Remsha - Identifying Economic Obsolescence (NEW FILE)

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Identifying and Quantifying

Economic Obsolescence
This article was authored by Michael J. Remsha, P.E., ASA, CMI, Vice President and Managing Director


Economic obsolescence: You can’t see it, you can’t touch it, and you can’t smell it (at
least most of the time), so how are appraisers supposed to quantify it? No one ever said
being an appraiser was easy. It takes years of training, experience, and hard work to be
able to investigate an industry, analyze market data, and derive factors such as economic
obsolescence (“EO”).

Economic obsolescence, also referred to as external obsolescence, is the loss in value

resulting from influences external to the property itself. External conditions causing EO may
be international, national, industry-based, or local in origin. Various external factors affect
potential economic returns, thus having a direct impact on the market value of an asset or

This paper will discuss a number of procedures that can be used to identify and quantify EO.
The appraiser must study the subject property and its industry, as appropriate, to determine
if EO exists, and if it does, how to measure and apply it. These procedures may not apply
to every property or industry, and may not be appropriate in the case of certain U.S. Federal
Tax or financial reporting matters where other perspectives may apply.

To determine if EO is present, a review must be made of the economics of the subject

property and the industry in which it competes, as of a chosen point in time - the appraisal
date. This review can be made by examining the earnings history of the subject property
and any local or other influences that may affect the economic performance of the subject
and its assets. For typical real
estate, especially small generic
properties, the effects of local
market conditions can be very
important. Zoning, the local Valuation
economy, unemployment,
and industry factors can Consulting
affect the value of real estate.
Larger real estate properties Real Estate
may not be affected by local Advisory

economics as significantly, Fixed Asset

but they can be affected by Management
the regional, national, and

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even global economy. Major properties that typically include real estate and significant
other capital assets, and going concern influences (business values such as tangible
and intangible assets and working capital) can be affected by local economic factors,
but usually are more significantly affected by industry-wide economic conditions.

Industry economic conditions affect all aspects of a business, and commonly, entire
businesses are appraised, not just real estate or just machinery and equipment. Some
typical properties that would be appraised as a business include cement plants, steel mills,
paper mills, petrochemical and chemical plants, and other processing plants; oil and gas
production, mining, and other facilities in the extractive industries; and any other assemblies
of assets that compete in a specific industry. Typical sources of data that can be used to
review the economics of an industry include annual stockholder reports of companies in
the industry, 10K reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission, industry publications
discussing product and raw material price changes, investment banking and brokerage
reports, and government studies. By using such data, the appraiser can determine if the
earnings in the industry – and hence, of the subject property – have been, are currently, or
will be affected by some outside economic influence that will reduce earnings and, therefore,
the value of the business and its assets.

Of course, if certain assets in the plant or in the industry are generic such that they could
be used by other industries, the EO of the current user may not be appropriate for that
specific asset. For example, EO in the typewriter industry may be significant, but the real
estate associated with a typewriter plant could be used by many different users. Therefore,
it would be appropriate to apply the EO penalty to the machinery and equipment used
to manufacture typewriters, but not to the buildings. The appraiser must practice careful

To quantify EO, an appraiser must first investigate the existence of economic conditions that
may reduce the value of a business and, hence, its assets. Then, the EO must be quantified
in an objective manner. EO may exist in any industry or property where the following
attributes are found:

• Reduced demand for the company’s products

• Overcapacity in the industry
• Dislocation of raw material supplies
• Increasing cost of raw materials, labor, utilities, or transportation, while the selling
price of the product remains fixed or increases at a much lower rate
• Government regulations that require capital expenditures to be made with little or
no return on the new investment
• Environmental considerations that require capital expenditures to be made with
little or no return on the new investment

EO is present when better economic opportunities exist for an investment. The economic
principles of supply and demand, and competition drive the loss of value associated with
EO. Typically, EO cannot be reduced by capital investments, but it can change and even
decline to zero through changing industry conditions.
EO can be quantified using many different methods, including the following:

• Market-Derived Approach
• Income Approach
• Utilization Analysis
• Return-on-Capital Analysis
• Equity-to-Book Ratio Analysis
• Gross Margin Analysis
• Government Regulations Analysis
• Income Shortfall Analysis
• Best of the Best Technique

Every method may not be applicable in every valuation problem. Determination of the
appropriate method will depend on the availability of data for review and the type of asset
being valued. The following sections discuss each method in greater detail.

