The Art of Multiprocessor Programming

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The Art of Multiprocessor Programming

Book · January 2008

DOI: 10.1145/1146381.1146382 · Source: DBLP


779 4,516

2 authors:

Maurice Herlihy Nir Shavit

Brown University Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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T h e A r t of Multiprocessor

Maurice Herlihy
Nir Shavit


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E L S E V I E R Morgan Kaufmann Publishersis an imprintof Elsevier MORGAN KAUFMANN PUBLISHERS

Acknowledgments xvii

Preface xix

I Introduction I
I. I Shared Objects and Synchronization 3

1.2 A Fable 6
1.2.1 Properties of Mutual Exclusion 8
1.2.2 The Moral 9

1.3 The Producer-Consumer Problem 10

1.4 The Readers-Writers Problem 12

1.5 The Harsh Realities of Parallelization 13

1.6 Parallel Programming 15

1.7 Chapter Notes 15

1.8 Exercises 16


2 Mutual Exclusion 21
2.1 Time 21

2.2 Critical Sections 22

viii Contents

2.3 2-Thread Solutions 24

2.3.1 The LockOneClass 25
2.3.2 The LockTwo Class 26
2.3.3 The Peterson Lock 27

2.4 The Filter Lock 28

2.5 Fairness 31

2.6 Lamport's Bakery Algorithm 31

2.7 Bounded Timestamps 33

2.8 Lower Bounds on the Number of Locations 37

2.9 Chapter Notes 40

2.10 Exercises 41

3 Concurrent Objects 45
3.1 Concurrency and Correctness 45

3.2 Sequential Objects 48

3.3 Quiescent Consistency 49

3.3.1 Remarks 51

3.4 Sequential Consistency 51

3.4.1 Remarks 52

3.5 Linearizability 54
3.5.1 Linearization Points 55
3.5.2 Remarks 55

3.6 Formal Definitions 55

3.6.1 Linearizability 57
- 3.6.2 Compositional Linearizability 57
3.6.3 The Nonblocking Property 58

3.7 Progress Conditions 59

3.7.1 Dependent Progress Conditions 60

3.8 The Java Memory Model 61

3.8.1 Locks and Synchronized Blocks 62
3.8.2 Volatile Fields 63
3.8.3 Final Fields 63
Contents ix

3.9 Remarks 64

3.10 Chapter Notes 65

3.1 I Exercises 66

4 Foundations of Shared Memory 71

4.1 The Space of Registers 72

4.2 Register Constructions 77

4.2.1 MRSW Safe Registers 78
4.2.2 A Regulär Boolean MRSW Register -_ 78
4.2.3 A Regulär M-Valued MRSW Register 79
4.2.4 An Atomic SRSW Register 81
4.2.5 An Atomic MRSW Register ' 82
4.2.6 An Atomic MRMW Register 85

4.3 Atomic Snapshots 87

4.3.1 An Obstruction-Free Snapshot 87
4.3.2 A Wait-Free Snapshot 88
4.3.3 Correctness Arguments 90

4.4 Chapter Notes 93

4.5 Exercises 94

5 The Relative Power of Primitive

Synchronization Operations 99
5.1 Consensus Numbers 100
5.1.1 States and Valence 101

