UACE Physics Paper 1 2009 Guide

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UACE Physics paper 1 2009 guide Time 2½ marks

Instructions the candidates:

Answer five questions, including at least one, but not more than two from each sections A, Band C.

Any additional question(s) answered will not be marked.

Non programmable scientific calculators may be used.

Assume where necessary

Acceleration due to gravity, g 9.81ms-2

Electron charge, e 1.6 x10-19C

Electron mass 9.11 x 10-31kg

Mass of the earth 5.97 x 1024kg

Plank’s constant, h 6.6 x 10-34Js

Stefan’s-Boltzmann’s constant, σ 5.67 x 10-8Wm-2K-1

Radius of the earth 6.4 x 106m

Radius of the sun 7 x 108m

Radius of the earth’s orbit about the sun 1.5 x 1011m

Speed of light in the vacuum, c 3.0 x 108ms-1

Thermal conductivity of copper 390Wm-1K-1

Thermal conductivity of aluminium 210Wm-1K-1

Specific heat capacity of water 4.200Jkg-1K-1

Universal gravitational constant 6.67 x 10-11Nm2Kg-2

Avogadro’s number, NA 6.02 x 1023mol-1

Surface tension of water 7.0 x 10-2Nm-1

Density of water 1000kgm-3

Gas constant, R 8.31Jmol-1K-1

Charge to mass ratio, e/m 1.8 x 1011Ckg-1

The constant, 9.0 x 109F-1m

Faraday’s constant, F 9.65 x 104Cmol-1


1. (a) (i) Define the term impulse (01mark)

Impulse is the product of force and time for which the force acts.
(ii) State Newton’s laws of motion (03marks)

- A body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless acted
upon by an external force
- The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to applied force and
takes place in the direction of the force
- For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

(b) A bullet of mass 10g travelling horizontally at a speed of 100ms-1 strikes a block of wood
of mass 900g suspended by a light vertical string and is emended in the block which
subsequently swings freely. Find the
(i) vertical height through which the block rises. (04marks)
From mu =(m + M)v
10 x 10-3 x 100 = (10 x 10-3 + 900 x 10-3)v
v = 1.1ms-1
Using v2 = u2 + 2as
0 = 1.12 – 2gh
h = 6.2 x 10-2m
(ii) Kinetic energy lost by the bullet (03marks)
K.E lost = K.E before collision – K.E after collision
1 1
= 𝑥 10𝑥 10−3 𝑥 1002 − 𝑥 910 𝑥 10−3 𝑥 1.12 =49.45J
2 2
(c) Explain the terms time of flight and range as applied to projectile motion. (02marks)
- Time of flight is the time taken by the projectile to move from the point of
projection to the point where it lands on a plane through the point of projection.
- Range is the horizontal distance from the point of projection to appoint where the
projectile lands along the plane through the point of projection.

(d) A stone is projected at an angle of 200 in horizontal and just clears a wall which is 10m
high and 30m from the point of projection. Find the
(i) speed of projection. (04marks)

𝑔𝑥 2 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝛼
Using y= xtanα +
9.81 𝑥 302 sec 200
10 = 30tan200 -
u = 71.5ms

(ii) Angle which the stone makes with the horizontal as it clears the wall. (03marks)
ux = 71.5cos 20 = 67.188ms-1
uy = 71.5sin20 – 9.81 x = 20.07ms-1
tan θ =
θ = 16.60
2. (a) Define the following terms
(i) Velocity
Velocity is the rate of change of displacement with time
(ii) Moment of a force
Moment of force is the product of the force and perpendicular distance from the
point to the point of action of the force.

(b) (i) A ball is projected vertically up wards with a speed of 50ms-2.on return it passes a
point of projection, and falls and falls 78m below. Calculate the total time taken.
From s = ut + 𝑎𝑡 2
-78 = 50t - 𝑥 9.81 𝑥 𝑡 2 ; t = 11.57s

(ii) State energy changes that occurred during the motion of the ball in (b)(i) above.