Market-Derived Approach
A very simple and direct approach is to derive EO from the market by reviewing sales
of similar properties. This is especially useful for real estate where similar properties are
available in the local or regional market and sufficient information is available on properties
that have sold. In this approach, the following steps are applied:

Step 1 Deduct land value from the sale price of the property that sold;
the result is the value of only non-land assets. Because EO is an
attribute of the cost approach and land is typically valued using the
sales comparison approach, the land value is removed from the

Step 2 Develop the current cost new of non-land assets.

Step 3 Calculate all depreciation and obsolescence, except EO, and deduct
it from the current cost new of non-land assets.

Step 4 Deduct the adjusted sale price (Step 1) from the current cost new
less depreciation and obsolescence (Step 3).

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The result is an indication of EO based on a market transaction, a sale of a similar property.

This approach can be used to calculate EO as a dollar amount, or as a percentage of
the cost of reproduction new (“CRN”), cost of replacement (“COR”), or even the cost of
replacement less physical depreciation (“CORLD”). An example follows:

Sale Price of Similar Property $1,000,000

Less Value of Land 200,000
Sale Price of Non-land Assets $800,000

Cost Approach Indication of Value of

Property Sold
COR $1,500,000
Less Physical Depreciation 500,000

CORLD $1,000,000
Less Functional Obsolescence 0

Cost Approach Indication of Value

Before EO
Less Sale Price of Non-land Assets 800,000

Indicated EO $200,000

Indicated EO as Percent of CORLD 20%

Hence, based on the above, EO is $200,000, or 13% of the COR, or 20% of the CORLD.
The dollar amount of EO is the same, but the percent will vary depending on how it is
measured and how it is to be used.

Several sales should be reviewed in the analysis to develop a market-derived conclusion.

Preferably, the sales should be similar in age and location to the subject, and have little or
no functional obsolescence, if possible (one less item to analyze). Sometimes this is not
possible, but an attempt should be made to locate comparables that have economic factors
similar to those of the subject. Also, if the calculated EO for the comparables is based on a
percentage of their CORLD, then the deduction for EO applied to the subject property must
be taken before the deduction of any dollar amount for functional obsolescence. Percentage
deductions must always be deducted first, dollar deductions last.

Income Approach
A common valuation technique used by the financial community is simply to develop
the income approach to indicate the value of the property being appraised. The income
approach quantifies all forms of depreciation and obsolescence - physical, functional, and
economic. However, when quantifying depreciation and obsolescence through use of
the income approach, EO cannot be separately delineated in the analysis without relying
on the cost approach. A modification of this approach is to develop all aspects of the
cost approach, with the exception of EO, as in the market-derived approach previously
discussed, then subtract the income approach indication of value from the partially
completed cost approach; the difference is EO. The primary problem with this approach is
that the result really relies on just one approach to value, the income approach. As a general
rule, using this technique, the result of the cost approach to value will always equal the result
of the income approach to value. Although EO has been developed, it is totally dependent
on the basic assumptions of the income approach. An example, based on the previous
example used in the Market-Derived Approach section, follows:

EO in this example is therefore $100,000. If the income approach indication of value were
to change based on a different set of projections or even a different discount rate, the dollar
amount of EO also would change.

