The Mystery of Light - The Life and Teaching of Omraam - Feuerstein, Georg - 1994 - Salt Lake City - Passage Press - 9781878423146 - Anna's Archive
The Mystery of Light - The Life and Teaching of Omraam - Feuerstein, Georg - 1994 - Salt Lake City - Passage Press - 9781878423146 - Anna's Archive
The Mystery of Light - The Life and Teaching of Omraam - Feuerstein, Georg - 1994 - Salt Lake City - Passage Press - 9781878423146 - Anna's Archive
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Other Passage Press Books by David Frawley
A Comprehensive Guide
The Worship of the Goddess
by David Frawley
Passage Press
Salt Lake City Utah
Passage Press is a division of Morson Publishing
Morson Publishing
P.O. Box 21713
Salt Lake City, Utah 84121-0713
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Published 1992
ISBN 1-878423-14-2
Foreword by V. Ganesan
PARTI: The Way of Discrimination
The Search for Enlightenment 7,
The Myth of Mental Knowledge 2k
The Culture of Illusion et)
Demystifying the Mind 32
The Process of Inquiry 31
Mind as Matter 40
Matter and the Unconscious 43
The Origin of the Mind 49
Sie Human Nature and Intelligence 53
Evolution and Transformation I Du
Evolution and Transformation II 60
Spirit, Matter and Nature 64
Matter, Energy and Mind 67
The Sacred and the Profane 70
Discovery of the Divine iP}
eS Bo
=ee The True Basis of Culture 84
PART II: The Challenges of Awareness
Action and Transformation 95
Addiction and Thought oT
The Alchemy of Perception 99
Being 101
Beyond Self-Illusion 103
The Burden of Memory 105
Can One Live Without Thought? 107
Channeling and Meditation 109
Pp Conscious Will 111
10. The Consumer and the Consumed 113
11. The Creative State 114
12. Direct and Indirect Knowledge 115
13. Discrimination Between Subject and Object 117
14. The Eternal 119
15. Fear and the Unknown 120
16. The Flame of Awareness 121
17. The Fundamental Question 123
18. The Influx of Matter into Mind 125
19. Karma 127
20. Kundalini 129
21. Limitation and the Unlimited 130
22. Mantra 131
23. Meditation and the Unconscious 133
24. The Message of Anxiety 135
25. Opposition and Understanding 137
26. The Pain of Consciousness 139
27. Positive Thinking or Negation of Thought? 141
28. Power and Energy 143
29. Pranayama 145
30. Presence and the Present Moment 146
31. Purity of Mind and Going Beyond the Mind 147
32. Pursuit of Security 149
33. Reality and Appearance 151
34. The Religion of Truth 153
35. Renunciation 154
36. The Role of the Guru 156
37. Self-Integration and the Abandonment of the Self 158
38. Sensation, Emotion and Thought 159
39. Service 160
40. Suffering and Awakening 161
41, Thought and Conflict 162
42. The True Self 164
43. The Universal Religion 166
44, The Waters of Life 167
— Contents —
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David Frawley has long been known to our readers as a writer of great
knowledge and profound insight into the teachings of our Hindu tradition
and their practical application in the pursuit of Self-realization. With his
command of the Sanskrit language and personal experience over years of
spiritual practice, Mr. Frawley has demonstrated his apprehension of deep
spiritual truths in his many books and articles, much to the benefit of the
earnest seeker.
In Beyond the Mind he has departed somewhat from his usual schol-
arly approach to share with a more wide-spread audience the benefit of
his reflections and insights. Drawing upon the teachings of such greater
Masters as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, J. Krishnamurti and Swami
Vivekananda, and such schools of thought as Advaita Vedanta, Sankhya,
Zen, Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism, Mr. Frawley has synthesized
the fundamental truths at the heart of all teachings pad placed his findings
before the reader as a unified whole.
In many ways Beyond the Mind reflects Mr. Frawley’s own search,
and the various chapters are meditations or contemplations on the eternal
verities rather than scholarly expositions on the writers and writings he
has studied in the course of that search. Yet each sage has left an indelible
print on the author’s mind, as can be seen from the chapter in Part II
entitled “The Fundamental Question,” where Mr. Frawley points out the
central-most core of all teachings, the enquiry into the source of one’s
own being, our “I,” as taught by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. This
vital theme recurs throughout the book, often interwoven with the com-
plementary teachings of J. Krishnamurti. Each “meditation” bears careful
study and thought on the part of the reader, while application of the fruits
of such contemplation will certainly lead the reader forward on his or her
own Path, whatever it may be.
In the words of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharashi, all Paths and
practices converge upon the same Goal, just as the one “fundamental”
question is the last to be answered, while at the same time being the very
Goal itself: “Who am I?” “Who is meditating, practicing, questioning,
‘doing’?” When this is found, all is found and, as Mr. Frawley reiterates
throughout the book, when this is found, paradoxically, All is found, and
10 — Beyond the Mind —
oneself, into the One
when All is found, “All” disappears, together with
that lies beyond the realm of mind, though t or words.
Editor, The Mountain Path
Sri Ramanasramam
Tiruvannamalai, South India
April 17, 1992
all name, form, number, quantity and system apply only to the outer, the
unreal and superficial side of life — and as long as we believe in these
things as reality we live in illusion. This science of consciousness is the
sense of the Atman or Purusha, the true conscious subject who is one with
all, in whom we discover our inherent ability to transcend all mechanism
and predetermination. It is not so much a tradition as the continuity of the
awareness of the eternal that is beyond all time, karma, image or identity.
As such it is the science of meditation, which is the essence of the
practice of Yoga. Yoga implies a dual movement, not only uniting with
the real, but also dis-identifying with the unreal. In fact as the real is always
there, the real action of yoga is not in uniting with truth but removing us
from falsehood.
In the course of my spiritual studies it became clear that the true
knowledge behind all the original traditions is eternal and universal and
that it alone has the power to deliver us from our present human crisis.
However, many of us today cannot perceive the inner meaning of ancient
or Oriental teachings, which are often veiled in mantra, symbol or
philosophical terminology. Nor can many of us today understand the older
languages like Sanskrit wherein these views are best explained. Yet many
of us do have the intelligence to grasp these insights if they are presented
in understandable terms. For this purpose the present book evolved and
because of this need it avoids the use of Sanskrit terms or traditional
references. These I have dealt with in my other works.
While we may relate this science of consciousness to particular
traditional formulations, it must be understood that what is really aimed
at is the direct perception of the reality that is beyond thought and
formulation. How we may relate this to time, place, person and culture is
only secondary.
I have used some terms of the older Western spirituality, like the
sacred and the profane, though these should be understood in another
sense than that to which they have been reduced by organized religion
and its stereotyped thinking. I have attempted to restore these terms to
their original meaning in order to link us up with the great stream of human
thought and awareness that was projected through them in ancient times.
The book is divided into two sections. The first section examines the
issue of thought and the mind in a comprehensive manner. The second
section deals with specific topics, usually of one or two pages. The first
section therefore deals more with the background issues of our life. The
second section shows how to deal with them on a practical level. Books
of this sort are not meant for quick, casual or cursive reading. They are
meant to be approached slowly and meditated upon carefully. There is a
— Preface — 13
certain circularity to their logic because their central point is simple and
allows no departure from it into the extraneous.
This book is a substantial revision of the Indian publication of the
same name, Beyond the Mind (Indian Books Centre 1984), which was
first written in 1981-1983. A number of people have gone over the book
to some degree through the years and have contributed various comments
and reviews, and I wish to express my appreciation for their help. The
book is dedicated to the teachers and teachings mentioned above, who are
responsible for stimulating these inquiries in my own life, most specific-
ally Ramana Maharshi, J. Krishnamurti and Swami Rama Tirtha, who
have been the most instrumental in this regard.
As a personal note, this book was like a sculpture, like carving a stone
into a statue. There is perhaps more in what has not been said, and could
not be said, than in what has been set forth. Much more has been hewn
off and left behind than has remained.
Santa Fe, N.M.
September 1991
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can bring it about. Nor is the spiritual work another type of enjoyment,
curiosity or fascinating experience. It requires that we patiently expose
the ignorance at the root of our mental process.
The spiritual work, which is meditation, requires that we give up all
illusions about ourselves and what we know and can do. It requires
actually draining the marsh land of the unconscious by no longer accept-
ing the rule of thought and its mechanical reactions as legitimate. For this
it is necessary that we see our impulses for what they are — external
influences to which we allow ourselves to succumb through lack of
attention. It requires, to use the language of ancient mythology, that we
slay the dragon — that we master the serpentine energy of the habitual
thought process which arises from the separate self. We have to break
open the heavy rock of the conditioned mind and ego and release the Sun
of Truth imprisoned within it.
The only way to discover what is truly spiritual, beneficent and real
is to dissolve the mind, which is a mechanism of matter. This means seeing
the mind for what it is — nota true intelligence but a subconscious process
into which we fall when we fail life’s challenge to be aware. The mind is
our bondage to the past, which is matter, time and death, the rigidity of
that which is no more, through which no real transformation can be
possible. The mind functions as a veil on our perception of truth, and until
that veil is lifted we cannot know the real.
To understand the mind we must examine the entire nature and
structure of our thinking process, not as an intellectual exercise but as part
of the process of meditation. This requires that we no longer follow the
current of our thoughts but trace it back to its source in consciousness
Apart from thought there is no entity that can be called the mind. The
mind is a bundle of thoughts, which themsclves are often confused and in
conflict with each other. When the mind is no longer fed with distracted
thought it naturally ceases, and with its passing all of our problems,
individual and collective, also come to an end. ;
Real awareness, the consciousness of being, is not of the mind and
has no limits or boundaries, nor can it in any way be possessed. Real
awareness comes into being through the capacity to objectively observe
our thoughts. It has a substance and energy that no idea can ever reach, in
which there is spontaneous peace and liberation.
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20 — Beyond the Mind —
There are two forces in the universe — the knowledge and the igno-
rance. The ignorance is thought which disperses the light of consciousness
into the external world, wherein we lose our true being. This ignorance is
the belief in an external reality, a bodily identity and a separate self.
The knowledge is the inner light which reveals the self-sufficient
reality of being. We all sense this deeper knowledge in our intrinsic
yearning for the eternal, the pure and the real. True knowledge is self-
knowledge, or self-awareness, which is not self-consciousness or personal
identity, but the perception of all the universe as abiding within the heart.
We must learn to move from the ignorance to the knowledge, which,
to use an ancient Vedic prayer, is to move from non-being to being, from
darkness to light, from death to immortality. This is the path of discrimi-
nation whereby we see through illusion and discern the eternal truth .
hidden behind it. In this process our false identity or separate self is
discarded and we come to know who we really are in the consciousness
that is one with all things. Our eternal nature or true Self is revealed, like
the sun that shines forth after an eclipse. This takes us beyond all doubt
and sorrow to the Absolute that is our deepest nature.
Truth itself cannot be produced or arrived at by anything. To find truth
we must negate the falsehood which obscures it. Hence this book proceeds
primarily by the way of negation, which is the main method of the yogic
path of knowledge. However, this approach is not meant to leave us in a
state of negativity but to remove the veils so that the inner light, which is
self-effulgent, will no longer be obscured.
These are the main themes of inquiry in this book. We will dwell on
them, explore their implications and endeavor to understand them in our
daily lives. It is not enough merely to read these truths or to think about
them. We must absorb them into the very fabric of our consciousness and
perception on all levels of our being. On them our meditation proceeds.
We worship thought; that is, we have made thought into our primary
means of knowing reality. We take what thought tells us to be the truth.
Our entire culture is based upon thought and its coordinates. This is true
not only in regard to science, art and philosophy — the mental superstruc-
ture of our society — but also the basis of our personal identity, our
psychological infrastructure.
Western culture has long held the intellectual genius as the highest
human type, the great man of thought as artist, scientist or philosopher.
Our religions operate primarily in terms of thought as belief, faith and
identity and have long since codified themselves intellectually and struc-
tured themselves socially as vested interests in the material world. We
may admit the existence of different domains of the mind extending
beyond ordinary intellectual realms into the occult or the mystical, but we
seldom recognize that the mind itself is an illusion-building mechanism
that cannot be relied upon for the perception of truth. Even when we
consider that there may be something real beyond the mind we tend to
reduce it to another idea or level of thought, and approach it by trying to
expand the mind rather than transcend it.
What we regard as real is the material world that we know through
thought. The two always go together: thought is based upon some external
phenomenon that gives it form, and the recognition of matter is dependent
upon thought, which measures it. Even our thoughts of what is beyond
matter are organized in a materialistic fashion into different mental forms
and emotional assertions. We may believe in God or have an idea of
enlightenment, but our thought process remains limited by its very nature
and merely fashions various patterns which, whatever they may be about,
are still the operation of the materialistic mind projecting its rigid struc-
tures on life which is ever free.
In the civilization developed in what is called history, we are essen-
tially creatures of thought — mental beings. Our intellectual culture is
merely the refinement of our basic self-conscious thought process — its
sophisticated or aesthetic articulation. Our culture is based upon thought
either in the simple materialistic sense of the measurable, as with money,
22 — Beyond the Mind —
of the external. It does not require the abandonment of rationality, but the
true awakening of reason, which is to discriminate between the eternal
and the transient, not merely to play with the fleeting appearances of
things. This is the sense in which the ancient yogis and seers spoke of the
intellect (Sanskrit Buddhi) and regarded it as the real measure of man.