5.2 Atomic Registers 103

5.3 Consensus Protocols 106

5.4 FIFO Queues 106

5.5 Multiple Assignment Objects MO

5.6 Read-Modify-Write Operations I 12

5.7 Common2 R M W Operations I 14

5.8 The compareAndSet() Operation 116

5.9 Chapter Notes I 17

5.10 Exercises I 18
X Contents

6 Universality of Consensus 125

6.1 Introduction 125

6.2 Universality 126

6.3 A Lock-Free Universal Construction 126

6.4 A Wait-Free Universal Construction 130'

6.5 Chapter Notes 136

6.6 Exercises 137


7 Spin Locks and Contention 141

7.1 Welcome to the Real World 141

7.2 Test-And-Set Locks 144

7.3 TAS-Based Spin Locks Revisited 146

7.4 Exponential Backoff 147

7.5 Queue Locks 149

7.5.1 Array-Based Locks 150
7.5.2 The CLH Queue Lock 151
7.5.3 The MCS Queue Lock 154

7.6 A Queue Lock with Timeouts 157

7.7 A Composite Lock 159

7.7.1 A Fast-Path Composite Lock 165

7.8 Hierarchical Locks 167

7.8.1 A Hierarchical Backoff Lock 167
7.8.2 A Hierarchical CLH Queue Lock 168

7.9 One Lock To Rule Them All 173

7.10 Chapter Notes 173

7.1 I Exercises 174

8 Monitors and Blocking Synchronization 177

8.1 Introduction 177
Contents xi

8.2 Monitor Locks and Conditions 178

8.2.1 Conditions 179
8.2.2 The Lost-Wakeup Problem 181

8.3 Readers-Writers Locks 183

8.3.1 Simple Readers-Writers Lock 184
8.3.2 Fair Readers-Writers Lock 185

8.4 Our O w n Reentrant Lock 187

8.5 Semaphores 189

8.6 Chapter Notes 189

8.7 Exercises 190

9 Linked Lists: The Role of Locking 195

9.1 Introduction 195

9.2 List-Based Sets 196

9.3 Concurrent Reasoning 198

9.4 Coarse-Grained Synchronization 200

9.5 Fine-Grained Synchronization 201

9.6 Optimistic Synchronization 205

9.7 Lazy Synchronization 208

9.8 Non-Blocking Synchronization 213

9.9 Discussion 218

9.10 Chapter Notes 219

9.1 I Exercises 219

10 Concurrent Queues and the A B A Problem 223

10.1 Introduction 223

10.2 Queues 224

10.3 A Bounded Partial Queue 225

10.4 An Unbounded Total Queue 229

10.5 An Unbounded Lock-Free Queue 230

10.6 Memory Reclamation and the ABA Problem 233

10.6.1 A Naive Synchronous Queue 237
xii Contents

10.7 Dual Data Structures 238

10.8 Chapter Notes 241

10.9 Exercises 241

11 Concurrent Stacks and Elimination 245

I I. I Introduction 245

I 1.2 An Unbounded Lock-Free Stack 245

11.3 Elimination 248

I 1.4 The Elimination Backoff Stack 249

I 1.4.1 A Lock-Free Exchanger 249
I 1.4.2 The Elimination Array 251

I 1.5 Chapter Notes 255

I 1.6 Exercises 255

12 Counting, Sorting, and Distributed

Coordination 259
12.1 Introduction 259

12.2 Shared Counting 259

12.3 Software Combining 260

12.3.1 Overview 261
12.3.2 An Extended Example 267
12.3.3 Performance and Robustness 269
12.4 Quiescently Consistent Pools and Counters 269

12.5 Counting Networks 270

12.5.1 Networks That Count 270
12.5.2 The Bitonic Counting Network 273
12.5.3 Performance and Pipelining 280

12.6 Diffracting Trees 282

12.7 Parallel Sorting 286

12.8 Sorting Networks 286

12.8.1 Designing a Sorting Network 287

12.9 Sample Sorting 290

12.10 Distributed Coordination 291

Contents XÜi

12.1 I Chapter Notes 292

12.12 Exercises 293

13 Concurrent Hashing and Natural

Parallel ism 299
13.1 Introduction 299

13.2 Closed-Address Hash Sets 300

13.2.1 A Coarse-Grained Hash Set 302
13.2.2 A Striped Hash Set 303
13.2.3 A Refinable Hash Set 305
13.3 A Lock-Free Hash Set 309
13.3.1 Recursive Split-Ordering 309
13.3.2 The BucketLi st Class 312
13.3.3 The LockFreeHashSet<T> Class 313

13.4 An Open-Addressed Hash Set 316

13.4.1 Cuckoo Hashing 316
13.4.2 Concurrent Cuckoo Hashing 318
13.4.3 Striped Concurrent Cuckoo Hashing 322
13.4.4 A Refinable Concurrent Cuckoo Hash Set 324