K.E →P.E + K.E → P.E → P.E + K.E → K.E → sound + heat

(c) (i) State the conditions required for mechanical equilibrium to be attained. (02marks)

The algebraic sum of moments of all forces about a point is zero

(ii) A uniform ladder of mass 40kg length 5m, rests with its upper end against a smooth
vertical wall and with its lower end at 3m from the wall on a rough ground. Find the
magnitude and direction of the force exerted at the bottom of the ladder. (06marks)

Rcosθ= 40g …………………. (i)

Taking moments about A

4Rsinθ = 40g x

Rsinθ = 15g…………………… (ii)

By squaring Eqn. (i) and Eqn. (ii) and adding them;

R2Cos2θ + R2sin2θ = 1600g2 + 225g2

R = 42.72g = 42.72 x 9.81 = 420N

Eqn. (ii) ÷ Eqn. (i)

tan θ = = 0.375

θ = 20.60

∴ the force at the bottom = 420N at an angle 20.60 to the vertical

(d) State four instances where increasing friction is useful. (02marks)

- Walking
- Sharpening of blades
- Lighting a match
- Braking of vehicles.

3. (a) What is meant by simple harmonic motion? (01mark)

Simple harmonic motion is a motion whose acceleration is directly proportional to the
displacement from a fixed point and is directed towards the fixed point.

(b) A cylindrical vessel of cross-section area A, contains air of volume V, at pressure, P,

trapped by frictionless air tight piston of mass, M. the piston is pushed down and

(i) If the piston oscillates with simple harmonic motion, show that its frequency, f, is given
𝑓= √ (06marks)
2𝜋 𝑀𝑉

P = ; F = PA = mg where m = mass of the piston pushed through a small distance, dx.
Restoring force, Fr = (P2A – mg)
=> -(P2A – mg) = ma
- (P2A – PA) = ma ……………….. (i)
From Boyles’s law
P1V1 = P2V2 = PV
=> P2(V-Ax) = PV
P2 =
𝑉 𝐴𝑥
∴ -PA( − 1) = -PA( ) = ma
𝑉−𝐴𝑥 𝑉−𝐴𝑥

𝑃𝐴2 𝑥 𝑃𝐴2
For small x; ma = -( ) => a = -( ) 𝑥;
𝑉 𝑚𝑉
Compare with a = -ω2x for S.H.M
 ω2 = ( ) => ω = √ = 2πf
𝑚𝑉 𝑚𝑉
 f= √
2𝜋 𝑚𝑉
(ii) Show that the expression for f, in (b)(i) is dimensionally correct. (03marks)
[𝑓] = [ √ ]
2𝜋 𝑚𝑉

[L.H.S] = T-1
𝐿4 𝑀𝐿−1 𝑇 −2
[R.H.S] = √ = T-1
[L.H.S] = [R.H.S]
Hence the equation is dimensionally correct

(c) A particle executing simple harmonic motion vibrates in a straight line. Given that the
speeds of the particle are 4ms-1 and 2ms-1 when the particle is 3cm and 6cm
respectively from the equilibrium, calculate the

(i) amplitude of oscillation. (03marks)

From V2 = ω2(a2 – x2)

16 = ω2(a2 – (3 x 10-2)2) ………………… (i)

4 = ω2(a2 – (6 x 10-2)2) ………………… (ii)

From equations (i) and (i)

a = 6.7cm

ω = 66.67rads-1

(ii) frequency of the particle. (03marks)

From ω = 2πf
f= = 10.6s-1

(d) Give two examples of oscillatory motion which approximate to simple harmonic motion
and state the assumption made in each case. (04marks)

- Swing of a suspended pendulum bod

- Vibration of a loaded spring
4. (a) (i) State Archimedes’ Principle. (01mark)
Archimedes’ Principle states that when an object is wholly or partially immersed in a
fluid, it experiences an up thrust equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.

