LLM Economics Hansa Cequity 2023 Low - Shared by WorldLine Technology

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AIM Research GenAI Insights

LLM Economics - A Guide

to Generative AI
Implementation Cost
Conversations with industry experts and C-suite executives
illuminate the evolving landscape of generative AI, offering critical
insights into the complexities and variables that influence
implementation costs in today's dynamic economic climate.

by Ayush Jain

© 2023 AIM Media House LLC and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. For more
information, email [email protected] or visit aimresearch.co.

September 2023

LLM Economics

Table of Content


Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................................4


Scope & Methodology...................................................................................................................................6

Taking a Case Study Approach..................................................................................................................8

MarTech: The Current Hotbed.......................................................................................................................9

Comparing External API and Self-hosted Models.......................................................................................................11

Cost Analysis....................................................................................................................................................13

First Step to Tech Adoption: Calculating RoI.................................................................................................................14

Using External APIs...........................................................................................................................................................................15

Self-hosting LLMs.............................................................................................................................................................................21

How to Reduce Cost?....................................................................................................................................29

Industry is Moving Towards Cost-Effectiveness........................................................................................................30

With External APIs..............................................................................................................................................................................31

With Self-hosted LLMs..................................................................................................................................................................32

Roadmap for Implementation.....................................................................................................................33

Roadmap for Sustainable Implementation of Text-based LLMs......................................................................34

Conclusion .........................................................................................................................................................36

About Hansa Cequity .....................................................................................................................................37

AIM Research

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained
significant attention for its potential to transform
various industries. Some of the ways that an
organisation can use generative AI are - Personalising
customer experiences, streamlining operations and
efficiency, enhancing decision-making, preserving
privacy and security, fraud detection and
cybersecurity. However, most organisations are
encountering challenges when implementing
generative AI in their systems. Understanding the
costs involved and developing sustainable solutions is
crucial for organisations looking to leverage
generative AI effectively.

Hansa Cequity has been at the forefront of helping

clients implement bleeding edge technology
solutions for more than a decade. This Guide to
Generative AI Implementation Cost in collaboration
with AIM Research aims to provide valuable insights
and guidance for organisations looking to leverage
generative AI effectively. By combining primary and
secondary research methods, we have analysed
industry trends, assessed cost components, and
explored best practices. We have also focused on
marketing-driven examples and case studies to
showcase practical applications. IAs the technology continues to advance, it will be
interesting to see the new and innovative ways in
which it is used in the future. Hansa Cequity along
In this Guide, we will provide you with an overview of
with AIM Research will be keeping a close eye on this
how to conduct a cost-benefit analysis for generative
fast-evolving space. I am sure you will find this Guide
AI projects. We will cover the following topics:
practical and useful.
1. A Case Study Approach to Generative AI in
MarTech Lifecycle
Neeraj Pratap Sangani
2. Cost Analysis
CEO, Hansa Cequity
3. How to Reduce Cost
4. Roadmap for Implementation

We hope that this guide will help you to make

informed decisions about generative AI
implementation and to maximize its value for your
organization and more specifically build a roadmap
for sustainable implementation of text based LLMs.
Generative AI also poses some challenges and risks,
such as data quality, ethical issues, legal implications,
and social impact.

Therefore, before implementing generative AI

solutions based on a cost-benefit analysis, it is also
important to conduct the feasibility, viability, and
desirability of the project. Overall, the applications of
generative AI are vast and varied, and it has the
potential to transform many different industries.

3 LLM Economics
AIM Research

Executive Summary
As we find ourselves amidst the 'ChatGPT moment', The future of AI seems to be leaning towards
LLMs stand at the fulcrum of a transformative wave, agent technology, where multiple AI agents work
prompting industry leaders to regard this together to achieve specific tasks, instead of a
development as a powerful tool to 'reduce costs and single AI entity handling all tasks. These
increase profits'. But, the market doesn’t seem to be technologies would be industry-specific and
unfolding as per the hype. A comprehensive would collaborate similarly to a human mind,
understanding of the infrastructure necessary to although achieving this level of integration and
maximize the potential of this new domain—including function is still a far-off goal.
insights into the cost-benefit ratio, pertinent use
cases, and the motivations driving organizations to Organizations are evaluating both API and open-
adopt such tools—remains elusive. source options for AI integration, weighing factors
like speed to market, customization, and
On top of that, Gartner’s recent research also regulatory requirements. While APIs might be
forecasts a significant slowdown in enterprise favored for pilot projects due to their quick
deployments in the general AI space. As highlighted deployment, open-source might be the choice for
in the study, it is projected that over the next two full-fledged production, offering better audit
years, the overwhelming costs will exceed the value facilities and customization options.
that will be generated, culminating in about 50% of
the large enterprises abandoning their large-scale AI Thus, a report like this could serve as a vital tool in
model developments by 2028. this process, helping stakeholders to assess the
potential costs and benefits associated with different
To get to the crux of reality, AIM Research hosted a implementation strategies, whether it be through API
roundtable discussion comprising of several AI or open-source pathways. It could clarify the
leaders from different industries working in this complexities of both direct and indirect costs,
space. Here are some key insights that came to light: facilitating smarter decisions that consider factors
such as quick deployment and customization options.
Identifying the appropriate use case with
quantifiable business benefits is critical. It Ultimately, such a report could guide organizations in
involves understanding the technology's choosing the most suitable and cost-effective
capabilities and aligning them with business solutions for AI integration.