The human being as an intellectual and rational being is not meant to be
aslave of the senses but cognizant of eternal reality and willing to organize
his or her life and aspiration around it.
_ To return to our true status as conscious perceivers we must turn the
intellect around, reorient it from outer to inner reality, from the world of
the senses to the domain of consciousness. This does not mean that we
must lose the capacity to use the mind to understand outer reality but that
we give priority to its inner function. To reorient the mind inwardly
requires mental passivity rather than activity, the silence of mind that
allows the inner nature of things to reveal itself.
We have created an entire cult and mystique of the outer-oriented
intellect or materialistic mind. It is so pervasive that even those who
oppose it may only see through one side of it. We may easily question a
superficial intellectual approach to life, but few of us ever really question,
much less get beyond, the domain of thought with its fixation on the ego
and the worldly side of our nature.
Modern rational and intellectual culture may appear to be enlight-
ened, beyond the superstitions of the primitive mind which, we think, in
its ignorance of natural phenomena invested the world with spirits. But
how enlightened is the outgoing mind, whatever it may do by itself? Is it
only a coincidence that such an intellectual culture has brought us to the
point where the very life of the planet is endangered?
From the standpoint of yogic knowledge, modern intellectual culture
itself could be called a kind of superstition. Our culture is one of spiritual
ignorance that remains based on and bound to the darkness of the separate
self, which is a materialistic or bodily idea as to who we really are.
the outward- oriented intellect is a cult of materiali sm. It is a
culture of
main thing
worship of the external, which regards the outer image as the
in life. Look at our world and perceive this for yourself. Our prime
religion as
attention is on politics, business, entertainment, science, and
is in our physical and social
belief or institution. Our prime sense of self
Though we have developed a complex and sophisticated technol
es from primitiv e emotion s like greed and
we have not freed ourselv
more sophisti cated weapons but this only reflects
violence. We may have
n. We have
how we ate still dominated by primitive fear and suspicio
24 — Beyond the Mind —
under the allure of matter which is the glamor of sensation — our evolu-
tionary inertia of sex, violence, comfort, territory and personal power. The
intellect thereby becomes the high priest of the worship of matter and
sensation which, though it may be refined as ideas or images and broadcast
through technology, remains based in illusion. The intellect serves to
develop the culture of the ignorance that recognizes the outer appearance
of name, title and wealth and is blind to the soul or essence in which alone
is true and immortal life.
The thought-composed mind remains bound to the thing or the image
on which it operates. It exists in the shadow of the stone and so tends to
assert the reality of the outer world rather than the inner consciousness.
Mental knowledge is thus a form of superstition, a belief in the reality of
what is only an illusory appearance. Truth is not to be known by the ideas
of the mind, which are only limited material patterns, but only by direct
perception when the mind is quiet. This is not to say that the mind has no
place. Its place is as a servant who aids us in our outer functioning, not
the lord of the house. It is not the light and by itself can only lead us into
Matter and its articulation as the mind is only the surface, the shadow
of life. Life is not the form which can be known, but the light and the love
that looks through all things. It is the sacredness of being which any name
violates, the beauty of the morning flower which puts to shame all the
gtandiose formulations of thought. It is found where we do not look and
in what we do not know, in what we are too informed to see. Life is the
subtle presence, not the dramatic sensation. It is the being which unites,
not the form which divides. It can only be known by the pure perception
of undivided awareness, compared to which preoccupation with any idea
whatsoever is darkness and superstition.
The belief that the thought-composed mind is intelligent — that the
cultivation of its powers and expressions will bring enlightenment or
make for a true culture — is a myth. It may be the ultimate and most
dangerous of myths because it arrogates enlightenment for what is only a
reflection of the light.
What science and intellectual enlightenment is creating for mankind
may be another mythology, yet a mythology without any real impulse
toward transcendence or the Divine. So far it appears to be a mythology
of materialism, of purely outward happiness as social, political entities,
as physical bodies in a world of material freedom, as if this transient life
were the sole reality. As long as we do not learn to question the mind and
see beyond it, we will create more illusions, more brave new worlds in
which, however much we may achieve in terms of outer comfort or
26 — Beyond the Mind —
alone is
enjoyment, we will not come to know our true nature, in which
This does not mean that we have to abandon science, which has
l level, but that this
us many helpful tools in dealing with life on a practica
science of
outer science must be subordinated to an inner science; the
consciousness must be given its central place. In fact the whole develop
science may be a prelimi nary step to the real
ment of our outward-looking
movement of human civilization and enlightened culture — the develop
inner science of awarene ss. After opening all the vistas of
ment of the
intellectual knowledge the conscious being within us will ask: “Is this
there is? And what lies beyond death?” Awareness alone can fulfill our
desire to know the truth, not any idea or information, however profoun
Even modern science itself has proved that there is little reality to the
world as it appears to the senses. Yet few of us have yet to question our
identity as body or mind. To find reality, which is not a thing of the mere
mind or senses, requires true rationality and true enlightenment which
penetrates through all the illusions of thought starting with our own
self-image. The highest rationality reveals not the mechanics of the
manifest universe but the ways of thought. Understanding ourselves we
come to understand all things — but if we seek to understand all things
without knowing the nature of our own awareness, great will be our
as we
new weapons of war or new articles for commercial exploitation,
have already witnesse d.
The great numbers and magnitudes spoken of in science may provoke
a feeling of wonder and awe in us as they show the vastness of the cosmos,
but the being or soul enshrined within that cosmos is inherently beyond
their reach. However far we extend the realm of numbers we will never
reach the point of true knowledge, which is of the infinite. Truth and being
is qualitative, not quantitative, not to be measured but only to be com-
muned with in silence. Modern science can trap us in the idolatry of
measurement and calculation unless we can recognize the sacred dimen-
sion in life that numbers can never circumscribe.
Numbers can be to the mental sphere what money is to the business
sphere — measurements to determine or control the reality of things.
Believing that scientific knowledge determines reality is no better than
thinking that money determines the worth of things. Numbers can no more
calculate truth than money can buy happiness. Money and numbers are
fetishes through which we hope to possess things. They are our magic
power words that we use to control things. They are not themselves
anything real. They can make us insensitive to the real nature of things
and allow us to manipulate and exploit the world. Hence the person
attached to intellectual knowledge may be no different than one attached
to wealth. He is merely following the same process of acquisition, but on
a subtler level.
This urge to possess, whether materially with wealth or intellectually
with knowledge, is the blind urge of matter to expand itself. This happens
through inertia when we are not conscious of life. Whatever we think we
possess is an illusion because life cannot be possessed or divided. Even
our own body does not belong to us, how much less so our property? We
may think we own things but, however much power over them we may
have, they will eventually fall out of our grasp just by the simple process
of time and death.
Apart from their practical utility, which is simple and objective,
material things have only a psychological value, the value we give them
through our thoughts as giving enjoyment or importance to the self.
Beyond their ability to provide the necessities of physical life, like food,
clothing or shelter, material things have no intrinsic worth, and can
certainly provide no lasting happiness or inner fulfillment.
What interest do we have in a game if there is no one who wins or
loses? The mind’s activities in themselves are meaningless, like a pile of
statistics or mathematical formulas. They become important by way of
habit or compulsion, according to their ability to impress others and
— The Culture of Illusion — 31
manipulate the external world. Only if we are identified with the names
and forms of the mind do they have the power to fascinate us.
Until we are free of this process of investing material things or the
things of the mind with psychological value, which is a process of
illusion-building, we must be drawn into error. We will fail to see things
as they are but interpret them according to our fears and desires, which
must remain partial and distorted. True enlightenment dawns only when
we cease projecting value onto things but recognize their underlying
reality in awareness itself. This occurs when we are no longer taken in by
the structure of the world into believing that it is reality, or when we see
that the marvelous order of the universe is that of consciousness itself. To
atrive at this realization we need only understand the number One. Unity
is the true reality, which renders all calculations void.
The mind can use the idea of God to assert the ultimacy of its own
formulations, which is a disguised worship of its own capacities. Such a
God does not take us to the sacred but entrenches us in an opinion or
experience as supreme. It leads us into argument and division because
there are as many different ideas, images or beliefs as thought can invent
and therefore any belief can claim as much validity as any other.
We usually follow the belief into which we are conditioned by birth,
whether it is Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever. Or we join some
religious group because it offers us something special, some reward which
is often material in nature or makes us feel important — things most
missionary efforts try to provide. The same logic can justify any religion
or cult as the true faith.
Much of what we know as religion, particularly in religious traditions
that are not based on meditation, is little more than a cult — an illusion
of belief and mystification of salvation. All creed-based religions —
exclusive beliefs that ours alone is the only real path to God or truth and
that all others are false — are cults, or forms of hypnosis and mind-control
because they reduce truth to a limited pattern in which we become bound
and separate. They are based on wishful thinking — that if we believe, if
we accept some person, word, book or idea as God, we will be saved,
while those who think differently than us will in some way be condemned
or made to suffer.
What such so-called religions save us from is usually only the inquiry
into truth because through them we become trapped in a conclusion that
prevents any deeper examination. They keep us bound to a doctrine,
organization, or leader and deprive us of our own creative intelligence and
direct perception. They make us think that religion is a choice of the mind,
an emotional statement, or merely another social identity. Such religions
do not require an actual change of consciousness but merely a shift of
loyalty within the field of the known. They keep us from the real inner
work, which is to negate all beliefs into the truth that transcends thought.
The mind itself is a mystification and hypnosis. Thought is a process
of illusion-building. We can see this rather easily if we examine our own
thoughts and their automatic functioning. Note how many fantasies or
expectations we entertain in the course of a day or even an hour. It does
not take any effort for this process of illusion-building to occur. It happens
instantaneously as part of the nature of the mentality in which we live. As
long as fantasies occur (which we may believe are innocuous or even
healthy) they must have an effect on a conscious level and distort our
— Demystifying the Mind — 35
are. If we hold to our true nature of pure awareness, the mind will follow
in its appropriate place.
We are afraid that if we do not think about things we will lose them.
Yet the more we think about things the more we do actually lose contact
with what they really are. The more we think about ourselves also, the
more we come into doubt as to what our true nature is. Try to grasp yourself
with thought, and then ask who is the self that is known and who is the
self that is the knower? The veil of thought, which is the cover of illusion,
must come down for the perception of reality.
To go beyond the mind requires a sharpness and clarity of vision that
strips bare all the glamor of conceptual knowledge and imagination,
revealing their basic ignorance. The thought-composed mind is, without
qualification or possibility of change, material — a creature of ignorance.
There is nothing wrong with it in its appropriate outer domain, but we
should not look to it to grasp the essence. We cannot change the nature of
the mind. The mind can only be surrendered and subordinated. It cannot
be transformed into a true intelligence but must be made secondary so that
true intelligence, which is intrinsic, can manifest itself.
The mind’s sole purpose is transient orientation in the material world.
It is not meant to be the measure of our being, which is immeasurable.
And that immaterial being is not far away. It dwells at the heart of life as
the matrix of creation. This immaterial being can only be discovered when
we divest ourselves of the mind’s glamor and no longer believe in any
images, including our own. The self-image is itself the root of all confu-
sion and idolatry. When that comes to an end the light of truth illumines
One of the best ways to develop the mind spiritually is to first leave
it alone, to let it lie fallow. Any mental development by personal effort or
intention sustains the self-focus behind the mind, which must lead to
fragmentation. But, one may ask, is that not what most people do, not try
to develop the mind at all? Most of us do not try to develop the mind, but
we do not really leave it alone either. We are content to drift with its habits
and motivations. We fill our minds with sensations and do not allow them
to be empty even for a moment.
Leaving the mind alone means the surrender of ulterior motives and
self-projected goals. It means offering the mind as an instrument for true
intelligence to energize. Intelligence will develop the mind as needed
without all the illusions of personal seeking. The very power of intelli-
gence will repolarize the mind as a responsive medium of conscious action
and expression.
Yet receptivity of the mind is not an inattentive state. It is a form of
inquiry, an observation of who we are and what reality is. It is a state of
prayer, not as a seeking for our wishes to be fulfilled, but as an openness
of the heart to the sacred nature of existence. It is also not an inactive state.
In the receptive mind there is a downpouring of grace and knowledge that
goes far beyond what any self-motivated mental activity can accomplish,
which itself may lead us to new actions and creations beyond what we
have regarded as our capacities or our interests.
Without inquiring into our true nature, we can never come to the light
of truth but must ever wander among the images created by our memories.
Hence inquiry, however difficult, painful or arduous, is the only true way
of spiritual growth. Without making it the prime focus of our lives and
our cultures, whatever else we may do, we cannot get beyond the net of
scious. The conscious mind cannot control the unconscious because its
very self-centered and inherently limited operation breeds unconscious-
ness. It is our sense of a separate self that opens us up to and puts us under
the influence of all that is unconscious, which is the entire realm of fear
and desire.
