Cortex Xsiam

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Cortex XSIAM

The AI-Driven Security Operations Platform

The needs of the SOC have changed. It is taking organizations too long
to detect security incidents, and when they detect them, too long to
remediate. When combined with recent regulatory requirements and
threat actors carrying out end-to-end attacks in a matter of hours, this
introduces significant risk to organizations.

Cortex by Palo Alto Networks | Cortex XSIAM | Datasheet 1

The Challenge: The Needs of the SOC Have Changed
This core problem is a result of three fundamental challenges that SOC’s are facing today:

1. Siloed Tools and Data

Organizations often store vast amounts of security and application data that never comes together in a
single place, let alone in a normalized manner that makes it usable for threat detection and response.
When analyst need to investigate threats, they spend too much time switching between tools to find the
information that need. This leads to operational complexity in the SOC.

2. Weak Threat Defense

Vast amounts of siloed data combined with heavy detection e ­ ngineering requirements make it ­difficult,
if not impossible, to identify relationships ­between ­security events. Organizations often rely on s ­ tatic
correlation rules to identify malicious activity, but this often leads to high false positive rates and
missed threats. And since security alerts are disconnected data points in multiple tools, SOCs are forced
to manually correlate events. This ultimately results in the ability to stop threats at scale.

3. Heavy Reliance on Manual Work

Disjointed data, separate tools, and lack of effective use of AI and automation lead to massive amounts
of manual work and redundancy for SOC. This scale ­problem means that SOCs cannot possibly respond
to all incoming alerts, and they struggle to prioritize which alerts to handle first. This leads to impactful
delays in detection and remediation of threats, in ­addition to analyst burn-out and job dissatisfaction.

The Solution: Rethink and Transform Security Operations

The modern SOC must be built on a new architecture: broad and automated data integration, a ­ nalysis,
and triage; unified workflows that enable analysts to be productive; embedded intelligence and
­automated response that can block attacks with minimal analyst assistance.
Unlike legacy security operations, the modern SOC leads with AI and automation to process massive
datasets, rather than human judgment and rules designed to catch yesterday’s threats.

1. Simplify Security Operations with a Converged Platform

The convergence of SOC capabilities, such as XDR, SOAR, ASM, and SIEM into a single platform is
a game-changer for security operations. It eliminates the hassle of console switching, providing a
streamlined experience. The platform offers broad integration support, making it easier to o­ nboard
various data sources without the need for extensive engineering and infrastructure work. This a ­ llows
SOCs to effortlessly ingest more security-relevant data, enhancing their analytical capabilities.
­Moreover, the platform ensures continuous collection, stitching, and n
­ ormalization of raw data, going
beyond just alerts. This empowers SOC teams with superior and simplified investigation, enabling them
to identify and remediate threats faster and more effectively.

2. Stop Threats at Scale with AI-Driven Outcomes

Out-of-the-box precision AI models go beyond traditional methods, connecting events across various
data sources and offering a comprehensive overview of incidents and risks in a single location. This
empowers organizations to enhance their detection, analysis, and response capabilities. By l­ ­everaging
alert grouping and AI-driven incident scoring, Cortex XSIAM seamlessly connects low confidence
events, t­ ransforming them into high confidence incidents. This prioritization is based on the overall
risk, ­enabling security teams to focus their efforts efficiently.

3. Accelerate Incident Remediation with an Automation-First Approach

With hundreds of tried and tested content packs in the Cortex Marketplace, SOCs can optimize
­processes and interaction across their entire security program. By automating previously m ­ anual
tasks, embedded automation saves time and ­effort in ­responding to incidents or managing risks,
such as attack surface exposures. ­Moreover, users have the flexibility to add, customize, or modify
­automations according to their ­specific needs. The platform also features alert-­specific playbooks
that trigger automatically, ­ensuring security tasks are executed promptly, and risks are addressed,
even before an analyst gets involved. Additionally, XSIAM learns from manual analyst actions and
provides recommendations for future automations. This ­continuous learning process enhances the
platform’s ability to automatically resolve incidents, improving e­ fficiency and accuracy over time.

