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Double-loop hysteresis of multisite dilute Sr(Y1−x Dyx )2 O4 single crystal Kramers

paramagnets: electron-phonon interaction, quantum tunneling and cross-relaxation

B. Z. Malkin,1, ∗ R. V. Yusupov,1, † I. F. Gilmutdinov,1 R. G. Batulin,1
A. G. Kiiamov,1 B. F. Gabbasov,1 S. I. Nikitin,1 and B. Barbara2
Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, 420008 Kazan, Russian Federation
Institut Néel, CNRS/UGA UPR2940 and Université Grenoble-Alpes,
25 Avenue des Martyrs BP 166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
(Dated: October 31, 2023)
arXiv:2310.18947v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 29 Oct 2023

Experimental and theoretical studies of the dynamic magnetization in swept magnetic fields of the
orthorhombic SrY2 O4 single-crystals doped with the Dy3+ Kramers ions (0.01 and 0.5 at.%) with
natural abundances of even and odd Dy isotopes are presented. Impurity ions substitute for Y3+ ions
at two nonequivalent crystallographic sites with the same local Cs symmetry but strongly different
crystal fields. Well pronounced double-loop hysteresis is observed at temperatures 2, 4, 5 and 6 K for
sweeping rates of 5 and 1 mT/s. The microscopic model of spectral, magnetic and kinetic properties
of Dy3+ ions is developed based on the results of EPR, site selective optical spectra and magnetic
relaxation measurements. The derived approach to the dynamic magnetization in the sweeping field
based on the numerical solution of generalized master equations with time-dependent transition
probabilities induced by the electron-phonon interaction, quantum tunneling and cross-relaxation
allowed us to reproduce successfully the evolution of the hysteresis loop shape with temperature,
sweeping rate and concentration of paramagnetic ions.

I. INTRODUCTION tains 4 formula units, the lattice constant c = 0.341 nm

is about three times less than the lattice constants a =
Much attention has been paid to studies of the macro- 1.007 nm and b = 1.191 nm, and each sublattic is formed
scopic quantum tunneling of magnetization of different by ionic chains running along the c-axis. The impurity
Single Molecule Magnets (SMM) containing Dy3+ ions Dy3+ ions substitute for Y3+ ions at two nonequivalent
([1–5] and references therein). A variety of hystere- crystallographic sites Y1 and Y2 with the point symme-
sis loops and their transformations, in particular, from try group Cs .
single-loop to double-loop evolution with temperature or The physical properties of magnetically concentrated
a sweeping rate of an external magnetic field was ob- crystals SrDy2 O4 were investigated earlier with magne-
served. A peculiar feature of Dy compounds is the exis- tometry [11], heat capacity measurements [12], neutron
tence of odd and even Dy isotopes with comparable natu- scattering [13–16], ultrasound [17] and muon [18] spec-
ral abundances. A conventional analysis of the quantum troscopies. In the absence of an external magnetic field,
tunneling at anticrossings of hyperfine sublevels of the magnetic ordering in this compound was not observed
ground Kramers doublet in the energy spectra of odd iso- down to the lowest experimentally accessible tempera-
topes allows to understand, at least, qualitatively the ex- tures [11]. Strong magnetic anisotropy and coexistence of
perimental data. However, similar hysteresis loops were fast and slow fluctuations of short- and long-range mag-
observed in the samples isotopically enriched with the netic correlations in external magnetic fields were dis-
even 164 Dy isotope [6–8]. The step-wise loops are ob- covered. The observed manifestations of a classic spin-
served even in magnetically diluted samples though an- liquid behavior of SrDy2 O4 are undoubtedly related to
ticrossings of sublevels of the electronic Kramers doublet the specific single ion spectral and kinetic properties of
in the sweeping field can be induced only by the external the dysprosium subsystem.
or intrinsic (dipolar or superhyperfine) transversal mag- Our results of low temperature dynamic magnetiza-
netic field. Understanding the nature of the experimental tion measurements in swept magnetic fields reveal that
findings in strongly diluted Kramers rare-earth electronic the strongly diluted paramagnet SrY2 O4 :Dy3+ is the first
systems remains a challenging problem. example of an inorganic Kramers rare-earth compound
We report here on the experimental and theoretical exhibiting SMM-like properties, similar to the first non-
studies of dynamic magnetization in dysprosium doped Kramers rare-earth compound LiYF4 :Ho3+ [19]. How-
SrY2 O4 single crystals. Complex oxides SrR2 O4 (where ever, in contrast with a single stable holmium isotope
R is Y or a rare-earth (RE) ion) possess a specific Ho with a nuclear spin I = 7/2 and the dominant role
quasi-one-dimensional structure of orthorhombic symme- of the nuclear driven quantum tunneling of the magne-
try with the space group P nam [9, 10]. The unit cell con- tization in LiYF4 :Ho3+ , dysprosium has several stable
even isotopes (56.2 %) along with odd isotopes 161 Dy
(I = 5/2, 18.9 %) and 163 Dy (I = 5/2, 24.9 %).
We present here an original approach to simulation
[email protected] of the dynamic magnetization in a swept magnetic field
[email protected]; Corresponding author for different temperatures, sweeping rates and concentra-