Starting with a POC allows businesses to evaluate

the potential impacts before scaling up. It is also
crucial to be aware of the costs involved in scaling
up, including cloud and API usage costs.

A sensible approach to budgeting would involve

allocating more towards improving operational
efficiency initially through AI integration to
optimize processes, cut costs, and improve
service levels, and as the system matures,
gradually shift funds towards customer
acquisition strategies, utilizing AI to enhance
personalization and engagement.

For AI success, organizations must focus on

improving prompt engineering for targeted
insights, and excel in data fusion to combine
various data sources for more accurate and
useful information, promoting collaboration and
integration within the organization.

4 LLM Economics
AIM Research

While the allure of Generative AI in enterprise
solutions is undeniable, there exists a cloud of
uncertainty surrounding its actual costs of
implementation. Many enterprises struggle with the
less concrete parts of using AI, like getting to know
the complex technology, the unpredictable nature of
generative models, and issues related to data privacy
and control. However, the main worry is about the "I believe it's crucial to begin and
financial aspect.
experiment. Given this is a new space -

The direct and indirect costs associated with from a CXO's perspective, the right
integrating AI into production systems are
thing to do would be to focus on
ambiguous, often leading to misconceptions. For
businesses, especially SMEs, deciphering these internal use cases initially - as they
costs is crucial, from initial deployment to the long- would carry less risk. There are
term aspects of maintenance, updates, data
management, and security. The rapid evolution of AI numerous scenarios where this can
technologies further compounds this challenge, as make a significant difference. Start
models need frequent monitoring, updating, and
retraining to stay effective.
there to build momentum and gain
experience, and then transition to
This ambiguity calls for comprehensive research that tackling more impactful use cases -
can demystify the various components influencing the
cost of implementing Generative AI. By breaking including customer facing ones."
down the myriad elements, from external APIs to
self-hosting open source models on Cloud, a clearer
Arvind Mathur, Chief
picture can emerge, dispelling myths and giving
Information Officer AMEA at
organizations a more grounded understanding. Such
research would offer a reality check against the
myriad numbers often cited, and guiding enterprises
in their AI endeavors with more precision and

The cost of implementing Generative AI can vary

immensely, often dictated by the specific industry use
case, the modality of the model, and a plethora of
other factors. For instance, an AI model designed for
a healthcare application—where precision is
paramount and errors can have grave implications—
might demand more rigorous training, higher-quality
data, and specialized expertise than, say, a model
used for generating text in a blogging platform.
Therefore, it becomes important to first define the
scope of any research aimed at understanding the
costs of AI implementation.

You can also access our

custom-built LLM cost
calculator here.

LLM Economics 5
AIM Research

Scope of the Report

The research will delve into the use cases typically
observed in MarTech functionalities. Additionally,
while there are categories of models that can produce
produce text, images, videos, and even voice, this
report will limit its focus only on text-based Large
Language Models (LLMs).

The research design for this study employs a case "From a marketing communication
study approach. We will consider four use cases from
different industries within the Martech lifecycle and perspective, I expect generative AI
calculate estimated costs under various implementations to happen sooner.
implementation scenarios. This research will then be
validated through secondary studies, consultations
This is because they don't require
with industry experts, and focus groups. The multi- constant changes. I envision numerous
faceted approach bridges the gap between theoretical use cases emerging within the next
estimations and the practical realities of developing
these models for enterprise use cases. year, with a lot more industries coming
up around that as well."
Additionally, for each use case, we estimate the cost
of developing it as a chatbot.

Roshan Thayyil, Head of

Loyalty Analytics at Emirates

6 LLM Economics
AIM Research

Research Objectives
The research objectives for this study are as follows:

Assess the cost implications of implementing

generative AI in production systems

Identify the key cost components, including

infrastructure, data acquisition, talent acquisition,
training, and maintenance

Investigate the challenges and roadblocks that

consumer companies face when integrating
generative AI into existing workflows

Explore strategies and best practices for building

sustainable generative AI solutions while
optimizing costs

Analyze industry trends and patterns in the

adoption of generative AI and associated costs

How to read this report

Determining the average cost in Generative AI is not a straightforward task. Therefore, this report is structured
to guide you progressively through this nuanced topic in the following way:

Section 1: Defining the Use Case - We lay the groundwork with descriptive case studies that shed light on
different real-world applications. This is to arrive at a realistic estimation of how many tokens are generated for
each of the use case.

Section 2: Cost Analysis - Next, we conduct a detailed cost analysis, focusing on both API and Cloud GPU
pathways to provide a balanced view. At the end of each analysis, you’ll see a visual representation of the up and
above cost beyond simple integration.

Section 3: Strategies to Reduce Cost - In this section, we explore potential strategies to trim costs effectively
without compromising output quality.

Section 4: Roadmap for Sustainable Implementation - Finally, we propose a forward-thinking roadmap,

sketching a path for sustainable and economically viable generative AI implementations.

We have also developed a cost calculator tool to facilitate an easy estimation of approximate costs for your
specific use case. You can access this tool [here].