Cortex by Palo Alto Networks | Cortex XSIAM | Datasheet 2

Cortex XSIAM
Cortex® XSIAM™ is the AI-driven security operations platform for the modern SOC, harnessing the
power of artificial intelligence and automation to simplify security operations, stop threats at scale,
and accelerate incident remediation. Reduce risk and operational complexity by centralizing multiple
­products into a single, converged ­platform purpose-built for security operations.
Cortex XSIAM unifies best-in-class security operations functions, including EDR, XDR, SOAR, ASM,
UEBA, TIP, SIEM, and more. Cortex XSIAM also centralizes all of your security data and uses machine
learning data models designed specifically for detecting and stopping known and unknown security
incidents. With Cortex XSIAM, automate data integration, analysis, and response actions, enabling
analysts to focus on the incidents that matter.

Orchestration and Endpoint Protection

Automation and Intelligence

A new design for security operations that:

• Redefines SOC architecture into an
automation-first approach
• Unifies best-in-class SOC functions to
improve analyst experience Threat Intel Network,
Management Cloud Analytics
• Consolidates multiple products into
a single platform Threat Detection
and Response
• Extends the SOC to the cloud for
complete visibility
• Increases analyst productivity by
focusing on the incidents that matter
Attack Surface Reporting and
Management Compliance

Data Foundation and

Detection Analytics

Figure 1: Cortex XSIAM

A streamlined data onboarding process lets SecOps teams easily add new data sources while an
­extended data model normalizes and correlates data for schema on-read data access. Cortex X ­ SIAM
also automatically stitches together endpoint, network, cloud, identity, and other data so it can detect
­advanced threats with precision and simplify investigations with cross-data insights.
Cortex XSIAM lets analysts swiftly investigate incidents by providing a complete picture of every attack
with intelligent alert grouping and root cause analysis. Embedded automation enriches alerts, respond
to malicious activity, and close low-risk alerts before they reach the queue—enabling analysts to focus
on the few threats that require human intervention. Cortex XSIAM is powering Palo Alto Networks own
SOC and turning over a trillion events per month into a handful of analyst incidents per day.
Unlike legacy SOC solutions, where operationalizing and optimizing the product is an exercise left
to the customer, Cortex XSIAM benefits from continuous updates from the Palo Alto Networks Unit
42 research team. Palo Alto Networks experts collect threat intel from more than 90,000 customers,
update machine learning (ML) detection models, and automatically distribute the latest protections to
Cortex XSIAM deployments. Insights from across the threat landscape help safeguard customers from
the latest advanced and fast-moving threats. By fusing leading technology with shared intelligence and
research, Palo Alto Networks shares the r­ esponsibility of protecting our customers’ ongoing operations.

The AI-Driven Security Operations Platform

Cortex XSIAM harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation to simplify security
operations, stop threats at scale, and accelerate incident remediation.
Applying AI to drive better security outcomes relies on having good data. Cortex XSIAM puts the
SOC in full control of enterprise security—from endpoint to cloud—by centralizing, stitching, and
­optimizing data, specifically for detecting and preventing security incidents.

Cortex by Palo Alto Networks | Cortex XSIAM | Datasheet 3

Cortex XSIAM uses artificial intelligence, which leverages thousands of mature ML data models
designed to quickly and accurately identify malicious security events. These models are built based
on learned behavior from tens of thousands of environments, which help to differentiate between
anomalous vs. malicious activities. This significantly reduces false positives and improves detection
and prevention capabilities, stopping attacks before they become security incidents.
Cortex XSIAM analytics provide technique-based intelligence, allowing multiple alerts to be stitched
and grouped into a smaller number of incidents. These incidents are fully enriched with relevant
­context and are either resolved with automation or presented to an analyst with an appropriate
­severity classification (critical, high, low, etc.) that is defined leveraging an AI SmartScoring system.

Key Integrated Capabilities

Cortex XSIAM combines these key SOC product capabilities into a single unified platform:

Security Information and Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP)*

Event Management (SIEM) Provides full TIP capabilities to manage
Includes log management, correlation Palo Alto Networks and third-party
and alerting, compliance reporting,* feeds, and to automatically map them
and other common SIEM functions. to alerts and incidents.

Extended Detection and Response Endpoint Detection and Response

Integrates endpoint, cloud, network, Includes a complete endpoint agent and
and third-party telemetry for automated cloud analytics backend to provide
detection and response. endpoint threat prevention, automated
response, and in-depth telemetry useful
for any threat investigation.