13.5 Chapter Notes 325

13.6 Exercises 326

14 Skiplists and Balanced Search 329

14.1 Introduction 329

14.2 Sequential Skiplists 329

14.3 A Lock-Based Concurrent Skiplist 331

14.3.1 A Bird's-Eye View 331
14.3.2 TheAlgorithm 333

14.4 A Lock-Free Concurrent Skiplist 339

14.4.1 A Bird's-Eye View 339
14.4.2 The Algorithm in Detail 341

14.5 Concurrent Skiplists 348

14.6 Chapter Notes 348

14.7 Exercises 349

15 Priority Queues 351
15.1 Introduction 351
15.1.1 Concurrent Priority Queues 351

15.2 An Array-Based Bounded Priority Queue 352

15.3 A Tree-Based Bounded Priority Queue 353

15.4 An Unbounded Heap-Based Priority Queue 355

15.4.1 A Sequential Heap 356
15.4.2 A Concurrent Heap 357

15.5 A Skiplist-Based Unbounded Priority Queue 363

15.6 Chapter Notes 366

15.7 Exercises 366

16 Futures, Scheduling, and W o r k Distribution 369

16.1 Introduction 369

16.2 Analyzing Parallelism 375

16.3 Realistic Multiprocessor Scheduling 378

16.4 Work Distribution 381

16.4.1 WorkStealing 381
16.4.2 Yielding and Multiprogramming 381

16.5 Work-Stealing Dequeues 382

16.5.1 A Bounded Work-Stealing Dequeue 383
16.5.2 An Unbounded Work-Stealing DEQueue 386
16.5.3 Work Balancing 390

16.6 Chapter Notes 392

16.7 Exercises 392

17 Barriers 397
17.1 Introduction 397

17.2 Barrier Implementations 398

17.3 Sense-Reversing Barrier 399

17.4 Combining Tree Barrier 401

17.5 Static Tree Barrier 402

17.6 Termination Detecting Barriers 404

Contents xv

17.7 Chapter Notes 408

17.8 Exercises 409

18 Transactional Memory 417

18.1 Introduction 417
18.1.1 What is Wrong with Locking? 417
18.1.2 What is Wrong with compareAndSet ()? 418
18.1.3 What is Wrong with Compositionality? 420
18.1.4 What can W e Do about It? 421

18.2 Transactions and Atomicity 421

18.3 Software Transactional Memory 424

18.3.1 Transactions and Transactional Threads 427
18.3.2 Zombies and Consistency 428
18.3.3 Atomic Objects 429
18.3.4 Dependent or Independent Progress? 431
18.3.5 Contention Managers 431
18.3.6 Implementing Atomic Objects 433
18.3.7 An Obstruction-Free Atomic Object 434
18.3.8 A Lock-Based Atomic Object 438

18.4 Hardware Transactional Memory 445

18.4.1 Cache Coherence 446
18.4.2 Transactional Cache Coherence 447
18.4.3 Enhancements 447

18.5 Chapter Notes 448

18.6 Exercises 449


A Software Basics 453

A. I Introduction 453

A.2 Java 453

A.2.1 Threads 453
A.2.2 Monitors 455
A.2.3 Yielding and Sleeping 458
A.2.4 Thread-Local Objects 458
A.3 C # 460
A.3.1 Threads 460
A.3.2 Monitors 461
A.3.3 Thread-Local Objects 462

A.4 Pthreads 464

A.4.1 Thread-Local Storage 465;

A.5 Chapter Notes 466

B Hardware Basics 469

B. I Introduction (and a Puzzle) 469

B.2 Processors and Threads 472

B.3 Interconnect 472

B.4 Memory 473

B.5 Caches 473

B.5.1 Coherence 474
B.5.2 Spinning 476

B.6 Cache-Conscious Programming, or the Puzzle

Solved 476

B.7 Multi-Core and Multi-Threaded Architectures 477

B.7.1 Relaxed Memory Consistency 478

B.8 Hardware Synchronization Instructions 479

B.9 Chapter Notes 481

B.IO Exercises 481

Bibliography 483

Index 495

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