tions of paramagnetic ions accounting for the electron- the result of long spin-phonon relaxation times of the
phonon interaction, cross-relaxation and Landau-Zener- quasi-Ising-type Dy2 ions caused by the large energy gap
Stückelberg (LZS) non-adiabatic quantum tunneling [20– mentioned above.
22]. The measured low-temperature dynamic magnetiza- Magnetization measurements were carried out using
tion and magnetic field dependencies of relaxation rates the vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) with the op-
are presented in Section II, while Section III describes tion of the PPMS-9 universal system (Quantum Design,
modeling of the observed hysteresis loops. The results of USA). Magnetization (M ) was measured as a function of
spectroscopic studies (electron paramagnetic resonance a magnetic field Bb applied along the b-axis. In order to
(EPR) and optical spectra) are presented in Supplemen- assess the irreversible nature of magnetization, measure-
tal Material [23] containing necessary references [24–29]. ments were carried out in increasing and then decreasing
The article ends with the Conclusions. field with a constant speed v = dB/dt. The equilibrium
magnetization was measured at a reduced number of field
values with setting the target field, then leaving a sam-
II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS AND RESULTS ple to relax (typically for 5 minutes) and then taking the
magnetization measurement.
In the present study, the magnetic and spectral char- Figure 1 shows the dynamic magnetization M (Bb )
acteristics of impurity Dy3+ ions in Sr(Y1−x Dyx )2 O4 measured on the single crystal SrY2 O4 :Dy3+ (0.01 at.%)
(x = 10−4 and x = 5 · 10−3 ) single crystals grown by the in a swept magnetic field applied along the b-axis as well
floating zone method [23, 30] were measured by means of as the equilibrium one at temperatures 2, 4, 5 and 6 K
the low temperature EPR and site-selective laser spec- (Bmax = 0.6 T, v = 5 and 1 mT/s).
troscopies. The analysis of the registered spectra based In the magnetic fields oriented along the crystallo-
on the calculations of crystal-field (CF) parameters in graphic axes, four Y1 sites, as well as four Y2 sites, in
the framework of the semi-phenomenological exchange the unit cell are magnetically equivalent. According to
charge model (ECM) [31, 32] allowed us i) to associate the results of EPR measurements [23]), the correspond-
the observed EPR signals with exact quantum transi- ing g-factors of the Dy3+ ions are gbb (Dy1) = 2.7 and
tions between the sublevels of the CF ground state dou- gbb (Dy2) = 19.28, so, the Dy2 ions provide the dominant
blets and ii) to assign spectral lines in selectively excited contribution to the measured magnetization.
optical spectra to transitions between well-defined CF All registered dependencies M (Bb ) in the swept fields
sublevels of the ground and several excited multiplets (Fig. 1) demonstrate well pronounced double-loop hys-
of the impurity Dy3+ ions at Y1 (Dy1) and Y2 (Dy2) teresis. Loop areas reduce monotonously with decreasing
lattice sites. As a result, we obtained the total sets of a sweeping rate and increasing a temperature. We note a
self-consistent single-ion spectral and magnetic parame- change of the loops shape from quasi-rectangular upturns
ters (two sets of 15 CF parameters (Table S3 in [23]), and downturns close to zero values of the applied field Bb
g-factors (Table S1 in [23]) and hyperfine coupling con- to a rounded spindle-type one between 5 and 6 K for de-
stants), the energy level patterns (Table S2 in [23]) and creasing sweeping rates in the range 5−1 mT/s. A similar
the corresponding electronic and electron-nuclear wave profile of the hysteresis loops was found in the dynamic
functions in external magnetic fields. This has served a magnetization of the SrY2 O4 :Dy single-crystal sample
base for a detailed modeling and interpretation of the with much higher dysprosium concentration (0.5 at.%,
measured dependencies of the dynamic magnetization on Fig. 2).
temperature, sweeping rate of the magnetic field and con- Relaxation rates of the magnetization in SrY2 O4 :Dy3+
centration of Dy3+ ions. single-crystals with different concentrations of impurity
It is important to underline here some specific differ- ions (0.01 and 0.5 at.%) at a given temperature T and
ences between the single-ion properties of the Dy1 and fixed magnetic field B0 along the b-axis were measured
Dy2 centers in SrY2 O4 :Dy crystals. Possessing the same using fast switching of the magnetic field from the initial
Cs point symmetry, due to differences in the location value Bin in the equilibrium state of the sample to the
of nearby oxygen ions (see Fig. S1 in [23]), these cen- B0 value (B0 < Bin or B0 > Bin ). The magnetization
ters reveal different magnetic anisotropies (of easy-axis evolution was tracked by periodic measurements (typi-
and easy-plane type at Y1 and Y2 sites, respectively) cally every second) after the target field B0 had been
and strongly different energy gaps (energy barriers in set. Each magnetization was in fact an average over the
the relaxation processes) between the first excited and integration time of the PPMS lock-in detector.
the ground CF doublets, E2 − E1 = 68 K and 300 K The measured magnetization evolution during the
for Dy1 and Dy2, respectively. The maximum principal thermalization processes at the temperatures 2 and 4 K
value of the g-tensor of the ground doublet of Dy2 ions gives evidence for the two magnetic subsystems with fast
equals g2 = 19.28 (g1 and g3 are less than 0.1) with the and slow relaxion rates and strongly different contribu-
principal direction in the (ab)-plane slightly tilted (∼ ±9◦ tions to the total magnetization. We identify these two
for magnetically nonequivalent ions) from the b-axis con- subsystems with the Dy3+ ions at Y1 and Y2 sites. In
trary to Dy1 ions with the maximum g-factor g3 = 13.6 particular, the measured time dependencies of the mag-
along the c-axis. The discovered magnetic hysteresis is netization after setting the field B0 , shown in Fig. 3 for

9 9

(a) (b)
8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5
T=6 K

4 4

T=5 K

3 3
mMagnetic moment (

2 2

1 1
T=4 K

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -3

T=2 K
-4 -4
|dB/dt| = 5 mT/s |dB/dt| = 1 mT/s

-5 -5

-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

Magnetic field B (T) Magnetic field B (T)

b b

FIG. 1. Dynamic magnetization of the SrY2 O4 :Dy (0.01 at.%) single-crystal in magnetic fields B k b for the sweeping rate of
(a) 5 and (b) 1 mT/s at 2, 4, 5 and 6 K. Red and black lines represent the results of measurements and modeling. respectively.
Dashed lines show the equilibrium magnetization. Magnetization curves for T = 4, 5 and 6 K are shifted upward by 3, 5 and
6.5 µB /Dy3+ , respectively; µB is the Bohr magneton.