Our own unconscious is rather extraordinary. It contains the latencies
of all life on earth and the elemental evolution that preceded it. There is
almost no limit as to how far we can fall into it, bringing up tendencies
into our minds from the animal realm or even lower on the evolutionary
scale — or worse yet acting like machines, mimicking the pre-life state
of matter. As long as we are not watchful and aware in the present, our
life-energy can only fall into the past. As long as we are not observant of
our thinking, our minds can only sink into the grooves of past condition-
ing. It happens automatically and instantaneously when awareness is lost.
These latencies possess a certain built-in self-justification. When we
draw them up, from wherever they come, they impress themselves upon
us as our own. This is not because such tendencies actually belong to us
or represent our true nature, but because all thought, being limited and
self-centered, automatically projects an ego according to its nature.
Caught in thought, we are trapped in the ego that thought projects, with
its sense of self-justification and its need to survive and defend itself.
We may think that we are defending our family, our country or our
religion, for example, but it is usually merely the ego defending itself. In
our lack of self-awareness we draw up various pre-human latencies and
put a human, social or personal stamp upon them. We translate, for
example, the animal urge towards territorial expansion into a personal
need for land or our country’s need for power, and such blindness
inevitably leads to conflict and to war. As long as we hold to a thought-
based consciousness we will live in the shadow of the unconscious. We
will be the victims of fears and desires, individually and collectively,
which we do not suspect until they overwhelm us. The unconscious, as a
stagnation of energy and awareness in which there is disintegration, must
be divided against itself. Hence we are usually at war with ourselves,
trying to change ourselves or become something that we are not. This
conflict can never be resolved but only abandoned because both sides are
within us. Conflict results from the attempt to change reality, whether that
of the world or that of ourselves, according to our thoughts and desires.
This throws our energy outside of ourselves, outside of reality, into the
confusion of what we want things to be or think they should be.
Only because we accept thought as the true means of knowing reality
are we caught like puppets in various mass unconscious forces. Thought
— Matter and the Unconscious — 47
itself is our fall into the influence of the unconscious and so it can never
take us to true awareness. Only awareness of the unconscious and me-
chanical nature of thought takes us beyond illusion.
It is not difficult to be aware or to observe things as they are. It does
not cost anything, require that we go anywhere or see anyone, nor does it
require any physical or mental exertion. It happens of itself when we no
longer give importance to ourselves and our opinions about things. Yet it
is difficult to remain in the state of awareness, because everything in our
environment is oriented toward drawing us out of awareness. Only long
term abidance in simple awareness can clear out all the illusions of the
In reality, the human being does not have to be under the rule of the
unconscious at all. There is no real necessity for it. All the latencies of the
unconscious are by nature behind us. They can impel us but not compel
us, unless we fail to approach them with complete attention. Only to the
extent that we become inattentive, or fail the challenge of life to be aware,
can they affect us.
This we can also observe for ourselves. Imagine, for example, that
you ate walking across a busy street, but worrying about some particular
personal problem. Suddenly a car approaches you and could possibly hit
you. What do you do? You instantly jump out of the way. You scarcely
have to think about it. You will also note that at that moment all of your
wotries and anxieties are forgotten. Why? Because in that moment you
have complete attention in the present.
Therefore, only because we are not serious and not aware do we allow
our desires to dominate us. It is lack of awareness that gives them the
space in which to influence us. These desires are always there. The world
is constantly bombarding us with them. Hence it is easy to give in to them
at some point. But there is no real need to do so. It only arises through
lack of attention, distraction or boredom.
If we observe our minds for what they are — compulsion and inertia
born of lack of awareness — in that perception is the birth of the true
consciousness that will deliver us like a savior across the dark night of
ignorance. Our true being abides in the state of seeing, not in anything
that we have seen or experienced. Our true nature abides in detached
awareness in which there is no longer anything worth considering. We do
not arrive at this state by an effort to be detached. Awareness itself is
detached, while the effort to be detached is just another attachment of
We need not strive to stop the flow of energy into the unconscious.
The effort to control energy itself wastes energy and loses it to the
48 — Beyond the Mind —
The mind exists in the animal and plant realms. It is present even in
the first cell. An energy of thought exists in all forms of matter down to
the atom, as the elemental intelligence of attraction and repulsion. The
ego or sense of separate self is the original point or particle out of which
the world of illusion is constructed by the mind.
Just as material evolution began with simple elemental forms like
atoms, and as the evolution of life began with simple life forms like
protozoa, so too the evolution of mind begins with simple mental forms.
The human mind on the scale of the evolution of consciousness has not
yet reached the stage of true intelligence. To draw a parallel with animal
evolution, the human mind is on an amphibian level; not yet a creature of
the dry land and sunlight of reality but still held in the inertia of the
primeval sea. The mind is only aware of one aspect of the universe of
consciousness — that which it can measure and name and thereby become
the center of. The mind is evolving slowly out of the primeval waters; and
upon venturing forth a little distance it quickly retreats, becoming easily
The ego-based mind can only imitate the power of real intelligence.
It is a reaction to the influx of intelligence but not the true entrance of
intelligence into the world. Thought thus functions as a restraint on the
evolutionary ascent of life and consciousness. Hence the mind is based
on karmic reactions, impressions from the past, rather than on a creative
response to life and participation in its movement. Thought serves to
continue the unconscious or conditioned side of creation and cannot take
us to real perception or awareness.
In pre-human states of evolution the ego exists in a state of latency.
It has no independent power of movement or expression. Pre-human life
forms are immersed in nature and are held in the unconscious unity of
natural forces. The ego remains submerged within a general sense of the
unity of life. The ego is only semi-differentiated and is unable to separate
itself from the stream of life. The ego as instinct still reflects the hidden
intelligence of nature. The ego is present only as a dim sense of separative
existence, an inertia which clings to what it is and resists the impulse of
50 — Beyond the Mind —
nature toward further growth and evolution. We could say that in pre-
human life forms the ego is mute. It is bound by nature and unable to
manifest its negativity.
The ego is the force of inertia that resists the evolutionary stream of
life and forms a contraction within it that creates separation. Such a force
of resistance is inevitable and necessary to sustain and give continuity to
what has already been achieved. Yet this force, when allowed predomi-
nance, will hinder the stream of transformation which is life. The ego is
thus a manifestation of the death instinct, the force of attachment and
decay. It is the negative force in evolution that allies itself with the past
and can be swept away with it.
In man, the evolved mental being, this inertia of the ignorance or
hidden ego in things becomes able to manifest. Human consciousness
delivers into expression the latent ego from the stone of the material
nature. It gives a voice to the inertia and resistance of the rock, the bush
and the beast. It allows the separative tendency hidden in the lower
material nature, which is only its density and dullness, to articulate itself.
Building up the ego or separate self, we release the forces of ignorance
and insensitivity upon the world. We come to incarnate the revenge of
elemental matter against life, of the pre-evolutionary state against evolu-
tion. Hence we are destroying the living planet with machines and
chemicals, damaging the biosphere itself. In this sense, it is only the
human being that is materialistic. Materialism is thus nothing but our
self-centered thought process which frees matter from the rule of the spirit.
We should note that it is only because our bodies are under the rule
of nature, which is the hidden rule of the spirit, that we have health or
well-being. If our bodies functioned like our thoughts, with all their
variability and confusion, our health would be immediately threatened.
The body is naturally healthy. It is our disturbed thought process that
causes most of our diseases. The world is naturally saved. It is our
disturbed thought process that makes the world in need of salvation.
Animals think; plants, minerals, metals and even atoms have
thoughts, but their thoughts are immersed in the greater stream of life and
creation. They have a sense of differentiation but not of separation. They
feel themselves as leaves on a tree. Hence they never suffer alienation and
never feel empty as the unconscious ocean of nature ever bathes them in
the sense of a greater life. We alone have liberated thought from its
confinement to the unconscious stream of nature.
As human beings, as a higher type of being in nature, this primeval
sense of unity with the natural world is denied us. It has become regressive
for us and is no longer achievable except through an unreal kind of
— The Origin of the Mind — oy
The origin of the mind is in the “I-thought.” All of our thoughts are
based upon the I-thought and arise from it, as we can easily observe within
ourselves. We are driven by this thought and try to further it in various
ways, though it leads us into confusion and sorrow. What is necessary is
not merely to follow or believe in this thought but to question it. This is
to turn thought around and return it to its origin in consciousness.
This inquiry requires that we cease to look outward to find ourselves
or reality. It requires that we question who we are, and whether any of the
identities we have made for ourselves are real. Our true being is not a
formation of matter or thought, not any image or quality, but the awareness
in which these come and go like clouds in the sky. We cannot reach it as
long as we are pursuing thought’s reflections in the outer world.
out the truth of what is. It has no worldly content — no fixation in terms
of time, place and person — but reveals the essential being which is the
same in all things.
When we think we have figured things out it only means that matter
within us has deceived us into believing that its limitations correspond to
reality. The pride we feel in our knowledge is the comfort matter feels in
being able to maintain its sense of self-importance. In short, whatever we
think we are doing by our own thought or will is really just matter
accomplishing some elemental processes, duping us into thinking that we
are the doer and that it has some benefit to us. Our sense of separate self
and its worth is the arrogance of untransformed matter within us.
We are not yet intelligent beings aware of who we are and what we
ate doing, nor is our action truly creative and harmonious. The inner and
outer conflict in the world is proof of this, as is our uncertainty and
confusion about what is ultimately real. As long as we mistake thought
for intelligence we will give a false justification to the ignorance and allow
it to continue. We will have to avoid the voice and guidance of life that is
always showing us the obstacles and conflicts we create through our
We have tried to develop intelligence and an enduring world-order
through thought and the expansion of its knowledge. This has failed not
because the field of our information is insufficient, but because it is not
the way to truth. True intelligence cannot be produced by any individual
ot collective effort but can only be found in our surrender to what is.
Real intelligence is not of thought, nor is it anything merely human.
Real intelligence is cosmic, the one life itself. It has the substance of
existence, which is the presence of being, and is not a mere fleeting
thought process. Awareness is vast like the ocean, not limited and shifting
like the waves of thought. It is not of the surface but of the bottomless
depths. It has no content but contains the essence of everything. It has no
bias, is not caught in any point of view, and cannot be manipulated.
The mind is not the instrument of real knowledge; in fact there is no
instrument for real knowledge. Real knowledge is possible only through
being, consciousness and direct perception unbiased by any mediating
influence. As long as we are relying on an instrumentality, a material
apparatus — whether organic like the mind, or some tool we have devel-
oped — we can only arrive at incomplete knowledge according to the
limitations, the bias of the apparatus. An instrument can only bring us
knowledge of appearance, not reality. No matter how many instruments
we create or how we may refine them we are merely extending the
dimension of superficial knowledge.
— Human Nature and Intelligence — 55
pattern, not intelligent beings who perceive things as they are and act in
harmony with all life.
Evolution is the mechanism of growth and development for the
pre-human realm, but for human beings it becomes regressive. The human
being exists to develop conscious intelligence. This cannot develop
mechanically according to external influences. True human evolution
requires going beyond evolution. This means going beyond time and
thought, beyond both personal and natural history.
We cannot truly evolve or really improve ourselves through further
or more intense conditioning. We can only progress by leaving evolution
behind, including all state and institutionally induced social evolution. We
can only truly evolve when we no longer try to change ourselves from the
outside as if we were external entities but accept the transformative power
of our own being.
Evolution is time or history, from which we must free ourselves. As
division in time, evolution also creates division in space as property and
territory. This too we must set aside to transcend conflict.
Mental man, the self-conscious creature of thought, is the limit, end
or goal of material evolution. He is all that matter can achieve without a
direct entry of the spirit. Any further developments are likely to be
superficial, extraneous, or perhaps even backward in nature. Man is meant
to be the beginning of the spiritual evolution which can only occur when
material evolution and its mechanism, the mind, is set aside. Real evolu-
tion for human beings thus consists in eradicating our evolutionary
heritage, the mind and its tendencies that spring from the eons of the
evolutionary process.
What gives us intelligence, beauty and delight is not what we have
evolved materially or mentally, but the pervasion of the light of conscious-
ness, through which alone all things come alive. We become truly humane
and aware only when we get beyond the reactions of our evolutionary
conditioning and learn to see things as they are, not as our evolutionary
program colors them.
The mind is a form of subtle matter, something protomorphic, like a
chameleon. It is a matrix created for the entrance of consciousness, made
in the image of consciousness, but only the mold, not the substance. It is
a very fluid creature that can assume any form, even the appearance of
intelligence, but yet is not truly aware. Hence the mind cannot be made
into a conscious intelligence. It can only be made receptive to that
intelligence, which can then function without its obscuration.
In our true consciousness we are spiritual beings and all matter is
beneath us as a medium for creative expression. The mind is a dependent
— Evolution and Transformation I — 59
entity that has no real life and consciousness of its own but assumes these
superficially through lack of contact with our own inmost self and nature.
What is necessary is not to develop this false entity further but to return
to our true nature which abides beyond all change and mutability.
Consciousness is not a material or mental capacity to be evolved.