Income Approach Indication of Value $1,100,000

Less Value of Land 200,000
Income Approach Indication of Value of Non-land Assets $900,000

Cost Approach Indication of Value Before EO $1,000,000

Less Income Approach Indication of Value of Non-land Assets 900,000
Indicated EO $100,000

Utilization Analysis
Other totally independent procedures are available to quantify the effects of EO. One simple
approach is to review the asset’s utilization. If the asset is being utilized at less than 100%
or whatever is the norm for the industry, then EO exists because demand in the industry is
substantially less than the available supply. Mathematically, this is based on the relationship
whereby EO equals actual utilized capacity (demand) divided by maximum capacity (supply)
with the result taken to an exponent (scale factor), subtracted from 1. The scale factor is a
relationship of cost to capacity, which reflects the concept that as capacity increases, the
cost of construction increases at a different rate, typically a slower rate. Typical scale factors
are 0.6 to 0.7, based on data published in engineering and construction texts.

The typewriter industry circa 1999 will be used as an example of this type of calculation.
Because of the use of personal computers, demand for typewriters has been greatly
reduced. While the manufacturing supply potential is still in place, the demand is not. Let’s
say the machinery and equipment at a certain plant has the capacity (supply) to manufacture
100,000 units per year, but demand is for only 1,000 units per year. The magnitude of EO in
the industry and in the assets located at the plant is calculated as follows:

EO = 1 - (Demand/Capacity)0.7
= 1 - (1,000/100,000)0.7
= 1 - 0.010.7
= 96%

Note that to convert the 96% figure into a dollar amount, one can multiply it by the CRN,
COR, or CORLD. Percentage deductions are always deducted before dollar deductions.
The order of the mathematical calculation is not important; the result will be the same (the
associative principle of algebra).

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The subject company in our example has some income from production of the product,
but the machinery and equipment is severely underutilized and, hence, exhibits a high level
of EO, 96%. The market for typewriters has been replaced due to a new form of office
equipment, personal computers.

Some unenlightened practitioners may argue that EO cannot exist if capacity at the subject
or in the industry is nearly or fully used. This is not always true. It can be true only if
earnings in the industry can support the capital investment at a market-based rate of return.
If utilization is at 100%, but the industry (including the subject) is only breaking even or losing
money, then EO is strongly indicated. Utilization can be at what is considered the norm in
the industry because of economic influences outside the property, such as high consumer
demand, and yet the company may have low levels of profitability because of competition
or some other outside influence on the subject property. An example would be any U.S.
company competing with companies located in foreign countries where raw materials
or operating expenses are less than in the United States. A U.S. plant with a maximum
capacity of 100,000 units per year and high demand for its products may have an output of
100,000 units per year. But because of imports from overseas, the price (i.e., value) received
for the products produced may just cover expenses; therefore, earnings are low or negative,
and the return on the investments in the business are reduced. The magnitude of EO in the
industry, based on utilization only (that is, with a blindfold on), is “calculated” to be zero. Of
course, this is incorrect.

As can be seen in the example above, a company may have low or negative earnings
from the manufacture of a product, yet the equipment may still be utilized at 100%. The
plant is likely experiencing financial difficulties because of reduced earnings caused by
competition; hence, EO exists and must be quantified using an earnings-related approach.
The practitioner can’t just plug numbers into formulas to calculate a result and call it
EO. Thoughtful, reasoned analysis is required. Several questions must be investigated
and answered: Are expected earnings reasonable for the subject property? How do the
property’s earnings compare to the industry? How do the property’s and industry’s earnings
compare to those in alternative investments?

If a plant is new and “state-of-the-art,” it still can exhibit EO. For example, if a plant was
built to manufacture a product, and because of changes in government regulations or
consumer preferences, the demand for the product or maybe even the primary raw material
disappears, EO for the plant and the industry could suddenly be 100%, and the plant would
shut down. This could happen today (2001) in the MTBE industry if the U.S. government
follows the lead of California and bans the use of MTBE (a blendstock used in reformulated
gasoline) in the entire country. The MTBE plants would have the option of shutting down or
maybe, if even possible, spending capital to modify the facilities to produce another product.
EO can be sudden and significant, especially if a government body is involved.