Bin = 0, is described by the equation

T = 2 K

4 h i
|dB/dt| = 5 mT/s
M (t) = M1 (B0 ) + M2 (B0 )(1 − e−t/τ ) /2, (1)

where τ is the relaxation time, M1 (B0 ) and M2 (B0 ) the
Magnetic moment (

equilibrium magnetic moments along the b-axis of Dy1

0 and Dy2 ions, respectively, at temperature T and mag-
netic field B0 (for example, at T = 2 K and B0 = 0.07 T,
M1 (B0 ) = 0.35 µB /Dy1, M2 (B0 ) = 1.82 µB /Dy2, τ =
1444 s).
A small contribution of Dy1 ions to the total magne-
tization quickly achieves the equilibrium value M1 (B0 ),
while variations of magnetic moments at Dy2 sites are
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
well resolved and are successfully described by a single
exponential relaxation model at relatively high magnetic
Magnetic field B (T)
fields B0 ≥ 0.07 T. Magnetic field dependence of the re-
laxation time τ ∝ B0−4 at T = 2–4 K (see Fig. 4, the slope
FIG. 2. Measured (red lines) and simulated (black lines) dy- of the straight dashed line 1 equals −3.89) evidences the
namic magnetization of the single-crystal sample SrY2 O4 :Dy
dominant role of the direct spin-phonon relaxation pro-
(0.5 at.%). Dashed line represents the equilibrium magneti-
zation. cess. However, when the target field B0 tends to zero,
the measured relaxation time of Dy3+ ions shortens and
reaches values as short as about 20 s (T = 2 K) at Y2

0.3 T

0.25 T



0.2 T

Magnetic moment (

Relaxation time
0.15 T 2

0.1 T 2

0.07 T

0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Time (s)
Magnetic field B

FIG. 3. Registered (solid lines) relaxation to the equilibrium FIG. 4. The relaxation time dependencies on the applied
magnetization in SrY2 O4 :Dy (0.01 at.%) sample after a fast magnetic field at T = 2 K in SrY2 O4 :Dy crystals with Dy
setting of the external field B0 along the b-axis at T = 2 K; for concentrations of 0.01 at.% (1) and 0.5 at.% (2). Line (2) is
each curve, a value of B0 is shown in the figure. Red dashed a guide for an eye.
lines represent the fits of the data with single exponential slow
evolution (1) of the magnetization of Dy2 ions.
Here Mα.λ are components of the magnetic moment op-
erators of Dy3+ ions, and ρ(λ, t) is the single-ion density
sites. This fact proves the existence of an additional re- matrix of an impurity ion at the site Y1 (λ = Dy1) or Y2
laxation mechanism effective in the region of weak mag- (λ = Dy2) satisfying the generalized master equation [32]
netic fields. In the considered range of temperatures, with the time dependent relaxation terms. To model the
Orbach–type relaxation is ineffective because of a large, dynamic magnetization, we use the secular approxima-
300 K, gap between the ground and the first excited CF tion that is adapted for the considered system; the non-
sublevels of the ground multipet of the Dy3+ ions at Y2 diagonal elements of ρ(λ, t) in the basis of eigenfunctions
sites. However, the observed abrupt change of the shape of the single-ion Hamiltonian Hλ (t) are neglected. The
of the hysteresis loops at the elevated temperatures of diagonal elements ρnn (λ, t) = ρn (λ, t) which determine
5 − 6 K as compared with the loops at 2 − 4 K (see populations of single-ion electronic (or electron-nuclear)
Fig. 1) evidences for the two-phonon Raman relaxation states with energies En (λ, t) satisfy the equations of mo-
processes with the strong temperature dependence of the tion
relaxation rate.
Quantum tunneling and cross-relaxation processes af- =
fect the dynamic magnetization only in the relatively nar- X∂t
row range of sweeping magnetic field −0.02 T < Bb (t) < [ρk Wk→n (t) − ρn Wn→k (t) + Γkn (t)(ρk − ρn )] +
+0.02 T comparable to widths of hyperfine structures of k(k6=n)
the ground Kramers doublets of odd dysprosium isotopes X
Wn←p,l←k (t)(ρp ρk − ρl ρn ), (3)
at Y2 sites.

here and below the site index λ is dropped for sim-

III. MODELING OF THE OBSERVED plicity. The time dependent coefficients at the right-
hand side of Eq. (3) are transition probabilities be-
tween different states of a Dy3+ ion induced by electron-
A. Master equations phonon interaction (Wk→n ), LZS quantum tunneling
(Γkn ) and dipole-dipole interactions between paramag-
Assuming a homogeneous distribution of impurity ions netic ions (cross-relaxation (CR) processes with the prob-
among Y1 and Y2 sites and neglecting interactions be- abilities Wn←p,l←k of simultaneous transitions in a cou-
tween the Dy3+ ions in the strongly dilute samples, we pled pair of ions, p → n in one ion and k → l in another
describe the observed dynamic magnetization along the ion [33]).
applied field by the quantum statistical expression Because of large gaps between the first excited and
X the ground state doublets of Dy3+ ions at Y1 and Y2
hMb (t)i = Tr [Mb,λ ρ(λ, t)] /2. (2) sites, we can neglect populations of all excited CF en-
λ=Dy1,Dy2 ergy levels at low temperatures (T ≤ 6 K). In the case

of magnetically equivalent ions, the system of equations HMHF = AJ J · I, (7)