Consciousness is the nature of existence which material evolution (the
process of material reactions and environmental adaptations) can only
obscure. Consciousness pre-exists, but the mind and ego — our attach-
ment to the material world — blocks our recognition of it. Being is there,
but our becoming in mind-matter, on which our consciousness is asleep
and dreaming, fails to recognize it.
The ultimate goal of all evolution is thus simply that we be ourselves
— that we be who we are when we are no longer thinking about things,
when we are no longer worried about others, or concerned about the
external world. This is also the highest grace which accomplishes every-
thing. What is important is not to depart from our true nature and fall into
the realm of time. This requires the abandonment of thought and its
temporal coordinates — its sense of gain and lose, advance and retreat —
as determining our reality. It is not we in our true nature who are evolving.
Evolution is the dance of creation that we are observing from the point of
the uncreate. What is necessary is to observe the whole process of time
and change from the standpoint of the timeless. There is nothing that we
need to become or achieve within the domain of time.
remake the human being through the use of drugs, hormones and genetic
engineering. This is not the product of a spiritual purpose but of the inertia
of thought which seeks to structure life according to its mechanical
patterns. Even our medicine usually does not recognize the existence of
any life-force apart from biochemical reactions. How, therefore, can it
heal us or give us life?
Instead of using technology to free us from bondage to the external
world, we are using it to increase our external seeking. Instead of using
our technology consciously to help us to decondition ourselves, we are
unconsciously allowing it to condition us more deeply. We are replacing
an organic conditioning, such as we find in a life in harmony with nature,
with an inorganic and mechanical conditioning that also deranges our
natural functioning. Our machines and equipment are becoming more
important than nature, sometimes more important even than human
There is an extensive and perhaps limitless development possible for
the mind, which we may consider to be an evolutionary advance. In fact
our primary idea of continued or higher human evolution is the expansion
of our knowledge through science and technology in order to master the
outer universe of time, space and energy. In this, nothing spiritual or
religious is necessary or foreseen. The mind can develop almost endlessly
since the universe is vast and has many levels and dimensions. Technol-
ogy, the mind’s practical side, can similarly grow in many ways. Yet in
all this we remain in the sphere of the mind — as thought, sensation and
measurement — viewing ourselves as material entities, accepting our
environmental dependency yet trying to overcome it in our pursuit of
external fulfillment. We may even reach into occult domains and gain
powers like telepathy or astral travel. Yet this also may only afford us more
illusion, for subtle matter is still material and can increase our bondage to
the elemental forces and entities which operate through this realm.
Unless we first understand the entity that we are trying to develop or
evolve — the ego or separate self — we cannot arrive at any real trans-
formation. Unless we get beyond the stream of sensation that conditions
us we cannot really flower in consciousness, and whatever else we
produce or become, being based on an outward energy, must eventually
Thought is based upon sensation, which is our immersion in the
stream of reactions of the material world. Thought is subtle sensation or
sensation remembered. We can only think about something that has
already happened to us, what our senses have already known. We notice
something and then we think about it, with thought coming the instant
62 — Beyond the Mind —
after the event and not simultaneous with it. What we imagine is also only
a fabrication of previous sensations or an unusual combination of sensory
potentials of form, color and so on.
Thought is the way we interpret sensation and thought proceeds as a
reflection of our sensory reactions. Even abstract ideas, like those of
largeness or smallness, are refined sensations. Thought is produced by
reaction to sensation and remains bound by its sensory orientation. The
thought-composed mind is a material process dependent upon some
stimulus and cannot proceed without an external push.
Yet perception is not fundamentally material at all. We are only
affected by our sensory perceptions when we react to them with psycho-
logical motives and manipulations, likes and dislikes. Otherwise there is,
behind all perception, the light of consciousness in which there is freedom
and creative renewal, which we enter into to the extent that we do not
accept or reject anything. Pure perception — perception without thought
— draws us into the true creative power where life itself is transformation.
It returns us to the light of consciousness in which there is no duality.
Hence the way for us to truly evolve is to change how we look at things,
to learn to observe life without thought or judgment but with the light of
awareness. The key to inner transformation is therefore present at each
moment and is determined by how we perceive things, by whether we
commune with their being or merely react to their forms.
There is a part of our nature which is not the product of time or
evolution, which is not satisfied with the happiness that anything material
can provide us. We revolt against being treated as mere things. We have
another sense of our existence — that we are not just embodied, mortal
entities or chemical processes, but eternal perceivers. We are not satisfied
with transient pleasures and joys, but inherently aspire toward something
absolute in which there is unqualified joy and freedom. We sense that we
have a soul, spirit or immortality, a dignity as a conscious subject, and
even the mind tends toward the idea of an absolute order.
We all sense something unique within ourselves. This is inexplicable
if we are only combinations of elemental forces. We weary of the mind
and its compulsive patterns, prices, speculations and statistics. While it is
easy to show that most of what we have regarded as spiritual or religious
has still been material or mental, social or political, our sense of the infinite
and eternal remains. Even science, in its pursuit of the very vast in time
and space, gives credence to the innate human longing for transcendence,
and takes upon itself the aura of the ancient mystical sense of the cosmic.
There is no way we can avoid the spiritual evolution. It is our nature
to pursue it. We may substitute a mental evolution for it, but in the long
— Evolution and Transformation IT — 63
run it will not satisfy us. The spiritual evolution is the only true evolution
for human beings, for it alone is conscious, intelligent transformation.
Evolution is not so much a growth through time but a progressive
unveiling of our eternal nature or consciousness itself. Hence all true
evolution proceeds by divesting ourselves of the limitations of the past,
not developing them further. For this reason the highest process of
evolution occurs when we step out of the process of time or becoming
altogether. This requires negating thought and the separate self which is
the accumulated impressions of our being as defined within the domain
of time.
Spiritual evolution or enlightenment of the mind occurs immediately
and of itself when the mind is empty, when thought is no longer used to
mediate reality. The empty mind is the womb wherein the sacred child —
the Divine Son spoken of by the ancient seers — is born, in whom is the
consciousness of immortality. There is nothing more sacred, purifying,
lovely and transformative than the empty, motiveless and receptive mind.
She is the Goddess who gives birth to all the Gods. She is the matrix of
spiritual knowledge, the direct perception who brings forth as her son the
Divine Savior, the consciousness of the unity of all life that delivers us
from the dark limitations of matter and death.
This is no theory, speculation or anything imaginary. Empty your
mind of all presumption of knowledge and the sacred will seek you; not
as something alien, aloof, or transcendent but as life itself. Surrender your
personal becoming, the defense of the self-image and the assertion and
expression of power; be open to existence, and all will be magical. Our
thoughts are our burden of matter that crush us, that cripple us emotionally
and psychologically, that place barriers between us and life, that wear out
our bodies and destroy our creativity. To shift this burden around is
ultimately of no avail. What is necessary is to set it down once and for all.
Our true or higher nature is nothing that can be produced. It is already
there. Being is transformation; the present is the freedom of unbounded
energy. To evolve spiritually only means to withdraw all outward seeking;
to renounce the pursuit of advance and retreat, gain and loss, acquisition
and achievement. Then, freed from its own inertia, matter itself can be
redeemed as an instrumentality of love and peace. Then alone will the
cosinos be delivered out of chaos, and creation out of the dragon’s mouth.
According to the ancient seers, there is a duality between spirit and
matter or between the seer and the seen. To the extent that we fall under
the influence of matter or the seen, what is spiritual is lost. To the extent
that we hold to consciousness and the spirit, the idea of the separate reality
of the external world passes away.
However, the duality between spirit and matter is not a duality
between spirit and nature, between the spiritual and the natural world, or
the Divine and creation. The duality between spirit and nature is the
complementarity between the transcendent and the creative aspects of the
Divine, the active and inactive sides of the cosmic being. Spirit and nature
are as indissolubly one as spirit and matter are in complete opposition to
each other.
Nature, the creative force, is similarly different than mere matter.
Nature is the force that moves matter and causes it to evolve. The natural
world is a product of the creative intelligence of the spirit. It is not
produced by a mere mechanical evolution of material forces. Nature as
we perceive her in the beauties of the natural world is matter functioning
for the expression of the spirit. It is matter reshaped and organized by the
creative force to manifest the real.
Matter, as the inertia of creation, and nature, as the dynamic creative
force, have a different polarity. Matter repels spirit, though it can reflect
it to some degree; nature embraces, attracts and expresses it. Nature
represents the secret will of the spirit. Matter is the medium of expression
which both spirit and nature work to overcome.
To the extent that we function on a materialistic level, pursuing the
outer goals of pleasure, wealth, or power as the real, we fall into the
domain of matter. We naturally repel the spirit and place ourselves in
opposition to eternal truth. We also oppose nature and her evolutionary
force. On the other hand, to the extent that we set aside our separative
striving we go beyond matter and can no longer be manipulated by
external influences. This does not inhibit our functioning in the natural
world. On the contrary, it brings us into harmony with the cosmic
movement and the creative will.
— Spirit, Matter and Nature — 65
There is nothing inherently wrong with life, nature and creation. The
problem is that we open ourselves to the inertia of matter by seeing the
external appearance of things as the true reality. We function in life not
for the expression of the spiritual reality which is universal and eternal,
but for some transient personal gratification that ignores the true being of
things. It is only after years of conditioning that we really come to need
and become addicted to all our possessions, achievements, and indul-
gences which have little natural necessity behind them.
There is similarly no necessary contradiction or conflict between
spirit and form, though there is a difference between the two. It is the spirit
that fashions matter into form. Form is matter informed and infused to
some degree by the spirit. The conflict is between matter and spirit, owing
to matter’s resistance to taking form under the will of the spirit. As this
conflict escalates during the course of evolution, the resistance of matter
expresses itself in the clinging to earlier and more regressive forms of
evolution as opposed to embracing life’s newer formations. Spirit and
form in essence are one; that is, the spirit is the meaning behind the form.
The spirit is the ground of the existence of which the form is the
manifestation. Form is how the spirit shapes the formless chaos of
inconscient matter into the formed harmonies of the cosmos. Spirit is not
form, in that form inheres in a material medium, but form is the expression
of the spirit. It is like the pot that expresses the idea of the potter but which
has the inherent resistance of the clay medium into which it must eventu-
ally dissolve. The idea of the pot comes from the potter and it is manifested
by overcoming the resistance of the clay medium. The idea of the pot does
not belong to the medium but cannot be manifested apart from it either.
To find truth we need not withdraw from nature. We only need to ally
ourselves with her secret conscious will, rather than her visible forms. We
must aid in the universal work of wresting cosmos from chaos. This does
not necessarily require that we work outwardly in society for its better-
ment. It is to this secret consciousness in nature that we should open,
which is her inner will. Hence opening our minds to the transcendent also
naturally perfects creation, as it is the will toward transcendence that is
behind all the transformations of nature, all her evolutionary leaps.
Life thus belongs to the spirit, not to the body or to any material object.
To be open to life is not to be attached to material things but to be receptive
to the movement of transformation, the seeking of transcendence at
very heart of creation. What is to be rejected is not life, which is eternal,
but the attachment of life to particular appearances. What is to be negated
is name and form as reality. What is to be affirmed is the consciou
which possesses all names and forms but is not limited by them, in which
66 — Beyond the Mind —
all names and forms have their beauty as symbols or manifestations of the
real. Seeing this frees us from the rule of matter and opens us up to life
not as an emotional seeking but as the power of consciousness. There is
nothing to be rejected but thought and its patterns of acceptance and
rejection, which remove us from reality. It is the belief in matter, which
is thought, the separative mental or emotional pattern, that we must set
aside. This is to enter into all life and to move outside of time.
There is, however, a process of mentation which does bring about real
change. It is that thinking which is inherent in the nature of things, the
voice of life itself that occurs spontaneously when we surrender to what
is. It comes to us in the movement of meditation. Being has a voice which
exists both outside and within us. There is a natural intelligence in life, in
the body and behind the mind that we can commune with, that can speak
to us and through whose movement we can comprehend the mystery of
life. It reveals the great order of the cosmos, the great rhythm of life, and
the wonderful harmony of cosmic energy. It is an extraordinary creative
effulgence in which everything is perfect and pure.
This voice of life also unmasks the sorrow of human life and the
futility of selfish seeking. The wisdom which comes through it, however,
is not of the mind or the ego. It is of the soul, of our deepest aspiration,
through which we partake of the eternal consciousness. It does not belong
to anyone and does not come to us as long as we are trying to become
anything. Yet when we are willing to be open, silent and pure, it descends
on us as a flow of grace.
Our culture has come to question the materialistic idea of the world
— the classical Newtonian idea of the absoluteness of time and space, and
the solid nature of matter. We have come to recognize energy rather than
matter as the ultimate reality behind the world, and that time and space
are relative rather than absolute. This has been hailed as a great revolution
in human thinking, and to some extent it is. Yet it is premature to assume
that we have gone beyond materialism.
Our culture appears to be more strongly under the domination of
sensate values and the need for personal achievement and acquisition than
ever. We may have gone beyond the classical Western idea of matter, but
to the sages of the East, matter is something far more than solid appear-
ances. Energy itself, however apparently immaterial or non-solid, is
matter, perhaps not in the Newtonian sense but in the deeper sense as
understood by the ancient seers. Matter for the seers is not merely what
is solid. It is anything that can be an object of perception, the entire domain
of the “seen.”
