ICALL's Crowdsourced List of Mental Health Professionals We Can Trust (23rd April 2021)

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About this list:in doing so, there can be cases where face to face interaction may be needed.
are comfortable
This list is an effort on our part to help people make an informed choice of which mental hea
from a wide range of options.

Wish toclick
You can recommend
on the linka below
and recommend a professional. You would be required to an
be added to our updated version.
and nearly 5000 emails from individuals in 25 out of 29 Indian

nteraction may be needed.

hoice of which mental health professional to access for their needs

ou would be required to answer a few questions and your entries will

Gaurav Kulkarni Dr Bharat Shah Manik Bhadkamkar
What is their age range? 30-39 40-49 20-29
Which gender do they
identify with?
Male Male female

What is the title of the mental

health professional that you Psychiatrist Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist
are recommending?

Which city/town do they

practice in?
Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai
Which language(s) are they English, Hindi and
conversant in?
English, Marathi English, Hindi, Gujarati
B.A. Psychology, M.A.
What are their professional Psychology and M.Phil.
Clinical Psychology (RCI
What is their contact
9987545314 9821074495 9987142188

What is their email address?

What is the address of the

Shushrut and Lilavati INHS Asvini hospital.
clinic/ hospital/ organization
where they practice? Hospitals Colaba

What are their office hours? 8 am to 2.30 pm

Monday, Tuesday,
On which days of the week do Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday,
they practice? (choose as Wednesday, Thursday,
many options as applicable) Friday, Saturday,
Friday, Saturday

What are their fees for one

800 to 1500 800-1200

For how long does one session

last with them?
1 hour 45 mins- 1 hour
Through which mediums do Face to face, Through the
they provide services? (choose Face to face, Over Face to face, Through the
an many options as
telephone, Over
videoconference/skype telephone
applicable) videoconference/skype

Someone I know has

How do you know this
been to them, I have I have personally consulted I've worked/trained with
professional? (choose as many
options as applicable) personally consulted them them

Adolescents and young

Which of the following groups people, Adults, Couples,
does this professional Individuals who
Families, Older adults,
predominantly work with? identify as Adults
(choose as many options as Individuals who identify
applicable) as LGBTQIA+, Corporate

Special needs (Children

with physical. emotional,
behavioural and learning
difficulties), Violence
against women, Sexuality
Sexuality and gender and gender orientation
orientation related Sexuality and gender related issues, Sexual and
What are the issues that they issues, Trauma, orientation related issues, reproductive health related
work with? (choose as many Mental Illness, Sexual and reproductive health concerns, Substance and
options as applicable) Relationship related concerns, Mental habitual addictions,
Concerns, Work-life Illness Trauma, Child Sexual
Concerns Abuse, Mental Illness,
Relationship Concerns,
Work-life Concerns,
Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting

Do they conduct psychometric

assessments (Psychometric
tests are a standard and
scientific method used to
I don't know No Yes
measure individuals'
capabilities and behaviours.)?

Diagnosis, Treatment
plan, Referral to another
If yes, what follows after the
professional (e.g.
assessment? (choose as many
options as applicable) psychiatrist and other
allied mental health
Are they affiliated with any
other organization(s) as well?
Yes No

If yes, please specify the name

of the organization.

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?
Yes Yes

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe
environment for Yes Yes Yes
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

Cash, Cheque, Internet
they accept? (choose as many Cash, Credit/Debit cards
options as applicable) Bank Transfer

Does the mental health

professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
I don't know I don't know Yes
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much?

Is the office of the mental

health professional Maybe Yes Yes
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter etc.)
Will the professional make
people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
Maybe I don't know Yes
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ Yes Yes Yes
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that indicate No No Yes
that they are diversity

Will they be open to talking

about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
Yes Yes Yes
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an Yes Yes Yes
ethical practice?

I am a cis-gay man.
My personal
If yes, could you please tell us experience and
your reasons for saying so? communication was
very good and

Does the mental health

professional seek informed I am an adult and my
consent about the processes treatment didn't
involved (assessment,
require anyone else's
medication, Yes Yes
counselling/psychotherapy, consent. So, I do not
involving other stakeholders know the answer for
such as parents/spouse, this.
Will they be able to assure the
client/patient of the safety and
confidentiality of the Maybe Yes Yes
information that is shared
with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
I don't know Yes Yes
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have suffered
Yes Yes Yes
from violence or abuse of any

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments that
are needed to facilitate better
Yes Yes

Will they be careful to not

give advice or be prescriptive
or sermonize in their
Yes Yes Yes

Do you think they engage in

(choose as many options as None of the above None of the above

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not Maybe Yes I don't know
seek treatment?

Will the mental health

professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Maybe Yes Yes
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with sources
of legal help/socio-legal
I don't know Yes Yes
organizations, if needed?
Do you think the mental
health professional values the
client’s/patient's Yes Yes Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes Yes Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes Yes Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a crisis
Maybe I don't know Yes

Would you be comfortable in

referring someone to them in
a crisis situation (for example,
referring a friend to them Yes Yes Yes
who is feeling suicidal, or
referring a loved one to them
who has faced violence)?

If yes, what makes you say I I approached the

so? person during a crisis.
Would you like to tell us a bit Been his patient for over ten
about your experience of
going to this professional as a
years. Have been managing
patient/client? my disorder well with his help.

Is there anything that one

should keep in mind while
going to this person?
Dr Manjiri Deshpande
Pushpa Venkatraman Sonali Gu
40-49 50-59 30-39 Don't know
Female Female Female Female

Counsellor/ Counsellor/
Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Psychotherapist Psychotherapist

Mumbai, mulund Bombay Mumbai Mumbai

English, Tamil, possibly
English, hindi English, marathi, hindi English, Hindi
some Hindi

Masters in psychology, Psychology, not sure

EMDR trained therapist though

919869332886 9869332886 9820330802 9819733002


Indlas Child Guidance

Private clinic, mulund Private clinic

1pm to 4pm not sure 10am - 7pm

Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday,

Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Wednesday
Wednesday, Friday
Friday, Saturday Friday, Saturday

1000 Used to be 1000 1000 1500

One hour one hour 1hr 40-45 minutes

Face to face, Over
Face to face Face to face Face to face

Heard of them through

Heard of them through
word of mouth, Heard of them through
word of mouth, Someone I
Someone I know has word of mouth, I have Someone I know has been
know has been to them, I
been to them, I have personally consulted to them
have personally consulted
personally consulted them
Children, Adolescents and
young people, Adults, Children, Adolescents and
Couples, Families, Older young people, Adults,
Adults Adults
adults, Individuals who Couples, Individuals who
identify as LGBTQIA+, identify as LGBTQIA+
Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children

with physical. emotional,
behavioural and learning
difficulties), Violence
Sexuality and gender
against women, Sexuality
Violence against orientation related issues,
and gender orientation
women, Substance and Sexual and reproductive
related issues, Sexual and
habitual addictions, health related concerns,
Trauma, Work-life reproductive health related
Trauma, Child Sexual Substance and habitual
Concerns, Academic and concerns, Substance and
Abuse, Relationship addictions, Relationship
Career Related Issues habitual addictions,
Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Work-life
Trauma, Child Sexual
Concerns, Parenting Concerns, Academic and
Abuse, Mental Illness,
Concerns Career Related Issues,
Relationship Concerns,
Parenting Concerns
Work-life Concerns,
Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting

Yes I don't know I don't know I don't know

Treatment plan Diagnosis, Treatment plan

I don't know I don't know Yes I don't know

I am not sure Polyclinics

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit

Cash, Cheque, Internet
Cash cards, Internet Bank Cash, Credit/Debit cards
Bank Transfer

Yes Yes Yes Maybe

I was told to pay

whenever I had enough

No Maybe Yes Yes

Its on the ground floor

Yes Maybe Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

I have been seeing them Through my personal

maintains confidentiality
for quite some time and experiences with the
at all times, does not
I found their practice professional. She has kept
take close friends or
ethical as they kept everything confidential,
family if there is one
issues of never imposed any
primary client, is
confidentiality, opinions on me, never
accessible to the client at
beneficence, and pressurized me against my
all times
boundaries in mind will for anything.

Yes Maybe Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Maybe Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Yes Maybe

Yes Maybe Yes Maybe

I have not gone to the

professional for crisis
myself and neither have I
heard of someone who did
Having experienced so it would be difficult to
therapy with them I feel say how she would handle
I can refer others crisis. But she seems to be
a sensitive professional. So
I may be comfortable in
referring someone in crisis
to her.
My experience of going to
her has been a good one.
She is very non-judgmental
She is trained in the and respectful of her client.
I have had a good
'trauma' model, helped a She is non-directive and
experience. I feel they
great deal in addressing never gives advice. She is
vaalued my autonomy
some forms of childhood Very good experience able to recommend a lot of
and respected my
trauma, will be very good reading material
choices. I didn't feel
good for people from the which has always been
judged at any point.
academic world helpful to me. She stays
very updated with what is
happening in the field and I
think that is very important.

She doesn't come on all

days to Chembur and the
They primarily work
fee is different for her Khar
with trauma and
clinic and for Chembur so
it would be a good idea to
keep these things in mind.
Sonali Gupta Harish Shetty Vijeyta kanetkar
30-39 30-39 50-59 20-29
Woman Female Male Female

Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist Psychiatrist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English Hindi & English English, Hindi, Marathi English, hindi, marathi

M.A. counseling

9819733002 9819733002 98200 32178 8082028808

[email protected] [email protected]

Nityanand Nursing Home

Baby 360 Nath hospital, Thane
& Hiranandani Hospital


Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Friday Saturday

1500 1500- 2000

1 hour 45-60 minutes

Face to face, Over Face to face, Through the
videoconference/skype, telephone, Over Face to face Face to face
Through home visits videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word

of mouth, Someone I know I have personally consulted Someone I know has been Heard of them through
has been to them, I have them to them word of mouth
personally consulted them

Children, Adolescents and

Children, Adolescents and young people, Adults,
Children, Adolescents
young people, Adults, Couples, Families, Older Children, Adolescents and
and young people,
Couples, Individuals who adults, Individuals who young people, Adults
Adults, Families
identify as LGBTQIA+ identify as LGBTQIA+,
Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional,
Sexuality and gender behavioural and learning
orientation related issues, difficulties), Violence against Special needs (Children
Trauma, Child Sexual women, Sexuality and gender with physical. emotional,
Mental Illness,
Abuse, Mental Illness, orientation related issues, behavioural and learning
Relationship Concerns,
Relationship Concerns, Sexual and reproductive health difficulties), Substance and
Academic and Career
Work-life Concerns, related concerns, Trauma, habitual addictions, Child
Related Issues,
Academic and Career Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Sexual Abuse, Academic
Parenting Concerns
Related Issues, Parenting Illness, Relationship and Career Related Issues,
Concerns, Low Self Esteem, Concerns, Work-life Parenting Concerns
Psychosomatic issues Concerns, Academic and
Career Related Issues,
Parenting Concerns

I don't know I don't know Maybe No

I don't know I don't know

Yes I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank

Cash, Credit/Debit cards Cash
Internet Bank Transfer Transfer

I don't know I don't know I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes I don't know

Maybe Maybe Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

From personal experience

Yes Yes Maybe Yes

Yes Yes Maybe Yes

Yes I don't know Maybe Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Maybe Maybe Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

I had visited Sonali while I

Therapy sessions with her
was in a crisis situation and
helped me in life and I have no
she helped me get to a better
doubt about her competencies.
place, while respecting my
She is good at what she does.
choice of not taking meds.
I feel that Sonali is one of
the most non-judgmental
and empathetic mental
Therapy sessions with her
health practitioners I know
helped me with various issues I felt understood and
of. Personally, I also find it
I had. Her approach and was guided
extremely important to have On a professional visit
technique helped me appropriately abt the
the comfort to talk about related to my line of work
understand myself better and steps I needed to make
politics and its personal
come up with solutions to my changes with
implications, with your
problems on my own.
therapist. I am glad that as a
therapist, Sonali
understands this.

Sonali does not believe in

boxing people as per their
diagnosis. She believes in Feel free to speak your
working with her clients as heart out and you will
individuals on a whole, and discover a new you
does not look at them as
their illness.
Amit Kulkarni Moazzam Khan Amit Kishore Joshi
30-39 20-29 30-39
Male Male Male

Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist

Mumbai Kalyan Mumbai

English, Hindi, Marathi English marathi hindi English, Marathi, Hindi

Pg psychology MA - Clinical Psychology

9833378163 9860512131 98213 68543

[email protected]

Brahman Seva Sangh, Borivali

KLS, Vile Parle (W) & Asha Parekh,
Chicken ghar kalyan west (E) & Harmony Training and
Santacruz (W)
Counseling Centre, Nerul

Morning and evening

Monday, Tuesday,
Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Sunday

1k 800 1000

45 minutes 40 minutes 1 hour

Face to face, Through the
Face to face, Through the telephone Face to face

Heard of them through I have personally consulted

I have personally consulted them
word of mouth them

Children, Adolescents and

young people, Adults, Children, Adolescents and
Couples, Families, Older young people, Adults, Couples,
adults, Individuals who Families, Older adults,
identify as LGBTQIA+, Corporate professionals
Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children

with physical. emotional,
behavioural and learning
difficulties), Violence
against women, Sexuality Special needs (Children with
and gender orientation physical. emotional,
related issues, Sexual and behavioural and learning
reproductive health related difficulties), Violence against
Mental Illness, Work-life Concerns concerns, Substance and women, Trauma, Mental
habitual addictions, Illness, Relationship Concerns,
Trauma, Child Sexual Work-life Concerns, Academic
Abuse, Mental Illness, and Career Related Issues,
Relationship Concerns, Parenting Concerns
Work-life Concerns,
Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting

I don't know Yes Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment
plan, Referral to another
professional (e.g.
Treatment plan Treatment plan
psychiatrist and other
allied mental health
Yes Yes

Rendezvous with mind

Harmony Welfare Trust

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Internet Bank Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank

Transfer Transfer

Yes Yes Yes

150 through OPD

I don't know No No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Follows all the ethical


Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Maybe Yes Yes

Yes No Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Personal experience
Great! I was able to express my heart out &
The solutions and advises
discuss out strategies of treatment knowing
provided by this professional
the doctor is not only perceptive and a keen
were very much helpful.
listener but also deeply supportive.

Nothing specific
Nikita D'Souza Shruti Chakravarty Dr Anjali Deshpande
20-29 30-39 30-39 40-49
Female Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist

Mumbai Mumbai Thane
English, Hindi, Marathi,
English, Hindi, Marathi Marathi, hindi. English
Bengali English Hindi

Masters in Medical and

M.A. Clinical Psychology Mbbs. Dpm
Psychiatric Social Work
Masters in social work
9833533074 9769267499 25360935, 25450970
[email protected] [email protected]

Indla's Child Guidance National hospital. 3

Pali Naka Bandra (W)
Clinic (ICGC), Saki petrol pump. Naupada.
Naka, Andheri (East) Thane

Somewhere in Khar,
Saturday, Sunday- 9 AM to
10am - 7pm 5 to 7
9 PM
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Saturday, Sunday

Consultation - Rs 1000;
1200/- 600 to 1000
Session - On the therapy

1 hour one hour

45 mins to 1 hour
Face to face, Over
Face to face Face to face
Face to face

I am a friend
I have personally
consulted them
Adolescents and young
Children, Adolescents
people, Adults, Couples,
and young people,
Children, Adolescents and Families, Older adults,
Adults, Couples,
young people Individuals who identify as
Families, Corporate
LGBTQIA+, Corporate
professionals, Women Individuals who identify

Violence against women, Special needs (Children

Sexuality and gender with physical.
orientation related issues, emotional, behavioural
Substance and habitual and learning
Special needs (Children
addictions, Trauma, difficulties), Violence
with physical. emotional,
Mental Illness, against women,
behavioural and learning
Relationship Concerns, Substance and habitual
difficulties), Academic
Work-life Concerns, Violence against addictions, Mental
and Career Related Issues
Academic and Career women, Sexuality and Illness, Relationship
Related Issues, Parenting gender orientation Concerns, Work-life
Concerns, bereavement related issues, Sexual Concerns, Parenting
counselling and reproductive health Concerns
related concerns, Mental
Illness, Relationship
Concerns, Work-life

Yes No Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment
plan, Referral to another
professional (e.g. Diagnosis, Treatment
psychiatrist and other plan
allied mental health
Yes No Yes
I don't know

ICGC Thane mental hospital

Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Cash, Cheque, Internet

Credit/Debit cards Bank Transfer, PAYTM

Maybe Yes Maybe


Down to 50%

Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes No


Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes Yes

Their practice is ethical
because they strictly
maintain confidentiality,
are sensitive to issues such
as sexual orientation,
disability, class, caste etc.
and make necessary

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes


Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes

I don't know

Yes Yes


None of the above None of the above None of the above

I don't know

Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes Yes

I don't know

Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes Maybe


Yes Yes Yes


I have experienced first

hand their level-
headedness and presence
of mind while dealing with
psychological issues at
times of crisis.
Specialises in addressing
the mental health and
psychosocial needs of
Dr. Rizwana Nulwala Mrs. Jasmine Khattar
30-39 50-59
Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist

Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi English, Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi

MA in Medical and Psychiatric Social Work,

Masters in Psychology
TISS, PhD in Clinical Social Work (TISS)

98 67 399559 9820323769

[email protected]> [email protected]

Krizalyz : The Journey

Institute for Exceptional
Within. Counselling and Mental Health
Children, 2A Chandra Niwas,
Services - 301, Shiv Om CHS, Panch Marg, off
Church Road, Andheri East,
Versova- Yari Road, Andheri West, Mumbai--

Flexible 9 am to 7 pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday

2000 (can be negotiated) Sliding

50 min approx 50 minutes

Face to face, Through the
telephone, Over chat, Over
Face to face, Through the telephone
videoconference/skype, Through
home visits, Over Whatsapp

Someone I know has been to

Heard of them through word of mouth, I have
them, I've worked/trained with
personally consulted them

Children, Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young people, Adults, people, Adults, Couples,
Families, Individuals who identify as Families, Individuals who
LGBTQIA+ identify as LGBTQIA+,
Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional, behavioural
and learning difficulties),
Sexuality and gender orientation related issues,
Sexuality and gender orientation
Sexual and reproductive health related concerns,
related issues, Trauma, Child
Trauma, Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns,
Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness,
Academic and Career Related Issues, Parenting
Relationship Concerns, Work-
life Concerns, Academic and
Career Related Issues, Parenting

I don't know Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment plan,

Referral to another professional
(e.g. psychiatrist and other allied
mental health professionals)
Maybe Yes

Institute for Exceptional Children

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank

Cash, Cheque

Yes Yes

Around 50%less than their standard fees 75% concession

Maybe Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I have consulted them and being a professional

myself I am quite well versed with field ethics. I
didn't see them violating any of the ethical
guidelines throughout my experience of therapy
with them.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Maybe Yes

They have previously responded

to clients in crisis situations
It was helpful and comfortable according to me.
Dr Parul Tank Dr. Minnu Bhosle Rohann Bokdawala
40-49 50-59 20-29
Female Female Male

Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

Hindi, English, Marathi,
Hindi English marathi gujarati Hindi, English
Maybe Punjabi

MD diploma and UK qualifications PhD Neuropsychiatrist

8879746976 2223755866 912239539149

[email protected] [email protected]

Heart To Heart Counselling
10 Jerbai Baug, Ambedkar
Kakad house, A wing,
Bandra and ghatkopar Road,
Marine lines
Near Gloria Church,
Byculla (East),
Mumbai 400027, INDIA.
Tel : 23778624 / 23755866

I'm not sure but pretty

regular hours
Monday, Tuesday,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday

It varies as per patient's

1500 1500

1/2 hr Typically an hour 1 hour

Face to face, Through emails, Over
videoconference/skype, Through home Face to face Face to face

Heard of them through word of mouth, I I've worked/trained with I have personally consulted
have personally consulted them them them

Children, Adolescents and young people, Children, Adolescents and

Adults, Couples, Families, Older adults, young people, Adults, Children, Adults
Corporate professionals Couples, Families

Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional,
behavioural and learning
Special needs (Children with physical.
difficulties), Violence against Special needs (Children
emotional, behavioural and learning
women, Sexual and with physical. emotional,
difficulties), Violence against women,
reproductive health related behavioural and learning
Substance and habitual addictions, Trauma,
concerns, Trauma, Child difficulties), Mental Illness,
Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness,
Sexual Abuse, Mental Relationship Concerns,
Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Illness, Relationship Academic and Career
Concerns, Academic and Career Related
Concerns, Work-life Related Issues
Issues, Parenting Concerns
Concerns, Academic and
Career Related Issues,
Parenting Concerns

Yes I don't know I don't know

Diagnosis, Treatment plan I don't know

Yes I don't know

Asian heart and fortis

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit

Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Transfer Cash
cards, Internet Bank Transfer

Maybe Yes Yes

Not sure but I believe she

No idea even treats some clients free 1000
of charge

Yes No No

Lift None that I know of

No Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Yes

Yes I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

She takes confidentiality very Non judgemental and safe,

Confidential and no cut practice
seriously confidential environment

Yes Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes I don't know

None of the above None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

She trained me and as a part

of our training she handled
She works well with crisis clients and has some live cases from within Very responsive and ready
vast experience in trauma therapy the class, so I am confident to help
about her ability to handle
I have not been to her as a
client but as a student,
however as a part of our
training she did give me a Very comfortable and non
Safe, efficient and good team work
little counseling. I always felt judgemental
repsected and my boundaries
were never crossed, she
really listened.

No Trust her
Divya Srivastava Dr Varun Ghildiyal
20-29 20-29
Female Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist

Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi, Bengali Hindi, English and Marathi

Bachelors in Psychology,
Masters in Counselling, Matrix
Reimprinting Practitioner, MBBS, MD Psychiatry
Clinical Hypnotherapy, EFT
9930332514 9833149322
[email protected]
[email protected]

The Silver Lining Centre, 202,

Sai Commercial, BS Devshi KEM
Marg, Deonar, Mumbai 400088.

11 am to 7 pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

Thursday, Friday Saturday

For one-on-one counselling -

INR 1000 per hour, Clinical
hypnotherapy - INR 4000 per
session, EFT 3000 INR per
hour, Matrix 1000 INR per hour

90 minutes
Face to face, Over
Face to face, Through the telephone

I have personally consulted

I've worked/trained with them

Children, Adolescents and

young people, Adults, Couples,
Children, Adolescents and young people, Adults,
Families, Older adults,
Couples, Families, Older adults, Corporate
Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+, Corporate

Violence against women,

Sexuality and gender
orientation related issues,
Sexual and reproductive health related concerns,
Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse,
Substance and habitual addictions, Mental Illness
Mental Illness, Relationship
Concerns, Work-life Concerns,
Parenting Concerns

No Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment plan


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer,

Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Transfer

Yes I don't know

Don't know.

No Yes

Don't know
Yes Yes

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

This mental health practitioner

is someone I have been going to
for the last few years. She puts
me at ease and has always
counselled me without any
judgment. She keeps all
information that I have
disclosed to her confidential.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I have been in a similar

situation and have felt very safe
going to her. I feel that she can
extend the same level of
understanding to another who
has gone through a similar
Like I said earlier, I felt very
safe and felt that it was okay to
talk to her about what I was
going through. She is non-
judgmental and keeps
confidences. The sessions with
her very good and she even told
me that we no longer needed to
work on the issues I had
mentioned earlier as I could no
longer relate to them after a
while. She is one of the few
professionals you can trust to
keep your confidences.

Take an appointment and then

Manali Randive and Rajasi
20-29 20-29
Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist

Mumbai- Andheri Freelancers in Mumbai

English, Marathi, Hindi (All
English, Hindi, Malayalam

Both are Post Graduates in

MA Counselling Psychology and Manali applied for
PhD too.

9833890973 9833943934

[email protected] not known

Shop no.26,
Viral Shopping Centre,
S.V. Road,
Next to R K restaurant, They are freelancers
Opp. Shoppers stop,
Andheri West,
Mumbai- 400058.

as per appointment No office

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Friday Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

600-800 Unknown

50 minutes Depends
Face to face, Through the telephone,
Face to face
Over chat, Through home visits

Someone I know has been to them, I've

They are my sisters
worked/trained with them

Children, Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young people, Adults, people, Adults, Couples, Families,
Couples, Individuals who identify as Older adults, Individuals who
LGBTQIA+, Corporate professionals identify as LGBTQIA+, Corporate

Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional, behavioural and
Violence against women, Sexuality and learning difficulties), Violence
gender orientation related issues, Sexual and against women, Sexuality and
reproductive health related concerns, gender orientation related issues,
Substance and habitual addictions, Trauma, Sexual and reproductive health
Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness, related concerns, Substance and
Relationship Concerns, Work-life Concerns, habitual addictions, Trauma, Child
Academic and Career Related Issues, Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness,
Parenting Concerns Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

No I don't know

I don't know
Yes I don't know

Reflective Arena

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit cards,

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer
Internet Bank Transfer

Yes I don't know


I don't know I don't know

Not sure I am really unaware

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Have worked with them for long

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Have worked with them Because I have experienced

She is a good, ethical therapist. a very humble As a sister they help me a lot during
and kind person. my crisis

nothing really. just approach if you need help Open mind

Alisha Shail Tanu Choksi
20-29 40-49
Female Female

Clinical Psychologist

Mumbai Mumbai

English, hindi, gujrati, marathi, french English and Hindi

Masters in Clinical
Psychology + Advanced
Ma clinical psychology
degree in REBT from
Albert Ellis, NY

9920731799 919920049000

[email protected] [email protected]

204, Doctor Centre,

Goregoan Kemps Corner, Mumbai
- 400036

Monday - Saturday 9:00

Sundays all 8 am to 1 pm
to 6:00
Monday, Tuesday,
Sunday Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday

1000 2000 for a session

1 hour 45 minutes
Face to face, Through the
Face to face, Through the telephone, Over
telephone, Over
chat, Over videoconference/skype, Through
home visits
Through home visits

Someone I know has

Heard of them through word of mouth, been to them, I have
Someone I know has been to them, Friend personally consulted

Children, Adolescents
Children, Adolescents and young people, and young people,
Adults, Couples, Families, Older adults, Adults, Couples,
Corporate professionals Families, Older adults,
Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children

with physical. emotional,
behavioural and learning
Special needs (Children with physical.
difficulties), Substance
emotional, behavioural and learning
and habitual addictions,
difficulties), Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse,
Mental Illness,
Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns,
Relationship Concerns,
Work-life Concerns, Academic and Career
Work-life Concerns,
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns
Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting

Yes Maybe

Treatment plan, Referral

Treatment plan, Referral to another to another professional
professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other (e.g. psychiatrist and
allied mental health professionals) other allied mental health
Yes Yes

Aashraya clinic bandra Mpower

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Internet

Cash, Cheque
Bank Transfer

Maybe Maybe

200 more or less

Yes No
Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Confidentiality has never

Work experience
been compromised

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

But they wont unless needed Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Easy to approach, non

judgemental, and has
good experience
I felt accepted, with the
right amount of
encouragement. Didn't
feel pushed. She really
listened and was on the
same page as me.

Just make the time to go,

Be yourself you won't regret your
Samriti Makkar Midha Swati Khanolkar Meghana Jadhav
30-39 30-39 20-29
Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi English,Hindi,Marathi Hindi Marathi english

M.Sc. Psychology (Clinical), B.A. Masters in clinical

MA psychology
Psychology (Hons) psychology

96198 97851 99 87 705530 7303135717

[email protected] [email protected] Meghanaj07@gmail,com

13,Kamla Bhuvan 1, A 101, Krishna Smruti chs

Sahar road, Near garware ltd, opposite Tosa Hotel,
Lower Parel
industries, Andheri East, Parleshwar rd, Vile Parle
Mumbai 400069 east, Mumbai 57

I don't know.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday

1500 650-1000

50-60mins 45mins-1hour 1 hour

Face to face, Through the telephone,
Face to face Face to face
Through emails

I have personally Heard of them through

consulted them word of mouth

Children, Adolescents Adolescents and young

and young people, people, Adults, Older
Adults, Couples, Corporate professionals Adults, Couples, adults, Individuals who
Individuals who identify identify as LGBTQIA+,
as LGBTQIA+ Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children

with physical. emotional,
behavioural and learning
Sexuality and gender
difficulties), Violence
orientation related issues,
against women, Sexuality
Sexual and reproductive
and gender orientation
health related concerns,
related issues, Sexual and
Violence against women, Mental Illness, Substance and habitual
reproductive health related
Relationship Concerns, Work-life addictions, Trauma,
concerns, Substance and
Concerns, Academic and Career Related Mental Illness,
habitual addictions,
Issues, Parenting Concerns Relationship Concerns,
Trauma, Child Sexual
Work-life Concerns,
Abuse, Mental Illness,
Academic and Career
Relationship Concerns,
Related Issues, Parenting
Work-life Concerns,
Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting

No Maybe I don't know

Yes I don't know I don't know

1to1help.net, optum, WPO

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer Cash Cash

Yes Yes

Dropped it from 800 to

500 because I was a

No Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Maybe Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Maybe Yes

Yes Maybe Yes

Yes Maybe Yes

Yes Maybe Yes

None of the above I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I was in an emotional
crisis, when I visited
here, and she was able to
acknowledge and reflect
it back to me, better than
me. Basically, she
understood the gravity if
the situation.
She was highly receptive
of my emotions. it did
help me, even in long
term, to be able to handle
future emotions
Well trained professional
and sensitive in nature.
Gives space to talk and
Only problem is she
understand. LGBT
might be a little
confrontational. Not over
all just few questions
here and there can be too
confrontational but good
enough overall.

She is strictly REBT in

her approach. Which
might work or not work,
varying from case to
Advaita Nigudkar Veena Fernandis Rayna Mehta Anusha Manjani
20-29 40-49 20-29 30-39
Female Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist

Mumbai, Thane Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi, Marathi,
English, Hindi, Marathi Hindi english English and Hindi

Masters in Applied MSc Developmental

M.A. Clinical Psychology
Psychology (Clinical) Psychopathology

9029011626 981-971-4640 9769239207 9819154153

[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
om m

Institute for Psychological

Health, Thane, Naupada
Society for Nutrition,
Education and Health
Aasaan Health Solutions,
Action, Dharavi, Mumbai Near matralaya, south Private practice. Kemps
Khar and Private Practice
Privately on skype . bombay Corner
in Bandra West
Facilitates a free therapy
group called SAAHAS for
the LGBTQIA community
in Thane.

10-6, 2-8 on different days 2pm-8pm

Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday,

Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Friday, Saturday Friday, Saturday

Free services at Dharavi

for women survivors of
1000 Rs750 1500
trauma, 600 INR at IPH,
800 INR privately

1 hour, depends on the

1 hour 1 hour 1 hour
Face to face, Through the
telephone, Through emails,
Face to face, Over Face to face, Over
Face to face Over
videoconference/skype videoconference/skype
Through home visits

Someone I know has been

I've worked/trained with I have personally consulted Someone I know has been
to them, I've
them them to them
worked/trained with them

Children, Adolescents and

Children, Adolescents and
young people, Adults,
Adolescents and young Children, Adolescents and young people, Adults,
Couples, Families,
people, Adults young people Families, Corporate
Individuals who identify as

Special needs (Children

Special needs (Children
with physical. emotional,
with physical. emotional,
behavioural and learning
Special needs (Children behavioural and learning
difficulties), Violence
Relationship Concerns, with physical. emotional, difficulties), Sexual and
against women, Sexuality
Work-life Concerns, behavioural and learning reproductive health related
and gender orientation
Academic and Career difficulties), Child Sexual concerns, Trauma, Child
related issues, Trauma,
Related Issues, Parenting Abuse, Academic and Sexual Abuse, Mental
Child Sexual Abuse,
Concerns Career Related Issues, Illness, Relationship
Mental Illness,
Parenting Concerns Concerns, Work-life
Relationship Concerns,
Concerns, Parenting
Work-life Concerns,
Parenting Concerns

Yes No Yes Maybe

Treatment plan I don't know

Yes Yes

School Psychologist at the

J.b.Petit High School for The Akanksha Foundation
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit

Cash, Cheque, Internet
Cash, Cheque cards, Internet Bank
Bank Transfer

Yes Maybe Yes Maybe

Depends on the need, at

one center services are
As much as required
free, at another, 50% of the
fees are charged

No No Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes works

Is genuine,
nonjudgmentally with a
range of people from
varying backgrounds and
keeps each person's
Complete professionalism,
wellbeing as the focus. Has
research paoer on ethics
an informed consent form
hence has a sound ethical
in place listing out various
ethical concerns such as
confidentiality and terms
of therapy. Explains,
discusses and follows the
same with each client.

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She has extensive

experience with survivors
of trauma hence is adept at
crisis intervention
I have worked with her as a
colleague in two
organisations and studied Rayna is a very dedicated
with her and know her to mental health professional.
be ethical and very

She is specifically
excellent for working with
the LGBTQ community
and women and child
survivors of gender based
Dayal Mirchandani Rachana Awatramani
60-69 20-29 20-29 20-29
Male Female Female Female

Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English Hindi English Hindi English Hindi, English, Sindhi

MD DPM MA Masters in phycologist

919029077645 9930360163 99303 60163 919930360163

drdayalmir at gmail.com
[email protected]

2/3 flr Duru House, Juhu Insight Counselling

604 D1/9 Yamuna Nagar
Tara Road Juhu Mumbai Juhu Services - Duru House,
Andheri West
49 Juhu - Regus

11 am to 5 pm 10-6 24×7

Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday Friday, Saturday Friday, Saturday, Sunday

3k 2000/-

45 to 60 min 1hour An hour

Face to face, Through the Face to face, Through the
telephone, Through emails, telephone, Through emails,
Face to face, Over Face to face, Through the
Over chat, Over Over
videoconference/skype telephone
videoconference/skype, videoconference/skype,
Through home visits Through home visits

Heard of them through Heard of them through

I have personally consulted
word of mouth, I have word of mouth, I have
personally consulted them personally consulted them

Adolescents and young Children, Adolescents and

Adolescents and young Children, Adolescents and
people, Adults, Couples, young people, Adults,
people, Adults, Couples, young people, Adults,
Families, Older adults, Couples, Families,
Families, Individuals who Couples, Families, Older
Individuals who identify as Individuals who identify as
identify as LGBTQIA+, adults, Corporate
LGBTQIA+, Corporate LGBTQIA+, Corporate
Corporate professionals professionals
professionals professionals

Special needs (Children

with physical. emotional,
Violence against women,
behavioural and learning
Sexuality and gender Special needs (Children
difficulties), Violence
orientation related issues, Violence against women, with physical. emotional,
against women, Sexuality
Sexual and reproductive Sexuality and gender behavioural and learning
and gender orientation
health related concerns, orientation related issues, difficulties), Substance and
related issues, Sexual and
Substance and habitual Trauma, Child Sexual habitual addictions,
reproductive health related
addictions, Trauma, Abuse, Mental Illness, Trauma, Child Sexual
concerns, Substance and
Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns, Abuse, Mental Illness,
habitual addictions,
Relationship Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Relationship Concerns,
Trauma, Child Sexual
Work-life Concerns, Academic and Career Work-life Concerns,
Abuse, Mental Illness,
Parenting Concerns, Related Issues, Parenting Academic and Career
Relationship Concerns,
Chronic Pain Adult Concerns Related Issues, Parenting
Work-life Concerns,
Survivors of sexual abuse Concerns
Academic and Career
Personality Disorders
Related Issues, Parenting

Maybe Maybe Yes Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment plan,

Diagnosis, Treatment plan,
Referral to another
Referral to another
professional (e.g.
professional (e.g.
psychiatrist and other I don't know Diagnosis
psychiatrist and other
allied mental health
allied mental health
professionals), Referral for
psych testing
Yes I don't know Maybe Maybe

Trustee NARC, Board

Member School human
Ecology TISS
Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Internet Cash, Cheque, Internet Cash, Cheque, Internet

Cash, Cheque
Bank Transfer Bank Transfer Bank Transfer

Yes Maybe I don't know Maybe


Yes I don't know Maybe Yes

Yes Maybe Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe Yes

No No Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Highly confidential
They make us sign a form discussion; Refers personal
for terms and conditions relations to others strictly
and also they follow to avoid personal
confidential policy involvement and
expectation rise

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Interactions in various
Social interactions outside
professional capacities None of the above None of the above
with their clients

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Maybe Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

The calm approach she has

She had worked with many and the experience of
Will make appropriate
of the people I know in having handled similar
recommendations if cannot My experience
crises situation and cases and successfully
handle issue
experienced it my self having saved people's lives
and making them better.
I was initially hesitating,
she made me comfortable My experience has been
and explained how great. In just one meeting I
counseling works, she felt much calmer and felt
spent enough time listening thankful of the situation I
to me and also they sign a am in and that I can easily
small terms and condition overcome my problems.
sheet about confidentiality, Problems are too small in
which helped me trust her comparison to my life.

Just be honest as the more

honest you are she will be
appointment timings able to guide you faster.
An open mind
strictly followed Results and change is for
sure once you meet
Dr Milan Balakrishnan Jagruti Wandrekar
20-29 30-39 20-29
Female Male Female

Clinical Psychologist Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English Hindi Marathi
English English, Hindi, Marathi

MA applied psychology
Master in Pyscology MD , DPM

9930360163 9930160068 9869691723

[email protected] J. [email protected]

Sneha, Mumbai and the

institute of psychological
Bombay Hospital health, thane. Facilitates a
Juhu Parel Hospital free therapy group called
Masina Hospital SAAHAS for the
LGBTQIA community in

24 hrs 10am to 8 pm 10:30-8:00

Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, Sunday Friday, Saturday Friday, Saturday

₹2,000 1500 Rs. 600-800

1hour 30 to 40 min 45-50 minutes

Face to face, Through the Face to face, Through the
telephone, Through emails, telephone, Over Face to face, Over
Over chat, Over videoconference/skype, videoconference/skype
videoconference/skype Through home visits

I have personally consulted I've worked/trained with I've worked/trained with

them them them

Children, Adolescents and

Adolescents and young
young people, Adults,
people, Adults, Couples,
Couples, Families, Older Children, Adults
Individuals who identify as
adults, Corporate

Special needs (Children

Violence against women,
with physical. emotional,
Sexuality and gender
behavioural and learning
orientation related issues,
difficulties), Violence
Sexual and reproductive
against women, Sexuality Special needs (Children
health related concerns,
and gender orientation with physical. emotional,
Trauma, Child Sexual
related issues, Substance behavioural and learning
Abuse, Mental Illness,
and habitual addictions, difficulties), Mental
Relationship Concerns,
Trauma, Mental Illness, Illness, Parenting Concerns
Work-life Concerns,
Relationship Concerns,
Academic and Career
Work-life Concerns,
Related Issues, Parenting
Academic and Career
Related Issues

Yes Yes Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment plan,

Referral to another
professional (e.g.
Treatment plan Diagnosis, Treatment plan
psychiatrist and other
allied mental health
No No

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Internet Cash, Internet Bank

Cash, Cheque
Bank Transfer Transfer

Yes Yes Yes

25-30% Up to 400 per session

No Yes Yes

Reading Materials
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Ensures confidentiality, is
non judgemental, does not
advertise her services, does
not make the client
Because she doesn't like to
undergo unnecessary
have dual relationship as
assessments in order to
the matter is highly
make profits, maintains a
strictly professional
relationship with the client,
is not commercialised, is
very LGBTQ friendly

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

She works with SNEHA-as

a consultant psychologist.
Sneha works with
She has suicidal cases
vulnerable women and
children who are survivors
of trauma
She is cooperative and very I have worked with her as a
professional colleague

Be open while one is going

for counseling that will
help to get better treatment
Sadaf Vidha Anshu Kulkarni Sonia Kadam
20-29 30-39 20-29
Female female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai mumbai Mumbai

English, hindi, little in
english, hindi English and Hindi
marathi and gujarathi

Masters in clinical

7666114082 9987042534 9167972910

DMA Counselling Services,
[email protected] bandra west, mumbai Mayur Vihar Phase I, New

Typeathought.com, she will

quit from there soon but can
meet clients in cafes etc, stays
in new bombay

Monday, Tuesday,
9 to 5 at typeathought,
Wednesday, Thursday,
flexible apart from that.
Friday, Saturday
Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, 1500
Friday, Saturday, Sunday

600 1 hour

Face to face, Through the Through the telephone, Over

1 hour
telephone chat
Face to face, Through the
telephone, Through emails, Someone I know has been to
Over chat, Over them

I have personally consulted Adults, Couples, Families, Adolescents and young

them Older adults people, Adults

Adolescents and young

Trauma, Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-
people, Adults, Couples,
Relationship Concerns, Work- life Concerns, Academic and
Individuals who identify as
life Concerns, Academic and Career Related Issues,
LGBTQIA+, Corporate
Career Related Issues Parenting Concerns

Sexuality and gender

orientation related issues,
Substance and habitual
addictions, Mental Illness,
Relationship Concerns, Work-
life Concerns, Parenting


I don't know



Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit

cards, Internet Bank Transfer, Maybe


may reduce by 50% too. Maybe


not aware Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes


i told her my family may

force me into treatment and
she helped me see that it was
my right to refuse that
treatment, didn't say that they
were doing it for "my best" .

Yes Yes
Yes I don't know

Yes Yes


Yes Yes


None of the above



Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes




There are times when i have

felt suicidal within the
sessions and she was able to
help me.
I went when struggling with a
bad relationship. Initially I
thought my boyfriend had
some illness like bipolar
which made him the way he
was and then wanted to help
him but slowly with therapy
with her i realised I was in an
abusive relationship and this
was connected with how i was
raised too. struggled with self
esteem so I saw her online,
did not feel like i had the
capacity to see anyone face to
face. i not only was able to
leave the relationship and set
boundaries with my family,
but feel much better and am in
She's starting out
a productive job,soinmay not
a new
have an officecity.
once she leaves
typeathought.com but she will
try her best to accomodate as
she knows some therapists
who have offices so she could
share with them.. or she may
meet the client online or in
neutral third party places like
cafes or gardens.. i know that
she is a good nonjudgemental
presence and any one
struggling with themselves
can go to her.
Dr. Ambrish
Tejaswi Shetty Kinjal Shah
20-29 30-39 30-39
Male Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi English, Marathi English/Hindi/Gujarathi

M.A in Psychology;
International Diploma in Masters in Counseling
Mental Health, Human Psychology
Rights, and Law

9819610714 7208109965 9821425051

Dr. H. D. Gandhi Hospital, 1st
Floor, Manish Building, in
Bandra to Andheri Tardeo
front of 11th lane, Khetwadi,

10 am to 8:30 pm 3pm to 9pm 4.30 pm -8.30 Pm

Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday,

Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Friday, Saturday Friday, Saturday, Sunday

1000 800-1000 Rs per session

45-60 min. 45 mins-60 mins

Face to face, Through the

Face to face, Through the
telephone, Through emails,
Face to face, Through home telephone, Through emails,
Over chat, Over
visits Over chat, Over
Through home visits
Heard of them through word
Someone I know has been to of mouth, I have personally
them consulted them, I've
worked/trained with them
Children, Adolescents and
Children, Adolescents and
young people, Adults,
young people, Adults, Children, Adolescents and
Couples, Families, Older
Individuals who identify as young people, Adults,
Special Individuals
needs who
(Children with
Special Corporate
needs (Children with Couples
identify as LGBTQIA+,
physical. emotional,
physical. emotional, Corporate professionals
behavioural and learning Special needs (Children with
behavioural and learning
difficulties), Sexuality and physical. emotional,
difficulties), Violence against
gender orientation related behavioural and learning
women, Sexuality and gender
issues, Sexual and difficulties), Substance and
orientation related issues,
reproductive health related habitual addictions, Trauma,
Mental Illness, Relationship
concerns, Trauma, Child Relationship Concerns, Work-
Concerns, Work-life
Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness, life Concerns, Parenting
Concerns, Academic and
Relationship Concerns, Work- Concerns
Career Related Issues,
life Concerns, Academic and
Parenting Concerns
Career Related Issues

Yes Yes Maybe

Treatment plan, Referral to Treatment plan, Referral to

another professional (e.g. another professional (e.g.
psychiatrist and other allied psychiatrist and other allied
mental health professionals) mental health professionals)

I don't know Yes Maybe

Keshav Gore Smarak Trust,

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer
Transfer Transfer

Yes Yes Maybe

Is tailored to client if need be 500

No No


Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yeschoice of
He gave me Yes
treatment modality. I have
chosen my treatment.
Medication and therapy was
discussed with me and Maintains Confidenetiality
tailored according to my
needs. He gave ample time for
me and understood my
anxieties and reservations.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes I don't know

Maybe Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes

He is empathetic and
understands problem in detail.
Gives adequate time and
shows patience with patients.

Very positive.
You will get all possible help.
He works as team with you.
Shweta Srinivasan Dr Anita Sukhvani
20-29 50-59 50-59
Female Both Female

Clinical Psychologist Psychiatrist Psychiatrist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumabai

English, Hindi English , Hindi , Marathi English and hindi

M.A. Clinical Psychology and

Advanced Diploma in BA economics Pyschytrist
Counselling Psychology

9820969329 9821004720 9821004720

Andheri (West), Malad
Mann clinic Mahalaxmi
(West), Kandivali (West), Mann clinic , breach candy
Borivali (West)

12 p.m. to 7 p.m. 43379 10 am - 7 pm

Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday,

Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Wednesday, Friday
Saturday Friday, Saturday
Rs. 500/- for Students and Rs.
750/- for Working 1000₹ 1500 inr

1 hour 1hr Approx 45 mins

Face to face, Through the

telephone, Through emails,
Face to face Face to face
Over videoconference/skype,
Through home visits
Heard of them through word
Heard of them through word
of mouth, Someone I know I have personally consulted
of mouth, Someone I know
has been to them, I have them
has been to them
personally consulted them

Children, Adolescents and

Adolescents and young Children, Adolescents and
young people, Adults,
people, Adults, Corporate young people, Adults,
Couples, Families, Individuals
professionals Couples,
Special Families with
needs (Children who identify
Special needsas LGBTQIA+
(Children with
physical. emotional,
physical. emotional,
Violence against women, behavioural and learning
behavioural and learning
Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, difficulties), Violence against
difficulties), Substance and
Mental Illness, Relationship women, Substance and
habitual addictions, Trauma,
Concerns, Work-life habitual addictions, Trauma,
Mental Illness, Relationship
Concerns, Academic and Mental Illness, Relationship
Concerns, Work-life
Career Related Issues, Concerns, Work-life
Concerns, Academic and
Parenting Concerns Concerns, Academic and
Career Related Issues,
Career Related Issues,
Parenting Concerns
Parenting Concerns

Yes Yes Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment plan,

Diagnosis, Referral to another
Referral to another
professional (e.g. psychiatrist
professional (e.g. psychiatrist Diagnosis, Treatment plan
and other allied mental health
and other allied mental health

Yes Yes I don't know

Ambrosian Well-Being and
Engagement Resources Pvt.

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer Cash, Cheque Cash, Cheque

She offers a discounted rate

for students in order to make Yes Yes
it affordable to them.

Rs. 500/- per session in

Reduced rate for my Servant
comparison to Rs. 750/- for Don't know
working individuals.

Yes I don't know Maybe

Don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

She explains her
Very ethical and straight
confidentiality clause in the
forward have even sent my
first session and the
children and felt very safe
exceptions to it. She also It's very open and she is very
also has never over pushed for
maintains a nonjudgmental private about problems
treatment even as a couple the
demeanour and offers a safe,
issues are not revealed and
respectful space making the
secret r kept
client feel like an equal.