(ii) Use Archimedes’ Principle to derive an expression for resultant force on a body of
weight, W, and density, σ, totally immersed in a fluid of density, ρ. (04marks)

Up thrust (U) = weight of fluid displaced

= mg
= Vρg
Resultant force Fr = W – Vρg but V =

𝑊𝜌𝑔 𝜌
∴ 𝐹𝑟 = 𝑊 − = 𝑊 (1 − )
𝜎𝑔 𝜎

(b) A tube of uniform cross sectional area of 4 x 10-3m2 and mass 0.2kg is separately floated
vertically in water of density 1.0 x 103kgm-3 and in oil of density 8.0 x 102kgm-3. Calculate
the difference in the lengths immersed (04marks)

m = PV = ρAL
𝑚 0.2
For water, Lw = = = 0.05𝑚
𝐴𝜌 1000 𝑥 4 𝑥 10−3

𝑚 0.2
For oil, Lo = = = 0.0625𝑚
𝐴𝜌 800 𝑥 4 𝑥 10−3

Difference in length = 0.0625 – 0.05 = 0.0125m

(c) (i) Define surface tension in terms of work (01mark)

Surface tension is the work done to increase the surface area of a liquid under
isothermal conditions.

(ii) Use the molecular theory to account for surface tension of a liquid. (04marks)

- Liquid molecules attract each other.

- The molecules within the body of the liquid (bulk) molecules is attracted
equally by neighbors in all direction, hence, the force on the bulk
molecules is zero,
- For a surface molecules, there is a net inward force because there are no
molecules above the surface to attract them equally.

- To the surface, work must be done against the inward attractive force,
hence, a molecule in the surface of a liquid has a greater potential energy
than a molecule in the bulk. The potential energy stored inmolecules at the
surface is called free surface energy or surface tension.

- Due to the attractive forces experienced by surface molecules due to their

neighbours put in a state of tension; the liquid surface behave as a stretched

(iii) Explain the effect of increasing temperature of a liquid on its surface tension.

When a liquid is heated, the average kinetic energy of its molecules increase. So the
intermolecular of attraction decrease because molecules spend less time in the
neighbourhood of a given molecule. At the same time, more molecule enter the liquid
surface which lowers the potential energy of the surface thereby lowering the surface
(iv) Calculate the excess pressure inside a soap bubble of diameter 3.0cm if the surface
tension of the soap solution is 2.5 x 10-2Nm-1. (02marks)
4𝛾 4 𝑥 2.5 𝑥 10−2
Excess pressure = = = 6.67Pa
𝑟 1.5 𝑥 10−2


5. (a) (i) Define the term thermometric property. (01mark)

Thermometric property is a physical property that vary uniformly and continuously with
(i) State two thermometric properties. (01mark)
- Volume of constant mass of a gas at constant pressure
- Pressure of a gas at constant volume
- Electrical resistance of a platinum wire
- e.m.f of a thermocouple
(ii) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe how the room temperature can be
measured using uncalibrated resistance thermometer. (06marks)

- Place the resistance thermometer in a funnel with crushed ice and leave it for some
- Close the switch and obtain a balance point by adjusting the resistance box,
- Determine the resistance R0 at 00C from 𝑅0 = ( 1 ) 𝑅
- Transfer the resistance thermometer a beaker containing boiling water and after
some time, determine resistance R100.
- Place the resistance thermometer in water at room temperature and determine
resistance Rθ.
𝑅𝜃 − 𝑅0
- Temperature of the room temperature, θ = ( ) 𝑥 1000 𝐶
𝑅100 − 𝑅0

(b) (i) Define specific heat capacity of a substance. (01mark)

Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1kg mass of
a substance by 1K of 10C.

(ii) Hot water at 850C and cold water 100C are ran into a bath at a rate of 3.0 x 10-2m3min-1
and V, respectively. At the point of filling the bath, the temperature of the mixture of
water 400C. Calculate the time taken to fill the bath is its capacity is 1.5m3.
VρtC(40 – 10) = 3.0 x 10-2ρtC(85 -40)

30V = 3.0 x 10-2 x 45

V = 4.5 x 10-2m3min-1

At time of filling; total volume = volume of hot water + volume of cold water.

1.5 = 4.5 x 10-2 x t + 3.0 x 10-2 x t

Time, t = 20minutes.

(c) The specific latent heat of fusion of a substance is significantly different from its specific
latent heat of vaporization at the same pressure. Explain how the difference arises.