7 LLM Economics

Chapter 1

Taking a Case Study

Our case studies will cover each stage of the customer lifecycle —
acquisition, retention, engagement, and win-back — and focus on
four distinct applications of generative AI within the MarTech
sector. For each of the case studies, we will estimate the cost of
generation using external API and self-hosted models.
AIM Research

MarTech: The Current

Coca-Cola’s recent ad, "Masterpiece", was made
partly with generative AI, featuring a combination of
film, 3D, and Stable Diffusion techniques. While the "One development we'll likely witness
film was brilliantly executed, it wasn't cheap! It is more rigor towards separation
underwent numerous rounds of testing because it
needed to have a "pull dimension". between generative AI for efficiency
and generative AI for effectiveness.
Like the Coca-Cola case, there have been numerous
examples within the MarTech sector where efforts are
When considering advertising content
weighed in terms of "effectiveness" (content or other messaging, the shift toward
generation that appeals to consumers) rather than
effectiveness will demand more
"efficiency". ChatGPT has proven to be a significant
influencer in demonstrating how it can impact this resources and usher in a greater sense of
function. accountability. In that sense, we will
A McKinsey report indicated that players that invest see a move towards more A/B testing
in generative AI are seeing a revenue uplift of 3 to 15 in terms of content."
percent and a sales ROI uplift of 10 to 20 percent.
Arvind Balasundaram,
At the same time, as per AIM Research, if we look at
Executive Director,
the rate of adoption by function, we see that sectors
Commercial Insights &
like Automotive & Manufacturing, Retail & CPG and
Analytics at Regeneron
Pharma & Healthcare are experiencing 20%, 20%,
and 17% adoption of generative AI in marketing
respectively. Marketing & Sales form the highest
compared to all other functions.

The report will, therefore, utilize use cases from

various stages of the MarTech lifecycle to better
contextualize the incurred costs and provide an
understanding of how the approximate cost is

9 LLM Economics
AIM Research

Exhibit 1
Implementing Generative AI Solutions Across the MarTech Lifecycle

Industry Prompting/Finetu
Use Case Examples ning Technique Timeframe

Sentiment RedCloud's Few-shot learning, 6-9 months from

Analysis for an optimized ad spend in-context learning concept to
eCommerce for FMCG brands deployment

Tailored Content Amazon's tailored Adaptive sampling, 5-8 months from

Retention in the FMCG content; Shopify's temperature tuning initial brainstorming
sector "Magic" feature to deployment

Customer Complaint BMW's AI-driven In-context learning, 6-10 months from

Engagement Redressal in the generative design continuous learning ideation to practical
Automotive Industry system application

Churn Analysis & JPMorgan Chase's Few-shot learning, 8-12 months from
Win-Back Incentive-Based IndexGPT temperature tuning research to on-
Win-Back in BFSI application ground

LLM Economics 10
AIM Research

Comparing External API and

Self-hosted Models
Deploying generative AI into organizations' processes
can indeed be done in two main ways: using external
APIs or self-hosting large language models (LLMs) on
Cloud. Both these methods come with their own
advantages and disadvantages, and your choice would
largely depend on your organization's specific needs
and constraints.

Exhibit 2
Comparing External API and Self-hosted Models

External API Self-hosted Models

External APIs refers to an external provider that Self-hosting language models on Cloud is a feasible
offers pre-built AI models accessible via APIs, solution for those who want to have their own
allowing developers to leverage AI capabilities deployment without relying on third-party API
without the need to train or host their own models. services. This enables more control, potential cost
savings, and possibly better performance.


Ease of Use Cost Efficiency

Easier to implement as they don't require
as much technical expertise DISADVANTAGE
Post-setup, running costs potentially
cheaper for high-use organizations DISADVANTAGE

Cost Technical Expertise

Over time, the recurring cost of API usage Self-hosting requires more technical
can add up, especially for organizations Control expertise for setup and ongoing
Infrastructure maintenance
with high usage You have complete control over the
No infrastructure maintenance/upgrades
cost for organizations system, its updates, and downtime

Dependency Infrastructure Costs

If the API experiences downtime, it may If the API experiences downtime, it may
disrupt your services Data Privacy disrupt your services
Up-to-Date Models All data remains in-house, which can be
Easier to implement as they don't require crucial for organizations handling sensitive
as much technical expertise information

Data Privacy Scalability

If your data is sensitive, sending it to an As your needs grow, your organization
external API might not meet your privacy Customization might need to invest in more infrastructure
Scalability requirements Offer more flexibility as they can be
Cloud-based APIs can typically scale with tweaked according to the specific
your needs requirements of the organization

Customization Maintenance
APIs might not provide as much flexibility It requires ongoing attention to keep the
or customization compared to self-hosted systems running smoothly and securely

11 LLM Economics
AIM Research

"The first and foremost question is

identifying the right use case that offers
a quantified business benefit.
Additionally, it's essential to consider if
you truly seek 100% accuracy. If you
aim for perfect accuracy, this field
might not be suitable for you at the

Cost is another significant factor.

Whether you're working at the proof-
of-concept (POC) level, using cloud
services, or utilizing APIs, costs are
typically calculated per token. Hence,
we can make informed estimates about
potential expenses for a given amount
of data.

Lastly, validation is crucial. It's

essential to evaluate if the solution
benefits the business unit before
scaling it up. This approach has proven
effective for us."