Attack Surface Management (ASM)* Identity Threat Detection and

Includes embedded ASM capabilities Response (ITDR)*
that provide a holistic view of the asset Combine UEBA capabilities with
inventory, including internal endpoints enhanced identity threat modules to
and vulnerability alerting for discovered effectively detect, prevent, and respond
internet-facing assets. to threats like insider threats, data
exfiltration, suspicious lateral movement,
and more.

User and Entity Behavior Security Orchestration, Automation,

Analytics (UEBA) and Response (SOAR)
Uses machine learning and behavioral Includes a robust SOAR module and
analysis to profile users and entities marketplace to create and orchestrate
and alert on behaviors that may playbooks for use with Cortex XSIAM.
indicate a compromised account or
malicious insider.

Cloud Detection and Response Management, Reporting, and

(CDR) Compliance
The Cortex XSIAM analytics array Centralized management functions
includes specialty analytics designed to simplify operations. Powerful graphical
detect and alert on anomalies in cloud reporting capabilities support reporting
data, such as cloud service provider logs for compliance, data ingestion, incident
and cloud security product alerts. trends, SOC performance metrics,
and more.

* Available through additional licensing and modules.

Cortex by Palo Alto Networks | Cortex XSIAM | Datasheet 4

Cortex XSIAM Delivers Real Outcomes
While Cortex XSIAM is delivering exponential improvements in the Palo Alto Networks SOC, our
primary objective is to innovate to outpace cyberthreats, so customers can embrace and deploy
our technology with confidence. Recent customer success metrics provide evidence that Cortex
XSIAM is doing just that.

270x Faster Reduction
in incidents requiring
investigation from
Added 10x more data yet ~1,000 a day to ~250 a day,
improved MTTR from eliminating false positives
3 days to 16 minutes and duplicates

Services Company Oil & Gas Company

Boyne Resorts Imagination Technologies

Added 20 more data sources

Into 1 Platform
in incident closure rate
streamlining and from less than
improving 10% to 100%

Figure 2: Cortex XSIAM Customers have improved SOC efficiency while increasing overall visibility

Benefits of Cortex XSIAM:

• Improves detection and prevention capabilities, stopping attacks before they become incidents
• Enables SOCs to ingest more data sources, while still improving response times from days to minutes
• Improves incident closure rates and minimizes the number of incidents requiring manual­
­investigation and remediation
• Simplifies data onboarding and reduces infrastructure complexities
• Provides security practitioners with the knowledge and capabilities they need to shift from reactive
to proactive security

Visit the Cortex XSIAM page or connect with your account manager today to set up a demo and see
XSIAM in action.

Enlist Experts for Managed Services

The Unit 42® team applies years of experience protecting businesses and governments around the
globe to monitor your environment 24/7 and hunt for suspicious activity. Armed with industry-leading
threat intelligence from over 10 years of malware analysis, augmented every day by over 30 million new
malware samples and 500 billion events, our Unit 42 experts ensure you stay ahead of emerging threats.

Unit 42 Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and Managed Threat Hunting (MTH) services can be
easily added to your Cortex XSIAM subscription.

Cortex by Palo Alto Networks | Cortex XSIAM | Datasheet 5

Unit 42 Managed Detection and Response
The Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 Managed Detection and Response (Unit 42 MDR) service provides a
team of world-class analysts, threat hunters, and researchers who work for you to investigate and
respond to attacks, allowing your team to scale fast and focus on more strategic tasks. Unit 42 MDR
includes Managed Threat Hunting.

Unit 42 Managed Threat Hunting

The Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 Managed Threat Hunting (Unit 42 MTH) service provides a team of
world-class analysts, hunters, and researchers who will proactively hunt for advanced threats and
­provide detailed reporting, giving you peace of mind.

• Cortex XSIAM e-book
• Cortex XSIAM Help Center
• Customer Story: Imagination Technologies transforms SOC operations with Cortex XSIAM
• Customer Story: Oil and gas company deploys AI-driven SOC with Cortex XSIAM

About This Datasheet

The information provided with this paper that concerns technical or professional subject matter is for
general awareness only, may be subject to change, and does not constitute legal or professional advice,
nor warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or compliance with applicable laws.

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