During evaporation, more energy is need to break intermolecular forces of attraction to

form a gas and work done is done against atmospheric pressure by the expanding gas.

During fusion, energy is supplied to weaken the molecular bonds in solids accompanied by a
small increase in volume. This implies negligible work done against atmospheric pressure.

(d) Explain in terms of specific heat capacity why water is used in a car radiator other than
any other liquid. (02mark)

Water has very high specific heat capacity, hence high amount of heat lead to small increase
in temperature of water compared to the change in temperatures in equal masses other
liquids with low specific heat capacities.

6. (a) (i) state Boyles law. (01mark)

Boyle’s law states that the pressure of a fixed mass of a gas at constant temperature is
inversely proportional to the volume of the gas.
(ii) Describe an experiment that can be used to verify Boyles’ law. (06marks)

- air in the closed limb of a U-tube barometer as shown above

- mercury is poured to a height, h, and the length of the air column, L is noted.
- the length h is varied to obtain different sets of values of h and L
- Pressure of the gas is calculated from P = (H + h)ρg where H= height of barometer
corresponding to atmospheric pressure, ρ = density of mercury, g = acceleration due
to gravity. Note that h can be positive or negative.
- If A is the cross section area, V =AL
- Values of h, L, P, V and 1/V are tabulated
- A plot of P against 1/V gives a straight line through the origin which verifies Boyle’s

(b) Explain the following observations using the kinetic theory.

(i) A gas fills any container in which is it placed and exerts pressure on its walls. (03marks)

A gas contains molecules with negligible intermolecular forces and free to move in all
directions. As they move, they collide with each other and with the walls of the container.
The unrestricted movements make them to fill the available space and collisions with the
walls contributes to the pressure exerted on the wall.

(ii) The pressure of a fixed mass of a gas rises when temperature is increased at constant
volume. (02 marks)
When the temperature of a gas increases, the kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases.
This increases the frequency and force of collision against the wall leading to increase in
(c) (i) What is meant by a reversible process. (01marks)
A reversible process in one that takes place in reverse direction through the same values of
pressure, volume and temperature in small changes or steps.
(ii) State the conditions necessary for isothermal and adiabatic processes to occur,
Isothermal process occurs at constant temperature and therefore the gas must be enclosed
in thin walled container placed in a temperature reservoir and occurs slowly.
Adiabatic process requires no heat input or out and therefore should occur rapidly in well
insulated container like a thermos flask.
(d) A mass of an ideal gas of volume 200cm3 at 144K expands adiabatically to a temperature
of 137K. Calculate its new volume. (Take γ =1.40)
𝛾−1 𝛾−1
𝑇1 𝑉1 = 𝑇2 𝑉2
𝛾= = 1.40
 144(200)1.4−1 = 137(𝑉)1.4−1
V = 226.5cm3

7. (a) Define thermal conductivity. (01mark)

Thermal conductivity is the rate of heat flow per unit area per unit temperature gradient.
(b)(i) Explain the mechanism of thermal conduction in nonmetallic solids. (03marks)

In solids the atoms are loosely packed and have strong intermolecular forces as they vibrate
within a fixed lattice. When one end is heated, the atoms vibrate with bigger amplitudes,
collide with the neighboring atoms and lose their vibration energy to them. These also
vibrate more vigorously and collide and lose their vibration energy to them. In this way, heat
is propagated throughout the solids.

(ii) Why are metal better thermal conductors than nonmetallic solids? (02marks)

In metals there are free electrons which gain kinetic energy when heat and move faster and
for a longer distance to pass over their energy to other atoms they collide with. This occurs
in addition to the transfer of heat by vibrating atoms as it occurs in nonmetallic solids.
(c) With the aid of a diagram, describe an experiment to determine the thermal conductivity
of a poor conductor. (06marks)

