE 2011]
Where �� A and �� are constants. The relative dielectric constant of the medium �� and the constant A are
(a) �� = 4 , � =− 1/ 3 (b) 4 , 1/ 3 (c) 4 , 3 (d) 4 , − 3 Ans (a)

40. An electromagnetic wave propagating in a nonmagnetic medium with relative permittivity � = 4. The
magnetic field for this wave is � = ��� cos (�� − �� − � 3�) where �� is a constant. The corresponding
electric field � is [NET 2018]
(a) �� �� �( − 3� + �) cos (�� − �� − � 3�)
(b) 4
�� �� �( 3� + �) cos (�� − �� − � 3�)
(c) � � �(
4 � �
3� − �) cos (�� − �� − � 3�)
(d) � � �(
4 � �
− 3� − �) cos (�� − �� − � 3�) Ans. (a)

41. At the interface of two linear dielectric mediums of dielectric constant �1 ��� �2 , the electric field lines
band, as shown in figure. Assume that there is no free charges at the interface. The ratio of �1 ��� �2 is

(a) tan �1/tan �2 b) cos �1 /cos �2 c) sin �1/sin �2 d) cot �1 /cot �2 Ans.(a)

42. Consider the following two statements regarding a linearly polarized plane electromagnetic wave
(1) the electromagnetic field and the magnetic field have equal average values
(2) the electric energy and the magnetic energy have equal average values (college lec. 2020)
(a) both (1) and (2) are true (b) (1) is false but (2) is true
(c) (2) is false but (1) is true (d) both (1) and (2) are false Ans. (a)

43. In an inertial frame uniform electric and magnetic field � and � are perpendicular to each other and satisfy
2 2
� − � = 29(in suitable units). In another inertial frame, which moves at a constant velocity with respect
to the first frame , the magnetic field is 2 5�. In the second frame, an electric field consistent with the previous
observations is [net]
7 7
(a) 2 (� + �) (b) 2 (� + �) (c) 7(� + �) (d) 7(� + �) Ans. (a)

44. An observer in an inertial reference frame finds that at a point P the electric field vanishes but the magnetic
field doesn’t. This implies that in any other inertial frame the electric field � and the magnetic field � satisfy
2 2
(a) � = � (b) �. � = 0 (c) � × � = 0 (d) � = 0 [JEST 2012]

45. The electric field of electromagnetic wave is � = �� [���� �� + �� + �2���(�� + ��)].this represents
(a) a linearly polarized wave travelling in positive z-direction [NET Dem. 2016]
(b) a circularly polarized wave travelling in negative z-direction
(c) an elliptically polarized wave travelling in negative z-direction
(d) an unpolarized wave travelling in positive z-direction Ans. (c)

46. An electric wave of wavelength λ is incident normally on a dielectric slab of thickness t0 . If ϵr is the dielectric
constant of the slab the change in phase of the emergent wave with the case of propagating in absence of the
dielectric slab is (forensic officer 2019)
2πt 2πt
a) ϵr − 1 (b) 2π (c) λ 0 (d) λ 0 ( ϵr − 1) Ans. (d)

47. A clear seat of polaroid is placed on top of a similar sheet so that their polarising axes make an angle of 30
degree with each other. The ratio of the intensity of emerging light to incident unpolarized light is(school lec.
2022/Pol. Tech 2020)
(a) 1: 4 (b) 1: 3 (c) 3: 4 (d) 3: 8 Ans. (d)

48. An monochromatic plane wave at oblique incidence undergoes reflection at a dielectric interface. if
�� , �� ��� � are the unit vectors in the direction of incident wave, reflected wave and the normal to the
surface respectively, which one of the following expressions is correct ? [GATE 2013]
a) (�� − �� ) × � ≠ 0 b) �� − �� . � = 0 c) �� × � . �� = 0 d) �� × � . �� ≠ 0 Ans.(c)

49. In a conducting medium given that ωϵ = 3. Then find phase difference by which magnetic field lags behind
from electric field of EM waves propagating in this medium.
a) 15� b) 30� c) 60� d) 90� Ans. (b)