Preeti SP, Digtial Technology

Director at GE Appliances

LLM Economics 12

Chapter 2

Cost Analysis
The cost analysis section will comprise several use cases in which
the costs of using an external API will be compared with those of
self-hosting on cloud GPUs. This section will also explore potential
areas for cost optimization.
AIM Research

First Step to Tech

Adoption: Calculating RoI
Implementing AI can be expensive, especially with
large scale or high-accuracy requirements. It should
ultimately bring a positive return on investment (ROI).
This involves validating the AI's effectiveness with
business units and being prepared to invest if it
generates substantial business value.

In deploying Large Language Models (LLMs) within

the MarTech sphere, a vital consideration is
understanding and quantifying the ROI to evaluate the
financial viability and success of this integration.
Calculating the ROI involves comparing the net profit
gained from utilizing LLMs to the initial and ongoing
investment costs. The formula to calculate ROI is
given by:

To break it down:

Net Profit from LLM: This represents the additional

profits generated through the use of LLMs. It can be
determined by evaluating metrics such as increased
sales, enhanced customer engagement, and other
revenue-generating outcomes attributed to the LLMs.

Total Cost of LLM Implementation: This

encompasses the initial setup costs (like acquisition
and integration), along with operational expenses,
including maintenance and personnel training.

By applying this formula, organizations can visualize

the profitability and efficiency of their investment in
LLMs, thereby allowing for informed decision-making
and strategy optimization in the MarTech sector.

The current section aims to give a guesstimate of

the total cost of LLM Implementation and options to
be explored based on the use case.

14 LLM Economics
AIM Research

Using External APIs

Use Case 1 - Customer Complaint Step - 2: Calculate the number of tokens
generated for Inference
Redressal in the Automotive Industry

For a use case such as this, finetuning an AI model

is crucial due to several reasons: the industry- Assuming that 3% of vehicle owners
specific terminology, unique automotive contexts, (150,000 owners) interact with the chatbot
and the critical safety implications associated with each month and each interaction involves
potential misunderstandings. Finetuning ensures an average of 1200 tokens (input and
that the AI model offers precise, contextually output), we come to the total number of
relevant responses, minimizes manual oversight,
tokens as approximately 150,000 * 1200 =
and provides a competitive advantage by delivering
180 million tokens.
a tailored customer experience.

Here is an estimate of the total cost for such a use

case can be made:
This cost is recurring and organizations have to
bear every month based on the usage.
Step - 1: Calculate the number of Instruction Set
Tokens to Fine-tune the model

Assume the number of customer

complaints in the training dataset to
around 6 million (6M complaints * 10
sentences/complaint * 7
tokens/sentence = 420 million tokens)
Assume your corpus covers 20% of the
text volume. Domain-Specific Corpus
Size: 420M tokens * 0.2 = 84 million
Assume your instruction set tokens are
proportional to the domain-specific
corpus size and represent 50% of the
corpus. Instruction Set Tokens: 84M
tokens * 0.5 = 42 million tokens

This cost is fixed and consists of a fine-tuning job

with a training file of 42 million tokens that is
trained for one epoch. The more specialized the size
of the corpus, the better it will respond to queries.
Of course, for a generic use case, it would mean
fine-tuning on an entire corpus.

LLM Economics 15
AIM Research

Step 3
Calculate the expected cost of Fine-tuning and Inference

Fine-tuning Fine-tuning Cost

Models Training Training File for 1 Epoch

$0.0004 / 1K 42 million tokens $17


$0.0060 / 1K 42 million tokens $252

davinci-002 tokens

$0.0080 / 1K tokens 42 million tokens $336

GPT-3.5 Turbo

Fine-tuning Input cost for 60 Output cost for Total cost of inference
Models Input usage Output usage million tokens 120 million tokens for 1 month

$0.0016 / 1K $0.0016 / 1K $96 $192 $288

tokens tokens

$0.0120 / 1K $0.0120 / 1K $720 $1,440 $2160

davinci-002 tokens tokens

$0.0120 / 1K $0.0160 / 1K $720 $1,920 $2640

GPT-3.5 Turbo tokens tokens

babbage-002 and davinci-002 serve as replacements for the original

GPT-3 base models and are trained with supervised fine-tuning.
Meanwhile, GPT-3.5 Turbo is the most recommended choice due
to its incorporation of RLHF.

16 LLM Economics
AIM Research

Using External APIs

Use Case 2 - Sentiment Analysis for an
eCommerce Company

Given the model's broad base training, it already

understands diverse sentiments expressed online.
Using function calling in API, users can extract
organizational data within the prompt through an
external database. This approach is not only cost-
effective and versatile, but also allows for real-time
customized responses to queries.

Here, the functions are billed as input tokens

against the model's context limit.

Step - 1: Calculate the number of Input and

Output Tokens

Assuming there are about 1000

queries asked per day (30000 per
month) to the model, averaging about
150 tokens per query for input and
500 tokens per query for output, we
come to the total number as 5 million
input tokens and 16 million output
Assuming that each prompt carries a
function call for an extra 150 input
tokens, the total number would come
to 10 million input tokens.

This cost is recurring and organizations have to

bear every month based on the usage.