Return-on-Capital Analysis
Another approach to quantifying EO is a return-on-capital (or investment) analysis. In such
an analysis, the relationship of earnings is compared to the magnitude of investment used
to generate those earnings. A simple and direct approach to apply the return-on-capital
analysis is to review the relationships of publicly traded companies in the same or a similar
line of business as the subject property as of the appraisal date to a benchmark to determine
if EO exists and at what level. One method is to compare the percent earned on total capital
(return on capital) for the year prior to the appraisal date with the percent earned on total
capital during a time frame when it was higher (that is, the good old days of more reasonable
returns; the time frame may be one year or over several years).

A convenient publication to utilize in this analysis is Value Line Investment Survey (“Value
Line”). Value Line publishes a significant amount of current and historical financial data on
thousands of publicly traded stocks on a continuous basis. One of the components of a
Value Line analysis is percent earned on total capital.

Value Line defines percent earned on total capital as “a company’s return on its
stockholders’ equity and long-term debt obligations.” As defined in the financial community,
the summation of long-term debt and stockholders’ equity represents the total invested
capital of a business or the business enterprise. When the economics of the industry are
good, the return on capital will be high; when poor, low. Hence, a return-on-capital analysis
is a meaningful indicator of economic obsolescence.

To develop an example analysis, returns for a typical industry were reviewed based on
data published in Value Line. A review follows, showing Value Line-type data for a sample

Five-Year Mean Cur­rent

1990-1995 (%) Data (%)

Algoma Industries 14.7 10.1

Kewaunee Industries 12.6 8.7
Ma­nitowoc Mfg. 11.0 7.1
Menomonee Cos. 10.9 12.1
Okauchee Services 8.3 8.0
Sheboygan Industries 11.1 10.1
Waukesha Mfg. 9.1 6.1
Low 8.3 6.1
High 14.7 12.1
Median 11.0 8.7
Mean 11.1 8.9
Conclude 11.0 9.0

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EO can be determined using the following formula:

EO = Five-Year Mean - Current Data

Five-Year Mean

Therefore, using the data presented above, EO in this example can be calculated as follows:

EO = 11.0 - 9.0 = 2.0

= 18%
11.0 11.0

Accordingly, based on the return-on-capital analysis, the economic penalty, or EO, on assets
in the sample industry is 18%.

This is a meaningful indicator of EO when the practitioner can identify companies followed by
Value Line that are in an industry similar to the subject property and have a minimal amount
of diversification. For example, if the subject property were an oil refinery, several companies
followed by Value Line would be considered good comparables because they are primarily
oil refining companies with few other assets in other sectors of the oil and gas industry, or
other industries. In other words, the economics of the subject property would be influenced
by the same or similar factors as the economics of the comparable companies. If the
subject property were a single tissue (paper) mill, this approach may not be as meaningful
because Value Line does not track any companies that own just tissue mills. All the paper
industry companies followed are diversified and, hence, may experience different economic
factors than the subject.

After finding the comparable companies, the second step is to study the history of the
industry to find a period of time when the return on capital was good (that is, again, what
industry insiders would call “the good old days”). For the oil refining industry, this can be
identified as the late 1970s, and 1988, the years before supply and demand disruptions and
expensive government regulations.

The practitioner must study the subject property’s economics and locate companies to
be used as comparables that are as similar as possible to the subject. Of course, no
comparable will be perfect. The goal is to locate comparables that are in a similar economic

Equity-to-Book Ratio Analysis

Another method for determining the EO present in an industry is to analyze investors’
perceptions of investment in that industry using common stock (equity) prices. Indicative of
investors’ perception of the obsolescence present in the investment is the ratio of price paid
for common stock relative to its book value. Book value of the stock relates to the original
capital contributed to the firm in exchange for the stock plus retained earnings which have
accumulated since the initial investment.