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Maybe Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I am certain the person will

She has worked with suicidal They are very professional
get the absolute necessary
people before and supportive
help and is in sound hands

When I came to Shweta, I was

functioning well on the
outside but inside there was a
steady decline that I knew I
needed to address. From the
first meeting, I felt
They were very understanding
comfortable and confident.
and objective in their
With her intuition and kind
words, she assisted in a
perspective change and
ultimately helped me reach
resolution to my problems.
The resources provided to me
are invaluable.
Anyone wanting to visit her
They are very objective &
can check her website
Dr Anita Sukhvani Komal Kaira
40-49 20-29
female Female Female

Psychiatrist Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai Navi Mumbai

English Hindi English, Hindi

MBBS D.PM M.I.P.S. MA in Clinical Psychology

Mann. G 1 Ground floor

23513940 022 2351 3940/ 2390 7506498345
Mahalaxmi chambers near Clinic Number 43, 4th Floor,
Mahalaxmi temple behind Shanti Centre, Sector 17,
Mann Clinic
union bank of India. Landmark: Next To Green
Bhulabhai desai road Mumbai City, Navi Mumbai

8 am - 1 pm (Monday to
11 am to 8 pm Saturday), 9am - 7pm

Monday, Tuesday,
Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Friday, Saturday, Sunday

around 1500 500

half hour 45 minutes to 1 hour

Face to face, Through the Face to face, Through the

Face to face, Through the
telephone, Through home telephone, Over
telephone, Over chat
visits videoconference/skype
Heard of them through word
Heard of them through word
of mouth, Someone I know
of mouth, Personal I've worked/trained with them
has been to them, I have
personally consulted them
Adolescents and young
Children, Adolescents and people, Adults, Couples,
Children, Adolescents and
young people, Adults, Individuals who identify as
young people, Adults
Couples, Families LGBTQIA+,
Violence Corporate
against women,
Special needs (Children with professionals
Sexuality and gender
physical. emotional, orientation related issues,
behavioural and learning Sexual and reproductive
difficulties), Trauma, Mental health related concerns,
Mental Illness, Academic and
Illness, Relationship Substance and habitual
Career Related Issues
Concerns, Work-life addictions, Trauma,
Concerns, Academic and Relationship Concerns, Work-
Career Related Issues, life Concerns, Academic and
Parenting Concerns Career Related Issues,
Parenting Concerns

I don't know I don't know Yes

Treatment plan

I don't know No
Private yes, but access
Yes Yes
difficulties for seniors

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque Cash, Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know Yes

10-50% off

Yes No No

dont know

Yes Yes
I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

True advice encourage and
motivate patients..giving confidentiality is maintained,
chance to stand on his feet voluntary safe space,
Is attentive and responsive
with genuine nature of empathetic and non
helping patients for fast judgmental environment

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

None of the above None of the above

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She is effective in crisis

my experience

Anita mam is a genuine lady

with lots of experience in
different types of cases and v
helpful. I trust her as she
gives true advice without any
Seeks and values
fear and make patients to deal
patient/client input. Is
with their problems
explanatory rather than
confidently. Good
merely prescriptive. Is calmly
understanding of patients
authoritative and reassuring.
mental ability and treat them
Has good communication
accordingly One feel very free
with clients.
to talk with her she gives
sufficient time to patient so
one can get satisfied. and lots
more good experience with
South Bombay office has
Always feel free to ask any stairs that can be difficult for
question seniors and those with
walking disabilities.
Amrita Clements Dr. Hardik Sheth
30-39 20-29

English, maybe Hindi/Marathi
English, Hindi, Gujrati

Diploma in Psychiatric Medicine, MBBS

Bandra and Andheri
[email protected]

Juno Clinic, 601, 6th Floor, Agora Business Plaza,

SV Road, Borivali (W), Landmark: Same Building
as McDonalds, Vivekanand Nagar, Borivali West,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400092
Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday,
1pm - 9pm
Friday, Saturday


one hour

Rs. 1200 - 1500

Face to face, Through the
telephone As long as the case requires. Normally, 1 hour.
Heard of them through word
of mouth, I have personally
consulted them
Face to face;Through the telephone;Over chat
Adolescents and young
people, Adults, Couples,
Individuals who identify as
I've worked/trained with them

Trauma, Mental Illness,

Relationship Concerns, Work-
life Concerns, Chronic
Illnesses as well
Children;Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Couples;Older adults


Special needs (Children with physical. emotional,

behavioural and learning difficulties);Sexual and
reproductive health related concerns;Substance and
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
life Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Issues;Parenting Concerns

Treatment plan


I don't know
Bandra one isn't. Andheri
might be


Cash, Internet Bank Transfer


Cash;Credit/Debit cards


1/3rd of his consulting fee

None of these in the Bandra








She is confidential and I she
has been very clear about
keeping our discussions











None of the above


None of the above












I have called her myself

during a time of crisis and she
has responded very well.

I live with a chronic illness
and she has been magnificent
in helping me put in place
mechanisms and systems that
make me more resilient and
self reflective, while being
kind to myself. She is very
attentive and follows through
on my previous conversations I have done so in past and he has always provided
and always checks with me good treatment and counselling to overcome crisis
about my other treatment. situation.
Doctor provides good amount of time to each
patient. He’s good at rapport establishing and
facilitating his patients to share their problems. His
diagnosis and treatment stratagies have always got
positive outcomes.
Scherezade Siobhan Hemangi Vyawahare Gitali Chatterjee
30-39 30-39 20-29

Female Female Female

Psychologist/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi English, Hindi, Marathi English, Hindi, Bengali

Majored in Psychology and
Masters in Applied Psychology
MA, Clinical Psychology, from Mumbai University, M.Sc.
Certified REBCT Therapist in Clinical Forensic Psychology
via Alber Ellis Institute MA psychology from Leicester, UK

7738166706 99 20 370462
[email protected]
m [email protected]

Mindcraft, Ground Floor, Office no. 40, Evershine Mall,

Chaddha Niwas(Kundan
Villa), 1st Floor,
18th Road, New Link Road,
Next to Guru Harkrishan Chincholi Bunder,
Kandivili, Goregaon, Andheri, School, Mindspace,
Colaba and Online Santacruz West. Malad (West) – 400064


Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Thursday;Friday;Saturday;Su
Thursday;Friday;Saturday nday

1800-2000 INR in Person.

1300-1500 Online. 1000 2000

45-60 minutes 60 mins 1 hour

Face to face;Through the
telephone;Through Face to face;Through the
emails;Over chat;Over telephone;Over
videoconference/skype;Throu videoconference/skype;Throu Face to face;Over
gh home visits gh home visits videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word

of mouth;Someone I know
I have personally consulted has been to them;I have
them personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

who identify as Children;Adolescents and
LGBTQIA+;Corporate young Adolescents and young
professionals;Women with a people;Adults;Corporate people;Adults;Older
history of trauma professionals adults;Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional,
Violence against behavioural and learning
women;Sexuality and gender difficulties);Sexuality and
orientation related gender orientation related
issues;Sexual and issues;Substance and habitual
reproductive health related addictions;Trauma;Child Trauma;Child Sexual
concerns;Trauma;Mental Sexual Abuse;Mental Abuse;Mental
Illness;Relationship Illness;Relationship Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Parenting Concerns Concerns;Parenting Concerns Concerns;Parenting Concerns

Yes Yes I don't know

Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g.
psychiatrist and other allied
Treatment plan mental health professionals) I don't know
No I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet

Transfer;Paypal Transfer Bank Transfer

Yes Yes I don't know

Upto 10% 500

Maybe I don't know No

Not sure
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

i know someone who goes for

therapy, who are from
Maybe LGBTQA+ Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

They sign a confidentiality I know a couple of people I've been consulting her for 1.5
agreement before beginning who go for therapy, but years so I know. For 1 year in
therapy and ensure complete information is alway kept person and half a year I've video
safety. confidential conferencing

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes No Maybe
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

I've already done that. A close

relative has paranoid
schizophrenia and Gitali agreed
to speak to said relative to help
They have handled crisis handle a particularly exhausting
situations in the past. episode
and reassuring presence in my
life who I can count on no matter
what. Since I've moved out of
India, we have continued our
sessions over Skype and she's
very flexible with scheduling
them based on when I can make
it. (You can consult her
independently for 1500 not 2000
but I forgot the address of the
other place.) What I LOVE THE
MOST about her is that she's not
pushy about me seeing her
They are compassionate and regularly and in no way has
use a humanistic and sights on the money the way
existential approach. They many other therapists tend to
also are mindful about (I've seen some really crappy
referring the clients to allied ones). She's such a warm, old
mental health practitioners soul. Even if you don't consult
when the area of concern her as a therapist, meet her
doesn't match their practice anyway! Her charming and
speciality. bubbly nature can rub off on you.

They provide very good

training workshops and one-
on-one counseling for parents
and families of folks who are
experiencing mental health
challenges. Nothing comes to mind
Binita Modi Riona Lall Pankti Gohel
20-29 30-39 20-29

Female Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi, Gujarati English, Hindi, Bengali English, Hindi, Gujarati

M.A, M.Ed in Psychological Masters in Clinical M.A. Applied Psychology

Counseling Psychology (specialization in Counseling)

9967345522 8291709317 7878388880

[email protected]
om [email protected] [email protected]

Juhu Tara Road, Juhu and

GRIT Psychology
Consultancy Private Practise None


Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Monday;Friday;Saturday;Sun

Thursday;Friday;Saturday Thursday;Friday;Saturday day

Varies as per person's ability

1300-1800 1000-2000 to pay

60 minutes 45-60 min 50 minutes

Face to face;Over
videoconference/skype;Throu Face to face;Over Through the telephone;Over
gh home visits videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to

I have personally consulted them;I have personally
them consulted them I've worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young

adults;Individuals who
identify as Adolescents and young
LGBTQIA+;Corporate people;Adults;Corporate
professionals Adolescents and young people professionals

Violence against Violence against

women;Sexuality and gender women;Sexual and
orientation related reproductive health related
issues;Sexual and concerns;Substance and
reproductive health related habitual
concerns;Trauma;Child addictions;Trauma;Mental
Sexual Abuse;Mental Mental Illness;Relationship Illness;Relationship
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic and Concerns;Academic and
Concerns;Academic and Career Related Career Related
Career Related Issues Issues;Parenting Concerns Issues;Parenting Concerns

No I don't know No

Diagnosis;Treatment plan Only psychotherapy, no assessment

Yes No No

Psychological Health and

Wellness Clinic, Dhaka

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank
Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash

Yes Maybe Yes


No Maybe

I don't know
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Maybe Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Timely appointments, notes in

session, appropriate contact
and good explanation of
confidentiality, honest and
genuine approach with She outlines the ethics related to counselling in first session
treatment and asks clients opinions also on this

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Maybe Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Maybe Yes

Yes Maybe Yes

They have past experience in

doing so, and good reputation/
results with such cases
Very supportive and empathetic
Sakshi Jain Dr. Syeda Ruksheda Safvana Khalid
20-29 30-39 20-29

Female Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist

Mumbai MUMBAI Vashi, Navi Mumbai

English, Hindi, Marathi,
Hindi, English, Gujrati English, Hindi, Marathi Konkani and Urdu

Masters in Clinical
Psychology MBBS, DPM M.Sc Clinical Psychology

9029069694 9820033095 9029537954

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Trellis family centre,

Bungalow no.9, sheffeild Anand Sagar CHS, 102 A,
towers, 2nd cross lane, building, Abhyudaya Bank
lokhandwala, Andheri (west), Marg, Sector 17, Vashi, Navi
Freelance Mumbai. Mumbai, Maharashtra 400703

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;

Thursday Thursday;Friday;Saturday Thursday;Friday;Saturday

500rs Private- 2500; subsidized-500 Less than ₹1000/-

Private:45-60 mins;
50minutes subsidized: 15mins 45-60 minutes
Face to face;Through the
Face to face;Through emails gh home visits Face to face

Heard of them through word

of mouth;Someone I know
Heard of them through word I have personally consulted has been to them;I've
of mouth them worked/trained with them
Children;Adolescents and
people;Adults;Couples;Famili Children;Adolescents and
es;Older adults;Individuals young
who identify as people;Adults;Couples;Famili
Children;Adolescents and LGBTQIA+;Corporate es;Older adults;Individuals
young people;Couples professionals who identify as LGBTQIA+

Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional,
Special needs (Children with behavioural and learning
physical. emotional, difficulties);Violence against
behavioural and learning women;Sexuality and gender
difficulties);Violence against orientation related
women;Sexuality and gender issues;Sexual and
orientation related reproductive health related
Special needs (Children with issues;Sexual and concerns;Substance and
physical. emotional, reproductive health related habitual
behavioural and learning concerns;Substance and addictions;Trauma;Child
difficulties);Violence against habitual addictions;Mental Sexual Abuse;Mental
women;Child Sexual Illness;Relationship Illness;Relationship
Abuse;Relationship Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic and Concerns;Academic and
Concerns;Academic and Career Related Career Related
Career Related Issues Issues;Parenting Concerns Issues;Parenting Concerns

Yes Yes Maybe

plan;Referral to another
professional (e.g. psychiatrist
and other allied mental health
Treatment plan professionals)
Yes Yes Maybe

Prafulta Andheri(e), Millat

Little Pods hospital, Rotary Club juhu.

I don't know Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash Cash;Credit/Debit cards Cash;Credit/Debit cards

No Maybe Yes

Less than ₹1000/-

Doesnt have an office. No Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

She does not pressure you to

get admitted. She's always on
time. The client details are all
confidential. She does not
disclose details of an adult
patient to even their parents
without their consent.

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Interactions in various
professional capacities with
their clients None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Maybe Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I called her when I was

having a panic attack and she
talked me through it. She has
also helped a prevent a
suicide by talking the patient
down on the phone.
She's intelligent. She picks up
on things very quickly. Shes
good with adolescent
relationship problems helped
me alot

Dr. Kedar Ajay Tilwe Jasdeep Mago Richa Mistry
30-39 20-29 20-29

Male Female Female

Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Vashi Panvel Navi Mumbai
Mumbai mumbai Mumbai

English Hindi Marathi English, Hindi English, Hindi, Gujarati

MSc. Clinical
MBBS ,DPM , DNB (Psy.) Neuropsychology Addictions counselling

9833730555 9920023841 9137340466

[email protected] ,
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Dr Tilwe nursing home , 102

Awing , Anandsagar , Sector 702, ocean view, union park
17 , Vashi . khar west Andheri
6 to 9 pm & 24x7 by


600 1000-2000 1000-2000

Half hour 1 hour 1 hour

Face to face;Through the
telephone;Over chat;Over
videoconference/skype;Throu Face to face;Through home
gh home visits visits Face to face

I have personally consulted

I've worked/trained with them them I've worked/trained with them
Children;Adolescents and
adults;Individuals who Adults;Couples;Individuals
identify as Adolescents and young who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate people;Adults;Older LGBTQIA+;Corporate
professionals adults;Corporate professionals professionals

Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional,
behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against
women;Sexuality and gender
orientation related
issues;Sexual and
reproductive health related
concerns;Substance and
Sexual Abuse;Mental
Concerns;Academic and Substance and habitual
Career Related addictions;Mental
Issues;Parenting Concerns Mental Illness Illness;Relationship Concerns

Yes No Maybe

plan;Referral to another
professional (e.g. psychiatrist
and other allied mental health
professionals) Diagnosis;I don't know
Yes Yes

Fortis Rotary Club of Bombay West Rotary Club of Bombay West

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards Cash;Cheque Cash

Yes Yes Yes

Minimum 250 or else no

charges concession of 500 Concession of 300

Maybe Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes No No

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

She maintains confidentiality, doesn't get over involved in personal life, knows her

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Maybe Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Maybe

Worked with him She has dealt with such situations before
She is young but don't let that taint your judgement towards her professional skills. She
works best with people between 20-35 years of age.
Irawati Joglekar Invisible Illness Delica D'sa
20-29 20-29 20-29

Female Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English/ Hindi/ Gujarati/
English, Hindi, Marathi Marathi English

M.A. clinical psychology MA clinical psychology

99207 95419 022266009847 / 02226607217 7738457481

Rotary Medical Centre,

Rotary Chowk, Juhu Tara
Road, Opposite Millionaire,
Santacruz West, Mumbai Holy Spirit hospital, Andheri /
Matunga 400049 Hiranandani hospital, Powai

Evening Depends on consultant Morning and evening

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;
Tuesday;Thursday;Friday Thursday;Friday Thursday;Friday;Saturday

Rs. 100 - psychiatrist; Rs. 500 200 (at Holy Spirit), 900
RS.800/- Counselling (Hiranandani)

One hour 30-40 minutes 45 minutes

Face to face Face to face Face to face

Heard of them through word Heard of them through word

of mouth;I've worked/trained of mouth;I've worked/trained I have personally consulted
with them with them them

Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young es;Older adults;Individuals
people;Adults;Couples;Famili who identify as
es;Individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate Adults;Couples;Families;Olde
LGBTQIA+ professionals r adults

Special needs (Children with Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional, physical. emotional,
behavioural and learning behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against difficulties);Violence against
women;Sexuality and gender women;Sexuality and gender
orientation related orientation related
issues;Sexual and issues;Sexual and
reproductive health related reproductive health related
concerns;Substance and concerns;Substance and
habitual habitual
addictions;Trauma;Mental addictions;Trauma;Child
Sexuality and gender Illness;Relationship Sexual Abuse;Mental
orientation related Concerns;Work-life Illness;Relationship
issues;Trauma;Mental Concerns;Academic and Concerns;Work-life
Illness;Relationship Career Related Concerns;Academic and
Concerns;Work-life Concerns Issues;Parenting Concerns Career Related Issues

I don't know Maybe I don't know

I don't know Treatment plan

Yes Yes I don't know

otary Club of Bombay West Invisible Illness

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash Cash Cash;Credit/Debit cards

I don't know Yes I don't know

Already subsidised rates

I don't know Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know No I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

er involved in personal life, knows her


Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

situations before
I suffer from clinical
depression and also have a
borderline personality
disorder. Since I started
working with Delica, I have
There are 2 psychologists and been able to manage my
1 psychiatrist at this centre. I symptoms very well, despite
met with Richa Mistry and I facing major stressors and
was made to feel comfortable triggers. Highly recommend
and safe. her.

ment towards her professional skills. She Call to take appointment and
een 20-35 years of age. check timings of doctors
Anisha Gurbuxani Neha Bhat Kriti Jain
40-49 30-39 20-29

Female Cis-female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Creative art therapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai, Bangalore and
Mumbai Chicago Mumbai

English /Hindi English, Hindi, Kannada English, Hindi

Masters in Art Therapy and

Counseling, Diploma in Art-
A certified REBT therapist , Based Therapy, Rape crisis
A Metaphor Therapist , ADC training MA Applied Psychology

7045664615 8452960463

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Online practice, Rape Victim

Advocates, Chicago and Manju Nursing Home, Sindhi
Private Practice: D 701, Aster Society, Chembur East,
Park, Yelahanka, Bangalore- Mumbai, Maharashtra -
Lokhandwala Andheri West 64 400071

5-Feb Monday- Friday 9 to 5 11 AM to 9 PM (I think)

Monday;Tuesday;Saturday;Su Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;
Wednesday nday Thursday;Saturday;Sunday

600 Rs 900 800

1 hour 60 mins 60 minutes

Face to face;Through the
Face to face;Over telephone;Over
Face to face videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to

Heard of them through word them;I have personally Heard of them through word
of mouth;Someone I know consulted them;I've of mouth;I have personally
has been to them worked/trained with them consulted them

Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young people;Adults;Couples;Famili
people;Adults;Older es;Individuals who identify as Adults;Corporate
adults;Corporate professionals LGBTQIA+ professionals

Violence against
Illness;Relationship Sexuality and gender
Concerns;Work-life orientation related
Concerns;Academic and issues;Sexual and
Career Related reproductive health related Trauma;Relationship
Issues;Parenting Concerns concerns;Trauma Concerns;Work-life Concerns

No No Yes

Diagnosis;Referral to another
professional (e.g. psychiatrist
and other allied mental health
Yes No I don't know


Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes Maybe

They go down till 400 RS Rs 500- Rs 900

Maybe No Yes
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes No

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I wanted to introduce a close

friend to her and since that
friend was living with me,
Kriti suggested that she see
They have a 60 training in the someone else as this could
field, have undergone ethics lead to the possibility of a
and licensure exams breach in code of ethics.

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Maybe Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I have already referred

Because she is trust worthy Years of their training and someone to them in a crisis
and a great counsellor practice situation
finding a suitable therapist for
myself and after years of
consulting different kinds of
professionals, I finally settled
on Kriti. One of the reasons
that I have continued to
consult her over the last year
is the fact that she's someone I
can laugh with. I must
mention, very clearly, that it
doesn't ever feel like she's
laughing at me. There's
something very humanising
about the shared moments of
laughter and I can't possibly
overstate the importance of
this. There are some very
She does
basic notthat
things believe in
she has
diagnosis. She is equipped
helped validate and, if not for to
test you using psychometric
her, I would have continued to
She is very professional and is an empathetic therapist! She find faultsifwith
insist on
is highly skilled and works with the client on their issues diagnosis but she
blame myself. doesn't
believe in labels and would
help you deconstruct them, in
case you have been to a
psychiatrist earlier. There's no
written feedback mechanism
in place that I am aware of
and I did not engage in setting
out goals for myself. In case
you are looking for something
specific, you should have a
frank conversation and I am
sure she will design the
sessions as per your needs and
Not really! demands.
Devika Kapoor Mind & Me Mental Health Services Rochelle Suri
20-29 20-29 30-39

Female female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi English, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi English, Hindi

M.A Counseling Psychology-

Tata Institute of Social
Sciences M.A. Clinical Psychology PhD, MFT

9619046437 8879565156 9930746648

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

74 ground floor, pali village, off pali

Private Practice naka, bandra west Private Practice

Flexible 8 am to 11 am 2pm to 4pm

Thursday;Friday;Saturday;Su Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday; Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;
nday Friday;Saturday Thursday;Friday;Saturday

Flexible and Nominal Ranging from Rs 50 to Rs 500 3000 - 5000

1 hour 1 hour 60 minutes

Through emails;Over
chat;Over Face to face;Through the
videoconference/skype;Throu Face to face;Over telephone;Over
gh home visits videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted I have personally consulted

them I've worked/trained with them them

Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Famili Children;Adolescents and young
es;Individuals who identify as people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older Adolescents and young
LGBTQIA+;Corporate adults;Individuals who identify as people;Adults;Couples;Famili
professionals LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals es;Older adults

Special needs (Children with physical.

Violence against emotional, behavioural and learning
women;Sexuality and gender difficulties);Violence against
orientation related women;Sexuality and gender orientation
issues;Sexual and related issues;Sexual and reproductive
reproductive health related health related concerns;Substance and
concerns;Substance and habitual addictions;Trauma;Child Mental Illness;Relationship
habitual Sexual Abuse;Mental Concerns;Work-life
addictions;Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic and
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Academic and Career Related Career Related
Concerns;Work-life Concerns Issues;Parenting Concerns Issues;Parenting Concerns

No Yes I don't know

Diagnosis;Treatment plan
I don't know I don't know I don't know

I have consulted her online Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Internet Bank
Transfer;Google Pay Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes Maybe

Depends on what the client is

willing to pay As convenient to the client

Consulted them online Maybe No

No idea
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

She is very respectful and will They prescribe to the code of ethics as
always ask for my permission mentioned and are particular about
for doing anything, even providing quality therapeutic services to
sending a message. all their clients.

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

I was myself in a crisis when i

reached out to her, she was
No, I am not comfortable. But
I can tell you she is very

Not really
Arti Shroff Meenal Mishra Arhant Gandhi
30-39 40-49 30-39

Female Female Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist BHMS, CCAH

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi English, Hindi Hindi, English Gujarati.

MA - Clinical Psychology,
M.Phil - Clinical Psychology M.D. (Psychiatry);

9920699868 22 2867 9396 022 2660 2077

Dr. Kiran's Mind Centre,

B102, Giriraj Heights, Lalji
204, Doctor Center, Pada, Link Road, Landmark : 5, Juhu Tara Rd, Mangelwadi,
Kempston Corner, Mumbai Near Axis Bank and Shivaji Nagr, Juhu, Mumbai,
400036. Maharashtra Bank Maharashtra 400049

8am to 8pm 9 am to 5 pm 2PM - 7PM

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Monday;Tuesday;Thursday;Fr

Thursday;Friday;Saturday Thursday;Friday;Saturday iday;Saturday
INR 5000 for first session
where they document your
Anything and 2 weeks of
15 minutes
to half anAnd
the fee
andbegins at INRwith
experience 800them
for 15was
fairly easyofand
follow-up withto
I never had
1500 700 medicines.
do much work or even talk
too much. And I am
1 hour 1 hour absolutely fine now.
Face to face;Through the Face to face;Through the Face to face;Over
telephone;Over chat telephone videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word

of mouth;Someone I know
I have personally consulted I have personally consulted has been to them;I have
them them personally consulted them
Children;Adolescents and
Children;Adolescents and es;Older adults;Individuals
young who identify as
Adolescents and young people;Adults;Couples;Famili LGBTQIA+;Corporate
people;Adults;Families es professionals

Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional, Special needs (Children with
behavioural and learning physical. emotional,
difficulties);Violence against behavioural and learning
women;Sexual and difficulties);Sexuality and
Sexuality and gender reproductive health related gender orientation related
orientation related concerns;Trauma;Child issues;Sexual and
issues;Trauma;Mental Sexual Abuse;Mental reproductive health related
Illness;Relationship Illness;Relationship concerns;Trauma;Mental
Concerns;Academic and Concerns;Work-life Illness;Not sure... I went for
Career Related Issues Concerns;Parenting Concerns depression mainly.

I don't know Maybe I don't know

plan;Referral to another
professional (e.g. psychiatrist Diagnosis;Treatment plan;I was not really given any
and other allied mental health "diagnosis". They told me to tell them what is troubling me
professionals) I don't know and they will address it.
I don't know I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank

cards;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Credit/Debit cards Transfer

I don't know I don't know I don't know


Maybe No I don't know

Not sure.
Yes Yes I don't know

Yes I don't know Yes

No I don't know Maybe

Maybe Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

She respects confidentiality

very much.

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Can't say.

Maybe Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Maybe Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes They neverYesgave me a
diagnosis and since the
medicine was working, I
Yes Yes didn't ask.
I cannot answer that because I
never asked for a timeline. I
was just happy that the
medicines were working sans
Yes Yes side-effects.

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Because I was suicidal and

they "fixed" me really well. I
She is available in times of am no longer taking any
crisis and offers help without Went to them for a abusive medication or undergoing
hesitation. situation myself therapy and I am doing well.
Meenal was extremely
welcoming and made me feel
comfortable as I shared my
issues with her. She never
rushed and always has a
She is friendly, and delves reassuring smile. She was
deep into issues rather than never judgemental or blamed
keeping it superficial. Makes me for anything. I saw
you feel safe to open up to her significant improvement in Not really. I am happy with
and takes confidentiality very my own emotional health their services and I have
seriously. within 2 sessions. already mentioned everything.

Please book an appointment at

least a couple of days in
advance as they have a tight Be patient and trust the
schedule. doctor.
Aneree Parekh Dr.Naresh Tambe Aaisha Khan
20-29 30-39 20-29
Female Male

Clinical Psychologist
Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Mumbai Mumbai Bandra East
English and Hindi
English, Hindi, Gujarati Marathi, Hindi, English

Phd in personality Psychology

M.A Applied
, M.A in Psychology with
MSc and Diploma in specialisation in of
advanced counselling skills Counselling Psychology
7304033243 9869638767, 842294989
[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]

Juno Clinic

Gautam Nagar, behind BSP

Office, near 315 bus depot,
Goverment Colony, Bandra
Juhu 3rd road East, Mumbai 400051
10 am to 7 pm
By appointment Evening 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm
Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Monday;Wednesday;Friday;S
Thursday;Saturday;Sunday aturday

1500-1000 (Sliding scales
available) Rs 500 to 1000
45-50 minutes
1 to 1.5 hours Appr 40 mints
Through the telephone;Over
Face to face;Over Face to face;Over videoconference/skype
videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to

I have personally consultedI have personally consulted
them them
Children;Adolescents and Adolescents and young
young people;Adults;Couples;Famili
people;Adults;Couples;Famili es;Older adults;Individuals
Children;Adolescents and es;Older adults;Individuals who identify as
young who identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
people;Adults;Individuals LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
who identify as LGBTQIA+ professionals

Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional, Sexuality and gender
behavioural and learning orientation related
difficulties);Violence against issues;Trauma;Mental
Violence against women;Sexuality and gender Illness;Relationship
women;Sexuality and gender orientation related Concerns;Work-life
orientation related issues;Sexual and Concerns;Academic and
issues;Substance and habitual reproductive health related Career Related
addictions;Trauma;Child concerns;Trauma;Child Issues;Parenting Concerns
Sexual Abuse;Mental Sexual Abuse;Mental
Illness;Relationship Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Concerns;Academic and
Career Related Career Related
Issues;Parenting Concerns Issues;Parenting Concerns


No Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment Treatment plan;Referral to

plan;Referral to another another professional (e.g.
eatment plan;I was not really given any professional (e.g. psychiatrist psychiatrist and other allied
y told me to tell them what is troubling me and other allied mental health mental health professionals)
and they will address it. professionals)
Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Internet Bank Transfer

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Cheque


Yes I don't know

50% concession

No No

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes


No I don't know


Yes Yes

Yes Yes
I was informed about
confidentiality in the very first
session. Thereafter, I have
I have referred friends and always been made to feel
confidentiality has always comfortable in the sessions.
been maintained. The sessions were conducted
Additionally, she has always through a safe medium with
provided an environment open no disturbance at all and my
to exploration without problems were taken care of
judgement They have to ethically rite with the help of CBT.


Yes I don't know


Yes Yes


Yes Yes


Yes Yes


Yes Yes


Yes Yes

None of the above

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes


Yes I don't know


Maybe Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes


Yes Yes


Yes Yes


Yes Yes

I remember that I have had

suicidal thoughts and I was
definitely helped by her.
Therefore, I totally
recommend her for someone
in a crisis situation.
I have contacted Aneree Its personal experience...
during a crisis situation and Since i got the help...from the
have felt suported Dr.
I was really done with my life
and I had no hopes for my
future when I visited her. My
biggest issue was that I was
very negative about life and
experiences. In therapy I
learnt about my negative
thoughts and how they were
affecting my emotions and
The Counselling sessions was behaviour. So I started
very good...one will feel challenging my negative
comfortable after first session, thoughts which has helped me
It was a journey of Its help one to came out from a lot to be who I am today.
exploration Depression...

Be who you are and just pour

out your feelings. This
therapist will make you
comfortable in no time. And
you will change for better.

Nothing to mention Nothing

Rachna Tuli Mashkaria Hvovi Bhagwagar Mansi Hasan
30-39 40-49 30-39

Female Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English and Hindi ENGLISH, HINDI English, Hindi

M.A. in Career and Developmental Counselling


9820250408 9821321132 9820155137

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

of Schools
(Juhu), Criti
POWAICare Hospital (Juhu)

08:00 - 15:00 11am -8pm Mornings and evenings, timings vary.


Rs. 500/- to Rs. 1000/- (Case Specific) 2500 2000

45 minutes 60 minutes 45-60 minutes

ace;Through the telephone;Through emails;Through Face
to face;Through the telephone;Over videoconference/skype

them through word of mouth;Someone I know

I've has
to themwith
I know
themhas been to them;I have personally consulted them

and and
people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older adults;Individuals
who identify
people;Adults professionals

against women;Trauma;Child
and habitual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Career RelatedConcerns
and Career Related

No Yes Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to another

professional (e.g.
is informed
by tests,
and other
and they
not always
- such as personality test
Yes Yes No

Neoself Manashni

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Credit/Debit cards;Internet
Bank Transfer cards;Internet
Bank Transfer Bank Transfer;Google Pay

Yes Yes I don't know

Case Specific

No Yes Maybe

Acceptance and Empathetic Atmosphere

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

a services
agreement, maintains
followed... Does not see members
from same family

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes I don't know

Trustworthy and Efficient Good guidance

he has
in her attitude
of needs
at ame
and interaction
level, empathy,
with good
me over
the span
of avisible
year. She
life has
challenged me when necessa

help whenever required and appointments given by consultation. Location access

Aleka Kumar Gitali Chatterji Tanvi Thakkar
40-49 30-39 20-29

Female Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

english English,
Majored Hindi and
in Psychology English, Hindi
Masters in Applied
Psychology from Mumbai
University, M.Sc. in Clinical
Forensic Psychology from
not sure Leicester, UK I don't know

99203 70462 98195 49088

NA [email protected] I don’t know

Inner Space Counselling Center

ients at her514,
she will
the details
Croma, onLink
Malad West,
& Therapy

10-5 PM 11am - 9pm Per appointment I think.


r client basis financial considerations. Starts at 1800/- per2300

session 800 in person, 400 on skype

1 hour 1 hour 1 hour

e to face;Through the telephone;Over videoconference/skype
Face to face;Over videoconference/skype
Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them

I have personally
Heard consulted
of them through
them word of mouth;I have personally consulted them

and young
young and
young people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older
adults;Corporate professionals
adults;Individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+;C

emotional, behavioural
and Abuse;Mental
learning Concerns;Parenting
and Career
Issues Illness;Re

Maybe Yes I don't know

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral
I don't knowto another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other allied mental Treatment
health professionals)
I don't know I don't know No

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank Cash;Cheque;Credit/Debit
Transfer cards

Maybe I don't know Yes

I don’t know, but they’re very flexible.

Maybe Yes Maybe

re Private room with a comfortable atmosphere/en

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

provides a very safe and non-judegemental space to talk, complete confidentiality

They adhere toand
a high
of practice.
payment terms basis the client's ab

I don't know Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

asi so
for a few
in mine
and was my
to move
it. Currently
I visited
I am in
a place
of suicidal sexual
after almost 7 years and I cred
I'd consulted.
that my treatment
As a pyschoanalyst
was led byshe
while she
me carefully
They my
you after
Shea and
has aren’t
on what
meI need
to address
I nee

nothing in particular. None. She is the sweetest person!

Kalyani Sohoni Shachi Dalal Eaishwarya Natekar
20-29 20-29 30-39

Female Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

Marathi. Hindi. English English, Hindi, Gujarati English, Marathi and Hindi

I don't know MA Clinical PsychologyM.A., Applied Psychology (Clinical)

9029030054 9819642754 9890412008

I don’t know [email protected] [email protected]

Nirmal polyclinic.Vasant,
Bandra 389,
east.SV Road,
Vile Parle
for Psychological
West, MumbaiHealth,
400056 Thane, SNEHA- Mumbai. Private Practice

6-8 pm 10am -8pm 10am - 7pm


Rs 1000/- Rs. 700-800/-. Rs

1500 at Sneha are free but are only for marginalised women survivors of violenc

1 hour 1 hour 50 mins to 1 hour

Face to face Face to face;Over videoconference/skype Face to face

I have personally consulted them

I have personally consulted themI've worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young people;Adults;Older

adultsand young people;Adults;Families
Children;Adolescents and young people;Families

gainst women;Trauma;Child
physical. emotional,
and learning
Related Issues
against women;Trauma;Child
and Career
Related Issues

Maybe No Yes

Treatment plan Diagnosis;Treatment

plan;Referral to plan
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other allied mental health pro
I don't know No No

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash Cash;Internet Bank

Transfer cards;Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know Yes Yes

know, but they’re very flexible. Varies from case50%

to case.
off at IPH depending on the organisation's criteria

Has one step at the entrance. Yes No

Private room with a comfortable atmosphere/environment None

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Maybe No Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

sed in and
is non-judgemental
down is one
my own
and appropriate
in Mumbai.consent
Does not
is always
Her practice
are used
is therapeutic
to come

Maybe Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

ractions in various professional capacities with their

of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Maybe Yes Yes

Maybe I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

and well-being
and ability
of the
to client,
detect keeping
the mental
in mind
confidentiality, and taking appropriate steps to safeguard the client, de-escalat
listens inputs
to you,through
been very
I have
in identifying
her and
with into
my thoughts
as young
as so
thati Imight
was empowered
be indulging
is astounding.

e. She is the sweetest person!

Ana Khan Kuntal Vora Dr. Sanjay Kumawat
20-29 20-29 50-59

Female Female Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

English & Hindi English, Hindi and Gujrati English, Hindi, Marathi

M.A in Applied Psychology MA in Counseling Psychology MD. Psychiatry

8657607196 8657422409 9821066067

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Bandra West, Mumba Sion

Jupiter Hospital Thane; Laxmi Nursing Home Mulund West

11 am to 6 pm 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm

Tuesday - Saturday Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Saturday

800 to 1500 500 - 1000 500-1000

50-60 minutes 50 mins Depends on the situation - he's a psychiatrist.

ce to face;Through
Face to face;Through
the telephone;Over
the telephone;Through
emails;Over chat;Over
to face;Through the telephone;Over

I have personally consulted themI have personally consulted them

I have personally consulted them

and young people;Adults;Couples;Corporate
and Adolescents
young people;Adults;Couples;Families;Individuals
and young
people;Adults;Older adults;Individuals
who identifywho
identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate p

related issues;Sexual
and reproductive
related concerns;Trauma;Child
and Career
Related Issues;Parenting

No No I don't know

Treatment plan;Referral to ano

Treatment plan
Yes I don't know Yes

Koshish - FAP of TISS

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer;Google

Pay Bank Transfer;Paytm,
Googlepay cards

Yes Yes Maybe

700 Depends on the client and the situation

I don't know Maybe Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Maybe No Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

troduce therapy to clients who are new She

to the
process.a they
follow aconsent
form, explains
ethics verbally
to clients, provides with e

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Maybe Maybe Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Because they helped me through a similar situation A friend has consulted them.
as 4 uptobefore
is astounding.
to her. However,
She It
and Iwent
therapy. andrelatable,
I was ablegives
to get
my issue.
to exp

The clinic is on the third floor without lift. So you have

Rasika Karkare Ms. Neha Kathuria
20-29 30-39

Jaipur and Mumbai
Dadar, Mumbai
English, Hindi
English, Hindi, Marathi

Tata Institute of Social Sciences

M.sc in Counseling Psychology

91 84540 31389

[email protected]

Jaipuria Vidyalaya

7:30 am to 2:00 pm
Differs everyday



45 minutes
Face to face;Through the telephone;Over videoconference/skype;Through home visits

ce;Through the telephone;Over chat;Over videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them

f them through word of mouth;I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older adults;Individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+

and young people;Adults;Couples;Families;Corporate professionals

ainst women;Sexuality and gender orientation related issues;Sexual and reproductive health related concerns;Trauma;Mental Illness;Relatio

uma;Mental Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic and Career Related Issues;Parenting Concerns



Treatment plan;Referral to another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other allied mental health professionals)




Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank Transfer;Gpay



As per the need

I don't know


She doesn't work with this population




She doesn't work with sexual concerns


he ethics verbally to clients, provides with emergency helpline numbers if needed, all codes by APA are followed












Interactions in various professional capacities with their clients

None of the above











I don't know


I don't know

because she has had helped me sorting my thoughts and I know she’s capable enough to stop someone from taking a wrong step.
e has helped a lot when I was really in plenty of doubts regarding everything, she is really co operative wether in school or outside school.

ding, relatable, gives good examples to explain and makes you feel comfortable and welcomed. Non judgmental.

s on the third floor without lift. So you have to walk about 50 stairs.
Ishita Gupta Mark Lobo
20-29 30-39
Woman Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counselling Psychologist

Mumbai Mumbai

Hindi, English English

Neuropsychology MSc in Counselling Psychology


[email protected] [email protected]

Breakthrough Counseling Hill Rd, Bandra

Not sure 12pm - 9pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Frida Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
y;Saturday;Sunday day;Saturday

1000 (Scale down available)

50 minutes 1 hour
Face to face;Over
Face to face;Over videoconference/skype videoconference/skype;Through home

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Individuals who identify as
who identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate

Violence against women;Sexuality and

gender orientation related issues;Sexual and
Violence against women;Sexuality and gender
reproductive health related
orientation related issues;Sexual and
concerns;Substance and habitual
reproductive health related
concerns;Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career Related Issues
Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Issues;Parenting Concerns

Maybe No

I don't know
I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes I don't know

750 for students, Pro Bono option available

Maybe No

Not that I know of.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe There aren't any posters.

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

I feel safe speaking to him, I have no reason

to believe he is anything but ethical and
helpful towards all clients.

ded, all codes by APA are followed

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

As above, I feel comfortable speaking about

She's very kind and can talk through the issues my concerns with him - I would be happy
well to refer anyone to him, whether they are in
a crisis situation or not.
It was good going, she received my gender
identity without dispute and listened to me
Suvrita Dr. Bharat Shah
20-29 60-69
Female Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist

Mumbai Mumbai

English and Hindi English, Hindi

MA in Applied Psychology (specialization

MBBS, MD(Psychiatry)
Clinical Psychology)

8383012635 Err:509

[email protected] [email protected]

Sushrut Hospital, Chembur; Somaiya

Hospital; Lilavati Hospital;

6pm to 10pm



50 minutes
Through the telephone;Over
Face to face

I've worked/trained with them I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young

Children;Adolescents and young
who identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against Special needs (Children with physical.
women;Sexuality and gender orientation emotional, behavioural and learning
related issues;Sexual and reproductive difficulties);Sexuality and gender
health related concerns;Substance and orientation related issues;Sexual and
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual reproductive health related
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship concerns;Trauma;Mental Illness;Academic
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic and Career Related Issues
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

Yes Yes

Treatment plan;Referral to another

professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other Diagnosis;Treatment plan
allied mental health professionals)
Yes Yes

Life Fellow of the Indian Psychiatric

Podar International School

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Internet Bank Transfer;Google Pay Cash;Credit/Debit cards

Yes Yes

Around ₹250 less

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes No

I have worked with them and found their

work to be ethical.

Yes No
Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes No

Yes No

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes No

Yes Yes

Yes No

They have undergone extensive crisis

management training
His medicines led to me suicidal thoughts
and thoughts on right to die. I have seen
psychiatrists before and none of the past
doctors gave me wrong medicines or
prescribed too many unnecessary
medicines! If you care about your mental
health, DON'T GO TO HIM! He only
worsened it leading me to a death drive and
really ruining whatever was happening
then. Overall experience turned out to be
very costly health-wise, career-wise and

Can prescribe unnecessary and wrong

medicines which can terribly worsen your
mental health, even causing death drive.
Anjali Nair Ankita Choudhury
20-29 20-29
Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil English, Hindi, Assamese

MA in Applied Psychology with

MA Applied Psychology (Clinical)
specialization in Counseling Psychology

9619270481 8828082554

[email protected] [email protected]

Reflective Arena, Shop no 26, Viral

Shopping Centre, S.V. Road, Next to
Reflective Arena
Radhakrishna restaurant, Opp Shopper's
Stop, Andheri West, Mumbai 400 058

By appointment only By Appointment Only


900 1000

45-60mins 60 minutes
Face to face Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to them I've worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young Children;Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Older adults;Individuals who people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older
identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate adults;Individuals who identify as
professionals LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals

Violence against women;Sexuality and

gender orientation related issues;Sexual and
Violence against women;Sexuality and
reproductive health related
gender orientation related issues;Substance
concerns;Substance and habitual
and habitual addictions;Trauma;Child
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Sexual Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
and Career Related Issues
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

Maybe No

I don't know
Yes Yes

Reflective Arena

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes

Mutual decision based on client specific


Maybe Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She maintains effective professional

boundary; Informs clients about counseling
protocols regarding counseling process and
confidentiality; Client-centric approach

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

The therapist has worked with clients in

vulnerable positions in the past and is
capable of effectively handling such
Forum Lalka Nehaa Beotra
20-29 30-39
Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Experiential Counsellor

Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi Hindi and English

Certified NLP practitioner, Certified

MA Applied Psychology (Clinical
Psychometric Assessor, Studied human
Resources at TISS MUMBAI

2226289792 9819850146

[email protected]

Mind Temple, 3rd Floor, Daffodils, #49,

Between Aromas Cafe/Country Club &
Gazebo House, E103/104 Maheshwari nagar MIDC
Behind Starbucks, Opp. Allahabad Bank, Andheri East
Off. Gulmohar Road,JVPD Scheme,
Mumbai – 400 049

11 am - 8pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Satur
day;Saturday day

1500 2499

1 hour 90 minutes
Face to face;Through the
Face to face;Over videoconference/skype
telephone;Through home visits

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Adults;Individuals who identify as

LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals

Mental Illness;Relationship
Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
Concerns;Academic and Career Related
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

Yes Maybe

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and Diagnosis
other allied mental health professionals)
I don't know No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know No

Maybe Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

She works from experience ad identifies

with pain of individuals deal with, she
focuses t going to the root cause of the
problem rather than making biased
judgements, she is perception free and
beleives in making people self sufficient
and high self worth orientation.

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Interactions in various professional

None of the above
capacities with their clients

Maybe Yes

Maybe Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Having experienced her, Nehaa's diagnosis

is apt and to the point, it deals with the root
cause in and non judgemental and unbaised
way, she makes everyone comfortable and
believes in the right of living a life with
high self worth.
1. Nehaa is unbiased
The conversation is never one-sided - she
2. She is non judgemental
listens, asks questions, and gives homework
3. She identifies with the pin and works on
to do. She also draws examples from her
root cause
life in order for the patient to
4. she believes and propagates leading a life
of high self worth
Every session has a takeaway. She's helped
5. She believes in giving a process oriented
me rebuild my confidence, and shown me
solution rather than simple tips and
ways to deal with my anxiety.

just be yourself, honest and open, she is one

individual who is perception free.
Tejas Shah Shachi Dalal
30-39 20-29
Male Female

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist


English, Hindi, Gujarati English, Hindi

M.Phil Clinical Psychology (RCI) Master's in Clinical Psychology


[email protected] [email protected]

Healing Studio, A-1, PMC, Mangal Kunj, Plot No 389, Vasant, Ground Floor, Swami
Opp. Indraprastha mall, Borivali West, Vivekananda Road, Vile Parle West,
Mumbai - 400092 Mumbai - 400056, Opp. Pawan Hans Gate

10am to 10pm By appointment

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday day;Saturday;Sunday

1500 Rs. 1,500

50min 60 minutes
Face to face;Through the telephone;Over Face to face;Through the telephone;Over
videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of Heard of them through word of

mouth;Someone I know has been to them;I mouth;Someone I know has been to
have personally consulted them them;I've worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young

Children;Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Individuals who identify as
adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with physical.

Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against
difficulties);Violence against
women;Sexuality and gender orientation
women;Sexuality and gender orientation
related issues;Sexual and reproductive
related issues;Sexual and reproductive
health related concerns;Substance and
health related concerns;Trauma;Child
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Sexual Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
and Career Related Issues;Parenting
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

Yes No

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and
other allied mental health professionals)
No I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Maybe

800 to 1500

No Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I have worked with her personally and have

seen that she practices within ethical
boundaries and consistently demonstrates
sound professional judgment during ethical

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Shachi has successfully handled very

He has helped me in dealing with suicidal delicate and time-sensitive situations with
feelings clients in an empathic and professional
I was feelings suicidal since a long time, I
had anger issues especially with my father,
and I was not focusing on my studies, the
therapist help me to deal with all of the
above in a non-judgmental and empathetic
way. I felt he was concerned about my
well-being and helped me to overcome my

I was not able to afford the fees and he

could sense that and he was gentle enough
to let me know that he is open to negotiate
the fees and have a lower fee if I was not
able to afford. You can discuss with him if
you have financial constraints.
Tanya Vasunia Rahat Sanghvi
20-29 20-29
Female Woman

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist


English English, Hindi, Gujarati

M.Sc. in Psychoanalytical Developmental

Master's in Psychology, Clinical

9820403602 9930283367

[email protected] [email protected]

1, 155, 15, N S Patkar Marg, Khareghat

Synapsium Brain Health Care
Colony, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400007

10am to 6pm 10am to 6pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday day;Saturday

Rs. 1,500-2,500 2500

60 Minutes 50 minutes
Face to face;Over videoconference/skype Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

Someone I know has been to them;I have
mouth;Someone I know has been to
personally consulted them
them;I've worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older
adults;Individuals who identify as adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against
women;Sexuality and gender orientation
Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship
related issues;Sexual and reproductive
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
health related concerns;Substance and
and Career Related Issues;Parenting
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

No Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and
other allied mental health professionals)
Yes No

Mpower - The Centre

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer

No Yes


Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Tanya ascribes to strict codes of ethical and We have to sign an agreement regarding the
professional conduct in her work as a therapeutic practice and a thorough
therapist which I have seen firsthand. explanation is provided about the same.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Tanya has had several crisis clients over the

years, whose situations and mental health
conditions have improved due to her work She is empathetic and accessible during
with them. She is able to handle these work hours.
situations sensitively and with professional
Tanvi Mehta Sunil Punjabi
20-29 40-49
Sunil is Male. But caters equally well to
patients from all 3 genders.

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi English and Hindi

MA In counseling

9930331413 9892546024

[email protected] [email protected]

Lokhandwala, Mumbai. Also offers therapy

74, Dr Ambedkar Rd, Pali Village,
through phone, whatsapp and Skype. I took
BandraWest, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050
therapy on phone and it worked very well.

No fixed hours. He counsels patients at a

9am to 6pm
mutually agreed time.


1000 Varies, but it is affordable.

60 minutes Variable, but approx. 45 mins.

Face to face;Through the
Face to face;Over videoconference/skype telephone;Through emails;Over chat;Over

Heard of them through word of

I've worked/trained with them mouth;Someone I know has been to them;I
have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Individuals who identify as people;Adults;Couples;Older
LGBTQIA+ adults;Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against
women;Sexuality and gender orientation
related issues;Sexual and reproductive
Mental Illness;Relationship
health related concerns;Substance and
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Depression
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

Yes Maybe

Treatment plan
Yes No

Mind & Me Mental Health Services

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes

Pls openly ask this to Sunil himself, when

you consult him.

He offers consultation over phone and

videoconference too.
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I have personally consulted Sunil for my

They are nonjudgmental and accepting of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and I can
clients vouch he is extremely ethical and willing to
help out those in need.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Because Sunil is extremely empathetic and

Their calm temperament understanding. And his therapy is quite
effective & impactful.
Excellent experience. He helped me
overcome my 10 year old OCD, in just few
They are very patient in the interactions I
months. I would VERY STRONGLY
have had, are empathetic and accepting.
recommend Sunil to anyone who needs
mental health therapy.

Feel free to open up to Sunil in detail about

your problem.
Tanvi Mallya Rimpa Sarkar
30-39 30-39
Female Female

Neuropsychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi, Marati, Konkani, Hindi, English and Bengali

MSc Neuropsychology M.A. Clinical Psychology

9920249321 9769592733 / 9867226459

[email protected] [email protected]

Mumbai (at-home mental health for the

Sentier Mind (Private Practice)

11 AM to 7 PM

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday day;Saturday

1300 1000 - 2500

1 hour 45 min to 60 min

Face to face;Through home visits Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

I have personally consulted them
mouth;Someone I know has been to them

Children;Adolescents and young

Families;Older adults people;Adults;Couples;Corporate

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
Neurodegenerative disorders/elderly mental difficulties);Sexual and reproductive health
health related concerns;Trauma;Mental
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Parenting Concerns

No Yes

Treatment plan;Referral to another Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to

professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and
allied mental health professionals) other allied mental health professionals)
No Yes

Don't remember

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes

Not sure

Yes Maybe

At-home care, so happens in the comfort of

No idea
your home
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
I have personally known a family that the
My daughter who is her paitent, asked her
mental health professional refused to work
to use whatsapp for appointment
with as the family was insisting on dictating
confirmation. Rimpa suggested her to email
what direction the therapy should go in and
or call, as text messages are not ethical.
the mental health professional believed
My daughter also suggested my wife would
there was misdiagnosis so they insisted on
like to consult her as well for her own
the family getting a second opinion. Turns
issues. But Rimpa suggested to consulted
out Tanvi was right, but the fact that she
with someone else for ethical issues and
would turn down a client because she didn't
recommended some other professional to
believe the treatment they were insisting on
was the right one says a lot about her ethics.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I know she works for suicide prevention

and have read recommendations on same
One of the most empathetic and
topic. My daughter also had thoughts of
professional people I know.
suicide and that was one of the reason I
took my daughter to her.
I reached out to her when my mother was
sick. She and her team have been a constant
I am glad I went to her for my daughter's
source of support and guidance, they have
issues. She is very professional and
taught me so much about Alzheimer's, and
experienced, and very well aware of what
have handheld me through developing care
she is doing.
plans for my mother. My mother looked
forward to her team visiting!

