ITS Health Information Form

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Global Kampong Building
ITS Campus Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111 Indonesia
Phone/Fax: +62 31 5923411; Phone (Hunting): +62 31 5994251-54 ext.1224
Email: [email protected]; [email protected];

Health Information Form

Thank you for your interest to have an academic experience at ITS. It is important that we be aware of any
past or current medical issues, including mental health conditions, which might affect your study. This information
will be kept confidential to protect student privacy. Disclosure of such information may be made to appropriate
individuals (including program staff and resident directors) and to provide you with assistance should the need arise
during your study. Health tests, certifications, or other actions may also be required prior to departure in certain
Global Engagement ITS is committed to enabling participation in its programs for all qualified individuals. If
you have questions, need assistance, or wish to discuss accommodations for health problems, please contact your
buddy and/or the office. Accommodations may require extensive planning and communications with foreign
contacts, so adequate lead time is critical. Contact should accordingly be initiated as soon as possible.
Completing and having this is a condition of study in ITS programs
Please complete this form in English either by typing or by hand, using black ink and in capital letters.
 You must notify ITS IO of any relevant changes to the information that may occur prior to the program.
 The information in this form is confidential.
 Please take the signed original of this form plus any supporting documents.


In case of hospitalization by ITS, student’s medical records are available from:
Physician / Hospital :
Telephone Number :
Has the student ever had any infectious diseases?  No  Yes. If yes, please tick  any that apply:
 Measles (Rubeola)  Encephalitis  Hepatitis (specify)  Frequent tonsillitis
 Rubella (German measles)  Pneumococcal infection  Yellow fever  Bronchitis
 Staphylococcal infection  Streptococcal infection  Other, please specify:
Please provide a brief history/explanation regarding above and whether they have left any lasting complications:

Does the student have any recurring medical problems or chronic conditions?  No  Yes. If yes, please tick  any that apply:
Anemia/blood disorder Eating disorder HIV Migraines/headaches
Asthma Hypertension Kidney disease Mobility limitations
Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome Diabetes Learning disability Tuberculosis
Lupus Cardiovascular disease Mental health concern Color blind
Attention deficit hyperactivity Other, please specify:
disorder (ADHD/ADD)

Please specify if there is anything that ITS staff should be

aware of relating to any of the above:

Health Information 1
Student’s Name:
Last First/Given Middle
Date of
Gender:  Male Birth: Country of Citizenship:
 Female __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
dd mm yyyy
Department/Degree: Duration of program (start date and end date):

Start date: End date:

In case of emergency, please contact: Language(s) spoken:

Contact number (Home): Contact number (Office and/or Mobile):

- - - -
country code Area code number country code area code number

Do you require a special diet? Yes  No 
If yes, please give details:
Are there any foods that you
Yes  No 
cannot or should not eat?
If yes, please give details:

Do you have allergies to:
Food Yes  No  If yes, please specify:
Medicines Yes  No  If yes, please specify:
Others Yes  No  If yes, please specify:
What medications can you be given for an allergic reaction?

Do you take any medications? *)**)
If it is a prescription, is it
Brand Name Generic Name Dose, Schedule, Special Instruction
Yes No 
Yes No 
Yes No 
*)Please ensure sufficient supply for the study’s duration.

Special Needs

Do you have any special needs or require any specific support? Yes  No 

If yes, please specify:

**)Bringing any specific medical documentation would be very helpful for a doctor in the host country. Bringing it with you can help avoid
unnecessary and expensive procedures. It is recommended that you discuss this with your regular physician.


Are you holding health insurance? No  Yes 
If no, it is strongly recommended that you make your own health insurance. If you are not going to have health insurance, you are
aware that all expenses that may happen because of your health problems will be you or your parents’ responsibility.
If yes, please make sure that your health insurance is applicable in Indonesia.

Primary Insurance Company Name _____________________________________

Policy Number _____________________________________________________
Insurance Company Phone ___________________________________________

Health Information 2
I certify that all responses made on this form are true, accurate and complete, and I will notify ITS IO of any relevant changes that
may occur prior to or during my study program. I have included in this form, advised the ITS IO Staff of any special needs or
assistance that I/the student may have relating to my/the student’s physical and mental health. I am aware that if I do not provide
complete information, this may cause hardship and concern to others and may affect my/the student’s own welfare. I understand
that if I do not provide complete information, ITS IO may decide to send me/the student home from the study program at my/the
student’s own expense.

I consent to the release of medical information to ITS IO or its agents so that they may provide me with needed assistance. I
further agree that ITS IO or its agents may release information to other persons who may need this information to assist me/the
student or to assist others in my study. I understand and agree that this form may be released to the ITS IO staffs for such
I am aware that I am responsible for my/the student’s physical and mental health and will cover any medical expenses that may
occur during my/the student’s study at ITS.

If my parents or guardians have not signed this form, I represent and certify that I am not a minor according to the laws of my
Tick if this is the case 

Signature of Student:___________________________________________
Date: __________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian
of student: ____________________________________________________

Date: _________________

Health Information 3

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