- Glass s cut in form of a thin disc of cross section area, A and thickness, x.
- The disc is sandwiched between a steam chest and brass slab of mass, m and specific
heat capacity, c.
- Steam is passed through the chest until the thermometers register steady
temperatures, θ1 and θ2.
𝜃 𝜃2 − 𝜃1
- Then, = 𝑘𝐴 ( )
𝑡 𝑥
- The glass disc is removed and brass slab is heated directly by steam chest, until its
temperature is about 100C above θ1.
- Steam chest is removes and the top of the glass slab is covered by the glass disc.
- The temperature of the slab is recorded at suitable time interval until its
temperature is about 100C below θ1.
- A graph of temperature against time is plotted and its slope s determined at θ1
= 𝑚𝑐𝑠
𝜃2 − 𝜃1
∴ 𝑘𝐴 ( ) = 𝑚𝑐𝑠
𝑚𝑐𝑠𝑥 𝜋𝐷2
𝑘= but A =
𝐴(𝜃2 − 𝜃1 ) 4
𝜋𝐷2 (𝜃2 − 𝜃1 )

(d) (i) What is meant by a black body? (01mark)

A black body is one that absorbs all incident radiations on it, transmits and reflects none.

(ii) Sketch curves showing the spectral distribution of energy radiated by a black body at
three different temperatures. (02marks)
(iii) Describe the main features of the curves you have drawn in (d)(ii) (02marks)

- For every wave length, relative intensity increases as temperature is increased.

- The wavelength at which maximum intensity occur shifts to the shorter wavelength
as temperature is increased.
-  max is the wavelength of radiation emitted at maximum intensity/emission of a
black body at a particular temperature.

(e) A small blackened solid copper sphere of radius 2cm is placed in an evacuated enclosure
whose wall are kept at 1000C. Find the rate at which energy must be supplied to the
sphere to keep its temperature at 1270C. (03marks)

P =σA(𝑇24 − 𝑇14 )

= σ4πr2(𝑇24 − 𝑇14 )

= 5.67 x 10-8 x 4π (2 x 10-2)2(4004 – 3724)

= 1.78W


8. (a) State four differences between cathode rays and positive rays (02marks)
Cathode ray Positive ray
Negatively charged Positively charged
Produce X-rays on striking matter Do not produce x-ray on striking matter
Deflected towards anode and north Deflected towards cathode and south
pole of the magnet pole of the magnet

(b) An electron having energy of 4.5 x 102eV moves at right angles to a uniform magnetic field
of flux density 1.5 x 10-3T. Find the

(i) radius of the path followed by the electron. (04marks)

𝑚𝑒 𝑣 2 = 𝑒𝑉


𝑚𝑒 𝑢2 𝑚𝑒 𝑢
𝐵𝑒𝑢 = => r =
𝑟 𝑒𝐵

1 2𝑚𝑒 𝑉 𝑒
𝑟= √ but = 1.8 𝑥 1011
𝐵 𝑒 𝑚𝑒

1 2 𝑥 450
∴r = √ = 4.71 x 10-2m
1.5 𝑥 10−3 1.8 𝑥 1011

(ii) period of the motion. (03marks)

2𝜋𝑟 𝑚𝑒 1 1 1
T= = 2𝜋𝑟√ = 2π x 4.71 x 10-2√ 𝑥 𝑥 = 2.32 x 10-8s
𝑢 2𝑒𝑉 2 1.8 𝑥 1011 450

(c) (i) Define the term Avogadro constant and Faraday constant (02marks)
Avogadro constant is the number of atoms or molecules in one mole of a substance.

Faraday’s constant is the quantity of charge required to deposit one mole of a monovalent

(ii) Use the Avogadro constant and Faraday constants to calculate the charge on anion of
monatomic element. (03marks)
𝐹 96500
Charge = = = 1.6 x 10-19C
𝑁𝐴 6.02 𝑥 1023

(d) Explain the meaning of the following terms as applied to a Geiger-Muller tube.

(i) threshold potential difference (02marks)

Threshold p.d is the minimum p.d below which no pulse can be detected. This is because
there is no sufficient gas amplification.

(ii) Dead time (02marks)

Dead time is the time ions take to travel towards the cathode before the electric field at the
cathode returns to level large enough for an avalanche to start. Ionizing particles arriving
within this time will not be detected.

(iii) A quenching agent (02marks)

A quenching agent is a gas or vapour inside a Geiger-Muller tube to ensure that only one
pulse is produced by each ionizing particle that enter the tube. It slows down the positive
ions and prevent further ionization.