50. The electric field of EM wave of angular frequency � propagating in a medium with conductivity � ,
permittivity ϵ and permeability �� is given by � = �� exp [ − �(ωt − kx)] where the imaginary part of
the complex propagation constant � is ω μϵ/2 multiplied by the factor [TIFR]
1 1/2
1 1/2
� � 2
a) 1+ ωϵ
+1 c) 1 + ωϵ +1

1 1/2 1 1/2
� 2 2 � 2 2
b) 1+
−1 d) 1+
+1 Ans. (b)
51. The electric and magnetic field � ��� �, respectively corresponding to the scalar potential � = 0 and vector
potential � = ��� are [GATE 2012]
a) � = �� ��� � =− �� c) � = �� ��� � = ��
b) � =− �� ��� � =− �� d) � =− �� ��� � = �� Ans. (d)

52. If the vector potential A = αxi + 2yj − 3zk , satisfies the coulomb gauge, the value of constant α is (college
lec. 2020)
(a) 1/2 (b) 1 (c) 3/2 (d) 2/3 Ans. (b)

53. An electron is executing simple harmonic motion along the y-axis is right handed co-ordinate system. Which
of the following statement is true for emitted radiation? [ JEST 2014] ans.(a)
a) the radiation will be most intense in xz plane c) the radiation will be most intense in xy plane
b) the radiation will violet causality d)the electrons rest mass energy will reduce due to radiation loss

54. Power radiated by an accelerating point charge q is

�� �2�2 �� �2 �4 �� �2 � �� �2 �3
a) 6��
b) 6��
c) 6��
d) 6��
Ans. (a)

55. An electron is decelerated at a constant rate ‘a’ from a non relativistic initial velocity u to u/2. The amount of
energy radiated during the process is (other symbols have their usual meanings) (college lec. 2020)
ϵo e2 au μo e2au μo e2 au ϵo e2 au
(a) 12πc
(b) 6πc
(c) 12πc
(d) 6πc
Ans. ©

56. Three plane waves are given as y 1  A 1 ŷ.cos kx  ωt  δ 1 , y 2  A 2 ẑcos kx  ωt  δ 2 
y 3  A 3 ŷcoskx  ωt  δ 3 , where δ1 , δ 2 , δ 3 and A 1 , A 2 , A 3 are constants. If these waves are superposed pairwise,
which superposition will lead to interference?
(a) y 1and y 2 (b) y 2 and y 3 (c) y1and y 3 (d) No interference in any pair
Ans. (c)

57. In a Young’s double slit experiment using light, the apparatus has two slits of unequal widths. When only slit
first is open , the maximum observed intensity on the screen is 4�� . When only slit-2 is open, the maximum
observed intensity is �� . when both the slits are open, an interference pattern appears on the screen. The
ratio of the intensity of the principal maximum to that of nearest minimum is ………..
[Gate 2016] Ans. = 9

58. An Electromagnetic wave of angular frequency ω propagate in dilute plasma. The free electron concentration
in plasma is equals to nO . Neglecting the interaction of the wave and plasma ions, the frequency dependence
of Plasma permittivity is best given as(pol. Tech 2020)
nO e2 nO e2 nO e2 nO e2
(a) ϵ = 1 − ϵ (b) ϵ = 1 + ϵ (c) ϵ = 1 + ϵ mω2
(d) ϵ = 1 − ϵ 2
O mω O mω O O mω
Ans. (d)

59. For the light waves travelling in a medium of refractive index n the expression for group velocity is (c is the
speed of light in free space) (forensic officer 2019)
c λc dn c λc dn
(a) Vg = n + n dλ (b) Vg = n + n2 dλ
c dn λc dn
(c) Vg = + nλc
n dλ
(d) Vg = nc + n dλ
Ans. (b)

60. In a single slit diffraction experiment first minimum for red light (6600 �) coinside with the first maximum of
some other wavelength λ.the value of λ is
(a) 3300� (B) 4400� (C) 2200� (D) 9900�
Ans. (B)

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