(3) contains only two (even isotopes) or twelve (odd iso-
topes) equations for the relative populations of sublevels
of the ground state doublet. The corresponding systems HQHF = BQ

3Jz2 − J(J + 1) Iz2 − I(I + 1) /3+
of differential nonlinear (in general case) equations with
time dependent coefficients were solved numerically by (Jx Jy + Jy Jx )(Ix Iy + Iy Ix ) + (Jx Jz + Jz Jx )(Ix Iz + Iz Ix )+
the Newton method of successive approximations modi- (Jy Jz + Jz Jy )(Iy Iz + Iz Iy ) + (Jx2 − Jy2 )(Ix2 − Iy2 ) +
fied by varied steps of the sweeping field in searches for
P0 3Iz2 − I(I + 1) + P2 (Ix2 − Iy2 ) + P−2 (Ix Iy + Iy Ix ).
stable solutions. Calculations were performed separately
for each of six contributions to the total dynamic magne- (8)
tization from even and two odd isotopes, weighted in ac-
cordance with their natural abundances, at sites Y1 and Here, Jα and Iα are components of the total electronic
Y2. The initial step of increasing (decreasing) magnetic angular and nuclear spin moment operators, respectively,
field had a value of 10−4 T. The normalization condition J = 15/2 and I = 5/2. The effective Lande factor
P as well as the magnetic hyperfine coupling constants
n ρn = 1 was checked at each step. The simulation
starts from the numerical diagonalization of the single were slightly corrected as compared to the values cor-
ion Hamiltonian H(t = 0) (see below) for an ion in the responding to the Russell-Saunders approximation us-
initial magnetic field Bb (0) = Bmin or Bb (0) = Bmax ing the results of EPR measurements [23], gJ (Dy1) =
and the construction of the equilibrium density matrix 0.9925 · 4/3, gJ (Dy2) = 0.985 · 4/3, AJ (161 Dy) =
ρnk (0) = N δnk exp(−En (0)/kB T ) at a fixed tempera- −3.683 · 10−3 cm−1 , AJ (163 Dy) = 5.163 · 10−3 cm−1 ).
ture T (En (0) are eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian H(0), The upper three lines in Eq. (8) define contributions
kB is the Boltzmann constant and N is the normalization to the electric field gradient at the nucleus from the
factor). 4f electrons localized on a rare-earth ion, the parame-
Transition probabilities in Eqs. (3) were calculated ters BQ (161 Dy) = 0.7021 · 10−5 cm−1 and BQ (163 Dy) =
for fixed values of the magnetic field Bb (t) using the 0.7319 · 10−5 cm−1 were calculated according to the cor-
single-ion Hamiltonian operating in the basis of electronic responding definition [35]. The lower line in Eq. (8) cor-
(for even Dy isotopes) or electron-nuclear (odd isotopes) responds to the energy of the nuclear quadrupole mo-
states of the ground multiplet 6 H15/2 . This effective ment at sites with the Cs symmetry in the ionic lat-
Hamiltonian tice, the parameters Pk were calculated using the nominal
point ion charges, P0 (161 Dy1) = −1.092, P2 (161 Dy1) =
H(t) = HCF + HZ (t) + HMHF + HQHF (4) −2.543, P−2 (161 Dy1) = −0.42, P0 (161 Dy2) = 1.935,
P2 (161 Dy2) = 11.615, P−2 (161 Dy2) = −0.164 (in
contains the CF interaction (HCF ) defined by 15 CF units of 10−5 cm−1 ); for the 163 Dy isotope, parame-
parameters for each of two nonequivalent Y1 and Y2 ters Pk (163 Dy1) and Pk (163 Dy2) contain additional fac-
sites determined from EPR and site-selective optical mea- tor Q(163 Dy)/Q(161 Dy) = 1.043. Note, the quadrupole
surements [23], magnetic dipole (HMHF ) and electric hyperfine interaction affects weakly energies of hyper-
quadrupole (HQHF ) hyperfine interactions, and the Zee- fine sublevels of Dy3+ Kramers doublets, but it sub-
man interaction (HZ ). The swept field is Bb (t), and the stantially increases the transition probabilities induced
steady transversal fields Ba and Bc are considered as by the electron-phonon interaction (see Fig. S7 in [23]
the fitting parameters. We estimated the lower bound- and Ref. [36]).
aries of the transversal fields Ba = 0.284 · 10−5 T and
Bc = 0.336 · 10−5 T at Y2 sites from calculations of the
mean-square dipolar fields [34] of nuclear magnetic mo- B. Electron-phonon relaxation
ments mY = gn µn I of 89 Y3+ ions (gn = −0.137, µn is
the nuclear magneton, I = 1/2),
At low temperatures, we can consider the interaction
X g n µn h 2 i1/2 of 4f -electrons with long-wavelength acoustic phonons
2 2
Bα = 3α2 − r2 + (3αβ) + (3αγ) , only. In this case, Hamiltonian of the electron-phonon in-
2r5 teraction (EPI) operating in the space of electron-nuclear
where summation was taken over all Y sites with coordi- states of the ground multiplet 6 H15/2 is written as follows
nates α, β, γ (α 6= β 6= γ) in the crystallographic frame [37, 38] (the second term at right hand side corresponds
with the origin at Y2 site. In the present work, the self- to the electron-rotational interaction)
consistent description of the dynamic magnetization was X
achieved using the transversal fields Ba = 1.45 · 10−5 T HEPI = Vαβ eαβ + i [H, (J + I) · θ] , (9)
and Bc = 0.5 · 10−5 T (note, these fields are compara- α,β
ble to the Earth magnetic field). In the crystallographic
frame (x k a, y k b, z k c), where H is the single-ion Hamiltonian (4), eαβ are com-
ponents of the dynamic deformation tensor and θ are
HZ = µB gJ [Jx Ba + Jz Bc + Jy Bb (t)] , (6) vectors of dynamic rotations linear in phonon annihila-