Energy may not be material in the sense of being solid and fixed in
time and space. Yet it is matter in the classical spiritual sense of something
that can be observed. Even the mind, which is nothing but a stream of
thoughts, is material since thought can be perceived or objectively cog-
nized. The ego itself, our self-sense put together by thought, can be
observed and so is also material. Matter is not simply the physical but
anything that has form, appearance or action. Matter is one basic experi-
ential outer reality in three different densities of matter-energy-mind.
These are the gross, subtle and causal states of the same substance.
What is important, therefore, is not merely to move from matter to
energy, but to get beyond the entire field of matter, which is to go
of thought. What is real and spiritual is not matter, not
the entire domain
the seer or, to be more precise, the being of seeing. We look
the seen but
to the awe
to energy today the way we once looked to matter, according
the surface while
of the external. It is the same naive preoccupation with
missing the depths of our own being.
68 — Beyond the Mind —
lies within. Just as an incredible outer energy lies hidden in the atom, so
an incredible inner energy lies hidden in our thoughts which themselves
are crystallizations of the energy of consciousness. Exploding the primor-
dial atom of ego-consciousness releases the highest power, the energy of
The atom of ego-consciousness is the root of all materiality, and only
through dissolving it can we go beyond all limitation. Through this atomic
sense of the separate self all bondage to time and place occurs. We may
talk about the most subtle new understandings of modern physics or the
occult, the transcendence of all material barriers, but without questioning
and getting beyond the atom of ego-consciousness we remain locked into
the prison house of matter and the desert of a purely profane existence.
The real time barrier we must cross is our sense of personal history,
the burden of memory that is the weight of our materiality. The real barrier
of space we must cross is the sense of division between ourselves and
others. The real energy we must release is that of the cosmic being within
us, not of the cosmic energy outside us. Similarly the true cosmos is not
found in discovering the temporal and spatial structure of the universe,
however vast, nor in communicating with beings from other worlds. The
true cosmos is found in our own heart, in our inner intelligence that
contains all the universe. True communication is with our own heart which
contains all existence, both what has been and what is to be.
The materialistic view of the world we must go beyond is the sense
of the solidity of the ego and its barriers, not just that of material objects.
It is not merely the crystallization of physical matter we have to transcend
to find the energy of reality, it is the crystallization of mental energy as
the “I.” This can only be done by meditation in which, therefore, the
highest form of energy is released.
something outside of life, like some aloof deity. It lies in the subtlety and
simplicity of the presence which is all life, which is natural and humble,
beyond display or ornamentation.
The sacred is not a social or worldly commodity, a thing of the market
place or the laboratory. It cannot be found in a library or a museum, and
cannot be bought or offered at any price. It is not something one can join,
or another identity one can assume. There is no clever operation of thought
ot social manipulation that can bring it about. There is no place, person,
image or book which in itself is sacred. The sacred is not local, transient
or personal. It abides not in the seen but in the seeing, and can be evoked
in all things only by the purity of perception. The sacred is not what has
been fixed in matter, either outwardly as an object or inwardly as an idea.
Yet it is present in all natural objects and all the products of natural
creativity, some of which may be produced by human beings in harmony
with it, but as the essence and quality, not the recognizable form.
As soon as something is identified or recognized it becomes profane.
Even to call something sacred is already to make it profane. No word,
thought or idea is inherently sacred. These can only intimate the sacred
to the extent that we do not take them literally. All words, thoughts and
ideas including all names of the Divine and spiritual books can be
misinterpreted and used in a purely political, business or worldly sense,
which is the usual way in which we use them.
Nothing in the universe of mind or matter has any intrinsic value. The
world exists only to point out what is spiritual, the pure presence of the
sacred within and beyond all forms. What has intrinsic value, real quality,
or the dimension of the sacred can only be found through openness and
surrender, not through attachment to thought or form. The sacred is not
the apparent or the extrinsic, but the being and presence that is everywhere
and nowhere, where all coordinates of time, place and person cease to be
The thought-composed mind is a kind of corruption, a material
process whose nature is to decay. Whatever it sets up as true, real or holy
must similarly disintegrate. For this reason it can be misleading to inten-
tionally cultivate virtue or purity. We should seek virtue and purity for its
own sake, out of the love of truth. We should act righteously not to gain
something but because truth is its own reward. Sacred action is spontane-
ous and unselfconscious. Virtue is not something we acquire but the
natural purity of the heart once we are free of the acquisitive mind.
The problem is not how to avoid corruption. If we do not first of all
realize the corruption that is the basis of our thought process (which is
fairly obvious if we examine our thoughts dispassionately) then we will
— The Sacred and the Profane — 73
only allow this corruption to hide. Our thoughts born of fear and desire
inherently lead us to various forms of self-protective or self-assertive
actions in which all spontaneity and integrity become lost. We are corrupt
not by any conscious choice or intention. Corruption is inherent in the
way we think, in the nature of the mind itself as a self-consciousness
process which, promoting its own central fixation, breeds fragmentation.
Corruption is our vulnerability to external influences, which arises
through thought. All forms of conditioning are corrupting because they
are based upon some promise of reward, achievement or acquisition, and
offer some identity or sense of importance. They do not promote action
for its own sake but action to gain something, which thereby causes the
action to be distorted to quickly achieve the goal. Corruption and condi-
tioning are synonymous and both involve catering to the inertia of the
mind to achieve and acquire, to become a more successful worldly entity.
We cannot be free from corruption as long as we do not see the full extent
of it. Usually we condemn some form of corruption in others and preserve
a different form of corruption in ourselves, which we justify according to
some ideal. It is not that there are corrupt people from whom we must
protect society. Society itself is a form of corruption and cannot help but
create corrupt people. There can only be freedom from corruption when
we go beyond all social conditioning, when we get beyond the conditioned
mind. What is supremely humane and truly social is to stand outside of
any limited social identity, open to unity and friendship between all
Existence is beneficence. Being is bliss. “What is” has the power to
heal itself if we leave it alone. There is a natural renewal through silence
and inaction. The receptive mind is the field in which pure consciousness
or the perception of truth can be born. She is Sita, the Earth Goddess of
the ancient Vedas, the valley spirit of Lao-tzu, and the Virgin Mary of
Christian mysticism. The unoccupied mind is one with existence. In it is
the highest form of action, the perpetual transformation which is life itself.
The sacred is existence. It comes of itself to the empty mind, to the mind
surrendered to truth.
Being is fullness, completeness, and an overflowing plenitude. Per-
fection exists already as existence itself before the arising of the name.
We cannot produce it but can only harmonize ourselves to it. Only thought
is deficient, and where there is thought there must be inadequacy because
thought is not based on being or awareness but on non-being, which is the
past. Non-being cannot produce being, so thought and all actions based
on it can only lead to eventual corruption.
74 — Beyond the Mind —
Who or what is God? What is the nature of that Being which is eternal,
infinite and universal? Does it exist at all or is it just a projection of our
longing for comfort and security? We have all asked this question, or at
least it has crossed our minds.
To really find an answer to such a question we must first understand
what the question is and what it implies. We must also understand the
means of knowledge through which we hope to answer it. We must put
ourselves in a position to really ask the question, as profound questions
require a certain seriousness. It is useless for a man who is blindfolded to
ask the way. Even if he receives the right answer he will not be in a position
to use it. Yet this is precisely what we do most of the time. We may have
questions about ultimate reality, but we expect easy answers that require
little real searching or change of ourselves and how we live. We expect
in our current externalized mentality to be told the answers to inner truths
as if they were just another form of information.
It should be well understood that no one can tell us what is God, the
Divine, or the eternal. It is not an idea or emotion that can be transmitted
from one person to another. That which is the impersonal Reality cannot
be found merely by resorting to some human person. That which is infinite
cannot be found by going somewhere. That which is beyond all limitations
of thought cannot be found through a word, in a book, or as a concept.
Persistence in the search is not enough. What is not sought in the right
way cannot be found. We will not attempt here to give a verbal answer to
that question. Another idea, name or form could be given, but it would
only be another form of conditioning for the-mind rather than a direct
revelation of the being of consciousness in which alone is truth.
If something Divine or truly sacred, infinite and eternal does exist, it
is surely something we could never expect, imagine or be prepared for.
would certainly not be anything in the ordinary field of what we already
know. The infinite is something that can never be arrived at through
human beings have been imaginin g such an
projection of thought, though
was known about it. It is the nature of the
experience ever since anything
mind to fabricate, to project anything it wants or thinks important for
76 — Beyond the Mind —
To inquire into reality therefore is above all to question the mind and
its thought process on which our entire sense of identity depends. It is by
identification through thought that we know ourselves as “I am this,” or
“This is mine.” Thought posits the conditions and qualities with which
we identify ourselves and similarly establishes the categories on which
our world-idea is based. But are we what we think we are and is the world
what we think it is? Are we content with our identity and sense of reality
as created by thought? On the contrary, our identity is always in question.
We must ever achieve and acquire, trying to become somebody in order
to have security, and our triumphs often become the basis for greater
Similarly, we are always in doubt about the world and threatened by
it. We must constantly reorganize our ideas about it, as it constantly
changes itself and ever presents itself in unforeseen ways. This constant
shifting of thoughts regarding self and world is neither natural nor.
inevitable, but rather is the evidence of wrong perception, a wrong view
of ourselves and the world. Its fragile, artificial and mutable character —
its tendency to disintegrate if not sustained by continual adjustment —
indicates its illusory nature.
We are not content with the material idea of ourselves or the world.
We do not accept death and mortality, or the transient nature of our
fulfillments and achievements, all of which would be inexplicable if we
were truly material entities and if the outer world itself was real. We
imagine our immortality. We long for it even if we believe that it is an
utter fantasy or childish dream. We imagine some higher consciousness
and inevitably must seek it. Yet merely to believe in something Divine or
immortal, or to imagine it, has very little meaning. It becomes just another
thought and only allows us to become more comfortable with our limited
identity, without stimulating any deeper inquiry. It is just another trick of
the mind to perpetuate itself.
To search for the Divine, therefore, means that we must first face our
own nothingness; for if we in our transience and finitude — in our
personal being — are important, then there is no room for the eternal and
the infinite to be known. To search out the Divine we must see how
ungodly we are, how utterly unable we really are even to ask the question,
much less find the answer. It is not some moral guilt, some original sin
that we uncover here, but only the limitations of the mind — its original
We cannot hope to know the Divine because all that we know is what
is not Divine. Our means of knowledge are limited and outward-looking.
They give only mental images and cannot actually unite us with the
80 — Beyond the Mind —
image, believe what we may and do what we will, we are still materialists
and in no real position to speak of anything sacred.
Actually, we do not really wish to know the Divine at all because such
knowledge would put an end to our personal existence. The Divine is the
unknown that we do not want to face because it means surrendering the
known which constitutes our self-identity. What we are afraid of — the
unknown we are trying to escape from — is not something terrible but,
rather, the Divine itself. We prefer our ignorance and sorrow because it is
familiar to us. Even if we regard our experience as painful, we cling to it
because at least it is ours and it is all that we know. We cling to our cavern
in the dark and flee the sunlight, not because we could not live in the light
but because we are so ignorant and closed in our thoughts that we think
the cave is all there is and beyond it is only death or greater misery. We
are all fleeing the Divine, running away from the truth, daily, moment by
moment, by the very nature of our thought processes based upon the
separate self. What is important is to halt this flight, to turn the mind
around, not to continue running in the direction of illusion, and to ask
what is truth.
Why don’t we know the eternal? Surely if the eternal exists, it is there
all the time and should be obvious to us. The reason we don’t know the
eternal is because we don’t want to die, or rather, because we try to cling
to what must die as if it should not. What must die is matter, form, the
transient — our personal identity based on memory. We refuse to see that
the separate self, which requires acquisition and achievement to sustain
it, is itself fragmentation, disintegration and death. We cling to it as if it
were the essence of life, regardless of how much trouble we get into
through the illusions it gives us.
All that can die is only what has the nature of death; only what can
die will die and, moreover, it must die. The eternal cannot die and the
transient can never really possess life. Yet it is the compulsion of transient
matter to try to continue its apparent existence as long as possible. What
can die is really only what is already dead. Only the past can die, not the
present. What subjects us to death is that we seek our identity in time,
which passes away.
We have identified death with life, the past with the present, matter
with life, and the transient with the eternal. Finding this process limited
and leading to sorrow, we imagine something enduring beyond
the field of the
However, what we imagine with thought is still within
and philosop hical
mind and so also bound by time. We invent religious
ity, to
theories and form social organizations around the idea of immortal
we are somehow saved or enlight-
give us comfort and make us feel that
82 — Beyond the Mind —
ened. We fail to understand the total process of thought and its limitations.
Instead we accept one side of it as leading to truth and another side as
falsehood, and develop a conflict between these two sides. There is only
one way to solve all our problems and that is to give up all sense of separate
knowledge and identity.