From a legal perspective, stockholders own the firm in which they have invested. From an
investor’s viewpoint, stock ownership is considered to represent a net ownership position
in the firm’s assets. At any point in time, if the total value of all assets is considered and all
liabilities are deducted, the net amount is representative of the total value of the common
stock or the value of the common equity in the firm. Thus, an investor purchasing shares of
common stock is making a decision on the value of the total assets.

The book value of common stocks of publicly held companies is calculated with reasonable
consistency for most publicly traded companies due to accounting regulations. The
regulations involve not only the general methodology used in the calculations, but also the
type of data available to investors. Because of the consistency of reporting, book values are
useful as a benchmark for certain types of measurements. However, book values will not
specifically represent fair market value of the assets, primarily because they are based on
historical costs.

To estimate EO affecting assets in a sample industry, information in Standard & Poor’s

(“S&P”) Analyst’s Handbook was analyzed for a sample industry’s stock, on a per-share
basis. The information represents indices that are based on stock prices (the annual high
and low are reported) and also an index for the industry book value (one number is reported).
For baseline comparison purposes, the same information is available on a group of industrial
companies known as the S&P Industrials, which represents the S&P 500 after removing
any nonindustrial stock. Comparisons of stock price and book value are possible based
on these annual data for the subject industry and also for the benchmark Industrials. To
calculate the equity-to-book ratio for this study, the mean common stock price is divided
by the book value per share as published in the Analyst’s Handbook. The sample analysis

S & P Indexes Per Share

Industrials Sample Industry

Book Value 168 210

Stock Prices
888 821
709 652
799 737

Stock Price/Book Val­ue 4.8 3.5

EO can be determined using the following formula:

EO = Industrials - Sample Industry


Therefore, using the data presented above, EO in this example is calculated as follows:

EO = 4.8 - 3.5 = 1.3

= 27%
4.8 4.8
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This relationship is indicative of investors’ relative valuation of the sample industry assets
when compared with general industrial stocks. Owners of general industrial stocks appear
willing to pay about 27% more for such stocks than they would pay for stock in the sample
industry, based on the equity-to-book-value ratio. By this method, EO of 27% is indicated.
To the extent that EO exists in the general industrial companies used in this analysis, the EO
conclusion for the sample industry is somewhat understated.

Gross Margin Analysis

Another method that can be used to quantify EO is the study of company or industry returns
by comparing gross (profit) margins over time. Simply put, the gross margin is a company’s
revenues less its cost of raw materials. Revenues can be measured by multiplying the
number of units produced by the value of those units in the market. The cost of raw
materials can be developed in a similar manner.

An appraiser should be able to gather information on the company being appraised by

reviewing the last five to ten years of the company’s financial data. This analysis is typically
developed on a unit-of-production basis (dollars per pound of production, or dollars per
barrel of throughput [inputs to the plant], for example). If gross margins have been declining,
or currently are lower than in the past, EO may be present even if utilization is high. Of
course, if EO does exist, then the industry must first be analyzed to find the reasons for the
obsolescence. Typical reasons could be an overcapacity of products available, which is
driving prices down; an increase in the cost of raw materials caused by a shortage in the
market; or maybe just “cutthroat” competition. Remember, EO is commonly caused by
supply-and demand problems and competition. If gross margins are lower than in the past,
EO can be measured using the following formula:

Past Gross Margins - Current Gross Margins

EO =
Past Gross Margins

An example of this technique follows:

Past Gross Margins $2.00 per unit

Current Gross Margins $1.00 per unit

EO = $2.00 - $1.00 = 50%


Generally, EO is considered incurable, as investments typically cannot be made to make