Incase you want to consult her via email or

telephone, that won't be possible.
Havovi Hyderabadwalla Janki Mehta
30-39 30-39
Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi, Gujarati English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujrati

Masters in Clinical Psychology, Masters in

Masters in Psychology
Forensic Psychology

9820019322 9819001030

[email protected] [email protected]

Mind Mandala Tardeo Mind Mandala

43993 10am to 6.30pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday;Sunday day;Saturday

2000 3000

An Hour 50 to 60mins
Face to face;Through the telephone;Over
Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

mouth;Someone I know has been to them;I
Someone I know has been to them
have personally consulted them;I've
worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young
adults;Individuals who identify as
adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals;Sports
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
and Athletes

Special needs (Children with physical.

Violence against women;Sexuality and
emotional, behavioural and learning
gender orientation related issues;Sexual and
difficulties);Violence against
reproductive health related
women;Sexuality and gender orientation
concerns;Substance and habitual
related issues;Sexual and reproductive
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
health related concerns;Substance and
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
and Career Related Issues;Parenting
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
Concerns;Sports, Bodywork, Pain
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

Yes Yes

I don't know Treatment plan;Therapy

Maybe Yes
Olympians Association of India, National
Association of the Blind, Desousa
Foundation, Global Society for Digital
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer

Maybe Maybe

Dont know

Yes Yes

Dont know
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Confidentiality is maintained l, genuineness

and unconditional empathy.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Helped a friend in times of SOS

Very insightful, very compassionate and
well experienced. Questions u to think for
urself, helps with finding your own
happiness and always looks our for the best.
Is trained in many modalities thus is able to
help many varieties of issues.

Priyanka Kartari Kanika gupta
30-39 40-49
Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi English hindi

Masters in psychology

98206 29142 9819519568

[email protected]

Holy Family Hospital, Bandra (St Andrews

Rd, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra
400050) OR The Thought Co., Lower Parel
(14/3rd Floor, Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Aashray development centre bandra west
Dainik Shivner Marg, Exit Rd to Sea Link,
Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra

10 am -7.30 pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday day;Saturday

1100-2000 Rs -1200

45 mins to 1 hour 45 mins

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over
Face to face
chat;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of mouth;I

I have personally consulted them
have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young people;Adults Adolescents and young people;Adults

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Parenting
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career Related

Yes Maybe

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and Treatment plan
other allied mental health professionals)
I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes, depending on the location that

I don't know
they’re servicing in

Maybe Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I’ve personally worked with Priyanka

for over a year now, and I’ve referred
She has always maintained confidentiality
her to several friends. Not once has there
and been transparent and authentic .
been cross-talk with or about any other
friends in terms of their treatment with her.

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes I don't know

I had a friend of a friend deal with a crisis

situation and reached out to her for tips and
guidance. She was swift in her response and
gave some very valuable inputs.
Priyanka has helped me tackle the different
layers of my own depression and anxiety
for over a year now. My first interaction
with her made me feel extremely
comfortable and at ease to talk about my
problems. She’s tried to break down the
She holds you in great regard and makes
different barriers that are holding me back
you instantly comfortable with her
from truly working to overcome my
empathic approach . She comes across as
depression, and has worked with me to
highly sensitive and intuitive.
identify triggers, weak spots, and areas of
strength. I’ve gone to her with
everything—parental problems, work
problems, friend problems, relationship
problems and body image problems, and
she’s helped me unwrap all of it.

Priyanka will speak to you as if you’re

a friend. Her goal is to make you feel very
at ease when you’re talking to her, and
Just that whether shes fulfills all your
she takes a friendlier, more relaxed
requirement as a client or not .
approach to counselling. She also isn’t
always punctual, but will take a little extra
Vijayta Jagnani Tanya Jain
30-39 30-39
Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi and Marathi English Hindi

Masters in Human Development Clinical psycology

8879556896 9004290738

[email protected]

Address- D-41 Virat bldg Room no 004;

polyclinic @ twinkle apartments, 1st floor,
ground floor; opposite Lifeline Hospital; -
near Infinity Mall, Andheri west.
East, Gokuldham Colony, Goregaon,



1500 700

1 hr. sometimes she exceeds it according to

the needs
Face to face;Over chat;Over
Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of mouth I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young

Children;Adolescents and young
who identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate

Violence against women;Sexuality and

gender orientation related issues;Sexual and
Special needs (Children with physical.
reproductive health related
emotional, behavioural and learning
concerns;Substance and habitual
difficulties);Child Sexual Abuse;Mental
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Parenting
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Issues;Parenting Concerns

No Maybe
Yes I don't know

Arpan and look within

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes

1000 depends on what you can pay

No Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Confidentiality and safe environment is the

highest priority

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

My therapist is extremely professional and

My therapist has always been a very good
listener and very mindful of my difficulties
and helped me a lot in my difficult

Be confident my therapist will definitely

Shreemant Yadav Nyamat Chadha
30-39 20-29
Male Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai

Hindi, English, Marathi English, Hindi

Masters in counseling paychology Master's in Clinical Psychology

9920099910 9819154161

[email protected] [email protected]

Ghatkopar (east)/ Santacruz ( west) Andheri West

Not sure

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday day;Saturday

Rs. 3000 750

1 hour 1 hour
Face to face;Through the telephone;Over
Face to face;Through the telephone

I have personally consulted them;I've

I've worked/trained with them
worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young Children;Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older people;Adults;Individuals who identify as
adults;Corporate professionals LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals

Violence against women;Sexuality and Special needs (Children with physical.

gender orientation related issues;Sexual and emotional, behavioural and learning
reproductive health related difficulties);Sexuality and gender
concerns;Trauma;Mental orientation related issues;Trauma;Mental
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career Related Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Issues;Parenting Concerns Issues;Anxiety

Yes Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan I don't know

No Yes

Let's Talk Mental Health

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

No Yes


No Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

He is extremely professional in his

Explains the process, maintains
approach. He uses all globally recognised
standards of therapy.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe
Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Have been in a similar position and he was

readily available to talk.
My therapy sessions were a big eye opener.
He was very helpful and informative in his
approach. Also very professional. He
understood the problem to its finest bits and Haven't consulted them personally
took in-depth counseling of all aspects. It
was the best choice to go to him for

Take an appointment in advance with him.

His sessions are usually blocked in
Kanika gupta Pooja Harlalka
40-49 30-39
Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai

English and Hindi English and Hindi

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

MA Psychology

9819519568 9821511200

[email protected] [email protected]

Aashray- Bandra west Worli and Bandra

10 am to 8.00 pm afternoon/ evenings

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day day;Saturday

Rs 1200- 1500

45 mins - 1 hour 45-60mins

Face to face;Through the
telephone;Through emails;Over Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

I have personally consulted them mouth;Someone I know has been to them;I
have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young Children;Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older people;Adults;Families;Older
adults;Individuals who identify as adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against Special needs (Children with physical.
women;Sexuality and gender orientation emotional, behavioural and learning
related issues;Sexual and reproductive difficulties);Sexuality and gender
health related concerns;Substance and orientation related issues;Trauma;Child
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual Sexual Abuse;Mental Illness;Work-life
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic Issues;Parenting Concerns
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

Maybe No
No Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank
Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer
Transfer;Google pay

Yes Yes

800-1000 I don't know

Yes Maybe

No other
Yes Yes

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Her sessions are always conducted with a

specific purpose and intention according to very particular about confidentiality
her clients needs .

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Maybe

Bec of their ability to receive and hold the

client in high positive regard with empathy
and provide them an opportunity to feel
safe and listened to in a non judgemental
At all times I have felt deeply connected
and heard by her. Her questions have
always left me empowered with personal
agency to deal with the issues at hand.

Ekta Tripathi Bhavan Lalwani
30-39 20-29
Female Female

Relationship, communication and

empowerment Coach

Mumbai Mumbai

English, Hindi Hindi and English

Ma Counselling (TISS)
Master's in Learning and Development
(UoE, UK), Certified coach
Trained in Narrative Therapy

8451064412 9869543729

[email protected] [email protected]

Relationship Hero
340 S Lemon Ave #5553 Chembur
Walnut, CA 91789

8am to 9pm IST On appointment basis (10.00am - 4:00pm)

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday;Sunday day;Saturday;Sunday

$59/hour, but can be subsidised for local

1200-3500 fee range

1-3 hours 1.5 hours

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over
Face to face;Over videoconference/skype
chat;Over videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to them I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young

Adults;Couples;Families;Older people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older
adults;Corporate professionals adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with physical.

Sexual and reproductive health related emotional, behavioural and learning
concerns;Substance and habitual difficulties);Violence against
addictions;Trauma;Relationship women;Sexuality and gender orientation
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Parenting related issues;Trauma;Child Sexual
Concerns;Communication, conflict Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
resolution, developing confidence and self Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
concepts and Career Related Issues;Parenting

I don't know No

I don't know
Yes No

Relationship Hero

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Maybe

I don't know but she expressed that most of

her indian clients find her company's
charges to steep and she'd like to subsidise
if there's interest.

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

I had to sign an agreement before my

session with her and it was reassuring. She
also informed me of my right to privacy
and non disclosure as a client.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Interactions in various professional

I don't know
capacities with their clients

Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe

She offered resources through her

organisation, but they were all US based
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No Maybe

Yes Yes

I sought her out after a highly abusive

relationship that I was finding difficult to
move on from and found her empathy and
insight comforting and validating. The tools
she gave me helped me gain clarity, and she I visit bhavna since 3 years and she is a
was patient and kind with me even when I'd very understanding person and wonderful
slip up. Overtime, she has helped me person.
discover many things about my limiting
beliefs and how they were affecting my
preferences and behaviour, and I'm in a
much healthier place right now.
physically and emotionally abusive in our
7yrs of marriage, and we have a daughter
together). I wasn't expecting much out of it,
I just wanted to talk to someone and I
couldn't with my family or friends. In that
first session with her, I felt heard for the
first time in a very long time. And she
turned out to be a lot better than I could
imagine- not only did she get me, she
understood things and helped me
understand those things about myself that
I'd never really paid attention to. Her
charges are too steep, but I've had 8 I visit bhavna since 3 years. She is
sessions with her in 4 months anyway, and wonderful person to share and speak with.
I'm grateful for her support, especially how She has many special skills that will make
she made sense of things, of why I'd want you feel amazing.
to be with someone like him regardless of
what he'd do, and how our old coping
mechanisms can make us enable such
behaviour from others, and why boundaries
were important for healthy relationships.
Most importantly, how by taking care of
myself, I am setting a good example for my
We have
daughter only ishad
which conversations
important to me, (video,
and why
phone and chat) through
love simply isn't enough. I'd never her really
looked website,
at things but Ibefore,
this way got holdandofwhile
private number and email after some
it still hurts at times, it's okay. I'm allowed
to grieve,asand shemiss
is onand
loveand I needed
someone to
reach out to her. I don't think she
if I don't want to be with them. I've never would
reallyhelping (she's
had that, andmentioned conducting
I never thought that
workshops in Mumbai) but
talking to a professional can help so make sure that
you'reWe notdecide
on goals together and all
her phone number
over the internet
accomplish them one without her and
by one, permission?
I feel like
my confidence has never been this hoping
leaving that here in confidence, good.
that others in need can get what I got too.
Anisha Gurbuxani Anjana Chabria Jaisingh
40-49 50-59
Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Mumbai, Juhu

English, Hindi English, Hindi, sindhi

ADC 2019 - Prafulta, REBT from In Vivo M. A. Counselling, REBT, CBT, NLP

9920119693 9004332229

[email protected] [email protected]

Lokhandwala, Andheri (W) Open Mind Counselling, juhu scheme

11 am - 9 pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday day;Saturday


1 hour
Face to face;Over videoconference/skype Face to face

Someone I know has been to them;I have

Someone I know has been to them
personally consulted them

Adolescents and young Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older people;Adults;Couples;Families;Individuals
adults;Individuals who identify as who identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals professionals

Violence against women;Sexuality and

gender orientation related issues;Substance
and habitual addictions;Trauma;Child
Relationship Concerns;Parenting
Sexual Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Teenage issues, work place issues
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

Maybe No

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and
other allied mental health professionals)


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Google Pay Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes I don't know




I don't know


Yes Yes

She is well versed and very ethical. She is

strict about Client /Therapist boundaries.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know


She has helped me through many crisis

situations very successfully therefore I
would refer others also
She is very helpful and goal oriented. She
has helped me through multiple life
situations and has also helped me overcome
my life traumas.

Ashish Korday Kuntal Vora
50-59 20-29
Male Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai, parel Sion, Matunga and Dadar (Mumbai)

English, marathi, hindi English, Hindi and Gujrati

M.A psychology MA in Counseling Psychology

9869764331 8657422409

[email protected]

Parel bhoiwada Sion

10 to 5 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
day y;Friday;Saturday

600 500 - 1000

45 to 60 min 50 mins
Face to face;Through the
telephone;Through emails;Over
Face to face chat;Over
videoconference/skype;Through home
Heard of them through word of
mouth;Someone I know has been to them;I
I have personally consulted them
have personally consulted them;I've
worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young

duals who identify as LGBTQIA+

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against
women;Sexuality and gender
Trauma;Child Sexual Abuse;Mental
orientation related issues;Sexual and
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
reproductive health related
Concerns;Academic and Career Related
concerns;Trauma;Child Sexual
Issues;Parenting Concerns
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

No No
I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank
Transfer;Paytm, Googlepay

Yes Yes

Not sure Depends on the client and the situation

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes



Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
His views and style of therapy is
I was very skeptical before going to
empathetic. He understands your issues like
her. However, as the sessions went
nobody else would. He is there for you but
along, she made me feel comfortable
at the same time doesn't cripple you with
and I was able to get over my issue.

Come as you are

Dr. Alkesh patil Richie patil
20-29 30-39
Male Female

Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist

Thane Thane

english, hindi, marathi, gujrati english, hindi, marathi

M.B.B.S., D.N.B. PSYCHIATRY BSc psychology

9022236410 9820780732

[email protected]

Vedant hospital, kasarvadavli,

ghodbunder road. Indravati
Phoenix hospital, majiwada, thane west
hospital, next to airoli railway

5-9pm 5-9pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thur Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
sday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday y;Friday;Saturday;Sunday

1000 1000-1500

45min-1hour 45min-1hr
Face to face;Through the Face to face;Through the
telephone;Through emails;Over telephone;Through emails;Over
chat;Over chat;Over
videoconference/skype;Through videoconference/skype;Through home
home visits visits

I've worked/trained with them I've worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young

Children;Adolescents and young
lder adults;Individuals who
adults;Individuals who identify as
identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with

Special needs (Children with physical.
physical. emotional, behavioural
emotional, behavioural and learning
and learning difficulties);Violence
difficulties);Violence against
against women;Sexuality and
women;Sexuality and gender
gender orientation related
orientation related issues;Sexual and
issues;Sexual and reproductive
reproductive health related
health related concerns;Substance
concerns;Substance and habitual
and habitual
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Academic and Career
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

Maybe Yes

Treatment plan Diagnosis

Yes Yes

Indravati hospital, airoli, next to Vedant hospital, kasarvadavli,

airoli railway station ghodbunder road, thane west

Yes Yes

No Yes

Cash;Cheque;Credit/Debit Cash;Cheque;Credit/Debit
cards;Internet Bank Transfer cards;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes

Whatever patient affords as low as

Depending on patients affordability
200 rupees

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Sneha Ramachandran Devanshi Rao
20-29 20-29
Female She/Her

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Thane, Mumbai Thane & Mumbai Metropolitan Region

English, Hindi, Tamil, Marathi English, Hindi, Marathi

M.A. in Applied Psychology

(Specialization in Counseling
Masters in Counselling Psychology
Psychology) from TATA Institute of
Social Sciences (Mumbai)

919324441744 9972879380
[email protected]
[email protected]

National Mental Health Clinic, 3rd

Floor Ajit Darshan Building, 3 Petrol Online through video call
Pump, Naupada, Thane West - 400602.

5pm-7pm at the Clinic, Flexible apart

2pm to 7 pm
from that

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Thursday, Friday

Rs.1500-Rs.1000 (Sliding Scales

sliding scale, starting at 500 INR

60 minutes 1 hour
Face to face, Through the telephone,
Over chat, Over Face to face, Through the telephone,
videoconference/skype, Through home Over videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to them, I

Someone I know has been to them
have personally consulted them

Children, Adolescents and young

people, Adults, Couples, Families, Adolescents and young people, Adults,
Individuals who identify as Families
LGBTQIA+, Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties), Violence against women,
Sexuality and gender orientation
Violence against women, Trauma,
related issues, Sexual and reproductive
Relationship Concerns, Work-life
health related concerns, Substance and
Concerns, Academic and Career
habitual addictions, Trauma, Child
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns
Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness,
Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

No I don't know
Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer, Google

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer
Pay, Paytm

Yes Yes


Yes I don't know

I don't know
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She starts with an informed consent

form, is highly confidential, very non-
judgemental, has clear boundaries,
sensitive and respectful of diversity
(our socio-economic background,
disabilities, sexuality, etc.)

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

I was in a crisis situation myself and I

am glad I decided to reach out to
Sneha. Her services have been
What stood out for me was how Sneha
responded to me and to people I know
when we were being difficult,
defensive or even rude. There is
something so humane about her and her
approach. She is so calm and patient!
You feel so safe with her. She is
always collaborative about what can be
done and never pushy, never
sermonizes! She is friendly but has
clear professional boundaries from the
start, which created an honest base for
our interaction.

Yes! Sneha conducts very useful

seminars/webinars, interactive training
sessions and workshops for people
across age-groups on topics of various
mental health and well-being.
Rashna Elavia Pooja Deshmukh
20-29 20-29
Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Online - Mumbai/Indore Mumbai’s

English, Hindi, Gujarati English, Hindi, Marathi

MA Clinical Psychology, trained

M.A. Clinica psychology
EMDR practitioner

7389931905 9702660190

[email protected] [email protected]

Currently practicing online Dadar

11am-7pm 4.30pm - 7pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Sliding scale 900-1200 1000

45-60 mins 45 mins

Face to face, Through the telephone,
Over videoconference/skype
Over chat, Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of mouth,

Someone I know has been to them, I
Someone I know has been to them, I
have personally consulted them
have personally consulted them

Children, Adolescents and young

people, Adults, Couples, Families,
Adolescents and young people, Adults,
Older adults, Individuals who identify
Corporate professionals
as LGBTQIA+, Corporate

Sexual and reproductive health related

Violence against women, Sexuality and
concerns, Trauma, Mental Illness,
gender orientation related issues,
Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Trauma, Relationship Concerns, Work-
Concerns, Academic and Career
life Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns,
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns
self esteem and identity

Yes Yes

Referral to another professional (e.g.

Treatment plan psychiatrist and other allied mental
health professionals)
Maybe No

EMDR India

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cheque, Internet Bank Transfer Cash, Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Maybe


Not applicable - online practice Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

From the get go,Yes

she stated how the Yes
process goes. I have shared a lot of
personal information with her which
has always been confidential. She
practices very ethically and does right
by the client rather than to serve her She explains the process very well and
own interests. I have also seen her not gives space to make independent
take up cases which she thought she decisions.
wouldn't be able to do justice to, which
was quite professional and ethical. She
also does not work in an unprofessional
manner and doesn't make clients feel

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No Yes

Maybe Yes

She feels approachable and has always

been available during my crisis
Very positive experience. Helped me
She created a safe space and explained
empower myself, and created a safe
me very well about the confidentiality.

Rashi Goyal Krishnaveni Kannan
20-29 20-29
Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Mumbai Navi Mumbai

English and Hindi English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil.

M.A in Psychology and Pg Diploma in

Counselling Psychology from Xavier's Masters in Clinical Psychology
Institute of Counselling Psychology

9820344608 919768080468

[email protected] [email protected]

Kandivali East Better mind project.

11 am to 8 pm 10.00am- 9.00pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday

1500-2000 (sliding scale) 600/-

45 mins to 60 mins 50-60mins

Face to face, Through the telephone, Face to face, Through the telephone,
Over videoconference/skype, Through Through emails, Over chat, Over
home visits videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of mouth,

I've worked/trained with them
Someone I know has been to them

Adults, Couples, Families, Older Children, Adolescents and young

adults, Corporate professionals people, Adults

Substance and habitual addictions, Special needs (Children with physical.

Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns, emotional, behavioural and learning
Work-life Concerns, Academic and difficulties), Mental Illness, Work-life
Career Related Issues, Parenting Concerns, Academic and Career
Concerns Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

No Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to

another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
and other allied mental health
No Yes

Neurogen brain and spine institute


Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit cards,

Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Transfer
Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes

INR 100/-

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know


Yes Yes

Clarifies what is psychology and sticks

with scientific techniques.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes


None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes


Praneeta Katdare Mrudula Joshi
20-29 20-29
Female Female

REBT, CBT, Play Therapist and

Family Therapist

Mumbai Mumbai and Thane, Online

Marathi English Hindi English, Marathi and Hindi

Post Graduation in Psychology,

Masters in Clinical Psychology Trained in CBT, REBT, Play Therapy
and Family Therapy

918850318815 9869378751

[email protected] [email protected]

1. Spectrum Clinic, Vinita society,

Gokhale Rd, next to Malhar talkies,
Health Tree, 1/10, Goregaon Navjyoti
Thane West, Thane, Maharashtra
CHSL No. 2 Mahatma Gandhi Road,
opp. New India Co-op Bank Ltd, Unnat
2. 534 Bombay Mutual Terrace,
Nagar, Goregaon West.
Sandhurst Bridge, Opera House,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400007

9.00 AM to 1.00 PM, 3.00 PM to 8.00

On appointment

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday


60 minutes 45-60 minutes

Face to face, Through the telephone,
Face to face, Through the telephone, Through emails, Over
Over videoconference/skype videoconference/skype, Through home

Someone I know has been to them I have personally consulted them

Children, Adolescents and young Children, Adolescents and young

people, Adults, Couples, Families, people, Adults, Couples, Families,
Older adults, Individuals who identify Older adults, Individuals who identify
as LGBTQIA+, Corporate as LGBTQIA+, Corporate
professionals, Women professionals

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
Violence against women, Sexuality and
difficulties), Violence against women,
gender orientation related issues,
Sexuality and gender orientation
Sexual and reproductive health related
related issues, Sexual and reproductive
concerns, Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse,
health related concerns, Substance and
Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns,
habitual addictions, Trauma, Child
Work-life Concerns, Academic and
Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness,
Career Related Issues, Parenting
Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Concerns, Grief counseling
Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

Yes Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to

another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
Treatment plan and other allied mental health
professionals), Psychotherapy and
Yes Maybe

Reflect Within

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit cards,

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer
Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes

Pro Bono if the client can't afford,

reduced to pay whatever they can or
pro bono if they can't

Maybe Yes

No but they index to bring it

Yes Yes

Yes Yes



Yes Yes

The practitioner holds the qualification

what they claim to hold and is certified
to conduct sessions. Also, the
paperwork is clear.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Crisis of all sorts but not people with

suicidal tendencies

Maybe Yes

Everything except people with suicidal

thoughts because she doesn't feel
confident enough to engage with them
Latika Suryavanshi Anjana Chabbria
Shanaya Boyce
20-29 30-39 20-29
Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist I don't know

English Hindi English and Hindi
Hindi, English
MA(Clinical Psychology) Advanced
Diploma in Counselling (Prafulta Trauma informed queer
Psychological Services) Queer affirmative Therapist with a
Affirmative Counselling Practices Masters in Clinical
(MHI) Psychology
+91 99875 00979 8375837520
[email protected]
Tardeo, Mumbai

Private practice Juhu, mumbai

12-8 pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday
1500 - 2000

1500 1500

45 minutes
Face to face, Over
1 hour An hour or sometimes more
Face to face, Through the telephone, Face to face, Over chat, Over
Over videoconference/skype videoconference/skype
I have personally consulted
Violence andwomen,
against young
people, Adults, Couples,
Sexuality and gender
I have personally consulted them Someone I know has been to them Families,
orientationIndividuals who
related issues,
identify as LGBTQIA+,
Sexual and reproductive
Corporate professionals
health related concerns,
Substance and habitual
Children, Adolescents and young addictions, Trauma, Child
Children, Adolescents and young people, Adults, Couples, Families, Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness,
people, Adults, Individuals who Older adults, Individuals who identify Relationship Concerns, Work-
identify as LGBTQIA+ as LGBTQIA+, Corporate life Concerns, Academic and
professionals Career Related Issues,
Parenting Concerns

Sexuality and gender orientation

related issues, Sexual and reproductive Violence against women, Substance
health related concerns, Trauma, Child and habitual addictions, Trauma,
Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Relationship Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Academic and Career
Concerns, Academic and Career Related Issues, Parenting Concerns
Related Issues


I don't know Maybe

Yes I don't know

Nazariya, MHI
Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Internet Bank Transfer, Gpay,

Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Maybe

1000 - 2000

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know

In my experience as a client,
she has affirmed her
Yes Maybe boundaries and let me uphold
my own - never judging or
pushing. SheYes
seems aware of
how she impacts a client and
Yes Yes works in a way that doesn't
harm them.

She maintains boundaries and Very logical, professional, warm and

confidentiality and has never said or does not over charge per session. Also
done anything that personally seemed session stretches over an hour and she
prejudiced or made me feel unsafe doesnt overcharge for it.


Yes I don't know





Yes I don't know


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above


Yes Yes

Yes Yes


Yes I don't know

Yes Yes



Yes Yes

Yes Yes

It has been a healing

experience. Her support as a
therapist is consistent and
rigorous, trying to meet you
where you are at all times,
creating a safe space for you
She’s worked extensively with CSA As my experience has been good with to lean into and suggesting
survivors including some people I them, I would definitely recommend tangible grounding tools that
know them to someone in need. work for you. I would not
hesitate to recommend her to
anyone, especially those
looking for support in trauma
She was patient empathetic and
compassionate, offering tentative
interpretation and never forcing her
views on me. She’s been extremely Its been a few months, I am doing
supportive of me through major events much better. And I am getting better
of my life and through several deeply with each session.
painful personal revelations and truly
embodies a safe and nonjudgmental
Aradhna Agarwal Aakanksha Kanojia
What is their age range? 20-29 20-29
Which gender do they
What is identify
the title with?
of the mental Female Female
health professional that you Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Which city/town do they
are recommending?
practice in?are they Raipur Raipur
Which language(s)
Hindi English English and Hindi
What conversant in?
are their professional
qualifications? Nil
What is their contact
number? 9716765236
Whatisistheir email address?
the address of the Nil A-21, Flower Valley, Raipur,
clinic/ hospital/ organization Wednesday, NilThursday, Chhattisgarh
What where
are they practice?
their office hours? Friday, Saturday 5pm-10pm
On which days of the week do Wednesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday,
they practice? (choose as Friday, Saturday Friday, Saturday, Sunday
many are their asfees for one
session/consultation? 1000 - 1250 1000-2000
For how long does one session
last with them?(choose 1Over
hour 50 -to
Face 60face,
they provide services?
How do you
an many know this
options as videoconference/skype
I have personally videoconference/skype
Someone I know has been to
professional? (choose
does this professional as many consulted them who identifythem
predominantly as applicable)
work with? AdultsParenting Corporate professionals
What are the issues that they Related Issues, Career Related Issues,
(choose as many
work with? (choose as many options as Concerns Parenting Concerns
optionsare aasstandard
applicable) and
If scientific
yes, whatmethod follows used
afterto the I don't know Yesmental health
and other allied
assessment? (choose as many I don't know professionals)
they affiliated with any
as applicable)
other I don't know Yes
If yes,organization(s)
please specify the as well?
of theoffice
organization. HOPEALIVE
Is their private, safe
empathetic and safe
and accessible? Yes Yes
What forms of payment do for Yes Yes
clients/patients to share
they accept? (choose as many Internet Bank Transfer Cash, Internet Bank Transfer
not be ableastoapplicable)
options afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is whenIIdon't
pay her at Yes
If yes, how much?
Is the office of the mental the time of session,
their professional
office disability- I don't know Yes
wheelchair accessible?
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms children,
and reading individuals
Will they make
belonging individuals
to lower socio- Yes Yes
who identify as LGBTQIA+
informational materials in I don't know Yes
feel welcomed?
their office/clinic that indicate I don't know Yes
that theysexareand sexual
Do you think
problems without theinhibition,
mental Yes Yes
health professional has an Yes safe and
feel feel very Yes
answers that allow a very
If yes, ethical
could you please tell us
your involved
for saying so? calm. comprehensive understanding.
client/patient of the safety and Yes Yes
confidentiality of the Yes Yes
information about that isbreaking
confidentiality in case Yes Yes
when working withthey
individuals Yes Yes
only suggestwho have suffered
assessments that
are needed Yes Yes
give advice to
or facilitate better
be prescriptive
Do you think theyinengage
or sermonize their in Yes Yes
many options
respect a as None of the above None of the above
client/patient’s right to not Yes Yes
seek treatment?
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent I don't know Yes
the client/patient
mental with sources
health professionals
health professional
of legal values the
help/socio-legal Maybe I don't know
Will they take the time to Yes Yes
explain the when
diagnosis to in
the Yes Yes
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes Yes
setting goalsclaim tothe
with work
crisis situation (forin
clients/patients example,
a crisis Yes Yes
referring a friend to them lot ofYes
trust and recomend Yesit to my close
yes,iswhat makes
feeling you say
suicidal, or enthusiasm.
calm and empathetic and Also I have to confidence.
friends with make sure of
about yourso? experience of
Is there
going anything
to this that one
professional as a listens
Be openvery
trust the other factors.
expecting any worthwhile
should keep in mind while process impact.
going to this person?
Name Dr. Achal Bhagat
What is their age range? 50-59 50-59
Which gender do they
identify with?
Male Male

What is the title of the

mental health professional Psychiatrist Psychiatrist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

practice in?
New Delhi New Delhi
Which language(s) are they
conversant in?
Hindi English punjabi English and Hindi

What are their professional

MBBS , MRC Psych (Oxford)

What is their contact

9560065735 9818865735; 9560065735

What is their email address?

What is the address of the

clinic/ hospital/ organization A1/266 Safdarjung enclave Indraprastha Apollo, New Delhi
where they practice?

What are their office hours? Variable

On which days of the week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
do they practice? (choose as
many options as applicable) Thursday, Friday, Saturday

What are their fees for one

1500 rupees

For how long does one

session last with them?
15-20 mins

Through which mediums do

they provide services?
(choose an many options as
Face to face Face to face

How do you know this Someone I know has been to them, I

I have personally consulted them, I've
professional? (choose as have personally consulted them, I've
many options as applicable) worked/trained with them
worked/trained with them

Which of the following Children, Adolescents and young Children, Adolescents and young
groups does this professional people, Adults, Couples, Families, people, Adults, Couples, Families,
predominantly work with? Older adults, Individuals who identify Older adults, Individuals who identify
(choose as many options as as LGBTQIA+, Corporate as LGBTQIA+, Corporate
applicable) professionals professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties), Violence against women,
Sexuality and gender orientation
What are the issues that they Violence against women, Mental related issues, Sexual and
work with? (choose as many Illness, Relationship Concerns, reproductive health related concerns,
options as applicable) Parenting Concerns Substance and habitual addictions,
Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental
Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-
life Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific Yes Yes
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to

If yes, what follows after the
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
assessment? (choose as many
options as applicable) and other allied mental health
Are they affiliated with any
other organization(s) as Yes Yes

If yes, please specify the

name of the organization.
Apollo hospital , saarthak Saarthak Mental Health Services

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?
Yes Yes

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe
environment for Yes Yes
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

they accept? (choose as Cash Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit cards
many options as applicable)
Does the mental health
professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
Yes Maybe
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much?

Is the office of the mental

health professional Yes Yes
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make

people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
Yes Yes
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ Yes Yes
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that Yes Maybe
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?
Will they be open to talking
about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
Yes Yes
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an Yes Yes
ethical practice?

If yes, could you please tell

He treats people with empathy,
us your reasons for saying Yes
so? respect and genuine concern.

Does the mental health

professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, Yes Yes
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure

the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
Yes Yes
have to do so?
Will they be careful to not
engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
Yes Yes
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
Yes Yes
better treatment/therapy?

Will they be careful to not

give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
Yes Yes
their approach?

Do you think they engage in

Interactions in various professional
(choose as many options as None of the above
applicable) capacities with their clients

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not Yes Yes
seek treatment?

Will the mental health

professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Yes Yes
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- Yes Yes
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's Yes Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
No Yes
crisis situation?

Would you be comfortable

in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

If yes, what makes you say I have myself sought treatment from
so? him

Would you like to tell us a

bit about your experience of
going to this professional as
a patient/client?

You will not be judged at all. This

Is there anything that one
will be the most honest and
should keep in mind while
going to this person? comfortable conversation that you will
have with your doctor.
Navya Dev
20-29 20-29

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Delhi n Greater Noida Greater Noida, UP

Hindi n English English, Hindi

Masters in psychology. Masters in psychology

Amrapali Hospital Greater Noida Amrapali Hospital, Greater Noida

6.30pm- 8.30pm 05 PM to 9 PM

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday

700 Rs Rs 500 to Rs1000

One Hour One to two hrs

Face to face, Through the telephone,

Face to face, Over chat, Over Through emails, Over chat, Over
videoconference/skype videoconference/skype, Through
home visits
Heard of them through word of
mouth, Someone I know has been to
Someone I know has been to them
them, I have personally consulted
them, Advertisements

Children, Adolescents and young Children, Adolescents and young

people, Adults, Corporate people, Adults, Couples, Families,
professionals Older adults, Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties), Violence against women,
Special needs (Children with physical. Sexuality and gender orientation
emotional, behavioural and learning related issues, Sexual and
difficulties), Substance and habitual reproductive health related concerns,
addictions, Mental Illness, Parenting Substance and habitual addictions,
Concerns Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental
Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-
life Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

Maybe Maybe

Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to

another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Therapy
and other allied mental health

No Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Pay Tm Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Maybe


Yes Yes

May be, not very sure. Can't say

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

No Yes
Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

She is very disciplined in her practice,

takes care of tge confidentiality of her
client. She told me that whatever i am
Patient information is confidentially
sharing will be between us, also she
maintains her distance. She doesnt go
beyond a professional relationship
with jer client.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Maybe Yes

She has a good uptake and can handle

crisis situation efficiently

She was very patient in listening to

my querries related to my child with
autism. Whenever i had any doubts
about the therapy plan or progress she
would calm me down and give me Extremely professional and
reasons of why something is comfortable
happeneing through scientifically. I
always came out with contentment,
she handled my anxieties as well as
helped my child better.

Just pour out..she is all ears

Alok Sarin Dr Jyoti Kapoor
50-59 30-39

Male Female

psychiatrist Psychiatrist

Delhi Gurgaon

English, Hindi English

Mbbs/DPMS psychiatry

011 4211 1111 99908 18967

Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science

and Research

10-5 6-8 pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday Thursday, Friday

2000 1700

Variable according to consultation 45

Face to face, Through the telephone,

Face to face Over videoconference/skype, Through
home visits

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young people,

Adults, Corporate professionals
Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental
Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-
Mental Illness
life Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

I don't know Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to

another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
Treatment plan
and other allied mental health

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit cards,

Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Transfer
Internet Bank Transfer
Yes I don't know

20-30% discount

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Maybe

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

He always answers all my questions

adequately, he is very compassionate,
listens carefully, and has never over
Personal experience
medicated me. He has always been
attentive to all my concerns and
addressed them properly.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

I personally went to him in a crisis

and he helped me greatly with the Personal experience
diagnosis and medication.

It's been a life changing journey

It takes about two to three weeks to

land an appointment, so I suggest Be open and expressive
booking a slot well in advance.
Sukhmani pal Shivani Agarwal
20-29 30-39

Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Psychiatrist

Delhi/NCR New Delhi

English, Hindi, Punjabi English, Hindi

Masters in clinical psychology MBBS, MRCPsyxh

9999904500 98188 46698

Vimhans Hospital, Nehru Nagar, New

The mind tree, CR Park, New Delhi.

9AM to 4PM

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday

Rs. 800

One-one and a half hours 10 min

Face to face, Over

Face to face

Heard of them through word of mouth I have personally consulted them

Children, Adolescents and young

Children, Adolescents and young
people, Couples, Individuals who
people, Adults, Older adults
identify as LGBTQIA+
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties), Sexuality and gender
Mental Illness
orientation related issues, Child
Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness, Work-
life Concerns, Parenting Concerns


Treatment plan, Referral to another

professional (e.g. psychiatrist and
other allied mental health


Royal College of Psychiatrists





Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I have worked with her and she has

always helped in the most positive of
ways. I mistakenly paid her twice for
a session and she immediately
refunded it.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know


Yes Yes

Yes Yes



Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She's very calm and composed and I myself was in a critical situation and
receptive. Doesn't panic in important she was very proactive and admitted
situations. Which is why I'd me quickly and proceeded with
recommend her. treatment.

I was a patient with her for 2 years

before shifting out of the city. During
this while I improved massively
thanks to her treatment among other
things. She's a patient and sensible
doctor and everything she said always
tallied with my personal experiences.
I'm very glad I found her.

Nothing much. Just be free and know

that she's here to help.
Ms. Rashi Kapoor Rani Dandekar Bhatia
20-29 50-59

Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Psychiatrist

Delhi New Delhi

English, Hindi English, Hindi


98102 13341 9873353305

Sant Parmanand Hospital, Civil lines,

Fortis escorts, okhla
New Delhi

Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

1000 1000

50 minutes 30 minutes

Face to face, Over

Face to face

Heard of them through word of

Someone I know has been to them, I mouth, Someone I know has been to
have personally consulted them them, I have personally consulted

Adolescents and young people,

Adolescents and young people, Adults
Adults, Older adults
Mental Illness, Relationship
Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Mental Illness
Academic and Career Related Issues

I don't know I don't know

I don't know Maybe

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Cash Cash
I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes I don't know

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She is non-judgemental, empathetic,

yet honest. She creates a safe space
and accommodates to the client's
needs. But she does not enable the
client while doing so, she has never I have been seeing her for four years
compromised the rules of the hospital, now. A family member has seen her
ethics of psychotherapy or the for more than that. She has maintained
personal space of the client. She absolute discretion between any
maintains a strict professional information we may have shared.
relationship, refusing to connect
through even WhatsApp. I would
never have to hesitate to recommend

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Maybe

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes
I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She is available in emergencies. She

She helped me through it, I speak
informed me that I should contact her
from personal experience.
pronto if such I am in a crisis.

It was one of the best decisions I had

made in a long time. it was scary in
the beginning, I didn't know what to
expect or how the therapist-client
relationship works. But I grew out of
that. Now the portrayal of therapy in
the mass media and movies angers
me. It's far from reality and gives the
wrong picture to the people.

Just try to remember that you're in

safe halnds, respect the timings and
the appointments, and don't worry.
Ankita Khanna
30-39 20-29

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Delhi New Delhi

Hindi English Hindi, English

MA Psychology

011-46084843 9810023581

[email protected]

Children First, Safdarjung Enclave Children First


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday

1800 1000

50 minutes One hour

Face to face Face to face

Heard of them through word of

I have personally consulted them mouth, Someone I know has been to
them, I've worked/trained with them

Children, Adolescents and young

Children, Adolescents and young
people, Adults, Individuals who
identify as LGBTQIA+
Special needs (Children with physical.
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties), Mental Illness,
difficulties), Mental Illness,
Relationship Concerns, Academic and
Relationship Concerns
Career Related Issues

Maybe Yes

Treatment plan, None of the above

I don't know (nothing was done after the

I don't know

Not wheelchair accessible Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit cards

No I don't know

No No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Constant introspection about their

processes with other colleagues.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Interactions in various professional

Social interactions outside office
capacities with their clients

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Their empathy and ability to

understand urgency

Dr. Sneh Kapoor Shilpi Banerjee
30-39 30-39

Female Woman

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist

New Delhi Gurgaon

English, Hindi English Hindi

PhD- Clinical Psychology

9818280842 9650954146

[email protected] [email protected]

Independent Practitioner Batra Hospital

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Face to face Face to face, Through the telephone

Heard of them through word of

I've worked/trained with them mouth, Someone I know has been to

Adolescents and young people,

Adults, Individuals who identify as
Adults, Families, Corporate
LGBTQIA+, Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties), Mental Illness, Sexuality and gender orientation
Relationship Concerns, Work-life related issues, Mental Illness
Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

Yes I don't know

Diagnosis, Treatment plan I don't know

No Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

No Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maintains patient confidentiality

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Maybe Yes
Anshuma Kshetrapal Dr. Vikas Jain
20-29 40-49

Female Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist

New Delhi / bangalore Delhi

English / Hindi English, Hindi


9312503668 919711303500

[email protected]

E-2, Kalkaji, New Delhi Perfect mind clinic, West Patel Nagar

11 to 7

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday


1 hour

Face to face, Over Face to face, Through the telephone,

videoconference/skype Through home visits

Heard of them through word of

Someone I know has been to them,
mouth, Someone I know has been to
I've worked/trained with them
them, I've worked/trained with them

Children, Adolescents and young

Adults, Couples, Individuals who people, Adults, Couples, Families,
identify as LGBTQIA+ Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+, Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties), Violence against women,
Sexuality and gender orientation
Violence against women, Trauma, related issues, Sexual and
Relationship Concerns, Work-life reproductive health related concerns,
Concerns, Parenting Concerns Substance and habitual addictions,
Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental
Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-
life Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

I don't know Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to

another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
I don't know
and other allied mental health

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer Cash

Yes Yes


No No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes
I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

She takes supervision, serious about

her ethics, time boundaries and such

Yes No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes



None of the above


Yes Yes

I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

My friend was a victim of domestic

violence and kept going back to that
partner but making her aware of her
repetitive needs and wants helped her
break that cycle

I have worked with her on a project

Aditi Kumar Pallav Bonerjee
20-29 30-39

Female Male

Art therapist Clinical Psychologist

Delhi New Delhi

English, hindi English, Hindi, Bengali

M. A. In Counseling Psychology,
M.Phil Clinical Psychology
specialisation in art therapy

8527569008 9582915036

[email protected] [email protected]

A 205, sujjan vihar, Gurgaon Vimhans Hospital, New Delhi

12-6 10 am to 4 pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday Thursday, Friday, Saturday

600 1000

45 minutes 45 mins

Face to face, Through emails, Art and Face to face, Over

movement videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

mouth, I have personally consulted

Children, Adults, Couples, Corporate Adolescents and young people,

professionals Adults, Older adults
Violence against women, Sexuality
Sexuality and gender orientation
and gender orientation related issues,
related issues, Substance and habitual
Sexual and reproductive health related
addictions, Mental Illness, Work-life
concerns, Trauma, Relationship
Concerns, Academic and Career
Concerns, Work-life Concerns,
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns
Parenting Concerns

No Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to

another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
and other allied mental health
professionals), Rehabilitation Training

Yes Yes

Sambodhi Research Institute Rehabilitation Council of India

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit cards, Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Internet

Internet Bank Transfer Bank Transfer
Yes No

15-20 percent concession

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maintain boundaries while provided a

safe space of communication and

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Maybe No

Yes Yes

The calm ness of her approach in

handling situation

I red is covered myself through my

own eyes. That was the most
important part of my journey

She is open to diverse techniques and

they might seem unconventional but
extremely effective
Manavi Khurana Urvashi Agarwal
30-39 20-29

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

New Delhi Delhi

Hindi & English English/Hindi

Master in Applied Psychology (New

M.Phil, Ambedkar University
York University)

[email protected]
[email protected]

F7/7, First Floor, Vasant Vihar, New

Panchsheel Enclave

Available on Practo/Works all 7

Don't know
days/by appointment only

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Thursday, Friday

1200 1500

45mins-1hour 45 mins

Face to face, Over

Face to face, Through the telephone

Someone I know has been to them I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young people, Children, Adolescents and young

Adults, Couples, Families, Individuals people, Adults, Couples, Families,
who identify as LGBTQIA+, Individuals who identify as
Corporate professionals LGBTQIA+
Violence against women, Sexuality
and gender orientation related issues, Trauma, Relationship Concerns,
Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness, Work-life Concerns, Academic and
Relationship Concerns, Work-life Career Related Issues
Concerns, Parenting Concerns

Maybe I don't know

Referral to another professional (e.g.

psychiatrist and other allied mental
health professionals)

Yes Yes

Association of Indian Psychologists Psychotherapist Collective

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Internet

Cash, Cheque
Bank Transfer, Paytm
Yes Maybe

Decided after the first session

Yes No

Don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes No
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

This Psychologist is professional, well

She is genuine, non-judgemental and
read and makes the client feel very
honest. Encourages open
comfortable, addresses all issues and
communication about what is working
concerns patiently without
in therapy and what isn't.

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Maybe

No I don't know

Yes Yes

I have found Urvashi to be very

She has worked with clients i know
empathetic and trust in her ability to
and they gained from the sessions
handle a crisis situation, even though I
haveInot beengoing
started to hertoinUrvashi
a crisis for
depression and anxiety a few months
ago, and while I was apprehensive
about why I was there when I started,
I now find myself looking forward to
She is a good therapist, ethical and our weekly meetings. She is very non-
knows the subject in theory and judgemental and gives you the space
application to talk and explore your feelings. At
the same time, she also gives you time
to get comfortable with her a open up
gradually. BeingCollective
Psychotherapy in therapywaswithstarted
her is
benefitting me, and I am grateful
by a group of 5 young friends a little for
over a year ago. They operate out of a
She is part of an organisation of
basement in Panchsheel Enclave. The
Mental health professionals.
space is comfortable and safe, but
don't expect anything fancy. It works
well for me.
Amala Ramesh Anu Goel
20-29 40-49

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Delhi Delhi

English/ Hindi Hindi , English

MSC PSYCHOLOGY M.a. Counselling psychology

9916959879 9313320146

[email protected] [email protected]

Neuro psychiatric clinic, cp, Sunderlal

Safdarjung enclave
jain hospital, Parmanand hospital.

10:30 am to 9:00 pm 9 am to 6 pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday

5000 1500

1 hr 30mins 45 minutes

Face to face, Through the telephone,

Through the telephone, Through
Through emails, Over chat, Over
emails, Over videoconference/skype,
videoconference/skype, Through
Through home visits
home visits
Heard of them through word of Heard of them through word of
mouth, Someone I know has been to mouth, Someone I know has been to
them, I have personally consulted them, I have personally consulted
them them
Children, Adolescents and young
people, Adults, Couples, Families, Children, Adolescents and young
Older adults, Individuals who identify people, Adults, Couples, Families,
as LGBTQIA+, Corporate Older adults
Special needs (Children with physical.
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties), Violence against women,
difficulties), Violence against women,
Sexuality and gender orientation
Sexuality and gender orientation
related issues, Sexual and
related issues, Sexual and
reproductive health related concerns,
reproductive health related concerns,
Substance and habitual addictions,
Substance and habitual addictions,
Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental
Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental
Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-
Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-
life Concerns, Academic and Career
life Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns,
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns
Integrated healing

Yes Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to

another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
Treatment plan
and other allied mental health

Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit cards,

Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Transfer
Internet Bank Transfer
I don't know I don't know

available on request Maybe

Yes I don't know

Yes I don't know

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Liscienced practices, confidentiality

agreements are there, they have strict
code of conduct for therapists , they
have a legitimate clinic

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

I have gone to so many but these are

my true healers. i will highly
They are so approachable
recommend and genuine
only these therapists
because they are really very say
in their work they honestly good what
can and cannot happen,
very versatile, issuses I know they very
have resolves andforproficient therapists
my relatives and
who delivered results.
friends for my special child's BT,
family therapy, quitting smoking,
domestic violence, anxiety, stress and
even my son went because he was
gay. They use main psychotherapy
such as BT, Rebt, CBT, NLP, EMDR,
counselling, vocational guidance,crisis
Your good time EFT,
willcrystal healing,
start from your
reiki and hypnotherapy and
first session only. These 2 therapists most
told me theirthey aimexplain to therapists
is that as the client
put their best efforts so that the doing
everything about why they are client
what they recommend
is empowers even
to live their liferefer to
to the
fullest and doesn't need them for ato
therapists. I even got options
long time.fromThey
are sotherapies
open-minded I feel
comfortable with. whoever
and mom judgemental and their I know
who went has
treatment to them
shown areresults.
in a much better
I promise
place. They restored my faith
you if you take it up to face your in
mental health and happiness
problems the solutions they offer in life
work wonders.
Ritika Arora Dr. Chandan Gupta
30-39 60-69

Female Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist

New Delhi Delhi

Hindi, English English, Hindi, Bengali

Masters in Clinical Psychology,

MD Psychiatry
M.Phil in Psychotherapy

9870000000 9818277233

The Psychotherapist Collective Nehru Place, South Delhi

Morning: 10 am - 1 pm Evening 4
pm- 8 pm


1500 Varies between 1000-1500

45 mins 1 hour

Face to face Face to face

Heard of them through word of

mouth, I have personally consulted I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young people,

Adolescents and young
Adults, Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+, Corporate professionals
Violence against women, Sexuality
and gender orientation related issues, Sexuality and gender orientation
Sexual and reproductive health related related issues;Sexual and reproductive
concerns, Substance and habitual health related concerns;Child Sexual
addictions, Trauma, Mental Illness, Abuse;Relationship
Relationship Concerns, Work-life Concerns;Academic and Career
Concerns, Academic and Career Related Issues;Parenting Concerns
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

I don't know I don't know

I don't know

I don't know Maybe

Private, safe, and comfortable. Not

wheelchair accessible.

