CH2138 Usingnewscalecontrolmodelingsoftware Nalco Waterimprovedtheprofitabilityof Chileancoppermineby 12 M

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Using new scale control modeling

software, Nalco Water improved

the profitability of a Chilean copper
mine by $12M.



The mining industry faces the twin pressures of increasing demand for mineral
resources and exhaustion of more easily accessible mineral reserves. As a result,
mining activity continues to move into more inhospitable regions with water scarcity,
and the industry needs more viable solutions to operate in arid environments.

In addition to reducing environmental impact, water management can generate

substantial cost savings. The value of one cubic meter of water is estimated around
$1.00, as measured by an independent consulting team. For mines where water is
scarce, water management is a huge concern for the vitality of production.


Reduced 1 million m3 of annual fresh Proposed asset value of $1M

water drawn

Increased 3,000 tons copper annually $8.5 million USD additional annual
produced revenue

Reduced unplanned maintenance 60+ hours in labor savings and

and cleaning sessions $3,980,000 USD in reduced
maintenance and cleaning costs
per year

Reduced scale inhibitor $176,000 USD in reduced chemical

dosage by 2% costs per year

Received 2,994 local manhours, $266,468 USD in mine’s reduced labor

50 International technical support costs per year
manhours, and sample and
chemical analysis

Received Automation Systems $95,000 USD of equipment

(RDM / 3DT), Software in plants,
and Automation to Control Room

TOTAL - Increased revenue by $8.5 million per year and saved a total cost
savings of $4.5 million per year

eROI is our exponential value: the combined outcomes of improved performance, operational efficiency and sustainable impact delivered through
our services and programs.
At one Chilean customer, every ton of ore requires approximately ENVIRONMENTAL / ECONOMIC RESULTS
2.5 m3 of water. This requires a complex system for water By understanding the customer’s process, water requirements,
recovery recirculating approximately 300,000 m3 per day. Water and what was most important to them, Nalco Water was able to
management changes had increased suspended solids levels tailor solutions to the site’s unique variables. Through changes
(TSS) in the site process water. This additional suspended silt in dosing and reduced scale formation, the mine was able to
caused an unprecedented increase in scale formation that recirculate 2,800 m3/hour of process water instead of drawing
blocked process pipes. As the scale started forming in critical from groundwater wells, which is a costly and environmentally
parts of the processing plant, the customer turned to Nalco harmful alternative. The improved process water system and
Water for immediate relief. reduced scale formation resulted in a 3,140 ton increase in
copper production per year, or approximately an additional $8.5
SOLUTION million of revenue.
Nalco Water conducted a complete plant audit of the process
water system using a cross-functional team of experts. A water CONCLUSION
map was created with a chemical and physical analysis of each By using the Mining Optimizer and an international team of
water stream to better understand the usage demands and experts along with critical local expertise, Nalco Water was able
critical problem areas. to reduce scale formation in the customer’s process water lines
Once the data was collected, the team used Nalco Water’s new while reducing costs. The customer was satisfied not only with
Mining Optimizer scale modeling software to quickly evaluate the savings generated, but also the timely response to solving
the effect of different water blends. The software identified the the problem. The Mining Optimizer allowed Nalco Water to
following opportunities for optimization: react quickly and effectively by delivering reduced TCO and
demonstrating our strategic partnership with the customer for
• The Mining Optimizer confirmed that the current antiscalant their most critical water needs.
was correct for this application
• Mixing of water was the primary cause of the increased scaling
Together, we are leading mining forward,
of the process water
by partnering on greater:
• Optimizing the dose points would significantly improve
treatment and reduce dosage
• Throughput
• The service program needed to be adjusted to include different
• Product Grade
sample points to truly track process water changes • Production Yield
Once these results were presented, the client agreed to make
• Environmental/Safety Protection
several changes to their system including: • Water Quality
• Installation of a second dosing point to improve treatment
• Splitting dosage across two feed points to improve protection
and reduce overall chemical consumption
• Instituting live digital monitoring with Nalco Water’s Remote
Deposit Monitor (RDM) to identify process changes instantly.
• Creating a new service plan to help manage the changes and
assess the improvements.

Following Nalco Water’s recommendation, the site worked

to make improvements to the dosing system and began a
comprehensive program to transition to the optimized dosing
plan safely. The new dosing plan reduced scale formation in
valves, flow meters and process water lines which immediately
reduced unplanned maintenance that interrupts production.
Process water system before optimization Nalco Water Mining Optimizer model prior to improvements

Diagram of process water system after Nalco Water Mining Optimizer model showing dose point and
improvement dosing adjustments
Nalco Water, an Ecolab Company
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Ecolab, Nalco Water and the logos are Trademarks of Ecolab USA Inc.
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