C3 - The Isolation and Preservation Industrially Important Microorganism
C3 - The Isolation and Preservation Industrially Important Microorganism
C3 - The Isolation and Preservation Industrially Important Microorganism
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Trịnh Khánh Sơn
Isolation involves obtaining either pure or mixed cultures followed by their assessment to
determine which carry out the desired reaction or produce the desired product
Points 3,4, and 6 would have to be assessed in detailed tests subsequent to isolation and the
organism most well suited to an economic process chosen on the basis of these results
Amenability: chịu trách nhiệm; genetic manipulation: thao tác gen; ease: dễ dàng
Isolation method utilizing selection of the
desired characteristic
Enrichment liquid culture (Nuôi cấy làm giàu sinh khối trong môi trường
o Frequently carry out in shake flasks
o Selective force (selective agent) may be re-established by innoculating the
enriched culture into identical fresh medium
o Sub-culturing may be repeated several time before the dominant organism is
isolated by spreading method onto solid medium
Enrichment culture using solidified media (Nuôi cấy làm giàu sinh
khối trên môi trường rắn)
Screening methods
o Early screening strategies tended to be empirical (kinh nghiệm), labour
intensive (tay nghề lao động) and had relatively low success rates (trước đây, dựa vào
thực nghiệm và tỉ lệ thành công thấp)
Selective medium
✓ Types are formulated to support the growth of one group of organisms, but inhibit the
growth of another. These media contain antimicrobials, dyes, or alcohol to inhibit the
growth of the organisms not targeted for study. Selective medium types include EMB
agar, Mannitol Salt agar, MacConkey agar, and Phenylethyl Alcohol (PEA) agar.
✓ For example, organisms that can utilize a given sugar are easily screened by making
that sugar the only carbon source in the medium. On the other hand, selective
inhibition of some types of microorganisms can be achieved by adding dyes,
antibiotics, salts or specific inhibitors which affect the metabolism or enzyme systems
of the organisms. For example, media containing potassium tellurite, sodium azide or
thallium acetate (at concentrations of 0.1 -0.5 g/l) will inhibit the growth of Gram-
negative bacteria. Media supplemented with penicillin (5-50 units/ml) or crystal violet (2
mg/l) will inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria. Tellurite agar, therefore, is used
to select for Gram-positive organisms, and nutrient agar supplemented with penicillin
can be used to select for Gram- negative organisms.
Differential medium
✓ Types are those that distinguish microorganisms from one another based
on growth characteristics evident when grown on specific medium types.
Organisms with differing growth characteristics typically show visible
differences in growth when placed on differential media. Examples
include blood agar, Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) agar, Mannitol Salt agar,
and MacConkey agar.
Culture Media for the Isolation of Pathogenic Bacteria from Clinical Specimens
The preservation of industrially important micro-
Retains (giữ lại) the desirable characteristics that led to its selection
The culture used to initiate an industrial fermentation must be viable
and free from contamination
Microorganism should be cultured to reach the end of log-phase
before preservation