Yes Yes

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Cheque

Yes Yes

1200 They negotiate on case to case basis. Concession of Rs.250 - 500 is possible.

No Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes I think so

No because he primarily practices

psychoanalytical therapy
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Because I went to them in a very dark time and they helped me tremendously.

I have gone to him for over a month of intensive therapy. I was in a really
dark place and he helped me overcome depression and sexuality related
issues. He also helped me absolve of the guilt I experienced as a survivor of
I've had a great experience. Have
sexual abuse and extreme marital discord between my parents. I have
experienced slowly improving better
consulted with him over the course of previous 2-3 years as and when needed
mental health as a result of going to
and he has always been available for the same. He is especially good with
relationship issues. He helped me battle my nightmares which considerably
reduced and their content also changed with the help of hypnotherapy and

He is a psychoanalytical psychotherapist who is also a psychiatrist. He also

uses hypnotherapy which has proven extremely beneficial in my case.
Ms. Sudipta Majumdar Dr. Alok Sarin
20-29 50-59

Female Male

Clinical Psychologist Psychiatrist

Delhi Delhi

English,Hindi,Bengali English, Hindi

MPhil Clinical Psychology MD Psychiatry, AIIMS

8800752720 011 4211 1111

[email protected]

Fortis escorts, Okhla and Fortis, Sitaram Bhartia Institute for Science
Faridabad and Research

10-5pm 9 am to 1 pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
y;Saturday;Sunday y;Friday

600 Rs. 2000

1 hour As long as the patient wants to talk.

Face to face Face to face;Through emails

Someone I know has been to them;I

I have personally consulted them
have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young Children;Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older people;Adults;Older adults;Corporate
adults professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against
women;Substance and habitual
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual Mental Illness
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

Yes I don't know

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
Diagnosis;Treatment plan
and other allied mental health

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards Cash;Credit/Debit cards

Maybe Yes

case basis. Concession of Rs.250 - 500 is possible. Depends on patient. Usually up to 40% concession.

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

He is a staunch believer in patient

confidentiality, and has refused to
divulge the state of my condition to
my parents without my permission on
numerous occasions.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

He recommended websites I could

Yes refer to to understand my diagnosis
better as well.
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I recommended that a friend of mine

a very dark time and they helped me tremendously. see him after her suicide attempt, and
she says it helped her immensely.

ver a month of intensive therapy. I was in a really

d me overcome depression and sexuality related
absolve of the guilt I experienced as a survivor of
me marital discord between my parents. I have He is incredibly kind and understanding, patiently listens to doubts and
he course of previous 2-3 years as and when needed explains everything in detail, formulates medication plans taking inputs from
available for the same. He is especially good with the patient.
lped me battle my nightmares which considerably
t also changed with the help of hypnotherapy and

psychotherapist who is also a psychiatrist. He also Make a list of all your questions! He
ich has proven extremely beneficial in my case. really appreciates that.
Shreya varma Shevantika Nanda
30-39 20-29

Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Delhi NCR Delhi/Gurgaon

English, hindi Hindi/English

MA Psychology, University of Delhi;
MPhil Clinical Psychology, MA
MA Psychology University of St
Andrews, Scotland.
9999746949 9958983778

[email protected] [email protected]

Sree Krishna Medical & Research

Centre, Pocket 3, Mayur Vihar, Phase
606 A, Block B, Sushant Lok I,
1, New Delhi 110091
Gurgaon, Haryana - 122009
9 am to 1 pm 10AM-7PM

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
y;Friday y;Friday


45 minutes 50 minutes

Face to face;Over Face to face;Over

videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young

Adults, older adults, Individuals who
identify as LGBTQIA+, and corporate
adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
violence against women, sexuality and
Special needs (Children with physical. gender orientation related issues,
emotional, behavioural and learning sexual and reproductive health related
difficulties);Sexuality and gender concerns, trauma, mental illness,
orientation related relationship concerns, work-life
issues;Trauma;Child Sexual Concerns, academic and career related
Abuse;Mental Illness;Work-life issues, parenting concerns, and adult
Concerns neuropsychological condtions such as

Yes No

Treatment plan;Referral to another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other allied mental health professionals)

Yes No

Symbiosis, sree krishna

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank

Transfer Transfer;Paytm
I don't know Yes

patient. Usually up to 40% concession. Depends on what the client can afford

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I have confidence in our conversations She follows all ethical standards - maintaining client confidentiality, has
not being used against me in any way weekly supervision hours.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I was able to overcome my stress and

anxiety with her help.
She is empathetic, She was always
compassionate and
empathetic. On going
considerate. The environmentto her, enables
I was
She seems to comfort and allows you sure that it was not the money she was
one to be at ease and feel safe to
to think a little more after which
express theirI views
have often seenfeeling
without is the
case with otherjudged.
therapists, who make
it seem like there is no end to the
number of sessions. She ensured that
my sessions with her would make me
self-sufficient and would only require
nd understanding, patiently listens to doubts and me to return to her as and when I
ail, formulates medication plans taking inputs from needed after I had finished my
the patient. specific number of weekly sessions
till both she and I were sure that I had
made enough progress. We co-created
a therapy plan as well as a goals list. I
was able to achieve most of my goals
through the tips and tricks she
Long going procedure. Takes time and introduced to me to make my life
patience on both sides. easier. I am a much more confident
person today and I know I can always
go back for a free of judgment session
as and when I need it.
Dr Maneesh gupta Dr Rajat Thukral
40-49 30-39

Male Female

Psychiatrist Psychologist

Delhi New Delhi

Hindi english English,Hindi


828 708 8934, 858 797 0897 9873693227

[email protected]

DDA MARKET SEC 17 Dwarka new

Private Practise at GK-I , Delhi

10 AM TO 5 pm 10:30 AM to 1830

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Sa
y;Friday;Saturday turday;Sunday

1000 Rs 1500

30 1 hour

Face to face;Through the telephone Face to face;Through the telephone;Over chat

Internet I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young

Children;Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Couples;Families;Individuals who
identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical. emotional,
behavioural and learning difficulties);Violence
Special needs (Children with physical.
against women;Sexuality and gender orientation
emotional, behavioural and learning
related issues;Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship
difficulties);Mental Illness
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic and
Career Related Issues

I don't know Yes

ist and other allied mental health professionals) Diagnosis;Treatment plan

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards Cash;Credit/Debit cards;e wallet

No I don't know

No Yes


I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

No Yes
I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

tandards - maintaining client confidentiality, has No breach of trust and absolute transparency in all
weekly supervision hours. communication

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

Maybe Yes

Maybe Yes

I don't know None of the above

Maybe Yes

Maybe Yes

Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

The doctor is able to address problems

She is helping in my crisis situation

Rajat is very patient and understands my issues

and she is helping me deal with the issues at the
Excellent as patient same time mindful of my comfort level. She is
extremely honest about her feedback and that is
helping me a lot,

No No need
Sadhana Vohra Dr. Kavita Arora
50-59 40-49

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist

New Delhi New Delhi

English, Hindi English, Hindi


011 26021324 1146084842

Independent practice Children First

Mon- Sat, 10-6


3000 2500

1 hour 30 min/60 min

Face to face;Over
Face to face

I have personally consulted them I've worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young

Adults;Couples;Individuals who
people;Individuals who identify as
identify as LGBTQIA+
Special needs (Children with physical.
Violence against women;Sexuality emotional, behavioural and learning
and gender orientation related difficulties);Sexuality and gender
issues;Trauma;Child Sexual orientation related issues;Substance
Abuse;Relationship Concerns;Work- and habitual addictions;Trauma;Child
life Concerns Sexual Abuse;Mental
Illness;Parenting Concerns

No No

I don't know No

Private and safe but not wheelchair


Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer
cards;Internet Bank Transfer
I don't know Yes

No No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No No
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Follows strict boundaries of

professionalism and confidentiality.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

I've been to her in many crisis Highly responsive to risk and crisis,
situations and always felt much more able to come up with a resourceful,
in control and able to move forward supportive yet ethical plan of
afterwards management

Sadhana has been a really powerful

part of my navigating abuse and
rebuilding a sense of self, and she had
done so with deep respect for my
boundaries and always in a
compassionate, collaborative way. No
subject had ever felt off limits with
Bhavna Kumar Dr. Shruti Kalra
30-39 40-49

Female Female

Counselling Psychologist/Therapist Clinical Psychologist

New Delhi New Delhi

English, Hindi English, Hindi

M.phil and PhD.in clinical psychology

MSc. Psychological Counselling

8285989900 9810567479

[email protected] [email protected]
Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health
and Neurosciences (VIMHANS,
Not practicing with any clinic or
Primamed) Hospital, No.1
Institutaional Area, Nehru Nagar,
New Delhi - 110065
as per convenience 9 am - 6 pm


INR 2000 1000

1 hour to 1hour 15mins 50 - 60 min.

Face to face;Through the

Face to face
videoconference/skype;Through home

Someone I know has been to them;I

I personally know her have personally consulted them;I've
worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Corporate Adults;Couples;Families
Special needs (Children with physical. Violence against women;Sexuality
emotional, behavioural and learning and gender orientation related
difficulties);Sexuality and gender issues;Sexual and reproductive health
orientation related issues;Sexual and related concerns;Substance and
reproductive health related habitual addictions;Trauma;Child
concerns;Trauma;Child Sexual Sexual Abuse;Mental
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
Concerns life Concerns;Parenting Concerns

Maybe Yes

Diagnosis;Referral to another
professional (e.g. psychiatrist and
Treatment plan
other allied mental health

Yes I don't know

Agrasar, working with young people from economically weaker section of society

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Credit/Debit cards

Yes I don't know

Depending on what the clients can


No I don't know

Not disability friendly at this point of

time but working on finding one

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Having trained under her, she always

maintains confidentiality, is non followed protocol and her course of
judgemental action was always well thought out
and considered.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Her counselling skills have been

appreciated greatly by her clients, she She has always taken a well thought
is gentle and patient. He clients have out course of action, is empathetic and
referred their family members to her comforting. If required, she may
and they have refused to see anyone advise hospitalization/admission.
else but her

Very comforting and empathetic. I

rained under her and found her to be
an excellent mentor.

This counselor is young and is just

She may not be able to receive calls if
starting off but very professional and
in sessions, Please text/SMS her and
has the human qualities of kindness
she will respond when she has the
and gentleness along with the
firmness needed
Dr Mehak Nagpal Ipsa James
30-39 20-29

Female Female

Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

New Delhi New Delhi

English, Hindi English and Hindi

MD MA in Clinical Psychology

9560822951 9811664760, 7982449464

[email protected] [email protected]


Talwar Medical Centre M-139 G.K.-2

4-7pm 10.30 - 5



50 - 60 min. 45 minutes

Face to face;Through the Face to face;Through the

telephone;Over chat;Over telephone;Over
videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Older people;Adults;Couples;Individuals
adults;Corporate professionals who identify as LGBTQIA+
Sexuality and gender orientation
related issues;Sexual and reproductive Sexuality and gender orientation
health related concerns;Substance and related issues;Mental
habitual addictions;Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work- life Concerns
life Concerns;Parenting Concerns

Yes Maybe

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
and other allied mental health

I don't know Yes

Karma Center for Counselling &

omically weaker section of society

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Paytm
I don't know Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

No Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She did not do anything unethical at They took informed consent from me
all infact explains everything in great and told me about their therapeutic
detail. inclinations

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

None of the above None of the above

Maybe Yes

Maybe Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe

Yes Maybe

She said to reach out to her if things

get difficult and she is very

It was great. I was feeling depressed.

It was good I'm glad I finally took the
The therapist was really nice and
step and got help
within 6 month.

Waiting time book an appointment before hand

Ipsa James
20-29 20-29

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

New Delhi New Delhi

English and Hindi English and Hindi

MA in Clinical Psychology MA in Clinical Psychology

9811664760, 7982449464 9811664760, 7982449464

[email protected]



10.30 - 5 10.30 - 5

Monday;Thursday;Friday;Saturday;Su Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,

nday Sunday

1100 1100

45 minutes 45 minutes

Face to face;Through the

Face to face, Through the telephone,
Over videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young Adolescents and young people,

people;Adults;Couples;Individuals Adults, Couples, Individuals who
who identify as LGBTQIA+ identify as LGBTQIA+
Sexuality and gender orientation Sexuality and gender orientation
related issues;Mental related issues, Mental Illness,
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work- Relationship Concerns, Work-life
life Concerns Concerns

Maybe Maybe

Yes Yes

Karma Center for Counselling & Karma Center for Counselling &
Wellbeing Wellbeing

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Paytm Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Paytm

Yes Yes

500 500

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

They took informed consent from me They took informed consent from me
and told me about their therapeutic and told me about their therapeutic
inclinations inclinations

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Maybe Maybe

Maybe Maybe

It was great. I was feeling depressed. It was great. I was feeling depressed.
The therapist was really nice and The therapist was really nice and
within 6 month. within 6 month.

book an appointment before hand book an appointment before hand

Ritika Arora Dr. Shwetank Bansal
30-39 30-39

Female Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist

New Delhi New Delhi

Hindi, English English, Hindi

MBBS, MD - Psychiatry, PDO
Masters in Clinical Psychology,
(Michigan), C-TMS (Harvard, USA),
M.Phil in Psychotherapy
CCBT (Pennsylvania, USA)
9871139151 9868042773

[email protected] [email protected]
Better Me Health Care
I-49, Main Balraj Khanna Marg,
Landmark: Opposite Axis Bank, Delhi
The Psychotherapist Collective
BLK Super Speciality Hospital
#5, Pusa Road., Landmark: Near
10:00 AMPalace
- 4:00Metro Station.,
PM, 5:00 PM -Delhi


1500 1200-1500

45 mins 25 - 45 minutes

Face to face;Through emails;Over

Face to face

Heard of them through word of

mouth;I have personally consulted I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Individuals who
people;Adults;Older adults;Corporate
identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
Violence against women;Sexuality
and gender orientation related
issues;Sexual and reproductive health
Substance and habitual
related concerns;Substance and
addictions;Mental Illness;Personality
habitual addictions;Trauma;Mental
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
life Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

I don't know Maybe

Treatment plan

I don't know Maybe

Private, safe, and comfortable. Not

wheelchair accessible.

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer
Yes I don't know


No I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

He's non-judgmental, empathetic, explains the treatment/diagnosis, listens

calmly, works with you according to your ability, ensures confidentiality.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes No

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know

Yes Maybe

Someone feeling suicidal yes

I've had a great experience. Have

experienced slowly improving better Dr Bansal helped save my life. I recommended many people to him who have also bene
mental health as a result of going to faced insouciant and apathetic attitude from "acclaimed" doctor. W

Having a clear objective and

Dr. Shobhana Mittal Swarnima Bhargava
30-39 30-39

Female Female

Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist

New Delhi New Delhi

English, Hindi English, Hindi

DPM, MBBS M.Phil in Clinical Psychology

9717402402 9711057003

[email protected] [email protected]


A 2/35 Safdarjung Enclave, New

9am to 7pm 9:30 a.m. to 5:30p.m.

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
y;Friday;Saturday;Sunday y;Friday;Saturday


45-60 mins 45 minutes to 1 hour

Face to face;Over
Face to face

Heard of them through word of

mouth;Someone I know has been to I've worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young Children;Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Individuals people;Adults;Couples;Families;Indiv
who identify as iduals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against
Special needs (Children with physical. women;Sexuality and gender
emotional, behavioural and learning orientation related issues;Sexual and
difficulties);Sexuality and gender reproductive health related
orientation related issues;Substance concerns;Substance and habitual
and habitual addictions;Child Sexual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

Yes Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
Diagnosis;Treatment plan and other allied mental health
No No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Credit/Debit Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

cards;Internet Bank Transfer Transfer
Yes Yes

Depends on the affordability of the client

Yes No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

One of the most ethical and

professional people out there.
Confidentiality and client welfare is a
mpathetic, explains the treatment/diagnosis, listens
top priority for her. She works very
according to your ability, ensures confidentiality.
closely with other members in the
treating team which helps the clients
grow holistically.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Someone feeling suicidal yes, I don't know if the doctor handles violence well.

life. I recommended many people to him who have also benefited. He treated me better than the reputed Doctors in Delhi where I
insouciant and apathetic attitude from "acclaimed" doctor. Who by the wey charges more than double the fee.

Having a clear objective and talking points really help before therapy sessions.
Dr Geeta Maheshwari Priyamvada Aggarwal
50-59 20-29

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

New Delhi New Delhi

English, Hindi English

MSc Counselling Studies from The
University o Edinburgh, Scotland,
9958600773 9811057643

[email protected] [email protected]

East of Kailash Private Practice

11 am onwards

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
y;Friday;Saturday y;Friday;Saturday

2000 INR

1.5 hours 1 hour

Face to face;Through the

Face to face
telephone;Through emails;Over chat

Heard of them through word of

I have personally consulted them mouth;I have personally consulted

Adults;Couples;Families Adolescents and young people;Adults

Violence against women;Sexuality
and gender orientation related Violence against women;Sexuality
issues;Substance and habitual and gender orientation related
addictions;Trauma;Mental issues;Trauma;Mental
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work- Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
life Concerns;Academic and Career life Concerns;Parenting Concerns
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

Maybe No

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to another professional (e.g. psychiatrist

and other allied mental health professionals);None of the above (nothing was
done after the assessment)

No Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash

Maybe Yes

Depends on the affordability of the client


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Interactions in various professional capacities with their clients

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes



he doctor handles violence well.

me better than the reputed Doctors in Delhi where I Warm empathetic approach, good
arges more than double the fee. listener, holistic focus, collaborative

lly help before therapy sessions.

Manavi Khurana Dr. Sheikh Basir
30-39 50-59

I have not asked them this question. Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist

New Delhi New Delhi

English, Hindi Hindi, English, Bengali, Oriya

DPM (Psychiatry)

9821477730 8383887084
Mind Piper Wellness Centre 411,
Gagan Vihar, New Delhi
[email protected]
Khadija National Hospital, Behind
F 7/7, First Floor, Vasant Vihar, New Golcha Cinema, Daryaganj, Central
Delhi-110057 Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi 110002

Advance Health Clinic, HR- 142/7,

Pulpahladpur, Landmark: Opp LIG
DDA Flats, Delhi
Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
y;Friday;Saturday y;Saturday;Sunday

1300-2000 1200

45 minutes to 1 hour 30-45 mins

Face to face Face to face;Through home visits

I have personally consulted them;I've

iCall helpine's excelsheet!
worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young

Adults;Couples;Individuals who
identify as LGBTQIA+
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship
difficulties);Substance and habitual
addictions;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues

Yes No

Diagnosis;Treatment plan

I don't know Yes

Mind Piper

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer
Yes Yes

The charges are Rs.1200 for regular clients. For those facing a financial
How much ever.
constraint, he charges a reduced fee at Rs 600.

Yes Yes

No clue.

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes No
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

They clarify in the first meeting itself

He really values that the client has access to complete information, and
about the professional relationship
makes it a point to communicate the same. He gives a lot of time to his
that will remain strictly so - even if
clients, where he does talk about confidentiality, about mental health, the side
the two meet in an informal
effects of medication. He also refers them to other mental health
environment, there is to be no
professionals and believes that psychiatry and psychotherapy are at par.
recognition. I think that's great.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

The level of comfort they've provided I feel he is very accessible in terms of responding to crisis calls and is very
me and helped my life become stable. flexible as a professional, where he can accommodate such referrals.

I think he is first doctor that has ever

given so much time to me, listening to
me, motivating me to discuss my
They've been extremely kind, caring, concerns. I like how he respects my
understanding and have helped me attitude towards my treatment and we
regain my lost confidence. I really like always discuss my treatment - it is a
them. two way process. His focus is also to
not induce habituation through his
medicines. Overall, I never felt the
apprehension about going to him.
sometimes he gets busy with clients,
No warnings at all. It will take time to so it always works better for me to fix
open up, that's it. an appointment first. His clinic at
Daryaganj can get a little crowded.
Dinika Anand Kritika Mehta
30-39 20-29

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

New Delhi New Delhi

English, Hindi Hindi, English, Punjabi

Masters in Psychology, Diploma in MSc Developmental Psychology, Arts

Counselling and Family therapy Based Therapy Practitioner

https://counseling-session.appointlet.com 9818597060

[email protected] [email protected]

A-292, Meera Bagh, Outer Ring

Greater Kailash
Road, Paschim Vihar

Flexible- by appointment only 11 am- 6 pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
y;Friday;Saturday;Sunday y;Friday;Saturday

1000-1500 1500

1 hour 45-60 mins

Face to face;Over
Face to face

Someone I know has been to them;I

I have personally consulted them
have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young Children;Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Older adults people;Families
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
Violence against women;Sexuality difficulties);Sexuality and gender
and gender orientation related orientation related issues;Sexual and
issues;Trauma;Child Sexual reproductive health related
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship concerns;Substance and habitual
Concerns;Work-life addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Concerns;Academic and Career Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

No No

No diagnosis. Focus on a foundation

of self construct, narratives, past
experiences, socio-cultural realities

No No

Arrangements can be made on the

ground floor for people with disability

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer
Yes Yes

0 for regular clients. For those facing a financial

Varies from each person
he charges a reduced fee at Rs 600.

I don't know No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No I don't know
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

e client has access to complete information, and

mmunicate the same. He gives a lot of time to his
about confidentiality, about mental health, the side Clear communication of boundaries
n. He also refers them to other mental health
ves that psychiatry and psychotherapy are at par.

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Social interactions outside office None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes
Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

e in terms of responding to crisis calls and is very

I have already referred a suicidal patient to them
nal, where he can accommodate such referrals.

It has been delightful because I got the

space I needed to heal and grow. I was
Very professional. Clear
very disillusioned with therapy
communication. No inhibitions about
because of my therapist before her,
difficult topics like sex and substance.
but now I have come a long way in
my mental health journey.

Try to communicate your concerns and feedback as promptly and openly as

possible. You will be given the space to.
Mrinmoyee Majumdar Shreya Varma
30-39 30-39

Woman Female

Arts-Based Therapy Practitioner Clinical Psychologist

New Delhi New Delhi

English, Hindi, Bengali, French English, Hindi

Arts-Based Therapy Practitioner MPhil Clinical Psychology

9585539481 9999746949

[email protected], [email protected]

Sree Krishna Medical and Research

Kathakaar Trust B-4/135 Safdarjang
Center, Pocket 3, Mayur Vihar Phase
Enclave New Delhi
1, New Delhi 110091

10 am - 6 pm


Rs 1000/hour 700

1 to 1.5 hours 45 minutes

Face to face Face to face

Heard of them through word of

mouth;I have personally consulted Heard of them through word of mouth

Adolescents and young Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Families;Corporate people;Adults;Individuals who
professionals;Mothers and Daughters identify as LGBTQIA+
Violence against women;Sexuality
and gender orientation related
Trauma;Relationship issues;Substance and habitual
Concerns;Parenting Concerns;Anxiety addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
and Stress, Emotional and Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Communication Needs, Self Care Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues

No Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
and other allied mental health

Yes I don't know

Happiness Studio (Dr. Bhavna Barmi)

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque Cash;Credit/Debit cards

Yes Maybe

Between 700-1000

No Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No I don't know
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She has always created a safe space

My friend was provided a safe, comfortable and confidential space to her
for me, maintained confidentiality and
exuded empathy.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe

Maybe Yes

dy referred a suicidal patient to them Because my friend felt helped by her

She has really helped me change my relationship with my body, working through trauma as well and awkwardness
with extreme care .

No, not particularly.

Dr Maneesh Gupta Yashodhra Arora
40-49 30-39

Male Female

Psychiatrist Counseling Psychologist and Career coach

New Delhi Chandigarh/New Delhi

English,Hindi English, Hindi and Punjabi

M.A Psychology and PG Diploma in Guidance

MD, Psy
and Counseling

9716661245 9805368877

[email protected] [email protected]

Muskurahat Clinic Dwarka Free Lancer and travel all over India

6-9 PM Monday to Friday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday

800 Rs. 3500 per session

Minimum 15 min One to one and an half hour

Face to face;Through the telephone;Through

Face to face
emails;Over chat;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of Heard of them through word of mouth;Someone

mouth;Someone I know has been to I know has been to them;I have personally
them;I have personally consulted them consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older Children;Adolescents and young
adults;Individuals who identify as people;Adults;Corporate professionals
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against Sexuality and gender orientation related
women;Substance and habitual issues;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
addictions;Trauma;Mental Concerns;Academic and Career Related Issues
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
life Concerns

I don't know Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Followed by one on

I don't know
one counseling session

Maybe Yes

avna Barmi) Nift, UNICEF

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Cash;Credit/Debit cards
Yes Yes

If the client cannot pay , some of the cases are

also done free or charged a minimum amount of
Rs. 1000
Yes Maybe

I am not sure

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

The Psychologist has worked with a wide array

a safe, comfortable and confidential space to her of people for more than 9 years and also has an
feelings international experience. People feel very
comfortable talking to her.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Maybe Yes

Maybe Yes

Maybe Yes

Interactions in various professional capacities

I don't know
with their clients

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Maybe

se my friend felt helped by her

I visited the counselor to clarify doubts about

my career choices, not only I was made aware
working through trauma as well and awkwardness of my strengths but there was also a focus to
e. better my weakness. I am a trained professional
now with a degree in product design and
successfully running my own company

She is a free lancer and travels wherever and

whenever needed. She is very responsive and
keeps in touch through phone calls or emails
constantly when my session was going on.
Ummang Sharma Bajpai Dr. Sonali Bali
20-29 30-39

Male Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist

Delhi Delhi

English, Hindi Hindi English


02104264984, 7428033263 29802980

[email protected]

IAMH, A-602 Noida Sector 19 UP VIMHANS, Delhi

8.00AM-8PM 9am to 5 pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
y;Friday;Saturday;Sunday y;Friday;Saturday

410- 1500/-

20-30 min

Face to face;Through the

telephone;Through emails;Over Face to face;Through home visits
chat;Over videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to them;I

have personally consulted them;I've I've worked/trained with them
worked/trained with them

Adults;Individuals who identify as Adults;Families;Older

LGBTQIA+ adults;Corporate professionals
Sexuality and gender orientation
Violence against women;Substance
related issues;Sexual and reproductive
and habitual
health related concerns;Substance and
habitual addictions;Trauma;Mental
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
life Concerns;Academic and Career
life Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

Yes Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
Diagnosis;Treatment plan
and other allied mental health

Yes Maybe

National Association of Psychological

science, BPS, APA, IAAP,
NPPA(India), NAOP(India)
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards
cards;Internet Bank Transfer
Yes Yes

upto 70%

No Yes

Braille forms and reading materials Not sure

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Worked with Dr. Bali for almost a

Impeccable privacy and
decade, also considering a positive
confidentiality policies are followed
patient and staff feedback

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

No Yes

Yes Yes

I have personally known individuals

and families referred under Dr. Bali,
Because I feel it will be dealt with
and always found her going out of the
confidentiality and in the best possible
way for every client. Even to the
extent of home visits despite busy
OPD hours.

I felt safe, like I was not judged. It

also made me unbottled, like I didn't
have any major problems when I
chose to take therapy but I realized
that there were issues which were
bothering me.

Not to take advantage of the free

To trust her process
session that they are offering.
Dhritiman Ray Ambika Singh
20-29 20-29

Man Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist

Delhi Delhi

English, Hindi, Bengali English, Hindi

MPhil Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy,
MA Psychology and other training in
MA Psychosocial Clinical Studies,
specific therapies
BA (H) Psychology
9205144177 9899059280

[email protected]

Green Park Independent

11 AM to 5PM


Rs. 1000 (Negotiable) 800 - 1500

50 Minutes 50 minutes

Face to face;Through the

Face to face;Over

Heard of them through word of

mouth;Someone I know has been to I have personally consulted them
them;I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Individuals who people;Adults;Individuals who
identify as LGBTQIA+ identify as LGBTQIA+
Violence against women;Sexuality
and gender orientation related
issues;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship Violence against
Concerns;Work-life women;Trauma;Mental Illness
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Existential Crisis,
Anxiety, Depression

No I don't know

I don't know I don't know

It is safe but it is not wheelchair


Yes Yes

Cash;Online payments Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes

800 - 1500 but you can talk to her

Upto Rs. 500 per session
about it

No I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

He maintained strict confidentiality,

were non-judgemental throughout and
In my experience, she has been very
provided an emotionally safe space.
ethical and sensitive, works to build
He is especially aware about social
and maintain trust.
discrimination based on gender, caste
and class.

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Maybe Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

No I don't know

Yes Maybe

I have been seeing her for almost two

years now. She practices
psychoanalytic psychotherapy and
when I began to see her it was
He wasstruggling
empathetic anddepression
made referrals understood that this was envisaged to
I was with and
to trusted be a long term therapeutic process,
anxiety afterprofessionals
my breakup.inI case he
was also
couldn't handle which is what I was looking for.
quite lonely since nonetheofcase.
my family
Therapy with her has been
member understood what was going
transformational for me. I was
on with me. I tried going to my
severely depressed when I began to
college counsellor but she was quite
see her and she's worked with me over
judgemental and said things like
the last two years consistently with a
forgive and forget. But he was quite
great deal of kindness, care, honesty
empathetic and helped create a safe
and empathy. She is very sharp and
space for me. Since I am queer, it also
has an understanding of politics that
helped a lot that he was aware about
helped me a great deal in my
gender and sexuality issues. He helped
therapeutic process. Psychodynamic
me build my self-esteem and
therapy is not prescriptive at all, you
supported me in difficult situations. I
drive the whole process and what
Therealized my ownispatterns
only problem that theof If you areincommitted to and invested
happens a session depends on you
thinking and reacting that are related
counselling space is on the top floor in working on your mental health and
and where you are at. She has helped
toofmythepast and heBut
building. helped me dealelse
everything with need someone to guide you through
develop emotional literacy, identify
was great. that process,
patterns fromshe would be
a lifetime andperfect.
been a
consistent presence, with an ethicality
and gentleness that I have come to
rely on and trust. I would highly
recommend her.
Srividya Rajaram Dr. Amrita Pain
30-39 30-39

Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist

Delhi Delhi

English English, Hindi, Bengali

M.Sc (Clinical Psychology); M.Phil
(Clinical Psychology); pursuing a PhD M.Phil Clinical Psychology, PhD
from IIT Delhi

[email protected]
Adiva Hospital
C 1/C, Green Park Extension, New
Delhi - 110 016 Delhi
[email protected]
1pm to 5pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
y;Friday;Saturday y;Friday;Saturday

1500-1800 (but willing to reduce for


1-1.5 hours 45 minutes

Face to face;Through the

Face to face
videoconference/skype;Through home

Someone I know has been to them;I've

I have personally consulted them
worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older
people;Adults;Families adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
Mental Illness;Relationship
difficulties);Violence against
Concerns;Parenting Concerns;Career
women;Sexuality and gender
Counselling, Marriage/Marital
orientation related issues;Sexual and
Counselling, Youth Counselling,
reproductive health related
Choronic Health Issues Management,
concerns;Substance and habitual
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
(OCD) Treatment, Mental health
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Mood Disorders
Concerns;Parenting Concerns

I don't know Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
I don't know
and other allied mental health

Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer
Yes I don't know

They reduced my fee by INR 500 for

each session

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Does not push or probe beyond what

the client is comfortable with, ensures
privacy and is non-judgmental, shows
interest in all aspects of a client's life
(thereby making us feel welcome)

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

I have recommended her to some

people who had positive overall
experiences. Never a crisis situation,
however I do feel that they are
Feedback received has been extremely
responsible, mature, kind, and genuine
and that creates an atmosphere of
trust. They're also quick in their
I had a positiveofexperience.
understanding She very
situations and was
calm,able to diagnose
which might beme and in
assets offer
a crisis
everyday solutions, build tasks as well
as hear me out when I was having
rough days. She creates a very
calming atmosphere, which was
helpful as well. And she takes interest
in who you are as a whole person,
outside of the issue at hand. She very
Do notensures that you
be daunted doprejudiced
by or not let that
define you.
against the location (a hospital), their
mental health program is one of the
specialties. She herself if very calm,
understanding, measured and does not
push you in any way at the first
meeting to talk.
Lakshita Malhotra Dr. Pratap Sharan
30-39 50-59

Female Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist

Delhi Delhi

English, Hindi English, Hindi

M.A Psych, PhD Gender & Cultural Professor, Psychiatry

Studies M.B.B.S., M.D., Ph.D

[email protected] 12-06-32-00/psychiatry_faculty.html?

E-2 Kalkaji AIIMS

9 am - 6 pm 10am-2pm


1500 Free- Rs. 10 for AIIMS registration

1 hour 15-20 minutes

Face to face;Over
Face to face

Heard of them through word of

mouth;Someone I know has been to I have personally consulted them
them;I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young Children;Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older
adults;Individuals who identify as adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
Violence against women;Sexuality difficulties);Violence against
and gender orientation related women;Sexuality and gender
issues;Sexual and reproductive health orientation related issues;Sexual and
related concerns;Trauma;Child Sexual reproductive health related
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship concerns;Substance and habitual
Concerns;Work-life addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Concerns;Academic and Career Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

I don't know Maybe

I don't know

Yes Yes

Color of Grey Cells AIIMS

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Free service


No Yes

Lift access, availability of attendants

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes dont remember

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Professor at AIIMS, very discreet,

doesn't advise unnecesaarily

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes I don't know

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She’ was very helpful when I was

Safe place to talk, ready availability of
going through a crisis situation in my
other department referral

I’d been going through a wry

hard time, where I was having
constant panic attacks and suicidal
thoughts. Someone recommended me
to see her, and she was very kind, Very positive, timely referral
understanding and I started feeling
better after a few sessions. However, I
still see her on and off which really

Be prepared to wait for 2-3 hours.

Take water and food. Or come early
around 10 am
Ambika Warrier Anusuya Datta
40-49 30-39

Female Female

Clinical Psychologist and


Delhi New Delhi

English, Malayalam, Hindi English, hindi, bengali

M.A. Clinical Psychology M.Phil in Clinical Psychology

9871516454 9999602336

[email protected] [email protected]
159G, Third Floor, Sadbhavna
Practicing Virtually
Apartments, Pocket-4, Mayur Vihar
Phase-1, Delhi-110091
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM By Appointment only

Mon - Fri 4-8.30PM, Sat 12-4PM

Rs 2500 for individual sessions
2 hours
50 min
Face to face;Through the
telephone;Over chat;Over
Virtually through Audio/Video
videoconference/skype;Through home

Heard of them through word of

mouth;Someone I know has been to I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young

Adults (18+), Couples;Families;
Individuals who identify as
who identify as
LGBTQIA+; Corporate professionals
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Substance and habitual Adjustment Issues, Work-Life
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual Balance, Mental Illness, Relationship
Abuse;Relationship Concerns;Work- Concerns, Parenting Concerns
life Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

Yes Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
I dont know
and other allied mental health

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Internet Bank Transfer
cards;Internet Bank Transfer
Maybe Yes

1500 onwards

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Told me about confidentiality in the

Confidentiality, unbiased first session, did not share information
even when my mother called

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know

Yes Maybe

Ethical business practices, since I was

also refered to the practicing

The professional's approach was

always to listen first and ask questions
to understand my issues indepth. She
has been non-judgmental and
maintained complete confidentiality.
She is open to discuss issues as and
when required which helped me.

Be ready to discuss the issues with an

open mind.
Dr. Nikhil Raheja Mohana Baidya
Don't know 20-29

Male Female

Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Delhi Delhi NCR

English | Hindi English, Hindi

DPM (Psychiatry),MBBS MA Clinical Psychology

9811196788 91 9717207362

www.drnikhilraheja.com [email protected]

Rajender Nagar & Dwarka Munirka

9:30 - 6:30

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
y;Friday;Saturday y;Friday;Saturday;Sunday

1000-1500 1500 (Works on sliding scale)

No specific time 1 hour

Face to face;Through the

Face to face;Through the
telephone;Over chat

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young
adults;Individuals who identify as
orate professionals
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Sexuality and gender orientation
Substance and habitual
related issues;Trauma;Mental
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
life Concerns;Academic and Career
life Concerns;Parenting Concerns
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

Maybe Maybe

Yes No

Indian Psychiatric Society

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes

Varies on a person's ability &

600 - 1700

I don't know No

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Mohana's sensitive, empathetic and

completely non-judgemental when it
comes to her practice.
Sonia Puar Nikita Jain
30-39 30-39

female Female

Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist

Delhi NCR Delhi NCR

English and Hindi English,Hindi

M.Phil. Clinical Psychology, MA

Psychology, PhD Scholar

9818972508 9891635626

[email protected] [email protected]

Kathakaar Delhi NCR

On appointment basis 9 am to 9pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Saturda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
y;Sunday y;Friday;Saturday


45mins to 1hour 50 minutes

Face to face;Over
Face to face;Through the telephone

Heard of them through word of

Someone I know has been to them;I mouth;Someone I know has been to
have personally consulted them them;I have personally consulted
them;I've worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young

Children;Adolescents and young
adults;Individuals who identify as
iduals who identify as LGBTQIA+
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against Violence against women;Sexuality
women;Sexuality and gender and gender orientation related
orientation related issues;Sexual and issues;Trauma;Child Sexual
reproductive health related Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
concerns;Substance and habitual Concerns;Work-life
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual Concerns;Academic and Career
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship Related Issues;Parenting Concerns
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues

Yes Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan Diagnosis;Treatment plan

Yes Yes

Amity University

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer;PayTM
cards;Internet Bank Transfer
Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She keeps all client information

confidential and follows ethical

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She provides safe space for people

with trauma issues.

She is professional and was able to

help me overcome my issues. She
uses innovative techniques of talk and
art to work with her clients. I
recommend her.

None in particular
Dr Gaurav Deka Yukti Ballani
30-39 20-29

Male Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Delhi, Guwahati Gurgaon

English, Hindi, Assamese English, Hindi

M. A. (Clinical Psychology), P. G.
MBBS, BA Psychology from BU
Fellowship (Mental Health Education)

+91 95991 54305 9811273255

[email protected] [email protected]

219-A, 2nd floor, Unitech Arcadia,

D-687, 2nd floor, Chittranjan Park
South City 2, Sector 49, Gurgaon

10 AM-7PM 10:00 - 19:00

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
y;Friday;Saturday;Sunday y;Friday;Saturday;Sunday

10000 1000

100-300min 55 minutes

Face to face;Through the

Face to face;Over
telephone;Through emails;Over
chat;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

mouth;Someone I know has been to
Heard of them through word of mouth
them;I have personally consulted
them;I've worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young
adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Sexuality and gender orientation
Violence against women;Sexuality
related issues;Sexual and reproductive
and gender orientation related
health related concerns;Substance and
issues;Substance and habitual
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child
Sexual Abuse;Mental
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
life Concerns;Academic and Career
life Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

Maybe Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
Treatment plan
and other allied mental health

I don't know No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Transfer Transfer
I don't know Yes

200-300 INR per session

No Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Personal experience. Worked with

them. Confirmed from other clients.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

He regularly handles such clients,

Their professional deftness and
often booking emergency sessions for
empathetic attitude
clients in need.

He is an open LGBT therapist, who

empathetically guides his clients in
directions to find the source(s) of their
problem and help them resolve those.
He helped me to find where does my
crippling anxiety comes from and
allowed me to come in terms with
that, thereby helping in reducing my
anxiety tremendously.

He's a transpersonal psychotherapist,

often dealing with issues that might
not have always started from the
present body or time.
Prakriti Nanda Dr. Prerna Kohli
20-29 50-59

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist

Gurgaon and Delhi Gurgaon, Delhi

English and Hindi English, Hindi

B.A. Applied Psychology and M.A.

Counselling Psychology

9899408889 9811862338

[email protected] [email protected]

V-6/7 Nathupur Road, DLF Phase 3.

Dlf Phase 3 Gurgaon, Haryana. 122002

Depends on the day of the week 9am-9pm


INR 800 - INR 1000 6,000

60 minutes 45

Face to face;Through the

Face to face;Over

Heard of them through word of

I've worked/trained with them mouth;I have personally consulted

Children;Adolescents and young Children;Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Individuals who people;Adults;Couples;Corporate
identify as LGBTQIA+ professionals
Violence against women;Sexuality
and gender orientation related
Sexuality and gender orientation
issues;Sexual and reproductive health
related issues;Trauma;Child Sexual
related concerns;Substance and
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child
Sexual Abuse;Mental
Concerns;Academic and Career
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns
life Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues

No Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan

Yes No


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer;UPI Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

transfers Transfer
Yes No

Upto 50% discount is offered after a

need assessment

No Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No Yes
Yes Yes

No Yes

In the field of mental health, the

practice and ethics go hand in hand. A
counsellor can onlt be recommendable
29 years of practicing experience
if they are ethical. I have studied with
Prakriti and she has always placed
emphasis on ethics in the profession.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I know that she has worked with

suicidal teenagers and people who
Have experience
have had physical abuse in their

Really helped
Harshita Kaushal Aastha Ahuja
20-29 20-29

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Gurgaon, India Ghaziabad

English, Hindi English, Hindi, Punjabi

Masters in Counselling psychology,
MA Psychology (TISS) Certified Expressive Arts Therapist,
Career Counsellor
1244004625 9650631908
[email protected]
[email protected]
B 18/9, Children First, DLF Phase 1,

9:30 to 5:30 PM 11:00 AM TO 7:00 PM

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
y;Friday;Saturday y;Friday;Saturday

2000 800

One hour 1 HOUR

Face to face;Through the

Face to face;Over
telephone;Through emails;Over
chat;Over videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to them I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young

Children;Adolescents and young
adults;Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
Special needs (Children with physical.
difficulties);Violence against
emotional, behavioural and learning
women;Sexual and reproductive
difficulties);Sexuality and gender
health related concerns;Substance and
orientation related issues;Substance
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child
and habitual addictions;Trauma;Child
Sexual Abuse;Mental
Sexual Abuse;Mental
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
Illness;Parenting Concerns
life Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

Yes Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to Treatment plan;Referral to another

another professional (e.g. psychiatrist professional (e.g. psychiatrist and
and other allied mental health other allied mental health
professionals) professionals)

No I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Credit/Debit cards Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

No Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She takes consent whenever she wants

to note down something and after
every drawing and writing activity she
makes sure I carry back my paper.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She is always very friendly and warm

Sensitized , ethical and gives very and never makes your problem feel
much importance to what patient is big. She is available at her best
saying possible always and responds to texts
She has been an immensely warm
person and has always heard me
without any biases. I sometimes felt I
am irritating her so much but she
always has a very calm demeanour.
She has never belittled me or judged
me for whatever I shared with her. she
is very clear and precise with details
and made sure I was the part of every
treatment plan. Therapy with her has
been a life changing experience.

Taking appointments in advance.

Anita Rajah Mrs. Upasana Chaddha Sonia
Clinical Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist
Kochi till few years. but right now in New Delhi
Delhi New Delhi
Hindi and English
English, Malayalam, Hindi
Hindi and English

[email protected]
[email protected]
First Floor, E-5/1, Block E,
Malviya Nagar, New Delhi,
Vigyan Valley, Kochi
Delhi 110017

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda hursday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday
y;Friday;Saturday Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Sa
INR 1100
Whatever you can give
1 Hour
1-2 hours
Face to face

Face to face

Face to face
I have personally consulted them
I have personally consulted them
Someone I know has been to
Adolescents and young
Children;Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Older adults
Children;Adolescents and young
Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Mental Illness;Work-life Special needs (Children with
Concerns;Academic and Career physical. emotional, behavioural
Related Issues and learning
Sexual Abuse;Mental
Illness;Relationship Concerns


Diagnosis;Treatment plan
Referral to another professional (e.g.
psychiatrist and other allied mental
health professionals)
Treatment plan

Amity University


Cash;Internet Bank Transfer
Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank


Whatever you want to pay

I don't know


I don't know





Non judgemental and always


keep information confidential

and is non-judgmental












None of the above
None of the above
None of the above












I have personally consulted the
doctor. We have had discussions
Has helped me in situations, so I know
on similar situations and I am
would do the same for others.
sure referring someone to them
would be the right thing. she knows how to handle crisis
I have had several sessions with
this professional. Over the time
Was a rock during my tough times. we worked on building better
Always took my phone calls and was habits and looked at addressing
extremely non judgemental. Never the immediate issues. My
told me what to do and the whole decision to discontinue therapy
process was based on encouragement. was respected. I was still made
Never rushed me out of a session. to feel okay and was told I could she helped me get over my
come back anytime I wanted or problem and helped my family
reach out in case the need arose. understand the problem too.
none in particular, just be open
and discuss all the information.
Samra Khan Dr. Mansi Arya Nanki oberoi

20-29 30-39 20-29

Female Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Hindi and english English/Hindi Ba English

(honors)and hindi
Master of arts, Psychology
BHMS, MD - Homeopathy, Msc. Psychoanalytic
MA clinical psychology MSc - Psychotherapy developmental psychology

9999282723 9990043020 9811026187

[email protected] [email protected]

Shivalaya Wellness Care,

Defense Colony Shivalik, Malviya Nagar A4 Sector 31 Noida

11am to 7pm 10.30-6.30 9-6pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T

hursday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday hursday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday hursday;Friday;Saturday

1500-2500 500 2000-2500

60 minutes and above 1 hour 60 minutes

Face to face;Through the

Face to face;Through the telephone;Through emails;Over Face to face;Over
telephone chat videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to

them;I have personally
I have personally consulted them consulted them
Adolescents and young Children;Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Couples;Families; people;Adults;Couples;Families;
Older adults;Individuals who Older adults;Individuals who
identify as identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate LGBTQIA+;Corporate Children;Adolescents and young
professionals professionals people;Adults;Families
Special needs (Children with
Violence against physical. emotional, behavioural
women;Sexuality and gender and learning
orientation related issues;Sexual difficulties);Violence against
and reproductive health related women;Sexuality and gender Special needs (Children with
concerns;Substance and habitual orientation related issues;Sexual physical. emotional, behavioural
addictions;Trauma;Mental and reproductive health related and learning
Illness;Relationship concerns;Substance and habitual difficulties);Sexuality and
Concerns;Work-life addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual gender orientation related
Concerns;Academic and Career Abuse;Mental issues;Trauma;Mental
Related Issues;Parenting Illness;Relationship Illness;Academic and Career
Concerns Concerns;Work-life Concerns Related Issues

No I don't know No
Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g.
psychiatrist and other allied
Treatment plan mental health professionals)

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet
Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Credit/Debit cards Bank Transfer
Yes Yes Maybe

Yes I don't know Yes

Yes I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

No Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Supervision, consistency,
theoreticallly and practically
Personal Experience sound

Yes No Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Maybe Yes
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Personal Experience

I had a good experience during

my counseling session with Dr.
Mansi Arya. She took a lot of
time to go through my problems
and was patient enough to
understand my situation.

You can share your problems

openly without any fear.
Ambika Warrier Dr Aditi Biswas Ila Kulshrestha

40-49 20-29 20-29

Woman Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

English English, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Hindi, English

MD (Psychiatry) MPhil
(Clinical and Therapeutic
MA in Clinical Psychology Neuroscience) M.Phil. Clinical Psychology

9871516454 9136384136 9599961376

[email protected] [email protected]

Sukoon Healthcare, 4P, Sector

Mayur Vihar Pocket 1 A89/Hauz Khas Village 56, Gurugram, Haryana 122011

Flexible Variable 9 am to 6 pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Sa
Rs 500 to Rs 1500 for virtual Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T
hursday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday individual
therapy Rs 850 to Rs hursday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday
1000 for group therapy Rs 3000
onwards for in-person individual
Rs. 3000/session therapy 2000
One hour for invidivual therapy
It depends Three hours for group therapy 45-60 minutes

Face to face;Over chat;Over

Face to face;Through the videoconference/skype;Through Face to face;Over
telephone;Over home visits;Home visit is only videoconference/skype;Through
videoconference/skype in emergency home visits
Heard of them through word of
mouth;I have personally
consulted them;I've
I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them worked/trained with them
Adolescents and young
Older adults;Individuals who
identify as
Children;Adolescents and young Adults;Couples;Families;Individ LGBTQIA+;Corporate
people;Adults uals who identify as LGBTQIA+ professionals
Violence against
women;Sexuality and gender
orientation related issues;Sexual
and reproductive health related
concerns;Substance and habitual
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Sexuality and gender orientation Illness;Relationship
Relationship Concerns;Work- related issues;Substance and Concerns;Work-life
life Concerns;Academic and habitual Concerns;Academic and Career
Career Related Issues;Parenting addictions;Trauma;Mental Related Issues;Parenting
Concerns Illness;Relationship Concerns Concerns

Maybe Yes
Diagnosis;Treatment Yes
plan;Referral to another plan;Referral to another
professional (e.g. psychiatrist professional (e.g. psychiatrist
and other allied mental health and other allied mental health
professionals) professionals)

I don't know Yes I don't know

American Board of Medical


Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;PayTM Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet

Cash Airtel Money Bank Transfer
Maybe Yes No

Yes Yes Yes

Read-aloud forms for visually

impaired, play area for service
animals, sensory disorder proof

Yes Yes Yes

trained in Queer affirmative

Yes Yes counselling practices

No Yes Yes
I really like her! She specializes
Yes in trauma andYes
PTSD, and also Yes
has a feminist/empowerment
approach to treatment... Which I
Yes desperately need.
Yes I am terrified Yes
of EMDR, but I am more afraid
of feeling like this for the rest of
my life. I am so exhausted from
the anxiety and panic. I want to
be able to go to the fucking
dukan without feeling like
someone is going to hurt me! I
am so ready to start moving on. I
have a wonderful family and I
She talks about confidentiality, want to be able to focus on them
how she is maintaining and and not this bullshit. We are
using anything she documents. moving out of this horrible
She takes consent and is very house where so many horrible I have always found them to be
respectful of privacy. things happened. transparent and honest with me.