LLM Economics 17
AIM Research

Step - 2
Calculate the expected cost of Inference

Input cost for 10 Output cost for 16

Model Input usage Output usage million tokens million tokens

GPT-3.5 Turbo (4K $0.0015 / 1K $0.002 / 1K $15 $32

Low cost,
context) tokens tokens
GPT-3.5 Turbo (16K $0.003 / 1K $0.004 / 1K $30 $64 performance
context) tokens tokens
GPT-4 (8K context) $0.03 / 1K $0.06 / 1K $300 $960
tokens tokens
GPT-4 (32K context) $0.06 / 1K $0.12 / 1K $600 $1,920
tokens tokens

Claude Instant (100K $0.00163 / 1K $0.00551 / 1K $16 $88 medium cost,

context) tokens tokens higher
$0.01102 / 1K $0.03268 / 1K
Claude 2 (100K $110 $523
context) tokens tokens length

Cohere $0.015 / 1K $0.015 / 1K $150 $240

(default) tokens tokens
Cohere $0.03 / 1K tokens $0.03 / 1K tokens $480 $780

18 LLM Economics
AIM Research

Using External APIs

Optimizing Cost Using Embedding Models

Using pre-trained models from providers like

OpenAI, textual data can be transformed into
numerical vectors, known as embeddings. These
models, typically based on neural networks, analyze
the input data (like text) and represent it as a high-
dimensional vector that captures its semantic
features. After creating the embeddings, one can
store them in a specialized vector database and
perform queries to retrieve similar vectors or
perform other analysis.

For a domain-specific corpus size of about 84

million tokens (50k documents), the following is
the estimate cost:

When using embedding

models, the vector
database cost comprises
most of the total cost.

Vector DB
Embedding Usage cost per monthly cost
Usage dimensions month for 150QPS*

$0.0001 / 1K 1536 $8 $400-$500

Ada v2

$0.0004 / 1K 1024 $34 $250-$350


$0.0004 / 1K tokens 4096 $34 $1,500-$2,000


*This is just an average estimate; the cost will vary based on the
kind of database used

LLM Economics 19
AIM Research

Using External APIs

Balancing Costs in API Integration

Companies are increasingly adopting generative AI

APIs to get-to-market faster. However, crucial
decisions arise: to fine-tune the AI or use it as is,
and which prompt engineering techniques to apply.
Beyond the initial investment, organizations should
anticipate additional costs.


Prompt Length



Minimum Cost

Upstream Downstream
(decisions that are already locked in (degrees of freedom are available
to the cost) that can still affect the cost)

20 LLM Economics
AIM Research

Self-hosting LLMs
Use Case 3 - Churn Analysis and Step - 2: Calculate the number of tokens
generated for Inference
Incentive-Based Win-Back in BFSI

In this use case, fine-tuning is essential because the

sector possesses a unique lexicon and nuanced Assuming that data is being analyzed for 5
customer behaviors. By adapting models to BFSI- million customers every month, and the
specific data, firms ensure higher accuracy in analysis is performed twice a month.
identifying churn patterns and crafting tailored Furthermore, each analysis uses
incentives. Without fine-tuning, generic models approximately 18 tokens per customer.
might miss subtle sector-specific indicators, leading
This would bring the total to 180 million
to less effective win-back strategies and potential
tokens per month.
revenue loss.

Here is an estimate of the total cost for such a use

case can be made:
This cost is recurring and organizations have to
bear every month based on the usage.
Step - 1: Calculate the number of Instruction Set
Tokens to Fine-tune the model

Assume the analyzed data comes from

5 million customers (5M customers *
100 sentences/customer * 7
tokens/sentence = 3.5 billion tokens)
Assume your corpus covers 6% of the
text volume. Domain-Specific Corpus
Size: 3.5 billion tokens * 0.06 = 210
million tokens
Assume your instruction set tokens are
proportional to the domain-specific
corpus size and represent 20% of the
corpus. Instruction Set Tokens: 700
million tokens * 0.3 = 42 million

This cost is fixed and consists of a fine-tuning job

with a training file of 42 million tokens that is
trained for one epoch. The more specialized the size
of the corpus, the better it will respond to queries.
Of course, for a generic use case, it would mean
fine-tuning on an entire corpus.

LLM Economics 21
AIM Research

Step - 3
Calculate the expected cost of Fine-tuning and Inference

Compute Peak performance Time Cost on AWS

Model Parameters (in TFLOPs)* Configuration (in TFLOPs)** (in hours) (for one epoch)

Llama 2 70 billion 1764 * 10^4 p4d.24xlarge 73 67.12 $2,199.63

Alpaca 65 billion 1638 * 10^4 p4d.24xlarge 73 62.33 $2,042.51

Falcon 40 billion 1008 * 10^4 p4d.24xlarge 73 38.36 $1,256.93

Vicuna 33 billion 831.6 * 10^4 p4d.24xlarge 73 31.64 $1,036.97

*Calculated as 6 x (number of tokens) x (number of parameters)

**peak performance measured in a mixed precision setting

Compute Peak performance Time Cost on AWS

Model Parameters (in TFLOPs)* Configuration (in TFLOPs)** (in hours) (for one epoch)

Llama 2 70 billion 2520 * 10^4 p4d.24xlarge 73 95.89 $3,142.33

Alpaca 65 billion 2340 * 10^4 p4d.24xlarge 73 89.04 $2,917.88

Falcon 40 billion 1440 * 10^4 p4d.24xlarge 73 54.79 $1,795.62

Vicuna 33 billion 1188 * 10^4 p4d.24xlarge 73 45.21 $1,481.38

*Calculated as 2 x (number of tokens) x (number of parameters)

**peak performance measured in a mixed precision setting

22 LLM Economics
AIM Research

The cost estimate is the maximum you’ll incur under this

configuration for the models considered.