This is to enter into the state of inquiry, which is a kind of prayer, an
attitude of openness and receptivity. We must no longer think that we or
anyone else “knows.” We must give up convenient solutions or second-
hand knowledge and step aside for what is beyond thought and motivation
to manifest itself. We must comprehend how utterly materialistic our
nature is and allow it no disguise. Then when its superficiality becomes
apparent, it loses its importance and can no longer cloud the real. What is
necessary is not easy answers, but to live ina state of inquiry, which means
to accept no purely mental answers. It is to live with integrity and
simplicity in the labor of the birth of the awareness that is beyond the
This is to become a fire, as the ancients have said. In that intense state
of inquiry there is no room for speculation, argument or curiosity. The
flame of inquiry is itself the answer in which, all false answers being
consumed, there is no longer any question or doubt as to the nature of
reality. This inquiry of the silent mind is the real search, the real question-
ing, the real opening up to the Divine, not as some sterile idea but as the
essence of life, the fountain of creation beyond all ceremony and hypoc-
risy, in which all life is fulfilled and transcended.
For this reason the search for the Divine is ultimately unnecessary.
What is necessary is to understand ourselves and thus to become aware
of the limitations of our own thought processes. Apart from this, no special
seatch for the Divine is required, nor faith or belief of any kind. The wise
do not seek the Divine or have any belief. They see things as they are,
without division, in which unity is immortality.
Without self-knowledge, religion and the search for God is only
another fantasy of a mind. It will not bring enlightenment but rather the
conflict of differing beliefs. In reality it does not matter whether the Divine
exists or not, or which belief is right, for these are only mental constructs.
What is significant is not for us to find that which is the highest or the
greatest but to dissolve ourselves in the sacred nature of all existence —
to see the highest in the lowest, to return to the simple and be one with
the earth. All that is truly important is to be free of self-consciousness and
to cease being attached to the high and the low, the good and the bad —
all the limited and dualistic distinctions of thought. To know ourselves is
— Discovery of the Divine — 83
to know God. But to try to know God without having seen through the
illusions of who we think we are is only to invite further confusion.
True inquiry requires that we allow the flame of awareness, the fire
of consciousness, to consume us. It requires that we offer ourselves to the
Divine, not as one known thing to another, but as the unknown returning
to the unknown.
is their secular power, the number of their converts and their psychological
possession of people, rather than the sacred nature of life. That purely
secular cultures have developed out of these pseudo-religious cultures is
not surprising; in fact, it was inevitable because their basis and actual
values are secular. Their forms may have originally been spiritually based
but their violence attests to their materialistic nature.
Organizations based on belief are the essence of materialism, which
is setting up a separate or exclusive identity that divides people into
warring camps. Whether the belief is in God or the state is of little import.
Therefore, we could say that there are two kinds of materialistic cultures:
the religious and the non-religious or secular. The former clothes materi-
alistic values in an apparently spiritual form. While this may provide a
transitional stage between a materialistic and a true spiritual culture, it
may also serve to cover materialistic values and give them the sanction of
religion. After all, it is easy to kill our enemies and steal their wealth if
we have first pronounced them to be heathens or infidels and have thereby
given ourselves the grace of God or the church to justify our plunder. Such
is the logic behind religious crusades, conquests and holy wars.
Hence it is of little value to return to such exclusivistic religious
cultures. It will not take us beyond materialism but only to an earlier stage
of it, from which the same evolution must likewise proceed in time.
Discovering a true spiritual culture requires going beyond all dogmas and
ideologies, all striving for achievement or acquisition whether in this
world or in another. It requires the freedom of non-religious cultures
directed inwardly toward self-knowledge, along with the faith of religious
cultures oriented beyond name and form.
The main values of materialistic cultures, whether they appear reli-
gious or not, are achievement and acquisition. Acquisitive values, whether
material, intellectual or spiritual must inevitably involve a methodology
of manipulation, exploitation and violence. They project a preconceived
pattern of achievement — which may be personal wealth, some collective
utopia, heaven or enlightenment — and try to mold life according to it.
This molding action is a subtle form of violence because it disregards
the intrinsic value of things and uses them merely as raw material to
achieve a desired end. Life, which should be an end-in-itself, is thereby
reduced to a means and is given only a utilitarian value according to our
motivation. Life, nature, and the individual who is the essence of life
become dispensable as they become secondary to our goals. Hence all
materialistic values must inevitably devalue life and the individual. Ma-
terialistic cultures fragment themselves and create boundaries, nationali-
ties and labels through which war becomes inevitable.
— The True Basis of Culture — 87
Real change is there when we are receptive to it, not when we seek to
bring it about. The change that we seek, being based on preconception,
becomes the continuation of a bias and a further effort to limit life to a
pattern which is death. It is not necessary to try to change society, which
implies conflict and duality, but rather to be open to the transformation
which is at the unconditioned heart of every individual.
As long as our cultures are based on outer values of politics and
economics, history, belief and ideology — whether spiritual or worldly
in form — they will become corrupt and destructive. There is no way to
reform such cultures. What is needed is a radical change of values, from
false values based on the primacy of the measurable to true values based
on the consciousness of the unlimited. This change cannot come about
through any normal social channels, through organized activities or
revolutions, but only through the awakening of the creative individual,
which means going altogether beyond what we call society and its illusion
of appearances and names.
We cannot change society from the outside, by economic reforms or
by changing other people. Society can only be changed from within, by
changing ourselves. It is only at the source, which is the individual, that
there can be change, not in the periphery which is society. To try to change
society by changing others is to further social disintegration, because it is
the sense of difference from others that is the basis of all anti-social action.
The other is also our own self. Society cannot be changed through
division, through opposing one group or another, through blaming some-
one else, but only through each one of us taking responsibility individually
for the whole of life.
Transformation is in the simple, the silent, the unexpected and the
unmotivated. Those who try to force change are only maintaining the
outward mentality, the artificial motivation that has brought about the
present crisis. It is not a change of form that is needed, not a shifting of
which group is in power, but a going beyond the violence of power to the
transformation inherent in peace. What is done out of the sense of unity
transforms, not what we attempt through a faction or special interest group
or to rectify past wrongs.
Communion, which is the basis of all true society, must have no
boundaries; otherwise it is not real and becomes the formation of a faction.
It must be open to all life and existence, not just with human beings, or it
is still a process of isolation. Only in the universal is there the basis for a
society that is liberating. Such a cosmic order is renewed by the sponta-
neous movement of life itself. Only freedom from spatial boundaries,
from the sense of limitation, creates a true culture, not the setting up of a
— The True Basis of Culture — 91
beings in our own self is there the basis for real harmony, cooperation and
culture. At that source, in the heart which is everywhere, we discover the
basis of all true life and culture and all true values. Not in the upholding
of our personal rights but in the renunciation of desire lies the foundation
for a new world.
This does not mean that a truly spiritual culture will be empty or void,
sterile or rigid. It will have art, science, philosophy, medicine and yoga,
as in the rich mystical traditions of the world like the Vedic culture of
India. It will be a rich and diverse culture in all true domains of human
inquiry. These things, however, will not be imposed upon anyone and will
not be made into dogma. They will be part of an open field for creative
growth, free of boundaries. They will be part of our own greater self and
cosmic unfoldment, not an end in themselves. The culture of creativity
will be part of the culture of the uncreate. The immanent will overflow
into the transcendent.
It is of utmost importance that we have culture and that this culture
is as wide, variable and open as possible. However, a true culture is a
culture of the spirit, which is a culture of creative awareness. It elevates
our being and makes us more in harmony with the great beauty and joy
of existence. Our present culture is a culture of sensation, which is no real
culture at all, but a kind of drug or addiction. Unless we change our culture,
which is the field in which the individual grows, we cannot expect the real
soul in people to flower. Instead it will wither and die, like a seed that
does not receive sufficient water.
A true culture is like a rich field for the soul to grow as it requires.
Yet culture can only provide the soil. The seed comes from the Divine
within. If the soil is prepared correctly the seed will grow. But if we try
to force the seed to grow, we can only distort it. Hence we ourselves must
become open and receptive. We must make our own minds and lives into
the field for a new creation. To do this we must purify ourselves of our
own separative seeking. If we become the field, then a new birth must
occur within it. Yet if we seek to determine the nature or form of that birth,
we destroy the passivity and purity of the field and guarantee only a
process of decay. We can either be the matrix of a new spiritual civilization
or the final era of decay of materialistic culture. This is the challenge of
our age.
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we ate asleep. The only way to get beyond addiction is to question its
origin in the separate self. This is the true way of deliverance that takes
us beyond birth and death.
crucible and the matrix for the coming into being of the unknown. Our
daily lives must become an offering and a prayer not limited to any name
or form. Then for us to see will be to be, and to be all and everlasting.
Being, truth, God or whatever name one may give to reality, is not a
thing of thought. It is not the content of any conceptual knowledge and
cannot be comprehended through any thought process however subtle or
synthetic. It is entirely outside the domain of the mind, memory and
sensation. It is not in the known and the thinkable and cannot be arrived
at through extending their fields. It can only be approached through the
abandonment and surrender of the field of the mind.
The mind cannot know being or reality. It can only know the appear-
ance of name, form and becoming. It cannot know the essence of anything,
whether a rock, a tree, a person or an emotion. It cannot touch the presence
which is sacred but can only cognize the surface details of differentiation.
Living as we do in thought, we cannot know reality, though we may think
about it in many different ways.
The mind itself has no true reality, existence or being. The separate
self is a problematical entity, ever trying to be, endlessly becoming, but
never arriving at a state of peace or fullness. The mind has only thought,
name and form — a transient becoming or superficial knowledge caught
between two greater ignorances of birth and death. It is never present,
never simply existent or in unity with all. It is always absent, elsewhere,
isolated in its pattern of seeking and trying to be. It is ever caught in
inessential distinctions and cannot perceive the simple unity and love
behind life. The mind is too complicated and jaded by sensation and
memory to know the simplicity and innocence of the sacred. It endlessly
pursues differences of form and thereby misses the space of being which
is equal in all.
Whatever we think about is not the real. Whoever we think about,
once we have formed an image, is not the real person or conscious subject.
The real being, which is one in all, cannot be reduced to a thought but can
only be communed with in openness and silence. To approach anyone
through thought is to set their being aside and put a limiting form, idea or
expectation upon them. We can be open to the real, sutrender to it, but
once we set our minds on knowing it, we enter into the unreal.
Being is there and is ever open to us, but closed as we are in our
thought processes we cannot know it. Being is openness and beneficence
102 — Beyond the Mind —
that ever overflows its infinite nature into creation. If we do not perceive
this extraordinary reality, it is not because it is something mysterious
is elsewhe re — because we
is hidden from us but because our attention
are inattentive and involved in the distract ions of our own thought- pat-
terns. Being is self-luminous and self-revealing, but because we
hypnotized by our own personal becomin g we cannot discover its pres-
ence. The screen of our thoughts based on the sense of a separate self
blocks us from the unity of existence.
It is no use to search out what is real without first seeing the illusion
and suffering created by the barrier of thought. To know being we must
first be. Only being can know being. We are That by what we are, not by
what we seek or desire. We become That by no longer striving to become.
This is the offering of the mind into the flame of awareness that delivers
us into the eternal.
The real possessions that bind us are our memories, which are our
inner possessions. Memory is an attachment, a holding on to something,
an accumulation in which energy is trapped. Memory is a form of matter,
a substance in the mind. It is the residue of an experience that has left a
mark upon the mind. The degree of our attachment to the past, to a
personal history, is the degree of our materialism. Our memories form the
landscape of the world of illusion and sorrow, Samsara, in which we are
This world of memory is revealed during dream and fantasy. It also
underlies our waking consciousness and distorts our perception. Hence
our fall into dream or fantasy is a fall into the inertia of our own minds.
The more we arte attached to the past and a personal becoming in time,
the heavier the weight of our ignorance. This is why, as we grow older,
our lives become more weary, more of a burden. It is easy, therefore, to
measure our ignorance in life: it is equal to our thoughts, our habitual
stream of memory-based considerations. Similarly, the knowledge we
cling to through thought is the measure of the matter in our minds that
obstructs us from seeing the truth.
We are not bound to the external world or the matter outside of us. It
is the world inside us, the matter within our own minds that binds us, our
memories which are the reflection of our identification with the external
world. Only when we take the world inside ourselves through thought
does it become a burden on us and cause worry and anxiety. If we let the
world be, it takes care of itself in the natural harmony and freedom of
Consciousness is immaterial and thought is matter. To think, to fall
into thought, is to introduce a foreign substance — matter — into our
consciousness and to weigh it down. Our thoughts are our matter, through
which we fall into the material world and its compulsions. To acquire
things mentally through name, recognition and identification is to add to
the ignorance within us.
The mind empties itself naturally — consciousness itself is empti-
ness, immateriality and boundless space — when we do not fill it with our
106 — Beyond the Mind —
is a
personal and social cares and anxieties. The realization that thought
burden is the ending of thought. All thought, worry and care is a useless
weight that only serves to separate us from the beneficence of existence
and draw upon us the very disharmonies we wish to avoid. When we
release the inner burden of thought through the perception of its foreign
nature we transcend the entire world.