tion aqj and creation a+

qj operators: n0 (ω) = [exp(h̄ω/kB T ) − 1]−1 ). It should be noted
that the specific butterfly loops in molecular complex
1X V15 with the effective spin S = 1/2 ground state have
eαβ = Qqj [εjα (q0 )q0β + εjβ (q0 )q0α ] , (10)
2 qj been successfully described in Refs. [40, 41] taking into
account the phonon bottleneck effect, however, a degree
of resonant phonons heating depends strongly on the
1 X spin-phonon coupling strength and the concentration of
θγ = Qqj eαβγ εjα (q0 )q0β . (11)
2 paramagnetic ions.
The evolution of nonequilibrium populations of en-
Here, Qqj = [h̄q/2N mvj (q0 )] (aqj + a+
1/2 ergy levels driven by the electron-phonon interaction is
−qj ) , summa-
tions are taken over acoustic branches j of the vibrational determined by the relaxation matrix W , ∂ρn (t)/∂t =
spectrum and wave vectors q of phonons with frequencies k Wnk (t)ρk (t), where Wnk = W Pk→n , Wkn =
ωqj = vj (q0 )q; vj (q0 ) is the sound velocity, q0 and εj (q0 ) Wnk exp(−h̄ωkn /kB T ) and Wnn = − k6=n Wkn . The
are the unit propagation and polarization vectors, respec- eigenvalues of the relaxation matrix determine the set
tively, m is the cell mass, N is the number of cells, and of relaxation rates, in particular, for a two-level sys-
eαβγ are components of the unit antisymmetric tensor. tem, the relaxation time τ = −(W11 + W22 )−1 . The
Parameters of the electron-deformation interaction bkp,αβ calculated probabilities of the single-phonon transitions
P k within the ground state doublet of the Dy3+ ions at Y1
in the operators Vαβ = bp,αβ Opk (Opk are the Stevens sites are large enough (in particular, for even isotopes
operators) were computed within the exchange charge in the field Bb = 0.3 T at T = 2 K, the relaxation time
model (see Tables S4 and S5 in [23]). τ = 7.7·10−4 s) to ensure quick thermalization of the Dy1
The single-phonon transition probability per unit time subsystem. Therefore, the simulated dynamic magneti-
induced by the electron-phonon interaction (8) is written zation follows the Curie law in all the experiments per-
as follows (Ek − En = h̄ωkn > 0 ) formed in the present work. Thus, the Dy1 subsystem
* does not contribute to hysteresis loops due to the fast
ω3 X electron-phonon relaxation rates. For the Dy2 subsys-
Wk→n = kn < k| Vαβ [eαβ ] + tem, we obtained about three orders of magnitude slower
αβ single-phonon relaxation rates (in particular, τ = 1.66 s
2 + for even isotopes in the field Bb = 0.3 T at T = 2 K that
ih̄ωkn (Jγ + Iγ )[θγ ]|n > [n0 (ωkn ) + 1], (12) is comparable to the measured relaxation time 5.3 s (see
γ Av
Fig. 4).
To fit the measured dynamic magnetization at elevated
where d is the crystal density, n0 (ω) is the phonon oc- temperatures (T = 5 − 6 K), we supplemented the re-
cupation number for ωqj = ω, [eαβ ] = [εjα (q0 )q0β + laxation matrix of Dy3+ ions at Dy2 sites with terms
εjβ (q0 )q0α ]/2, [θγ ] = [εjα (q0 )q0β − εjβ (q0 )q0α ]/2 , and corresponding to the Raman relaxation processes which
symbol h. . . iAv denotes the summation over acoustic provide the relaxation rate of the ground Kramers dou-
phonon branches and averaging over directions of the blet τR−1 = 7.2 · (T /10)9 s−1 K−9 at cryogenic tempera-
propagation vector, for example, < [eαβ ][eγδ ] >Av = tures [42]. At temperatures T < 5 K, these terms are
P H [eαβ ][eγδ ]
j dΩ 4πv j (q0 )
5 . The averaging procedures were car- practically ineffective, but at the temperature of 6 K the
ried out using the elastic constants Cαβγδ of SrY2 O4 [39] relaxation rate τR−1 = 0.073 s−1 exceeds remarkably the
in equations which determine single-phonon relaxation rate 0.0174 s−1 in the magnetic
P velocities and polarization field Bb = 0.1 T and plays the dominant role in the re-
vectors of sound waves ( βγδ Cαβγδ q0β q0γ εδ = dv 2 εα ).
To illustrate the strong acoustic anisotropy of the crystal gion of lower fields providing the spindle-type shape of
lattice, some results of calculations are presented below hysteresis loops.
(in units of 10−18 (m/s)−5 ): Basing on numerical solutions of the master equations
< [exx ][exx ] >Av = 2.1213; < [eyy ][eyy ] >Av = 0.1516; (3) with an account for the electron-phonon interaction
< [ezz ][ezz ] >Av = 0.3539; only, we have obtained the magnetic moments of Dy2
< [exy ][exy ] >Av = 0.4203; < [exz ][exz ] >Av = 0.9221; ions versus magnetic fields Bb (t) dependencies that ex-
< [eyz ][eyz ] >Av = 0.3900; hibit the single-loop hysteresis. For the temperatures of
< [θz ][θz ] >Av = 0.4238; < [θy ][θy ] >Av = 0.7176; 2 and 4 K, the loops have similar shapes, and only the
< [θx ][θx ] >Av = 0.2950. area of a loop diminishes with increasing the temperature
Computations of transition probabilities (12), and decreasing the sweeping rate (see Fig. 5). Clearly,
Wk→n (t), for transitions between the sublevels of the high-field magnetization behavior can be nicely de-
the ground doublet of Dy3+ ions at Y1 and Y2 sites scribed, however, the simulated low-field dependencies
were carried out for each value of the field Bb (t) with the single hysteresis loop contradict experimental
used in the simulations of the dynamic magnetiza- observations.
tion assuming the thermal equilibrium of a phonon Transformation of a single-loop hysteresis to a double-
bath (the corresponding occupation numbers equal loop one at cryogenic temperatures is induced by addi-