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Interactions in various
professional capacities with their
None of the above clients None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes Maybe

I went to her when I was facing

Maybe Yes a lot of difficulties
Yes at home and
with my friends. I had started
was suicidal
endingI first
my went
She makes anyone feel to her. She was supportive
nothing made any sense. When I
welcome. She listens and tries to She helped me calm down and through
first the whole
met Ila, she was process
understand the client and does a change my medications when I also helped me work
did not judge me for wanting on the to
great job of helping the client had suicidal intentions hurtdifficulties
myself. SheI was
also facing.
helped me
get to their own solutions while She is quite good and understand that there were
providing the right tools. One of knowledgeable. Only downside I several different things
the things that this professional can think of her is sometimes happening at the same time
does well is acknowledge the she comes late or goes over time which were making it difficult
impact of the community and with patients sometimes. I was a for me to cope. She is calm and
therefore helps with psycho- type of person who didn't friendly. she was flexible to
education of the family if believe in therapy, but she accommodate my college
necessary. She is a warm and changed my mind about it with a timings and works
it is difficult on a free
to find sunday
kind person and doesn't make very logical and methodical which
morning makes
in herregular with
therapy feel too medicalised.
Any questions, concerns, approach.
She involves faith or being therapy easy.
and her receptionist is new and
preferences that you have, talk agnostic in her treatment on top therefore not capable of
to her about it - she will of everything medical. Not sure answering all questions
definitely try to come up with a how atheist will feel about that therefore it is best to talk to her
solution that suits the client. part. directly.
Priyamvada Aggarwal Dr. Diya Nangia Kapoor Rashi Sinha

20-29 30-39 20-29

Female Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi, Online

English Hindi and English Hindi and English

MSc Ph.D , M. Phil M.A Clinical Pyshcology -TISS

Mind Piper Wellness Centre,
9811057643 9582891769 8383887084
411, Gagan Vihar,
New Delhi - 110092
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Also at Kashmere Gate, Green
Park or online upon request.

New Delhi M WELL, J-1 kailash colony

9 AM - 7 PM

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Friday;Saturda

hursday;Friday;Saturday hursday;Friday;Saturday y;Sunday

1500 ₹800

1 hour 45 minutes 60 mins

Face to face;Through the

Face to face;Over telephone;Over
Face to face videoconference/skype videoconference/skype
Heard of them through word of
mouth;Someone I know has I have personally consulted
been to them;I have personally them;I've worked/trained with
consulted them them I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young

Individuals who identify as
Adolescents and young LGBTQIA+;Corporate Adults;Older adults;Individuals
people;Adults professionals who identify as LGBTQIA+
Violence against
women;Sexuality and gender
orientation related issues;Sexual Substance and habitual Sexuality and gender orientation
and reproductive health related addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual related issues;Substance and
concerns;Trauma;Mental Abuse;Mental habitual
Illness;Relationship Illness;Relationship addictions;Trauma;Mental
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Work-life Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Academic and Career Concerns;Academic and Career Concerns;Work-life
Related Issues;Parenting Related Issues;Parenting Concerns;Academic and Career
Concerns Concerns Related Issues

No Yes No

Treatment plan

I don't know Yes Yes

Mind Piper

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank

Transfer Transfer;Paytm Cash;Internet Bank Transfer
Yes I don't know Mine cameYes
down to 600,

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I was with Rashi for around 10

sessions, and I saw her operate
Is very genuine from a very ethical standard.

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe

Yes Maybe


I got to know about Rashi from

my boss. She really helped me
understand what I was dealing
with and used to give a lot of
Made me feel very comfortable experiments to discover how I
and was understanding, helped Excellent, non-judgmental and can control my emotions. I
me explore my thoughts and very precise in understanding found her very relatable and she
behaviours that shaped my life underlying emotions has a very soothing voice.

There is a dog in the centre if

anybody is scared. But he doesnt
Ms. Saumya Mathur Ashmita Dhawan Kripi Malviya

20-29 20-29 30-39

Female Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Noida Delhi NCR Delhi

English and Hindi English, Hindi English, Hindi

Masters in Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology, Existential

Masters in Psychology Diploma in Gerontology psychotherapy

9810371259 9958858402 919620144056

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Her home; at a mutually
convenient place to the client
and the therapist (I used to have
my sessions at Starbucks) Independent Practice TATVA, Goa + NCR, India

10 am to 12 pm 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Saturday;Sunday Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Rs. 1200/- Varies between 500-1000

1 hour 45 minutes

Face to face;Through the Through the telephone, Through

telephone;Over chat;Over emails, Over chat, Over Face to face, Over
videoconference/skype videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of Someone I know has been to

mouth;I have personally them, I have personally
consulted them consulted them I've worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young people,

Children;Adolescents and young Adults, Couples, Older adults, Adults, Couples, Individuals
people;Adults;Couples Corporate professionals who identify as LGBTQIA+
Violence against Violence against women,
women;Substance and habitual Sexuality and gender orientation
addictions;Relationship related issues, Substance and
Concerns;Work-life habitual addictions, Trauma,
Concerns;Academic and Career Trauma, Relationship Concerns, Mental Illness, Relationship
Related Issues;Parenting Work-life Concerns, Academic Concerns, Work-life Concerns,
Concerns;High levels of stress; and Career Related Issues, Academic and Career Related
irrational beliefs and thoughts Parenting Concerns Issues

Maybe Maybe No

I don't know I don't know

I don't know Maybe

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Credit/Debit cards, Internet

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Bank Transfer, PayTM
Student discount is applicable
for college students; You can
also mutually agree at a price
Yes how many
post you decide Yes
sessions would you be needing between 350-500

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know Yes

She is very empathetic and
provided a safe space for me to
Yes Yes Yes
safely vent. She patiently
explained what was going on
and took my comfort into
Yes Yes Yes
account when discussing
possible solutions. I also really
liked how she never gave advice
but facilitated me to my own
solutions. I felt quite empowered
post a few sessions with her. We
signed a contract post the first
session which clearly stated
what to expect in the sessions.
She never pushed me into
sharing anything that I was not
comfortable with. I got a feeling
that whatever I was sharing
would stay in strict confidence.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know No

Yes I don't know

Her presence is very comforting

and non judgemental. She also
It would help persona
has a calm to connect on call
which I
first. She listens to your concern I got to know about her from a
believe is helpful during a crisis. colleague of mine. when I first
via call and then decides if she is
the best suited to help you out, called her, I was kind of nervous
which I really liked. because i never shared such
things with anyone before. She
For eg: A cousin's friend was was the first person who listened
suffering from hallucinations. to me so patiently and did not
She wasYes.kind
I consulted
enoughher for to interrupt me during the entire
to listen
the troubles
entire episode and and
then session. I am so glad I took help
excessive thinking.
referred him toI areally
good liked from her for my problems. she is
how patient and
psychiatrist, warmofshe
instead was a very kind and understanding
the caseinherself,
her approach.
since she said therapist.
this required immediate medical
attention. I truly appreciated her be open and comfortable with
professional approach in this what u want to discuss. U will
matter. not be judged
Anika Bhasin Aleena Ali Dr Shambhavi Jaiman

40-49 20-29 20-29

Female Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist Psychiatrist

Gurgaon, New delhi (South
Gurgaon & Delhi Gurgaon Delhi)

English, Hindi English and Hindi Hindi and English

B.Sc, B.Ed, MA (Psychology) Masters in Psychology MBBS, MD (Psychiatry)

9811603341 9999987799 9810527576

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Fortis Memorial Research

Santulan Clinic Institute, Gurgaon Sukoon Health

11 am - 2 pm; 6 pm - 8 pm 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Sunday Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Rs. 1000 1100 Rs 800/-

45 mins/1 hr 60 minutes

Face to face, Through the Face to face, Through the

telephone, Over chat, Over telephone, Over Face to face, Over
videoconference/skype videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to Someone I know has been to

them them I've worked/trained with them

Children, Adolescents and Children, Adolescents and

Children, Adolescents and young people, Adults, young people, Adults, Older
young people, Adults, Couples, Individuals who identify as adults, Individuals who identify
Individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+, Corporate as LGBTQIA+, Corporate
LGBTQIA+ professionals professionals
Special needs (Children with
physical. emotional, behavioural
and learning difficulties),
Sexuality and gender orientation Special needs (Children with
related issues, Substance and physical. emotional, behavioural
habitual addictions, Trauma, and learning difficulties),
Mental Illness, Relationship Violence against women, Substance and habitual
Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Substance and habitual addictions, Mental Illness,
Academic and Career Related addictions, Trauma, Mental Relationship Concerns, Work-
Issues, Parenting Concerns Illness, Relationship Concerns life Concerns

Maybe No Maybe

Treatment plan I don't know


Fortis Memorial Research

Institute, Gurgaon

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer,
Online payment platforms like
Gpay and Paytm (all payments Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit Cash, Internet Bank Transfer,
after the session) cards, Internet Bank Transfer Google pay, Paytm
I don't know Maybe Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Yes

Maintenance of utmost
confidentiality. Boundaries are
set up early on in the session.
Respect for those boundaries
and personal autonomy within
the bounds of the law.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Quick, clear and calm response

is required inYes
a crisis situation Yes Yes
without any exaggeration or
dismissal. She responds very
My friendontook
whatsapp in casefrom
counselling of a
crisis with definitive steps
her and was dealing with a lot ofto
tackle theand
anxiety emergent
anger duesituation.
to her Empathy and understanding.
family structure. The complex
web of relationships was
overwhelming to her. But with
time, in a step-wise manner, she
regained the control she was
giving to others over herself.
She tells me that "Anika wont
solve your problems in one go.
But with time, she can help you
solve your own problems".

Be completely honest about your

problems and your past. Its the
best way to help yourself.
Shweta Maheshwari Jyothi John Vidhi Bassi

20-29 30-39 20-29

Female Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

New Delhi Delhi New delhi

English and Hindi English Hindi malyalam English hindi

MSc, MCouns from University

of Edinburgh MPhil MSc Clinical Psychology

+91 8527340991 9654285868 -

k.com [email protected] [email protected]

C5al 315 B, Janakpuri, New

D-115, Defence Colony/ Online Delhi Online

9 am - 7 pm 11 to 8 Early evenings to night

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sunday

Rs. 1200 (also offer sliding

1000 2000 scale)

50 1 hour 45 mins

Through the telephone, Through

Face to face, Over Through the telephone, Over emails, Over chat, Over
videoconference/skype videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

mouth, I have personally
I have personally consulted them consulted them I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young people,

Adults, Couples, Families, Older Adults, Couples, Families, Older
adults, Individuals who identify adults, Individuals who identify
Adolescents and young people, as LGBTQIA+, Corporate as LGBTQIA+, Corporate
Adults professionals professionals
Special needs (Children with
Special needs (Children with physical. emotional, behavioural
physical. emotional, behavioural and learning difficulties),
and learning difficulties), Violence against women, Violence against women,
Violence against women, Sexuality and gender orientation Sexuality and gender orientation
Sexuality and gender orientation related issues, Sexual and related issues, Sexual and
related issues, Sexual and reproductive health related reproductive health related
reproductive health related concerns, Substance and concerns, Substance and
concerns, Substance and habitual addictions, Trauma, habitual addictions, Trauma,
habitual addictions, Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Child Sexual Abuse, Mental
Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns, Illness, Relationship Concerns,
Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Academic Work-life Concerns, Academic
Work-life Concerns, Academic and Career Related Issues, and Career Related Issues,
and Career Related Issues Parenting Concerns Parenting Concerns

No No Maybe
Diagnosis, Treatment plan,
Referral to another professional Referral to another professional
None of the above (nothing was (e.g. psychiatrist and other allied (e.g. psychiatrist and other allied
done after the assessment) mental health professionals) mental health professionals)

Yes I don't know I don't know

Hank Nunn Institute

I don't know Yes Online

Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Credit/Debit cards,

Internet Bank Transfer Internet Bank Transfer Internet Bank Transfer, PayPal
Yes Yes Yes with client for
As per discussion
500-1,000 Rs Sliding Scale 300 their needs, I think

I don't know Yes I don't know

I don’t know Conducive space

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Neuro diverse and queer

friendly, non judgmental and
She s very professional empathetic

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Not diagnosis based Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

I have needed her at a time of She s very professional and

crisis and she has supported me extremely understanding and
through it good in her work My experience

Past experience was bad with the

I felt incredibly supported therapist, this therapist was
throughout my journey, she was welcoming, warm and patiently
warm and genuine and I’m still It was really good and I feel so answered all my doubts to build
here today because of her healed trust

Be open to non diagnostic and

non medical therapy Just be who you are
Tanya Bakshi Vidushi Soni Deepti Kumra

20-29 20-29 20-29

Female Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

New Delhi Delhi Delhi NCR

English and Hindi English/Hindi English, Hindi

Master of Science in Clinical
MA in Clinical Psychology Rehabilitation and Mental
(TISS) M.A. Clinical Psychology Health Counseling

8586853534 9625843957 n/a

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Chetana Counselling Centre They practice online presently Telehealth/ virtual

On appointment basis 12pm-9pm, but flexible

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Sunday Friday, Saturday Sunday

1000/- Rs. 800/- Sliding scale

1 hour 50 minutes 55 minutes

Over videoconference/skype, Through the telephone, Over

(due to covid) videoconference/skype Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of I've worked/trained with them, I

mouth, I have personally sought individual supervision
consulted them I have personally consulted them for clinical practice

Children, Adolescents and

young people, Adults, Older Adolescents and young people, Adolescents and young people,
adults, Individuals who identify Adults, Individuals who identify Adults, Couples, Individuals
as LGBTQIA+, Corporate as LGBTQIA+, Corporate who identify as LGBTQIA+,
professionals professionals Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with
physical. emotional, behavioural
and learning difficulties),
Violence against women,
Sexuality and gender orientation
related issues, Sexual and
reproductive health related
concerns, Substance and
Sexuality and gender orientation habitual addictions, Trauma,
related issues, Substance and Child Sexual Abuse, Mental
habitual addictions, Trauma, Illness, Relationship Concerns,
Work-life Concerns, Academic Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Work-life Concerns, Academic
and Career Related Issues, Illness, Relationship Concerns, and Career Related Issues,
Parenting Concerns Work-life Concerns Parenting Concerns

Maybe Maybe I don't

Diagnosis, know plan,
Treatment plan, Referral to Treatment plan, Referral to Referral to another professional
another professional (e.g. another professional (e.g. (e.g. psychiatrist and other allied
psychiatrist and other allied psychiatrist and other allied mental health professionals),
mental health professionals) mental health professionals) Ongoing therapy

Maybe Yes No


Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank Transfer, Gpay, Credit/Debit cards, Internet
Internet Bank Transfer Paytm, UPI Bank Transfer
Yes No Depending Yes
on individual's
financial needs.

I don't know Only takes online sessions No

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Deepti abides to a very strict

code of ethics. She follows all
the necessary protocols such as
providing clients with
She had fixed hours of professional disclosure forms,
contacting her outside of informed consent forms and
sessions, and respected my explains confidentiality in great
boundaries when I was not detail. She also follows a client
comfortable talking about centered approach and ensuring
something that client goals are being met.

Yes No Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes No I don't know

Yes Maybe Yes

Deepti has completed specific
trainings in providing crisis
interventions including suicide
assessments and creating safety
plans as needed.

I have worked with Deepti on an

ongoing basis and consulted on
She's understanding and has various cases to seek her expert
been a good counsellor to me. advise.
Deepti truly cares about the
clients she works with and
follows the motto "client voice
client choice".
Sanaya Patel Arushi Ralli Swasti Bansal

20-29 20-29 30-39

Female Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist

Delhi/Gurgaon Delhi Faridabad

English, Hindi, Gujarati English, Hindi Hindi and English

Masters in applied psychology MPhil Clinical Psychology, MSc
with specialisation in clinical in Psychology (clinical), BA
M.Phil in Clinical Psychology psychology (hons) Applied Psychology

9599886773 9599944099 9811986449

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Med Hope Clinic, Shop no 37,

N block, South City Phase 1. sector 21 A, HUDA MARKET,
Gurugram. 122001 Private practice Faridabad

10AM to 5PM 11 am - 2 pm, 6pm - 8 pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday Saturday Saturday

1500 1000 Rs. 1000

45-50 minutes 50 mins-1 hour 1 hour

Through the telephone, Through

Face to face, Through the emails, Over chat, Over Face to face, Through the
telephone, Over videoconference/skype, Through telephone, Over
videoconference/skype home visits videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

I've worked/trained with them mouth I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young people, Children, Adolescents and

Children, Adolescents and Adults, Couples, Families, young people, Adults,
young people, Adults, Couples, Individuals who identify as Individuals who identify as
Families, Individuals who LGBTQIA+, Corporate LGBTQIA+, Corporate
identify as LGBTQIA+ professionals professionals
Special needs (Children with
physical. emotional, behavioural Special needs (Children with
and learning difficulties), physical. emotional, behavioural
Violence against women, and learning difficulties),
Sexuality and gender orientation Violence against women,
related issues, Sexual and Sexuality and gender orientation
reproductive health related related issues, Sexual and
concerns, Substance and Violence against women, reproductive health related
habitual addictions, Trauma, Sexuality and gender orientation concerns, Substance and
Child Sexual Abuse, Mental related issues, Trauma, Child habitual addictions, Mental
Illness, Relationship Concerns, Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness, Illness, Relationship Concerns,
Work-life Concerns, Academic Relationship Concerns, Work- Work-life Concerns, Academic
and Career Related Issues, life Concerns, Parenting and Career Related Issues,
Parenting Concerns Concerns Parenting Concerns

Yes Yes Yes

Treatment plan, Referral to Diagnosis, Treatment plan,
Diagnosis, Treatment plan, None another professional (e.g. Referral to another professional
of the above (nothing was done psychiatrist and other allied (e.g. psychiatrist and other allied
after the assessment) mental health professionals) mental health professionals)

No No I don't know

Yes I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank Transfer, Cash, Internet Bank Transfer,
Internet Bank Transfer Paytm/Gpay Paytm, UPI
Yes For studentsYes
and people not Discount upto Yes
30% can be given
Case by case consideration earning -500 to 600 upon discretion

I don't know I don't know No

Kindly enquire over call

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I had some concerns to which

other professionals reacted in a
biased and unethical manner.
However, she kept the
confidentiality and was non-
Clinician registered under RCI , Confidentiality and mutual judgmental about my issues.
maintains confidentiality and respect is makes her practice Also, while other professionals
respects boundaries, makes ethical. She does not call asked me to follow their
clients feel safe while emergency numbers without her suggestions, Swasti helped me
conversing, clients permission find my own solutions.

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Interactions in various
professional capacities with their
None of the above None of the above clients

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

They have a compassionate

understanding of what crisis
Yes look like and
intervention should Yes Yes
adequate skills to carry them
out. They have experience
working with individuals in I have heard a lot of friends say I had a crisis when I approached
crisis situations and have done she is reliable in times of crisis her. She helped me sail through
so ethically. managment it.

I was sceptical at first. Had been

to a couple of psychologists
earlier, but they were highly
judgemental. With Swasti, I felt
I haven’t visited her as a client accepted and my problems were
but I have heard about her from understood and she helped me
multiple people and have find the solutions I could live
Her practice is with herinformed
trauma in a with, instead of just telling me
and itprofessional capacity.
is in collboration with her what to do.
clients. She actively tries to
break the power dynamic that Be patient. Therapy is a process,
exists between a client and a it'll be slow, but will definitely
therapist. get results.
Shubhika Singh Chundawat



Clinical Psychologist


English, Hindi

MPhil Clinical Psychology

+91 6267304281

[email protected]


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday,

1500, sliding scale

50 min

Over videoconference/skype

I've worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young people,

Adults, Couples, Families, Older
adults, Individuals who identify
as LGBTQIA+, Corporate
Sexual and reproductive health
related concerns, Substance and
habitual addictions, Trauma,
Mental Illness, Relationship
Concerns, Work-life Concerns,
Academic and Career Related
Issues, Parenting Concerns


Diagnosis, Treatment plan



Internet Bank Transfer





She asks for informed consent in

detail, informs the clients of
their rights and is adequately
aware of sociocultural context






None of the above







I have already referred a close
friend to her. She is confident
and reflective in her approach,
and capable of meeting the
client where they're at.

I look to her for inputs and

supervision for my own practice.
She is thoroughly non-
judgmental and very insightful
Shobhika Jaju
What is their age range? 30-39
Which gender do they
What is identify
the title with?
of the mental Female
health professional that you Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Which city/town do they
are recommending?
practice in?are they Goa
Which language(s)
Hindi, English
What conversant in?
are their professional
qualifications? MA Clinical Psychology
What is their contact
number? 9049485444
Whatisistheir email address?
the address of the [email protected]
clinic/ hospital/ organization Borda, Margao
What where
are they practice?
their office hours? 6 -10
On which days of the week do Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
they practice? (choose as day;Saturday
many are their asfees for one
session/consultation? ₹800
For how long does one session
last with 1 hour
them?(choose Face to face;Through the telephone;Over
they provide services?
How do you know
an many options as this videoconference/skype
professional? Someone I know has been to them
(choose as many people;Adults;Couples;Families;Corporate
does this professional
options as applicable)
What are the issues work with?
that they and Career professionals
Related Issues;Parenting
(choose as many options
work with? (choose as many as Concerns
tests are aasstandard
options and
If scientific
yes, whatmethod
follows used
the professional (e.g. Yes
psychiatrist and other
assessment? (choose as many allied mental health professionals)
they affiliated with any
as applicable)
other organization(s) as well? Maybe
If yes, please specify the name
of theoffice
Is their organization.
private, safe
empathetic and safe
and accessible? Yes
What forms of payment for do Cash;Credit/DebitYes
cards;Internet Bank
they accept? (choose share
clients/patients to as many Transfer
not be ableastoapplicable)
options afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is Maybe
If yes,
Is the how
office of much?
the mental
health professional
their office disability- Yes
friendly? (Suchaccessible?
as Braille
children, individuals
forms and reading materials,
Will they make
belonging individuals
to lower socio- Yes
who identify as materials
informational LGBTQIA+ in Yes
feel welcomed?
their office/clinic that indicate No
that sexare
they and sexual
Do you think
problems withouttheinhibition,
mental Yes
health professional has an Yes
If yes, ethical
could you please tell us
for saying so? Confidentiality is maintained
client/patient of the safety and Yes
confidentiality of the Yes
information aboutthat isbreaking
confidentiality in case Yes
when working withthey
individuals Yes
only suggestwho have suffered
assessments that
are needed Yes
give advice to
or facilitate better
be prescriptive
Do you think theyinengage
or sermonize their in Maybe
many options
respect a as None of the above
client/patient’s right to not Yes
seek treatment?
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Yes
the client/patient
mental with sources
health professionals
health professional
of legal values the
help/socio-legal Maybe
Will client’s/patient's
they take the time to Yes
explain when
the diagnosis to in
the Yes
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes
setting goalsclaim tothe
with work
crisis situation (forin
clients/patients example,
a crisis Maybe
referring a friend to them Yes
yes,iswhat makes
feeling you say
suicidal, or
about your experience of
Is there
going anything
to this that one
professional as a
should keep in mind while
going to this person?
Zina Varugis Richelle Brito Carvalho
50-59 20-29
Male & Female She/ her
Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Vasco da Gama, Goa Goa
English in Guidance &
Post Graduate Diploma English, Konkani, Hindi
Counselling & Choice Theory/Reality M.Sc Counseling Psychologist
8805458372 9767969405
[email protected] [email protected]
Alto Chicalim, Vasco da Gama, Goa Aldona, Goa
10 am - 6 pm 10:00am- 6:00pm
Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Frida Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
y & Rs.1200/- for
Rs.800/- for individual Friday, Saturday
1 hour 50 minutes
Face to face;Through the telephone;Over
Over videoconference/skype
Heard of them through word of mouth;I've Heard of them through word of mouth,
Adolescents young
with them Someone I know has been to them
people;Adults;Couples;Corporate Adolescents and young people, Adults
Trauma;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
professionals emotional, behavioural and learning
Concerns;Parenting Concerns difficulties), Relationship Concerns, Work-
Referral to anotherNoprofessional (e.g. No
psychiatrist and other allied mental health
Yes No

Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Internet Bank Transfer
Yes Yes
Rs.500/- 200-300

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes
No No
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Maintains client confidentiality and privacy.
Informed Consent.
Maybe Gives theoretical Yes
understanding of her
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
None of the above None of the above
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes No
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Maybe No
Yes No
Th counsellor is gentle and patient with
Counsellor helped me identify the root cause my issues. She answered every question I had
of my distress. in regard to the counseling/ therapy she
No, just share your situation Nothing in particular
Name Dr Mohan Raj Gowri Krishnamurthy
Which is their
they 50-59 50-59
that youwith?
are Male Female
Which recommending?
city/town do they Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Which language(s) in?are they Chennai Chennai
What are conversant in?
their professional Tamil, English English, Tamil,
Msc Psychology Hindi in
and Diploma
What qualifications?
is their contact M.D, D.N.B Counseling
What is their email 9500116099 9884377767
where they Rd, Valmiki Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur, [email protected]
Agraharam, Mylapore Chennai-
What are their office Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600041 4
as many hours?
options as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, `10-7 Saturday,
Thursday, Friday,
What are their fees for one Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sunday
For how long does one 600 INR 1000
(choose anlast
session manywithoptions
them? as Face to face, 45 minutes
Through the telephone, Face to1-2face,
hrs Over
many applicable)
options as Someone IThrough
know hasemails
been to them, I videoconference/skype
Someone I know has been to
many options as have personally
Adolescents andconsulted them
young people, them,
LGBTQIA+, Mother
many applicable)
options as Adults and Career
Concerns, Academic professionals
and Career Related Issues,
individuals' capabilities Related Issues Parenting Concerns
many behaviours.)?
options as psychiatristIand
don't know
other allied mental Yesand other allied
(e.g. psychiatrist
other organization(s) as health professionals) mental health professionals)
If yes, pleasewell?specify the I don't know Yes
Chennai Counsellors Forum,
name of the organization.
Is their office private, safe Indian Psychiatric Societ
and accessible?
clients/patients to share Yes Yes
many options as Yes Yes
of having applicable)
to pay the fixed Cash Cash, Internet Bank Transfer
rate.) Yes Yes
If yes, professional
health how much? Depends Case to case
materials, sign accessible?
language Yes Yes
religious groups and etc.)castes)
feel welcomed?
LGBTQIA+ feel Yes Yes
indicate welcomed?
that they are Yes Yes
diversity friendly?
inhibition, censure or No No
health professional has an Yes Yes
us your ethical practice?
reasons for saying Yes Yes
parents/spouse, Client Testimony
of thetermination)?
information that is Yes Yes
shared with them? in
breaking confidentiality Yes Yes
case theyfrom
suffered haveviolence
to do so? or Yes Yes
that abuse
are neededof anytokind?
facilitate Yes Yes
better treatment/therapy?
prescriptive or sermonize Yes Yes
in their approach?
in (choose as many options Yes professional
Interactions in various Yes
as applicable)
client/patient’s right to not capacities with their clients None of the above
seek treatment? Yes Yes
allied medical practitioners
if needed?
legal organizations, if Yes Yes
needed?when in
inputs/opinions Yes Yes
explain the diagnosis to the Yes Yes
setting goals with the Yes Yes
with client/patient?
clients/patients in a Yes Yes
them whosituation?
has faced Yes Yes
If yes, whatviolence)?
makes you say I have contactedYes him when I was in working withYes
them for 3 years
of going to this professional crisis and was accommodated. now with great success
as akeep
should patient/client?
in mind while regular fee, talk to him. He would be
going to this person? able to help you out.
Dr Hema Tharoor Dr Rangarajan
40-49 Don't know 50-59
Female Female Male
Psychiatrist Psychiatrist Psychiatrist
Chennai Chennai Chennai
English, Tamil English, Tamil, Telugu English, Tamil and I think Hindi
MD Psychiatry MD Psychiatry DPM, MRP psych
044 24991488 044 2467 1188 4424337439
Mylapore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu The Clinic in T Nagar, Psymed Hospital in
Trinity Hospital 600004 Chetpet, and Malar Fortis in Adyar
5pm toTuesday,
Monday, 9pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday
800 rupees 400-800 Rs 1000
Up to an hour However long is necessary 25-45 minutes
Face to face
I have personally consulted mouth,Face to face
I have personally Face to face
Individuals who identify as consulted them
people, Adults, Couples, Heard of them through word of mouth
LGBTQIA+ Families,
Illness, Olderand
Academic adults
Career Adolescents and young people, Adults
Mental Illness Related Issues Mental Illness
Yes Maybe Maybe
Treatment plan Diagnosis, Treatment plan I don't know
Yes Yes Maybe
No Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Cash Cash Cash
Yes I don't know Not sure but mostly yes.

Yes Yes No
None None
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
No I don't know No
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes He's a warm but
think he's super ethical.
professional person. Very easy to talk to.
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes I don't know I think so
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
I don't know None of the above
Maybe Yes Yes
Yes Maybe Yes
Yes Maybe Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes I don't know Maybe
Yes situation Yes
and it helped take the call and doYes a good job at handling
diligent in my therapy with immensely. the situation.
makes you feel at ease. I always feel much
book, a journaling etc.phone, a
fully charged No much Also,
Not really. betterthere's
after every session. in his
a dispensary
friend, and odomos. clinic that sells medicines. One more pro.
Porrselvi A.P. Dr. Kannan Mahananda Bohidar
20-29 30-39 30-39
Female Male Female
Counsellor/ Counsellor/Psychotherapist Experiential Counsellor
Chennai Chennai Chennai
Tamil, English English Hindi, English, Oriya
PhD GK M.B,B.S, M.D,
9047452258 FRANZCP (Australia)
(044)-24355123 / Mobile - 9962740864
arunaithelirchimaiyam 80562 22106 [email protected]
Arunao Thelirchi The Mind Space Clinic, Nibbana
Mariyam, Majestic No 15, 13th Street, Nandanam
By appointment Flexible
Monday;Tuesday;Wedn Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;
₹350-₹500 RS. 1000 - 1500 Thursday;Friday
45 minutes- 1 hour 1 hour 60 minutes
Face to face;Through Face to face Face to face;Over
Heard ofemails
them through I have personally consulted videoconference/skype
I have personally consulted
word of
Adults;Older adults them
Children;Adolescents and them
Trauma;Brain injury, Special people;Adults
needs (Children with adults;Individuals who
Sexuality and gender
Yes physical. emotional,
Maybe orientation
No related
Diagnosis;Treatment Referral to another
Maybe to another professional (e.g.
No psychiatrist

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes
Cash;Internet Bank Cash;Credit/Debit cards Cash;Internet Bank Transfer
Maybe I don't know Yes
Yes No

Yes Yes
Yes Yes
I don't know I don't know
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Genuine and honest She maintains client
Maybe Yes confidentiality.
Yes She also
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
None of the above None of the above None of the above
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
No No
Maybe Yes Maybe
Thilagavathi Dr. S Janani Dr. Bhasi
60-69 30-39 40-49
Female Female Male
Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist
Chennai Chennai Chennai
Tamil, English Tamil, English English, Tamil, Malayalam
B.A Psychology, M.Sc PhD, HoD, clinical
Counselling & Psychotherapy,
99401 83410 4471967336 psychology department, SRM
[email protected]
No: 46, 1st Avenue, Shraddha Psychiatric Clinic, Inner Temple, Vanagaram,
(Opp 6PM
to Canara Bank &
to 9PM New Number 32, Old Number Thrice a week, Chennai
5:30-7:30 pm
Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Tuesday;Thursday;Saturday
Rs 400 - Rs 500 Thursday;Friday;Saturday 1500-3000 depending on what
1 hour therapy 1.5
you-2are given. First
Face to face Face to face;Through the Face to face;Through the
She's my mother Someone I know has been to Someone telephone
telephone I know has been to
Adolescents and young them;I have personally
Children;Adolescents and them;I have personally
Children;Adolescents and
Mental Illness;Relationship young
Substance and habitual young
Special needs (Children with
Yes addictions;Mental
Yes Illness physical.Yes
I don't know Diagnosis;Treatment plan Referral to another
Maybe Maybe professional Yes
(e.g. psychiatrist
SRM university
Yes Yes If you are a woman traveling
Yes Yes alone, the area
Yesmight feel a
Cash;Credit/Debit cards Cash Cash
Yes I don't know Yes
Starting at Rs. 200 If you cannot afford, he is
I don't know I don't know willing to work
Yes with you to

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes
I don't know I don't know No
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
The mental health In my case though I'd gone Based on my personal
Other familyhasmembers
worked are
with with my parents
Yesshe respected experience
involved onlyYes
at the discretion Yes Yes
Yes I don't know Maybe
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Maybe
None of the above None of the above I don't know
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Maybe Yes
No I don't know I don't know
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
I don't know Yes Yes
No I don't know
Maybe Yes Yes
I referred someone in such a I know from experience that
I haven't been her patient, but Isituation
had gonetotoher,
for get
my he has taken all cases I
I So
her daughter,
as you areand so have
willing to depression. After a few
Don't expect an old
put in the effort of working on experienced doctor, she's a
Nishi Ravi Anitha D Dr.Latha Janaki
20-29 20-29 50-59
Female Female Female
Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Chennai CHENNAI Chennai
English, Hindi English, Tamil
Master of Counselling, M.Sc. Counselling English, Hindi, Tamil,
University of Edinburgh Psychology
9962383409 Malayalam,
nishiravipsychotherapy@gmai themindbodyfoundation@gma [email protected]
Nagar il.comTowers,
16, Wescare JAYS by DR.Latha Janaki
10am - 10pm Cenotaph
10:00 amRd,toTeynampet,
6:00pm 11am to 5pm
Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Monday, Tuesday,
1000-1500 Thursday;Friday;Saturday
INR 1000 Wednesday,
1600/HourThursday, Friday,
to 2000/Hour
50 minutes 60 minutes One Hour
Face to face;Through the Face to face;Over Face to face, Over
Someonetelephone;Over videoconference/skype
I know has been to I have personally consulted videoconference/skype
I have personally consulted
them;I have personally
Adolescents and young them
Adults them Couples,
Children, Adults,
Violence against Mental Illness;Stress , Families,Mental
Trauma, Older Illness,
women;SexualityNo and gender Anxiety and NoDepression Relationship Concerns,
Yes Work-
Diagnosis, Treatment plan
Yes No Yes
Counselling and American Psychological
Yesin Scotland Yes AssociationYes
Yes Yes Yes
Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Cash, Credit/Debit cards,
Yes Transfer;Gpay
Yes Internet Maybe
Bank Transfer
800 - 1000 for students 800
No No No

Yes I don't know Yes

Yes Yes I don't know
I don't know No Yes
Yes Yes Maybe
Yes Yes Yes
She follows BACP and She is in Personal therapy and I found her approach friendly
COSCA's regulations,
Yes is very supervision
Yes andYes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Maybe
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
None of the above None of the above None of the above
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes I don't know No
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes I don't know
Yes Yes I don't know
No No Maybe
No Maybe Yes
My experience has been
She was extremely warm and I went to her as I was positive
I found her approach very
empathic, working with me
If you want advice, she will constantly in my mind, always friendly and
Noneassistive in
not give it - she works with
Dr Radha Shankar Dr. Shalini Janardhan Deepa Braganza
60-69 30-39 50-59
female Female Female
Psychiatrist Psychiatrist Psychiatrist
Chennai Chennai Vellore
English, Tamil English, Tamizh, Hindi Hindi, English, Bengali, Tamil
Qualified medical doctor MBBS, MRC Psychiatry, DPM, MD
DPM 04162284520 (not personal, office
044-24916262/24916263 044-28290200/3333
[email protected] [email protected]
Gandhi Nagar, Chennai Apollo Hospitals, Greams Christian Medical College Vellore
9 am onwards Road, Chennai
Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday
Wednesday, Thursday,
1,000-1,200 Friday Wednesday, Thursday,
800 Friday
40-55 minutes 20 minutes to 1 hour
Face to face, Through the telephone,
Face to face, Through emails, Face to face
Through emails
Over videoconference/skype
I have personally consulted I've worked/trained with them I have personally consulted them
Adolescents and young Adolescents and young Adolescents and young people, Adults
people, Adults, Couples, people, Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental
Violence against women, SexualAdults, Older adults,
and reproductive
I don'tand gender
know health related
No concerns, Yes
I don't know Diagnosis, Treatment plan
Yes I don't know
Malar Hospital
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank
Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Cash
Internet Maybe
Bank Transfer No Yes
case by case basis
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe
No Maybe
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes she took my fullYes
consent before she
personal experience She is extremely contacted and shared certain details of
I don't know understanding
Yes and non- my issues with
Yesmy parents.
Yes Yes Yes
they won't break Yes Yes
Yes as far as I Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
None of the above None of the above I don't know
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
and she was willing to meet up with
personal experience I have seen her non-
me immediately if I was actively
judgmental presence put many included me in her treatment plan,
She is the
always tookhead of dept
my input and
and she might
opinion. She
she is 60+ so not sure about be really really busy. But if you are her
her conducting face-to-face patient, she'll never ignore you.
Dr Arun Vangili Shemida Rayan
30-39 30-39
male Female
Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Coimbatore Chennai/ Banglore
English, Tamil English, Tamil
M.B.B.S., M.D (psy)MA PDFin Integrative Psychotherapy. Trained in London, UK.
8903604748 9176120726
[email protected] [email protected]
Insight Clinic Anna Nagar
10:00.AM.- 1:00 PM & 5'00PM.-
9am to 8pm
Monday, Tuesday,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Thursday, Saturday
Rs 500 2000 sliding scale
45 min - 1 hour 1 hour
Face to face
Through the telephone, Through emails, Over chat, Over videoconference/skype
I've worked/trained with them I have personally consulted them
people, Adults, Couples, Families,
Adolescents and young people, Adults, Couples, Families, Individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+
Older adults, Individuals
reproductive who
health related identify
Violence against women, Sexuality and gender orientation related issues, Sexual and reproductive health related concerns, Substance and h
Substance and habitual addictions,
No Maybe
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist
Treatment plan, Referral to another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other allied mental health professionals)
and other allied mental health
Maybe Yes
The Yellow Soul
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Cash, Internet Bank Transfer
Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank Transfer
Yes Yes
Rs 300 - RS 200 depends on the client's circumstances
I don't know Yes
dont knowRamp to access the Room, Can understand some sign language
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
I don't know Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
because They
i know personally
also saw my family member but was confidential about my personal struggles.
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
None of the above None of the above
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
worked in NIMHANS, Bangalore
I reached out in a crisis situation and she dealt with it well.
She is excellent at what she sayShe is cooperative and allows the client to lead and takes regular reviews of the therapeutic process
may be required to wait for sometime Just feel free to open up and share.
d concerns, Substance and habitual addictions, Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns

f the therapeutic process
Name Dr Arghya Pal Parnasha Gupta Roy
What is their age range? 30-39 30-39
Which gender do they
identify with?
Male Female

What is the title of the

mental health professional Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they Kolkata (Uttarpara, Andul, Uluberia,

practice in?
Malda, West Bengal
Serampore, Liluah)
Which language(s) are they
conversant in?
Bengali, Hindi, English Bengali, English, Hindi

What are their professional


What is their contact

9674417987 9874277712

What is their email address? [email protected]

What is the address of the

clinic/ hospital/ organization Uttarpara Private practice
where they practice?

What are their office hours? 7-9 10am-7pm

On which days of the week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
do they practice? (choose as Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
many options as applicable) Thursday, Friday

What are their fees for one

200 300

For how long does one

session last with them?
30 mins 45mins

Through which mediums do Face to face, Through the

they provide services?
(choose an many options as
Face to face telephone, Through emails, Over
applicable) chat, Through home visits

How do you know this

Heard of them through word of mouth,
professional? (choose as I have personally consulted them
many options as applicable) I have personally consulted them
Which of the following Children, Adolescents and young
groups does this professional people, Adults, Couples, Families,
Children, Adolescents and young
predominantly work with? Older adults, Individuals who
(choose as many options as people, Adults
identify as LGBTQIA+, Corporate
applicable) professionals

Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional, behavioural
and learning difficulties),
Special needs (Children with physical. Violence against women,
emotional, behavioural and learning Sexuality and gender orientation
difficulties), Sexuality and gender related issues, Sexual and
What are the issues that they
orientation related issues, Sexual and reproductive health related
work with? (choose as many
options as applicable) reproductive health related concerns, concerns, Substance and habitual
Substance and habitual addictions, addictions, Trauma, Child Sexual
Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Abuse, Mental Illness,
Illness Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting

Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific No Yes
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

If yes, what follows after the

assessment? (choose as many Diagnosis, Treatment plan
options as applicable)

Are they affiliated with any

other organization(s) as Yes Yes

If yes, please specify the

name of the organization.

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?
Yes Yes

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe
environment for Yes Yes
clients/patients to share
What forms of payment do
they accept? (choose as Cash Cash, Internet Bank Transfer
many options as applicable)

Does the mental health

professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
I don't know Yes
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much? 0.5

Is the office of the mental
health professional Maybe Yes
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make

people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
Yes Yes
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ Yes Yes
feel welcomed?
Are there any posters or
informational materials in
their office/clinic that No Yes
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?

Will they be open to talking

about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
Yes Yes
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an Yes Yes
ethical practice?
If yes, could you please tell
maintains confidentiality and
us your reasons for saying
so? privacy.

Does the mental health

professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, Yes Yes
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure

the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
Yes Yes
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
Yes Yes
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?
Will they ensure that they
only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
better treatment/therapy?

Will they be careful to not

give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
their approach?

Do you think they engage in

(choose as many options as None of the above

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not Yes
seek treatment?

Will the mental health

professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Yes Yes
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- Yes Yes
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's Yes Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes Yes
setting goals with the
Does the mental health
professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
I don't know Yes
crisis situation?

Would you be comfortable

in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
Yes Yes
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

If yes, what makes you say


Would you like to tell us a

bit about your experience of it was very good.i could get over
going to this professional as my problems.
a patient/client?

Is there anything that one calling beforehand to take

should keep in mind while appointment.carrying previous
going to this person? prescriptions
Dr.Nupur Guha Ray Mansi Poddar Charvi Jain
30-39 30-39 20-29

Female Female. Female

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Kolkata Kolkata
Bengali,Hindi, English English English, Hindi

Masters in counselling for mental

M.Sc,Ph.D,PGDRPSY,PPGDSC MA in Counselling
health and wellness

9331297260 9830015724 9830072004

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

All are adjacent to the concerned

Camac Street, Kolkata 700016 26B Camac Street, Kolkata
railway station.

10am-1pm and 6pm to 9 pm 9-6 11 AM to 8PM

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Tuesday, Saturday
Thursday, Friday, Saturday

400/- rs 1000 500

50 minutes minimum one hour 1 hour

Face to face, Through the

telephone, Over chat, Over Face to face Face to face

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young people,
Children, Adolescents and young Adults, Couples, Families, Older
people, Adults, Couples, Families, Adults, Couples adults, Individuals who identify as
Older adults LGBTQIA+, Corporate

Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional, behavioural Violence against women,
and learning difficulties), Violence Sexuality and gender orientation
against women, Sexuality and related issues, Substance and
gender orientation related issues, Trauma, Relationship Concerns, habitual addictions, Trauma, Child
Substance and habitual addictions, Work-life Concerns, Academic Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness,
Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, and Career Related Issues Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns, Academic and Career
Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Related Issues, Parenting
Academic and Career Related Concerns
Issues, Parenting Concerns

Yes I don't know Yes

Diagnosis I don't know Treatment plan

Yes I don't know Yes

NIFT Over a Cup of Tea

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank
Cash Cash

Yes I don't know Yes


Maybe Maybe Yes

don't know

Yes Yes Yes

i am not aware as i have not had to

Yes Maybe
access such facilities.
the therapist primarily has
Yes experience working with groups in Yes
her interest area.

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

she follows all norms related to She is a qualified professional and

Privacy settings and comfort level confidentiality and priorities the has always had a collaborative
needs of the clients. approach to therapy.

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

No Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Maybe Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Charvi is a well trained

psychotherapist, and she has a
very empathetic
Charvi is a and warm to her
I feel better now, u must go there she takes great efforts for her
clients. She is adept
psychotherapist, carefully at holding
and I am sure you will also feel patients and understands the
your issuesof the
and other
gives person
you and
better. gravity of such situations.
in providing insights without
time to open up and is very being
supportive. I would
Her therapyhighly
I am feeling much better i had a positive experience with recommend her.
boasts your self esteem when you
now...much more confident...can the therapist. she also offers
are deeply low. She effectively
concentrate on my studies. support group services.
makes you aware of the methods
to handle things in difficult
the fees are a little high and the situations. I highly appreciate her
Do not judge
sessions as ither
her age.
me She
Should have enough time in session timings are maintained
is very
know people around me. at
young, yet she is adept
hands.. strictly but the inputs are of
dealing with all kinds of issues.
Pompi Banerjee Parul Agarwal
20-29 20-29 30-39
Female Assigned at Birth, Genderfluid, Assigned Female at
Genderfluid Birth

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Kolkata Kolkata Siliguri, West Bengal

English, Hindi, conversational
Bengali, Hindi, English English, Hindi, Bengali
Bengali & Marwari
M.Sc Applied Psychology (Clinical); M.Sc Applied Psychology
MSc. Psychology, NVC
PG Diploma in Psychological (Clinical); PGDip in Psychological
Counseling Counseling
7044082034 7022082034
[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]

D-0229, Listening Light,

Hindusthan Road, Gariahat (South) hindusthan rd, gariahaat south
Uttorayon, Siliguri, West Bengal

Appointment based by appointment

Saturday Saturday

Flexible Fee structure flexible fee structure

45 minute to 60 minutes 45-60 mins

Face to face, Through the

Face to face Face to face

Heard of them through word of Heard of them through word of

mouth, Someone I know has been to Someone I know has been to them, I mouth, Someone I know has been
them, I have personally consulted have personally consulted them to them, I have personally
them consulted them
Adolescents and young people, Adolescents and young people,
Adolescents and young people,
Adults, Couples, Individuals who Adults, Couples, Individuals who
Adults, Couples, Families, Older
identify as LGBTQIA+, Corporate identify as LGBTQIA+, Corporate
adults, Corporate professionals
professionals professionals

Violence against women, Sexuality Violence against women,

Violence against women, Sexuality
and gender orientation related Sexuality and gender orientation
and gender orientation related issues,
issues, Sexual and reproductive related issues, Trauma, Child
Sexual and reproductive health related
health related concerns, Trauma, Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness,
concerns, Trauma, Child Sexual
Child Sexual Abuse, Relationship Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Abuse, Relationship Concerns, Work-
Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Concerns, Academic and Career
life Concerns, Academic and Career
Academic and Career Related Related Issues, Parenting
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns
Issues, Parenting Concerns Concerns

No No No

NGO kinky collective

Sanjog, India

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Cash, Credit/Debit cards Cash, Credit/Debit cards

Yes Yes Yes

Customized as per individual

depends on case basis

No No

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes
No No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Personal political standpoint,
general worldview of the
They keep confidentiality, do not
professional. Also, they are opposed
judge, abide by ethical guidelines
to conversion therapy for

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Because they are able to work with

people facing a crisis situation with i trust them and their capacity
Prachi Rathi Prashakha Solanki Ms. Gunjan Chandak Khemka
20-29 30-39 30-39

Female Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata

English, Hindi English, Hindi Hindi, Bengali, English

M.Sc. in Psychological Masters in Psychosocial Clinical

MSc Clinical Psychology
Counselling Work

9560171228 9830955545

[email protected]

203 Sarat Bose Road. South End

Room: 205, 5 Mangoe Lane, Polyclinic. Canara Bank Building.
Bhawanipore, Kolkata
Kolkata - 700001 Lake Road & Sarat Bose Road
crossing. Amitava Das.
10am - 7pm

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

1000 1000-1500

1hour 1 hour

Face to face;Over Face to face, Over

Face to face
videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them Someone I know has been to them
Children;Adolescents and young Adolescents and young people,
people;Adults;Couples;Families;In Adolescents and young Adults, Couples, Older adults,
dividuals who identify as people;Adults;Older Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate adults;Corporate professionals LGBTQIA+, Corporate
professionals professionals

Violence against women;Sexuality

Substance and habitual
and gender orientation related
addictions;Trauma;Mental Sexuality and gender orientation
issues;Substance and habitual
Illness;Relationship related issues, Mental Illness,
Concerns;Work-life Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career Concerns, Parenting Concerns
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

No Yes No

Diagnosis;Treatment plan

No I don't know Yes

Indian Psychoanalytical Society

It's safe and accessible, but it's in a

sared working space.