it go away. But it can change and even decline to zero if industry economics change. If a
competitor’s plant suddenly goes out of business, a shortage of products may occur. When
demand is constant and supply goes down, economic theory says that prices will tend to
increase. When prices increase for the products produced, revenues will go up for the plant.
EO may be reduced or even disappear until another new plant is built, increasing supply, or
imports arrive from other parts of the country or from foreign countries.
Government Regulations Analysis
The implementation of government regulations can cause EO, as well. The government’s
regulation of public utilities provides a good example. For much of the 20th century, state
and federal governments structured public utilities’ earnings on the investment in the tangible
assets used to serve the public in a monopoly situation. Because the public utilities were
allowed to have a monopoly, the government wanted to protect the public by controlling
the utilities’ earnings. This was done through “rate base” regulation. Rate base is defined
as the original cost of the assets being used to serve the public less allowed (rate base)
depreciation. The public utilities would supply the government body information created
using unique utility accounting practices for this purpose. The government would permit a
certain allowed return on this investment, the rate base, which was determined by actual
costs of debt and a market-based allowed return on equity. If the utility earned the allowed
amount, good; if the utility earned less, too bad (poor management?). If the utility earned too
much, the excess earnings had to be returned to the rate payers through a rate adjustment.
To increase earnings, the utility would have to file a request (rate case) to have its allowed
return increased. If the rate case took too long to come before the review board and equity
returns were rising, a level of EO resulted from the regulatory lag (that is, the allowed rate of
return was not permitted to be increased fast enough, and the utility was not being given
the opportunity to earn on its rate base at current market rates). The level of EO can be
measured by the following formula:

Current Market Return - Allowed Return

EO =
Current Market Return

An example of this technique follows:

Allowed Return 10%

Current Market Return 13%

EO = 13% - 10% = 3%
= 23%
13% 13%

This means, because of regulatory lag (bureaucracy), the utility in our example is not able
to earn at market rates, and therefore, the owners of the utility must accept a lower level of
earnings. This loss of earnings is a form of EO that reduces the value of the utility’s property.

Another form of government-caused EO is rent controls. In certain areas of the United

States, rent in apartment buildings is controlled by the local government. The intention
is to provide affordable housing for existing tenants. While the market may be changing
the market rental rates of apartments in an area (generally increasing with inflation), local
government laws sometimes prevent landlords from increasing rental rates. This regulation
causes EO, which is manifest in a reduction in the value of the property. EO in this situation
can be determined by the following formula:

Current Market Rental Rate - Current Allowed Rental Rate

EO =
Current Market Rental Rate

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An example of this technique follows:

Current Allowed Rental Rate $500 per month

Current Market Rental Rate $1,000 per month

$1,000 - $500 $500

EO = = = 50%
$1,000 $1,000

Again, because of local government controls, EO exists, and the value of the property is

Consider the position of a potential buyer. If a potential buyer knows that the earnings
will be reduced by local government rent controls, will a purchase offer be based on the
property’s earnings limited by local regulations, or on current market rental rates that do not
apply to the property? Of course, the prudent investor will base the offer to purchase on
the property’s permitted earnings, not on market earnings that do not apply. Rent controls
reduce the value of a property because earnings are controlled, reduced. That’s economic

Another form of government-regulation-based EO is the lack of return on investments

made for pollution control equipment or mandated environmental remediation. The Clean
Air Act of 1990 Amendment required many heavy industries to invest in pollution-control-
related equipment that did not increase capacity or profits. In fact, in many cases, the new
equipment actually increased operating expenses through higher labor requirements and
more energy consumption, thus reducing earnings. The plants had two choices: invest in
the pollution-control equipment, or shut down. The investment is considered a necessary
capital expenditure or a form of curable functional obsolescence, and the resulting reduction
on the return on investment, a form of EO. Government regulations constantly require
industry to make new plant investments. When the required investments do not generate
income, EO is the result.