(a) TABLE I. Magnetic fields Bb (p, q) (in units of 10−4 T) at
T=2K the crossing points of the hyperfine sublevels (p and q) of the

ground state doublet of 163 Dy2 ions (I) and 161 Dy2 ions (II)

for zero transversal fields (Ba = Bc = 0). See Fig. 6 for


Magnetic momernt (

the values of the nuclear spin projections on the field Bb for

0 electron-nuclear states p and q.
p/q (I) 1 2 3 4 5 6
-3 2
1 0 40.4 82.0 124.8 168.8 214.0
-6 1 2 -40.4 0 41.6 84.4 128.4 173.6
3 -82.0 -41.6 0 42.8 86.8 132.0
4 -124.8 -84.4 -42.8 0 44.0 89.2
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 5 -168.8 -128.4 -86.8 -44.0 0 45.2
Magnetic field Bb (T) 6 -214.0 -173.6 -132.0 -89.2 -45.2 0
p/q (II) 1 2 3 4 5 6

9 (b)
1 0 28.2 57.6 88.1 119.8 152.6

T = 4 K
6 2 -28.2 0 29.3 59.9 91.6 124.4

3 -57.6 -29.3 0 30.5 62.2 95.0

Magnetic momernt (

4 -88.1 -59.9 -30.5 0 31.6 64.5

5 -119.8 -91.6 -62.2 -31.6 0 32.8
-3 1
6 -152.6 -124.4 -95.0 -64.5 -32.8 0


transitions of magnetic moments affecting the magneti-
zation involve at least three energy levels) or of two dif-
-0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 ferent magnetic subsystems with overlapping transitions
Magnetic field B
(T) in their responses to external time-dependent perturba-
tions. Thus, the CR processes affect the dynamic magne-
FIG. 5. Computed dynamic magnetization of even dyspro- tization of the two subsystems of odd isotopes of quasi-
sium isotopes at Y2 sites promoted by the electron-phonon Ising Dy2 ions with approximately equal energy gaps be-
interaction at temperatures (a) 2 K and (b) 4 K for sweeping tween crossings of different pairs of hyperfine sublevels
rates of 5 mT/s (1) and 1 mT/s (2). Dashed lines correspond of the ground doublet at some fixed magnetic fields (see
to the equilibrium magnetization. Fig. 6) and of the equilibrium and nonequilibrium sub-
systems of even isotopes at Y1 and Y2 sites, respectively,
nearby the zero value of the sweeping field. The CR ef-
tional relaxation channels, namely, the cross-relaxation fects were considered qualitatively in Refs. [43, 44].
and the quantum tunneling, which are effective at low CR
The probability Wn←p,l←k for the simultaneous tran-
magnetic fields in the region of crossing hyperfine or Zee- sitions k → l of ion 1, and p → n of ion 2 can be written
man sublevels of the ground state Kramers doublet of as follows [45, 46]:
Dy3+ ions at Y2 sites.
CR 2π
Wn←p,l←k = | < n, l|H12 |p, k > |2 δ(ωpn − ωlk ),
h̄2 C
C. Cross-relaxation (13)
where H12 is the Hamiltonian of interaction between the
Energies of hyperfine sublevels of the ground doublet ions, h̄ωpn is the difference between energies of states
of Dy3+ ions (odd isotopes) at Y2 sites versus the mag- p and n, and h. . . iC denotes a configurational averag-
netic field Bb dependencies obtained by the numerical ing over the distribution of the paramagnetic ions in the
diagonalization of the corresponding single-ion Hamil- crystal lattice.
tonian are presented in Fig. 6. Because of the strong Probabilities of CR processes depend strongly on the
Ising-type magnetic anisotropy, each hyperfine sublevel overlap of excitation energies of interacting ions. Note
can be characterized by the nuclear spin projection (Iy = also that the cross-relaxation within the subsystem of
−5/2, −3/2, . . . , 5/2) on the applied field that has a max- magnetically equivalent two-level ions (even dysprosium
imum weight in the corresponding electron-nuclear wave- isotopes) does not change the total magnetization. Thus,
function. Values of the magnetic fields Bb at the crossings when considering the dynamic magnetization of the mul-
of the hyperfine sublevels are presented in Table I. tisite SrY2 O4 :Dy3+ crystals with strongly different g-
Cross-relaxation (CR) transitions lead to the forma- tensors of impurity ions at Y1 and Y2 sites, we can limit
tion of a nonequilibrium state of an ensemble of magnet- ourselves by taking into account the CR processes sepa-
ically equivalent multi-level paramagnetic ions (flip-flop rately within the subsystems of 161 Dy2 and 163 Dy2 ions

with the multi-level hyperfine structures of the electronic 0.16 163

(a) Dy2 5/2 6
3/2 p= 5
doublets, and the cross-relaxation between even isotopes

of Dy1 and Dy2 ions in the magnetic field Bb (t) cross- 1/2 4

ing the zero value. Taking into account finite widths of 0.08

-1/2 =3

energy levels and assuming the homogeneous distribu-

Energy (cm
-3/2 p=2

tion of Dy3+ ions over Y1 and Y2 sites, we can write -5/2 p =1

the transition probability (13) for ions belonging to the
subsystems λ and λ′ in the following form [44, 45] (we
-5/2 6