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank
Internet Bank Transfer Cash, Internet Bank Transfer
Transfer;GPay, Paytm

Yes Maybe Maybe

No Maybe No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes
I went to meet prachi with massive
social anxiety, I couldnt talk
assertively and was in a downward
spiral where i lost control over
how my life was going. with
therapy sessions for some time
now my social anxiety is I went to her for anxiety,
completely gone and now i am workplace and relationship related.
able to express myself freely. She made me feel comfortable,
Prachi is very non-judgmental, and safe, relaxed to share information.
understands the people who are in I went for therapy for over 4
their 20s very well, which was one months. The therapist is extremely
of the my main concerns. While empathetic, polite and guided me
going to therapy was that someone well to indentify and manage
fashioned would
be on time, andjudge metofor
try not anxiety inducing situations.
my ways of living life, but
cancel an appointment beyond Prachi
was very understanding
medical reasons. about
everything. She gave me space to
express myself and heard me over
patiently. With each session I got
much better.
Name Steffi Behanan Mahesh Natarajan
What is their age range? 20-29 40-49
Which gender do they
identify with?
Female Male

What is the title of the

mental health professional Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

practice in?
Banglore Bangalore
Which language(s) are they
conversant in?
English, hindi, Malayalam, bengali english, tamil

What are their professional MS (Counselling &

M.phil (with RCI)

What is their contact

What is their email address? [email protected]

What is the address of the

InnerSight, CV Raman Nagar,
clinic/ hospital/ organization Cadabams hospital
where they practice? Bangalore

What are their office hours? 10-6 10 AM- 9 PM

On which days of the week

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
do they practice? (choose as All days of the week
many options as applicable) Friday, Saturday

What are their fees for one

800-1200 1000 per hour

For how long does one

session last with them?
45 mins-1 hour 30 to 90 mins

Through which mediums do Face to face, Through the

they provide services? telephone, Through emails, Over
(choose an many options as
Face to face
videoconference/skype, Through
applicable) home visits

How do you know this

professional? (choose as I've worked/trained with them I have personally consulted them
many options as applicable)
Which of the following Children, Adolescents and young
groups does this professional
Adolescents and young people, people, Couples, Families,
predominantly work with?
(choose as many options as Adults, Couples, Families Individuals who identify as
applicable) LGBTQIA+

Special needs (Children with

physical. emotional, behavioural and
Sexuality and gender orientation
learning difficulties), Sexuality and
related issues, Mental Illness,
What are the issues that they gender orientation related issues,
Relationship Concerns, Work-life
work with? (choose as many Substance and habitual addictions,
options as applicable) Concerns, Academic and Career
Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse,
Related Issues, Parenting
Mental Illness, Relationship
Concerns, Work-life Concerns,
Parenting Concerns

Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific Yes
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral

If yes, what follows after the
to another professional (e.g.
assessment? (choose as many
options as applicable) psychiatrist and other allied mental
health professionals)

Are they affiliated with any

other organization(s) as I don't know Yes
If yes, please specify the
name of the organization.

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?
Yes Yes

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe
environment for Yes Yes
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Internet
they accept? (choose as
many options as applicable) Transfer Bank Transfer, PAYTM and UPI

Does the mental health

professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
Maybe Yes
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much? As needed

Is the office of the mental

health professional I don't know Maybe
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter
Will the professional make
people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
Yes Yes
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ Yes Yes
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that Yes Yes
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?

Will they be open to talking

about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
Yes Yes
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an Yes Yes
ethical practice?

If yes, could you please tell

us your reasons for saying Personal experience of various cases Personal experience

Does the mental health

professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, I don't know I don't know
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,
Will they be able to assure
the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
Yes Yes
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
Yes Yes
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
Yes Yes
better treatment/therapy?

Will they be careful to not

give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
Yes Yes
their approach?

Do you think they engage in Interactions in various

(choose as many options as None of the above professional capacities with their
applicable) clients

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not Yes Yes
seek treatment?

Will the mental health

professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Yes Yes
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?
Will they be able to connect
the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- Yes Yes
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's Yes Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
Yes Yes
crisis situation?

Would you be comfortable

in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
Yes Yes
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

If yes, what makes you say

Would you like to tell us a
bit about your experience of
going to this professional as
Very honest to the profession
a patient/client?

Is there anything that one Not sure if the person can deal
should keep in mind while with individuals from grass root
going to this person? level
Dr. Sandip Deshpande Pinki Solanki
40-49 40-49

Male Female

Psychiatrist Expressive and Creative Arts therapist

Bangalore Bengaluru

English, Kannada, Hindi English, Hindi

MB BS, MD (Psychiatry), DPM,

MRCPsych, CCT (UK), PGDip (Sexual
& Relationship Psychotherapy

91 80 42199437 9741334888

Sanjeevini Clinic Sanjay Nagar, Bengaluru


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday Friday

1500 per hour Ranging from 1000 INR

1 hour to 1:15

Face to face, Through the telephone,

Face to face
Through emails

Someone I know has been to them, I've

I have personally consulted them
worked/trained with them
Adolescents and young people, Adults,
Children, Adults, Couples, Families,
Couples, Individuals who identify as
Corporate professionals
LGBTQIA+, Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties), Violence against women, Special needs (Children with physical.
Sexuality and gender orientation related emotional, behavioural and learning
issues, Sexual and reproductive health difficulties), Violence against women,
related concerns, Substance and habitual Trauma, Mental Illness, Relationship
addictions, Trauma, Mental Illness, Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Parenting
Relationship Concerns, Work-life Concerns
Concerns, Academic and Career Related

I don't know Maybe

I don't know

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer

Maybe Maybe

No No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Very confidential, always explains the

I have a public profile myself, so I have
reason behind experimenting with
seen his conduct first hand
something, seeks consent, non judgemental

No Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

The professional has the ability to counsel

someone at the peak of trauma and has
I've already done so on a couple of
knowledge and networks to connect with
legal, healthcare or other services that
maybe required
Been under his treatment for the past
year, I've found our interactions to be
rewarding, pleasant and constructive.
Dr. Mahesh R Gowda Manisha Shastri Rohini Rajeev
Don't know 20-29 30-39

Male Female Female

Psychiatrist Peer supporter Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore Bangalore

Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada &
Kannada, English and Hindi English, Hindi
MBBS , Diploma in
MSW-Medicine & Psychiatry; Pursuing
Psychological Medicine ,
PhD in Applied Psychology
DNB (Psychiatry)
919035560000 / 080
8861512959 8892041947
23493157 / 080 23595652
[email protected]

549/46, 6th Main, 4th Block,

DeStress.in, Thubrahalli, Whitefield,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore - personal residence
560010, Karnataka

Mon - Sat | 1pm - 7pm Flexible

Monday, Tuesday,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
Friday, Saturday

250 - 300 free Flexible

10 - 15 minutes an hour 60 minutes

Face to face, Through the telephone,

Face to face Face to face Through emails, Over chat, Over

I have personally consulted Heard of them through word

them of mouth
Adolescents and young Adolescents and young people, Adults,
people, Adults, Couples, Adolescents and young people Couples, Families, Older adults, Corporate
Older adults professionals

Sexual and reproductive health related

concerns, Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse,
Mental Illness Mental Illness
Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns,
Work-life Concerns, Parenting Concerns

I don't know No No

No Yes Maybe
the red door

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know no charge Yes

Sliding scale depending on clients


Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

very welcoming, non

judgemental, broad minded
and diversity friendly,
confidentiality is maintained

Maybe Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know None of the above None of the above

I don't know Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Maybe Yes

I don't know Yes Yes

I don't know Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Maybe

I have heard that She gives a great sense of
warmth and comfort that makes people trust
her instantly. The vibes are very positive
Good so far, uses cognitive
and you will apparently hardly realise that
behavioural therapy
you are going through a serious
psychological counselling Session. Highly

I have heard that Urgent appointments for

face to face sessions may be difficult, might
need two days of notice at least.
Gayitri Bhatt Varun Kaul
60-69 30-39

Female Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore

English, Hindi, Kannada, Gujarati Hindi, English

MD, MSc, EMDR Certificate

9448040240 9686581821


p7, 3rd cross, near jeevan beema nagar bus

Couch Center for New Beginnings

9 - 5pm / Mon- Saturday on appointment

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
Friday, Saturday, Sunday

500- 1000 Rs 1500

50- 120 minutes 45 mins

Face to face, Over videoconference/skype Face to face

Heard of them through word of mouth,

Someone I know has been to them, I have I have personally consulted them
personally consulted them
Children, Adolescents and young people, Adults, Families, Older adults, Individuals
Adults, Couples, Older adults, Individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+, Corporate
who identify as LGBTQIA+ professionals

Violence against women, Sexuality and

gender orientation related issues, Sexual
and reproductive health related concerns, Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns,
Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Relationship Work-life Concerns, Academic and Career
Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Academic Related Issues, Parenting Concerns
and Career Related Issues, Parenting
Concerns, Adoption

Maybe I don't know

Treatment plan I don't know

Yes Yes
Parivarthan Counselling Center, Bangalore

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit cards, Internet

Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Transfer
Bank Transfer

Yes I don't know


Yes No

None of above
Maybe Yes

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Been going to him for a year now. I like

Such discussion has featured in our work
how he practices.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She has responded helpfully to a crisis

situation I had earlier in my therapy
In the early days of therapy, I found it hard
I've been going to him for a year now. I
to reveal all my problems to her, but when I
have anxiety disorder and bipolar type 2
did, she was understanding & she did not
disorder. He is unbiased and non-
judge me for holding back. When I was in
judgemental. He listens and then helps you
crisis she gave me telephone time & guided
make your decisions. I would recommend
me to protect myself. I feel much stronger
and more patient with myself now.

Nothing I can say now He's comfortable to talk to. and he cares.
Father Pancratius Varun Kaul
40-49 30-39

Male Male

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore

English, Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil Hindi, English

Masters in psychology, PhD

9480429086 9686581821

p7, 3rd cross, near jeevan beema nagar bus

Our Lady of Sacred Heart, Haralur Road

Flexible on appointment

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday, Sunday Friday, Saturday, Sunday

2000 1500

one hour 45 mins

Face to face, Through the telephone, Over

Face to face

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Adults, Families, Older adults, Individuals
Adults, Families who identify as LGBTQIA+, Corporate

Substance and habitual addictions, Trauma, Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns,

Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Academic and Career
Work-life Concerns Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

Yes I don't know

Diagnosis, Treatment plan I don't know

No Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit cards, Internet

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer
Bank Transfer

Yes I don't know

Entirely depends on how much you can

pay. I started with 800 and then now pay
him full fee of 2000

He can make a change of office rooms for

the differently abled
Yes Yes

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Confidentiality, no judgement at all, a

Been going to him for a year now. I like
willingness to help, and a really kind
how he practices.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

I have deep respect for my therapist. My

life has changed drastically since I began
treatment with him. He's always been
available and understanding and has
provided me guidance each time.
I've been going to him for a year now. I
have anxiety disorder and bipolar type 2
disorder. He is unbiased and non-
judgemental. He listens and then helps you
make your decisions. I would recommend

He's comfortable to talk to. and he cares.

Dr. Bhupendra Chaudhry Dr. Prabha Chandra
Don't know 60-69

Male Female

Psychiatrist Psychiatrist

Bangalore Bengaluru

English, Hindi Hindi, English, kannada

MBBS, MD - Psychiatry

91-9980524700 91 98 80 383057

Mallige Medical Centre Pvt. Ltd.

[email protected]
31/32 Crescent Road, Bangalore 560001,
Phone: +91-80-67165555, +91-80-
NIMHANS, bangalore
Fax: +91-80-22265298
Email: [email protected]
Web: AM - 1:00 PM


330 INR

Till it's necessary

Face to face Face to face

She's my friend's mother and has guided me

a lot..Referring me to psychiatrists in other
I have personally consulted them
cities, ensuring a friend in a crisis got help
Children, Adolescents and young people,
Adults, Families, Older adults, Corporate Adolescents and young people, Adults

Substance and habitual addictions, Mental

Mental Illness

I don't know Maybe

I don't know Yes

White Swan Foundation

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Cash, Credit/Debit cards Cash

Government hospital so charges are

I don't know

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
I have seen how she operates in a
professional settibg. A friend of mine had
gone to the emergency on NIMHANS once
and was being detained at the hospital over
night. Dr. Chandra was able to ensure ethics
and my friends choices were respected and
she was not detained.

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

He is a good psychiatrist, listens to the

I have done so in the past and she has
patient well and is empathetic, at the same
handled matters very well- with empathy, a
time follows the procedures to diagnose the
strong sense of ethics and calm.
I have been going to him since 2009, I have
gone to other psychiatrist but felt
comfortable only with his treatment

Don't worry. You can seek psychiatric help

from him with confidence
Dr. Prabha Chandra Manju



Hindi, English, kannada

91 80 25298686
98 80 383057

Parivarthan, Indiranagar

NIMHANS, bangalore

Was 500/hr ~2 yrs ago

1 hr.

Face to face, Through the telephone

Face to face

She's my friend's mother and has guided me

a lot..Referring me to psychiatrists in other I have personally consulted them
cities, ensuring a friend in a crisis got help

Adolescents and young people;Adults

Work-life Concerns

Mental Illness

I don't know


White Swan Foundation





I don't know

Government hospital so charges are


I don't know
I don't know




I have seen how she operates in a She clearly laid out the terms of her role as
professional settibg. A friend of mine had a professional counseller and put me at
gone to the emergency on NIMHANS once ease. Was always open to taking stock of
and was being detained at the hospital over situation periodically and assessing
night. Dr. Chandra was able to ensure ethics progress, etc. Finally when I wished to end
and my friends choices were respected and my sessions with her and explained my
she was not detained. reasons, she was accepting and




I was told they will, if it came to that. It

never did for me.





No, not to my knowledge.

None of the above

I think so









I don't know


No, because I don't know if they handle

such situations


I have done so in the past and she has

handled matters very well- with empathy, a
strong sense of ethics and calm.
I found Manju to be a really nice
counseller. She never made it look like a
job she was doing and was always attentive,
patient, non-judgemental. Going to sessions
with her felt like meeting a friend (on an
appointment ofcourse, and with a clock
ticking! :) )
Riddhi Khandwal Kalyanasundaram
30-39 50-59

Female Male

Clinical Psychologist Psychiatrist

Bengaluru Bangalore

English Kannada, English, Tamil


98 86 947485 22442241

Sagar Clinic Shanthi Nursing home , Jayanagar


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,


1000 1000₹

One hour 15 min

Face to face, Through the telephone, Over

Face to face, Through emails

Someone I know has been to them, I have Someone I know has been to them, I have
personally consulted them personally consulted them
Children, Adolescents and young people,
Adolescents and young people, Adults,
Adults, Couples, Families, Older adults,
Corporate professionals

Trauma, Mental Illness, Relationship

Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns
Concerns, Work-life Concerns

I don't know I don't know

I don't know

I don't know I don't know

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Transfer Cash

I don't know I don't know

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Due to behaviour

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She has helped a friend out of being

suicidal, and has counselled me during a He treats very good
similar phase.
I feel empowered and am getting better by
talking to Riddhi. She tries to get me to
arrive at solutions and is never prescriptive.
Treats really well
She always explains why she is saying or
advising something, and I don't feel
condescended to or blamed, ever.

Doesn't talk much

Pallavi Tomar Akshara Damle

Clinical Psychologist

English and Hindi

English, Hindi, Kannada

MPhil Clinical Psychology MSc Psychology


[email protected] Mano Samvaada

[email protected]
No. 28 (New 57, 20th A Main Rd,
1st R Block, Rajaji Nagar,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560010
Landmark: Behind Mahalakshmi Metro

4pm to 9pm

Monday to Saturday (online) Wednesday;Friday

Rs 2000 per hour
50 minutes
Around 1 hour.. sometimes 1 and half hours


Face to face;Through the telephone;Over


I have personally consulted them

I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young people, Adults


Sexuality and gender orientation related

issues, Sexual and reproductive health
related concerns, Mental Illness,
Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Concerns, Academic and Career Related
Issues, Parenting Concerns

Violence against women;Sexual and

reproductive health related concerns;Mental
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Issues;Parenting Concerns



Treatment plan

Diagnosis;Treatment plan

I don't know
People Tree Maarga Hospitals



Cash, Credit/Debit cards

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

I don't know


Depends... May be 20 - 25% less





I don't know

no, but he is diversity friendly.




He doesn't disclose the issues discussed

with the client to anyone. He listens
carefully to the patient and then helps the
client to get clarity on the issue. He doesn't
demean the clients.





I don't know







None of the above

None of the above




I don't know






I don't know




He is very empathetic and caring. He

prioritises patients in case of emergency. A
friend's friend was suicidal and he saved her
through telephonic counselling.
I am a working professional. I was
suffering from anxiety and mild depression.
I also had a relationship issue with my boy
friend. I approached Akshara based on a
reference of one of my friends. He was very
kind and compassionate. he listened to my
Dr. Tomar helped me a lot with my anxiety feelings and then resolved the issues step by
step. I was near to normal within 3 sessions.
Later I could manage myself. He also
encouraged me to observe myself and get

Nothing as such.
Anita Rajnarayan Simi Matthew

40-49 30-39

Female Female

Alternative therapy Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore

English, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada English

9741399482 6391-559859

n/a [email protected]

SMarT Studio
# 37/4 Meanee Avenue, Ulsoor
Adrsh Vista Villa, Doddanekkundi, Bangalore, Karnataka 560042
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037 India

n/a 9am -5pm

day;Saturday Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday

3000 1500

2-3 hrs 1 hour

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over

videoconference/skype Face to face;Through the telephone

I've worked/trained with them I have personally consulted them

Adults;Older adults;Corporate professionals Adults;Couples

Substance and habitual addictions;Mental

Trauma;Relationship Concerns;Work-life Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns Concerns

No I don't know

I don't know


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know I don't know

Yes No
Yes I don't know

Yes Maybe

I don't know I don't know

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

She respects boundaries and doesn't push

her opinions. Can say with experience

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
No I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

No Yes

Yes Yes

I have had suicidal thoughts myself when approching the councelor

She is empathetic listener, consents before
using any new form therapy, checks in
through phone for well-being. I found her

Hema Sampath Chaitra Mahesh

40-49 30-39

Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bengaluru Bangalore

English, Tamil, kannada, hindi English, Kannada, Hindi

M.Sc Psychological Counselling

98802 63815 8095321705

[email protected] [email protected]

Regenerating lives, 10, 1st Cross Rd, SFHS

Layout, BHBCS Layout, Stage 2, BTM
Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076 100 feet ring road, JP Nagar 6th phase

10 am - 7 pm

uesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday day;Saturday;Sunday

1000 Rs 1000/hr

1 to 1.5 1 - 2 hrs

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over

Face to face;Through the telephone videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to them;I have

personally consulted them I have personally consulted them
Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Couples;Individuals who
identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
professionals Adults;Couples;Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against
women;Sexuality and gender orientation
related issues;Sexual and reproductive
health related concerns;Substance and
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Parenting Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns Concerns;Work-life Concerns

I don't know

I don't know

Maybe Yes
I dont know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer;Paytm Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes No

Yes I don't know

Maybe Yes

Can say with experience It is stated in the document she gave me

Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Have been to many sessions with chaitra

oughts myself when approching the councelor and it has helped me a lot
I was facing some severe problems in my
personal life when i went to meet chaitra.
She is very friendly and caring. Her
suggestions were very helpful. She listened
Felt at home from the start and was able to with full patience and shared some valuable
establish rapport and she made me see techniques that have helped me resolve my
things from a different perspective. problem to a good extent.

She works in untangle - counselling and psychotherapy

Amita Bala Christopher David Skill

40-49 50-59

Female Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore

M.Sc . (Psychology);B.Com.;
English, Tamil ACCA ; CPA English
; Certificate in Counselling (BSIC);
Certificate in Child and Adolescent
Counselling, Certificate in Couple and
Family Counselling;

9845092845 8971832591

[email protected]

Koramangala Niramai Clinic, Indiranagar

11am to 2pm, 5pm to 8pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday day;Saturday

1000-1500 INR 750

60 min 1 hour

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over

videoconference/skype Face to face

I have personally consulted them;I've

worked/trained with them I have personally consulted them
Children;Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older Adolescents and young
adults;Individuals who identify as people;Adults;Couples;Families;HIV
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals Counselling

Violence against women;Sexuality and

gender orientation related issues;Sexual and
reproductive health related
concerns;Substance and habitual
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship Violence against women;Substance and
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic habitual addictions;Trauma;Mental
and Career Related Issues;Parenting Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns Concerns

Maybe I don't know

Diagnosis;Referral to another professional

(e.g. psychiatrist and other allied mental
health professionals) I don't know

Yes I don't know


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Maybe

case to case

Maybe Yes

Not Sure
Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Maybe No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Follows BCPA code of conduct

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Maybe

Yes Maybe
Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

By experience. I have referred many clients to her already.

I have been in counselling room with Amita I visited Chris when I was in complete
on and off since 2008. I have found her to emotional turmoil. He was patient and kind,
be very helpful, respectful, non- and focused not simply on defusing the
prescriptive, non-judgmental, good listener situation, but also on ensuring I worked on
and well studied and trained in offering He is very kind,
reclaiming butasheaisperson,
myself also very matter-
outside of
needed help. of-fact. He calls
the asituation.
spade a spade, which
some people might misconstrue as being
insensitive. The truth is, he has a keen
understanding of when people need to face
certain facts, and he works to prepare them
ntangle - counselling and psychotherapy to deal with those facts.
Nithya J Rao Manju

20-29 40-49

Gender Fluid

Rehabilitation Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore

English Hindi Kannada English

Masters in Rehabilitation and Counselling

7892551372 80 25298686

[email protected]

Heart it Out Parivarthan, Indiranagar

7 am - 10 pm


750 Was 500/hr ~2 yrs ago

1 hour 1 hr.

Face to face;Through the

telephone;Through emails;Over chat;Over
videoconference/skype;Through home
visits Face to face;Through the telephone

Someone I know has been to them;I have

personally consulted them;I've
worked/trained with them I have personally consulted them
Adolescents and young
who identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
professionals;Personality Disorders, Death
and Trauma Adults

Violence against women;Sexuality and

gender orientation related issues;Sexual and
reproductive health related
concerns;Substance and habitual
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
and Career Related Issues;Parenting
Concerns;Anxiety Work-life Concerns

No I don't know

Referral to another professional (e.g.

psychiatrist and other allied mental health

Richmond Fellowship Society

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Transfer Cash

Yes I don't know

250 - 1500

Yes I don't know

ASL interpreter




She clearly laid out the terms of her role as

Yes Maybe and put me at
a professional counseller
ease. Was always open to taking stock of
situation periodically and assessing
The person has walked away from and progress, etc. Finally when I wished to end
challenged many held beliefs which are my sessions with her and explained my
against the community. They actively reasons, she was accepting and
participate in politics and Government understanding.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I was told they will, if it came to that. It

Yes never did for me.



Yes Yes

I don't know No, not to my knowledge.

Yes I think so

Yes Yes
Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe I don't know

No, because I don't know if they handle

Maybe such situations

ients to her already.

I found Manju to be a really nice
counseller. She never made it look like a
job she was doing and was always attentive,
I felt safe mostly. And very refreshed. It patient, non-judgemental. Going to sessions
wasn't very scary or typical. The therapist with her felt like meeting a friend (on an
was friendly and caring and was more than appointment ofcourse, and with a clock
happy to accommodate me and my quirks. ticking! :) )

Be honest and open and know that therapy

is not advice. Trust in the process. And
Sukanya Ananth Anupama mahajan

40-49 40-49

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Experiential Counsellor

Bangalore Bangalore

English English, Hindi, Marathi

MSc, Psychotherapy

9845071147 +91 98451 74492

#73, First Floor, 15th Cross, 6th Main,

Malleshwaram, Bangalore - 560 055 Mathikhere

10am - 7pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday day;Saturday

Was 500/hr ~2 yrs ago 800

One hour

Face to face;Over videoconference/skype Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

mouth;Someone I know has been to them;I
I have personally consulted them have personally consulted them
Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Couples;Not sure which Adults;Individuals who identify as
other sections from above LGBTQIA+

Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
and Career Related Issues;Parenting
Concerns;Not sure which other sections Mental Illness;Relationship
from above Concerns;Work-life Concerns

I don't know I don't know

I don't know

I don't know Maybe


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

don't know Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know Maybe

She also sometimes sees people in her

house, which is wheelchair accessible. Her
office is not. Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No No

Yes Yes
I have found her completely respecting of
all my choices, always supporting me
Yes without making
through my own choices Yes
any choices for me or making me feel like
there is ever a 'right' or 'wrong' decision.
She also supported me through deciding
whether I wanted to take medicines or not,
and was equally supportive about both

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

I don't know Yes

Maybe Yes
Sukanya is a great listener, never
judgemental/preachy, and always softly
guiding. She asks me what I want to do
about things always, guiding me towards
solutions I find mostly myself, never
making any decisions for me herself. She is
never judgemental and always asks you to
accept yourself and tells you that
everything you are feeling or experiencing
is normal and okay. She is also available
over text, in between sessions, for when
you're going through a really bad day/break
down/panic attack/episode of feeling
suicidal and she is available to speak about
things in between as well.

Nothing at all :) I have found her

beautifully non judgemental and welcoming
Anupama Gautam Kala Balasubramanian

40-49 40-49

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore

English, Kannada, Hindi English, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada

MS - Counselling and Psychotherapy

9845174492 9632146316

[email protected] [email protected]

Private Sessions in various locations 1.

Mathikere, behind Ramaiah College 2. St 114, II Floor, 6th Main Road, Byrasandra,
Marks Road 3. Skype sessions Jayanagar I Blk East, Bangalore - 560011

Based on appointment timings 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday day;Saturday;Sunday

1000 1500

60 minutes 1 hour

Face to face;Over videoconference/skype Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to them;I've

I have personally consulted them worked/trained with them
Adolescents and young
Adults;Couples;Families;Individuals who people;Adults;Couples;Families;Corporate
identify as LGBTQIA+ professionals

Sexuality and gender orientation related Trauma;Child Sexual Abuse;Mental

issues;Trauma;Child Sexual Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Concerns;Parenting Concerns Issues;Parenting Concerns

No No

Treatment plan;Referral to another

professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other
allied mental health professionals)

Yes I don't know

Inner Dawn Counselling and Training
InnerSight and Prerana Academy Services LLP

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes


Yes No
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
there are many reasons to this - a few are
she is non-judgmental, she is great with
privacy, keeps herself updated and does not
approach a subject if you say no. She works Client Consent, Confidentiality, boundaries
with you and your needs and always of competence are explained clearly and
prioritizes you over the practice. adhered to

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I have always felt safe with her and value

her method. I have referred her to friends
who are facing issues and she has always Suicidal clients have been handled
helped during these crisis times carefully, and ethically
She is well informed and is keen on learning
new things that will help her face
challenges. This keeps me going back to her
as my vocabulary is understood and I feel Professional and Competent Counsellors.
safe in the session. Respectful, warm and genuine.
Sahiti Gavarikar Sangeetha Deenanath

20-29 40-49

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore
Kannada Telugu Tamil Malayalam English
English Hindi

M.Sc in Counselling Psychology M.Sc in Counselling Psychology

- 919880000000

[email protected] [email protected]

573, 3rd block, 16th B main, Koramangala

Sampurna Montfort College Bangalore 560034

4pm - 6 pm 10am- 6pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Sat Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
urday day;Saturday

Free, currently ₹800

60 minutes 60 minutes

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over

Face to face chat;Over videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to them I've worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young
Adolescents and young adults;Individuals who identify as
people;Adults;Individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals;Senior
LGBTQIA+ Citizens

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Sexuality and gender
orientation related issues;Sexual and
reproductive health related
concerns;Substance and habitual
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Sexuality and gender orientation related Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
issues;Relationship Concerns;Work-life and Career Related Issues;Parenting
Concerns Concerns

No No

No No
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes

Free ₹400

No No
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

One of the stated goal of this person is to

serve the people of the society for their
upliftment. She does pro bono counselling
She has been very clear about for school children from lower economic
confidentiality and legal limitations. background

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Have had a friend with suicide ideation talk

to her She is extremely approachable.
She is extremely approachable. She has her
own therapist. She is non judgemental. She
is very patient and a good listener

She is a counsellor and not a doctor

Mahima Mallya Shree Prabha


Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore

English, Hindi English

MSc Psychology, Clinical Hypnotherapy,
Clinical Hypnotherapy, Transpersonal
Regression Therapy, NLP Master

9742643792 91 9846000000

[email protected] [email protected]

Tattva Counselling, #606, 80 Feet Rd,

Koramangala 8th Block, Koramangala,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560095 Bangalore

9 a.m to 6 p.m 9 AM - 5 PM

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday day


50 minutes to 1 hour 2 - 2.5 hrs

Face to face;Through emails;Over

videoconference/skype Face to face

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young
Adolescents and young people;Adults professionals

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against
women;Substance and habitual
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Concerns;Work-life Concerns Issues;Parenting Concerns

I don't know Yes

I don't know Diagnosis;Treatment plan

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Internet Bank Transfer Cash

I don't know Maybe

No Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes No

Yes Yes

The mental healthYes professional is very Yes

ethical when it comes to serving her patients Genuine, non-judgmental, values the
, I can say this as I have been personally client/patient''s right to autonomy, ensures
seeing her for almost a year and have seen confidentiality, practices in such a way that
her genuineness towards her work and also they do no harm to the client/patient and
felt completely secure with sharing everything they do/ask is for the benefit of
anything. the client/patient.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I have personally shared my thoughts with

her and after seeing her approach to the
situation I was going through I felt a whole Is able to keep calm in stressful situations
lot better with regards to it. and provide balanced opinions
a year now and I have been able to not only
share but also deal with and better manage
most of my emotional problems. I feel
much better now and have come to terms
with most of my past and other problems I
had, with the help of my therapist. The
therapist is a wonderful person as she makes
u feel comfortable and able to confide in her
with anything and also find solutions
together for the same. I have noticed I
instantly feel better after seeing her and also
find reasonable ways to deal with the
problems I share. Overall it has been a life
changing experience and very happy to say Was grappling with a difficult marital
that my therapist Mahima has played a big situation and she help me to navigate
role in that. through this.

Nothing I can think of, other than feel free

to be open and honest with her and believe
that together you will overcome the odds. No
Ravi Prakash - Veditha Mind Care Clinic Jyothi John

40-49 30-39

Male Female

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore

English Hindi Kannada Hindi, English, Malayalam

M. Phil in Psychology

91 97416 37803 9654285868

[email protected]

Vedhitha Mind Care Clinic, 3rd Floor;

Municipal No.3; HMT LAYOUT; Near JP
Park, Opposite to Chowdeshwari Bus Stop,
Landmark : Above Dr. Lal's PathLab Private Practice

11 to 7

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day day;Saturday;Sunday

650/- 2000

30minutes - it depends on the condition 1hr

Through the telephone;Over chat;Over

Face to face;Over videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them Heard of them through word of mouth

Children;Adolescents and young Adolescents and young people;Adults;Older
people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older adults;Individuals who identify as
adults;Corporate professionals LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against Violence against women;Sexuality and
women;Sexuality and gender orientation gender orientation related issues;Sexual and
related issues;Sexual and reproductive reproductive health related
health related concerns;Substance and concerns;Substance and habitual
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
and Career Related Issues;Parenting and Career Related Issues;Parenting
Concerns Concerns

Yes No

Referral to another professional (e.g.

psychiatrist and other allied mental health
Diagnosis;Treatment plan professionals)

No I don't know
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Cash;Cheque;Credit/Debit cards;Internet

Bank Transfer Bank Transfer

Yes I don't know

Depends on the case.

I don't know Yes

No idea
Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

He knows the Human Psychology, hence She explained to me ethical issues very
he's the best. well.. Confidentiality

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

His experience and the variety of clients. She is competent and good
She was good n patient

Divya Ganesh Nallur Dr. Bhuvaneshwari

Don't know 40-49

Female Female

Psychiatrist Psychiatrist

Bengaluru Bengaluru

English, Kannada English, Kannada

MBBS, MRCPsych, PG Diploma in CBT MBBS, MD, DPM

8046659999 080-22065460

St. John's Medical Collage Hospital,

People Tree Marga Psychiatry Dept

9 am to 4pm



15 mins-1 hour

Face to face Face to face

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Adults Adolescents and young people;Adults

Substance and habitual addictions;Mental

Illness;Work-life Concerns;Academic and Mental Illness;Relationship
Career Related Issues Concerns;Work-life Concerns

I don't know

I don't know

I don't know
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards

I don't know

I don't know Yes



I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

My own experience with her: empathy,

Well read, offered her treatment to me in a sensitivity to my issues and confidentiality
rigorous way without preconceived biases always kept, I felt a sense of trust

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

My experience: her empathy, her ability to

bring perspective to a situation without
talking down or forcing someone to see her
Extremely empathetic doctor who is easy to way, ability come up with solutions
talk to and offers great guidance collectively
Extremely empathetic. She combined
psychiatric medicine and Cognitive
Behavioural Therapy with me.

Since she sits at a hospital OPD, it can get

very crowded and there can be a long wait.
But once you are with her, she gives you
full attention and doesn't rush you.
Komal Narang Ramya Sastry

40-49 30-39

Female Female

Counselling Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bengaluru Bengaluru

English, Hindi BS in Psych (US), Dip in Couples Therapy

(US), Certifications in Trauma-informed
psychotherapy (NICABM), Masters training
Post Graduation Diploma in Psychological in mindfulness-based psychotherapeutic
Counselling practice (U.K).

080-40929201 7259149497

[email protected] [email protected]

MBS Holistic Clinic, 1-Floor, DSR Atrium,

ECC Road, Adjacent to GR Tech Park, Independent private practitioner
Whitefield, Bengaluru - 560066 Bengaluru

Between 10 am to 8 pm Tuesday-Saturday

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Satur
day;Saturday;Sunday day

1500 Rupees 2,000

1 Hour One hour

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over

videoconference/skype Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

Got Mr. Vinod Chebbi's contact from

Someone I know has been to them;I have google search and was referred by them to
personally consulted them her
Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Couples;Individuals who
identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
professionals Adults;Couples

Violence against women;Sexuality and

gender orientation related issues;Sexual and
reproductive health related
concerns;Substance and habitual
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career Related Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship
Issues;Parenting Concerns Concerns;Work-life Concerns

I don't know No

I don't know NO
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know I don't know

Yes No

They provide skype sessions

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She has always been non-judgmental in her

approach during couple counseling and also
always ensured confidentiality

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Komal is a really capable psychologist and I

believe that she will be do her best to calm
the person in crisis and then help them She addresses critical issues immediately
recover. and guides appropriately/effectively
feel the availability of a friend/guide with
me at all times. When in dilemma, I can
safely approach her and feel sorted out at
the end of a session with her. I can
confidently say I am getting better at
knowing and exploring myself, which had
been completely lacking throughout all
these years for me. This gives me the
confidence to sail through most of the
situations with little bit more ease and less
conflict, as if I am sure of what I can
tolerate and what I cannot and why. Further,
it has become clear to people around me
too, as to what my limitations and
boundaries are. So, I would sum it up as an
ongoing journey of self discovery.

As with all good things, therapy requires lot

of patience, hard work and willingness to go
through some amount of pain to explore
Ms.Sneha Satheendran Indratapa Das

20-29 20-29

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Pune and Bangalore Bangalore

English Hindi English, Hindi, Bengali

Masters in counselling psychology Master's in Counseling Psychology

91 99758 85473 9884290616

[email protected] [email protected]

The Safe Space, #339, 9th Main Road,

Yashica heart care centre, Viman Nagar, Stage 2, Eshwara Layout, Indiranagar,
pune Bangalore - 560038

10 am-4pm 10AM - 6PM

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

day;Saturday Friday, Saturday

200- 800 1,000

1 hour, to required length 50 mins

Face to face;Through the

telephone;Through emails;Over Face to face, Through the telephone, Over
videoconference/skype chat, Over videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them I've worked/trained with them

Children, Adolescents and young people,
Adults, Couples, Individuals who identify
Adolescents and young people;Adults as LGBTQIA+, Corporate professionals

Violence against women, Sexuality and

gender orientation related issues, Substance
and habitual addictions, Trauma, Child
Sexual Abuse, Relationship Concerns,
Mental Illness;Relationship Concerns Work-life Concerns, Parenting Concerns

No No

She does not conduct assessments.

She is self-employed. She has a private

Yes practice.
Flame university and Ajeenkya dy Patel
university The Safe Space Counseling

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer;nEFT Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know Yes



Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

She is qualified and she is open about her

own professional limitations. She makes the
Complete confidentiality, non judgement necessary referrals, in the best interest of
and empowering the client.

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes


I don't know
I have been seeing Ms.Sneha to deal with
family turmoil and working with her has
been a relief to me, I have confidence that
we are working through things troubling me
and attacking issues according to priority,
she has a very non judgmental open attitude
and explains things patiently

Feel free to share your concerns without any

Ashwini Vishwanathan Chandni Vijay

20-29 20-29

Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist

Bengaluru Bangalore

English, Kannada, Malayalam English, Malayalam, Hindi

MPhil in Clinical Psychology M.Phil. Clinical Psychology

9538451091 9742052330

[email protected]

Private practice Private Practice

9AM to 7PM 11am to 8pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

INR 1200- 1800 800-1000

50 minutes- 1 hour 50 minutes to 1 hour

Over videoconference/skype Over videoconference/skype

I've worked/trained with them I've worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young people, Adults,
Couples, Families, Older adults, Individuals Adolescents and young people, Adults,
who identify as LGBTQIA+, Corporate Older adults, Individuals who identify as
professionals LGBTQIA+, Corporate professionals

Sexuality and gender orientation related

issues, Sexual and reproductive health Sexuality and gender orientation related
related concerns, Substance and habitual issues, Sexual and reproductive health
addictions, Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, related concerns, Child Sexual Abuse,
Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns, Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns,
Work-life Concerns, Academic and Career Work-life Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

Maybe Yes

Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to

another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and
other allied mental health professionals) other allied mental health professionals)

Yes I don't know

Rehabilitation Council of India,
International Society of Emotion Focussed

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Internet Bank Transfer, UPI Internet Bank Transfer, UPI

Yes Yes

Upto INR 800 800

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

She follows ethical guidelines set by

Yes and HIPAA. She
organizations like APA Having workedYeswith and shared a
constantly updates her knowledge; is ready supervisory space with her, I've seen her be
to admit (and refer clients out) when the mindful and deliberate regarding ethical
issues are beyond her capability of dealing concerns in therapy. She works hard to
with at the moment; maintains ensure patient welfare is central to all
confidentiality and professional relationship therapy decisions and is rigorous in
with clients. maintaining confidentiality.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Maybe Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes

I'm confident her ability to hold space for

She knows up to date theories and treatment people's pain and convey absolute support
methods; knows their effective use; has a would create a much-needed sense of
calming presence and utilize other resources connection and facilitate the work required
that are essential in such a situation during a crisis
Chandni is a sensitive therapist whose input
I often seek in my own work. She places
Not applicable herself firmly on
Notthe client's side, taking an
Ashwini is a professional I trust very much unconditionally supportive stance. She can
to deal with the issues a client may have make people feel seen and heard with ease.
with genuine interest and skill. She will Her ability to connect with the most
always be in my top 3 choices to refer functional aspects of a person translates into
anyone for therapy. hope and movement in therapy.
Sofie Mathew Anindita Kundu

40-49 30-39

Female Female, Demi/Bisexual

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore

English, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada English, Hindi, Bengali

Masters in Applied Psychology, Certified
Trauma Therapist from Boston USA,
M.Sc. Counselling Psychology Suicide Prevention Expert From USA.

9449112092 9535024109

[email protected] [email protected]

She used to work at Jindal Naturecure, but Sampurna Montfort College Indiranagar/
now she works independently. Online

11 am - 7pm 10-5 p.m.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday Friday

1,500 1200-1500. Has a sliding scale

1 hour 50-90 mins

Face to face, Through the telephone,

Through emails, Over chat, Over Face to face, Through the telephone, Over
videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of mouth,

Someone I know has been to them, I have
I have personally consulted them personally consulted them
Children, Adolescents and young people,
Adults, Couples, Families, Individuals who
Adolescents and young people, Adults, identify as LGBTQIA+, Corporate
Couples, Families, Corporate professionals professionals

Violence against women, Sexuality and

gender orientation related issues, Sexual and
reproductive health related concerns,
Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental
Violence against women, Substance and Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-life
habitual addictions, Trauma, Mental Illness, Concerns, Academic and Career Related
Relationship Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Issues, Parenting Concerns, She primarily
Parenting Concerns works with Abuse and trauma victims.

Maybe I don't know

I don't know I don't know

I don't know Yes

The International School Bangalore, The
Live Love Laugh Foundation, Work Place
Options, Sampurna Montfort College

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit cards, Internet Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank
Bank Transfer Transfer

Depending on the financial position of the

Yes Yes
client. She even does a lot of pro bono work
for those who absolutely cannot afford her
services. I don't know that

Maybe Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
I have been in therapy with her for over a
year. She is has never breached my
boundaries. Always informed me about the
I have sought her help for the last 10 years ethical practices and also takes my consent
and my experience with her has been at every step.
excellent. I highly recommend her.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I have referred a friend who was undergoing

Personal experience of the last 10 years. I domestic abuse, it's been a year and my
have personally recommended her to many friend is doing much better. I have
of my friends and family who have all personally experienced the non-pathological
benefitted from her counselling. approach.
When I started therapy, it was really hard
for me trust someone, I have never had a
constant in my life, having undergone
various forms of abuse, verbal, emotional,
and being gaslit by people closest to me, it
was really hard for me to open up. She
provided me a safe space and never pushed
me to open up prematurely. At every step
she ensured I was feeling safe and
Beena N Jennifer Moses

40-49 40-49

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore

English, Kannada, Telgu, Hindi English, Tamil

Ms In psychothereapy Masters in Counselling Psychology

9663487401 9620046464

[email protected] [email protected]

Self Practioner HSR Layout

On Appointment

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday Friday, Saturday, Sunday

1,000 Rs. 1000 per session

1 hour 60 mins for Individuals

Face to face, Through the telephone, Over

chat, Over videoconference/skype Face to face, Over videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them Someone I know has been to them

Children, Adolescents and young people, Children, Adolescents and young people,
Adults, Corporate professionals Adults, Corporate professionals

Sexuality and gender orientation related

issues, Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Substance and habitual addictions, Mental
Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-life Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Concerns, Academic and Career Related Concerns, Academic and Career Related
Issues, Parenting Concerns Issues, Parenting Concerns


Treatment plan

No Yes
Prerana Academy, Her Second Innings



Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank Transfer Cash, Internet Bank Transfer, PayTM, GPay

Yes Yes

Individual Based

No No



I don't know


Yes Yes

In Supervision and Personal Therapy






None of the above






Yes Yes


I trust her competency and also that she is in

She is approachable, comes across as non-
judgemental and warm and I felt open and
nurtured during my sessions.

She is eclectic in her approach with

Transactional Analysis as a predominant
Devika Arora Mrs. Nazneen Ahamed

30-39 30-39

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Bangalore Bangalore
English ,Hindi, Kannada,
English Telugu,Tamil,Urdu

BSC Business, MA Psych, Certified Life

Coach Msc.and Mphil in Psychology

9830912234 9916617200

[email protected] [email protected]

Sri Bhagawan Mahveer Jain First Grade

Magic Mind HQ, Indiranagar, Bangalore College.

2pm-6pm 9am to 5pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday Friday, Saturday

Rs 1500 500- 1500

1 hour 45 min

Through the telephone, Through emails, Through the telephone, Over chat, Over
Over chat, Over videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them I've worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young people, Adults,
Individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+, Children, Adolescents and young people,
Corporate professionals Adults, Couples, Families

Special needs (Children with physical.

emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties), Violence against women,
Trauma, Relationship Concerns, Work-life Relationship Concerns, Work-life Concerns,
Concerns, Academic and Career Related Academic and Career Related Issues,
Issues, Anxiety Management Parenting Concerns

I don't know Maybe

Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to Referral to another professional (e.g.

another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and psychiatrist and other allied mental health
other allied mental health professionals) professionals)

I don't know Maybe

www.magicmind.org NIMHANS in Bangalore

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank Transfer,
Transfer, UPI Phone pay and google pay

Yes Yes

1000-1500 Depends on the client status flexibility

Yes Yes

Dont know No
Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes No

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes
Shes highly qualified, comes from very
good schools and has years of practise.
She's also been through anxiety firsthand
and knows how to channel her focus and Yes we should have Ethical values because
empathy 100% with no judgment or shame we deal with human. We should value their
or negative talk to all her clients alike. emotions .

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Maybe

Yes No
Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes

Highly empathetic, very caring, ready to

help at any given point.
I had a lot of anxiety and trauma and she
really helped me with building my self
awareness, the psycho education of anxiety
and what i'm going through, explained the
roots and helped me find my own answers,
was highly patient and very positive and
loving, felt like I knew her for years and
we've been doing CBT mindfulness sessions
and its amazing so far. shes also very
focused on goals and creating a plan of Very comfortable to share our issues and
action coupled with talk therapy. good listener , advisor.

Feel free to share proper information with

be as honest as possible because shes non out hiding any thing and have trust to share
judgmental and very accepting it.
Vandana Brahmasa Shreya Chatterjee

20-29 30-39

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist

Bangalore Indiranagar, Bengaluru

English, Hindi and Telegu English, Hindi, Bengali

MA in Applied Psychology

7738671251 8335947720

[email protected]

Mindscape, 4th floor, Rishabh Poly

New Thippasandra Main Rd, HAL 3rd
Bangalore Stage, Puttappa layout, New Tippasandra,


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Rs. 1300/- 1,200

1 hour 1 hour

Face to face, Through the telephone, Over

Over videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

I've worked/trained with them I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young people, Adults,
Couples, Individuals who identify as Adolescents and young people, Adults,
LGBTQIA+, Corporate professionals Couples

Violence against women, Sexuality and

gender orientation related issues, Sexual and Special needs (Children with physical.
reproductive health related concerns, emotional, behavioural and learning
Substance and habitual addictions, Trauma, difficulties), Sexuality and gender
Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness, orientation related issues, Substance and
Relationship Concerns, Work-life Concerns, habitual addictions, Trauma, Mental Illness,
Academic and Career Related Issues, Relationship Concerns, Work-life Concerns,
Parenting Concerns Parenting Concerns


Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to

another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and
other allied mental health professionals)

Yes I don't know

Kaha Mind


Yes Yes

Cash, Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know

Yes Yes

I've felt that she is always transparent about

Yes what she is doing and Yesshe concentrates on
the patient and their issue and doesn't resort
to mudslinging somebody else, or judging
someone else in order to help the patient.
She did not say what we talked when
someone related to me called to ask about
my therapy.

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes



I don't know

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes
Yes I don't know


Yes Yes

I'm not clear about the question, but if you

Yes are asking whether Yesshe will work with the
client in a crisis situation, I believe yes,
because I have called her randomly in the
middle of a day when having a breakdown
and she's taken time to talk to me and calm
me down.


Because she has taken time to listen and

calm me down when I called her when
having a breakdown or agony
I've been seeing her for close to 6 months
now and I'm feeling much much better than
when I first started. She has been extremely
patient and non-judgmental with me, always
hearing me out and prodding me just
enough to open up. I've felt very
comfortable opening to her about what I
was going through and it's helped me lots.
I've made appointments with her and
cancelled them last minute or so but she's
been very patient and understanding on that
and rescheduling it without any complaints.

Be as open as you want, she's extremely

non-judgmental and open. Unless a crisis
situation, the appointment time may at times
move here and there.
Chaithanya Vannarath





English, Malayalam

MA Psychology


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Over videoconference/skype
Children, Adolescents and young people, Adults, Couples

Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Parenting Concerns

Name Dr. Sangeeta Datta Dr Gaurav Deka
What is their age range? 30-39

Which gender do they

identify with?
What is the title of the
mental health professional Psychiatrist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

Delhi, Guwahati
practice in?
Which language(s) are they
English, Assamese, Hindi
English, Hindi, Assamese
conversant in?
MBBS, BA Psychology from BU
What are their professional

What is their contact

+91 95991 54305
What is their email address? [email protected]
[email protected]

D-687, 2nd floor, Chittranjan Park

What is the address of the
Agile Hospital, Nemcare
clinic/ hospital/ organization
where they practice?

What are their office hours?


On which days of the week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
do they practice? (choose as Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
many options as applicable) Sunday

What are their fees for one Rs. 560 when I had consulted.
session/consultation? Might have changed now.

Depends. For me, sessions were 100-300min

for 1 hour or even longer. But, I
For how long does one
have seen patients walking in
session last with them?
and coming out after 20
Face to face;Over
Through which mediums do videoconference/skype
they provide services? Face to face, Through the
(choose an many options as telephone

Heard of them through word of

How do you know this
I have personally consulted mouth;Someone I know has been to
professional? (choose as
many options as applicable)
them them;I have personally consulted
them;I've worked/trained with them
Adolescents and young
Which of the following Adolescents and young people, people;Adults;Couples;Families;Olde
groups does this professional Adults, Perhaps other groups r adults;Individuals who identify as
predominantly work with? than the ones ticked too. But,
(choose as many options as the ticked categories I am sure
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
applicable) of.

Sexuality and gender orientation

What are the issues that they Mental Illness, Perhaps other
related issues;Sexual and reproductive
work with? (choose as many issues too than the one ticked.
options as applicable) But I am not very sure of it. health related concerns;Substance and
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child
Maybe Abuse;Mental
Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific I don't know
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

Treatment plan
If yes, what follows after the
assessment? (choose as many
options as applicable)

Are they affiliated with any I don't know

other organization(s) as I don't know

If yes, please specify the

name of the organization.

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?
Are they able to provide an Yes
empathetic and safe
environment for Yes
clients/patients to share
Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank
What forms of payment do
Cash, Perhaps other too. Not Transfer
they accept? (choose as
many options as applicable)
I don't know

Does the mental health

professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
I don't know
charges? (A sliding scale is
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much?

Is the office of the mental
health professional I don't know
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make
people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals
who identify as LGBTQIA+ Maybe
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or
informational materials in
their office/clinic that No
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?
Will they be open to talking
about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental Yes

health professional has an Maybe
ethical practice?
If yes, could you please tell Personal experience. Worked with
us your reasons for saying them. Confirmed from other clients.
Does the mental health
professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, Yes
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure
the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the
client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not
engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they
only suggest assessments
I don't know
that are needed to facilitate
better treatment/therapy?
Will they be careful to not
give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
their approach?