Income Shortfall Analysis

Another means of indicating EO is an income shortfall analysis. This approach is similar
to those discussed above for regulatory lag or rent control techniques, except that the
income shortfall is caused by “the market.” For example, suppose the subject property is
in a very competitive industry. The company has made large investments to modernize and
meet environmental requirements, and essentially to invest in long-term future operations.
Because of supply and demand economics and competition, earnings are not available to
support the investment in the plant assets. The company had the option of investing in the
new environmental equipment or shutting down. EO exists because the earnings generated
by the plant do not support the level of investment made in the plant. In an income shortfall
analysis, EO can be determined using the following formula:
Required Return on Investment - Current Return on Investment
EO =
Required Return on Investment

Therefore, continuing the example above, the calculation is as follows:

Required Return on Investment 15%
Current Return on Investment 10%

15% - 10% 5%
EO = = = 33%
15% 15%
Another way to calculate the EO caused by an income shortfall is to calculate the differential
in earnings. This can be determined by the following formula:

Calculated Return – Projected Return

EO =
Calculated Return

An example of this method follows:

Current Investment $1,000,000

Current Income $100,000

Current Income
Calculated Return = = 10%
Current Investment

Projected Investment $1,500,000

Projected Income $100,000

Projected Income
Projected Return = = 7%
Projected Investment

10% - 7%
EO = = 30%
This income shortfall calculation of EO is very similar to the first calculation, in which the
required and current returns were known. In this example, the returns are calculated
based on the investment in the property and the return received or projected after a new
investment is made that provided no additional income. The result is similar: EO exists and
is significant.

Best of the Best Technique

The “Best of the Best” technique was derived in the 1960s by Lionel Thatcher, Professor of
Business and Economics at the University of Wisconsin, and Richard Dubielzig, Director of
the Utilities Tax Division of the Wisconsin Department of Taxation. This method of quantifying
EO involves selecting several economic performance indicators for comparable companies,
such as rate of return, gross or net margins, and utilization, among others, for comparison
against the subject. Three steps are used:

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Step 1 Select the best economic performance indicators of the comparable

properties or companies.

Step 2 Compare the subject property’s indicators against the best indicators
in the market to obtain a relationship to the standard, or Best of the

Step 3 Calculate the subject’s average relationship to the standard and

subtract from 1 to develop an opinion of EO.

The above method was commonly used in the valuation of railroads for property tax
purposes. A simple example follows:

Economic Performance Best of the Best Subject/Best

Subject Property (%)
Indicator (%) (%)

Rate of Return 6 10 60
Net Margin 2 3 67
Utilization 75 90 83
Average 70

Using the 70% indication of the subject’s relationship to the Best of the Best results in an EO
indication of 30% (1 - 70%). This method could be applied to any subject, or in any industry,
where reliable economic performance data are available for similar properties. The primary
problem with this method is obtaining reliable economic performance data.

The choice of which method to use depends on the availability of data to utilize and the type
of property being valued.

Entrepreneurial Profit

Entrepreneurial profit is the anticipated profit an investor requires to construct and sell a
property. It is a reward to the entrepreneur for the inherent risks of investing time and money
in the construction of a property.

Entrepreneurial profit must be market based; it is not automatic. The market will not
automatically reward an entrepreneur for hard work and risky investments. Most likely,
this type of profit will exist in generic industrial, commercial, and residual properties in an
expanding market where demand is greater than supply. It will not exist in unique or special-
purpose properties that are built by users and are not for sale in the general marketplace. Of
course, if EO exists, entrepreneurial profit is negative. Both cannot exist at the same time
(that is, both cannot be positive or negative).
A lack of new construction is generally an indicator that EO may exist. However, EO can
exist in the presence of new construction, as well. Sometimes, a large corporation will
replace an old functionally obsolete plant with a new, modern, state-of-the-art plant to
reduce operating costs and create a stronger presence in the industry. While EO still exists
in the industry, which reduces the earnings of the company, the reduced operating expenses
resulting from a new plant will make it a stronger participant in the industry and potentially
even help to drive out the competition. This may reduce and even eliminate some of the
competition and, also, reduce or eliminate EO.

Economic obsolescence is present when better economic opportunities exist for an
investment. When a government entity steps in and attempts to control the market through
regulations, EO is created externally and reduces the value of assets. The loss of value
associated with EO also is caused by the economic principles of supply and demand, and
competition. EO typically cannot be reduced by capital investments, but it can change, and
even decline to zero through changing industry conditions.