Compute Peak performance Time Cost on AWS

Model Parameters (in TFLOPs)* Configuration (in TFLOPs)** (in hours) (for one epoch)

Llama 2 70 billion 2520 * 10^4 p4d.24xlarge 73 95.89 $3,142.33

Alpaca 65 billion 2340 * 10^4 p4d.24xlarge 73 89.04 $2,917.88

In multi-GPU configurations, peak

performance will increase. While this
might lead to a reduction in cost, the
performance boost almost never scale
proportionally and is influenced by the
level of optimization.

LLM Economics 23
AIM Research

The number of tokens assumed for the sake of

calculation is quite modest. In reality, many more
tokens are generated for such a use case. This also
implies that the costs will increase further. However,
by using reserved instances for one or three years,
enterprises receive a significant upfront discount,
thereby reducing costs.

Fine-tuning reduces cost

significantly "Whether doing fine-tuning or one-
A crucial aspect of fine-tuning is the number of shot/few-shot training, there's a
epochs required to refine the model effectively,
directly influencing the cost. With self-hosting, the
tremendous amount of data and
number of iterations decreases. Unlike an API, which tokens involved. While these processes
often acts as a black box, open source offers insights will eventually become economical,
into the model's inner hyperparameters.
they are currently funded
predominantly by large corporations.
But, there is a catch... There are entities actively seeking ways
This advantage is somewhat offset by the cost to cut GPU costs and optimize
associated with the many calls made during algorithms. We need AI to be easily
inference, which produce responses based on the
provided sample answers. Moreover, maintaining a and cost-effectively customizable."
self-hosted model also incurs security-related
expenses and other associated costs. Nirupam Srivastava, Vice
President - CX /AI, Legal and
Startups Strategy at Hero

24 LLM Economics
AIM Research

Self-hosting LLMs
Use Case 4 - Content Personalization in

For FMCG, content personalization largely operates

on generic, high-frequency data catering to broad
consumer needs. Given the already extensive
training of LLMs on diverse datasets, these models
already possess knowledge relevant to FMCG
sectors. Thus, instead of fine-tuning, effective
prompting techniques can be employed when self-
hosting, capitalizing on the model's inherent
knowledge while ensuring agility and adaptability in
generating personalized content.

Here, the functions are billed as input tokens

against the model's context limit.

Step - 1: Calculate the number of Input and

Output Tokens

Assuming there are 5 personalized

emails sent monthly, requiring 4
tokens per email for input and 22 for
output, totaling 20 input tokens and
110 output tokens per user per month.
For a relevant audience of 5 million
users, email generation involves 100
million input tokens and 550 million
output tokens.
During inference, the model generates
two sampled responses, which brings
the total to 1.1 billion output tokens.

This cost is recurring and organizations have to

bear every month based on the usage.

LLM Economics 25
AIM Research

Step - 2
Calculate the expected cost of Inference

Compute Peak performance Time Cost on AWS

Model Parameters (in TFLOPs)* Configuration (in TFLOPs)** (in hours) (for one epoch)

Llama 2 70 billion 1680 * 10^5 p3dn.24xlarge 125 373.33 $11,654.72

Alpaca 65 billion 1560 * 10^5 p3dn.24xlarge 125 346.67 $10,822.24

Falcon 40 billion 960 * 10^5 p3dn.24xlarge 125 213.33 $6,659.84

Vicuna 33 billion 792 * 10^5 p3dn.24xlarge 125 176.00 $5,494.37

*Calculated as 2 x (number of tokens) x (number of parameters)

Generally, the strategy is to start with a smaller **peak performance measured in a mixed precision setting
configuration and gradually scale up to determine how
you can achieve optimum results at the lowest cost.
The cost reflected here is therefore on the higher side.

26 LLM Economics
AIM Research

Self-hosting LLMs
Optimizing Cost Using Optimization Libraries

LLMs require powerful computing clusters for training,

but communication between GPUs can slow down the
process and reduce efficiency. Proper management of
this communication is crucial to avoid performance

Distributed-training libraries available in the market

introduce several management techniques that can
improve the performance of GPU clusters. For example,
Microsoft’s Deepspeed uses a technique called the Zero
Redundancy Optimizer (ZeRO) to achieve ideal scaling
performance. In measurements, the RoBERTa-10B
model running on AWS p4d.24xlarge instances achieved
a performance of 123 teraflops per GPU when
optimized through Deepspeed, compared to only 73
teraflops without optimization.

Compute Peak performance Time Cost on AWS

Model Parameters (in TFLOPs)* Configuration (in TFLOPs)** (in hours) (for one epoch)

RoBERTa (without 10 billion 360 * 10^4 p4d.24xlarge 73 13.70 $448.90

RoBERTa (with 10 billion 360 * 10^4 p4d.24xlarge 123 8.13 $266.42

*Calculated as 2 x (number of tokens) x (number of parameters)

**as per data from Amazon

LLM Economics 27
AIM Research

Self-hosting LLMs
Balancing Costs in Self-hosting

Companies are progressively turning to self-hosted

"Beyond hardware costs, prompt
AI models for enhanced control and flexibility. creation is an overlooked challenge. It
However, critical choices arise: which hardware largely depends on an organization's
configuration to choose, whether to fine-tune or
not, and which in-house optimization strategies to dataset. While we are currently focused
implement. Moreover, organizations must also be on data security, another issue emerges:
prepared for ongoing maintenance and operational
siloed work. What about data fusion?
Where is the comprehensive data lake
As emphasized earlier, the cost of fine-tuning designed with business needs in mind?
decreases significantly with open-source models, as
the number of iterations is reduced. Simultaneously, Many fail to plan for or underestimate
infrastructure costs can vary based on the the associated costs."
performance/latency trade-offs that organizations
choose. Abhinandan Mandhana,
Executive Director, VP -
Automation and Analytics at
Bank of America

Exhibit 4
As the complexity of the use case increases, it will affect each of these cost
variables to different degrees.