None of the above

Do you think they engage in
(choose as many options as I don't know

Will they respect a Yes

client/patient’s right to not I don't know
seek treatment?
Will the mental health
professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent I don't know
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect
the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- I don't know
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental
health professional values
the client’s/patient's I don't know
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to Yes

explain the diagnosis to the Maybe
Do they devote time to Yes
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Maybe
setting goals with the
Does the mental health
professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
crisis situation?
Would you be comfortable
in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

He regularly handles such clients,

I felt heard and assured when I often booking emergency sessions for
visited her. Initially, I had been clients in need.
to a different psychiatrist where
I had felt judged and
If yes, what makes you say sermonized. With her, I felt safe
so? to open up. During my sessions,
when she used to give examples
of other clients, I did have a
sense that she took good care of

He is an open LGBT therapist, who

Would you like to tell us a empathetically guides his clients in
bit about your experience of
directions to find the source(s) of
going to this professional as
a patient/client? their problem and help them resolve
those. He helped me to find where
He's amy crippling anxiety
transpersonal comes
Is there anything that one
often dealing with issues that might
should keep in mind while
going to this person? not have always started from the
present body or time.
Gariasi Dutta



Guwahati Assam

Assamese Hindi English


[email protected]

Down town hospital

10am to 4pm



One hour

Face to face;Through the

telephone;Over chat

Heard of them through word of

mouth;Someone I know has been to
Children;Adolescents and young
who identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
Sexuality and gender orientation
related issues;Substance and habitual
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

I don't know

I don't know


Dr Rupam’s Diabetes and

Footcare Centre



Cash;Credit/Debit cards

Whatever patient can afford especially

for students etc






My friend was quite happy consulting




I don't know

I don't know


None of the above







I don't know

My friend was very happy to visit and

could sort out her relationship issues.
She found the Counsellor quite
understanding and helpful. I have
heard about the Counsellor from work
colleagues too.
Name Pingali srilakshmi
What is their age range? 40-49
Which gender do they
identify with?

What is the title of the

mental health professional Psychiatrist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

practice in?
Which language(s) are they
conversant in?
English, Hindi, Telugu, Oriya

What are their professional

MBBS; MD (Psychistry)

What is their contact


What is their email address? [email protected]

What is the address of the 326, Laxmi Nilayam, Near ITC Kakatiya
clinic/ hospital/ organization Hotel, Greenlands, Begumpet, Hyderabad,
where they practice? Telangana 500016

What are their office hours? 4-6 PM

On which days of the week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
do they practice? (choose as
many options as applicable) Friday, Saturday

What are their fees for one


For how long does one

session last with them?
15 minutes

Through which mediums do

they provide services?
(choose an many options as
Face to face

How do you know this

professional? (choose as Someone I know has been to them
many options as applicable)

Which of the following Children, Adolescents and young people,

groups does this professional
Adults, Couples, Families, Older adults,
predominantly work with?
(choose as many options as Individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+,
applicable) Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties), Sexuality and gender
What are the issues that they orientation related issues, Sexual and
work with? (choose as many reproductive health related concerns,
options as applicable) Substance and habitual addictions, Trauma,
Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns,
Work-life Concerns, Academic and Career
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific Yes
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

If yes, what follows after the

assessment? (choose as many Diagnosis, Treatment plan
options as applicable)

Are they affiliated with any

other organization(s) as I don't know

If yes, please specify the

name of the organization.

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe
environment for Yes
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

they accept? (choose as Cash, Cheque
many options as applicable)
Does the mental health
professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much? Runs a one day per week free clinic
Is the office of the mental
health professional I don't know
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make

people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ Yes
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that I don't know
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?
Will they be open to talking
about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an Yes
ethical practice?
If yes, could you please tell
Doesnt insist on a specific diagnostic place,
us your reasons for saying
so? spends a lot of time with patients

Does the mental health

professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, Yes
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure

the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
better treatment/therapy?
Will they be careful to not
give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
their approach?

Do you think they engage in

(choose as many options as None of the above

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not Yes
seek treatment?

Will the mental health

professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Yes
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- Maybe
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
I don't know
crisis situation?
Would you be comfortable
in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

If yes, what makes you say

Doctor is very empathetic

Would you like to tell us a

bit about your experience of I have got good feedback from friends
going to this professional as although i personally have never visited
a patient/client?

Is there anything that one

should keep in mind while
going to this person?
Minhaz Nasirabadi Dr. Diana Monterio
40-49 30-39

Male Female

Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Hyderabad Hyderabad

Hindi English, Hindi and Telgu

MD Ph. D

don't have right now 94939 75140

[email protected]

don't have right now Hyderabad Academy of Psychology

don't have right now 10am-8pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri

Friday day;Saturday

don't have right now Two thousand rupees per session

don't have right now 60 minutes

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over

Face to face

I've worked/trained with them I've worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young

adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Violence against women;Sexuality and
gender orientation related issues;Sexual and
reproductive health related
concerns;Substance and habitual
Mental Illness addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

I don't know Yes

I don't know Diagnosis;Referral to another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and oth

I don't know Yes

American Psychological assosciation

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know Yes

Free sessions can be scheduled

I don't know I don't know

I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

The counsellor is extremely ethical in maintaining confidentality of her clients.

practices on the basis of informed consent.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

The counsellor is extremely well versed with handling clients in crisis.

Aarthi Selvan Tanmayi
30-39 20-29

Female Female

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Hyderabad Hyderabad

English, Hindi English, Telugu, Hindi

M.Phil. Clinical Psychology, National
Certified Counselor (USA), Licensed Masters in Applied Psychology
Clinical Psychologist (India)
83415 62477
[email protected],

Pause for Perspective, G-4 East Face

Homes, Near St. Francis Degree Secunderabad
College,Kundan Bagh, Begumpet, 500016

10am to 5pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday day;Saturday;Sunday

1500 Therapists offer a session on a sliding scale

1 hour 45 mins - 1 hour

Face to face;Through the

Face to face;Over videoconference/skype
telephone;Through emails;Over chat

Someone I know has been to them I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young

Children;Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Couples;Individuals who
identify as LGBTQIA+
Sexuality and gender orientation related Violence against
issues;Mental Illness;Relationship women;Trauma;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Parenting Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
Concerns and Career Related Issues

I don't know I don't know

al to another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other allied mental health professionals)

I don't know I don't know

American Psychological assosciation (APA)

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know I don't know

ee sessions can be scheduled

No No

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

thical in maintaining confidentality of her clients. She My sessions with her gave me a sense that
on the basis of informed consent. she runs an ethical practice.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

I had met with her during a crisis situation

mely well versed with handling clients in crisis. of my own and have successfully dealt with
the situation.
My counselling sessions with her have been
helpful to me and I can see a change in the
way I handle things in my life.
Ambica gupta David Lalit Kumar
30-39 20-29

female Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

hyderabad Hyderabad

english, hindi and telugu English, hindi, telugu

masters in clinical psychology Graduate, Author, theological

9885154320 9704039847

[email protected] [email protected]

kirloskar hospital Hyderabad

10am to 5 pm 9am to 10pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day day;Saturday;Sunday

1000 500

50 - 60 mins 1 hour

Face to face;Through the

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over
telephone;Through emails;Over
chat;Through home visits

Someone I know has been to them;I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young

Children;Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Trauma;Child Sexual Mental Illness;Relationship
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic Issues
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

Yes No

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other

allied mental health professionals)

Yes No

shrishti consultantz and rosary convent high school


Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know Yes


i don't know


I don't know

Yes Maybe

Yes Maybe

is genuin, in terms of giving time, giving the best in all her session providing resources

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes



Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above



I don't know Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

i referred her a suicidal case and she facilitated her very well

she is very high on integrity and extremely

well equipped with the skills as a Hope in life to live again

that they will be in the best hands and at the right place is they are seeking help with
mental health issues
Dr. Varudhini Kanikpati Dr. Vijay Starlin
Don't know 30-39

Female Male

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Hyderabad Hyderabad

English English, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Bengali


91 9848884602 9963189029

Plot #1272, Road #63A, Near Jubilee hills

checkpost petrol bunk, Jubilee hills, Asha Hospital and also their own private
Hyderabad - 500033, T.S. clinic

Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm pvt clinic: 10am -12 pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day day

pvt clinic: 200; Asha hospital: between


40 min

Face to face Face to face;Over chat

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young people;Adults people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older
Violence against women;Sexual and
reproductive health related
concerns;Substance and habitual
Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

Maybe Maybe

I don't know Diagnosis;Treatment plan

Yes Maybe

Life Compass

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Private clinic is charity based. basic fee is

200 but sometimes if you can't pay, he
won't charge
I don't know there is a lift, so yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Maybe

Its a small private space. Recently shifted.

so not much in the waiting area
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

He talkstotohim
I went youwhen
exactly theself
i was wayharming
you want to
hear. He neveralmost
or patronizes. He is
also very non judgemental and professional
in his approach. I go only for counselling
and he doesn't insist i go for medicines.
though he did offer one for my anxiety and
insomnia. He takes ample time and doesn't
rush and has broken my thoughts and
Dont visit down
feelings multiple
him on a tight times which
schedule have
if you are
ended in tears.
going to the private clinic. It will take time
before you get your turn to see him
Nida mir Varsha Vemula


Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Hyderabad Hyderabad

English and Hindi

MSc. Applied Psychology

9490708947 9490708947

[email protected]
Aarathi Selvan's Pause for Perspective, 6-3-
1198, G-4, East Face Homes, Vaman Naik
Lane, Kundan Bagh, Near St. Francis Pause for Perspective
Degree College,, Begumpet, Hyderabad,
Telangana 500016
9:30am - 6:30pm


800 + 18% GST

1 hour

Face to face;Over videoconference/skype Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young

Adults;Couples;Older adults;Individuals people;Adults;Couples;Individuals who
who identify as LGBTQIA+ identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
Sexuality and gender orientation related
issues;Substance and habitual Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship
addictions;Trauma;Relationship Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic and Career Related Issues
and Career Related Issues




Cash;Internet Bank
No I don't know

I don't know


Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Maintained confidentiality of information.

Takes consent before starting session.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes


I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Trusting them to be able to work with them.

Lalitha Pooja Dr. Mahima Sukhwal
20-29 30-39


Counsellor/Psychotherapist Clinical Psychologist

Hyderabad Hyderabad

English, Telugu, Tamil and Hindi Hindi, English

Masters in Applied Psychology MPhil, PhD in Clinical Psychology

9490708947 9490708947

[email protected]

Pause for Perspective, Kundan Bagh,

Pause for Perspective
Methodist colony, Begumpet, Hyderabad

10 am to 6 pm


800 + 18% GST = 944 1500 + GST (1,770/-)

One hour 1 hour

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over

Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young Adults;Couples;Families;Older

people;Adults;Individuals who identify as adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Sexuality and gender orientation related
Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship
issues;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
Concerns;Academic and Career Related
and Career Related Issues

No No

Yes No

Pause for Perspective

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer;Paytm, Google

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer
No No

No Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

The therapist does not give any suggestions

or advices, she empowers her clients to
make their choices..

Yes Yes

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe
Yes Maybe

The therapist’s empathy and

compassion are her key strengths.. She
works from a stance of non-judgement..

She is kind, compassionate, open and non


Dr. Swetha Turlapati Preethi Nagarajan
20-29 20-29

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Hyderabad Hyderabad

English, Hindi, Telugu Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and English

Doctor of pharmacy, Masters in Applied PG Diploma and Masters in Counselling

Psychology, PGD in Mental Health , Psychology

9490708947 9490708947

[email protected] [email protected]

Pause for Perspective Pause for Perspective

10:00am - 6:00pm 10 am to 6 pm.

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Sat Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
urday day;Saturday

1000+ 18%GST 800

1hour 1 hour

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over Face to face;Through the telephone;Over

videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

Someone I know has been to them;I have

personally consulted them;I've I've worked/trained with them
worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young
adults;Individuals who identify as
adults;Corporate professionals
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Sexuality and gender orientation related
Sexuality and gender orientation related
issues;Sexual and reproductive health
issues;Sexual and reproductive health
related concerns;Trauma;Child Sexual
related concerns;Trauma;Mental
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
Concerns;Academic and Career Related
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

Yes Maybe

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and
other allied mental health professionals)

Yes No

Tranquil Minds

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

No No

Yes No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes
It's a safe and a non-judgemental space.
What happens within the session is only
Confidentiality is their primacy and limits between the client, the therapist and the
to confidentiality is discussed clearly respective Supervisor. No other information
is revealed. Except in critical cases, the
emergency contact of the client is informed.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

It's a space where empathy and non

judgement comes first, where a client is
first given space.

As stated below An empathetic and safe space to be.

Genuine and open to non-judgmental stance

Lenni George Lenni Anna George
20-29 20-29

Female female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

HYDERABAD hyderabad

English, Malayalam english

M.sc(hon) counselling psychology

9632414007 9160819192

[email protected] [email protected]

Mind.fit, Gachibowli cult fit

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Fri
day;Saturday day

850 1000

60 50 mins

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over

Face to face

Heard of them through word of mouth;I

Heard of them through word of mouth
have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young

Adults;Individuals who identify as
people;Adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Sexuality and gender orientation related
issues;Substance and habitual Sexuality and gender orientation related
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual issues;Sexual and reproductive health
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship related concerns;Child Sexual
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic Abuse;Mental Illness
and Career Related Issues

No I don't know


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know I don't know

I don't know No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know No
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

very up front about time and worksheets

I've always felt comfortable speaking about and not talking about anything personal
anything to her. even though we have so many friends in

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

While having
Havemy apprehensions
done so earlier. going to
therapy, what helped most was the therapist
reaffirming me of a non judgmental space.
Even when I was talking about things I was Lenni has been very helpful , she listens
shameful about, I didn't feel like she was without interrupting and has good inputs
pointing a fine at me. Instead, helped me which really helped me
understand my patterns, gave me articles
and links to read and know my tendencies
Not really be on time
Saher Ali Nisha Verma
40-49 40-49

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Experiential Counsellor

Hyderabad Hyderabad

English and Hindi English / Hindi

MSc Holistic Psychological Counseling Life Coach

9949177700 9849103493

[email protected]

Totums Art Studio, Somajiguda, Hyderabad Yours Consciously Healers Room

10 am to 2 pm



90 minutes

Face to face;Through the

telephone;Through emails;Over chat;Over Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them;I've

I have personally consulted them
worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young

Children;Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Couples;Individuals who
identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against
Special needs (Children with physical.
women;Sexuality and gender orientation
emotional, behavioural and learning
related issues;Trauma;Child Sexual
difficulties);Relationship Concerns;Work-
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
life Concerns;Parenting Concerns
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
and Career Related Issues;Parenting

No I don't know

I don't know

I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

No I don't know

No No

Yes I don't know

Yes Maybe

No No
Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes I don't know

Yes Maybe

When in session with her, I feel respected,

and heard. She gives me time and space to
express myself. Her hunches and inputs
have helped me look at my concerns from a
healthier perspective.
Syeda Rafath Unnisa Shazia Ahmad
20-29 30-39

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Hyderabad Hyderabad

English, Hindi English, Hindi, Urdu

Msc. Applied Psychology PGD Psychological Counselling Skills

9490708947 9490708947

[email protected] [email protected]

Pause for Perspective, Uma Nagar,

Begumpet, Hyderabad.

10.00 am to 6.00pm 11am to 5pm

Monday;Tuesday;Saturday Saturday

800 + 18% gst 800inr

1 hour 1 hour

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over

Face to face;Over videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them I've worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Older adults;Individuals who
identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
Violence against women;Sexuality and
Sexuality and gender orientation related gender orientation related issues;Sexual and
issues;Sexual and reproductive health reproductive health related
related concerns;Substance and habitual concerns;Substance and habitual
addictions;Trauma;Mental addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Academic and Career Related Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
Issues and Career Related Issues;Parenting

No No

No No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer;Paytm, Google

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer
No No

Help is provided to move the wheelchair



Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

They train in ethical practices and have

supervisions and check-in wrt to ethical

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

They will have a conversation and try to
understand why the client is choosing not to
Yes and try and make them see their own pov
around treatment as well, but ultimately the
client gets to choose

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes No
Yes Yes

They work with mostly suicidal clients who

have faced complex trauma
They make themselves available through
Skype as well as emails to check in with
their clients progress and are open to
feedback and work consciously on any
feedback they receive (seen as a person
who has worked with them)
Sometimes their schedule can be hectic, but
they do their best to accommodate their
clients, working on Skype if face to face
sessions are not possible
Sridevi Mannava Ruhi Sameena
50-59 20-29

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Hyderabad Hyderabad

English, Teledu and Hindi English, Hindi and Telugu

Postgraduation diploma in psychological BA-psychology, PGD-child psychology,

counselling skills MA-clinical psychology

9490708947 9490708947

[email protected] [email protected]

Pause for perspective G-4 ground floor,

East Face Homes apartment Kundan Bagh Pause for perspective
begumpet hyderabad 500016

10 am 6pm 10am to 6pm


800 1000/-

1 hour 15 minutes One hour 15 mints

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over Face to face;Through the telephone;Over

videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

I've worked/trained with them Someone I know has been to them

Children;Adolescents and young

Adults;Couples;Families;Older people;Adults;Couples;Individuals who
adults;Corporate professionals identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
Sexuality and gender orientation related Violence against women;Sexuality and
issues;Sexual and reproductive health gender orientation related issues;Substance
related concerns;Trauma;Child Sexual and habitual addictions;Trauma;Child
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship Sexual Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic
and Career Related Issues;Parenting and Career Related Issues;Parenting
Concerns Concerns

Yes No

Diagnosis;Treatment plan


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Maybe Maybe

No No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
No Yes

She is collaborative in terms of the

conversations one wants to have in the
therapy setup wrt what the client wants to
talk to which modality does one wants to
follow in therapy, and Accordingly setup a
space to follow the goal given by the client.
Lenni George





Post graduate


[email protected]


Through the telephone

I have personally consulted them

Relationship Concerns

I don't know

I don't know

I don't know
Name Col (Dr) T R John
What is their age range? 50-59
What isgender
the titledoofthey
the identify with?
mental health Male
professional that you are Psychiatrist
Which city/town do they practice in? Kochi
Which language(s) are they conversant
in? professional
English Hindi Malayalam
What are their
MD Psychiatry
What is their contact number? 9400869999
What is is
thetheir emailofaddress?
address the clinic/ [email protected]
hospital/ organization where they Aster medicity
practice? 24 hrs
whichare their
days office
of the hours?
week do they
practice? (choose as many options as
What are their fees for one
applicable) ay;Saturday
For how long does one session last with
Through which mediums do they
One hour
provide services? (choose an many Face to face
How dooptions
you know this professional?
as applicable) I have personally consulted them;I've
(choose as many options as applicable) Adolescents and
worked/trained young
with them
this professional predominantly work
with?are the issues
(choose as many thatoptions people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older
they work as
adults and habitual
with? (choose as many
assessments (Psychometric tests are options as a
applicable) addictions;Trauma;Mental
standardIf yes, what follows after the to
and scientific method used Yes
assessment? individuals'
(choose as capabilities
many options andDiagnosis;Treatment plan
Are they affiliated with
as applicable) any other
If yes,organization(s)
please specify the as well?
name of the
Is their office private, safe and
Are they able to provide an empathetic
What andforms
safe environment
of payment do forthey Yes
accept? to
(choose as manyshare concerns?
options as Cash
for clients/patients who may not be
able to afford their charges? (A sliding Maybe
scale is when people
If yes, howare much?allowed to pay
Is the office of the mental health
professional wheelchair
disability-friendly? (Suchaccessible?
as Braille
forms (such as women,
reading children,
materials, sign
individuals belonging to lower socio- Yes
Will they classes,
economic make individuals
disempowered/ who
identify as LGBTQIA+ feel welcomed?
materials in their office/clinic that
they bethatopenthey
to talking about sex
are diversity
and sexual problems without Yes
Do youcensure
inhibition, think the ormental health
If yes, couldhas youan ethical
please tellpractice?
us your treated also by him for a couple of years for
for saying(assessment,
so? disthymia. Know him pretty well. A decent
medication, Yes
client/patient of the safety
counselling/psychotherapy, and
Will they inform
confidentiality theinformation
of the client/patient that
about breaking confidentiality in case He will never break
victim blaming
they have whento do working
so? with
Will they ensure
individuals whothat
have they only suggest
suffered from
they be carefulthat toarenotneeded to
give advice Yes
facilitate better treatment/therapy?
or be prescriptive or sermonize in their Yes
Do you think they engage in (choose as
None of the above
Will they options
respect as applicable)
a client/patient’s
right to not seek treatment?
able to refer the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent mental Yes
health with sources
professionals and otherof legal
values the if
client’s/patient's inputs/opinions
Will they take the time to explainwhenthe
diagnosis to the client/patient?
forming the therapy/treatment plan
Does and
the mental
setting health professional
goals with the
claim to work with clients/patients in a Yes
(for example,
situation? a friend to
them who is feeling suicidal, or
disharmony n the last one had lost his
If yes, what makes you say so?
Would you like to tell us a bit about positive fianceeones. He encouraged
to a gruesome murder.meAnd
to pick my
i will
your experience of going to this old hobbies n helped me take toddler steps
Is there anythingasthat
professional one should keep with them. He helped me restore my self
a patient/client?
in mind while going to this person?
Nothing. He will adjust to the way you are.
Kevin Peter Dr Anil Prabhakaran
30-39 50-59
Male Male
Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist
Kochi Trivandrum
English, Malayalam English and Malayalam
MSc Psychology, Dp. CBT, Psy MBBS, MD, DPM
9074027483 9847068126
[email protected]
Softmind, Lakshmi hospital, Aroor,
Kumarapuram, Thiruvananthapuram
2 pm to 9 pm
Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursd Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursd
ay;Friday;Saturday;Sunday ay;Friday
500 It depends on the clients' capacity
1-1.5 hours Depends on the session
Face to face;Through the
Heard of them throughemails
word of Face to face
Adolescents I know has been to
and young I have personally consulted them
them Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Couples;Families;Indi addictions;Trauma;Mental
issues;Substance people;Adults;Couples;Families
viduals who identify and habitual
as LGBTQIA+ Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
No life Concerns;Academic
I don't know and Career
None of the above (nothing was done
I don't know
after the assessment)
Maybe Yes
Trivandrum Medical College
Psychiatry Department
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Cash;Credit/Debit cards Cash
Yes Yes
300 You can pay from Rs 100
No Maybe

Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
the past seven years, and on no
occasion has he behaved out of the
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes He won't break it
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
None of the above None of the above
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes I don't know
Yes Yes
my toughest situations, as well as a
lot of people I have recommended
He is patient and understanding, kind. speaking on the phone, but that isn't
Be honest and open up safely. the case. I have known him for a long
time. He is a very warm individual in
Deva Pramod VB Arathi JS
30-39 30-39
Male Female
Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist
Shoranur PO, Palakkad DT Ernakulam
Malayalam Malayalam, English, Hindi
7591911213 918590223158
[email protected] [email protected]
The Psychology Clinic Govt. Hospital Aluva
On Appointment
Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;F Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
riday;Saturday;Sunday Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Face to face;Through the Depends
Through emails, Over chat, Over
telephone;Through emails;Over
mouth;Someone I know has been to videoconference/skype,
Someone I know has beenThrough
to them,home
I have
chat;Over videoconference/skype
them;I have personallyand
Children;Adolescents consulted
young Adults,personally consulted
Couples, Older them
adults, Corporate
orientation related issues;Substance and addictions, professionals
Trauma, Mental Illness,
habitual addictions;Trauma;Mental Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Diagnosis;TreatmentYes plan;Referral to I don't know
another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and I don't know
other allied mentalYeshealth professionals) I don't know
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank
Cash;Internet Bank Transfer
Yes Yes
Depends on patient
Yes No

I don't know
Yes Yes
Fully confidential and ethical practice.
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
None of the above
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes She has experience Yes
dealing with crisis
situations like patients with suicidal
Get an appointment prior to visiting.
Random walk-ins wont be helpful unless
its an emergency.
Anoop Vincent Dr NELSON C ELIAS
40-49 40-49
Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Ernakulam PALAKKAD
English, Malayalam ENGLISH, MALAYALAM
MBBS, MD Psychiatry Ph D Psychology PGDGC
9387914387 9288092788
[email protected]
SNIMS Chalakka, North Kuthiyathode,
online service
Ernakulam. Pin 683594
11 am to 3 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
300 FREE
30min to 1hr 30-45 mnts
Through emails, Over chat, Over
Face to face
I have personally consulted them Someone I know has been to them
Adolescents and young people, Adults,
issues, andand
Substance young people,
habitual Adults
Abuse, Families,
Mental Illness,Older adults
Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Concerns, Work-life Concerns, Academic
I don't know Concerns, Academic
Maybeand Career Related
I don't know Diagnosis
Maybe Maybe

Yes Maybe
Yes Maybe
Cash, Credit/Debit cards Free
I don't know free

Yes No

Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
He always prescribe medicines only after
thorough evaluation.
I don't know Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Interactions in various professional
None of the above
capacities with their clients
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
I don't know Yes
Yes Yes
depression and he were able to save them.
beenaware of atleast
his patient for a3 dozen
years. cases
He gotof
him. bipolar disorder
may seem a bitunder control.but
the truth is far from it. He's able to
Mili M Das
English, malayalam, hindi
MSc psychology, pursuing PhD
[email protected]
Sports authority of india
9am to 5 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday
Rs 700
1 to 1.5 hr
Face to face, Through the telephone, Over
chat, Over videoconference/skype
I have personally consulted them
Adults, Couples, Families, Older adults,
Substance who
Trauma, Relationship Concerns, Work-

Online consultation
Cash, Internet Bank Transfer
30 to 50 %
Online consultation
Right now online consultation
Client confidentiality is maintained at all
None of the above
Personal experience
episode of depression. She helped me
come out of it with constant support and
One cansessions.
go to herHer workany
without ethics is
Name Nilakshi Vaidya Smita Vasudev
What is their age range? 20-29 30-39
Which gender do they
identify with?
Both Female

What is the title of the

mental health professional Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

practice in?
Chandigarh Jalandhar
Which language(s) are they
conversant in?
English, Hindi Hindi, English, punjabi

What are their professional


What is their contact

8861090988 9815857006

What is their email address? [email protected]

What is the address of the

Lajwanti hospital, near Jalandhar bus
clinic/ hospital/ organization PGIMER
where they practice? stand

What are their office hours?

On which days of the week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
do they practice? (choose as
many options as applicable) Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Thursday, Friday, Saturday

What are their fees for one


For how long does one

session last with them?
One hour 30-40 minutes

Through which mediums do

they provide services? Face to face, Through the telephone,
(choose an many options as
Face to face
Over chat

How do you know this

professional? (choose as I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them
many options as applicable)

Which of the following Children, Adolescents and young

groups does this professional
people, Adults, Couples, Families, Children, Adolescents and young
predominantly work with?
(choose as many options as Older adults, Individuals who identify people, Adults, Couples, Families
applicable) as LGBTQIA+, Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties), Violence against women,
Sexuality and gender orientation related
What are the issues that they issues, Sexual and reproductive health
work with? (choose as many related concerns, Substance and habitual Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns
options as applicable) addictions, Trauma, Child Sexual
Abuse, Mental Illness, Relationship
Concerns, Work-life Concerns,
Academic and Career Related Issues,
Parenting Concerns

Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific Yes Yes
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

If yes, what follows after the

assessment? (choose as many Treatment plan Diagnosis
options as applicable)

Are they affiliated with any

other organization(s) as I don't know I don't know

If yes, please specify the

name of the organization.

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?
Yes Yes

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe
environment for Yes Yes
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

they accept? (choose as Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Transfer Cash
many options as applicable)
Does the mental health
professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
Yes I don't know
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

She redused her price because i am a

If yes, how much?

Is the office of the mental

health professional Yes I don't know
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make

people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
Yes I don't know
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ Yes I don't know
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that No I don't know
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?
Will they be open to talking
about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
Yes Yes
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an Yes Yes
ethical practice?
If yes, could you please tell
us your reasons for saying

Does the mental health

professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, Yes I don't know
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure

the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
Yes I don't know
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
Yes I don't know
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
Yes I don't know
better treatment/therapy?
Will they be careful to not
give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
Yes Yes
their approach?

Do you think they engage in

Interactions in various professional
(choose as many options as I don't know
applicable) capacities with their clients

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not Yes Yes
seek treatment?

Will the mental health

professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Yes Yes
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- Yes I don't know
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's Yes Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
Yes Yes
crisis situation?
Would you be comfortable
in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
Yes Yes
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

If yes, what makes you say She helped me a lot so I'm sure she'll
so? help others also

Would you like to tell us a She helped me realize my problems and

bit about your experience of Very supportive and does not treat you
going to this professional as
overcome it. Its like now I can stand on
like a patient
a patient/client? my own confidently

Is there anything that one

should keep in mind while
going to this person?
Dr. BK (Simmi)
Jyoti Sharma Dr. Ruchita Shah
20-29 50-59 40-49

Female Female Female

Psychiatrist Psychiatrist

Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh

English, Hindi Hindi, English, Punjabi Hindi, english

M.Sc. Counseling
Psychology, Christ MD in Psychiatry Not sure
University Don't have it but she is
responsive to emails and
- 9814950797
available in the OPD on Monday
and wednesday
[email protected]
Fortis Hospital, Sector
62, Sahibzada Ajit Fortis, Sector 11,
PGIMER, Sector 12
Singh Nagar(Mohali), Chandigarh
3PM-5PM Evening after 5 pm 9am-5 pm

nesday;Thursday;Frida Monday;Wednesday

700 for 30 minutes,

1000-1500 10 Rs
1100 for 60 minutes

30-60 minutes 1 hour 45 mins

Face to face Face to face Face to face

I have personally I have personally

I have personally consulted them
consulted them consulted them
and young
and young
adults;Individuals who Adults;Older adults
identify as
Special needs
(Children with
physical. emotional,
behavioural and
learning Substance and habitual
difficulties);Trauma;M addictions;Mental
ental Illness;Relationship Not sure
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Work-life Concerns
and Career Related

Maybe Yes Yes

plan;Referral to
another professional
Treatment plan I don't know
(e.g. psychiatrist and
other allied mental
health professionals)
I don't know Yes I don't know

End Incest

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Debit cards;Internet
Cash;Credit/Debit cards Cash
Bank Transfer;PayTM,
It's a government hospital so the
I don't know Maybe
fees is only rs 10

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

No Yes No
Yes Yes Maybe

I had been seeing her for

a few months. Later i
found out that she is
Yes related toYes
me. She has Maybe
never broken
confidentiality with the
rest of my family
members. If i had to
consult a psychiatrist
again I would definitely
go to her without any
sense of shame or
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Social interactions
None of the above I don't know
outside office

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

I don't know I don't know Maybe

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes I don't know

I went to her at a time

when i did not have
much support at home.
She was very
Have done so inand
understanding theeasy
going. She also had a
I went to her a couple of times
knack of putting me at
but had to discontinue because
ease and calming my
the OPD lines are endless. In the
anxiety. She has a very
couple of sessions I did do with
calming presence and i
her she was empathetic and easy
felt it was easy to talk to
to talk to.
her about very personal
things. She also was able
to refer me to a therapist Long waiting time.
to teach me breathing
techniques to calm my
Deepa Bali Yashodhra Arora
50-59 30-39

Both male and female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counseling Psychologist and Career coach

Chandigarh Chandigarh/New Delhi

English, Hindi, Punjabi English, Hindi and Punjabi

Masters in Behavioral psychology and post M.A Psychology and PG Diploma in Guidance
graduate diploma in psychological counselling and Counseling

91 97416 37803 9805368877

[email protected]

Private practice Free Lancer and travel all over India

10am to 7:30pm Monday to Friday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm


INR 1200/_ Rs. 3500 per session

45_60minutes One to one and an half hour

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over Face to face;Through the telephone;Through

chat;Over videoconference/skype emails;Over chat;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of mouth;Someone

Heard of them through word of mouth;Someone
I know has been to them;I have personally
I know has been to them
consulted them

Adolescents and young

Children;Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning Sexuality and gender orientation related
difficulties);Trauma;Relationship issues;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career Related Concerns;Academic and Career Related Issues
Issues;Parenting Concerns

No Yes

Diagnosis;Treatment plan;Followed by one on

one counseling session

No Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank

Yes Yes

If the client cannot pay , some of the cases are

Depends on individual cases also done free or charged a minimum amount of
Rs. 1000

Yes Maybe

None of these. I am not sure

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Maybe I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
The Psychologist has worked with a wide array
She is very mature and upfront about of people for more than 9 years and also has an
everything. international experience. People feel very
comfortable talking to her.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Interactions in various professional capacities

None of the above
with their clients

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Maybe

She is stable and practical in crisis situations as

well as empathetic.
I visited the counselor to clarify doubts about
I was in a very low phase and took a chance and my career choices, not only I was made aware
went to her, from the first time, I felt safe and of my strengths but there was also a focus to
comfortable talking about my feelings and she better my weakness. I am a trained professional
was a great help. now with a degree in product design and
successfully running my own company
She is a free lancer and travels wherever and
whenever needed. She is very responsive and
Just go and talk to her unrestrictedly.
keeps in touch through phone calls or emails
constantly when my session was going on.
Mehak Bhandari




English, Hindi, Punjabi

Masters in Psychology


[email protected]

1236, Sector 18 C, Chandigarh. Also offering

online consultation

11 am to 7 pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

INR 1700

50 minutes

Through the telephone, Over


Heard of them through word of mouth,

Someone I know has been to them, I have
personally consulted them

Adults, individuals, young people, corporate

Adjusting to Change/Life Transitions, Burnout,
Career Issues, Depression, Personal Growth,
Relationship Problems, Self-Confidence, Stress


None of the above (nothing was done after the





Cash, Internet Bank Transfer



the sessions are online










Interactions in various professional capacities

with their clients







Name Alka Kapoor Aman Gouri

What is their age range? 50-59 20-29

Which gender do they
identify with?
Female Female

What is the title of the

mental health professional Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

practice in?
Indore Bhopal
Which language(s) are they
conversant in?
English, Hindi, Punjabi English, Hindi and Kannada

What are their professional B.A, M.A (Clinical Psychology), M. Phil

qualifications? (Clinical Psychology) RCI Registration
What is their contact
9179383554 7748049690

What is the address of the

Devki Mansion, Baikunth Dham, Indore E - Star 04, Sagar Royal Villas Near
clinic/ hospital/ organization
where they practice? 452008 Hoshangabad Road Bhopal

What are their office hours? 9 to 9 11am - 6pm

On which days of the week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;F
do they practice? (choose as
many options as applicable) Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday riday;Saturday

What are their fees for one

600 Rupess per session

For how long does one

session last with them?
45 min - 1 hour

Through which mediums do

they provide services? Face to face, Through the telephone, Face to face;Through the telephone;Over
(choose an many options as Over videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

How do you know this Someone I know has been to them, I

professional? (choose as have personally consulted them, I've I have personally consulted them
many options as applicable) worked/trained with them
Which of the following
groups does this professional Children, Adolescents and young Children;Adolescents and young
predominantly work with? people, Adults, Couples, Families, people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older
(choose as many options as Older adults, Corporate professionals adults

Special needs (Children with physical.

Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against
What are the issues that they difficulties), Violence against women,
women;Substance and habitual
work with? (choose as many Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Mental
options as applicable) addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Illness, Relationship Concerns, Work-
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
life Concerns, Academic and Career
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Parenting
Related Issues, Parenting Concerns

Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific Yes Yes
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

If yes, what follows after the

assessment? (choose as many Diagnosis;Treatment plan
options as applicable)

Are they affiliated with any

other organization(s) as Yes

If yes, please specify the

name of the organization.
Rehabilitation Council of India

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?
Yes Yes

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe
environment for Yes Yes
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

Cash;Cheque;Credit/Debit cards;Internet
they accept? (choose as Cash, Cheque, Internet Bank Transfer
many options as applicable) Bank Transfer
Does the mental health
professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
Yes Yes
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much? 300 Rupess

Is the office of the mental
health professional Yes No
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make

people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
Yes Yes
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ Yes Yes
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that Maybe Yes
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?
Will they be open to talking
about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
Yes Yes
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an Yes Yes
ethical practice?
If yes, could you please tell
works by following professional and
us your reasons for saying
so? ethical norms of the occupation

Does the mental health

professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, I don't know Yes
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure

the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
Yes Yes
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
Yes Yes
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
Yes Yes
better treatment/therapy?
Will they be careful to not
give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
Yes Yes
their approach?

Do you think they engage in

(choose as many options as None of the above None of the above

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not Yes Yes
seek treatment?

Will the mental health

professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Yes Yes
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- Maybe Yes
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's Yes Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
Yes Yes
crisis situation?
Would you be comfortable
in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
Yes Yes
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

If yes, what makes you say crisis based and suicide prevention
so? interventions given
Would you like to tell us a Non judgmental attitude, unconditional
bit about your experience of
going to this professional as
welcome attitude, acceptance and
a patient/client? empathetic nature

Is there anything that one

Be genuine and open about your problems
should keep in mind while
going to this person? without any fear

What is their email address? [email protected]

Name Suniti Barbara Seema Gaikwad
What is their age range? 20-29 30-39
Which gender do they identify

What is the title of the mental

health professional that you are Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Which city/town do they practice

Pune Pune
Which language(s) are they
English and Hindi English, Hindi and Marathi
conversant in?

What are their professional

I don't know

What is their contact number? 8390025415 9850401528

What is their email address?

What is the address of the clinic/

Near Kamla Nehru Park,
hospital/ organization where they Iscah wellness
Bhandarkar Rd.

What are their office hours? I don't know

On which days of the week do

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
they practice? (choose as many
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
options as applicable)

What are their fees for one

500 700

For how long does one session last

1 hour 1 hour
with them?

Through which mediums do they

Face to face, Through the telephone,
provide services? (choose an Face to face
Over chat
many options as applicable)

Heard of them through word of

How do you know this
mouth, Someone I know has been to
professional? (choose as many I have personally consulted them
them, I have personally consulted
options as applicable)

Which of the following groups Children, Adolescents and young

does this professional people, Adults, Couples, Families,
predominantly work with? Children, Adults, Couples Older adults, Individuals who
(choose as many options as identify as LGBTQIA+, Corporate
applicable) professionals
Violence against women, Sexuality
and gender orientation related
What are the issues that they Mental Illness, Relationship issues, Sexual and reproductive
work with? (choose as many Concerns, Work-life Concerns, health related concerns, Trauma,
options as applicable) Academic and Career Related Issues Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness,
Relationship Concerns, Work-life
Concerns, Parenting Concerns

Do they conduct psychometric

assessments (Psychometric tests
are a standard and scientific
Maybe I don't know
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

If yes, what follows after the

assessment? (choose as many I don't know
options as applicable)

Are they affiliated with any other

I don't know I don't know
organization(s) as well?

If yes, please specify the name of

the organization.

Is their office private, safe and

Yes Yes

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe environment
Yes Yes
for clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do they

accept? (choose as many options Cash Cash
as applicable)

Does the mental health

professional provide a concession
or a sliding scale for
clients/patients who may not be
able to afford their charges? (A I don't know I don't know
sliding scale is when people are
allowed to pay as much as they
can afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much?

Is the office of the mental health
professional wheelchair I don't know No

Which other facilities make their

office disability-friendly? (Such as
Braille forms and reading
materials, sign language
interpreter etc.)

Will the professional make people

belonging to a marginalized
population group (such as
women, children, individuals
Yes Yes
belonging to lower socio-economic
classes, disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes) feel

Will they make individuals who

identify as LGBTQIA+ feel Yes Yes

Are there any posters or

informational materials in their
I don't know No
office/clinic that indicate that they
are diversity friendly?

Will they be open to talking about

sex and sexual problems without
Yes Yes
inhibition, censure or

Do you think the mental health

professional has an ethical Yes Yes
The therapist is bound to keep the
If yes, could you please tell us sessions confidential. I think they
your reasons for saying so? definitely follow an ethical code of
Does the mental health
professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment, medication, I don't know Yes
involving other stakeholders such
as parents/spouse, termination)?

Will they be able to assure the

client/patient of the safety and
Yes Yes
confidentiality of the information
that is shared with them?

Will they inform the client/patient

about breaking confidentiality in Yes Maybe
case they have to do so?

Will they be careful to not engage

in victim blaming when working
with individuals who have Yes Yes
suffered from violence or abuse of
any kind?

Will they ensure that they only

suggest assessments that are
Yes Yes
needed to facilitate better

Will they be careful to not give

advice or be prescriptive or Yes Yes
sermonize in their approach?

Do you think they engage in

(choose as many options as None of the above None of the above

Will they respect a client/patient’s

Yes Yes
right to not seek treatment?
Will the mental health
professional be able to refer the
client/patient to non-judgmental
Yes Maybe
and competent mental health
professionals and other allied
medical practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect the

client/patient with sources of legal
Maybe Maybe
help/socio-legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental health

professional values the
Yes Yes
client’s/patient's inputs/opinions
when in therapy/treatment?

Will they take the time to explain

Yes Yes
the diagnosis to the client/patient?

Do they devote time to

collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work with
Yes I don't know
clients/patients in a crisis

Would you be comfortable in

referring someone to them in a
crisis situation (for example,
referring a friend to them who is Yes Yes
feeling suicidal, or referring a
loved one to them who has faced

I have personally sought

If yes, what makes you say so? counselling from her. She is gentle
and took care of my issues.
I was upset and depressed. I wanted
Would you like to tell us a bit
to get a clarity on what I was doing
about your experience of going to
both personally and professionally.
this professional as a
Suniti helped me walk through my
thoughts and find my self.
Is there anything that one should She is there to help and support you.
keep in mind while going to this Not decide your life decisions for
person? you
Dr Ajish Mangot Dr Vasantmeghna Murthy Anil Vartak
30-39 30-39 50-59
Male Female Male

Secretary of Schizophrenia
Awareness Association (SAA)
Psychiatrist Psychiatrist
working towards raising awareness
for mental health problems

Karad, Satara District Karad, District Satara Pune

English, Hindi, Marathi, English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu,
English, Hindi, Marathi
Malayalam Tamil


MD Psychiatry Doctorate in Economics

9145042715 9145042571 9503710859

[email protected]

OPD 22, Krishna Hospital & OPD 22, Krishna Hospital &
Research Centre, Malkapur, Karad, Research Centre, Malkapur, Karad,
SAA, Kamal Bhawan, Dhayari,Pune
District Satara, Maharashtra - Satara District, Maharashtra -
415110 415110
0900 - 1700 hrs (Monday to 0900 - 1700 hrs (Monday to
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday); 0900 - 1300 hrs (Saturday) Friday); 0900 - 1300 hrs (Saturday)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday


15-30 minutes 15-30 minutes

Face to face Face to face Face to face

I've worked/trained with them I've worked/trained with them I've worked/trained with them

Adolescents and young people, Children, Adolescents and young Adolescents and young people,
Adults, Couples, Families, Older people, Adults, Couples, Families, Adults, Families, Older adults,
adults Older adults Caregivers
Special needs (Children with
physical. emotional, behavioural
and learning difficulties), Violence
against women, Sexual and
Substance and habitual addictions,
reproductive health related Mental Illness
Mental Illness
concerns, Substance and habitual
addictions, Mental Illness,
Relationship Concerns, Work-life

Yes Yes No

Diagnosis, Treatment plan Diagnosis, Treatment plan

Yes Yes I don't know

Krishna Institute of Medical

Krishna Institute of Medical
Sciences & Deemed University
Sciences Deemed University, Karad
(KIMSDU), Karad

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

FREE FREE consultation I don't know

Concessional/Free admission Concessional/FREE admission

I don't know
charges charges for those who are eligible
No No

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

No No Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Rational prescription, investigations

The above intro. about ethical
ONLY if required, NO private Rational prescription, adequate time
practice fits in.
Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes They don't suggest assessments

Yes Yes I don't know

None of the above None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Maybe

Empathetic approach, gives time to

Empathetic approach
I have worked with him to raise
awareness about mental health
awareness both for the client and
caregiver. He is very dedicated, &
Neha Shetty Daanesh Umrigar Kaehalee Shinde
30-39 30-39 20-29
Female Male Female

Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Pune Pune Pune

English, Hindi, Marathi,
English, Hindi English , Hindi, Marathi
MA Clinical Psychology,
MBBS, MD - Psychiatry MPhil in Clinical Pyshcology RECBT - Albert Ellis Institute
New York
7507102220 9960522640 7507009464

[email protected] [email protected]
Peace Of Mind , Flat 1 A,
Asmita Apartments, 1194
Pimple Saudagar Usha Nursing Home, Pune
Shivajinagar, Off Ghole Road ,
Pune - 411005
9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 10.00-1.00 and 4.30 - 7.30

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T

Thursday, Friday, Saturday hursday;Friday;Saturday hursday;Friday;Saturday

600 1400 ₹750

30 minutes 1 hour 45 min

Face to face;Through the

Face to face;Through the
Face to face telephone;Over
home visits
Heard of them through word of
Heard of them through word of mouth;Someone I know has
I've worked/trained with them
been to them;I have personally
consulted them
Adolescents and young
Children;Adolescents and young
Adolescents and young people, people;Adults;Couples;Families;
Individuals who identify as
Older adults;Corporate
Special needs (Children with
physical. emotional, behavioural
and learning
difficulties);Sexuality and Violence against
gender orientation related women;Sexuality and gender
Trauma, Relationship Concerns,
issues;Sexual and reproductive orientation related
Work-life Concerns, Academic and
Career Related Issues health related issues;Trauma;Mental
concerns;Substance and habitual Illness;Relationship
addictions;Mental Concerns;Work-life Concerns
Concerns;Parenting Concerns

I don't know No Yes

None of the above (nothing was

Diagnosis, Treatment plan Diagnosis;Treatment plan
done after the assessment)

I don't know Maybe

State Reserve Police Force

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash Cash;Internet Bank Transfer
cards;Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know Yes Yes

Minimum Rs 500 Depends on the client

I don't know I don't know Maybe

I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes Yes

Yes Maybe Yes

I don't know Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Sliding scale for fees, therapist
seeks supervision and is updated Always makes a suggestion but doesn't judge or force if y
about new developments in the medicines, strict confidentiality is maintained and it's so e
field, strong sense of personal of being judged
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes Yes

I don't know Maybe Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes Yes

I have referred them friends in

the past and they have given
I have done so
them an ethical and competent
Going to a therapist for the first standard of care
time is incredibly difficult but Dr
Neha made me feel at ease. She was
able to understand my issues and
Not Applicable
suggest a corrective treatment plan
for the same.
He works well with couples, family systems and with both emotional and developmental co
Tanya Bakshi Sonia Malhotra Dr Bhagyawant
20-29 30-39 30-39
Female Female Male

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist

Pune Pune Washim

English, Hindi Hindi and English Marathi hindi

MA in Applied Psychology (specialisation in clinical psychology) MA MPhil PGDRP PGCC

8586853534 9828867627 8007882244

[email protected]
[email protected]

Chetana Counselling Centre,

Mind Matters, Wanowrie, Pune Washim .near Akola naka
Fatima Nagar, Wanowrie, Pune

3-6 pm 1 to 4 and 5 to 7

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T

hursday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday hursday;Friday;Saturday hursday;Friday;Saturday

1000 INR 700-1000 1200

1 hour 45-60mins 45 mint to 1H

Face to face;Through the

Face to face Face to face
telephone;Over chat

Someone I know has been to

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young

Children;Adolescents and young
Adults people;Adults;Couples;Families;
Older adults;Corporate
Older adults
Special needs (Children with Special needs (Children with
physical. emotional, behavioural physical. emotional, behavioural
and learning and learning
Special needs (Children with
difficulties);Violence against difficulties);Violence against
physical. emotional, behavioural
women;Sexuality and gender women;Sexuality and gender
and learning
orientation related issues;Sexual orientation related issues;Sexual
difficulties);Substance and
and reproductive health related and reproductive health related
concerns;Substance and habitual concerns;Substance and habitual
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Abuse;Mental
Illness;Relationship Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Academic and Career
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Work-life
Related Issues
Concerns;Academic and Career Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Related Issues;Parenting
Concerns Concerns
Yes Yes Yes

plan;Referral to another
professional (e.g. psychiatrist Treatment plan Diagnosis;Treatment plan
and other allied mental health
Maybe I don't know No

State Reserve Police Force

Yes Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet
Cash Cash;Credit/Debit cards
Bank Transfer

Maybe I don't know Maybe

Depends on the client

Maybe Yes Yes

Reading material

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know No Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

ggestion but doesn't judge or force if you don't want to take up somethubg like
nfidentiality is maintained and it's so easy to share with her without the feeling
of being judged
Yes I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Maybe

I have attended more than 15

I have done so sessions with Dr Sonia for CBT
and she is very understanding.
She makes therapy goals and
makes sure to listen to you while
also recommending things you
can do to get better. She focuses
on therapy first and only
recommends medicines when
she finds it completely necessary
Make sure to get an appointment
both emotional and developmental concerns
in advance
Ms.Sneha Satheendran Sandy Dias Andrade Mrudula Goswami
20-29 40-49 20-29

Female Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Pune and Bangalore Pune Pune

English Hindi English English, Hindi

Masters in counselling
psychology MA Clinical Psychology MSc Counselling Psychology

91 99758 85473 8680950938

[email protected]
[email protected] m

Yashica heart care centre, 1437, Kasbapeth, next to RCM

Viman Nagar, pune Just Being Center school, Daruwalapool

10 am-4pm 9-May 10am-3pm 5pm-7pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Sa

hursday;Friday;Saturday hursday;Friday turday

200- 800 1200-2000 600

1 hour, to required length 1 hour 45 - 1 hr

Face to face;Through the

telephone;Through emails;Over Face to face;Over Face to face;Through
videoconference/skype videoconference/skype emails;Over chat