An enlightened appraiser will investigate the existence of EO and quantify it based on market
indicators. Ideally, more than one method will be utilized and the results correlated to
conclude the magnitude of the EO.

This text has covered a number of procedures that can be used to quantify the effects of EO.
These procedures will not apply to every property or industry, and other more appropriate
indicators may apply. The appraiser must study the subject property and its industry, as
appropriate, to determine if EO exists, and if it does, how to measure it. Careful analysis
and study are required, and the process described herein may not be appropriate for matters
pertaining to certain U.S. Federal Tax or financial reporting.

You can’t see it, you can’t touch it, and you can’t smell it, but you can measure it using the
appraiser’s proper valuation tools. It’s in the market, and if an informed appraiser is alert, it
will be heard. When the market speaks, appraisers listen.

Page 15
Leading / Thinking / Performing®

Hartman, Donald and Michael Shapiro. 1983. Depreciation: Incurable Functional
Obsolescence and Sequence of Deductions, The Appraisal Journal, July.

Herman, Robert. 2001. Measuring External Obsolescence in Complex Properties -

(Real Estate). Paper presented at the 25th Annual Conference, June 2001. Institute for
Professionals in Taxation.

Hinshaw, Andrew. 1963. Functional and Economic Obsolescence of Industrial Installations,

Technical Valuation, American Society of Appraisers, February 9.

Iannacito, Alan. 1998. Economic Obsolescence, The M & E Appraiser, January/April,

Volume 5, Number 1.

Kinnard, William, and Gail Beron. 1984. Quantification and Measurement of Economic
Obsolescence. Paper presented at the Real Estate Valuation Symposium, November 14.
Institute of Property Taxation.

Landretti, Greg. 1986. Annual Economic Adjustments and the Special Purpose Industrial
Property, Assessment Digest, International Association of Assessing Officers, September/
October, Volume 8, Number 5.

Miles, Les. 1993. Economic Obsolescence, The M/TV Journal, American Society of
Appraisers, Fall, Volume 10, Number 2.

Reilly, Robert. 1988. The Identification and Quantification of Economic Obsolescence,

Business Valuation Review, American Society of Appraisers, June.

Rhodes, Lester. 2001. External Obsolescence and Complex Properties. Paper presented
at the 25th Annual Conference, June 2001. Institute for Professionals in Taxation.

Skogstad, Tor. 1983. Estimating Economic Obsolescence of Operating Industrial Plants,

Assessment Digest, November/December.

Thatcher, Lionel, and Richard Dubielzig. 1967. Obsolescence in Railroad Ad Valorem Tax
Assessments, Wisconsin Commerce Reports, The University of Wisconsin, May, Volume VIII,
No. 2.
Leading / Thinking / Performing®

This paper is based on a presentation given at the 2001 Property Tax Symposium in La
Jolla, California, sponsored by the Institute for Professionals in Taxation; the presentation
was based on an article published in the Machinery and Technical Specialties Journal of
the American Society of Appraisers, Volume 16, Number 1, 2000.

About the author:

Michael J. Remsha is a vice president and managing director with American Appraisal
Associates, Inc., in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In this capacity, he provides direction and technical
support on the valuation of special‑purpose and personal property. He has been a full-time
appraiser since 1977. He has testified as an expert witness before various county and state
tax boards and courts in 15 states. Mr. Remsha is an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) of
the American Society of Appraisers. He served as a committee member and/or officer on
the Machinery & Technical Specialties Committee from 1994 to 1999, and on the Technical
Valuation Committee as a committee member and/or officer from 1989 to 1994. Mr. Remsha
is certified in Wisconsin as a Professional Engineer (PE), is licensed as a Certified General
Appraiser in several states, and is a Certified Member of the Institute (CMI) in the Institute for
Professionals in Taxation.

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advisory services firm that provides expertise in all classifications of tangible and intangible
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Since its founding in 1896, American Appraisal has played a key role in creating and shaping
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