Theoretical Minimum Iterations

Upstream Dowmstream
(decisions that are already locked in (degrees of freedom are available
to the cost) that can still affect the cost)

28 LLM Economics

Chapter 3

How can you Reduce Cost?

This section will explore strategies for minimizing costs when
utilizing external APIs and when self-hosting LLMs.
AIM Research

Industry is Moving Towards

In light of the recent observations on the high costs
associated with AI, concerning both fine-tuning and
one-shot and two-shot learning models, the current
section on strategies to reduce costs in LLM
implementation becomes exceedingly important. This
section offering insights into cost-effective strategies
and more sustainable approaches, hopes to pave the
way for broader accessibility and adoption of AI
technologies, without the burden of prohibitive costs.

Moreover, as we find the industry at a crossroads,

with the present structures showing signs of strain
under the monopoly of a few large corporations, the
discussion on cost reduction gains even more
relevance. This democratization of AI can potentially
foster innovation and inclusivity in the sector.

Furthermore, considering the promising efficiency of

narrower AI models, the guidance provided in this
section could assist stakeholders in navigating the
complex dynamics of AI implementation, aiding them
in making informed decisions that balance both
technological advancements and economic viability,
thus facilitating a more sustainable and inclusive
growth trajectory in the AI industry.

30 LLM Economics
AIM Research

With External APIs

To reduce costs when using external API,
organizations can implement various strategies:

Optimize Query Length: Reduce the length of

queries sent to the API by providing concise and
relevant inputs. Shorter queries typically consume
fewer tokens, resulting in reduced API usage and
lower costs.

Use Batch Processing: Instead of sending individual

queries one by one, batch multiple queries together
and send them in a single API call. Batch processing
can be more efficient and cost-effective as it
optimizes API usage.

Caching Responses: Implement a caching mechanism

to store frequently generated responses locally. By
caching responses, the organization can minimize
redundant API calls and lower usage costs.

Rate Limiting and Throttling: Apply rate limiting and

throttling techniques to control the frequency of API
requests. This prevents excessive API usage and helps
manage costs effectively.

Analyze Response Usage: Monitor and analyze the

responses generated by the API to identify patterns of
high-cost queries. Optimize or modify these queries
to reduce their impact on the overall cost.

Optimize Query Length

Provide concise inputs for fewer
tokens and lower costs

Use Batch Processing

Provide concise inputs for fewer
tokens and lower costs

Caching Responses STRATEGIES TO

Store frequent responses locally to
minimize redundant API calls REDUCE COST

Rate Limiting and Throttling

Store frequent responses locally to
minimize redundant API calls

Analyze Response Usage

Monitor API responses to identify and
optimize high-cost queries

LLM Economics 31
AIM Research

With Self-hosted LLMs

To reduce costs when self-hosting LLMs,
organizations can implement various strategies:

Optimize Hardware Resources: Choose hardware Caching Responses: Employ caching mechanisms to
resources that match the model's requirements store and reuse frequently generated responses,
without overprovisioning. This involves selecting the reducing the need for repetitive computations and
right CPU, GPU, or TPU configurations based on the lowering overall processing costs.
model's complexity and workload, minimizing
unnecessary expenses. Monitoring and Optimization: Continuously monitor
resource utilization and model performance to
Use Efficient Model Architectures: Explore efficient identify areas for improvement. Fine-tune the model
model architectures that strike a balance between and infrastructure configurations based on real-time
performance and resource consumption. Smaller or data to maximize efficiency.
lightweight models can still deliver satisfactory results
for many use cases while reducing computational

Model Quantization: Apply quantization techniques

to reduce model size and resource utilization.
Quantized models use lower precision for
computations, leading to memory and computational
savings without significant loss in performance.

Batch Processing: Implement batch processing to

handle multiple requests simultaneously, optimizing
resource usage and reducing overhead costs.

Optimize Hardware Resources Batch Processing

Match model's needs with Handle multiple requests
CPU/GPU/TPU configurations to simultaneously to optimize
avoid overprovisioning and cut costs resources and reduce costs

Use Efficient Model Architectures Caching Responses

Choose balanced, lightweight Cache and reuse common
models for performance and cost- responses to save on repetitive
efficiency computations

Monitoring and Optimization

Model Quantization
Regularly review resource usage and
Use quantization to shrink model
performance for ongoing improvements
size and lower resource usage
and maximized efficiency

32 LLM Economics

Chapter 4

Roadmap for
In this section, we outline a roadmap to financially sustainable
implementations of text-based Large Language Models (LLMs).
Focusing on long-term cost-effectiveness, we will explore strategies
for optimizing expenses and resource allocation, ensuring a
balanced budget while maintaining optimal performance.
AIM Research

Roadmap for a Sustainable

Implementation of Text-based LLMs
The roadmap outlines the strategic framework for "The real value emerges from how we
adopting and integrating language models into
various workflows efficiently and sustainably. integrate our organization's knowledge
Emphasizing long-term value and scalability, the with large language models, and how
roadmap starts with a thorough assessment of
current needs and future aspirations, ensuring the
we embed and connect these two
model aligns with the organization's goals. aspects to provide applications for

both internal and external customers.