Can one live without thought? By this we do not mean, can we live
thoughtlessly? because we already do, precisely because of our preoccu-
pation with ourselves through thought. Can we live without the constant
stream of mechanical thoughts, the subconscious flow of self-centered
considerations that makes up the substratum of our consciousness?
We are always thinking about everything: what we have done, what
we are doing and what we will do. Such thinking does not usually occur
because of any conscious reflection on our part but as a matter of habit
and compulsion. If we are sensitive, we perceive that thought — with all
of its worry, gossip and unfulfilled longings, its strange anxiety, restless-
ness and emptiness — is pain. It inhibits action, destroys communication
and corrupts life. “Can we live with it?,” we must also ask, because it is
destroying us.
Of course we can live without thought, except where it is practically
necessary. We do not have to think about things except on a basic level,
like how to get from one place to another. Practical thoughts are not a
problem and make up very little of our thought stream which is psycho-
logical in nature. In fact, thoughts about personal happiness and sorrow,
the fixation on the separate self, make practical functioning more difficult
as they bring a confusing ego element into the picture.
How then are we to free ourselves from thought, and why is it that
we are unable to do so? We meditate and struggle to quiet thought but it
keeps going on. Despite our every effort and intention, thought continues
as if by some strange will of its own. Our very effort to silence thought
appears only to strengthen it.
There is really no mystery behind this. Thought continues because
we want it to continue. Superficially, intellectually, we may decide to end
thought, but on a deeper level we remain attached to it. We have a vested
interest in our beliefs and opinions — in some image, idea or person that
keeps thought in motion. Though we may try occasionally to get beyond
thought, we more frequently allow ourselves to fall into its habitual stream
of considerations and thereby allow its momentum to continue. We may
superficially want to end thought but inwardly we are clinging to a
108 — Beyond the Mind —
There are two main sources of our knowledge of the world. The first
is the senses, through which our main contact with the world occurs. The
second is through thought, which organizes sensory impressions into
logical patterns. The senses themselves do not provide direct knowledge.
They do not reveal any thing-in-itself but merely give various impressions
ot appearances, which can be interpreted in any number of ways. The
senses relate to a particular point in time and space. They show only one
side or aspect of things. We can improve their knowledge by extending
their field or by considering additional perspectives. Yet no matter how
we expand our field of sensory knowledge, there remain further appear-
ances that we do not have an adequate means of comprehending.
Thought itself is not a direct means of knowing, but only of organizing
knowledge from other sources. Thought allows us to analyze sensory
impressions and put them into an orderly perspective. Thought allows us
to question the knowledge given by the senses and validate it further. For
example, thought which understands the effect of distance tells us that the
senses do not give an adequate view of distant objects. In this way thought
gives credence to sensory knowledge, without which the inherent bias of
_ sensory knowledge would be glaring.
Conversely, sensation supports and upholds thought. Without sensory
perception to verify them, thoughts may be no more than imagination.
Without a sensation to prove a thought, thought has little meaning. If a
man says that he was hurt but his body shows no evidence of injury, his
statement lacks credibility. We use the limitations of thought to correct
the limitations of sensation, and vice versa. We expand the field of
limitation but our knowledge remains inherently questionable and indi-
rect. ;
We have no direct knowledge of the world. Therefore the question
arises as to whether what we call the world really exists or is merely the
product of the limitations of our instruments. Is our world-idea valid or is
it a distortion of reality caused by the indirect nature of our knowledge?
Do our instruments of knowledge reveal an objective reality or do they
create the very knowledge that they appear to discover? Many scientists
116 — Beyond the Mind —
Life presents us with both the limited and the unlimited. On one hand,
there is no limit to what we can see or experience. On the other hand, there
is a definite limit to what we can do, and the time that we have to live.
If we examine any object in nature we discover that there is no end
to the details of its appearance. Take a walk in the woods and try to see
everything. Examine the endless detail on a rock, the bark of a tree, the
many insects, the pattern of the dew or the movement of the clouds. The
unlimited is everywhere. Yet we also find limits to things. Each thing has
restrictions as to its size and duration. Hence the world presents us with
both the limited and the unlimited. How do these factors relate? Which is
primary or real? Have we ever examined this issue, or have we merely
accepted the limited as the real?
If we pursue the limited we will find it everywhere. We will find ends,
limits or boundaries to everything. If we pursue the unlimited we will also
find it everywhere. We will find no end to the beauty, uniqueness and
variety of things. If we pursue the limited we ourselves will become
limited, trapped in time and matter. If we pursue the unlimited we
ourselves will become unlimited. We will open into the eternal and the
Unfortunately, in our human society we emphasize the limited side
of life. We establish boundaries, territory, distinctions and definitions. We
price and label things and people and thereby lose contact with the
indescribable richness of perception and awareness. Rather than possess
all the universe in consciousness, we strive to hold to a few petty items
on the physical plane which itself is vicarious. Hence we miss the
unlimited and thereby never find peace.
The world is the unlimited in apparent limitation. If we look superfi-
cially we see the limited. If we look deeply we perceive the unlimited.
The unlimited abides in seeing, not in any object seen. Thought focuses
on the limited and pronounces it to be real. In this way we limit our own
reality. Awareness reveals the unlimited, not as a theory but as the fact of
perception. Which of these directions in consciousness we choose deter-
mines our own reality or unreality, and our happiness or sorrow.
In the waking state, our social and rational mind screens, selects and
represses much of the contents of our consciousness. What it does not
want to recognize becomes the unconscious. In the waking state we do
not wish to admit the chaotic fears and desires, based mainly on fantasy,
with which our mind is filled. However, in the dream state, when the
conscious mind and its selective function is in abeyance and there is no
sensory perception to color the mind, the actual contents of our conscious-
ness arise for what they are, which is chaos. Our dream state reflects the
actual confused state of our minds.
As we begin to meditate, we come into contact with this deeper chaos
of our thoughts. We try to control or discipline our thoughts and emotional
reactions. Yet in spite of the control we may achieve over our fantasies
and desires in the waking state, we find they remain firmly rooted in the
unconscious and may become more tenacious by our opposition to them.
The division between the conscious and the unconscious becomes deeper,
becomes a kind of war, with the conscious mind seeking to conquer the
unconscious and the unconscious retreating to secret strongholds and
waging a costly guerrilla uprising in return.
Consciously, intellectually, according to the persuasion of an idea,
authority or belief, we decide to change, not to be violent or lustful and
so on. Yet this does not affect the unconscious, which still mirrors
confusion, attachment and violence — an obstinate clinging to the very
emotions we have decided to give up. We begin to suspect some evil or
alien will behind the workings of the unconscious and thereby increase
our resistance to it. This only increases the division between the conscious
and the unconscious, which is our own inner fragmentation. Such an
approach leads ultimately to a dead end of conflict, in which the uncon-
scious overcomes the conscious and we give up the worldly life and
struggle to enjoy the pleasures we have denied ourselves; or the conscious
mind so strangles the unconscious that we lose all life and spontaneity and
become cold and rigid mental beings.
Whatever exists in our minds, even the most careless fantasy or
distracted imagination, is there for a reason and reflects some truth of our
134 — Beyond the Mind —
Our lives are filled with fear and anxiety. Anxiety, we could say, is
the very way of our culture. We are made impressionable to it at a young
age as a means of social control. Anxiety takes many forms, like the
anxiety to be loved, to be happy, to be well off or to be somebody. And
there is the anxiety of possible loss which breeds insurance companies
and churches. We invent all kinds of guarantees and securities to protect
us. And yet there is no end to our anxiety.
It is no wonder that we are anxious. We have based our whole
mentality on the outer factors of life which are intrinsically transient,
limited, uncertain and unreliable. As long as we are caught in the realm
of outward seeking, we must suffer anxiety. We are always trying to figure
things out, to plan and control them, to make them go our way or bring
us what we want. The very action of thought must result in anxiety because
we cannot really figure anything out. Life is beyond our control, and even
when we succeed in getting what we want, we find that it is really not
what we thought it would be. Our effort to control life and plan the future
separates us from life and its beneficence. In trying to take care of
ourselves, we lose the care of life and so cease to care for life. As there is
no one, no reality to sustain us except what we create by our own personal
and collective efforts in the face of the unknown and the certainty of death
and limitation, we find anxiety lurking everywhere.
There is no overcoming of anxiety; there is only its postponement or
its palliation. Anxiety is the inevitable effect of the way we live, and the
effect cannot be removed without the eradication of its cause. Non-sur-
render to life, non-perception of truth, and the imposing of our personal
will upon existence must cause anxiety. Our isolated center of separate
existence, the personal self or ego, is a constriction of energy, an alienation
that must remain problematical, uncertain and anxious because it has no
true basis in reality.
Anxiety is only evidence that our lives are out of harmony with reality.
We should feel anxious because we are placing our sense of reality in
anxiety unfold its signific ance
uncertain, the petty and the fleeting. Letting
through receptivity to it will reveal to us all the illusions of the mind. The
136 — Beyond the Mind —
The energy of the breath and the energy of thought are directly related.
As the breath moves, so does thought. This we can observe for ourselves.
When the mind is disturbed, the breath is disturbed and vice versa.
Hence by controlling the breath we can aid in controlling the thought
process. By developing the energy of the breath we can help develop the
energy of consciousness. For this reason various breathing practices or
pranayama have often been used to help facilitate the practice of medita-
tion. Once the breath is calm, it becomes easier to move into a state of
meditation. Hence pranayama is often practiced as a preliminary to
Our thoughts move outward into the external world by the movement
of the breath. We can observe this for ourselves. We cannot be aware of
our breath and lose our attention to any external object. Awareness of the
breath checks the outward impetus of thought and keeps the life-force
within us. It introverts the mind and allows us to contact our true nature.
The breath is thus the link between the inner and the outer worlds of
experience and can be used to take us in either direction. In the process
of breathing we not only take in the air from the outer world, we also
contact the life-force within us, whose origin is in consciousness. By
conscious breathing we can connect with consciousness, which is the true
energy behind the breath.
While it is often very difficult to get a handle on our thoughts, which
do not abide even for an instant, it is quite possible to work with the breath.
Yet the breath is only a door to the mind. To belabor ourselves with our
breathing process without inquiring inwardly through meditation is no
more than a physical exercise that cannot take us beyond the ordinary
We cannot go beyond the mind if our mind is not pure. For this reason
various systems of yoga emphasize right diet, conduct and livelihood.
Whatever we do in life, we are absorbing various influences and impres-
sions. If these are heavy or agitated, our minds will not have the subtlety
to approach the real. This does not mean that we have to follow some
artificial religious standard but that we must be truthful, honest, simple
and non-violent — that our life must reflect the integrity and discipline
of awareness. If our life-style does not agree: with our ideas and aspira-
tions, the latter are of little real value.
We cannot step outside of the chaos of our thoughts without bringing
clarity to our function in life. If we are addicted to sensation and stimula-
tion, anxious about the outer world, if we are ambitious or acquisitive even
for spiritual knowledge, the mind will be weighed down and our inner
light veiled. The vibrations created by these actions, like the effect of
alcohol, will obstruct us from any higher perception. As long as we are
ingesting the forces of illusion and confusion, we cannot talk about going
beyond them.
Therefore the spiritual life always has two aspects: to purify the mind
and to go beyond the mind. To purify the mind it is necessary to live
righteously, with integrity and compassion. For this many practices can
be helpful like vegetarian diet, yogic postures, yogic breathing, study of
spiritual teachings, repetition of mantras, visiting sacred places or spend-
ing time in nature. To go beyond the mind it is necessary not to believe in
any illusion of thought or stance of the ego, even attachment to the good
or the holy. This is beyond all practices and nothing can directly bring it
Yet it can be easy to theorize about what is beyond the mind, even
when the mind is not pure or clear. It can be easy to put down spiritual
and religious practices as illusory while in our daily lives we still live in
a worldly and sensate fashion, dominated by outer events and attached to
opinions and judgments. This remains wishful thinking and only distorts
our ability to approach the truth. While practices to purify the mind have
their limitations, they are of greater value than continuing in a distracted
148 — Beyond the Mind —
Our main worry in life, if we look deeply, is for our welfare in the
material world: whether or not we will have enough income to get by,
whether our job or relationship will be secure, whether our health will be
good, and so on. This problem constantly gnaws at us and keeps us
disturbed and disoriented. It may fall into the background for awhile,
particularly in periods of good fortune, but it never leaves us and recur-
rently surfaces with the various difficulties that life brings to all of us. To
assuage this fear, we look to improve our position in the world: to get a
better job, to save more money, to have insurance, property and so on. Yet
however much we have, we are never able to conquer this basic fear.
Greater income means greater expenses and more possessions give more
to worry about. And there are always obstructions and enmity from one
side or another. We gain in one area but lose in another. We may, for
example, gain wealth but lose our friends.
Most of us are plotting to maintain or expand our position in the world
to gain more security. We look to friends, family, employers, banks and
governments to guarantee our status or to save us if we are poor. We seek
our refuge in life in something outside ourselves. Yet no matter how
apparently secure a few of us may become, there remain depressions,
wars, revolutions and natural calamities to fear — as well as disease, old
age and death, which are our inevitable lot.