consider here the magnetic dipolar interactions between -3/2 q= 5


ions with magnetic moments Mλ = gλ,J µB Jλ ): -1/2 q= 4


1/2 q= 3

′ (µ2 gλ,J gλ′ ,J )2 -0.16 5/2 q=

1 3/2 q= 2
Wn←p,l←k = 2πCλ′ B ×
h̄2 0 40 80 120 160 200 240

CR λλ′ (λ) (λ′ ) (λ) (λ′ )
Magnetic field Bb (10

gαβγδ (ωpn − ωlk )kαβγδ Jα,np Jβ,lk Jγ,pn Jδ,kl , (14) 0.12
161 -5/2 p=6
αβγδ (b) Dy2
-3/2 p=5

-1/2 p=4

′ 161 161 163 163
where either λ = λ = Dy1, Dy2, Dy1, Dy2, 1/2 p=3

or λ =even Dy2 and λ′ =even Dy1, Cλ′ is the concen-

3/2 p=2

Energy (cm
tration of λ′ -ions per Y lattice site, gαβγδ (ω) is the 5/2 p=1

λλ′ λλ′
CR form-function, kαβγδ are the lattice sums kαβ,γδ = 0.00

5/2 q=6
s αβ (R )a
λλ ,s δγ
′ (R λλ ,s
′ ) over sites of a Bravais lattice,
and 3/2 q=5

! 1/2 q=4
1 xλλ′ ,sα xλλ′ ,sβ
aαβ (Rλλ′ ,s ) = 3 δαβ − 3 2 . (15) -5/2 q=1 -3/2 q=2
-1/2 q=3

Rλλ′ ,s Rλλ ′ ,s -0.12

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160


Here, Rλλ′ ,s is the radius-vector of the site s in the sub- Magnetic field B
(10 T)

system λ′ in the coordinate frame with its origin at the

FIG. 6. Hyperfine structures of the ground doublets of (a)
site belonging to the subsystem λ. The computed lattice 163
Dy3+ and (b) 161 Dy3+ ions at sites Y2 in weak magnetic
sums used in the modeling of the dynamic magnetization fields Bb applied along the b-axis. Indices p (q) numerate
are presented in the Supplemental Material [23]. hyperfine sublevels with increasing (decreasing) energies in
The CR rates were calculated assuming the Gaussian the increasing field.
CR 1
line shape gαβγδ = √2π∆ exp[−(ωpn − ωlk )2 /2∆2 ] of the
spectral density of the energy reservoir corresponding to
interactions between the Dy3+ ions. The standard devi- sublevels p and q of an order of 10−4 − 10−3 cm−1 with
ation ∆ of CR frequencies increasing with temperature the differences |mp − mq | = 1 between the corresponding
and concentration of paramagnetic ions was estimated nuclear spin projections on the swept field are induced
from the measured EPR linewidths (∆ = 140−300 MHz). by the magnetic hyperfine interaction (second order ef-
The most important result of the CR processes is the fects of an order of A2J /∆E where AJ is the magnetic
appearance of the effective relaxation channels with the hyperfine coupling constant and ∆E is the CF energy of
rates of up to 107 s−1 nearby the crossing points of the the first excited sublevel of the ground multiplet). Note,
hyperfine sublevels of Kramers doublets in odd dyspro- the direction of the applied field does not coincide with
sium isotopes. It should be noted that the calculated field the quantization c-axis of the electronic angular momen-
dependencies of the CR-promoted relaxation rates might tum and is tilted by ±9 degrees in the (ab)-plane from
change remarkably if another CR line shape is used (the the principal directions of the g-factor g2 = 19.28 of Dy2
Lorentz distribution, in particular). magnetically nonequivalent ions.
An order of magnitude smaller gaps between the hy-
perfine sublevels with mp = mq are also induced by the
D. Quantum tunneling magnetic hyperfine interaction. Additional significantly
smaller (by about two orders of magnitude) gaps are in-
Computed values of gaps Gpq (with a precision of duced by the quadrupole hyperfine interaction, but, as
10−7 cm−1 ) at the anticrossings of the hyperfine sublevels follows from calculations, this interaction additionally
in the fields Bb (p, q) are presented in Table 2. Transver- mixes electron-nuclear wave functions with nuclear spin
sal fields Ba and Bc of an order of 10−5 T practically projections m and m ± 2 . This mixing provides weak
do not change tunneling splittings Gpq in the spectra of additional anticrossings. The calculated gap between the
odd isotopes but slightly shift Bb values at all crossing sublevels of the ground doublet of even isotopes at Y2
points. Large gaps between the anticrossing hyperfine sites arising from the transversal magnetic fields intro-