A crucial step not explicated here involves data
management, ensuring high-quality, unbiased, and Readiness involves conducting an
diverse datasets that can be used to train or fine-tune internal assessment: What is our data
the model.
readiness? How is our data engineering
Moreover, given the rapid advancements in NLP, the infrastructure currently built? If we
roadmap will take into consideration continuous
start now, how will we handle
model updates and iterative learning. As
implementation progresses, there's a focus on incremental data, and how often will
feedback loops, capturing real-world performance we update it with experimental data? A
metrics, and adjusting accordingly.
thorough review of our data
engineering approach is essential,
considering how our data is collected,
stored, and which data we intend to

Anand Mahalingam, Vice

President - Data Labs- Head of
AI at HDFC Life

LLM Economics 34
AIM Research

Roadmap for a Sustainable

Implementation of Text-based LLMs


NLP Focused (Chatbot,

Text Generation, etc.)

Project Scale?
Tolerance for Latency?


Small to Medium?

API - Latency may vary due Self-hosted models

Models with less to network factors optimized for performance
parameters should

Consider models with

Budget? Large? more parameters

HIGH LOW Budget?

Consider self- Use pre-trained
hosted model; API with
more complex reasonable rate Secure data?
models with fine- limits or work Self-hosted
tuning with embeddings models with
for simpler tasks powerful GPU

Consider Take a hybrid

function-calling approach: Use
APIs or fine- API for low risk
tuning for more data, self-host
High-End Task? Mid-Range Task? complex tasks for high risk data
(e.g., LLM (e.g., Fine-Tuning
Training) Models)

Use High-performance Use Mid-range GPUs

GPUs with High with Moderate Memory
Memory Capacity Capacity

35 LLM Economics
AIM Research

In conclusion, as we step into a period that is
expected to be quite dynamic in the coming years, it's
crucial to keep a close eye on the changes happening
in the marketing departments of various industries.
These shifts, spurred by generative AI advancements,
are setting the stage for deeper and more
personalized connections with customers.

There is no one-stop solution to all use cases. It is

better to experiment with a mix of both API and self- RESEARCH

hosted models. For use cases that need to be shipped

early to measure an early impact, implementation can
be done via API, while those involving crucial
organizational data can be implemented through
different levels of experimentation in terms of data
readiness, prompt engineering, fine-tuning, and

While the initial costs for self-hosting models are

high, they can be more economical for large-scale
use cases in the long run, with the ongoing
operational costs being much lower than using an
API. This approach also grants organizations more
control over their data. Concurrently, new
developments are emerging each day. For instance,
ChatGPT Enterprise was recently launched by
OpenAI, promising enhanced security for the internal
data of organizations, thereby making this an
attractive option for them.

What also affects the decision is the type of accuracy

and latency you're targeting. While higher accuracy
and workloads tend to increase costs, adjusting your
hardware gives you an option to forgo a bit of latency
for performance.

Looking ahead, it is clear that we are just at the

beginning of this journey. The insights gathered here
are only a starting point. Our upcoming reports will
provide a more detailed analysis, backed by our
research and findings, highlighting the ongoing
developments in this new and exciting field. These
new editions will serve as a reliable source of
information, offering updates on the rapid changes
and developments taking place in this promising field.

LLM Economics 36
AIM Research

The preparation of this report was greatly enriched
by the invaluable contributions of numerous
professionals including Narasimha Medeme, VP
Head Data Science at MakeMyTrip, Ashwin Swarup,
VP Data Science at NimbleWork.Inc., Anirban Nandi,
VP AI Products & Business Analytics at Rakuten India,
Sourav Banerjee, Head of Innovation at
TheMathCompany, and Srinath Sivalenka, Senior
Manager - Generative AI Capabilities, who generously
dedicated their time and expertise to the peer-review

To each individual named and the many others who

contributed their time and expertise in various
capacities, we extend our deepest appreciation. The
candid discussions, recommendations for further
study, and critical evaluations offered by our peers
were paramount in refining our methodology and
ensuring the accuracy of our conclusions.

LLM Economics 37
AIM Research

About Hansa Cequity

Hansa Cequity is India’s first data-driven
marketing consulting & services company with a
focus on Consulting, Data Management, Data
Science, Behavioural Science, MarTech, Data-
driven digital solutions and Customer Relationship
Centres for different clients across
key verticals like BFSI, Automotive, Media &
Entertainment, Retail, Travel & Hospitality and E-
Commerce. It is a part of the R K SWAMY Group,
India’s leading Integrated Marketing
Communication services provider.

Hansa Cequity is a leader in India providing data-

driven marketing solutions & services for blue-
chip companies across India. It holds and analyses
over 100 million unique customer
profiles in private & public cloud infrastructure
with more 100 terabytes of data & manage over
750 million one-to-one customer intelligence
interactions in a year. Hansa Cequity has a team
of more than 1000 consultants and associates in their
key client engagements & programs.

38 LLM Economics
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world utilize us for advice and
tools to lead their digital
transformation using data.

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