Heard of them through word of

mouth;Someone I know has
I have personally consulted them I've worked/trained with them been to them

Children;Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young Children;Adolescents and young Individuals who identify as
people;Adults people;Adults;Couples LGBTQIA+
Special needs (Children with
physical. emotional, behavioural
and learning
difficulties);Violence against
women;Sexuality and gender
orientation related
issues;Substance and habitual
Concerns;Academic and Career
Mental Illness;Relationship Trauma;Relationship Related Issues;Parenting
Concerns Concerns;Parenting Concerns Concerns

No No Maybe

I don't know

Yes Yes No
Flame university and Ajeenkya
Trustee at Connecting NGO,
dy Patel university
suicide prevention NGO
Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank
Transfer;nEFT Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank
Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know

I don't know Yes

No No

Nothing that I know of

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know I don't know I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

My friend who was in therapy
Complete confidentiality, non with the said professional had a
judgement and empowering Very non judgmental in nature positive experience.
I don't know Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes

My friend who was under a

severe mental condition had
sought help with this particular
professional and has been able
to cope with their condition and
I have been seeing Ms.Sneha to are feeling much better. The fees
deal with family turmoil and was comparatively less and my
working with her has been a Yes
This therapist setup the first My friend
friend wasYes
in such a crisis
has recommended a few
relief to me, I have confidence suicide prevention helpline in ofsituation when
our other theyashad
friends he seeked
felt the
that we are working through Pune. therapy withwas
professional thisunbiased,
things troubling me and empathetic. I wanted to add her
attacking issues according to name to the list so that it would
priority, she has a very non Attending a training course on be useful for people in and
judgmental open attitude and mindful listening by this around Pune who want medical
explains things patiently therapist assistance with a nominal fee.
This professional is a freelancer
when my friend had gone for a
Feel free to share your concerns counselling. She conducts
without any hesitation Nothing in particular sessions at her home.
Dr. Vasudeo Paralikar Niharica Shah Mugdha Shivapurkar
60-69 20-29 20-29

Male Female Female

Psychologist, Expressive Arts

Psychiatrist Therapy Facilitator Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Pune Pune Pune

English, Hindi, Marathi English,

M.Sc. Hindi,
Clinical Marathi
Psychology, English, Hindi, Marathi
Certified Facilitator of Visual MA in Clinical Psychology &
Art and Creative Movement Certified in Creative Arts
M.D, PhD Therapies Therapy

2025411666 7057226601 9921734200

[email protected] [email protected]
n m
Office 101, Soba Mansion She practices in 3 different Flat No 4, Kshitij Rekha
Khilare path, Near mhatre places. Artsphere in Kalyani Apartments, Lane No 3,
bridge, Erandwana, Pune 411 Nagar, Taal Inc. in Baner, and Dahanukar Colony, Kothrud,
052 Just Being Center in Camp Pune 411038

11 am - 7 pm 11 am to 7 pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Fr Monday;Wednesday;Thursday;F Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T

iday;Saturday riday hursday;Friday;Saturday

1000 1000-1200 1000

1 hour 50 minutes 50-60 mins

Face to face;Through Face to face;Through the Face to face;Through the

emails;Over telephone;Over telephone;Over
videoconference/skype videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

mouth;Someone I know has
I've worked/trained with them I have personally consulted them been to them
Adolescents and young Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Couples;Families; people;Adults;Couples;Families;
Older adults;Individuals who Older adults;Individuals who
identify as identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate Adolescents and young LGBTQIA+;Corporate
professionals people;Adults professionals
Violence against
women;Sexuality and gender
orientation related issues;Sexual Violence against
and reproductive health related women;Sexuality and gender
concerns;Substance and habitual orientation related
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual issues;Substance and habitual
Abuse;Mental addictions;Trauma;Mental
Illness;Relationship Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Relationship Concerns;Work- Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career life Concerns;Depression, Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Anxiety, Self-Esteem and Related Issues;Parenting
Concerns Confident, Grief Concerns

No Maybe Yes
plan;Referral to another
professional (e.g. psychiatrist
and other allied mental health
Diagnosis;Treatment plan I don't know professionals)

Yes Yes Yes

KEM Hospital Pune - H.O.D The Secret Ingredient

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank

Cash Transfer;Gpay Transfer

Yes Yes Yes

900 Lowest is 500/-
Yes No No

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

She is very clear about her role

He is very well read and aware and boundaries Yes
in my life. She Yes
of ethics and changing times and also does not give any advice Documentation such as
very open to it. He adheres to but let's me make my own confidentiality agreement, client
confidentiality very strictly. choices. intake form is maintained
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Maybe Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes I don't know Yes

Niharica has been a huge help to

me. She has helped me see a
different perspective from the
one I was stuck in. She also was
very helpful in giving me coping
strategies for overwhelming
situations. I found that she was
Yes Yes thoughtful
extremely patient, Yes that the
Having known
andNiharica is patient
considerate. andfelt
I never counselor has successfully
judged empathetic. I trust
with her, but her. did I
neither handled such cases before
I worked with him and interned feel like I was talking to a robot.
with him for 2 years and he is a Her responses were very human
very open and understanding and genuine. She has a way of
professional who does the best caring that made me start taking
he can for his clients. better care of myself.
Get an appointment before you
go. There could be a waiting
time if he is dealing with crisis
Sneha Satheendran Dr. Kiran K Anil sawarkar
20-29 30-39 40-49

Female Male male

Clinical Psychologist Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist

Pune Pune , Ahmednagar pune , maharashta

English, hindi, marathi, tamil,
English, Hindi kannada marathi
masters ,englishpsychology
in clinical ,hindi
and certification in
psychotherapy, 15 years of
MD Psychiatry experience

91 99758 85473 8805124371

[email protected]
m [email protected]

303, choice 'c' apartment,

opposite Ruby Hall clinic, EMOTICONSIndia ,Aundh ,Pun
Yashica heart care centre Dholepatil road. e

10am -4pm 11:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. 2:00 pm - 8 :00pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T

hursday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday hursday;Friday;Saturday hursday;Friday

1200 1000 initial visit. 700 follow up 600-1000 INR

One hour 20 to 30 minutes one hour

Face to face;Through the Face to face;Over

telephone;Over chat;Over Face to face;Through home videoconference/skype;app.emot
videoconference/skype visits iconsindia.com

I have personally consulted them I've worked/trained with them I've worked/trained with them
Children;Adolescents and young
Adolescents and young people;Adults;Couples;Families;
Children;Adolescents and young people;Adults;Families;Older Older adults;Individuals who
people;Adults;Couples;Families; adults;Individuals who identify identify as
Older adults;Individuals who as LGBTQIA+;Corporate LGBTQIA+;Corporate
identify as LGBTQIA+ professionals professionals
and learning
difficulties);Violence against
Special needs (Children with women;Sexuality and gender
physical. emotional, behavioural orientation related issues;Sexual
and learning and reproductive health related
difficulties);Violence against concerns;Substance and habitual
women;Sexuality and gender addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Trauma;Mental orientation related issues;Sexual Abuse;Mental
Illness;Relationship and reproductive health related Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life concerns;Substance and habitual Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Abuse;Mental Illness;Work-life Related Issues;Parenting
Concerns Concerns Concerns

Maybe No
Diagnosis;Treatment Yes
plan;Referral to another
professional (e.g. psychiatrist
and other allied mental health
I don't know professionals) Diagnosis

Maybe No No

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank
Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash Transfer

I don't know Yes No

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes

They are very particular about

Yes Yes the confidentiality
Yes of the clients
and provide consent forms to
clients for the same. They have a
fixed procedure for appointment
so that the clients do not face
any discomfort or distress of any
I don't know No Yes
kind . Being a very client
friendly environment they do not
forget the importance of every
one in the office who helps
contributing in the mental heath
Yes Yes profession . AllYesthe professionals
in EMOTICONSIndia have
minimum 5 years experience 15
Yes Yes to years ,withYes
certification in
psychotherapy as well as
masters in the field.
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I personally feel after working

under them that they are very
Yes Yes self aware andYescapable to ensure
safety for client first and then
Past experience their own simultaneously
be as you are , you will be safe
and saved
Aishwarya Jain Nikunja Gujar Surama Shah
20-29 20-29 50-59
Female female

Clinical Psychologist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Dhule, relocating to Pune
Pune / Online pune/ maharashta
English, Hindi ,
MA inHindi, Marathi,
Clinical Gujrati.
Psychology marathi , hindi , english Marathi ,Gujarathi
(Pune) masters in industrial psychology B.A,
PG in Psychotherapy and and certification in M.Sw ,
Counselling (London) psychotherapy LLB,

7020229237 9158487848
Glisten Healthcare [email protected]
[email protected]
Office morning 21, Ashoka [email protected]
Pavillion Basement, Chitti, Opposite Ramwadi,
Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Road, Malegaon Road ,Dhule 424001
Opposite Lal Deval, Camp, Pune
411001 EMOTICONSIndia
9am to 5 pm
10 am to 7:30 pm 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T
hursday;Friday;Saturday hursday;Friday;Saturday
500 to 1000

1000 - Individual Session 600-1000 INR

50 minutes
45 minutes one hour
Face to face;Through the
telephone;Through emails;Over
Face to face;Through the Face to face;Over chat
telephone;Over videoconference/skype;app.emot
videoconference/skype iconsindia.com
Heard of them through word of Heard of them through word of
mouth;Someone I know has mouth
been to them;I've worked/trained
with them I've worked/trained with them
Children;Adolescents and young

Adolescents and young Children;Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Families; people;Adults;Couples;Corporat
Corporate professionals e professionals
Violence against women;Sexual
Trauma;Mental and reproductive health related
Violence against Illness;Relationship concerns;Substance and habitual
women;Trauma;Mental Concerns;Work-life addictions;Child Sexual
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Academic and Career Abuse;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Related Issues;Parenting Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Parenting Concerns Concerns Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting

Yes Yes
Treatment plan;Referral to
another professional (e.g.
psychiatrist and other allied
mental health professionals) Diagnosis

No Maybe

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank
Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank
Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Transfer;paytm , google pay

Maybe No
Up to 50%

No No


Yes Yes

Yes They are veryYesparticular about

the confidentiality of the clients
and provide consent forms to
clients for the same. They have a
fixed procedure for appointment
so that the clients do not face
Yes Yes
any discomfort or distress of any
kind . Being a very client Yes
friendly environment they do not
forget the importance of every
one in the office who helps
Yes contributing inYesthe mental heath
During the first session They profession . All the professionals Yes
explained a number of things in EMOTICONSIndia have
like confidentiality no minimum 5 years Yes experience 15
judgement and realms of a to years ,with certification in Maintain confidentiality,
professional therapeutic psychotherapy as well as transparent fee structure,
relationship masters in the field.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
None of the above

None of the above None of the above


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Maybe

Yes Yes

Maybe Maybe
One of the best therapist ever They have been very
come across. The in-depth professional in every aspect and
knowledge about the subject and maintain the Appropriate
time to cure the problem is friendliness and They are very
really commendable. I feel like I particular about the
am a changed person now. The confidentiality of the clients and
best thing is that earlier all the provide consent forms to clients
therapists that I visited were for I personally
the same. feel
a fixed
much older and I couldn’t under themfor
procedure that they are very
appointment so
will be Yesbest
to them. person
But with to self
thataware andYes
the clientscapable to ensure
do not face any
handle an overwhelmed
Aishwarya person safety
as she is a millennial for client
discomfort and then
or distress their Empathic responsible knows her
of any
as II have
too couldexperienced
immediatelyit connect
myself kindown simultaneously
. Being a very client role boundaries
and felt like she “gets” friendly environment they do not I know people who have
me. It was truly life changing for forget the importance of every counselled with her and
me. A process that is still going one in the office who helps benefitted
on as I want to improve more contributing in the mental heath
and more. profession .

you can literally be as you are

Just go for it, it will be worth it. without any second thought
Anagha Bhave Shalaka Khare Prachi Naik
20-29 20-29 20-29
Female Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Nagpur Nagpur Pune

Hindi, English, Marathi English, Marathi, Hindi English, Hindi, Marathi

M. Psych M.A (Psychology) M.A. Psychology (Clinical)

2420815 +91 90284 93276

[email protected]
[email protected] Website: prachinaik.com

Midas heights, lokmat square Hike Through Life, Nagpur Practises online therapy

11AM-11PM 11 am- 6 pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;T Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

hursday;Friday;Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

800 500 1200-2000

1 hour 45 mins-90 mins 45-50 minutes

Face to face Face to face, Through the Through the telephone, Over
telephone, Through emails, Over videoconference/skype
chat, Over
videoconference/skype, Through
home visits, Zoom
I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted Heard of them through word of
them, I've worked/trained with mouth
them, Professional College

Children;Adolescents and young Adolescents and young people, Adults, Older adults, Individuals
people;Adults;Families Adults, Couples, Families, Older who identify as LGBTQIA+,
adults, Individuals who identify Corporate professionals
as LGBTQIA+, Corporate
Mental Illness;Relationship Special needs (Children with Sexuality and gender orientation
Concerns;Work-life physical. emotional, behavioural related issues, Trauma, Child
Concerns;Academic and Career and learning difficulties), Sexual Abuse, Mental Illness,
Related Issues;Parenting Violence against women, Relationship Concerns, Work-
Concerns Sexuality and gender orientation life Concerns
related issues, Sexual and
reproductive health related
Yes concerns, Trauma,
Yes Child Sexual Yes

I don't know Diagnosis, Treatment plan, Referral to another professional

Referral to another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other allied
(e.g. psychiatrist and other allied mental health professionals)
mental health professionals)
No Yes Yes

Wisdom Matters, Pune The Humsafar Trust

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit UPI and Bank Transfer

cards, Internet Bank Transfer

I don't know Yes I don't know

I don't know Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

No Yes I don't know

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Always does what is in client's She has believed in client centric

best interest approach and treated them with
respect. Always ensured their
safety and privacy.
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes

None of the above None of the above

I don't know Yes Yes

I don't know Yes Yes

No Yes Maybe

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes

No Yes Maybe

No Yes Yes

Shalaka Khare has always been

prompt and reliable. She has
maintained a record
I am a Medical of providing
Doctor working
the field and humanitarian
of de-addiction.
Shalaka Khare has been an go to
person for me, whenever I had
to refer an client or have doubts
regarding an psychological issue
They are very heavily booked Please make sure you have extra
usually. time. She spends more time than
what she charges for.
Komal Dr. Varsha
Ms. Nupur Dhakephalker Narsingani Choudhari
(Center for30-39
Mental Health, 40-49 30-39
Female Female
Clinical Psychologist

Counsellor/ Counsellor/
Psychotherapist Psychotherapist
Pune Pune
English, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Hindi,
Marathi English, Hindi Awakened
Double bachelors, masters, and Post Graduate
Kkomal Counseling
M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology Diploma in
Narsingani BHMS,
Center, PlotMA
and a diploma in Clinical Counselling
E-1102 Park (Psychology)
Sandhya Society,
93709 17252| Xpress Sahakarnagar,
Balewadi 9960257024
Opposite Shinde
[email protected] Highstreet Highschool, Pune
n Pune - 411045 411009
Center for Mental Health. B1,
Priyadarshan, Cosmos Bank and 09:30Monday,
am to 01:00
Reliance Footprint Lane, Monday, pm Tuesday,
04:00 pm to
Sanewadi, Aundh, Pune, 10:00-20:00
Tuesday, 09:00 needs
Special pm
Mon-Fri: 9AM-12PM 411007
& 4PM- Wednesday, Thursday,
7PM. Sat, Sun off. Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, emotional,
Thursday, Friday 1000 onwards behavioural and
(she also offers a learning
student discount) difficulties),
to face,
1500 Face to face, Violence
Through the women, Sexuality
telephone, Over
75-90 mins
telephone, and gender
1 Hour
Over videoconference/s
45mins videoconference/s orientation
kype, Through related
Someone I know issues, Sexual
has beenkypeto them, home visitsand
Face to face, Over I have personally Adolescents
Children, and
health related
videoconference/skype consulted
Adolescents them,
and young people,
people, Adults, I've
Substance Couples,
Adults, Older worked/trained
adults, them
Individuals with
adults, them
Heard of them through word of Violence
who identify as who identify
against Trauma, Child as
mouth, Someone I know has women, LGBTQIA+, LGBTQIA+,
Trauma, Sexual Abuse,
been to them, I have personally Corporate
Child Sexual Corporate
Mental Illness,
consulted them professionals
Abuse, Mental professionals
Adolescents and young people, Illness, Concerns, Work-
Adults, Families, Older adults Relationship life Concerns,
Concerns, Work- Academic and
life Concerns, Career Related
Parenting Issues, Parenting
Concerns Concerns
Trauma, Mental Illness,
Relationship Concerns,
Academic and Career Related

No Maybe

Treatment plan
Diagnosis, Treatment plan,
Referral to another professional She's the founder
(e.g. psychiatrist and other allied of a mental health
mental health professionals) initiative I don't know

The Being You

Neurorehabilitation unit at
Sahyadri Hospitals’ Department
of Behavioural Sciences and Yes
Mental Health.
Yes Yes

Cash, Internet
Bank Transfer Yes
Internet Bank Transfer Cash,
cards, Internet
No Bank Transfer
I don't know

Yes 75% Discount
I don't know


I don't know

Yes Yes
I don't know

I don't know Yes


Kkomal is an
amazing listener
and willYesmake you Yes
Yes feel comfortable
at all times. She
guided me and
helped me get
some Yesclarity of Yes
Yes thought. She's
very professional
and empathetic. Yes
Their website describes what to Ensures
expect from therapists, and Confidentiality.
during appointments they always Yes Non-Judgmental.
make sure to emphasise that

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

None of the above Yes

None of the above

Yes None of the above


Yes Yes

Yes Yes
I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
I don't know Dr. Varsha
Choudhari is very
professional in
her practice. She
has a long
Yes Maybe
experience in the
Maybe I contacted her field. She has an
when I was in a added
My experience
crisis situation qualification
was very of
myself. I felt free being a Medical
insightful. New
to discuss my (Homeopathic)
perspectives were
thoughts with her. Doctor. SheAis
She helped me well conversant
Positive outlook
form a safety plan toworking with
deal with life
for myself and people from
situations was
those around me. Yesclasses
developed. Small
A friend visiting another and regions
doable of
therapist in the centre founded India.
The run by isthe
clinic therapist I'm
a favourite for ensured that the
people here listed
of my academic me as
institute. therapy had a
They know exactly how to help lasting impact and
students with extreme academic yielded intended
stress, extreme competition, goals.
abusive families and so on. The
The clinic run by Ms. Nupur
provides a very safe space for Feel free and
patients. But I have no basis on assured. You are
which to recommend the clinic in safe hands.
to people from LGBTQ+ or

What is their age range?

Which gender do they
identify with?

What is the title of the

mental health professional
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

practice in?
Which language(s) are they
conversant in?

What are their professional


What is their contact


What is the address of the

clinic/ hospital/ organization
where they practice?

What are their office hours?

On which days of the week

do they practice? (choose as
many options as applicable)

What are their fees for one


For how long does one

session last with them?

Through which mediums do

they provide services?
(choose an many options as

How do you know this

professional? (choose as
many options as applicable)

Which of the following

groups does this professional
predominantly work with?
(choose as many options as
What are the issues that they
work with? (choose as many
options as applicable)

Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

If yes, what follows after the

assessment? (choose as many
options as applicable)

Are they affiliated with any

other organization(s) as

If yes, please specify the

name of the organization.

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?
Are they able to provide an
empathetic and safe
environment for
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

they accept? (choose as
many options as applicable)

Does the mental health

professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)
If yes, how much?

Is the office of the mental

health professional
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make

people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?

Will they be open to talking

about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an
ethical practice?
If yes, could you please tell
us your reasons for saying
Does the mental health
professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure

the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
better treatment/therapy?

Will they be careful to not

give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
their approach?

Do you think they engage in

(choose as many options as

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not
seek treatment?
Will the mental health
professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio-
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
crisis situation?

Would you be comfortable

in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

If yes, what makes you say

Would you like to tell us a
bit about your experience of
going to this professional as
a patient/client?

Is there anything that one

should keep in mind while
going to this person?

What is their email address?

Name Dr.Tamanna Dr Vikas Thanvi
What is their age range? 30-39 40-49
Which gender do they
identify with?
Female Male

What is the title of the

mental health professional Counsellor/Psychotherapist Psychiatrist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

practice in?
Udaipur Jaipur, Rajasthan
Which language(s) are they
conversant in?
Hindi and English English, Hindi

What are their professional


What is their contact

9887502785 01414251744, +919828116573

What is their email address? [email protected]

What is the address of the

clinic/ hospital/ organization Pacific Hospital Dr Thanvi's Neuropsychiatric Clinic
where they practice?

What are their office hours? According to me 10 AM to 2 PM, 5 PM to 7 PM

On which days of the week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
do they practice? (choose as
many options as applicable) Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday

What are their fees for one

500 ₹500

For how long does one

session last with them?
40 to 45 minutes Typically 30 minutes to upto an hour

Through which mediums do

they provide services?
(choose an many options as
Face to face Face to face, Through the telephone

How do you know this

professional? (choose as I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them
many options as applicable)

Which of the following

groups does this professional Children, Adolescents and young
predominantly work with? people, Adults, Couples, Families, Adults, Older adults
(choose as many options as Older adults
Mental Illness, Relationship Concerns,
What are the issues that they
Work-life Concerns, Academic and Substance and habitual addictions,
work with? (choose as many
options as applicable) Career Related Issues, Parenting Mental Illness

Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific Yes Yes
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

If yes, what follows after the

assessment? (choose as many Diagnosis, Treatment plan Diagnosis, Treatment plan
options as applicable)

Are they affiliated with any

other organization(s) as No I don't know

If yes, please specify the

name of the organization.

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?
Yes Yes

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe
environment for Yes Yes
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

they accept? (choose as Cash Cash, Credit/Debit cards
many options as applicable)

Does the mental health

professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
Maybe Maybe
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much?

Is the office of the mental
health professional Yes Maybe
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make

people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
I don't know Yes
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ No I don't know
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that No No
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?

Will they be open to talking

about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
Yes Yes
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an Maybe Yes
ethical practice?
If yes, could you please tell
us your reasons for saying
Does the mental health
professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, Yes Yes
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure

the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
No Yes
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
No Yes
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
No Yes
better treatment/therapy?

Will they be careful to not

give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
No Yes
their approach?

Do you think they engage in

Interactions in various professional
(choose as many options as None of the above
applicable) capacities with their clients

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not Yes Yes
seek treatment?
Will the mental health
professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Yes Yes
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- Yes Yes
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's Yes Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
Yes I don't know
crisis situation?

Would you be comfortable

in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
Maybe Yes
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

If yes, what makes you say

Would you like to tell us a
bit about your experience of
going to this professional as
a patient/client?

Is there anything that one

should keep in mind while No
going to this person?
Dr. Anamika Papriwal Mrigtrishna Rathore
Don't know 20-29


Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Jaipur Jaipur

English & Hindi Hindi, English, Rajasthani

M.A. PHD. in Psychology M. Sc. Counseling Psychology

9783944484 9782169011

[email protected] [email protected]

5/261 Malviya Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan Malviya nagar, Jaipur

10 AM - 1 PM and 5PM - 8PM

(monday to satuday) and 10AM - 1PM 9 am to 8 pm
Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday; Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Frida
Friday;Saturday;Sunday y;Saturday;Sunday

700-1200 500 for first consultation and 800 per session

20 minutes One Hour

Face to face;Through the

Face to face;Over videoconference/skype
telephone;Over videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them;I've

I've worked/trained with them
worked/trained with them

Children;Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older Adolescents and young
adults;Individuals who identify as people;Adults;Corporate professionals
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Violence against
women;Sexuality and gender orientation
related issues;Sexual and reproductive Mental Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
health related concerns;Substance and life Concerns;Academic and Career Related
habitual addictions;Trauma;Child Issues
Sexual Abuse;Mental
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Issues;Parenting Concerns

No I don't know

Yes Yes

Psychological Counseling Center Hank Nunn Institute - Jaipur

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Paytm and Google pay

Yes I don't know

not fixed
Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe I don't know

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Because in my interactions with them she had

I have consulted her told me about the ethics that she and the
Institute that she works with follow
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Maybe Yes



None of the above






I don't know


Because they have shared that their Institute

offers crisis support to their patients
Shiromi Chaturvedi
20-29 20-29

Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Jaipur Jaipur

Hindi/English English, Hindi

MA (Applied Psychology - Specialisation in
MA in counselling Counselling) TISS Mumbai
Certificate in Guidance and counselling
91 73576 93666 7357693666

[email protected]

S-1, B-85 Matra Chaya, Bhan nagar, Prince

Jaipur Road
Off Queens Road

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Frida Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Frida
y;Saturday;Sunday y;Saturday

1000 Rs. 800 - Rs. 1500

45-60 min 1 hour to 90 minutes

Face to face;Through the telephone;Over Face to face;Through the telephone;Over

chat;Over videoconference/skype videoconference/skype

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Children;Adolescents and young Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older people;Adults;Couples;Families;Individuals
adults;Individuals who identify as who identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals professionals
Violence against women;Sexuality and gender
orientation related issues;Sexual and Sexual and reproductive health related
reproductive health related concerns;Substance and habitual
concerns;Substance and habitual addictions;Child Sexual Abuse;Mental
addictions;Child Sexual Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Concerns;Academic and Career Related Issues;Parenting Concerns
Issues;Parenting Concerns

No No

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes

Rs. 200 - Rs. 500

No No

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I am a Therapist myself and I know ethics I have consulted her myself.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Maybe Yes

I don't know

Maybe Yes
Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

I have felt suicidal myself and worked through

it with her.
It was good and even now it’s going on
she is equally good at telephonic counselling

Be yourself
Neha Kathuria Ruchir Sodhani
20-29 50-59

All Man

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Jaipur Jaipur, Rajasthan

Hindi/ English English, Hindi

Post graduate

91 84540 31389 91 73406 34643

Self employed C.K. Birla Hospital, Jaipur

9am-6 pm


1 hour

Face to face;Through the telephone;Through

Face to face;Through the telephone
emails;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

Heard of them through word of
mouth;Someone I know has been to them;I
mouth;Someone I know has been to them
have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young people Adolescents and young people;Adults

Violence against women;Sexuality and gender
Trauma;Mental Illness;Relationship
orientation related issues;Child Sexual
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic and
Abuse;Mental Illness;Academic and Career
Career Related Issues
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns

No Maybe

I don't know

No I don't know

The office is in a hospital, its safe and


Yes Yes

Cash;Cheque Cash;Credit/Debit cards

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes


None of the above I don't know

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes I don't know

Yes Yes
Dr. Reena Bhansali Pranesh Krishna

English, Hindi
Hindi, English
Masters in Applied Psychology-
Specialization in Clinical Psychology
094141 79461
[email protected]
[email protected]

2-TH-21, Vigyan Nagar, Kota-324005

Smile Junction, Near Adarsh Batteries, 3rd C Rd,
Sardarpura, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342003
6pm -9pm
5 - 8 pm

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Sat ;Friday;Saturday

Rs 500 for first session, Rs 400 for second and rs 500

350 for subsequent sessions

50 minutes
45 minutes - 1 hour

Face to face;Through the

telephone;Over chat;Over
Face to face;Through emails;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of mouth

I have personally consulted them

Adolescents and young

people;Adults;Families;Individuals who
identify as LGBTQIA+
Children;Adolescents and young
people;Adults;Couples;Corporate professionals
Special needs (Children with physical. emotional, Sexuality and gender orientation related
behavioural and learning difficulties);Substance issues;Sexual and reproductive health
and habitual addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual related concerns;Substance and habitual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship addictions;Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns;Work-life Concerns;Academic and Concerns;Work-life
Career Related Issues;Parenting Concerns Concerns;Academic and Career Related
Issues;Parenting Concerns


I don't know

I don't know

Vishakha Mahila Shiksha Evam Shodh




Cash;Internet Bank Transfer;Google

Pay, Phonepe
Cash;Internet Bank Transfer











Has been practicing for the past 15 years and her

services have helped many people.












None of the above

None of the above













Swati Gautam Palak Mehta
degree in
t has
Also, she
Kota (Rajasthan) been engaging
Hindi and
Hindi, English
in the area of
expressive arts
in - Private
MA-Psychology, PG Diploma in
and somatic
Guidance and Counselling
89520 05983
[email protected]
Nagar, Jaipur

10 am - 6pm,
Talwandi, Kota
9 am to 4 pm

;Friday;Saturday 800/- (Sliding
scale available)
Special needs
(Children with
200 physical.
Face to face,
One hour
40 minutes ande/skype
Substance and
Face to face;Through emails I've
Trauma, Child
Sexual them
and young
people, Adults,
I have personally consulted them
Academic and
Career Related
Children;Adolescents and young Issues,
people;Families Personal
Special needs (Children with physical.
emotional, behavioural and learning
difficulties);Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns Yes
plan, Referral
to another
Yes psychiatrist
and other
allied mental

Treatment plan

I don't know Vishakha

Sanstha, Jaipur


Yes Cash, Internet

Bank Transfer,


I don't know

Not known to


I don't know


I don't know
I don't know


I don't know personal
therapy and
makes her an
Yes ethical











I don't know
None of the

I don't know


I don't know

I don't know









Given that she

has worked in
Yes NGO setups, I
believe she
would be able
to handle
people in been
I haven't crisis
to situations.
therapy as a
patient with
They are
welcome to
ts about her
work and reach
out for mental
health support.
Name Zinnia Bharucha Rajul Jagdish
What is their age range? 20-29 20-29
Which gender do they
identify with?
Female Female

What is the title of the

mental health professional Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

practice in?
Ahmedabad Ahmedabad
Which language(s) are they
conversant in?
English, Gujarati and Hindi English, Hindi, Gujarati

What are their professional Mental Health professional, Counsellor

M.Sc. in Psychological Counseling
and Psychologist

What is their contact

(0) 7573066777 8431455791

What is their email address? - [email protected]

What is the address of the 391 saraswatinagar near Azad society Room, The Mindcare Space : 401,
clinic/ hospital/ organization behind old iim near nandalay temple, Shikhavali Apartment, Paldi
where they practice? Ahmedabad 380015 Crossroads, Paldi, Ahmedabad

What are their office hours? 8:30am-8:30pm 11AM - 8 PM

On which days of the week

Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursda
do they practice? (choose as
many options as applicable) y;Friday;Saturday y;Friday;Saturday;Sunday

What are their fees for one

2000Rs 700

For how long does one

session last with them?
1hour 1 hour

Through which mediums do

they provide services? Face to face;Through the Face to face;Through the
(choose an many options as telephone;Over videoconference/skype telephone;Over videoconference/skype

How do you know this Heard of them through word of Heard of them through word of
professional? (choose as mouth;Someone I know has been to mouth;Someone I know has been to
many options as applicable) them;I have personally consulted them them
Adolescents and young
Which of the following people;Adults;Couples;Individuals Adolescents and young
groups does this professional
who identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older
predominantly work with?
(choose as many options as professionals;People suffering from adults;Individuals who identify as
applicable) anxiety, depression etc mental health LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Substance and habitual Violence against women;Sexuality and
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual gender orientation related
What are the issues that they
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship issues;Trauma;Mental
work with? (choose as many
options as applicable) Concerns;Work-life Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
Concerns;Academic and Career life Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues Related Issues;Parenting Concerns
Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific No Yes
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

If yes, what follows after the Treatment plan;Referral to another

assessment? (choose as many professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other
options as applicable) allied mental health professionals)

Are they affiliated with any

other organization(s) as Yes I don't know

If yes, please specify the

name of the organization.

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?
Yes Yes

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe
environment for Yes Yes
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

they accept? (choose as Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer
many options as applicable)

Does the mental health

professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
Yes Yes
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much? - 300-500

Is the office of the mental
health professional No No
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make

people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
Yes Yes
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ Yes Yes
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that Yes I don't know
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?

Will they be open to talking

about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
Yes Yes
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an Yes Yes
ethical practice?

If yes, could you please tell

Prompt, helpful, ethical and punctual
us your reasons for saying
so? and maintains confidentiality
Does the mental health
professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, Yes Yes
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure

the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
Yes Yes
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
Yes Yes
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
Yes Yes
better treatment/therapy?

Will they be careful to not

give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
Yes Yes
their approach?

Do you think they engage in

(choose as many options as None of the above None of the above

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not Yes Yes
seek treatment?
Will the mental health
professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Yes Yes
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- Yes Maybe
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's Yes Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
Yes Yes
crisis situation?

Would you be comfortable

in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
Yes Yes
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

If yes, what makes you say It’s worked earlier when they were Have someone who has experienced it
so? referred to and been taken care of, with her.
My boyfriend visited her for about 4
months. In the process of
psychotherapy, he has grown a lot as a
Would you like to tell us a person. Unfortunately, she moved
bit about your experience of cities. I'm sure if she were here, he
going to this professional as
would have a lot of other issues solved.
a patient/client? But the boundary work, the personal
inner work, resolving childhood
grudges he had, have come through
very well, in a short time.

Is there anything that one She's very approachable. She is a warm

should keep in mind while - person and with my little interaction,
going to this person? she's extremely humble and farsighted.
Dr. Dharmesh Patel Esha Patnaik Mitanshi Shah
40-49 30-39 20-29

Male Female Female

Psychiatrist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Ahmedabad

Gujarati, Hindi, English English, Hindi Hindi, English, Gujarati

MBBS, M.D. (Psychiatry) MSc Mental health; Psychological therapies , London

9824317830 9426038689 9913000025

[email protected]

Near Parimal Garden Cross road, Ambavadi, Ellisbridge,

Gujarat 380006 Ahmedabad

10am- 4pm 9am- 7pm


800-1000 800 400-650 Rs

Mostly 1 Hr. (Depend on condition) 50 minutes 1 hour

Face to face Face to face;Through

Face to
telephone;Through emails;Over chat;Over videoconference/skype;Thro

I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them I have personally consulted them

Adults;Couples;Families Adolescents and young people;Adults

Adolescents and young people;Adults;Couples;Families
uma;Mental Illness;Relationship
Mental Illness;Relationship
Concerns Concerns;Academic
and Career
Related Issues and Career Related Issues;P

Yes I don't know Maybe

erral to another professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other allied mental health professionals)
Diagnosis;Treatment plan

Yes Yes Yes

IIM Ahmedabad Anxyz.org

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank Transfer

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer
Cash;Cheque;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank Transfer

Maybe I don't know Yes

depends on the client

Yes Maybe I don't know

I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

None of the above None of the above

Maybe Yes
I don't know Yes

I don't know Yes

Maybe Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

I don't know Yes

Yes Yes

She is very comfortable

They are very
to talk
to and quite
and practical
in their approach. They approach any situation ver
Geniuenly very positive approa
Yash Aswar Vishakha Taunk Zinnia Bharucha
20-29 20-29 20-29

Male Female Female

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Surat Vadodara Ahmedabad

English , Hindi , Gujarati English, Gujarati English, Gujarati and Hindi

Mental Health professional, Counsellor

Masters Mphil
in Psychology, PG Diploma in psychotherapy, CBT, Graphotherapist, NLP Practitioner
and Psychologist

918140000000 7201889972 (0) 7573066777

[email protected] [email protected] -

391 saraswatinagar near Azad society

A-1002 , siddhi Residency , pal gam , Adajan
, surat
Taunk, Purushottam Nagar, Vadodara
behind old iim near nandalay temple,
Ahmedabad 380015

9am - 10pm 44357 8:30am-8:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

2500 500 2000Rs

6hours 40 1hour

Face to face;Through the

;Through the telephone;Over videoconference/skype;Through
Through the telephone,
visits emails, Over chat
telephone;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

have personally
of themthem;I've
through worked/trained
word of mouth, with
them I know has been to them, mouth;Someone
I have personallyI consulted
know has them
been to
them;I have personally consulted them
Adolescents and young
who identify as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
e;Adults;Couples;Families;Individuals who identify
as LGBTQIA+;Corporate
and young people, Adults,
professionals;People suffering from
anxiety, depression etc mental health
Substance and habitual
addictions;Trauma;Child Sexual
Abuse;Mental Illness;Relationship
nd gender
women, issues;Trauma;Mental
Mental Illness, Relationship
Concerns, Work-life
Concerns, Academic
and Career and
Related Issue
Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues

Maybe No No

I don't know I don't know

No Yes Yes

Softmind YourDOST, EKAA

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Cash;Internet Bank Transfer

Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Internet Bank Transfer
Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer

Yes Yes Yes

500-2500 350 -
No I don't know No

Nothing actually Na

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Maybe I don't know Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Maybe Yes Yes

Prompt, helpful, ethical and punctual

She runs her practise in a highly ethical manner and respects the privacy of her clients
and maintains confidentiality
Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

nteractions in various professional capacities with their clients

None of the above None of the above

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

It’s worked earlier when they were

ch. They approach any situation very calmly She's trained to tackle any crisis situation
referred to
Geniuenly very positive approach
She was patient
me and helped develop insight in me over our sessions-

Feel free to share everything Just contact her with an open mind -
Rajul Jagdish




English, Hindi, Gujarati

M.Sc. in Psychological Counseling


[email protected]

Room, The Mindcare Space : 401,

Shikhavali Apartment, Paldi
Crossroads, Paldi, Ahmedabad

11AM - 8 PM



1 hour

Face to face;Through the

telephone;Over videoconference/skype

Heard of them through word of

mouth;Someone I know has been to

Adolescents and young

adults;Individuals who identify as
LGBTQIA+;Corporate professionals
Violence against women;Sexuality and
gender orientation related
Illness;Relationship Concerns;Work-
life Concerns;Academic and Career
Related Issues;Parenting Concerns


Treatment plan;Referral to another

professional (e.g. psychiatrist and other
allied mental health professionals)

I don't know



Cash;Cheque;Internet Bank Transfer






I don't know








None of the above








Have someone who has experienced it

and been taken care of, with her.
My boyfriend visited her for about 4
months. In the process of
psychotherapy, he has grown a lot as a
person. Unfortunately, she moved
cities. I'm sure if she were here, he
would have a lot of other issues solved.
But the boundary work, the personal
inner work, resolving childhood
grudges he had, have come through
very well, in a short time.

She's very approachable. She is a warm

person and with my little interaction,
she's extremely humble and farsighted.
Name Dr. Akhil Chopra
What is their age range? 30-39
Which gender do they
identify with?

What is the title of the

mental health professional Consultant Psychiatrist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

practice in?
Which language(s) are they
conversant in?
English, Hindi

What are their professional

MBBS, MD Psychiatry

What is their contact


What is their email address?

Mind Heal - A Neuro-Psychiatry & De-
addiction Clinic
What is the address of the
clinic/ hospital/ organization
where they practice? Opposite Hotel Saffron Leaf, General Mahadev
Singh Rd, near State Bank ATM, Dehradun,
Varies depending on the248001
Uttarakhand day of the week.
What are their office hours? Highly recommended that you call before
On which days of the week
do they practice? (choose as
many options as applicable) y

What are their fees for one


For how long does one

session last with them?
Varies depending on the needs of the patient.

Through which mediums do

they provide services?
(choose an many options as
Face to face

How do you know this

professional? (choose as I have personally consulted them
many options as applicable)

Which of the following

groups does this professional
Children;Adolescents and young
predominantly work with?
(choose as many options as people;Adults;Couples;Older adults
Special needs (Children with physical.
What are the issues that they emotional, behavioural and learning
work with? (choose as many difficulties);Substance and habitual
options as applicable) addictions;Trauma;Mental Illness;Parenting

Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific Yes
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

If yes, what follows after the

assessment? (choose as many Diagnosis;Treatment plan
options as applicable)

Are they affiliated with any

other organization(s) as Maybe

If yes, please specify the

name of the organization.

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe
environment for Yes
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

Cash;Credit/Debit cards;Internet Bank
they accept? (choose as
many options as applicable) Transfer;Mobile wallets

Does the mental health

professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
I don't know
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much?

Is the office of the mental
health professional Yes
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make

people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ Yes
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that Yes
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?

Will they be open to talking

about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
censure or embarrassment? I'd like to mention an incident that happened
right in front of me:
Do you think the mental
health professional has an Yes accompanied by a
A man came to the clinic,
ethical practice? woman presumably his wife. But the woman
refused to come in.
If yes, could you please tell
us your reasons for saying The man expressed his concern and Dr. Akhil
so? went out of his clinic to comfort her and explain
to her. However, she did not. He explained to
the man accompanying him the methods of
convincing her over a period of time (not in her
presence). He even refunded the money because
there was no actual consultation, diagnosis or
Does the mental health
professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, Yes
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure

the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
better treatment/therapy?

Will they be careful to not

give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
their approach?

Do you think they engage in

(choose as many options as Social interactions outside office

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not Yes
seek treatment?
Will the mental health
professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent I don't know
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- I don't know
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
I don't know
crisis situation?

Would you be comfortable

in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced
I, myself, suicidal a year ago. But I visited just
in time and now although my medication
continues, there are some ups and downs once
If yes, what makes you say
in a while but I am far from harm.

I honestly didn't believe that I'd be ever be able

to make this far. But I did!
Would you like to tell us a
bit about your experience of
going to this professional as
a patient/client?

Is there anything that one

should keep in mind while
going to this person?
Name Dr. Y.V. Ramana
What is their age range? 60-69
Which gender do they
identify with?

What is the title of the

mental health professional Psychiatrist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

practice in?
Which language(s) are they
conversant in?
English, telugu

What are their professional


What is their contact

0863 225 6353

What is their email address?

19, door no# 12 opp bajaj service

What is the address of the
center, 89, Old Bank St, Kothapeta,
clinic/ hospital/ organization
where they practice? Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 522001

What are their office hours? 10AM-2AM, 6PM-8PM

On which days of the week

do they practice? (choose as
many options as applicable) y;Friday;Saturday

What are their fees for one


For how long does one

session last with them?
15 minutes

Through which mediums do

they provide services?
(choose an many options as
Face to face;Through the telephone

How do you know this

professional? (choose as I have personally consulted them
many options as applicable)

Which of the following

groups does this professional
predominantly work with? Adults;Couples;Families;Older adults
(choose as many options as
What are the issues that they
work with? (choose as many Mental Illness
options as applicable)

Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific I don't know
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

If yes, what follows after the

assessment? (choose as many Treatment plan
options as applicable)

Are they affiliated with any

other organization(s) as Maybe

If yes, please specify the

name of the organization.

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe
environment for Yes
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

they accept? (choose as Cash
many options as applicable)

Does the mental health

professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
I don't know
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much?

Is the office of the mental
health professional Yes
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make

people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ Yes
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that I don't know
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?

Will they be open to talking

about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an Yes
ethical practice?

If yes, could you please tell

us your reasons for saying
Does the mental health
professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, Yes
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure

the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
I don't know
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
I don't know
better treatment/therapy?

Will they be careful to not

give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
their approach?

Do you think they engage in

(choose as many options as I don't know

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not I don't know
seek treatment?
Will the mental health
professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Yes
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- Maybe
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
I don't know
crisis situation?

Would you be comfortable

in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

If yes, what makes you say

He's a good person
Would you like to tell us a
bit about your experience of
going to this professional as
a patient/client?

Is there anything that one

should keep in mind while
going to this person?
Name Dr Dipak Giri
What is their age range? 40-49
Which gender do they
identify with?

What is the title of the

mental health professional Psychiatrist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

practice in?
Which language(s) are they
conversant in?
hindi, eng, bengali

What are their professional

Md Psychiatry

What is their contact

93342 38982

What is their email address?

What is the address of the

clinic/ hospital/ organization Sadar Hospital, Jamshedpur
where they practice?

What are their office hours? 10am - 2 pm

On which days of the week

do they practice? (choose as
many options as applicable) y;Friday;Saturday

What are their fees for one


For how long does one

session last with them?
5-15 min

Through which mediums do

they provide services?
(choose an many options as
Face to face

How do you know this

professional? (choose as I've worked/trained with them
many options as applicable)

Which of the following

groups does this professional Children;Adolescents and young
predominantly work with? people;Adults;Couples;Families;Older
(choose as many options as adults
Special needs (Children with physical.
What are the issues that they
emotional, behavioural and learning
work with? (choose as many
options as applicable) difficulties);Mental Illness;Work-life

Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific Yes
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

If yes, what follows after the

assessment? (choose as many Diagnosis;Treatment plan
options as applicable)

Are they affiliated with any

other organization(s) as Yes

If yes, please specify the

name of the organization.
Government of Jharkhand

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?

Are they able to provide an

empathetic and safe
environment for
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

they accept? (choose as free
many options as applicable)

Does the mental health

professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much?

Is the office of the mental
health professional Yes
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make

people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ Yes
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that No
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?

Will they be open to talking

about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an Yes
ethical practice?

If yes, could you please tell

us your reasons for saying I know him well
Does the mental health
professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, Yes
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure

the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
better treatment/therapy?

Will they be careful to not

give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
their approach?

Do you think they engage in

(choose as many options as I don't know

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not Yes
seek treatment?
Will the mental health
professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Yes
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- No
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
crisis situation?

Would you be comfortable

in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

If yes, what makes you say

Would you like to tell us a
bit about your experience of
going to this professional as
He is nice person and progressive.
a patient/client?

Is there anything that one

should keep in mind while
going to this person?
Name Rashi Sinha
What is their age range? 20-29
Which gender do they
identify with?

What is the title of the

mental health professional Counsellor/Psychotherapist
that you are recommending?

Which city/town do they

Patna, Bihar
practice in?
Which language(s) are they
Hindi English
conversant in?
M.A Applied Psychology (Clinical
What are their professional Psychology), TISS Mumbai
qualifications? B.A (Hons) Psychology, LSR, University of
What is their contact

What is their email address? [email protected]

What is the address of the

clinic/ hospital/ organization
where they practice?

What are their office hours? 10 AM - 6 PM

On which days of the week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
do they practice? (choose as
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
many options as applicable)

What are their fees for one


For how long does one

1 hour
session last with them?

Through which mediums do

they provide services? Face to face, Through the telephone, Over
(choose an many options as videoconference/skype

How do you know this

professional? (choose as I have personally consulted them
many options as applicable)

Which of the following

groups does this professional
Adults, Older adults, Individuals who identify
predominantly work with?
as LGBTQIA+, Corporate professionals
(choose as many options as
What are the issues that they
Trauma, Mental Illness, Work-life Concerns,
work with? (choose as many
Academic and Career Related Issues
options as applicable)

Do they conduct
psychometric assessments
(Psychometric tests are a
standard and scientific No
method used to measure
individuals' capabilities and

If yes, what follows after the

assessment? (choose as many
options as applicable)

Are they affiliated with any

other organization(s) as Yes

If yes, please specify the

Mind Piper
name of the organization.

Is their office private, safe

and accessible?
Are they able to provide an
empathetic and safe
environment for Yes
clients/patients to share

What forms of payment do

they accept? (choose as Cash, Internet Bank Transfer
many options as applicable)

Does the mental health

professional provide a
concession or a sliding scale
for clients/patients who may
not be able to afford their
charges? (A sliding scale is
when people are allowed to
pay as much as they can
afford, instead of having to
pay the fixed rate.)

If yes, how much? 0.25

Is the office of the mental
health professional Yes
wheelchair accessible?

Which other facilities make

their office disability-
friendly? (Such as Braille
forms and reading materials,
sign language interpreter

Will the professional make

people belonging to a
marginalized population
group (such as women,
children, individuals
belonging to lower socio-
economic classes,
disempowered/ minority
religious groups and castes)
feel welcomed?

Will they make individuals

who identify as LGBTQIA+ Yes
feel welcomed?

Are there any posters or

informational materials in
their office/clinic that I don't know
indicate that they are
diversity friendly?

Will they be open to talking

about sex and sexual
problems without inhibition,
censure or embarrassment?

Do you think the mental

health professional has an Yes
ethical practice?

If yes, could you please tell

Rashi talks about the ethics from the first
us your reasons for saying
meeting itself and made me feel very safe.
Does the mental health
professional seek informed
consent about the processes
involved (assessment,
medication, Yes
involving other stakeholders
such as parents/spouse,

Will they be able to assure

the client/patient of the
safety and confidentiality of Yes
the information that is
shared with them?

Will they inform the

client/patient about breaking
confidentiality in case they
have to do so?

Will they be careful to not

engage in victim blaming
when working with
individuals who have
suffered from violence or
abuse of any kind?

Will they ensure that they

only suggest assessments
that are needed to facilitate
better treatment/therapy?

Will they be careful to not

give advice or be
prescriptive or sermonize in
their approach?

Do you think they engage in

(choose as many options as None of the above

Will they respect a

client/patient’s right to not Yes
seek treatment?
Will the mental health
professional be able to refer
the client/patient to non-
judgmental and competent Yes
mental health professionals
and other allied medical
practitioners if needed?

Will they be able to connect

the client/patient with
sources of legal help/socio- Yes
legal organizations, if

Do you think the mental

health professional values
the client’s/patient's Yes
inputs/opinions when in

Will they take the time to

explain the diagnosis to the Yes
Do they devote time to
collaboratively forming the
therapy/treatment plan and Yes
setting goals with the

Does the mental health

professional claim to work
with clients/patients in a
crisis situation?

Would you be comfortable

in referring someone to them
in a crisis situation (for
example, referring a friend
to them who is feeling
suicidal, or referring a loved
one to them who has faced

If yes, what makes you say I just know she will help me out, she always
so? responds when I reach out to her.
I recently went to her for therapy and I feel like
Would you like to tell us a the experience was better than the therapist I
bit about your experience of had before in Lucknow. We have very limited
going to this professional as options and I felt the only way I could make a
a patient/client? small contribution was if other people had it

Is there anything that one Umm, the only thing is connecting with her
should keep in mind while can be a little issue. She usually gets back but
going to this person? not right away.

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