Even those of us who are spiritually or religiously inclined become
easily disturbed by financial, legal, political or health problems, or we
look to the ashram or the guru to provide for our welfare. Our prime
concern in life is material security. And when this is threatened we feel
our whole life is threatened. We have established our personal welfare in
the outer world as our prime value. Then we may find the leisure for some
higher pursuits like art or meditation, or we can afford to be charitable.
However, the very outward powers we rely upon for security are
themselves insecure. The government, the insurance companies, our
family, whoever we have made our refuge, becomes a threat. Our looking
to the material world for security merely places us under the rule of the
external, allows us to become unbalanced by the changes and fluctuations
150 — Beyond the Mind —
which are part of the very nature of life. Our seeking of outer
insecuri ty. It makes us depende nt upon
which does not really exist, breeds
unreliab le, and causes us to lose our innate integrit y
the external, which is
and independence in awarene ss.
There is no security in the material world. The nature of matter is
give us
corruption, dependency and relativity. How can what is transient
outwardl y there is
support? The pursuit of security is endless because
nothing that we can really hold onto. The only outward certainty is death.
Yet most of us are not concerned with what death is. We are worried about
how we will get by in old age — whether our family or someone else
take care of us, whether we will be sick or not — but we seldom consider
the fact of death itself which nullifies all personal happiness and sorrow.
As long as we are seeking outward security we must create misery and
insecurity for ourselves.
All life supports the one who is aware. This is the law of life: all beings
further the one who sees his unity with them. This support is not a
dependable income or freedom from tribulation, but the peace and love
which can transcend even death and sorrow. The spiritual life does not
depend upon material security but sees in all life a grace of learning in
which all things aid in the unfoldment of self-knowledge. The spiritual
life does not bow down to those who have power, wealth or prestige. It
realizes that those who hold the power externally are no more than puppets
in a stage show, pulled by strings they do not see.
Appearance is never reality and reality never appears. They are two
different dimensions altogether. Whatever appears is bound by duality
and relativity, whereas reality is only one and absolute.
This is not a statement of abstract philosophy. Both our reality and
that of the world cannot be found in the realm of appearances as revealed
by the senses, or by any extension of sensory knowledge including the
most subtle scientific instruments. Reality is of the inner consciousness
and can never become an object of examination by the externally-oriented
mind. Similarly, whatever can be observed or seen must be ultimately
unreal, as it is not the awareness within.
The world and how we appear within it can never be the truth. We
will never find reality in the world of appearances, just as a light cannot
be found by its shadows on the wall. Appearance is name, form and
limitation, which remains trapped in alternating waves of pleasure and
pain, joy and sorrow, birth and death. Appearance can never become
perfect. It remains relative, bound by duality, shifting up and down but
never arriving at any lasting condition.
Whatever world we appear to be in, and whatever body we appear to
inhabit, is never real. They are merely reflections of our inner conscious-
ness, like the waves that rise from the sea. They are products of an
outgoing view based upon thought in ignorance of our true Self. We
cannot find peace or fulfillment in any appearance, however great. Only
in the world of reality or consciousness does our innate happiness abide.
This is not to denigrate the outer world but simply to see it as it is.
Appearance is like an image, symbol or play — a magic show lasting a
few days. It has its wonder and beauty but it is wrong to think that it has
any reality of its own. To believe that any appearance is real is to be taken
in by appearances. To see the illusory nature of all appearances is to allow
the real to shine through the veil of appearance, through which we pass
beyond all time.
Yet it is not so much that the world is an illusion as that what we call
the world is a misconception. The reality of the world is quite different
than our idea of a world. It is not that there is unreality but that reality is
152 — Beyond the Mind —
There is only one truth or reality that we all must come to know. Just
as there is only one set of natural laws governing the workings of the
physical universe, so there is only one set of spiritual laws governing the
workings of the mind. Just as there is only one science or domain of outer
knowledge, so there is also only one religion, spiritual science or domain
of inner knowledge. This religion of truth, however, is not a belief, nor
can it be organized. It is not limited to any book, group or person. It has
no specific or final revelation. It is beyond beginning and ending, and
cannot be delimited by name or place. It is eternal, universal and fully
revealed only in the silence of the mind.
This one truth or reality is our own essential nature. No one can give
this truth to us, and no one can take it away from us. No one can persuade
or influence us — or convert us to some identity that would allow us to
discover who we really are.
All truth, reality, happiness and peace is our own nature. It is not
something that we can gain externally. In fact to look for it externally is
to lose it within ourselves. No one can discover truth for ourselves, any
more than another person can eat or breathe for us. To arrive at this truth
requires the utmost labor and patience to understand the workings of the
The religion of truth is the religion of self-knowledge. It is not a
religion in the sense of a defined dogma but as a way of recognizing that
which is sacred. The highest religion is to know oneself. For this even
God is not necessary, for if God is apart from ourselves, how can it be of
any value to us? Yet to truly know oneself is not to know oneself as a mere
body, mind or person, but to come to understand one’s essential reality in
pure consciousness. Nor is it to know oneself as some separate or special
entity. It is to see all beings in the Self and the Self in all beings.
The separate self is the source of all sorrow, which is only thought.
Our true nature or real Self, which thought can never touch, is the essence
of joy. These two truths form the basic core of the religion of truth.
them they avoid us. This is like a man and his shadow. All creation is our
shadow that will follow us if we do not follow after it.
The nature of matter, which the mind also shares, is to expand or
contract. As long as we are caught in our materiality, which is the
movement of thought, our main project will be to expand or contract. The
giving up of this blind intention of matter to expand or contract is the true
renunciation, which is incalculable, spontaneous and unmotivated. It is
the acceptance of all existence as sacred, in which all sense of gain and
loss born of memory dissolves in the beauty and bliss of perception and
awareness. Only if we think there is something to gain can we lose. All
existence is ever full and overflowing when we set aside the idea of
possession. There is nothing to acquire or discard because there are no
“things,” because matter is a superficial construct of the mind ina creative
reality where all is one.
The purpose of human life is not to gain personal happiness or
assert our individual rights. It is to further the evolution of conscio
in the world, which is to work for the good of all. This requires service
and self-sacrifice.
True service can only be done where there is no thought, where
recognit ion. It is action done for its own
is no seeking of results, reward or
sake, which demonstrates the intrinsic being and value of awarenes s. If
our action is not a form of service it must generate karma or bondage to
the external world, and must eventually become destructive.
This does not mean that we must engage ourselves in charity or other
social and political works, though these do have their place. It means that
we should not act out of self-interest but out of self-surrender to truth. The
practice of meditation is the highest form of service in which we surrender
all mundane and outward activity to the inner power of seeing.
Often the mind is too disturbed or disoriented to meditate, or even to
chant mantras or do yoga practices. In this case the best way to calm the
mind is through work or selfless service. When the body and mind are
engaged in work of a service nature there is no longer the space of
distraction for our mind to continually fall into its own problems.
It is only because we are attached to our own problems that we have
them. If we accept all the world’s problems as our own, we will find that
our own problems cease to be important and, no longer being fed by our
thoughts, naturally dissolve themselves. It is only because we are not
looking to serve but to get things for ourselves that we can be frustrated.
Yet even if we are able to meditate, the performance of work or selfless
service can be very important to help integrate that awareness into our
daily life and action. As long as our action is self-promoting our medita-
tion cannot be truly effective.
ity. This violence begins not with the picking up of a weapon but with the
inertia of our own self-consciousness and its automatic emphasis on the
me and the mine.
Violence, the conflict of opposing forces, is the way of matter, which
is a resistance to light, existence and love. Violence is the nature of the
mind functioning through attraction and repulsion. Thought itself is
violence, which is the imposing of a pattern on existence that cannot be
reduced to a pattern. To go beyond violence we must go beyond the idea
of a separate self, from which all thought springs.
The details of various conflicts are not important. Nor does it matter
which side wins because the ending of one conflict will merely be the
beginning of another. Where there is thought and the separate self there
must be conflict. To take one side or another in a conflict is to become
caught in the stream of conflict that can have no end. Conflict cannot be
resolved into right and wrong, the winner and loser, but only into the true
and the false, into what is aligned to the universal and what is attached to
a limited point of view.
In this regard conflict is always the false id peace alone is the truth.
This state of peace cannot be arrived at through resolving conflicts but
through returning to the thought-free state wherein violence cannot arise
in the first place.
The true Self is not the ego. It is not the “I am this” or the “I want
that.” It is devoid of any self-image. Even to call it a self can be misleading
as it belongs to no one and nothing belongs to it. Yet it is who we naturally
are. It is the state of pure seeing devoid of any objectification of self or
There is no need but that we be the Self — that we not be another and
that we do not become somebody for others. We need only be as we are.
Moreover we should not turn other subjects, which are but different views
of our Self, into objects either. All is the Self or intrinsic being. In that all
beings are redeemed, all life is delivered, as existence itself is fulfillment.
The Subject can never be an object. The Self cannot be the body, the
senses, the mind or emotions. It cannot have any role, status, or appearance
in the outer world or in the world of thought. A subject which is also an
object is a misconception, a falsehood that breeds illusion and suffering.
It is an idea that cannot be trusted or accepted. It is a false logic, the logic
of ignorance that equates the subject Consciousness with an object, form
or quality. It is the cosmic blunder, the great error of the soul, the fall that
creates all evil and misery.
Whatever has form or quality, name, image or action is an object.
Whatever has consciousness is in essence the pure Subject and is not
affected by the modifications of the objects in its field of perception. Just
as a cup falling from a table and breaking does not hurt us though we
observe it, so the qualities of our body and mind do not affect or hurt the
true Self, though we observe them more intimately.
Hence we must question this objectification of ourselves and of
others. There is no identity in anything because all objects are transient,
dependent and composite. They have nothing intrinsic. Identity is only
possible in Being itself. There is only one pute or absolute identity which
is to be all. Any relative or limited identity is a fiction of this confusion
between subject and object. Only when we have divested ourselves of all
objectivity can we know who we really are.
That which is true life is not a material thing. It is not an object, energy
or idea. It is not physical, emotional or mental. What alone is true life is
consciousness and awareness where there is no division, for division is
death. Consciousness is the ocean of immortal life. Those who are aware
alone have the power of life, alone can give life and make things endure.
The true place of man in creation is to bring the waters of immortal
life into the garden of the natural world. The true place of the spiritual
man, the seer, is to bring the waters of life into the garden of human
culture. This garden, however, owing to the lack of that true consciousness
in human beings, resembles now more a desert in which fierce dust storms
To be is to give life. It is not any action or idea that gives life, it is
only being itself, the consciousness of existence. The creative products of
the natural or human worlds are the plants that grow from this water of
life which is the awareness of existence. These plants do not grow
or significa nt they may appear in them-
themselves, however beautiful
selves. It is from the water that they grow, which is drawn spontaneously
without even recognizing it. For a true culture, therefore, there must first
of all be the waters of life. All will follow naturally from that, and without
it growth will be artificial and self-destructive.
Because we seek results and value productions, we have lost contact
, without
with the streams of life. Thus our work is superficial and transient
real nourishm ent. Greater
any firm foundation and incapable of providing
effort or efficiency will not suffice. It is the patience, restraint
ion with the
quiescence of the essence that is required, the silent commun
arises a creation that is not bound by the
depths of the heart. From this
past or the future, which is both yesterda y and tomorro w.
silences the mind is not any mental conclusion or theory, but the energy
of mystery that is the energy of consciousness, the flame of awareness in
which all is direct vision, full in itself and ever free.
nded. It
Yoga is the process whereby the mind is silenced and transce
l posture s or breathi ng practic es. Its chief
is not merely a set of physica
method is meditation, not any outer action.
Yogic postures bring calm and balance to the body. Yogic
are of great value,
brings harmony and energy to the breath. While these
must be used as
they cannot in themselves take us beyond thought. They
the foundation for meditation, or their use is incompl ete.
to help
Mental techniques like mantra and visualization are also tools
aids to meditat ion. They serve to stablize
calm the mind and are additional
to rest.
the thought process, which is necessary to allow it to be put
not look beyond them to the Divine conscio usness
However, if we do
within ourselv es, they can even become obstacle s.
e the
While many tools and practices have been invented to facilitat
It is to no longer
practice of yoga, the main process of yoga is very simple.
look outward to find truth or happiness, but to rest in our real nature
inquiry and surrende r, which are
of all other considerations. This requires
s. Inquiry means giving our
the two main aspects of all yoga practice
attention to the thought process and tracing it back to its origin
er means opennes s to the inner reality and a
consciousness. Surrend
relinqui sh all outer seeking s in order to enter into it.
willingness to
Without some sort of practice of yoga, which means meditation,
es, however
cannot get beyond our human problems. All other approach
secondarily useful, will not prove sufficient to bring about real change
return to the science
ourselves or in our society. Hence we must once more
and practice of yoga as the basis of our lives and our culture.
Meditation requires that we learn to give space to what is beyond
name and form to reveal itself, that we set aside our opinions and come
to commune with things as they are. This is only possible when we
or the known, and give our prime value to
up our belief in matter
meditati on we enter into a different dimensi on
awareness itself. Through
— Yoga and Meditation — 171
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PO. Box 21713
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(801) 942-1440
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