9. (a) State the laws of photoelectric effect (04marks)

- The time lag between irradiation of the metal surface and emission of the electrons by the
metal surface is negligible.
- For a given metal, surface there is a minimum value of frequency of radiation called
threshold frequency (f0) below which no photo electrons are emitted from the metal
however intense the incident radiation may be.
- The number of photoelectrons emitted from the surface per second is directly proportional
to the intensity of incident radiation for a particular incident frequency
- The K.E of the photoelectrons emitted is independent of the intensity of the incident
radiation but depends only on its frequency

(b) Describe an experiment to determine the stopping potential of a metal surface. (05 marks)
- An evacuated electric cell X that has inside it a photo-emissive metal cathode, C of large
surface area and an anode A for collecting the electron produced
- A is made negative in potential relative to C.
- The photoelectrons emitted from C when illuminated with a suitable beam experience a
retarding potential.
- The p.d V is increased negatively until the current become zero and the stopping
potential Vs is noted from the voltmeter.

(c) A 100mW beam of light of wavelength 4.0 x 10-7m falls on caesium surface of a photocell.

(i) How many photons strike the caesium surface per second? (03marks)
𝑛ℎ𝑐 𝑃𝜆 100 𝑥 10−3 𝑥 4.0 𝑥 10−7
P= => n = = = 2.02 x 1017
𝜆 ℎ𝑐 6.6 𝑥 10−34 𝑥 3.0 𝑥 108

(ii) If 65% of the photons emit photoelectrons, find the resulting photocurrent. (03marks)
65% of n = 𝑥 2.02 𝑥 1017
I = ne = 𝑥 2.02 𝑥 1017 𝑥 1.6 𝑥 10−19 = 2.1 x 10-2A

(iii) Calculate the kinetic energy of each photon if the work function of caesium is 2.20eV.
hf = wo + 𝑚𝑣 2

6.6 𝑥 10−34 𝑥 3.0 𝑥 108

K.E = − 2.2 𝑥 1.6 𝑥 10−19 = 1.43 x 10-19J
4 𝑥 10−7

(d) Distinguish between continuous and line spectra in an X-ray tube. (02marks)

Continuous spectrum is produced by multiple collision of electrons with target atoms.

Line spectrum is a result of electron transition from higher to lower energy levels.

10. (a) (i) Explain the observation made in the Rutherford α-particle scattering experiment.
- Most alpha particle passed through metal foil undeflected. This is because most space
in an atom is empty.
- A few alpha particles are deflected through small angles less than 900. This is because
the positive alpha particle are repelled by the positive nucleus of the gold atom.
- Very few particles are scattered through large angle greater than 900. This is because
the chances of head-on collision are very minimal. This implies the nucleus occupies a
small portion of the available space.

(ii) Why is a vacuum necessary in this experiment? (01mark)

- To enable the alpha particle to reach the detector.

(b) Distinguish between excitation and ionization energies of an atom. (02marks)

- Excitation energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in its
ground state to a higher energy level.
- Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in its
ground state that is completely lost
(c) Draw a labelled diagram showing the main components of an X-ray tube (03marks)

(d) An X-ray tube is operated at 50kV and 20mA. If 1% of the total energy supplied is emitted as
X-radiation, calculate the

(i) maximum frequency of emitted radiation (03marks)

eV = hfmax

1.6 x 10-19 x 50 x 103 = 6.6 x 10-34 x fmax

fmax = 1.21 x 1019Hz

(ii) rate at which heat must be removed from the target in order to keep it at a steady
temperature. (03marks)

Power supplied = IV = 20 x 10-3 x 50 x 103 = 1000W

Power converted to heat and removed = 𝑥 1000 = 990𝑊

(e) A beam of X-ray of wavelength 0.2nm is incident on a crystal at glancing angle 300. If the
interplanar separation is 0.20nm, find the order of diffraction. (02marks)

2dsinθ = nλ

2 x 2 x 10-10sin30 = n x 10-10


Compiled by Dr. Bbosa Science

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