field region of about 5 · 10−4 T determined by the width

TABLE II. Computed gaps Gpq (in units of 10−5 cm−1 ) at of the CR form-function. Note, despite huge differences
anticrossing points in the hyperfine structure of the ground
between the maximal values (1011 –1015 s−1 ) of the quan-
state doublet of 163 Dy2 (I) and 161 Dy2 (II) ions.
tum tunneling rate (16), ∆2kn τkn /2h̄2 , and the probabil-
p/q (I) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ities of the flip-flop CR processes, the accumulated cor-
1 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.16 14.83 7.46 responding changes of populations of the ground doublet
2 0.00 0.05 0.07 18.75 4.00 54.34 sublevels have comparable values due to the inverse rela-
3 0.04 0.07 19.88 1.22 68.65 0.60 tion between the widths of the LZS and CR regimes.
4 0.16 18.75 1.29 72.78 0.27 0.13 Eventually, after taking into account the quantum tun-
5 14.83 4.00 68.65 0.27 0.16 0.00 neling and cross-relaxation, the simulated profiles of the
hysteresis loops remarkably well reproduce the results of
6 7.46 54.34 0.60 0.13 0.00 0.00
measurements at different temperatures and rates of the
p/q (II) 1 2 3 4 5 6 swept magnetic fields in SrY2 O4 single-crystal samples
1 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.61 38.65 5.99 doped with Dy3+ (0.01 and 0.5 at.%) ions (Figs. 1 and
2 0.00 0.16 0.27 48.97 4.08 10.36 2). As an example, separate contributions into the total
3 0.12 0.27 51.98 1.44 13.12 0.14 magnetization from even and odd (163 Dy) isotopes at Y2
4 0.61 48.97 1.44 13.92 0.06 0.03 sites at the temperature 2 K for the sweeping rate 5 mT/s
5 38.65 4.08 13.12 0.06 0.04 0.00 are shown in Supplemental Material [23] (Fig. S8). The
6 5.99 10.36 0.14 0.03 0.00 0.00 dynamic magnetization curves at low temperatures (2
and 4 K) in the increasing field from Bmin = −Bmax to
Bmax (as well as in the decreasing field from Bmax to
duced above equals 3.6 · 10−7 cm−1 , an order of mag- Bmin ) show two quasi-plateaus at the entrance to and
nitude less than the one communicated in Ref. [2], in exit from the critical region of fast evolution of aver-
particular. age magnetic moments per Dy3+ ion determined by the
The analytical expression for the transition probability widths of hyperfine structures of odd isotopes. When
(per unit time) between anticrossing energy levels n and approaching this region, the value of the magnetic mo-
k with the minimal energy gap ∆kn at the sweeping field ment is determined by the electron-phonon relaxation
Bb (t) = BG rate. However, after passing through this region, the val-
ues of the magnetic moments are determined by the LZS
∆2kn τkn tunneling renormalized by the CR processes. It should
Γkn (Bb ) =  2 (16) be underlined that the agreement of the performed mod-
2 h̄ + [gbb µB (Bb (t) − BG )τkn ]2
eling with the experimental data was achieved due to
was derived accounting for the electron-phonon relax- introduction of two fitting parameters, namely, compo-
ation time τkn = −(Wkk + Wnn )/2 in Refs. [47–49]. The nents of the weak transversal magnetic field, comparable
function (16) has a Lorentzian shape with a width at half to the Earth magnetic field, affecting the impurity Dy3+
maximum ions at Y2 sites.
The unveiled low relaxation rates of impurity Dy3+
2h̄ ions at Y2 sites in single-ion magnets SrY2 O4 :Dy corre-
∆Bb,kn = (17)
gbb µB τkn late with the unusual irreversibility of magnetic processes
studied by means of the ultrasound technique in the con-
that does not depend on the gap ∆kn . The measured re- centrated SrDy2 O4 single crystal at very low tempera-
laxation time of Dy3+ ions at Y2 sites at weak magnetic tures [14].
fields |Bb (t)| < 0.02 T is not less than 20 s. In accordance Recently, the hysteretic dynamic magnetization was
with (17), the width of the LZS regime does not exceed observed at low temperatures in the paramagnetic phase
6 ·10−14 T and is much less than the minimal step (about of the concentrated inorganic dysprosium compounds
10−9 T) in the applied field variation used in simulations DyScO3 (TN = 3.1 K) [50] and LiDyF4 (TN = 0.56 K)
of the dynamic magnetization. As the duration of the [51] where, most probably, formation of the hysteresis
passage by the sweeping field through the quantum tun- loops was caused by the magnetocaloric effect.
neling regions is much smaller than the relaxation time,
we used the asymptotic LZS expression for nonadiabatic
transition probabilities
Pnk = exp − (18) The first observation and investigation of quantum
2h̄µB gbb |dBb /dt|
tunneling of magnetization in the inorganic dilute rare-
just after a passage of the field Bb through the anticross- earth paramagnet, single-crystal of tetragonal double flu-
ing point. However, the corresponding evolution of the oride LiYF4 doped with non-Kramers Ho3+ ions, was
magnetization is strongly renormalized (see Fig. S6 in reported more than 20 years ago [19, 52]. As follows
[23]) by the CR processes effective within the magnetic from the results of our study, the multi-sublattice oxide

SrY2 O4 doped with Kramers Dy3+ ions is the second in- The important result of our work is the demonstration
organic dilute rare-earth paramagnet that exhibits a hys- of the strong CR effects on the dynamic magnetization,
teretic behavior of the dynamic magnetization similar to in particular, the renormalization of the LZS incoher-
SMM. ent transition probabilities at anticrossing points in the
electron-nuclear manyfold of states in swept magnetic
The derived approach to the magnetization dynam- fields.
ics involved the comprehensive experimental studies of
spectroscopic, magnetic and kinetic properties of the syn-
thesized single-crystal samples with different concentra- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tions of Dy3+ ions, the subsequent analysis of the mea-
sured EPR and site-selective optical spectra and the This work was supported by the Russian Science
magnetic relaxation rates in the framework of the semi- Foundation (project No. 19-12-00244). BZM is grate-
phenomenological crystal field model, and numerical so- ful to O.A. Petrenko for useful discussions and to
lutions of the master equations. This approach enabled M.V. Vanyunin for help in developing a Matlab code for
us to successfully reproduce the hysteresis cycle shapes solving a system of nonlinear equations of motion. The
observed as well as their transformation with tempera- authors are grateful to M.A. Cherosov for his assistance
ture, sweeping field rate and concentration of Dy3+ ions. in magnetization measurements.

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